Page Eight selection nas as _\`eL ueeu um.uu. u is hinted that if redistribution takes place, Bzu`m e will be switched to S. Simcoe, which would have some bearing on the selection of :1 candi- date. The Collservatives are con- fident of carrying all the Simcoe seats. .\llNl.\ll7.\l \\ :\GE SCALE FOR. O]l`[(`-E \\'0lH(l<}llS At a meeting or the M'inimum \\'z1;.:e Board held in Toronto on \V0dnes(lzLy, the minvimum \\'age for fmlmlo oicr; wm'l(ers in Centres out- side of 'I`m'0uL0 was set. For towns of 4,000 to 10,000 po pu1-.Lti0n tho schedule is : E.\'pe.x`ienced adults, $10 a. week; il1C.\.1D( I'il1CO(1 $8 to 159, and man 4... mo 14' I\I\1 ' SCll0(lt1lle IS I 1u.\pe.x`1uI1cr:u u,uLmL.s, .;aiu ine.\:p(-,-1'ie11ce(l _t girls from $6 to $8. If em- ployment is for less than two months, the rate is to he by the hour, l)L1S`d on the stand:u`(l lll'll1l- ,mun1 for a week of 48 h` in case where the \V`I0l"li0l` holds a (li- plmna from a business college or has taken 3. comme1'cia.l counse. Lhis will exempt, the holder t'r0n1 ?upprentirce- ship, the girl to he regamletl as ex- perlenced. The above is not a fair wage scale. but the minimum wage that can be paid. partment has been represented on every con1.rm'Lttee. I`hn hzu:nhu1.I n.nm`m~iH.m>. consists of oonmm.uee. The basebzull committee consists E. Kearns, J.'Gi1-christ, A. Fergu- son. E. Kohdmeyer, J. Ch'a1pm'z1n, W. Caston and A. Schridber. ` 'I'\k n n mu :1 G in nnn vnnnrr: rnnnrf urn Q K/iL3I.UL| HJIU .`\. DUUL IUUUI. The aqtlatbc convenors report was presented by Mr. Llscumb. He be- lieved that the aqtlatlc bmanch would thnive, especiazbly if assocate members were allowed. He sug- gested the pu-rchase of a war canoe. The members of the eld sports committee were named by Geo. Clark, the convenor. It includes J. Le(}ezu', A. Srigley, A. Penny and D. Thompson. 'T`hn Fnmnwinxr wm-9 nnmnd In onu- 1 IlUlll`pSUH. The fohlowing were named to con- stvivtute :1. grounds commlittc-0: Mes- srs. J. \Valker. '1`. GzL'1Ibm-iL11, T. H. Homer. E. I\'oh1meyo.1', ` J. Sl11cln,h`, T. Booth. J. Dinning. .\. I*`eI`gusm1 and C. Chapman. 'T`hn ant-in} nnInn\iH'm-`- xvhn VH1 .-.'-v- iLHU LI. Kallibllllldyllu I The social cmnmittee. who Wm .12"- I'21I1_L'O for an ente1'tz1inment to rzuise funds, are Messrs. 1*`. Shzwpe, .<\. Bontor. J. (`.ilcln`ist, J. Munro, VV. B. \Vebb, E. C0105, G. Clark, A. (\`cl11'is\lw1` and W. N. .Dufl'. I CL. e, 406. J LOCALS `NOTICE RE G.-\Rli.~\GE BY-L.\\V The Northern Advance hits 04`) HILB 243. 53.0.1. VBASKETEERS WIN AT OAKWOOD 5 By 11. single point the B.C.I lr.tsl:1`t1l)u1l 1021111 trin111p~l1ed over tl1e O21l<'wood C-ollegiatte team of Toro11to i11 an exciting contest played iii the ()z1h:\\'ood 5.:_\'111 on lrid1-.1y last. The B-.11'.rie boys are exceedin:.:1y jL1:bilz1n.t over their win. Only two weeks previetts the Oztluxwootl tezun took them into camp i11 it listless gznne plztyetl i11 the Barrie _1;y.111, so when they won 111 l`oronto the l3.C.l. s111111.d (felt that they hxul acconiplislied no 111112111 Iztslc. l11rtl1er111ore. tl1e res11l.t put t.hen1 011 oven terms with the Queen City tezuu, thus gi\~i11_L: them 11 sliure i11 t.he tirst honors. Hence the j1rbilz1.lio11! I11 justice to tile Oit`l(tW100(l team it must be said that Hl(`_\ did not shoot witl1 thei-1' ate- e11sto111ed 21ccu11`:1~cy. Conboy and T11lt'ortl, whose sen1sat~i0na.l shooting was :1. feztture ot` the Barrie g.a1ne, did 11ot score more than three points between them. On the other hand, the Bernie snipers also were none too accurate. although they per- formed 111ucl1 better than in the home gzune, when their shooting was decidedly below par. I`.he secret of the Barrie win was thtsz The close checking tactics faolltovwed by Living- ston zuml Weldon, the guards, -and the zublllty of the forwards to come mcross with a basket mt crwclal 111.0- ments. But for the excellent Wonk of Hztncock. the Oulowood centre, his team would have been decisive- ly beaten. He was the only Oak- wood player who showed to advan- tage. I-Iis pl:1.yin~g was zubove the everztge. The Bwrrie players all did well. From the first to the last they were there to give their best. Walk- er and l-`ester pent`or111ed the bulk of the scoriiig. b11t too 11111ch credit cannot be given Weldon and Li\"i11g- 1~rto11, who sitccessftilly cl1ecked Con- boy and T1`e.ll'=01'(l. the Onltwood t'or- wztrds. r 1. _.__ .,.\L ........~ 1 .\ .1 1 I I: s 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 H u: \|n. The B.C.I. hnys got. zLw;L,\' lo :1 good start. and had the score 10 10 6 at the end of the !'n`:~:t spasm. At one time during the period the O:1k~ wood team was eight. points behind. NEW DRESSES AND COATS TO HAND This week we received some beau- tiful effects in Coats and Dresses to add to our showlng of the wanted things for Spring VVea1*. V VIWLA nr\n\+(1 n1In n11 I::'PF1 ,X1'('\YI+ nnr1 `H10 |ll111b'D LUL KJLJLLLL6 Iv uux. The Coats are all different and the Dresses are exclusive to this st01'e s selling. |`l'|`|an nu-Inna -ma-nnr-A -F-rvnrn -On View First Floor- Househiolders attention is direct- ed to the lollowi-ng Town By-law: E.very householder and every hotel and restzturamt keeper or other person shall dispose of all garbage, for the disposal of which he is re- spomsible, either by burning the same or placing it in El. proper cover- ed receptzuble. the contents of which shall be regularly removed at least twice :1 week. `\\IIanv\n-r\Iv\r\V\`n rnu nn`11t\n:r\I1 nnrl The prices range from $6.50 to $39.00 but by some clever sho.oLin;s.: they made up 113.11` of the decit before the period ended. I`hn annnnd nnrinrl was BI1I`!`i("S 1119 I_)eI'lO(l enueu. The second period was Ba1'x`io s worst. In this period the 00.1. quintette 011-tscolred them by two points. It was here that the visit- ing team dislplsayed some very weak shooting of numenous Shots 214- tempted only three were successful, but as a free throw was also scored, they had the count 17-1~5 when rost- inf: time czune. . 'l`hn lnet nrr-hind was :1 H)l`ilIl`. inf: time The last pehiod was :1 First. Barrie would have the lead and then 0211iWO0d would get out a.he:u1. The B.C.I. boys were four points down at one time, and the gmne appeared decided, hut SOI1l(`< how the black, Cerise and ivory 1'zt1-. lied and regztinc-d the lead before` the expiration of time. When lirisl interesting period was over Bztrnie had 30 points and Oiwkwood 29. no Y_._.("rnn.rd. `:\Inr2m1 and Cur- 5 had 'dU pomts auu Uzunvuuu au. O.C.I.--:Gua,1`ds, Blorgun ry; centre, Hancock; fomvards, Con- iboy and Tre1'f`ovd ; spare, Abbey. 3 OOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOO? BOYS SUITS FOR SPRING WEAR Pareiits wise in M10. buying` 0'I:' 1ii0)"s Clothing 1'0z11i'/.6 it is the cut and \\'e:u' more {hall price, which decide the true CC0l101Yl}' of 21 b0y s suit. The New Suits. are here Smart style and qual- ity c10t11s That sell f1-mn. LWLCB it \VUb`[\. . -\1'rang`ements for collection and flisposal of gm-ybage can be made with James A. Johnson (phone 611- 31), Gzwbage Collector. Ganbage shall not be buried or al- lowed to accumulate in yz11'd.s, out- blli1dlll}.'.S. &c. T)....+:n:~ nnn r.v\|I'\]r\\'iI1(v Hun nnllnr-fnv-`x No new mode is lacking in our D1.-css Goods exhlbit. Paisleys, Turkish and Indian ef- fects in N inons, Silks, etc., and love- ly qualities in all shades in silks and light". weaves, Voiles in a variety of printed effects and :1 large range of lmported Rafines for the early sum- mer wear. -u Now is the time to secure a. good choice of-tho ma1'kct s best offermgs. DRESS GOODS B.C.I.-Guzu'ds, Weldon an-d Liv- ingston; centre, Foster; fo1'war.ds, Smith and XV-alker; spz11`es, Simpson and Ross. L21-he Simone will soon be W .31 stocked with sh. Through the {- forls of A1dm'n1an James and Mr. I" f\1-nnnnfl nl-' f\n`I'lu n Hun .n1lnn `JUl'l5 UL 1\lul"l'l|litl1 J-2111165 iJ.L|.U. Nil`. G. Overend. oi` Onilli-a, ve million sh fry will be pmcuretl from the OnI.21.1'io Government liatclieries at Sault Ste. .\l-arie and placed in the wa.te.1-s ol` Lake Couchiching and Lnlce Simcoe. A motion was passed at the l3a1'~1'i0 Town Council to pro- cure one million bla/ck bass for lieiinpoiifeldt. B213 . 111 a. few years all disciples of Izaak Walton should `be able to enjoy their favonite isport. ' I Lloyd Bzuby Ca,1'x'iages, sh'i`pmenL just arrived. styles, any nish. W. A. Son. Phone 333. GLOVExS__for STYLE ANIi"S`77B,VIcE C01'1'c(': c' `in shade :u1d finish, in Fabric and Kid, mld 1.'z111gi11g from ` IJllllLlHL`~',b, OIL". I Parties not employing.; the collector can p:luce their gzttwbage on the Town (lumps on Cotter _\ve.. Inn-isl and Jane Streets, or other clumps selected` by Board 0-!` Health. and must cover: some with earth, as-hes or other suit-| able lllt'tI.el'iil.1 to keep down ot't'ensi\'o` odors and prevent. the fly nuiszulce. The Szu1itzu'_v Inspector has hoon lI`lStl`llClG(l to rigiclly enforce the above b_\'-law. (Signed) R .\ 'I`l?`.T'I~Tl Q \Vhe11 looking` for Curtaitl Materials, or Draperies, and per- haps :1 novel patt01'11 in Chintz, do not overlook this store. The selling` of these is a factor in our business and. the showing is now at its best. FISH FOR LAKE SUICOE '()l]1 $1.00 up to $2.50 another Latest T `I\u1u(\ 9. A. KIRKPATEICK: General Merchant Grain - Seed - C02 Real Esfate. Money to Loan. Special This Week Boots and Rubbers: on` rep;ul:u- pri('(.- . . 10 per ccn Perfectkm Oil Stoves: ......... ll n-nu nn n-an - Community Association .~`u,u:L'.- : - Nu;-;au---Sl. L:u\'1-once (irzmuluted I00 lhs.... .. $10.: .-\NNU.-XL .\lEE 1`I.\'G Important Business. `Be present. .\|0n(l:L_v, April 23, at -I p.m. Dt-p:u't:n(-nl, of .-\;.';I'ic1l1turul Romns 1). Qumlun. - I resi(1enl. H. .\. I-Ieury, - Sucretury lB.\lll{ll'} S()('|.-\l. Sl`}l{\'[UI~} (`r()l,'.\'(`vll; l`}l;E(,"l`.H' ()I`ll(`l`lHS For Sale-1900 Gravity Washer good as new. Also encased ball- bearing wringer. Will be sold to- gether or separately. A bargain. Phone 802j. L LOCAL BOARD OF I-IE.-\LTH, liatrrie `Barrie Social Service Council held their reggular meting in the Council Ch`iLlll.l)el`S on l"vi(1a.y evening. Aipril 13it4}l, for the I)1lI`[)0SU oi` election or olcers. The following were elect- nrl ~ aux bull. teuorw. `Public Health Dept.-I)1'. I Turnlbull. .Recrea.tJion-W. C. Walls. Neighborhood Com.--J. H. nnn '1'reasurer-1. 1. lU||l1[-',. Ch`a:iI`men of Colnmitteus Good Civizenshi'p-~A. W. (1 fellow. T).n:l-ulin Unnlfh hnnt #131`, F`. Several important changes are ruude1"n the Health Act. There is now a list of 42 dseznse which must be reported to the Board of Health or -the Secretamy. Fifteen of these must be plzwzxrtled and quamuxtined. In addition to those already on the last are chicken pox. `Gernmn measles, mumps and whooping cou-zh. "l`.hn nnnrzmtixm neriod vfor scarlet cough. The qu:u':mtin(> period fever is reduced from six to live weeks, mumps frmn four to Lhree weeks, and who<)ph1_:: cough to three \vec-ks. Inousles ten days itftcl` :1ppe:u`ance ul` x'a1sh_. In (liphthonia, cultures may he `latlien ten days af- ter diLl(` of onset. 'l`wo 1\e:.;a.t'Lvn swabs of the twelve hours int`e1'vu.1 lifts qui`.1".uxlin(:. u : I 1'esi-dent~-Dx`. W. A. Lewis. 1st Vice-Pres.--A. VV. G0od1'el1ow. 2nd Vice~P1`es.-Dr. E. G. Turn- nll uu. 3rd Vice-Pres.-~W. C. Walls. -ith Vice-Pres.--J. R. VVi1s0n. 'l`rea;surer-T. T. Young. r`hm.mnnn n.P (`.nInr|nHlnnQ CH.-\N(z'Eh` IX Hl'};\l.'l`H .-\(? l.` Wanted-Boy to learn the printing and run errands. Apply at Advance Oice. . FOR SALE -LEfROY, om`. WANTED ?o LET $23.00, $28.00, $:,(i.5() 10 per cent. 01? R. A. STEPHENS, Clmirmzxn. A 1 YVYVF1 `I? 1! n U \_1ll2lll [H A. LITTLE, ;\I.O.H. 10 cent. il LU! l I $10.87 Coal ______.__.____?_____. To Let.~- I1wo comfortable rooms, with or without. board. Apply 62 Owen St. Phone 926i. `mod- VVil- S.O.E. meets Fridvay nvighwt at 8` p.m. l P Qtnvnnqnn was in '1`n-rtnnto re- 1'4. DI cently. In: cently. Jas. Smith spent the week end in O1`il~lia. W. Wardle spent -the week end in Toronto. \r.:m~ \!nm- Fnnrlv ho: nnr-nnfml -.1 1n '1'0I`0I)[O. Miss Mary Coady has accepted a position in Orillia. \h-2 Prnntnr or 'I`m'onto is visit- posmon I11 unma. Mrs. Proctor of Toronto ing Mrs. J. O. Bennion. Mm nn.wkm- nf Penetan visited mg M-1's. J. U. beuuluu. Mrs. Hawker of Penetang Allnandale friends recently. .\,1.... VF L` Xxfnnnzm mi Nnnxrnmnrlrpt Alvanume LI'1en`u:s 1`uuv.-.-uu_y. Mrs. T. F. Wooten of Ne-wnlarket is visiting Mrs. Geo. Poucher. Fhnir-cx ntxiv-\' Rlitfnl` 49!`. H1. 11.? IS Vllllllg L\lI'S. UBO. 1'ULlUllBl'. Choice Dairy Butter. 490 l.b., at Da`bson's Grocery. Phone 854w. a:.- Hand nmmnu nt harp-nin nrir-.99. bollier St. Methodist Church A ._......I D .\ nn at J. U. 1\eenzu1 5. J.I;:1upu.-uut: 4-2.). | Charles Culross has returned to Toronto after spending 21 few weeks here. \r.~ nnrl `\h-a D hnununn nn \T1-I: UOIDSOIIZS l.r1'0ceI'y. ruuuu ozmw. Six used organs at bargain prices at J. G. Keenan's. Telephone 243. l"hnI`ln (`nh'ncA hn: rptn-1-nprl fnx nere. Mr. and Mrs. R. Dawson and Mrs. H. Hastings were in Toronto this week. \TI`Q hcnrirlqnn nf Nrimir-n visifml ween. Mrs. Davidson of ;\Ii1nico visited her mother, Mrs. Collins, over the week end. Many will be sorry to learn that Robert Reid is critically ill with pneumonia. '1`ndrlv nnlinn nil` Pnrrv Sound is _ uuy meuiug. _ Michael Flaherty and ;\Irs. K. Flaherty were in town this week .|visibi11g their brotlier, John I`.1a11e1'l,v, who is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. \\`a1l and i.\I1's. C. F. \VzL1ke1' 11a.\'e, 1'elm`ne(1 !i`1`0m Gore. Qua-.. where t.11e_Vmteml- _;ed the 1'unei`a1 01' their sistox'.'.\Iiss oi Inez \V'u.1ke.r. ` I lnhu \ln._-hall nnr` snn have 1 1 1 DIIBLIIIIUIIHJ. Teddy Dalton on` Parry Sound is home visiting his mother, Mrs. Dal- ton, who is ill.. M`.- and 1\fr-a F` f`n`nn1nnri AF Tn- Lon, wno 1s 111.. Mr. and Mrs. C. Copeland of To- ronto w-irll take up residence on Brock St. shortly. (.nnnnz`l Fnrn 9 tin: .1'nu- 0.:n nf JJL'Ul;I\ BL. DHULKJ) 1 Canned C01`n, 2 [ins `for 2~5c, at Dobson s Grocery. Phone 854M`. IV 'I`mnnm- hn: rzahn-nn in Van- lJUUUHh LIIUUUIJ. JIIIUHK7 Od`1V\`V W. Tanner has returned to Van- couver a.~Ete1' spending two weeks with his fxather, W. Tanner. Alva nu;-1 Rh-n Din-rrntf nl Taft-nu `I JHUYI V\'ilrH.\Ul. i John .\Iarsha1l and son have ; | purchas(=-(1 the vacant lot :11, me 1001-1191` of Essa. Road and Cum~be1'- Iland St. from C. W . Poucher and `\vi~1.1 erect 8. garage imme.(1iate1,\'. I Thu \\' \I Q nf Ween Qt r-hnrr-h mot \lUL.I.Lva. l\lVI -_.._-_ _,, Rev. 1-{xu-old E. \Ve1lwood, B.A.,B.D., Pastor. .. dI\I\(\ \\ ll.l1 I115 1`iLLl1t'."1`, VV. 1211111111`. Mr. and Mrs. Piggott of Leroy have returned home aA'Ler \'isi.tinvg their dauvghter, Mrs. R. Cavel. TU:-4: TU`:-izrhf n.F `I -TnnfevI'Ha 11-3: vs. LHBUI l.l'(Lll g\1lLB1', L\1 l'b. I\.. K/il.\t21. Mrs. Wright of Huntsville has re- turned home afier spending two weeks with her 5011, Jack WvI'ight. {Inn f`nmwo Tr n.|' QQIIH Qfn VVUC`-Kb W'lLll HUI DULL, dd-\)l\ VVvll`5HL. Geo. Coawlie, J12, 0-L` Sault Ste. Marie, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cowie, Cumberland 81., this week. A minstrel show under the aus- pices of the Boy Scouts is bning held in the .\Iemo1wia1 Hall on Mon- day evening. ` \h`r-haul I`Inhr.n-1v -and \TI-Q Ix E. Stevenson was in Toronto nu-.61`. \V1`1.1 ttluljty it _`_j,iu'd._=;,t:: lllllHL:lHllLt'l.\. | The \\'..\1.S. of Essa St. church I at the home of Miss C`-lark 1 week. An in~teresLin5.; paper `TIV\`I\1i(rv`nfinn" xvna (rivnn hv \ ! \Vt`Bl\. ;\ll lll.'LU| UDLHI:-3 yitlltl UH` Immigra.tion" was given by .\Ix`s.` Czuneron, and 21 5010 by Mrs. C. Cocka)11'1`1x was appreciated. \ r1nliuhH'n1 enrnvwizn nnrfv \\'n'-1 \.JUlJl\il)ll'l U Wilob Ll.lJ1JL!'.'L;la/LCU. A delightful surprise party was held in the Burton Ave. church base- ment by the Young People's League on Monday evening. There were surprises galore. It was the r=ndezu'ox' of the committee in Ch11.I'f.`, e {hat e\'e1'_\1bod_v be su1'p1'ised, and the committee was not disappoint- nil A Pathescope picture, The Crick- et on the He'.11`th, was shown at St. George's `.\Ien1o1'i-a,l Hall on Tues- day evenring imder the auspices oi` the A.Y.P.A. 1~`urt.heI` enterlzxininent was provided by Mrs. Pa.1'l:, .\Irs. Spearn and M1`. Welller, whose vocal solos were enjoyed. An inst.x`umen- ml by M1`. Sills was also well re- ceived. H.-\I{RlI`I'.\' NI`}\\' .\'l`Hl:l'}'l`l(,` (`l.l' Barrie's new athletic club, the ON. Athletic .-\ SSOC.iZlti0D, will not be exclusively for railway employees. Last week it was thought that such :1 course would he i`olloiwed. but at the second meet'in~g of the ztssociation held Wednesday evening in the Y..\I.C.A., it was almost unanimously decided that others than C.N.~R. em- ployees should he admitted as as- :~;ocia.t'.- n131`nl:ers. Thu= deoisiazi to broaden out will doubtless prove beneficiml to the or_L:anization. As- sociatte n1eml)e1's will have full privilegzos. nu.- ...-As:.... ,... 1l'n,1..,. April 22, 1923 Sunday School .:\nnivers:u'y Services at 11 a.m., 3 13.111. and 7 p.m., in the Grand Opera I-Iourse. The Rev. Dr. E. B. Lancenley, Minis- ter of Woodgreen Twbe1'nao1e, To- ronto, the prezucher for the day. Mnminv avnnimr Anni] 23rd. an- ALLANDALE ,.......,,\..,. The meeting; on Wednt-,sdzLy ni.:.;hl was attended by over 50 enthusiastic townspeople, who showed by their that the new ve11u11'e will be fully succ(~.ssv1'u1. .. .. . .. ..,, \lll\/\J\ .1. ll]! Ono impoi'tn1it topic for discus- sion was the lll(:l1l l)(:I`Sllll) fee. The ` Lzeneral concensus of opinion was that it should not be too high. The l11(3llllhOI'S felt. that at low fee would get. more lll0l l1ll)Ol`S and finances tlvzm :1. high fee would produce. The fee was finally sot {Lt $2 for resident members and $1 for non-residpnit nleiubers. A suggestion that the men raise funds by taking around a subscription list was discoun1en- anced. The men preferred to rely on -themselves and not go begging," although if anyone wishes to make a. donation it will be cheerfuilly we- cepted. ' ___L- -5 .|.....`..... ....... 5.....!.u.nA uvyuuuo A vote of thanks was tendered the Town Council for the assistance and for permission to use the Bur- ton grounds as a park. Mayor Little. who was present, replied on behalif of the Council. He cautioned the men against spending too much money on the groimds unhixl a by-law was passed giving them the land out- right. AI.......I.. \r\ (1 KY D r\r\ru'r\t\t\v< \`l.. . .5... Already the C.N.R .enr.;lnc-or. J. Wa,1ker, his preparotl plans the proposed athletic grounds. T include sections for the vzu'i .=;p0rt.s. nu... ,...A..o.:.-.n nl! Iuunniln nu. u`lU n on. The quesrion of juvenile mm bars will be brou',':ht up at the ne m( at whirth the opinion Mo-ssrs. Shear and Mornison will obtained. nun` v-nr\1\I'a n|' `Ihn nnnvnnnvu omzuneu. The roporis of the cnnvenors tho vzwlous cmnmitlnc-s were 1 ceived. As far as pr,vs. euc.h (1 I ooxoxcfo e. LEE 02.10100: 0.601 `iglrt 8 P11 `o-ronto eek in G_ 65 to cc dz x met this r. M 1-. is for They `1 1-innu ronto, Lne prezucner `nor Lm: uug. 1\Londay evening, Apnil 23rd, an- nual S.S. tea and entertainment in the Collier St. Methodist S.S. rooms. mun r`.-.1Hm- Qt .\;I'xxfh`nrHQf nhnrnh l;l'B See Flynn's for Wall Paper.` `Phone 122. G4 Elizzubeth St. lllL'H|` next. '\v\ n(` Latest and best song 1(eenan`s. Telephone J. Hanmner was fined $10 and! costs for disorderly conduct on Sun-I day. ` Heinz s Sweet Mixed Pickes at, 650 a. quart. H. L. Jones, Grocer. Don t forget th:aL Flynn czwlries M:a1'Li11 Senour Paints and Vawnishes. 64 Elizabeth St. Phone 122. For riding a. bicycle on Ross St. ` Satu1'd'ay nlorning, F. J. Lower was ned $2 and costs, amounating `in all `to $7.00. I Mattresses. T.h`i.*s is the last shim- ment of felt niattresse-.5 which will be sold at the low price of $8 each. Buy now. W. A. Lowe & Son. K Drs. Burns and Burns, chim- practors, have nroved to new and more su*irtaJb`1e quarters at 60 Eliza- beth St. The phone nuunber is the utmrno An the comer St. ;y1eu10uLsL an. ruuum. The Collier St. Methodist church will be (d.v.) reopened May 6. Rev. R. J. D. Simpson preacher for the nv A meeting of the Church `League 1 Ba`seba,l1 Executive was calxled on` Monday night. As there was not a. l qu.oru1n, it had to be postponed till a later drate. { __ `` The c1Loi.1' of St. Andrew s church will give a. concert on May 15th, at which Co1e1`id ge-'Ta_v1or's beautifeul cantata Hya.waLha s Wedding Feast, will be rendered. Prestoline Piano Gloss. the per- fect polish for pianos and furniture The best polish on earth for auto- molbiles. 2-5c and 50c per bottle, at 1 r< 1:,..w...n :- nnnnchn nn,v:r nmnp molbues. Zuac anu auc per uuu.u-.-, in J. G. Keenan's, op-posite post o"1ce.1 Telephone 243. ` I The re brigade was called out on Monday evening to a chimney fire at R. H. \V'0bb"s house 011 C01- lier St. While 'the chimney was well Izublaze, the fire was put out without much difficulty. Bradford Horse Show, May 31st. $15.00 is the rst prize for hezu _\' dra11gl1t and Percheron tezuxrs. Four] prizes in all classes. All prizes are! cash and rhl)b0n.s. Prize list now ready. 0. .\I. Seim, Secretavry, Brad- ford. .\I1'. .1215. Spec-rs has received word from his son, S. H. Speers, who is manager 01` the Enderhy, 13.0., hockey `temn, that his 193.111 are now`! holders oll` the Cuy Cup. Each n)e1n-i ber of the team and the n1anz1._s;er were presented wilh :1 gold \\' fob. The p1'og1`a1mne on Aionday even- ing at the Epworth League, Collier St. Church, given by the Junior Leaguers, was of special interest.` The junior league under Lhe efficient` l<-zidership oi` Eunice Pm'kh` and .\Izu'i0n I a`1'L1"idge, is one of the live nu-man;-mcirmu nf tho r-hnrnh 'T`h{>| .\lZ11'10l'1 1 El`l'LI`l(.l;Lt', 15 UIH: UL Luv 1l\l:V orsxanizntions of the church. The` juniors l1a,ve fully reached their missionary objective of $50.00 for the conference year. The political parties are l)egin.ning to line up for the coming elections. Though there has been no open demonstration, o1'ga.niza,tion work is pnoceeding. The Conserva.ti\'es in town will meet next week and per- fect plans for 8. lztnge gztthex'in:.; in the near future. Several prospec- tive cztndiduzttes are in sight, but no selection has as yet been made. It :5 kinnrl 1-hnf M` u-mlian-Hmtinn tnkn: day-