Phone 406. LEDGER SHEETS THE STERLING BAN]: We carry a large stock of all kinds of Legal Forms. your uruggnsx, or Ior nrcu a C 9 Made to Get" Rheumatism write .1. G. Templeton & Co.,To Q. n 5 Most other palns are easy. A postal card will bring It. Sold by Wm. Crossland. In Allandale by A. Patterson. LAW FORMS JOB PRINTING GOOD PRINTING! When you Want it and the Way you Want it. The Advance Office Phone 53 TR;9: Lack of legitimate funds for running your farm on a profitable basis is as serious as a shortage of machinery and seed. Your application for credit will receive the courteous, confidential consideration of our local Manager. Funds for the Farm EE SAVE `- Because or CANADA TH '7, __J -_L,... ..- '1' E slmple tact Is this: there in nothing quite so good for -....Ial.... _ THE simple tact Is tms: mere :3 pains and aches as Templeton : Rheumatic Capsules. The medi- clnnl power they contain is absorbed by the blood and so carried to the seat of the pain. T. R. C.'s contain no habit-forming drugs. Their action is to remove the cause 0! the pain. USING 'l'.R.U.'s Is not an expen- ment. many thousands of Can- adians have proved the elfectlveness M T.R.C.`s. The best test you can make is to get :1 dollar box from drugglst, or for free sample Co., l`o|-onto. A nnstnl card will hrlm! It. USING 1`.R.C.'s Is not an experi- . L 4 _ . . _ _ _ ..-4 4|... Dunlop St. Telephone 734 anada's Standard Remedy for Pain MYSTERY or BARN } RQBBERIES SOLVED, A company kI10IWI1 as the Georgian Bay Silver Black Fox Com,rpa.ny has been onganized at Owen Sound, with :1 cwpita.`1 of $40,000.00. Vandavlism is again in evidence at Wasaga Beach. Last year's penal- ties do not seem to have taken -much effect. The Old Boys of Colhimgzwood, now living in Vancouver, B.C., held a. re- union recently, one of the features of which was the showing of lantern slides of Colrlingwood, which were loaned `by Mr. D. WiIliwn1`s. The Sun-d-ridjge section of the country has been swept the past few days with a. epidemi:c of illness which might be classed as a modi- ed form of u" or gxtizp. In the mean'LiI1ne school attendance has been reduced to almost the zero point. So far the efforts of those who are endeavoring to organize a band have, un,fortuna.tely, not ma.teria.lized. While there is plenty of mate1'ia.1 to organize a band, the committee, who are to be commended on their efforts, have been unalble to secure EL 1eade1'.-Bee-ton World. Colliingwood junior hockey team, by virtue of their decisive defeat of Mezvford in the fomiel` town, have won their _s:ro11p, and are now ready to enter the O.H.A. semi-nailis. Up in this section of the country the Shipbuiltlers are considered by many to liuve the team to beat 1'01` the O.H..\. junior chzunplonship. ;\ condition has arisen which is catlsing some anxiety and EL lot. of in- convenience thx'ou:.;houl the country. During the past few weeks wells th1'oug.11out. the country have gone dry and in many cases these are ex- iperiences which have not been met with before in tlie experience of the oldest residents of bhe country. It is many years at least since water has been so low in the countz'y.-S1In- dridge Echo. '.\'ows from V-ariolls Poi11`(s In the District Told In Brief Form. Th cement block on King street, Midnland, where the re took place two weeks ago, has been purchased by N. K. Wmgg and others. Just .what wihl become of it is not yet known, but, it is qtu-`ite unlikely any move towards re-construction will] be made until spring. BARRIE MARBLE WORKS The annual report owl` E. A. Little, Clerk 01" the Surrogate Court, shows that the value of personal property in wtil-ls led for probate in Simcoe ` in 1922 was $1,144,463.11. and that of real property $737,872.27. Let- ters of p1'o`bal,e issued totalled 218. letters 0'1 z1(lministra.tion 84, and letters of gua.Nli`unshi.p 3. VVi-lls probzrted included those of 82 farm- orc 10 I-nfivn rI`lI\DY`Q F; Qnhnra })l'UU2lH3U lLlL'1LlLH:u Lllljbti UL 04 16.1111` ers, 19 retired fa.1'mers., 5 soldiers, 35 m:11'rie:d women, 51 widows, 1 lawyer and 1 pl1_Vs`i`ciun. During: the year 1922. 853 suits were entered in the Oz'i:1~,1ia Division Court, for sums agglegating .;31,- 000. 198 of these suits were for sums under $10. $19,269.70 was ccllecled. In 1921, there were 631 cases, and only $9,3iJO.93 was col- lected. The increase in business is in part ascrihusble to the enlarged jm'isdic1i0n 0! Lhv Division Courts, \\`hi(~h came into effect in 1920 by which suits can be entered for $200 nr. nnnn nrsnnunlc QAKHI nn nnfnr: If Ori11iu's power load were 2,000 11.1). ht-`21\ iOI' than it. is at present, or en-n 1,000 h.-p., tuhe present, low \\'ntm` would be 21 snrious IHIL1/1,81` for the mwn. The plant at. the Swift `Rapids would readily ;:r:ne1'u1e an- other 2,000 h.p.---hus in fuel. done |-qn in who n:I Yul lncf ` U|Hl`I ..'4,UUU ll.LJ."|lLl-5 Ill 1iLUI. U\IllK: pm) in the past. Yvt lust s11m1nm- vnuugh wntvr was zullowed to run to \v:1.~'.'tr3 down the riverto supply both the Swift, Rapids and Big Chute plants with all the water hhey novd for their full CELDILCH) . There seems no reason why this sunplus \vntnv` uhnnlfl nnl ha I-nnuc-1-\rnr1 l`n1- S(L`lllS Ill) FEZLDUH wny l,ll|l.\' Slllwlllllh wmer slmuld not be conserverl for winter use, znftcr the spring freshels are over. To zullow it 1.0 run zmvay is like xvasting c0a1.--P2Lcke`t. \\'1|lCH DUHD Uilll UU Ulllltluu on open ILCCOHHLS, $400 and $121) for damages. The Owen Sound Ad`vertisex', `whsich has been a household name in North Grey for some six decades, will ceznse to exist at the end of this month. to un: wvn.-n Inna :\lvI\ .-Jnnn Oknnn l.`.\lhl KLL lllU uuu UH Llllb IIIUJILII. It is not very long ago since there were three newspapers in Owen Sound and next week it willl be down to one. The subscniption list of the .-\(1\'m`1ise1' has been purchased by the Sun-'I`i1nes and the Advertiser will continue its job mzinting (1epzu`L- ment. I-Ienry \V211lnn I-Iyland and Ada Amnline I~l,v]zmd, hvother and sisler n-t` Mm-Lhu Hylund, who was mur- and hm` body 1'0-und in :1 m'e our \VhiI.(-chlII`Ch. seven miles frmn`Ncxwnnzxrket. were crmmliltnd In 1110 :1s_vhnu by Mu.gisn'a1e Bvnnirm in the County Police Court on Fri- dzuy. CextiI`1(~ut<-s of inszmity \v(-"N7 5.-'i\`m-n by Dr. W. T. Owen l zu`rie and In`. 1Im'\'cy Cinire, who oxmmined the 1\-:0. Memorial Tablets, Corner Stones, Markers, Granite and Marble Monuments Just as the forms for this mlitionl 01 The 1lm'aL1d are being closed, Hm x`.e\\'s of the (lIscov01'_v of the clnvor t.hie\`os is ying a1`m1n(I town. A S(.':lI'(`h warrant was the n,u1hnril~._ Constable J. J. \V.I1L:u1::= ' :::'.\ .`~' (`l.()\'l`Il{ 'l`llIlC\'lCh' ("v.-\l'(:H'l` ('0)! .\l l'l"l`l'I]) `TO .\ SYLI '.\I r ,, nv .. Yv ])()\VN `TO ONE I`:\l'!*}l . The Northern Advance "The annual meeting of the O:'o .-\_:;rirc111t=u1'a! Society was held in the` Town Hall, Om, on Friday, .!zu1:,1.1r_\ | 19, at 2 11.111. The financial state-g ment showed :1 balance on hand o:'i $633.92. 9 The afolllowing oicers were elected for the year: President, Geo. Craw- ford; 1st Vice-Ptres., H. I. Barnharan; I 2nd Vice-Pres., `rzmeld Rouse; Secretairy, Irwin .M`cxMaho-n; Direc- tovs, H. Gmhaim, W. I. Clarke, T. H. Momlalion, Jas. Brandon, W. Thom- son, Thos. Fletcher, W.m. Jarratt, A-rchrie Crurrie, B. Guest. search the house in which two Eng- lishmen named Tuaylor and Batemanl have been living. The plunder was found. Clover seed, bags, mechani tootls, robe and a whole lot or other stuff was brought to light. Ilhere in nn nwhf mhnnf fhpun fnxrn mom 1_4Hl`Ul'u, H1 [H8 L/U'llHl._Y UL 1Jll1'lli.l.l1l, on Nov. 15, 1846. He entered tlhe ministry of the Methodist chunch in 1872, a.n1ong other places beinlg sta- tioned at Bellwood, IIa.rmony, Era- mosu, Caistorville, Welland Pm-t, Alum and Cayuga. In July of last year a special service was held in the Methodist church here to com- memomte his Iiwfly years of se1'vice_ in fhn vninicfvv ml hid nhurr-h In! BLUU. Wan: ULUIUEIIL LU 115111.. J.|uU1l:'. is no doubt about these two men, who have not been long on the place, being the ones who have been rob- biing barns all over this section of the country. One Of them was sick with pneumonia when the constaile visited the place and the other was in the act of moving out. Both will be duly arrested and charged with a. long string of thefts. Milton Mur- phy of Thompson-vi'1Jle was one of the trio who went out with Con- staible Williaims. Mr. Munphry re- covered his robe, bags, wrenches and eve-1vt'h'ing else taken from his barn. He also saw what Looked like the property of other viictims and this ("I`hu1'sday) mornicng a. load of losers at Han hnnriu n.F hhnun frhinvnc hlnva LIIUS. u1'a.uu_y, HJLLUI H. bllull. llllulibb, at his home on Huron street, on -Monday alfternoon, Jan. 22, was re- ceived with great sadmess by ahost nf-` 1\Tnumnn-rlznt niiivanc whn knaw John F. Murphy, Proprietor l. dA1L. The late Mr. Gramdy was bom at Li1'fm'd, in the County of Durham, nn 1\ 1!: 10.41: T111 nnfnv-all i-no llIl:lllUl`ill.B Ills lmuy _yt:u.1> UL httlvnlb: in the ministry of his church. In 1877 he n1`a1-ried Miss Joanna. Cane, of New1nurkei,. He is survived by Mrs. Grundy, Miiss Florence at home, Garnet. of Winnipeg, Clarence of Fort, \Villiwm, A. M. of Georgetown, and Ernald of Toronto. Capt. Fred G1-and-y, who was on the staff of nhe Barrie Conllegiate Institute at the Lime oil his enlistment, was killed in action in the lube war. The l?u.nerzil was held last Friday at the ;\`Iet,h0dist church, Newmarket, at 2.30 pJrn., and intenment made in Newmarket cemetery. \ 1uu1':suu,v) lLlUl'l1lLlJ5 ii. lUi:Lu UL JUDGE: at the hands of these thieves have gone out to recover their lawul pos`sessLon.-AlI1iston Herald. DE.-\ l`H OF R-EV. THOS. GRANDY .1...-...- \l- ...4.. ....v.;. \.-........A The news of the passing Olf Rev. T110-s. Grandy, after a. short illness, :19 hq hnmn nn T4 -Ilrnn Qrrnnl nn LBIVUU Wllll gfdl. swuuutbn l)'_) 1!. 4llUbl of Newuma.-rket citizens, who knew him and loved him for the qua1'i'ties of manhood `that `made him the friend of alll with whom he came in con- Aunt UL ill` tract. Th OR0 AGRICULTURAL SO(.`i ETY farzufacturers and arftecrs of Imperial PoIart'ne Mfotor 0r'.".4: and Rfarketers in Cunacla of Gargoyle Dfobilail. 79 Bayfield St. --. .,..,, ..,...,., .....,. To `overcome the pracbivce of grow- ing wheat `alone -on an extensive scalle, rwhereaby certain gambling chances were `taken. Mr. ' Marshvall sand he Ifelt Mke Ifaxvorinng an act mam- ing it i-m:po-ssi!b1e for a man to 'f-arm more than 160 acres. - nxuu iLLl\al UlllL`,l.llllUb lHl.'k1Jl\U `El; :U'H\.l JU?U of .it. `The 'redu~cti`on of lfavmimg lands woulld not, he said, reduce (wheat `crops or ufamn Ip`rod`u*cLs. as -it would tend to the crops [bet- ter. A representative of `the `Cana.dIi~an National Institute for the Blind ad- dressed the County Council and ask- ed .1`or a grant of $1,000 lI`0m1 the County. This Institute is Dominion- wide and has a, ICan`a.~dJia.n ncharter. Over 300 puipils have iheen made `self- supporting through the efforts of the} Institute. ` In the County of Simcoe there are I now 47 ublind `persons. Nearly all of these are under the supervision `or trnining 01' the Institute. The Can- adian National Institute for the Blind is very anxious to get in touch ,fWiU1 any nvho are `blind or have de- fective vision. Everything iI)OSSi`b`]l is done to save `the `sight and those` Iwho are blind are given a. tho1'ou training till they ibeciovine ~se1t` `sup- porting. The Institute is not `con- nected with the Soldiers` Dept. in any way. Every one is given the 1321:1118 consiideration. A grant of $1,000 was asked .t'o`r ufrom the County. I W, , ' HON. DUNCAN MARSHALL SAYS CANADIAN FARSMS TOO LARGE The dIi.g-nity of .anming as a. pro- fession, and mixed tfmunirmg as a solution of some iozf the VVest s prob- lems, were stressed {by Hon. Duncan Mna;rsha1'1, .Comm'Lssioner vof Aagr.izcuI- ture for Canada, in an `address [be- fore the Fort Wi`1(1ia,m -Gan.a.dia.n (Club and Port Arthur Ch'am1lber of Conn- | me-rce, Saturday. I m- _-.__-__M_ .AL_ ___ -`.,_- _. _ _-__, I The trowble with ~farm'ing in Can- ada, he thought, Ilies in the (fact that men are trying .to Irarm too much land and sometimes 1mIaJke a. `bad Jozo n.F it Thu -I-orlmnxnn r\"F IF-,1 nrnivmr C3 Picture ofa Movie Star in every package. Our greatness is determined -by our ideas, and our Iideas by our im- pressions. Smalil ideas can never make a great -man. We can supply them in any style or quantity. WOMEN S X131) cH.BRi:N'S CHRONIC AND NERVOUS DISEASES VV1'ite or phone for information and free literature '79 'l\'I"|"'NI'T,l'\'D _Q"I"D'I'|'!I!'T' I\l .|l\v.n.1.-4\a.- Over Reeve s Jewelry Store. ASKS AID FOR BLIND That means Drs. &: Burns .. Sp. C. D. L , QHEROPEAQTQBS The Cigarette With the original flavor \`.1-us an--..-~- _ c__. Pronounced Kiro-P1-ak-Tor All kinds and styles to fit your binder. JLLU J.UJ. L1lJ.U11u.u.l:L\JLJ. uuu LL 78 DUNLOP STREET Sold by W1n. Crossland. In A-Hans The nilarliet once again resumed its mstxal briskness on Saturday. With the increased activity came a slight increase in pnices. Eggs re maiined mn, but butter showed 8. slight increzuse. The following were the prices : `I'\..A.4___ on ;n_ __,,,, -- An. 4,2,1, I -..- ....--- . Butter 38-40c, eggs 55-60c, chick- `ens 28c, fowl 20c, potatoes 20c pk., beets 450 baskz, onions 400 bask., carrots 20c, spyvs $5.55 bb1., snows and tolmun sweets 35c bask, turnips 2 for 5c, pa1'sn~i1)s 250 beans 20c qt.. czubbage 5-100 each, hELI'(l<\\"00(1 $12-$14 cord, hay $13 ton. Quantity production is a modern innovation. Huh ! How old is the guinea. pig fzxmily ? Medical autl1'o1'it,v states that coughing can be stopped by pressing on nerves of the lips in the ueighborq hood of the nose, and snee7.i11-g may be stopped in the szmne Way. Press- ing in the neighborhood of the ear, or right in sfront of the ear, may stop coiigliinlg. It will also stop hie` coughing. ' SATURDAY S MARKET: T0 Sleep to-night use RAZ` NIAH to-day for Asthniat RAZ-MAH has brought peacelul nights and restiul sleep to thousands who lormeriysuiiered the agonies ousthma. AZ-MAH contains no narcotics or other habit-forming drugs. It It does not give reliel we guarantee your drugglst will return your money, $1.00 11 Box. "Just swallow two capsules." Free Trial from Templeton Co.. Toronto. dale why A. Patterson. Page Three COUNTER CHECK BOOKS