Box 81 D. } I l . Booth to ll lnvcu ()1 13}. TU`, UHL" ()1 ill!" U\\I1l.'lb', C-kl1lL`Ll :11 Ihe Re('()r(1e-r's 0(I'me in .\I:1_\', 1021. gzxnd was inI`n1'n`:er1 that the amend- jll`-C-1115 0x!Q11(1r3(I the lime to 11:1) , H9223. I-In 1'ecei\'ed cunfirnmtinn `frrnn the Roc<)1'der s (mice and was x 1 l a K 1 I I told the work 1`er1ui1'ed on :1ssess-- menf. The work was done, -but not 1'eco1'ded, it zrppeu1'.<. Then came the Porcupine `Mr. Owens and re- stuked the prospects last May and later sold them. The swit for re- covery followed. Xmas Candy IN ABUNDANCE I Fancy Gift Boxes lled with high- est grade Chocolates. Same quality whether you buy the most moderate or most elznbomte. Any box opened for your inspection. Come in and talk it over. SANTA .(`h;\IIS, in Chocolate 01' Cloth from . . . . . . . ...15c to $1.00 '(`HRIS'7l`.\l;\S S',[`O(`KIN(1`-. . 100 up variety too numerous to 1l1Il'tJiOI1 here. Prices reasonable. We would like to say'thaL all our Xmas Candies are inzrde fi'.)111 our regular I`0I~muIzLs (not made cheap to sell cheap) and redlictions in prices mean zx genuine sa\1i11g to you- Look them over. `Xmas Taffies, Mixtures Nuts eic.,'in I I ED. BRYSON S liLVV)'l-.`I'. T. E. Godson. Mining Com:nm's- sionex`, acting as Referee, reserved judgment. And Mr. Owens, of Bar- rie, has just. received word that the Com-nrissionex` has decided it shall [be necessary to take the evidence (:_ Harry Owens of South Po1'c11'pine be- fore he c:1_n 'g`i\'e :1 decision in t.he matter. The heuriny: for Owens e\'idt.>I1Co pmrl):1.b1y will be taken ez1.rl_v in .Innu;u;\'. The three (-Inims in dispute are in Mr:-1"; township. and were re- stakt-d h_\* I m`cupino Owens at :1 time when it. \\'as cmlsidc-1'c(1 the (:1:1.i'1ns-hztd run out, but h<\l`n1'e the time the .`Iinin': Rn-cm'dm' int`01`med the original o`.vue1` i'..>'S(_`S>,'~l1l(?IH. work nu. - /I nn I Sal111'da.y this week we will offer` 200 lbs. of good Chocolates at a price that will astonish. Come pre- Dpured to buy your Xnnas supply. SIMMONS .& CO. men are not reiamves. The unusual tangle -of the gold` mine claltms, conside1'ing their value, has created much interest. At the hearing before the Recorder, the whole matter vzmprpeared to centre on the question of whether a. claim owner -was justified in considering `as- omcial a. stateinent from the Min- ing Recorder as to tihe time in Whilolt claim work must be done. `L1 1 Qinn-`ht (`nun-ucn`I run:-oanrlftfnxi c1a.11n WOI'l{ IIIIUSL `DE (10116. H. L. Slaght, Counsel representtmg Bert Owems of Barrie, argued that no better in-ronnmti-on could be pos-- sible than that- offered by tihe Re-- corder himself. Mr. Gmutluier, repre-- senting Owens of Poroup'1`ne, arg_ued that a clmim owner had no rigtht to expect the Mining Recorder to com- pute time for hilm, and that the` Barrie man `should have consulted :1 lawyer. I` 13 mlcnn `Hininsr (.nmmvi=- IIo:x1'in_: for an auljtlstxllent of ownership of three vmixring claims in the Cobalt. regvion, o1'igina11y owned by Bert Owens of Barrie and :sub- sequently restzrked by I-Ia1'x*y F. Owens of South Porcupine, was held before Mining CO`11Tl11liSSiOI1eI`, T. E. Godson, at Cobalt, Nov. 30. v--..nnI.-unn flho nu-nnnr-rv {ha UOGSOII, at UOUZLIL, 1VU\. ou A-Her rustalung Uhe property, the 1 orcup'ine Mr. Owens sold the claims to D1`. Liberty, :1. Sounh Porcupine dentist, for $3,000. The Owens not relatives. nu... "run-u.n1 fnnrr`n .mF mhn :crn1r1' EBARME mm MINE FMNGEE U? T0 com ;\L.\l()ND ICED X.\l;\S (`ARE 450 ll). .-\L.\l().\'l) Palsto, rczuly to 1151.`, -150 lb. . ., . V r` . More L\'1d<-n<-(`A \\amted by *?0`Eo1-co M-I'm'0 T)<\<-id'mg_ nu ()\\'nm'sl1i1). \\ (ID UUC. C-0nl'u:< amend me A 4" `|"7.~. ' WE SERVE LUNCH Barrie ` 3; .-:38 Eli7.ul)cth Ht}, ]:u'rie. Confectionery z1.Ne(l over the mining 15121. .\lex.1i`is1he1'. of the owners, called 7. ,.n". 1nf)1 .-., _..... ;\llzmdzllc. fpgge Scverf ` FURS REMODELLED AND REPAIRED RAW FURS BOUGHT l0l`OnlO DONG 01 I mm: A. YOUNG. North Bay, Ontario Government GEO. G. COPPLEY. Hamilton and JOHN ELUOT. Bellcville. Ontario Associated Boards of Trade and Chambers of Commerce nun nblrtnxrm -r_..-_... Ind Lnambers OI KJOKIIECYCG CEO. HRIGDEN. Toronto Canadian Manufactnrcrf Auac. CEO. 5. MATTHEWS. Brankford, Wcuem Ontario Auociated Board: of Trade IIDQ ll GIN! T'T'I.'D 'l'--..n lttll- -_.I COMMITTEE W. H. ALDFJRSON (Chairman) Toronto Board of Trade board: 01' [nae MRS. M. SOUTF_R.Trout Mills. and R. A M.-INNIS, lmmmi. I-`.11., T"`;;.`7i.,f1.".,':`6'.;".:*" K. W. McKAY, St. Thomas. Ontario Municipal Association I. MORRISON, Toroplo, nne d Fnrmen of Onnno um: u D DI nuorrnr: 'r___.. LJBIZEC l'II'$I I OI \JlI-E110 MR5. H. P. PLUMPTRE. Toronto Ontario Canadian Red Crou Society MRS, A H In I I-"FT Can-In-nn . MGINNIS. Ir uni: F1111, N O Anociate Bonrdsof ti Farm Onrnnintionl Wiar.-v=\2'4,~`o::L.o .\x~et:x. <-a.6un.p::x.- .c-....~a3:.~=:.a~q:a:~e::.*e::x.~a.a~:::.<.a_a! % BAms zmusz 3;,- T1._:dN. O.dAFlo :inte-J B9nr_ds of . Otgnmntx cin"lIWorth"etr: Ontario on. H. ALDERSON (Chuirm: A I vnnmn MM. n-.. A. H. WILLE'l'T, C: Women : Institute Public School children in Bztrrie inspected by Miss Train. school nurse, `for the month of November, totalled 1902. Three children with suspicious loo-king throats were te`u1po1'aril_v excluded in the month. nhn T\Inr-an rrnvn anon-inl 1'n:h'nr-_ S(JH()() L 1 902 lllpU1i.l.I'l1_\r' u.\c1uucu J11 LIIU ILIUULH. The Nurse gave special instruc- tions on health to 54 pupils, and numerous class talks on the case of teetxh. 'LTn.umn vinilo (`hm-inn T\Truvnnnhov LBBUU Home visits during Novenvber `tomlled 42 and trezLmnents_ given num~be1'ed 44, 25 of which were to V"ict.o1'ia. school pupils. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS. A ta.-me goose chase, in whrich Pat Donnelly, a. young nrzm of Adjala townshiip was accused of having in- dulged in, on Nov. 13, resulted in an uniprotaxble catch for Pat. The geese on which the charge was made had been the property of J-as. Mc- Naanara, an Adjala Tp. f21I`.l11eI`. The harge against Donnelly was theft nder a value of $20, which permit- ted of a fine. The case was heard before Magistrate Jeffs in the Allis- ton Court, Dec. 8. A convtiction was regi-stered and 11. ne of $10 and! `costs imposed. Crown Attorney J. R. Cotter prosecuted the case. Make Christmas `come back again Picture in Christmas in a nearly bare shack in a burned out town in a Northern winter. Hundreds of children up there, remember. Make a money contribution now and show your northern fellow citizens that the Christmas spirit lives and has a real meaning in Ontario. All they ask is bare necessities-they deserve at least that much. Now it is up to you-every public spirited citizen and charitable organization. Spare one dollar, ve dollars, one hundred dollars or whatever you can. Spare something from your Christmas cheer. Make Christmas up there a little less than a grim tragedy. Remember, not comforts, but bare necessities in the grip of a northern winter, is all that they ask. Send today? Make cheques payable to- Remember. eighteen hundred families have been burned out-and must start all over again. These wonderfully rich farms, mines and aggressive young towns will re-build and come back to their own-but it takes time. And in the meanwhile they must live, they must have temporary shelter and there's nobody to give it to them if we don't. ' THE indomitable folk of Northern Ontario deserve your practical sympathy. .\'l'l{SE INSPECTS PUPILS IN NO\'.E.\IBER $500.00 will provide a Shelter Shack fora Family and Rough Stable for Cattle. $350.00 will provide a Shelter Shack for Family. $200. 00 will provide Food and Supplies for a Family to May lst, I923. $|00.00 will provide a Wagon for Settler. $75.00 will provide a Set of Harness (double). $50.00 will provide a Set of Bobs or Sleigh for a Farmer. $25.00 will provide 21 Sewing Machine fora Home. $20.00 will provide Kitchen Furniture for a Family. $l 5.00 will provide Cooking Utensils for a Family. $9.00 will feed a Family for a week. $5.00 will provide Needles. Thread. Buttons, Scissors or Yarn and Knitting Needles. etc. to help outt a Home and Family. $l.00 will feed and supply a child for a week. r-an I\I\ Suggestions for contributions from Clubs, V` Factories, Organizations, etc. Ontario The Northern Ontario Fire R-relief Committee Royal Bank Building, Toronto. HENRY LOWE DRAWS $400 FINE 0N STILL LIVE GOOSE CHASE RVESUI/I`S IN A FINE FOR .\DJ.-\L.-1 .\l;\.\' Henry Lorwe, farmer, of Bmdf\ord and \Vest Gwillim-`bu1*_\', was ned $400 and costs by Police .\Iugi.vsLrate Clark i11 Barrie Pohice Court on Mon- day on conviction of keeping, or 411-` lowing 1.0 be kept, parts 01.` .1 still su.i-Ia.-ble for the maufaclure of liquor on his premises. The conviclxion followed the evi- dence or Thus. Kim-1:, County Con- `slnhle, Newmzlrkol; Co11sIal)le Vvebb (of ]3r:u1for(1, Em`o1'cemen1. Ofcer Iloody. Ed:.::u' Evans, member from `\\ es-`I Simcoe in the Olnanio House. I u I and Ben. Collins for the prosecution, who told of (1isco\'m`in_; the 1m1'1s of :1 still while S1lI'('hiI1f.( 1'01` SIOICII _:.trwin on it sczlrch warrant. Braclfolfd Man Says I1`inding of Plzult on His Fan-1n Is 21 Fran1c-11}_). Vtfbll}-',iL(.U JL. Summing up. M1`. Boys submitted that there was no direct evidence on which to comnict. The swmmp. he argued, was a regular haunt for whsiskey makers, but there was no- thing to show that there was rea- son to connect Lowe with it, except the imsy evidence that It was found In a remote part of his farm where Lowe had sworn he had not been for a yea.-r and a. halt . He contended that in n stnri-nus: (Inna no nun. I,-:...: that mu nu'u a. mul. ne contended in a. serious case of this kind ANTI |\ dllll \\'UI Ill (1 in 21 swzm11p `.11. Iho_ furnl where also \\'c~1'c5 emply barrels, some! nd a 11se(l`I`11'e plat-e.l *(I the evidence. s own holmll`, denied ~01` the zuppzlrutns. He rzLn1e-up" on the pawl] ` 111' Th':uH'rn-vi I I.\l nuxux, uuu u. Izlrpuulin taken :11 Lm\'e`s house. and \vo1'm" ` n 140! ....n no :1. The Northern Advance put,-upi I [U ` `mod : and ` . with ' I I .,\ ..l Their car skiddxing on Uhe icy pavement and overturning into the ditch on Uhe Ross street bill, was the winter day experience of Stephen I-I`a._vs, J. Wheeler and Bert Gibson, all of Allandaie, Monday afternoon. Afr \V.hacx1nr` cnffnrnrl envoy-n1 (111 UL :u1uuuu.1':, .`H'UHUU.)' IULLBFIIUUH. Mr. Wheeler` suffered several abrasions on the face. The others were uninjured beyond a severe shaking up. The top of the car was considerably daunaged, but was wheeled to a. garage under its own power. \'lr T-Tz1`\'na rivov nl` hhn nnr 1'n_ power. Mr. Ha`-yes, driver of [1118 car, in- te1'.preted an mun signal from :1 imotmvist ahead as meanzing he in- tended to turn the \VeII:ingt.on street corner. Instead of t,1n'niing the other stopped. Wtlien .\Ii'. Hayes plied the brakes to avoid a mishap hi: amtmnrybile skidded and swervetl to the ditch. ( .4.l;l;_\I\'I);\l/}s} MEN PILL` IN DITCH `\\'Hl`}N C.-UR SKIDS ON ICY R0.-\I) ` Onllia will hzwc three by-laws `before the electors on Jan. 1. All `three ask for fixed assessments for I lndustries in the town. hlll`lllf\l lllll` .(.`.`[lUHBlUllll_\. 1 .\Ia:.:isIraLe C1:u'I< szuid that on the `e\"idr=nc0 he would have to convict. It was hard to believe that Lowr: did.noL know somethinyz about il. ghe st:1ted,~ and he considered the ;I 1'0secuti0n had es1a.b1`Lshe(1 its case. 1 thvre should be deuce. f`n1 \ !nunn SOIHG an! inn d`i1'e-ct evi- lhn (`nu l\.|tlL(. C01. A. Cowan, ac1:in.: for the lcmwn, said the goods had hnon fmmd on Lowe and Lowe hadn't s11iwI'te Hm 1'e. \Tnri:H~n9n (`1vu'L' amid H1-vl nn Ohm 10 for cents 35 Cents Picture of a Movie Star in every package. pr0n1o1i`(;In. REPORT ON BOILER ` G. Lz1ve1`_\'. b0i101`ma1ie1', 1'c-pm'ier`. umat the Viclovial school boiler had lbeen ~inspected and been found in tirst class condition inside and out; and that if properly looked ztfter it ishould be good for 20 years. 'I _Tn `k-pr`! uvnul-n/I an Ohm knilnu nf L115 u1u:.\pJlb'u tt:l`lll UL J one of the members of 1 Board appointed by this 1 has resigned. Qt nnh c-n`u_..`k' i n .n'_.'I`h n f '1`11mc months in 1:119 en-mm0n jail was Ilhe sentence. meted out to Hanry Bain in Owen Sound Police Court \for def1':u1ding:l1is credilolua. {Window Cleaning T and Inn Great Xmas and Stock- Reduaing Sale Ul who 1 r... nv-\ '.SllUlllU UU ;`,'UUU. IUI` 4U _\U?J.l S. He had worked on the boiler at the Alland-ale school and found Llze tubes \ba.dly scaled, caused 1'1'o.u1 forcing, as he considered the boiler too small for a school 0.1` its ninn King---Mi1ne---That Miss E. be appointed by this Board the unexpired term of Fred nnn nf H15: n1n)n`hnr~`: nf M112 T. 1121.5 1'Ul5HUl1. Step'hen`s--King-~That the pro- perty and supply committee take no action regarding the pllrchztse of :1 pump and motor for the Vvest Ward school until next year, 1923. llillll [HE \JXll1.\ . Prince of `\Va1es held on Dec. 21 read. purl ed the Fri 1\'.. ..-... Clarence Dell of Midland, foundl gui1~t_v of c0111mon assault. on his` wife before Police Ma5:istr:1te l<`1'z1nk Cook on Saturday last, was lled $5 and costs. ` ELEC'I`RI`C P~UMvP 'D0.0 OOSTLY Istmllation of an lectnic pump for the West VVard school would be too costly ,it had been ascertained, as the expenditure would run over ve dollars. Accordingly it was recozmrmended that . this plan be abandoned, for the present at least. l`hn hrmilor ni-` fho Xir-fnvriyn cnhnn1 il:U'allluU1J.BU, 1Ul' L116 pres!-:11L 21!. 1l;`d.L. The boiler of the Wctoxvia school was cleaned on Monday and was re- ported to be goood for twenty years. SERVED LIBR.\vRY 32 YEARS The t`o1`ma1 resignallion of Fred Marr as u 111em.'1)er 01` the Li1`h1'z11-yl Board, was reported by L. R. Ord. M1`. .\Im'1' has served on the 1`.o:11'd tfnr 32 )'e:11':=,. _\ 1'e: n:1n1or1 .\Ii=s I11. 300111 .1701` M1`; .\I:11'1"s un- lc-..\`1.-wed 101111. \n in\*1'I-,1(inn In Hun T111-x".'1 In '11. 84 Mary St., Bawrie. 1 Plume 0!-1. Bc Hats, Caps, Gloves, Mitts, Gauntlets, Ladies Furs, Ladies Cloth -Coats, Robes, Etc., Etc. A 1'emed,\` for the \Vest \V;n'd and .\11z1nda11e schools` 11eu1iI1g plants which is expected to prove both economical and pemmnently satis- Ofactory, may develop from a sug- gestion made by R. A. Stephens at the meeting of txhe Board of Educa- tion Monday night. TT.nnn Envncfizrntinn \[r Qfcxnhpnn LlOI1 ;\1OI1(lEl,y Illgill Upon investigation, .\Ir. Stephens reported the committee had consid- ered tlhat the t.ranst'er of he VVest `Ward school boiler to t.he Allandaie school w0111d supply the need for an increased heat supply there. They would then transfer the Allandale boiler to the West Ward school and purchase another sma.11 boiler to be installed with it. With the twin boilers, one only could be operated` during the spring and fall months, serving` the reqwirements ecoom-ical- ly till severe weather required the use of` both. U.\p`i|L'll ll:'lIIl. An invitalion term] the Chri:<`-1 H.:nnn .. 1` X\.`1,-- my frwa scams! BY mm TRANSFER , K I \\(`sf \V:1rd and .-\lIanda1o] \ 1-Eolnocly is ()ut1inod; ` Exams in J'a1ma1;\'. House, Omco 01' Store \\'ind0\vs Cleaned. Floors (`lo:1nm1 and Polished. New 01- Old. WM. SMITH )x' inspection. That prommi 9 held in the 1:`! mt` Tnnnnuv Fl N ED F0 Ii \\'IFE .-\ SS.~\ FLT Hlfl\l l.'l Kill.` J |1lJnX'_' -`,. JAB (ll IHK l of Jm1ua1'_\' for all ('1: as up In} 1 includin_:: Junior Lhirzl and 211140: ' lihose pupils in the lxighcr _4:`z1de' 0 fziiled in the June exam1i11uIionr~ any Olh(-)1` pupils who in the opin- of the Principal are eligible for` nnniinn OUR ENTIRE SEOCK jOF WINTER GOODS TO BE SOLD AT SACRIFICE PRICES SET DATE FOR E.\',\_ That means M OTJ ONS PASSED STROUERS The Cigarette with the original avor to the Bozvsd mas closing I _\1aum_ 0nIh]_\' 1 pm 1 U] L! and UELYU '_U 1111 Marl`, the Library ; Board, who BUY NOW-The Winter is just beginning and you will not get bargains such as these later.