gv .....-..__- v-V-..-. ..... Anonymous mmnuuoimliozu can rec-rim no at- on. Ewrylioog _fm'uV:nlnl' for -'in.nrr!iun want 6: ayrm_upum'rd by (he name anal ad- druu 3`! writer : not m'cauoan'Iy fur pub- lkgtinu, bu cu rn'nIrur_ qt aIIMnm"u'tg. It is alno rrq-iwnlml Mu! mrrupomh-n(.. will only Irrilt on our (id! qf the alorvl of paper. ` We cannot Iuulrrluh lo rcluni rojvcteul com- -.. n u.'.-nlinu n -\/Ir\I-I I I-I-I_\JI\f\I (Per Jlonlrval Lima) F`E`C"l" `D'Dt`\`ll 1'! A1 11': : nunure , white 4 been current, and were cleared up to-dsy by 3 letter sent by Dr. \Valkor, their rincipal hacker, to the Secretary of the Ync t Ulub. He says their boat was maliciously tlamaged hy some persons while it was in `the shed on the Queen`s \\ harf in Monday night. This, however, haul nuthing to do with their with- drawal from the race, as they haul previously tletenninenl that Halifax water was too rough for them. The nliicials on the Queen s wharf assert positively that the boat was never hanneml while it was there, and that the story of the St. John crew in untrue. ` ' l6c. _MONTREAL MARKE'i`S. (Special I'clegram to the Daily News.) Montreal, Aug. 30.--Flour--market quiet, and little business to report; rates qnotably unchanged, but price of aupers lnaintained by scarcity; extms sold` at 5,80; fancy nominal at 5,50 to 5,55; small sale: of Czuuuln supers at 5,40; and western offered at 5,25, but only sparingly taken; limited sales of N o 2 at 5,00; and tine at 4,50. \Vlieat'- a. few cars of choice whitc taken to ll freight at 1,31. Peas nominal at 873 to 909 per 66 lbs. Provisions unclumged. Butter dull; good lots offered at Cheese nominal. Aslieaunchanged. V 1.: IV A ususx uannvsxsusu. (Special Telegram to the Daily News.) New York, August3l.--Gold firm and dull; Exchange 109g to 1093. Cotton quoted at 1920. Flour dull, `and 5 to 10c lower; receipts 14,000 barrels; sales 8,0(X) barrels; at 4,95 to 5,95 for superne state and western; 5,65 to 6,45 for common to choice extra state ; 5,05 to 6,40 for common to choice extra. western. Rye our quiet. Wheat less active and about lc lower; sales 25,000 bushels; st 1,32 to 1,35 for No. 2 spring; 75,000 bushels aoat ; 1,37 to 1,42 for winter red and amber` western ; 1,43 to 1,48 for amber Michigan. Rye quiet; re- ceipts 33,000 bushels. Corn slightly in buyers favour; receipts 22,000 bushels; sales 66,000 bushels; at 66$ to 67 or mixed western. Barley dull and nominal; rc- ceipts 4,000 bushels. Oats a shade rmer ; receipts 108,000 bushels; sales 81,000 bushels; at 40 to 48 for western and Ohio. Pork `lower at l3,50to 13,62`. for new mess. Lard lower at 9 to 9c for steam; 930 for kettle rendered. Butter 10 to 30c for new State "and \Vestern. Cheese at 5 to mac for common to prime. l etroleum- Hc for crude; 243 to `Mic for rened. uavuu-an-n, on Bank of Montreal-275, 276;. Merchants Bank-134, 135, 134;. Bank of Cnu1mercc-l2'7)a. I28. mercxmuts DallK-l6*}, 1.10, 1.143. Bank of Commercc-l27, 128. Ontario Bank-ll0, 111. Bank of Torouto-l90, 191, 190. u......I n.......1:.... 12....1, me man Iiilli OI 'J'0|`0llt0-lVU, l`Jl, IUU. Royal Canadian B-a.nk--l08, 108;, 1108. The County of_ Portneuf has voted} $100,000 for the North Shore Railway. ' 'l`|... ..........l ,...........b:.... ...t 4.1.- 0.... 1-_ cv_1__,1 ..,. .._.. -..,. .... .....v... -.u.-u-J. The annual convention of the Sunday School teachers of Canada, and _those inlterested in Sunday School work, will be held in London, commencing on the 11th of October. 'l`l... l|....1.;..-. fl ....... ..A. L..,. .1:_L-_ J. I ;1 , \.vnu.u.u.u-..un5 un uuc LIUIJ UL \)UIAJLR7K. The Quebec Government has disbanded the Clmudiere Mines police force. There being, therefore, no longer any necessity or the ser- vices of a Superintendent, Mr Pope has been advised to that effect. . 1 vs .- .. I`: .. -.. Inuvun. v\I u an wucvu. The gifted President of the Ca.na1ia.n_ `Vea- leyan Methodist Conference is so popular in England, that it is said that 20,000 applica- tions for tickets of admission were made on the occasion of his recently preaching in the city of Leeds. ' - 3. um LIVE ue . The London Free Press says that several young ladies of that city have received invita- tions to attend a. ball to be given to the Mar- quis of Lorne and Princess Louise, in Mon- treal. Query-When and by whom 2' hr .1 fl (lilac at! +1.. u:l`l..... ..c w.............-.:n.. nu van. `guy-Ji vv nun auu u wuuul Dr J. G. Giles of the village of Fsrinei-svilrle, has been appointed associate comner for the united counties of Leeds and Grenville. Ir_,_1, 7,... 1-5,, on _.....-.. vv....-.vu vn aavvuu uuu uuuuvnuv. Hugh Love, Esq, of Seaforth, returnedfrom 3 European tour on the 19th iuat.,, and brought with him eight pure bred sheep, four from Scotland and four from Yorkshire. r-n1_-_- :_ , .___,L J._,,,, 1 - uuvuu-nu a-nu Avun Alumna xv: LBLLIIC. There is a great demand for farm hands near Ottawa. The farmers are really very much inconvenienced in consequence of the scarcit of labourers, which, no doubt, partly results from the immense quantity of buildings noyv going on in and around Ottawa. AL 51.. ..`l....:..... ....--A.:-..... _: LL, ~nr,,u,, ,.,...5 .,.. .. ...... ....,...... .,........-. At the closing meeting of the Wesleyan Conference in London, the Rev. Mr Punshon, in acknowledging his appointment to the Pro- sidency of the next Canada Conference, an- nounced his intention of xgain returning to England and remaining in the country two. years hence. "Flu- nl-Ann mum .. R..- ..-:l:.... ...___1 r,,,, COLIMERCIA L. MONTREAL STOCK MARKET. J can u uvnnvv The Ocean King, a ne sailing vessel from Swansea, Wales, has arrived at Montreal, bringing as the rincipal portion of her cargo coal bricks, m e of coal dust and screenings, compressed into suitable .aize(l_b1oo_ks with tar. Railway rivalry has becomg intensely bitter up West. Hamilton has used up all ordinary sarcasms, and now sneers at the Toronto and London achievements as Wheelbarrow ar- 1-a.nge1nent`s. A 1...! .-.6 ll.-...&_....'I ..I_- .-__J_,,1, ,1 . ground In: found in oxoellent oonditi<-In, and up to half-put uvgn,- when the, Wstex-town I-oturuod. the anti!-n n--*- --` `L n . .-u5yu.u.u-an. A lady of Montreal who undertook a. refor- mation in her family, set her daughter to work to make up two beds. The young lady commenced at ten o'clock in the morning and nished gt half-past two in the afternoon, commenced at ten o'clock 1n the morning half-past afternoon. The old lady says there is no hope for the girls of the present age--the1-e is no work in them. - An unknown man, about sixty years of age, died suddenly in the public cells at London, on Tuesday morning. He aspen-s to have been a perfect stranger in Lon on, and stated that he came from Glssgow and wanted to see the Mayor to get a pass to Detroit, where he said his eon lived. Just before he expired the constable thought he uttered some name like Brass. He was dresed in 3 black frock cloth coat and vest of the same, with felt hat and white cotton shirt. M. A R Q..- .. 1--.: ...._.-._-- AL in mr A. D. occur, a iana surveyor at "Bramp- ton, is charged with paying 60 cents per day to certain parties on the government surveys, and, makin them sign receipts for 75 cents per day. pon Mr Fryer, who had been thus used, applyin for redress to the Crown Lands Department, 1- Commissioner Richards said they allowed the Crown Land surveyors to make that prot out of the employees. Mr Fryer refused to take the money o'ered, brought an action against the government, and got a verdict for the full amount. (1.. \A'.\...l.... ..L....a. ..._- ..9-I__I_ ma, , , A . . ....\. avu an Ivauavu Llll uuu Auu. amuunv. = On Monday about one o clock, Chan. Ashton, book,-keeper in the dry goods store of Messrs. Cox &. Co., King street, Toronto. received the sum of $1,000 to deposit in the bank, but in- stead of doimz so he left for nu-kn unknown nu` box 5 ounce wmn a protected `note. Tele- ama were immediately sent in all directions, ntthe fugitive could not be found. He had been in the employ of Messrs Cox & Co. for about six months, and was considered an hon- est man. He is about ftv vnnrn nf gun in on Dy tne \I'0VOI'l1II`l8!1$; `H135 ll, Elle 381- ayers .thronghout the Province are ch ed or the support of I purely local forge. ontrenl, in addition to maintaining an ecient body of police, is compelled to beer 3 large portion of the cost of 3 similar force in Quebec, which ought to pay for its ow_n protection. ' is one of the ueetions which must be brought up before the iocul Legislnture at its next meet- ing. The member: of the Provincial Pm-lia. ment woulddo well to mA_ke I note of this. It in one of the way: by which the money goeg, When all the accounts are settled, how much will remnin at the of the Quebec Gov. e;-nniedxx for 1 rovn..'u\l purpoeet ?-Montreal 91' of $1,000 to deposit in the doing left for parts unknown. His departure was first revealed after three o clock, when a clerk from the bank entered Mr Cox : oice with 3 protested note. Tele- mama immedintelv sent in All rlinantinna IDOIIIE 51x momma, and eonudared non- man. He is about fty can of e, ' Englishman, and has a. unify. .8 is an Atnnnn 1-nan 1-n-AG!-n1-{In I-.4 .u.`l'I...I 4. LL. .....5..a.uu-u, nun nus a uaunuy. Attention may rotably be called to the fact that only one; of the expense of the Dolice force in the citv of Quebec is horns hv ,.-...... -- urunu in excellent condition, returned, entire putty gave theln8elVeg up to unbounded enjoyment. Mr -R. M. Hor- eey, with that prudent forethought for which heiediltinzuinhed. tnnlr ...... ..g ._4.: - not was omy one-mu: or the of the police city Quebec is borne by the rate-payers there. The remainder is paid by the Government; that is, the ta.x- throughout charged or the .nu wnme cotton sums. ` Mr A. B. Scott, 2. land at "Bramp- on, chargizd paving cents ner dav DOMINION (SF CANADA. N-fs_vv YORK MARKETS. -rm: ;.;-u.... -4. \/\./A5 4-.41- ( Per Montreal Lint. ) ItA__L__...I cu. ..... ... . , Montreal, Aug. 31. '1'. {V7121 Ul`l1V 1V1 u Una, barrister-at-Jgaw, nas re- moved his nice to Clarence Street, be- tween King and \Vcllingtnn Streets. Kilngstoll, 3lst Alqgunt, lS7|. 6Ii}~:A? 'r}i|:'z3*:TTTi`1ir}ir-. kiidiiin ` |.1 2:, 0 0 K 0 R E S` Best Farming all :-`cl.-1'V`Iui|1eral1Lanls in America. run - t00k ( portnble ltoio and boilor, ' l_:o ladies in hot water all ngti.l..o:..- ML . Three Million Acres of Choice Farming and Grazing Lands on the line of the road, in the ... - -. - . . .. 4-. L_;, n uuu, Au mu. State of Nebraska, in the cream- Platte Valley, Now FOR SALE, for cash or long credit. These lands are in :1 mild and healthy cli- 4 mate, and for grain-growing and stock-raising, unsurpassed by any in the United States. Prices range from $2 to $10 per Acre. HOMESTEADS FOR ACT{IAL SETTLERS Two million ve hlmdrod thousand `among (.5 Hnuny-unru-nf. I and In-f.uuIRn nauuuuw vl wuv -nvnuvuuvuu Illnvv on declaring their intention to become citi- zens of the United States, and may avail temselvcs of this provision IMMEDIATELY AFTER THEIR A'RRTV.\T., AI"I'lH. 'I'.H El Ii AKIN V1\Iu Send for the new edition of descriptive pamphlet, with new maps, mailed free every- where. Address I). F. DAVIS, Land Commissioner U. 1 . 11. R. (30,, OMAHA, Nan. IOHN MUDIE, Barrister-at-L:1.w, has re- -...-..m.l I.:. .\m.... a... 1'1! ..... m Qounn I-m. Sale of Superior Milch Cows. HE undersigned will nITL~r for sale by Pub- T lie Auction at his residence, Lot No. 14, in the Second Uoncesainnof Luughborough, fonnerly, now Ston-ingtuu, 1311` the In Iuur. ur -1 UNION V|;AC|FlC' RA;-LROAD. -----wuu. we twinge were well pstronisod, lld thd prizes for nee: eagerly competed. for by the hop and girls. The refreshments hnd Ilnple justice done to them, md every one ep- peered determined to make themselves and and no they did. Onthe way homewnrd the choir nag several well known hymns, .-ending en the wharf wu reached with the Nations] Allnm. Before Iepenting, cheer-I were given for the Queen, the Rev. Mr Mulock, the I501. &c., n. The chnrchwau-dens, Menr, J. G. Stretton and R. W. Bu-her, were inde. fetigsble in their eorta to nuke everything go 03' pleeeently, and they succeeded admirably. none over eight years old, all giving milk, and, if required. .1 written gu.'u'. ntce that all are with calf, and perfect in ex" ry respect. 'I`......... ,J' u..1,. {l............7.. ,...,..1:L I... L`... J L vvlvnn wuaal uuu 1;... nvvv ... V. .J .\....l;v.,u. Terms of .\`:LIcA0x_1cyear s credit by furnish- ing a.ppruvcd Endorsed Note with interest. TA\I14`d l\AI\' ` ` u-5 a.l.;1uuvu.,u l.4l|v JAMES DA LY. [W0 IIIIIIIDII IIVC llllIIIlI'l'-II tllllllllllll Acres of (iovcrmucnt La.ml bctwgen Omaha and North Platte, open for entry as HOMlLSTEAI)S ox LY. ` [Persons of Foreign Birth are entitled to the ` -__..A!A -1-11.- ll,___,_A__.I I ___. What will they say at /} Home SUGAR CURED HAMS 1,000 barrels Cream of the West Flour 11 A4`\lP!./Ill\4\l. nu- A'IEMORRISON S. 100 barrels oatmcal (Kiln-dried) 500 Bags Kiln-dried Corn Meal- 200 barrels lleavy Mess Pork AT MORRISON S. on an pnxnuemol the Fonythxpropex-ty, situ- ntcdu lothotween Brock, Chronoo All Wnlilll 5&0`! `mi Wmi TM Sale of Real Estate BY AUCTION 0n TUESDAY, SEPTERIBER 5th. Toronto Flour Store, August `.18. ,,__ r_.,r-. .4 V" an; uucvu, The Kingsto Soap and Candle Factory ~ as previously advertised by private sale. Sale at 2 o clock P.M. Terms will be made known at time of salq. VVM. MURRAY, Auctioneer. R. HENDRY. Auenf. [New FALL Goonsl Great inducements offered to cash and buyers. I At Macnee 8: Wadde1l s, Benet of lac i.l.<)mestez1-twlul-.;\v"' Kingstoh, Aug. 26, 1371. "'.v_ "nu ma; prudent forothom 1 " took over I norhhnma. ....l L-::-_ , - Fist Day of Sept1nhr Next. W M. M U REA Y , HENDRY, Agent. Kingston, Auglist `29, 1871. At the hour of 11 o c}ock A.M., .._ ---- ..- ,.n....~ ; ECEIVING AND OPENING OUT `daily, |;' large deliveries of )N E CASE ROUIL or HARRIS LON S JOSEPHINE `iii/f5r1_L7 MORRISON S Macnee & Waddell, ......., ....u urey\VVADDING. Manee 85 Waddell, Princess Street. hm. 1'1. fILL BE SOLD on the premises, that well known property on Earl Street, I7--__,,,;, 1-. Tu Cu-um or 1:: Roe] undenigned. who, with many at" ville. enjoyed the excnnion to L up by the B. and 0. Artillery .51-_h:..; .,, -- - SEAMLESS KID GLOVES, FIRST ci1o1cE, ` BALES WHITE COTTON ' - ---...yu uu (10 do COTTON BAGS. do COTTON BATTS. do White `and G1-ey\VVADDING. n"lL`t|-In 45.. 5.. 91-9 - JUST R[ECEI VED, % 11, 40 MILCII oowkvs, 5` Inspection invited. -Expected daily A"l`l'IA ..?:-'r '3.-v --*-,,.,,,=~_,.,--- wanna. an 11' 1.,` - _ dcdullnmwo 1ou..:;t Ru... m.::I.I.. To please my wife. To arrive monthly ` A '1` XII)`: Princess Street. Princess Street. WILLIAM MURRAY, Atlutioxneer. All Colours, a 46 Princess - Street. ...v......._, AT MORRISON S. AT. MORRISON S. V 411113. and Richard Adams wnihodtwo dol- larllndooltnfotnlimihrocnoo. _._ 0N(_U I-rue on 0 uudrrl `|Dlllt`t`Il"0II.l. ` .M. MORRISON. ' YARN. Ice Cream at Dumble`s. `HWANCY FRENCH BON BONS, L. . FRENCH CRYSTALLIZED FRUITS. FRENCII CH()UOLAT MENIER, LADIES CREAM DROPS and CANDIES of every description of our own manufacture. nnurrnv .....1 nunm Ul. CV01 uvnun nlnuuu un uuu uvv u. :.unnuuu;uuA1;. PASTRY and CAKES. CAKES Almuml-iced and Ornamented in a. superior style. -nnrn nnnuw rznnvq xnzunu nan close null: nu nu av. HOT HOUSE GRAPES, PEARS AND` PEACHES. VALENCIA ORANGES and LEMONS. 1-`I_o Humbug ! _ iBANKRUPT Stock To Arrive on Thursday. The GREAT SALE COMMENCES ON Saturday Morning. ` \Ve guarantee BARGAINS, or no sale. 385 half chests (:1;-gen Teas, matted, ex Montana and W. B. Pal- n met from Sllangha 1176 half chests Unco n1-ed Japan and Green Teas. English order 196 packages Con on, Sonchong and Assam Teas o 225 bags La Guayra and IL India Cali`:-.1-. '57: [tags ma Iiuayra and I2.` 144 hhds E01-to llico Sugar 77 puncheons Molasses 716 pack esf hlfs., qrs.-, 6 : Nnvv nna Qninnn Ilnnnlz` Rv I &is"""I{fI.iE. : 6' 10's Na5 `a..?i.m. a.3I"& gm Tobaccoes 6 cases lilanilla Indigo 6 tasks Dutch llladder 50 hbls Blue Vin-iol 33 `-` Alum I60 Copperas 20 bales Cotton Bags 4000 llessian Grain do 900 11111-rels Coal oil 159 Western-Mess Po:-I; I450 Godcrich Salt Aug. 16. ' 00]] and Al'l a '"1`ic.`?`(`. an-:"'5'y 44`casks Palm 011 (to arrive) J Q Garruthi-s 00. I No. 82 Princess 81., [AS JUST PURCHASED a large amount of Goods at a ' Internationaljlloi-se Fair Hons: RAc_Es, BALLOON ASCENSION, &.C., DRY GOODS, At WA*`l`ERTO_VV1V`,l 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th September next, V Leaving Kingston at 5:45 mi. and 3 pam, making a sin connec- tion wilh the lroad. DURING the above nimed days the Stezuner WATERTOWN and the Rome, W.O. Railroad Co. will carry passengers from Kingston to Watertown and return " AT ONE FARE: . Besides the Horse Fair, at which the finest horses from all parts of the Union and Do- minion will be seen, there will be races each day and large purses (see rs), and a. Balloon Ascension from the Grounds on the 7th September. .., .,._.-uv vuuulxo _I`o be hail from THOMAS HANLEY, Ticket Agent, corner Brook and Ontario Streets, 01- ` - i G. M. KINGHORN, Foot of Brock Stireet. Kimzston. Auomt `ZR 1971 Henderson s Book Store.` NEW nooks and_inw mn'noNs; HE COMING RACE, or the New Utopis= T -a most remarkable work. ` BEETON S MODERN MEN AND WOMEN, or British Biography since Geo. III. BEETON S POCKET BIBLE DICTIONARY 1' `I'n'\rl!1' 1: 'I'.\t'\1' 1-vnu - _ -._..,..... u..u ; sun :31 1. LITTLE FOLKS-3 splendid book for chil dnen--full of pictures. TERRIBLE 'TEMP'1`ATIONg-third supply. EOTHEN, by A. W. Kinglake--new`ed.ition. _ _. , , ,, _.__, -......-... .......-- '10. exuoyod the cry Band on the beg-to express to Captain steamer Rochester, their sin- ean tlnoh {ortho kind and nail: which ho cgtu-Q1 LIFE LOUIS NAPOLEON. .uvvv uv-.uouI(all.lI.70 . ` THE BRITISI} ALIERICAN-pnblishod in ieontreal; 8323 year, or 25 ggntrper num- = r. ` All the School Books in use, Stntionery, Blank Boqks and Paper of every description. the city. `7 'rt\1`-Inn - Cwv1mvc\-uunnu A-.l BANKRUPT SALE" 28th A8"' root of Kingston, August 28, 1871. /1113 D151 vol. 3. "F01: S./1_L 13. THE PROPRIETOR OF THE McDONELL SJOLD STAND, 82 Princess Street, Kingston. $1.50 each. nu---.-.--.... v__.,,, IN IWOINTREAIJ, ' NGW Haxazine. wcn-I A 1:15.... . -- bio Humbug !~ New/TI'us:c.` GREAT Great Clearing m_L edoos rurnasnn Tobe: nunsnw w~-~ --~ -------_, ._-_ . 27th, andH;eigh\ty'new cages dggt_hs>on the 28th instant, , .,9America.n bom1-forger, hasbeefb ` V. for triitl at the next assizeg, `T _ y, several persong prighed in (zoods, gm] Frenh MM ` < ` ' - _. ... dive re occurred in 1);-my ` -I-Weeu, M50 Uhegp Cu-nets undm (`....+ .13.. 1-in Gazette states that Garibaldi L._...1 5.-am his n.tt:Ik:k of and uarpe under Uogt-P -' ` Coat, also the balance oefe sea." Particular attention .1... uoau, ausotne bala.I1'coofiiu"~ attelgtion. ` Stock of LinanGooda.nd I . Oil Cloths at 65 can . *9 Per 3 -~ Kid Gloves In choice colauu 5. Unusual value in French Prints at 3;. Felt Garpeting 3a,pcr J 01% in Large quanties at ' ." . I)_0aJel`8- .011? ,_,-..... vi! [1301 Montreal ucaaers. ,Uur ' ` Ij Linens are first rate v'e_ should lamelv n'at.m...'.. .. mnens are nut rate vdub 7. large] rendered n ra'|un'L1nn at y Iiatroniu `aw f`." .Y.1! ucrea neoes u, :Eui1ding of t ` ers, Messrs Macnee &Wgdj \Ve notify all indehbedg that we expect 3 mm Accounts just T0 C'ORRESPONDE`.\' TS. ,- __--_. _--- ....... -.,..,6..._ _ ~- reairms its announcement of V August, the correctness of which _ impugned in some qimrters, as`fol- New York city loan izot quo- oiciall list ; the oldest Board of hunts persists in the resolve not quotation. ` . ' Aug. 30.-VVeathe} fair and - +1: nrnnn, n BENMI Auctioneenlp] N111 BAMUJ smpson, ll :-_Q'II' 71933.7 I SPEC/IAL [British] WH I l'E sE1LLEs, _ . BLACK Ann? DINFS, .;: FANCY _I ` MUSLINS. .'DU. &c., J Gmymhw s Aug. 30.--The 9071?. loan in $50,000,000, allowance. ' T -~- - -u--any-.r 3-g-a-.a------a _ `T `- 3. 6 has made its appcg.ra.nce at 3 `-` ' ` everal cases a.re':repo17tev3? |`ODS FURTHER ; ! wzlgm disease have occurred *, ,__`: during the past week. Cholera ; STOCK "1-gvhgesnt Konigsberg. :The1-e `cared (but if ' ' hundred cases and twentyenine , lst Janna;-,_< ~ 1 the and eighjzy new - .u,- ,... 61-.n 99?}: {nntant my gcus. m.L ooN'nx_UIs A ! i FOR 0.! THE rope in reply expressed a hope that " ` (1 yet live `to see the.Papa.cy mentored `jliformer glory. He said, .I canno V _ -. day of our deliverance, but tht `M- remote when we shall issue to- ~ our prison." * V ' * Aug. 30._--At a public meeta'n ni-nu +n_.-I... .. -..-..`l..A:.... -'............ , .....a. V... -.... ...-1:--- gun; I. b6dy_paid their homage_to the ' dience, surrounded by all the pro-` dignitaries of his household. V .......A.._ -3 L1... t'1..-...`I.. __._g_ 2,` r. The Pope receiyed them in aid on his knees assured th Holy Ag; {Inn lnvnntv nn l`:I'n:\+1'l\I|~:\` LI... `-u. V n... nuvvu --u.u.vu uuw nus] the loyalty and devbtion` of the pj ooers, declgringmt the to sacrice their lives in th .L. LL- 1'3`..- _. ` Aug, 30.--The Pravincial C'0r_r'a9-i nay; :-gNo formal treaty has been ' between Germany anq Austria, h_h.ve come to 9. good understand: ' maintenance of `Vienna Presse says :'---T1Le enteutc with Germany existLa.nd' extends to Russia as far as is `consistent rehtions of Germany with \ I x` s 30.---Freah ciistmfmiios 1118- 0. \ ` ,, , _between- the people and the at Strasbourg, in which mgpopulacg and military `were ounded. 1. made appea.ra.nce gt. Eu nun uuuuvun nuu nun uruugula I0 the Presidintk putting `on to a ca.Fle inquiry from the N-elw Press the Wa1' Telegra- n-.. _....n:...... u. .__...._.___._L _ uuuvvv DUI-uvn um... \....--...- Illrul - - from his attack illness, and ` V is alone necessary for the com- gmtion of his healih. . ` 30.--The Prussian Cross Gaz- Cp thatjhe Bonmanizgn Government submit to the Legislature a bin ying the creditprs for whose clziims` . ,_....an+_ in lisfhle. - pg. opposed'1;ho_ assumption of con- "powern, and declnrvedfhat he would ....-.. - _-__-L1_-_ ;_._,, - v u ya u Lvyuvuv LLIJIIL In.I.lU lltxllt rt Ry. He was obliged to magm- } an abrupt close from sheet phyai-N nation. The uproar in the Ohm. .5 deafening, and several porsonel F8 ocurred between the.Doputied. / jillt part of the preamble airming` btuent powers of the Assembly was. ' to a vote, and was adopted by .433 nays. The debate will be com morrow. " A i.l1es,'Aug. 30.-The Assembly podiecusa that part of the preamble name which declares the Qof oonetitnentpowera. An`e'xtn- i and tumult _[.'Be:-gel-on wu speaking, M. Tests fted, You linked the Emperor : A violent scene followed which Var ten minutes _and Twas brought to In nu. 1)...-_...:.1i;..J- ....u.'.... '__ 1.:_ nAlVL.|UW- ,_ of the Left in the Asaqmbly -will 9 ` ` W Auguit 31.--The armour phfed `of war Beptilse has been ashore , but has been goiroff. . The 31.-It`ia reported that the ` tained by the vessel is yet Iii-I _.., ._.... _..-..-new can-u nu uvuuu I1;1:;v'en a. republic fromhe pi-elnt Iv. II- ........ ..1..1:......:| 4... 1....z-_ :.:_- Svxnu Scnoolf Pic-ruc.--The c of St. ' Paul`: Church Snndny on Wednesday, and wu well ly three hundred going of by at lo'clock. uni on..- `n"l|-' ____ In 3 recent. speoch`_ the folluwiug express prov incial governing ing the`"acc_ou'nt of th reduced from twenty- This in mgu-led an I government has Q ' puuitiuu mud follow t ing that the election 1 '3' minority. _ -rz --3- ""'- `-"' " t""`' Eulpton to-day a. resolution approve pf_sa1e'ction of Alderman Gurney as- undrthe Treaty of ton was adopted. It is said that by has received English claim : to mi: of 1,400 againsi; he_ United . , tenet _ot me people or re:-sza. wr of that countl-y` has been . .. .: 41... . ...........:u..... am ..,.1:..:; _.&ug. 3l.-The Papal Guards - `L.'..l_ ....,l LL..:_ `I___.._..- L- A` . _ 13; ; 301m Bright is c_ontem'- people of the Pottery region: relief _of the people of Pei-sis. ` iniml-.-.. .. -L'l...L ..,.....L_'.` I.-- 1..--.. ` have been opened ii1.Eng-fv- ', ---so loin!-I lllulsulyal HUGO VI JIIIV i in the County of W91-eelster have Iu`nimion.of members to tvhe Uni`-_ to report uon the ` ma.na.gement~ hnlnnn Run ' ' ` and acpount. Bonds of EU. lold, 93; o'_z,-92, Ten-fortis, in and steerinstituee of the tbwn Us and the prfncipal sat of the ` ii $1.- n...._;... ,.c nJ._._--_;-__ 1___- . vn uou-v vuu-nun. Aux vuula` of4h committee to solicit 3 countrymen. ' `h->4, ` _ rnals 1:o-(_lsy'conta.in nhirp aria _ on the navy andjtq administga. , __......... 5-nu; uu uy lo'clock, and others follow- day. The weather looked very in thq. _I`no:-ning, but tow nn, nu! ck- 1..u:,_ . - EGIAL Aub COMMERCIAL pl]: nmss nnsI!A'rqn1s_ "I '-Ellis!!!` 6!, I Ifl 8.Ill.:U0|5F0ll had. .9; to sad. 0rleans9 tp sad, I30. in; red weihrn ppring. Com -An ` 31; 11:36 a.m.-Cottdn {an 933, ()1-leans! in ld, :'Tl`;leg`ra:Ins. CABLE. -vvv VI IIDIIUI` III B I|lI-ll-'5 l>by 0 cTdect_'in 1 . vvuuuuu uvury ISEICK Ellt W1 Upper Cmadim Reformers. -, - '-'- v-vu -nu uluuueu. 3 ' With wliich he kept `"99! day, much to their . 1110 swing: patronigcd ' In run: nu.-I- ................1 :-_ ,,_ -.- rvnnulval DOIJTIG UL F Znoomhht qvery stuck that 1 Hum. I`----'3-- ' van to ve or seven. " | I Idmiuion that the jority, though the op- r the Globe in maintain- : oft Mr Macdonnld in o e that at length there ingston possessing 3 a committee of the J favourably, and referred the report ' formation to be pro- Olna (4 S- I....._._ `--A _ 1' Blake made use nf n in rcfqgem-e to u- of Untario : - Tak~~,` govermneut in that` L nt majority has liccn ......-. 5.. C ............. .. r tion times nmhng the anoos which used to di' n from the lower province of declamation WIS the --_..-_.--v.- -v .,.. r-.. ting, it in known that Aldermen are fnour bt direct` the purchase Rocxixs-izn.-The` , other: of Brock. nvnn-54. 6.. I7.'___L-_ --A .-nu. Inslv --asqva. us uul;llIlusl.lU|l Ill lull` -(`act that Western Canada had to pay :1 share out of the _neral taxation 1 for the Quebec police, wh' every municipality in the western province had to payfor its 130- lice force by local taxation. This5com- plaint had almost become forgotten, being no longer of party service in the warfare of politics, and is a matter to which the people of Ontario are almost entirely indifferent, since it .no longer affects their direct in- terests. That trouble along with many others of similar nature has been extin- -guished by the welcome change of Con- federation. We nd, however, that in Mon- treal attention is being recalled to the fact of the encroechments of the city of Quebec, and a demand set up that as Montreal P!!! for her own police so should the city of Quebec. The Herald iniistrthat `his is 015 0` the questions which must be h rought up before t e local legislature at its next mti8 - it may be that the new House, B /30 (1 equal justice, will sweep the " '`1) I The question can no longer be affected y the old political esprit dc pays lllod mnnhigf, gun... -aa- -1. u__4 _., TIwnnAv. - Befou Mr wintu-nb. II7:1I:___ an n stables in `rear of the dwelling house. which fronts on Fellington street, anal the tire was lint discovered in mm of the hay lofts by a lad, who saw anu-keissuing from the win. laws. The whole of the hay was bnrneil, and the roof and all the \\ uu(l wbrk of the etalvles was cnmmmeul or romlvruxl wnrtllleas, but by the c\vrti0ns uf the lin-nu-n the spn-all of the tin> to the dwelling house was prevented. A row uf lmplar trees intervening between the building temlcul greatly to break the exten- siun in that clircctiun. The dwell_ing house is 0CL`.ll1|lI.`\lliy .\lr Spanner. who had niwl the stalrlos tu Mr Wilson, livery stable keeper. whose lmy was clvstroyml. The corner occu- pied by the stables is a. f:Lvni11'itc resort: nf the ` .~t.r-`ct lll'l`llllls`, and it is suppusml that the tire was cmlmnniiralml lo tlu-lmy from the pipe of nan \\- .1--nu; juvenile xuuulicr. 1`.-sT 0|-`I-`ICR RliQl'l-`..\l`. -Whcther the same thingrhappens here as at Boston, we are not aware. but not impossibi y some of the losses of letters complained of may be due to the same cause. The Postmaster at_ Boston re- quests business men not to throw down their envelopes on theaior at the Post Oice, as pruwlers pick them up, ascertain the number I 5|... |\4\Ir1\ rs: |.....Z....-- a:....... .....1 1. Ida ylvvucnn pupa uncut up, IIEI/Cl mun uuu Iluluvvn of the boxes of business rms, and by this means obtain letters. One man was lately ar- rested who haul called for aixtecn hox-cs, giv- ing correctly the number of tle lmxes and of the rms. Another suggestion; made is that all business addresses should be printed on the envelopes, as hy this means 14: `ters misdirect- yed or which hzivc not been properly staunped can be returned at once to the senders without being sent to the dead letter otlico. These suggestions are of general interest, and do nut specially apply to any one ollice. _ Tun K.~mm1s TEMl`L.\R. ~~ The `Knights Templar of \\'M.ertown visited Kingston on Wednesday evening at the termination of their 1--.`- ...........:.... on 41... 'l`hnna-nuI Inndl, and \\'ed.lleStl:ly cV'Il.llIIg In use uenuuiisuuu Us num- day`: excursion tothe Thousand Islands, and the members of the maternity paraded the streets of the city dressed in the handsome re- gslia of their order. They were accompanied by a tine band known" as Davis's Sewing Machine Company Brass Band," and its ex- cellent music was the subject of very general commendation. 'I:hc procession marched through the city headed by Sir Knight R. Town, of the Kingston Eneamplnent, and Sir - Knight General .l. 0. Armstrong, of thetlvo`-ls: ` tertown Encampment. mad the hospitality of the city was extended to the visitors by the Masonic fratemity of the city. After the procession the visitors partnok of refreshments at the establishment of `Mr ll. ToW_`n, Market Square, and the British American Hotel, while s. number of them were entertained by (`olonel Hance, United States Consul, during which the br:Lss band visited and serenaded them. The spectacle presented by the procession was very pretty, and was the subject of agooddeal of public attention, large numbers turning out to inspect it, and for a short time the streets assumed a lively appearaxice. A very pleasant and jolly time was spent by all concerned, and the party ultimately separated` with mutual good wishes. The Picton conveyed the visi- tors back to Cape Vincent. where a. special train was engaged to convey them to \Va.ter- town. \Ve append a list of the oicers of both encampments :- ......._..mAuy.. ...-u-..-........... .. ._ _.,.D 11 u...-,n ...nau.u~.:-n n. n. nu. :1 Sir Knight T. C. Chit_tem1cn, E.C. . J. G. Armstrong, General. J. A. Sawyer, Past E.C. June: A. Millnr, J. VV. J. A. Palmer, -` J. W. Corry, G"d' u u H The Sir Knights were met at Cape Vine t V by the Sir Knights of the Hugh de Pa.yen s Encampment, viz. :-' Vm. E. Sir Knight H. E. Swales, E.C. \V. B. Simpson, Past E.C. R. Town, lst Capt. J. Greeneld, Capt. Lines. J. C. Chamberln.iu.Herald_ at (6 (I Snuocs Gus Accms'.~u'.-On Wednesday morning a lad sixteen years of age, the son of Mr James Bryant, residing about nine miles from Kingston, in the township of Pittsburgh, was the subject of a. very serious accident, caused by the explosion of a shot gun. , He was out shooting at the time of the occurrence, and very carelessly placed} the muzzle end of the gun beneath his arm, while he tested his weight upon it after the manner of a crutch. By some unknown means it exploded, the (charge entering the upper third of the arm, and coming out at the top of the shoulder, shattering the bone in fragments. Dr. H. Yates, assisted by. Staff Stirgeon Jameson and Drs. Wafer and Saunders, performed the operation of resection-a removal of the frag- ments and head of the bone-"gtead of ampu- tation, and hopes are entertained that the lad s life will not only be sived, but that a useful arm will be the result. Tm: Coiwi-:a.'r.--The concert at Victoria Hull on Wednesday evening was not well at. jended, the hall being only about one-fourth lled. In 1 musical poi.r_nt, however, it gave satixfactioxito those who were proaent. jg We are gladxo no 6 in some prospect of noun i-e-engine. Council has repo though the Council hack for additional ' tented At. its next in the majority f th 4 [Arranged by W. 11. lndmarah 4. Scho1;tisch-May Flower ............. .. 5. On th Beach at Long Branch ...... ..Graful1a God Save the Queen. A boy named Dan Lfahoney, of Kingston, was killed on board the Atmosphere on Lgke Michigan, by a boom falling on him. CITY COUNCIL.` A lpocinl Ineoting of the City Council was held onvvwedneadny evening in the Council Chamber. His Woi-ship the Mayor and the following members were present :-Aldei-men Allen, Brophy. Chown, Cunningham, Dren- nnn, Gibson, Gildenleeve, Kinghorn, Living- ston, Price,`R.ichu-daon, T; Robinson, W. Robinson, Rom-k, Shsw, Sullivan and Tomp- kin: vv-.-u nlunl Juan. A oommnnicationffrom the County Clerk, ptsting that 3 committee, consilting of Messrs DIY. JOYIIGI. Mcaflth. Bovoe_' Clvda And Crnr~B1mn.-The following is the pro- gramme fox--Friday' evening, at the park, of Mr W. H. Him1ma.rsh s brass band, com- vI1a\v|n=I|tu 9.6 '7.`)l\ . ...v.u....6 any gun: I. March-Delta kappa 2. Qus.drille-L`anadian .......... .` 2. Maul-ka-Marie Au12oinette.. ` [Ax-v-o-.un.l `luv \\7 `L1 ltst|ng' that 5f Mean-'3 D: , Joyner, McGnth, Boyoe,'Clyde and Vin. ha! been Innointed bv the County us aoyner, mcuntn, Boyce, Clyde and Cefvin, Appointed by the County Council to confer with the city And nettle, if pouible, the County hwlnite, wu referred to the following committee :-The Mnyor, Alder- man Price, Gildenleeve, Cunningham, Dren- nen and Brophy to report. A eomninnication from G. Pieeti, calling the etten ' of the Council `to the condition of the ' rented by him from` the Council, and the necessity of making it_ wster tight, w_u referred to the committee on city property with power to net. mencing ` I `ll.._..L WlIfIIlUl'l'0(l`I0thI1 withpowortonct. IIURSDA Y EVE .VI.\'G, A UG UST SI. - E13118 AUWOIHEEUQ . . . . . . . . . . . [Arranged by \V. H. Hindmarah l1-Mav Flower , J. ureennela, Uapt. 1.11183. Clmmberln.iu,Hera1d. ..Kutzer J `A nnnnluna. Two petitions for remission of 1 portio_u of tavern license were referred to the commxttee on licenses. I`I.- ... -6 1|L....l_- llnllllau. ..-......`.n 011 LICGIIBCB. The pgtition of Chm-lea McMillan, praying for_ a remission df 3 part of the year's auction license, was grzultecl. ~ A uetitiun from Andrew Dunlm) and others IICUHSC, VVIIH gt!`-IIVQII. A petition from Andrew Dunlop and others fur :\ plxmk walk on Rideau street in place of that dxunaged by fire, was referred to the mgambers of the ward. urn vn|-.V- Aldernnn Cunningham brought up the re` port of the Court of Revision. llrtho matter of the nattinn nf Rnhm-tnnn POPE OI I116 \.0lll'U 01 IVGVISIOII. lntho matter of the petition of Robertson Brothers, praying that their taxes might not he increzuned for ten years, the committee re- commended that their taxes for the next ve years remain the same as in 1870, viz.', $82.50 aumunlly, and with respect to the petition of C. 11`. (iihlersleove, that the taxes upon In! premises in King street rennin the same as before. the committee advised that it should u-.un-.5 |.- ........\ .. in IR .'lI vi-p Q07 ll uu. U('IUl'(', Elle COHIHIIEDCI3 auVleU. Elli? ID IIIUUIII remain the same as in 1870, viz., $27.50 an- nually for the next five years. The report was aulopted. , 'l'wn rnnnrts of the nance committee. re- 'l wo |:cp0rts nance ;'ommittec, commending tho payment of certain accounts were handed in by Alderman W. Robinson and adopted. Alderman Bronhv In-nuuht nu the rennrt of In "ante-Confede list of politiatl grio a video Upper Canada f and farm the Iubj 0...; n... \l!_.;.._.. and auopceu. Alderman Brophy brought up the report of the committee on city property. The report was devoted to the subiect of Tall CUlLlIIllIalrC U Clty propert report subject the repairs to the City Buildings and advised an amount of repairs to the value, by the ca- t,i1n:xt,c of the architect, of $665. The report was adopted. Aida-.ru|an (lawn In-nnnht un l-Jan rnnnrf. nf W3-H WIOPWCU. Alderman Chown brought up the report of the cunnnitteu on tire, water and gas. It stated that the committee had inspected the re department, that Nos. 1 and 3 engine, and, hook and ladder companies had turned out for impaction, N o. 3 engine company in full force and No. I not so numerous. 'l`lm .-mmnaH.m .-.................I.. um v\nnn`1nno .45 Iorce am: A o. 1 not numerous." The cmmmttee recommends the purchase df one of Shaml and ML-3on s steam re engines, considcrimz it the heat adzmtml tn the wants one 01 onanu anu l\l&0n'8 steam nrc engmcs, considering best adapted to the wants of the city. The conmuittee also recommends the purchase of _ a quantity of suitable hose from Messrs Shaxfd & Mason. If urna uunnul luv AI.I.........-. `U I- I\`u:II(It\U\ {rum DIOSSTS blllld & B18801}. It was moved by Alderman VV. Robinson, seconded by Alderman Drennnn, and carried, Tlmt the report be received, and tluit the commi_ttee be instructed to get all the infor- mation upon the subject of steam re engines it can. and revert to the Cnuncil at its next aw um, Au meeting. Alderman Price moved, seconded by Alder- man W . Robinson, and carried, that his "or- ship the Mayor he a director of the Kingston and Pembroke Rnilway, torepresent the inter- ests of the City of Kingston in the Board of Directors during his present term of office. The following resolution win: resul but not ulrecwrs uunng ms present term or omce. following resolution was real but not put, owing to the adjournment of the Council, which took place just then. The motion was from Alalernmn Price, seconded by Alderman (`hnwn, and was to the effect that Aldermen Uihlerslecvc. Cunningham and the mover he a onnunittec tn nrmizum a us-tiI.i.m nrnvimr Hu- \uu1craIt:L:\u, Lrulllllllgllillll uuu D118 mover De 3 committee to prepare a. petition, praying the legislature of Outaxjio to re-unite the city re- gistry ottice with the county registry ntiice. It was nenrlv eleven o'clock wimn Hu- -=;lsu`y mnce wlm tnc county registry ntnce. nearly eleven L-`clock when the L`ou'm-Il' adjourned. ..-- A .4; ; Jvxruj. ;A:x 141.1` ;1..\. Halifax Aug. 31.-The race is postponed till ve p. m. The water is too 1-uugh. \ Halifax, August 3l.--The six crews start- ed. and the race continued to be splendidly contested up to the stake boat at the turning post. The Taylor-\Vinship crew won by three lengths, followed successively by the` PJ:ior crew next, the Coulter-Biglin third. FROM MONTREAL. Montreal, Aug. 31.--Th_e Court of Quar- ter Sessions opens to-morrow with twelve cases on the calendar. Three cases of mur- der will be tried before the Queen's Bench next term. uugu Irv: In. A daring robberywas committed behind the Mountain. A young lady was robbed of her gold watch and chain. The robber was caught and now awaits trial. .u.u... .. _.. - -unuu um uau. It is reported that the ship -Glenallan, which grounded on Cariboo Point some time ago, will not be got off. A A-(ALA; b..-.... 8...... (`\_A..___'_ 7: ,,- -. v......- .....`. ..... --_.- ..,,-, .._.. ....- .. 5.... `III. A cricket team from Ontario will visit this city next week and play 3. representa_ tive team of this Province. DAILY NEWS-THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST -- .. ..v-... V. nu`: ;. nvvulwvc 'September 13 and 14 have been xed upon as day: for the regatta at Longueuil._ The weather is quite cool. FROM HALIFAX. Halifax, N.S., Aug. 30.-Little reliance can be placed on weather indications in this quar,-' ter. Last night was a most beautiful one, and it seemed that the great race must be favoured by fine weather, but this morning the city and vicinity was enveloped in a dense fog with oc- casional misty rain. Dense throngs of people gathered on the stands, wharves, and banks along the harbour, waiting impatiently for the fog to rise and the race to start, as it was ap- parent that the race could not take place for an hour or two, if at all. Your con-es ndent accepted thejnvitation of the Ya.chtU ub com- mittee to accom any them in a steamer on a visit to inspect t e stake boats, and thus had a good opportunity to inspect the course be- fore the race. The startimr nm'n+. in mmmca... inom _IELll-`AX. The Great Boat Race. good opportunity to inspect the The startinggint is opposite the Yacht Club house, near 0 narrow at the north end of the harbour; the course runs to- wards the eastern side of the harbour, down three nailtical miles to the stake boats anchor- ed opposite Fort Clarence in the eastern pas- sage, rounding the stake boats and returning. Although the Paris crew have ignominiousl backed down it was thought best to mark the course for the even boats, if that crew should take a. notion, as it was rumoured they would return, though nobody attached any impor- tauce to the rumour. Seven starting boats were anchored opposite the Yacht Club house 36 fathoms apart, and each one marked by a number painted large and black on white cloth stretched on a frame; and in the eastern pas- sage the seven stake boats were placed in the same manner each one s sition being test- ed by mathematicians an provedto beexactly three nautical miles from its corresponding starting boat. These arrangements were most complete and satisfactory. . The CWO cl:6W8. the Avnnv-ix-an onu- murmur. } As was anticipated the weather continued ` unfavourable, :.nd at ve o'clock, when the race was appointed to come o', rain 17:: fall- ing md the race was mad until tomorrow morning at ten o cloc the single :cul1 race to follow In the nfternoon. _ It having been rumoured to-dny tlnt one of the American crew: hnd expreued up rovnl of the St. John : crew`: action, nearly the St. John men here, numbering some hundreds, placed the American colon:-:-red. white .n.nd' D1ue-on their breasts. _ Mysterious hints of some foul play or unfair treatmnn townrda the St. John cmw haw cum piece anu sansmcwry. English crews, the American crew and the Burton crew launched their boats be- tween nine and ten o'clock, and rowed out, prepared to start if the umpires should decide that the race should take place. The . Pryor crew and the`Roche crew having their heed- quurters close by the starting point, did not launch their boats, but went to the Yacht Club-house to hear the umpires decision. About 11 o'clock. the fog being still 3...... umn-noune to near me umpu-es decision. o'clock, fog being still dense arid _the water becoming a little rough, um- pires resolved to postpone the race until ve o'clock this evening. The weather is still unfavourable, And it is doubtful if the race can take place before to- `IIJOITOW. _ V _.ouu.:ou wne American cc 31ue-on their breasts. Mwnfnnnn hint. at -. SPECIAL TvELE Rims. /1),... `l.\..A.. _.I I 1 upon the 81101605 0! 8593111 nre engmes , report to the Council at its next 12. '1 I21 Allllllllllllv Lllllll LATEST FROM HALIFAX. 1:: ,, g