Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 5 Apr 1923, p. 5

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moiner, Mrs. W. A. Lllfllltf. I Mr. and Mrs. 1-1. H. Otton of To-` romo spc-nt Easter with .\ r. andi y.\I1's. I-`red Otton, Toronto St. ` 1 \lvI<~ nminlnh nun-h-.w nnrl 1'nmi1`\'1 .\lI`&`. rreu Uuuu, .\I1's. Rudolph D1m!hzu' of Toronto are Visiting ' Scott during the Easter M.-a Tvin Inafin of LUIUIAI` got` '1`o1'0nm a1'e\'is11mg .\H.'. week. `;\'irs. VVi1l Justin of 'I`o1'J`enco, Ont., spent Easier with .\Irs. Goo. Pzlrkes, \V011in::,ton streot west. Miss Verna Carter is home for the `Easter holidays from attending Normal Schnnl in Poteitborongh. .-\m11'e\v \Va1ker and Bob VVz1llm_1' who are touching up north, are; spending txhe holidays in Barrie. Mic: (".nihm-inn Moore of 1`o1'ont0 lill 1'. Mr. [inr- SD(*n(1lI1,LZ Irhe nolxuzuzs In l)il.l'l'lt`. Miss Czntherinn Moore '1`m'0nto spent E2lS1C1` with her parexxts, M12! and Mrs. Wm. Moore, Bayeld St. ! mt. nnrl Y\Yru T\T`nI-vnnn \VnHQ n1 and Mrs. wm. Moore, uuyluz-Lu nu. ` Mr. and Mrs. Nommn Walls of Toronto spent Easter with the law. ter s mother, Mrs. F. A. Furlong. I .... . .~..,,, ; :_ L...__.. r........ Lu: .3 Illuluux, nu... - . -.. . ........,,. Ch:u'1es Stmvax-t is home from Varsity for the holldays with his` parents, M1`. and Mrs. D. Stewart. `v-1... I1:__I.l- AI `|'21In-nln In I-nnn.1'Ir_ 1I:.uCuLu, nu. uuu .u..... u. .....v...... -. John Minnikin of Florida is renew- ing acquaintances . in town and is i stayig with his nephew, \V. D. Minni- kin. PERSONALS . . and Mrs. VValteI' Sarjezmt and Ruth Smjeant visited in` :11 The Barrie; Bargain House . Sinclair is spend~[ with her sister atl UL Mr. md Janot Camp- Ihe holidays zu Toronto spent! of M1`. Fwedl Bond Head ! and .\Irs. Tl! Alliston was Mrs. HzL1'ry and 1'z11niIy: Mr". J. (Li . 1uvr\r\1` holi- M1 e We Are Still Continuing Our Sale Be Happy! ! For even from each dull and tired; past, ` i A gleaming of good hope will cast its spell upon you. , And you, if true-- ] W'i11 clasp it tenderly and sweet,; Will kneel in worship at the feet,` Of those who offered cheer. ` e. }Let golden dreams take place and flourish the1'e~- And glow into an interest true. And you--iJf faithful, \V_i1l receive. i'i'0m unseen hands, 21 blessing. \_ [Far from your sight and reach will ing V All care. And only then accept and sing, 4 I A joy, the joy of happiness supremo! If you are going to nail a lie be sure you don t hit your own nger. I Mrs. VV. M. P. Tay-101' of Newl York spent Easter with her sister, Mrs. J. D. Byrnes, Elizabeth St. ! `?\h< 'Dnnn1(l 'Dn.fh:n~c.nn DH!` Ann ILVIYS. J. U. 1'.)_YI'uti5, unnwuuuu Dl. ' Mr. Ronald Pwtte1'son and -son Lalwrence of Toronto spent Easter Iwith Mr. and M1`.s. W. L. Patterson. l Mr. and Mrs. Fred Prwtt, former- ly of Toronto, have come to Bar- _ rie to live and will reside at Clundles. l Junior McCarthy, who is attend- iing St. Michael's College. Toronto, in vizifinv in Rnrrip during" the hali- llng BL. 31161121615 uuuuge, J.Ul"UlllU, is visiting in Barrie during the holi- days. Mia: T-Yplon T)nmpa H and Miss: T47, uuuu'd._ys. Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Lyon of To- ronto were Easter visitors of -the fonmer s parents, Capt. and Mrs. "Lyon, Owen St. Miss Marion Patterson, attending "Doretto Abbey, Toromto, is spend- ing the Easter hnlidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. \V. L. Pa,-t- terson. Tun nnrl \h.c- !1nv~nnmn Q3-nmncnn nf uays. Miss Helen Dowgall and Miss E. S. Longman are on a trip to Wash- ington, where they will spend the lholidays. .M.- and `M :-n n 'l` Lvnn nf Tn- LBFSOII. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Si-mxpson oil Toronto are visiting with Mrs.` `Simpson s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.! G. Scott, Bayfieid St. Cazpt. Gord-on C. Patterson and` Mrs. Pattenson of Toronto spentl Eva.ste.r with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Patterson. Miss Ma rjorie Laidman and Miss Isobel VVa1rker, who are attendixrgl Varsity, are spending the holidays at their homes in Barrie. | Dr. Harold Hunter olt Orillia. and '1\Iiss Leita Hunter of \Vhiitb_V` Ladies College, spent the holiday, with their parents, .\Ir. and Mrs. \V.l C. Hunter. ` i Little Dorothy Love, who is but ve years oid, cmme up from To- ronto unaccompanied to spend the; Easter holidays with her gr-.u1d-t lparonts, Mr. and Mrs. P. Love. 1 i 000900000OOO00`99960OO606000OO6000O0O00600000 .` `J Our Store ls Opposite the Bell Telephone 6 O $OO9000O00O9000OOOO6OrO6O OOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQQOO 9 Forget the vacant and unnourished r-nrn Be Happy ! I 0 Heal Your Home byectricily I There is nothing humorous about! ` womau .s hat. 3 ' V ooooooowooooooooooooooooooooowoooooooooouooooooooo `:.-05:5 to zmmmm`-0 that ho is opoliiiig` 21 T:1ilm' Shop M137 Dunlop St, over Simmons & C0. s Stm_'(>. All Kinds of Tailoring by First C7i:u<.s `\'m'km(.-11. Particular attention will be paid to Ladies Tailoring. _ A TRIAL ORDER SOLICITED \"'==W ANNOUNCING a-""%' A NEW ELECTRIC FIRE / FOR THE HOME. N ew Tailor Shot) TILL APRIL 27 % We Carry a Full Line of Dry Goods Call and See It in Operation A. E. SMITH MAKES WARM " FRIENDS Size of replace Opening ------ ~ PLEASE SEND WITHOUT OBLIGATION. YOUR BULLE-TFIN ON "SUN FIRES." Address W. C. CRAWFORD !HoN. CHAS. STEWART P1~::AKs HOPEFULLY, a market for cabile in G1'ea_L Bri-v min. The fabric of business dev `pends on successful a,g1`icu1ture." xe- imarked M1`. S`.e\vart before discuss- ing the sng-_'ges1e(1 secession of t.he.> [west .which he described as {L fuel- 2 I . . i (Continued from first page) 1 I ish idea, not considered for :1 111-0 ment by the \\'est=me1's. --1.. H. urn:-4 " vim-1:n~r>d the sneak- Come in and look around and compare our prices with others. gment by the \\'esu=x'ners. I In the wesi," declared the speak- Ier, himself :1 xvesterner, \there is 9; [prdfound szxtisfztctiml that we are a. ipart of the British Evmpire, and we: {are ready to preserve the integrity I ! 01' that Empire. n..o.....;.m Hm :IIhint"f nt` rnilwztvs. 101' that 1S111p11`e." | Re-tming the subjecst of 1`aiIwz1_vs, |I~Ion. Mr. Ste.\\'aN said that public tmvnershi-p was the popular demand. EHO believed that the alnalgalnatiou. iot` the railway interests was for the: abest, but, nc-vex-theless, would not |prophecy as to the probable out-v I. PHYTIIJ The Canadian merchant lnarine was not functioning properl_v yet. He felt that the whole transport-atioxz system should be trtilized to place Canadian goods on the markets of the world. He declared himself in faxnor of the bill, which if it goes through, will be known as the Com- bines Act, which will, it is hopect. prevent exoxlbitant increases in rates on the Great `Lakes. unuu. Him .-..-` Mun-mnihv nun-nnf hp " 001116. the Great naiies. The ills of humanity cannot be cured by legislation`. We have pass ed enough laws to provide improved` conditions and edulcation for 25- million people instead olf the 9 mil- lions that we have. Let us wait tili` we have the 25 million before pass- ing any more," 1'ema`rked`Mr'. Stew- |aTt. H1 mm aura nF nrnmnnrlfv in the ' art. ``I am sure of prosperity in the future. We have only to look to history for proof as to that. The hard times of 1891-3 were followed by years of prosperity, when condi- tions, political, industrial and social, revived. I hope that the differemoes between the provinces will be clear- nrl 1I.n in fhn f'lIfl1Y`P and that We 'Lne speaker 1n conculswu. I A vote of thanks to the speaker `was moved by Dr. Hart and secondv {ed by W. R. King. I Gordon Longman acted as ch`air~ man. An instrumental solo by Miss Dorothy Sarjeam and a vocal solo by Harry Barron were gx'ea.tIy (an- I preciated. A quiet wedding was solemnized` on Saturday, March 31st, at the Oro, when Miss Lillian Wearing, late of Woodstock, was" united in mar-~ riage to Duncan .\I'cCuaig, ozf Guth- I ]home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jemney, Erie. Rev. Neil Campbell ofciated. i-M1`. and Mrs. Mccuaig will reside: [on the old homestead. between me DI`OVlIl`UBS W111 UU uncal- ed up in the future and that may work and pull together, said the spaker in conclusion. A vote nf` thanks to the sneaker MCCUA lG--\\'EA RING Page Five we announced on the 27th of March. The sarrie prices will p_revail lnt` Iil'Ll`[J(L_\"l m_ Tm`-'>nm rm` Jr>.<:(-pl: g .\i'us:k()hn m1`:-(1 to thr m_ I`.=hm' ox ml` Miss I on ` im; at \V 711- v` days at _ I in ` M1`. and `1"- 11'zmk -'33 house wi Me It will 1 1115 main in Miss= spent E and Mrs was a v glican c the aid in , m the ited ` `hid the ovei hers ment. be 110,! opinion 1151- 5 precede` he-.d` me to :oh-`, the mos H1-rr-.` nintfnmi Reg. French spent the holiday with his parents. Miss Emma. Foster is visiting `friends in Stayner. Miss Helen `Malcolm is spending] the holiday at her home here. Miss Olive Ronbertson of '1`oronto is visiting Miss Helen Malcolm. (tutu: Annin '11v~ain nF Rnrrin snpni 15 VlSlLlu5' H1155 FLt:lt:u 1ua,n;uuu. I Miss Annie Train of Barrie spent [the week end at her home here. [ Mr. Fred Ritchie is visiting friends in Bayeld, 0nt.. this week. -Mr. Harry Spring of Toronto spent his holidays with uhe paments here. I .H'rc Ah-in (".rnwp i< gnnndimz :1 `I115 n0|1uu_s \_V1l.Il uut: p'dJl'|':LlLb ucu-;. Mrs. Alvia, Crowe is spending a few days wiih her mother, Mrs. E. Bell. Nlcaa `Dnfh lfr-f`nnnr.\'l1 in ennninn In a. brief interview -with W. A. Boys, who is home for the Easter holidays, he imforms us that the- owtstanding legislation pending at Ottawa is the redistrixbution of seats, the Bank Act, the Bankrurptcy Act and the forecast of the Budget. 1-s.u,u,,_,1.___. .1-..` .._....a. ____ ...x hen. Miss Ruth 1\IcConne1l is spending her Easter holidays at her homel I here. lfinn Ylnvynl Cnnff n? Tnrnvufn IE! nere. I Miss Hazel Scott of Toronto is spendin:_; 21 few days with friends in? I run [DWI]. I Miss Bernice and 1\Iaste1' La,w1'- gence Hayes are visiting friends in] I Phelpston. ! xvminm Tnr`1:&n'n nl` T.:1n. n? rnelpswu. William Jackson of Lansinsz, Ont, spent the week end at the home of Jos. Wilson. Mu. ur \v....4:n and Inn: Tnn-1 mos. w usun. M1`. `W. Murtixl and Miss Iona| ;Dean spom, Easter with Mr. and; E111-s. W. W. Spring. 3 | I -'\Huc T-`nn \Vm.h:fr.u- 1-nlcn-nod Ina? ,Hl'S. \\'. Dj_)l'lIlf-',. -Miss Edna Webster returned week from an extended visit friends i11 I~Ia.mi1ton. up `Dav xrnnu-n no` 1.1 -1miHnn `IFXEHUS Ill 1 lU..lHl1LUll. M1`. Ray .\I0ox'e of Hamilton w :1 week and visitor at the home [M12 and Mrs, Jesse Webster. Rh. nn `Ho-u nhhmI'l\II\ MI`. anu .\n's. L/. 1'1. JJuLt;m:1. l .\I`1'. H. Edwzxrds, who has been `spending some months in I11g_Ie\v00r.1, has 1?-`U`1 119(1 10 his home ?i'r'e. .T.`rm-nm DA ..~.-Hi ..+:r.x Ac n..:H!m.,1 i t ,\l1'. HIIU. LHYS, -ii.`-`Q-DU \\ !:`|)hlL`1'. MI`. {H111 311's. Banne1'111z1n 0 Tho1'ntm'1 i\'(1'e week end guesLs'u M1`. and Mrs. C. E. Dutcher. \r.. 1.1 17,1`.-n.-.l:~ uvhn hnc `hon I 1 I i 11145 l\'5HllHUUa L0 11].: HUIHE .'I(X'. ` -Harold B911 and Wife of Guilford spent the week end with Mrs. Bell's DD.1`t=ni.s. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hill. \n._~ G T.'nv~(rIIc mm] lficu huiuv. take the stand that the Government nun unnv L\.IA\/vvvsrn. u. .,..u ......\..,.. Little has been done as yet regard- ing redistriibuition. The opposition - should lay their plan on the table for consideration, but this has not been done yet. It is generally con- ceded that Toronto will get three new seats, as applied to the whole city, including parts of the three Yorks, the unit of population as about 60,000. New Ontario will get another seat. also Essex. Some change will necessarily have to be made in some of the constituencies to provide for those new members, as Ontario can have but 82 seats. Mr. Boys said he was inclined to think that the county boundaries would be maintained. There will -be! no change in Simcoo County. The, three seats will remain as at present. I -n -. .1, n ,,u . I `L- ....... |UUlTdlll.S. an`. uuu JHIS. dd/5. I111]. ` Mrs. I-'e1'guson and Miss Daisy; -,spent last week with her son, Ed-l I }wa.r(1 Ferguson, on the tenth line. . \Iiee .\nn?n F`:-nxvn nil` Allnntlnln ii. `VVZl.I'(l l`L I`_1, USOIl, 011 L111: U.,`1lI.11 11116. 1 1 Miss Annie Crowo 011` Allandale is. vvisitiug at. the home of her brother, 3.-\1\'ia` Crowe. over the week end. I I Wlim. Y 1.`IHu toonhnv nf fhn Qnnv-in! .-\l\'lI).` Ul'0\V. over Lue ween euu. 1 I Miss J. Ellis, teacher at the Saurini school, is spending the Easter holi- days at her home in Orangeville. - Ktiu (`nu-n Qr-nH xvhn in frmt-hinsv IUILVS UL llLI' l|UIllt' 111 \J1iLll5l:\'ulV:. 1 Mis Cora Scott, who is teaching Ear Rugby, is spending the holidays |\vith her arenls. D1`. and Mrs. Scott. .11 .-K. \h.1.- 1.IH`In ea vicnincr hm- Wllll HUI` 7J.I`Elll5. U1 . aulu Lula. nL:ULI. Mrs. .\I:1rk Llttle is visiting her dau_;hte1's, Mrs. J. A. C. Mercer and ;\I1's. R. Lyons, in Toronto for a few (lays. Iron 1) T7 TUn'lc1~. AF T\Tinnrnvn T`n'lIc _\`S. ' | Mrs. R. P. Welsh of Niagara Falls `is :1 visitor at the home of her |fa.the1', Mr. Thos. Shanahan, for 21 few days. (`lav-anon T.nnrr nnr] fnnlilv rut : 18W U'sl_\5. I I Clarence Lang and f:1mil_\' of Phelpston spent the holiday with Mrs. Lang's parents, M1`. and Mrs. E. B. Burt. Mrs. A. Madill and son Chester oif Penetang are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Dean for a. few days. \tiuc fl \`lr-hcn-muff wvhn in innnh-' . lew uuys. Miss O. .\IcDermott, who is teach- in:: m Shanty Bay. spent. the week 011:] with hm` pa.1`ents, Mr. and .\Irs.' Jas. McDermott. Q Alvin Flmning, trustee of S.S. No. 318, in: zLtten(1in:.; the t.1'usteos undf :1'z1t(~pu_\'nx's of Ontario convention in L 1'nr-'>nm tls week. I 11-rar\r\`| h..1v,... ...1.n Ium hnnn En ilUl")lll(J iIl`.`i \\vl,'L'l\. l .]o.<:(-p11 P.:1l~:111`. who has D0011 in for the wiiilrr. lms rot111'11- [ed tho 1101110 of ;\l1'. 21111.1 Mrs. (100. o11 lho 8th line. Isabel Brown, who is l(`a(`ll- W,\'ova1o, is spo11(li11g the holi- icluys the home of 1101' pz1`1'e11ls, `_\I1'. and Mrs. Jos. Brown. Bishop is confined to the with an attack of 1`l111u111uiisn1. be necessary for him to re- bed for at least two weeks. Muriel Gibbons of Toronto Easter with her parents. Mr. Mrs. E. B. Burt. Mrs. Gibbons `was welcome addition ot the An- _ churcli choir on Sunday. Eiii/TIVALE NEWS _,_! nks. If otIicials- of a ball]: 1-9-7 ....V\. hJ\r\-l.I.`>~1 ..... -v ... ... ,.-.._,_ `Regarding the Bank Act, the com-4 mittee have been w01'kin5.: for 501118?` ueek. It is not contemplated that?. there will be any drastic change,l wiJ,h the exception `of the clausev Qt? ling Wilrh loans to officials of? `quire loans they will have to go to_ some bani: other than that with which they are connected. That all banks be required to make month- ly returns to the Department of Fin- ance regarding all loans made to companies in which any directors of` said companies are also directors in the bank making such loans. If such a clause had been in the Bank Auct most of the bank failures of re-, cent years would not have taken place. This is particularly true of-, the lierchants Bank. rm... 1-a....1.....mm- _\,.+ mm... last ANTEN MILLS Mrs. V . F. Richardson and chil- dren are visiting friends in Midland. Mr. Emmett Comghlin is visiting friends in Touonto. Mns. D. Kenny of Toronto is visit- ]ing at her home here. `Mrs. Lafrenia is spending :3. Week in Midland. Mn`. and Mrs. D. Macintosh have gone to the city to live. nur M (".nnrrh1in in cnpninsr nu gone LU Lue uuy LU uve. ' Mr. M. Coughlin is spending a month in Toronto. Mr. W. F. Richardson has put in a good supply of ice and intends` keeping ice cream this smnnner. Nliac F! A Nfnnhnnnlrl i: ans-nrline` Keeplng LCB Uftiitlll LUIS SLUIHIIIUI. Miss E. A. 1\Ia.cDonald is spending! the Easter holidays at her home in Wyevale. V .--vu.- ... .4... ...v..-.- I . I Miss Mary Shanahan has return-! led to the Mount after spending the? lwinter in Sudbury. ` Rh-c TJQI-n\nn 'Rnr1- 11:1: ror|nvnrn. 1 ,Mrs. Herman Barr has recovered from her recent illness. I Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Miller have removed to Barrie. George Barr ofi Hobart has moved on to the farm vacated by `Mr. and .\Irs._ Miller. Our cinrr-ram: Qvnunnxv in f-\ fD11I`I'Il] l\VlIlLBI' 111 .`_>uuuu1_y. ' I I 4 \ VHUELLUU `U) `All. zunu .VlllS._4\Ll1ll'.`1. 1 Our sincere s:'n1p21th_v is extended. to Mrs. Lewis Cmcknel in the death a . . , of her mother, who dxed recently In 1[ England. v E A n1nnHrmr nf` `H1!-\ VVmnp*n : THQI5-1 1uu}.;1u.11(1. A meeting of the VVomen s Insti- tute will be held in the hurl 011 Thursday, April 5. .\Ir. Michael Fmwley and mother spent 9. few days in Barrie last ` we-n1: 1 spun L week. 1 L. . . . ' I 1 TU Jom-T2s Coffee. our 1;, ice ,5: ` go}: 1?)` Phone 953. Next to` leene s. I ` the Act, had the following to say re- cue .\1'3l'(.`-Iliulla uuun. 1 The B:1nk1`l1I31C;v' Act has heonx `under disemaslon and some amend-v ments will doubtless be made. u.\Ir.` Boys made some stlggestions in the! House as to 21 change which should be made 1'e;:ax'din,r.; the pouwers of the -regist1`a1', which may he found on` another page of this issue. 'I`he~ I Minister of Justice in speakiu`-_: 0:1" : garding M1`. Boys` suggestion : av; 1.-.. 1.-.. ....,.~nn0n.1 {kn} in_l I . M. J. Latwson is in Toronto thisl week attending the convention of the school t1'us'tees and ratepayers 01` `Ontario. Miss Hazel went, with her `fatlm-1' to "visit friends in the city. \ fl \lr-T\nv-nwntf nn/I 1uH'n n1'I ' lil|.Ill'5'l' LU \ llL llllfllub H1 LHU BIL) . I A. G. .\IcDe1'mott and wife 0!`! 1, Curlisle, Ont. spent the week end ~ 'hn]id;1_vvs with his parents, MI`. a11(11~ `Mrs. Jas. ;\IcDermott.' .\Ir. `;\IcDo1'- imott is manager of the Carlislo hrzmc11 of the Standard B_ank. C. E. Dutche1"`s sale was held on Saturday as advertised, although the weather was very disagreeable. The crowd was Small, but fair prices were rezzlized. ll Mark Little has engz1.ged a black- smith and will be ready to take care of geneml hlackslnithillg and horse` shoeing as usual at the old :~:!:\nd. ` -------- j----- I ' We are pleased to rebort that Thomas Allen is on the 1'0*.1d to re- cover_\', and is now able to leave his bad. We hope to see him around 1-.nnn The cu1'lin<.: season for this year ended Good I~`1'iday, when an all day bonspiel was held and good fellow- ship reigned supreme tllroughout the (luv Winkc Qltinnnrl hv TM` \\7, T., EH11) 1'81}-.',Ilb'U 5llpl'b`IllU l.Hl'UU-IlUllL Lllt `day. Rinks skipped by Dr. W. L. "I`yre1'zu1d Jus. Simpson captured the finals. Lunch was served and `the ::,oas011_wlth the besun and the `mane closed in due IlI\(1i111Ci0l1l. 1 form. N ` u.\I1's. Gen. I-Iir:k1ing,,0f Crossland, widow of the late Geo. I-Iickling, was: 1f0l111(1 lyinjz. on the icy ground near I her home, unconscious. She had ' evidently gone to the stable and fell; on the ice. She was c'.u'ried to tihu` ihnuse and medical nidcalletl, but at time of wi'itinr.`: she is in a critical condition. Mrs. I~Iick]ing`is 70 years of age and chances of her x'ccover_v arc (loubtiful. Rl'I`C`I-IIE-IR\VIN-`At W'yeval0, on` Tuesday, April 8rd, 1923, by the Rev. Maicdonuld, of the Union cihur-ch, Herbert VV. Ritchie, 011' Elmvale. and Mrs. Ethel Irwin, of Wyervale. ;I`RiE:LlC-AVI-IN - TRACE -- At 5:1. ` Paul's Methodist Church, Toronto. I I I l on March 24, 1923, by Rev. R. Newton Powell, Mary Alice (Mln~ nio), second daughter 001' Mr. and Mrs. J. J .Trz1ce, Toronto, to Mr. C]:ll`(`l1C0 Wnslny Trnlozwc-n, son. of Mrs. E. N. 1`rele-aven, Toronto. MOUNT LOUIS ;. ' hrunn nnnnncninnu Qhn hurl 511.1 uunb an I . uu . ` .; uuob VVVVV .. . It has been suigested that in- stead of centralizing the adminis- tration of the bankruptcy act we. should decentralize it. If we were} to adopt the $_vstem they have in.| England. and that we had in the Province of Quebec, we would be carryin,-.: o11t decent.1'a1izai.ion. The debtors would assign to the pro- ithonotary or at the court house, and this would harmonize with the pro- position which is put before the, House. i u........,nnn fhn nmhmt nn rh'nQHr\ M.-\ RRl:\(:`:1 The. Northeyn Advance .(-{ES Gerald Braden spent Easter in Barrie. I Carlie `.\Ic1Z\Iai`tin\v:Ls home for Eastei-_I - Miss Olga Glennie was home for} Easter. ` [ Doug. Beauty was home for the] holiday. Miss Clara Curtis was in '.T`n1`onLo last week. TN`: nn .17:-.-. C'hnvu-nu uvrn-A in 'T`r\,| ULLYB ilL H15 IIUUIC` lll U1 1l1li:!.. Miss Aileen Coulter of Torontol "Spent the week end in town. | (Tani! T.iv1'n;r=tnn AF '[`nrnnf`n um: liLbL VVUUH. D1`. aml 1\`Ir.<. Simpson were in To- ronto this week. I Fred Billingsley spent, the wee,-1: end in Toronto /t I<`-rzmces Morzm of 1`01'onto spent Easter in Barrie. Keprpel L:111_v was home frome Varsity for Easter. Miss Train spent Easter at her! .home in E1-mvale. I \n...m.. 1: ....,1 \ nnnoh nnnntl |11Ul11U 111 L`.a1'111ViL1!`.. ; Misses E. zugd A. Booth spentl Easter in Toronto. u Dl'\1vVnv\ ('\..IAn`-uvnnri ml` Tn`-..nln Inl L`4U.5LBI' lll LUFUHLU. Rowan;;Ca1de1'wood of T-orunto is visiting in Bm'1'ie. F. G. Scott is home for the holi- days frmn college. .\1Hqtnv- \ [`nr-\T.n1'on znnnf H10 hn1i-I uuys lI`Ulll U'Ulll:`5l: . Allister M`ac\.Lm'en spent the days with Ms parents. Tnnlr Qinrnluir ennnf `Racial .`\1l`. VV. 1!. RUSS U\ l:l' I'Ji|.bLUl'. Ken Johnson is spending the l1oli~ days at his home in Orillia. TUH:c Aileen (`,n~n1fov- AF "l"nv'nnfn agricultural implmnonts. House." Regartling the Budget. no drastic reductions in the tariff are contem- rplated, as there were none fore- casted in the speech from the throne. Mr. Boys is of the opinion that the Progressives will .port.unity of movin,'.: an zunendmenvt to the btttigvt, which they have not yet done. This will test their sin- cerity in regard to their plzttforni on Free Trade in such articles as boots and and will mn- ot the Lihnrztl by pledges as con- shoes, clothinrz. et.c., rphasizr: the failure rparty to implenmnt their `pre-(>lection tained in their 1910 platform in this connrection, which platform. however, Mr. il`elding admiwtted was only made to get in on." The vote will show how many 01 the Liberals agree with )Ii' ng. .Ae1:ml rmrni-1' 3 views on be given an op-` legrislzttioii` ft .\l . ' A t 13. : rutt 'l'oi' J Mus I ed 1 l`.=h 3 jday 1` hot: ma `I b`]_)Elll. U18 WEEK euu H1 LUWH. Cecil Livingston of Toronto was in t0\vn over the week end. \.Tnu.-l\o.`|`l Qhln lune. unnv-nn 1-an-rnn U'cl,)'S WlLll HUS pzu'eut.s. Jack Sinrcl-air spent Easter withl his 'father, Toronto St. Jeff Bertram of Collin-gvwood was! `in town over the week end. ' { .'Dr-mu Dnhnrfqnyx urne fhn trnnaf AI lll [DWI] UV('_ I' [118 week emu. Ross Robertson was the guest ofl Mrs. W. A. Ross over Easter. I Tfnn 1r\1\v1(~r\v` in z~nnnr13nn- }!~-u '|1n1L_ `With 111 LUWII UVC1 L116 WBUIL cuu. I Miss Ferne Scott is spending a lfew days with her sister in Toronto Easter at her home on Bradford St. Major Geo. Rodgers of Camp Bor- den spentt Easter with J. D. Rodgers. Miss N. Woods of Toronto spent the week end at her home in town. Harry Carson of Toronto spent Easter with his parents on Small I Q : Miss Madge Clark of Toronto spent. Ill LUWH U\ t1l' LL16 W(`ft5l\ euu. Mzu'sha.11 Sills has returned home from the north for a few days. T. A Fanxwhnll ni fv:rrnn Rnrnnl - I -Miss Mary Hall of Phelpston is` `spending the Easter holidays in town. Nllnn ITnnn1 lnuu f\ Tn:-nnln nu-ur\!\+1 '1l`UlLl L116 HUFLII lUl' H. 16W uuys. 1 L. A. Campbell of Camp Borden was in town over the week end. .1\`I`un 1.`.-n-nn Gan!-1 in c-nnnrlh-1... n Miss Tanis .\IacLa1'en 01' Ha,\'e1':.-gal College spent Easter with her par- ents. I ufknu 13113:: n{~' 'I"nv~nv-rfn '1-nun} I ` UIILS. 1 Arthur Ellis of Toronto spent |E.aste1' with Mr. and Mrs. 0. Cam- LUWLI. . Miss Hazel Man` of ' Easter at the home Man`. I \v.. and `mm rumm- with M1`. 1<`.1 111;. 1 Asked rOKi` 3 views the] Q` Provincial election, Mr. Boys said | that the election would be held in! the fall, probzubly in October. From information he had gmthered in the`; Ottawa district, .\Ir. Boys predictedt that the D1*1u'_v Government would` return very fmv members. 1<`ux'ther_1 information from Western 0nt:11`i0,!q while not so far reaching as in I-1ust- E] ern Ontario, indicated n Hl1lI`1('(1|t falling off in support. He is coi1-`;t vinced that in our own county incirr-A; ....~.mrhm-an uynl hp TDHl!'T12"(] 11*. the! Jll. at Miss F Guelph. . `\Hc.Q i uuttxpu. y Miss I-Ivlen Armst1'on:.; has gonel to her home in I"a1'r_v Sound for the h01i(11_\'S. \ I xv..1on.. 'T\nv\\r\:vnv\ nr c+ r<.,+h_. IlUlIUil_\'S. ' I Walter Thnmpson of St. Cath- arinos is in Barrie (1u1'in_L; the Easter i holidays. 4 5 . \| nr- \Ynv-nrnu-n6 Ch-unlniw In r~v\r\v-1:1 .I E HUllllil) 3- Miss Alargaret ing the holidays . Bem11s\`i11e. ` \l(~n \I,.f`.\1Innu |,D3iLKllb\ lllL'. Miss .\IcCax1lum is spending Easter holidays at her home Smith I-`alls. ';I1r1 11.. ........,\L 1!? :11.: IDHIILH Iilllb. ! Miss .\ia1';:ai-at Wilkinson 01` To-l 11-onto is spen_din5.: the Easter holi- days in town. 1 |"1'ank .\Iorle,\' is spending thr- Easster holidays at his home in I Bmcovbridge. . ice 1ur-v hnhenn m` ("nHEn,n-xvnnlii l_5l'2'.C(."lJI'lLlg(`!. Miss Lucy Dobsnn of CoJ}in2;w0ndi :is visiting her mother, .\Ix's. F. Dulrl` `son. Small St. - 17:"- `hnunn.-.. ~n....,. As` Vr`,n.nn+n {-:` ism), Small St. = Miss Doro!!:'_v Dove of Toronto is R11-slldiixg [L few (lays with .\Iiss Norlnn B_V1'nos. - C T}r\J\ny'f nmnm-nn who has been I morlnn l5_V1`n(`S. Robert Cameron, who has E teaching school in the north, is home for the holidays. Miss Elsie Birzelow, from the N01`- mal School, Peteuboro, is home for {the EzLste1' week. mum D \'Tu1rv.`.n1cnl1 c u:nonr'Hn. nl `I116 L`421.Sll:'I' ween. 1 Mrs. R. .\'I:11cumson is spending: :1 \few days at her sister`s, Mrs. Frz111k ]Cl:urk, Inglewood. . \hv anfl 'I\fru 'F?11::n1 '\Vp'h`h nfl LEGISLATION PENDING 5'1" Ul"].`A\VA . Ul:L`I`i{, mgiewouu. ; .\I1'. and Mrs. Russel \Veb~h of Stroud :11`? visiting .\I1'. and Mrs. L. Pratt, 'I`o1'o11to St. . 1r...n..+ 11.-nnim no Rmmrl T-Tnn 1 l'ilIL, 1Ul'UIllU DL. Ernest Brooks spent Easter with I .\IcQua_v, Eccles St. . `\Hacne 1<`rn n 1.` in :1 .\lU\({llil.\, JJJCUICD Dl. Misses Frzlnlcie :11` bell are spending their home in Ivy. 'Dn1nh \fnr~T.nnn l.H(!ll' llUlllB H1 1\_)'. Ralph .\IacLean of the guest of Mr. and Jzrmieson for Easter. xnm. 1 nnvn .\ n1h1nI' I I I |.Jzrm1eson 101' musxer. .\Iiss Laura Ambler, who is at- tending Normal at. Peterboro, is} home for the ho1idz1_vs. I \Ii:_-c n nut` Min: N Nm\mmn of` 1101118 101' 1110 11()ll(l2l_\'S. I Miss O. and Miss N. Newman of` Toronto spent the hO11(1il_\'S at their` ) home on .\Ic0Dn:11d St. vnm. \nmm Qvirnv whn in nHm1r]- home .\1coun:uu nu. Miss .~\i](=en Srigley, who is attend- ing l\'ormz11 School in North Bay, is home for the holidays. RI:-a `now Knnnmlv nf' 'Pm'nn1n. home 101' me nouu'.L_s. _ ` Mrs. Bert Kennedy of Toronto spent Easter with her sister. .\I1's.! I-Izu'1`y Smith, Collier St. | \Ticc \l:\'hn1 Ivinlnv who is :1t-4 1*1i1I`1'3` muun, LUIHUI` Dl. I .\Iis< Mmhol Finley. who is at-I ten(1in_: Normal School in To1'on10,l I is home for the holidays. xn...` `LTn`lnn 'I`m~nm- n-F Tn:-nntn is IS nomo I01` um nuuuuga. Miss Helen Turner of Toronto is spending the h01i(1Z1_VS with her mother, Mrs. \V. A. Turnex`. [ ~u.. r\n1I\f!'C 1.1 `H nnnn nf 'T`n-x ULULWR (ll.`a'I,1`lC[, .\lI'. J.)()ys piuuxuu.-ul w0u1(1`tIhe overthrow of the Drnry Govern- 1<`ui'ther, beyond a. question, which in his (mt:u`io,{opinion was due owing to the un- 1 pi-ecedonted extr:wn,gnnco and fail` nun-kc-.(l'1ix'e give oconoinicul i.:ovei'mnent, con-{ most outstanding plank in their Im`3I'o` platform, and many other reasons` members would be retux'n'd 113' the} which will be fully dealt with dnringzj Conservatives. M1`. Boys pro-dicte election campaign. '1

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