Farmers ! The Advance to end of 1923 to new subscribers for $1.50 Briey, these are some of the results heavy an oil for your Ford. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (5) (7) (8) What is the remedy ? Use Imperial Polarine Motor Oil (Light Medium Body), which is especially adapted to the mechanical requirements and operating conditions of your Ford engine. Have your crank case cleaned and relled today with Imperial Polarine Oil (Light Medium Body), and realize full Ford economy and efficiency. Engine drag and loss of power. Improper oil distribution. An overheated engine. Excess carbon deposit. Unnecessary friction and wear. Large repair bills. Rapid depreciation. Excess fuel and oil consumption. E6iiDEER HUNTERS OFF TO THE WILDS 1110056. A party from me Winchester Hunt Club left on Saturday for the annual hunt in the north. In the party are `Dr. Uorren and Jos. Hewitt, of B211`- rie; Dr. Jzunieson and Jas. `Cock- hum, of Edgar; A:be RiC11il.I`(.lSOI1 and Thos. -O'Neill, of Cra.ighu1'st; Jas. Martin, Hillsdale, and Wm. Hub- bard. Toronto. 'I`!~.n (X73:-unhn;-lznv ("In.h I1\Dli\IhOPC More Big: Ga.'n1e 'Hu.nt.e1's are off to the wild haunts of deer and Innnon `UZ.ll'(l, LUFUIILU. The VVincl1ester Club memzbers will 1na.~ke their l1eadquarters at Puget, 18 miles from Sudrbury. This year they are erecting :1 club house and will -be assured of c0m1`01'twl)1e quarters. 'l"hn Wrlxvnl` T-Tnnr f`.lnJ\ lnnvp tn- *17/lonkman s Glycedonia num in Lile 1'u.r1'y buuuu 1Jl.`SLi'iUL. VV. 1. -Addison, XV. Cockburn, A. .\Ic.\rthur, Vic Slesser, J. Patterson and J. Bonny, all 01' Edgzu`; and J. Beaver of Orillia, comprise this hunting party. They will take the C.1 .R. from Craighurst to Pakesley and journey 10 miles to the interior from there. The Edgar chub mem- -bers had a successful hunt last year and are looking for 21 good outing this year again. WHY YOU NO SEND ME STEER WHEEL, YES, NO! (1uz1I`UeI`s. The Edgar Hunt Club `leave to- day, I`hu1'sday, for a two weeks` hunt in the I a.r1'y `Sound District. .7 I ..\dr1iunn XV (.nr-lc'h1n~n A, This is 11 letter received the other day by a Barrie man from one of his customers, a. P`rench-0anadian doing `business up north, `where evi- dently English is not the language of every day. The names only have been changed : Dear Sir,-- I recuv de car which i by from you alrite but for why you don't. send me no steer wheel. Wat is do use of de our when she dont have no wheel i am loose to me :1 cusvtomer shure ting by no having do steer wheel and (lets not very -pleasure for me, wait is do matter wit you Mister Junes an compruneo is no my moneys so good like zmoder mans you lose to my trade an .i am very zinger for (lat an new i mu tells you (lat you are dam fools and no. good Mister F. J. Jones an companee i semi you back at waunce your ear to n1_()rro\v .bek:1use you are such dam foolishness peoples. Yours res/nelcfullwee. UH 1'2! 1 CSQUA 1 H11 W CU, J. I}. St. Denis. P.S.--Since I write dis letter i nd de steer wheel .in do vbox o.k. excuse me. Bon nuit. Parry Sound is to have an old home week next year and u guaran- tee fund is now -being su`bscri'bed. The City of Kingsaton has shifted the date of the annual munlclpul e1ect.ion`sxforwa.rd to the nrst Mon- day in December. DUllSIlIlB.`5S puuplub Yours resrpelrfullwee, J n of using too lhe Northern Advance Makes Your Skin Like Velvet Has a. marvellous effect on rough akin. One or `two applications will remove nhe roughness, and by its occasional use the skin zvcqtlirea the smoothness and softness of n e. Giycedonia. is not sticky, and gloves may be worn a few moments miter using it. Price 15c and 25c. De- lightful utter shaving. The longer potatoes were `left in the_ ground this fall the more `they rotted. rrn~.n n DO 1.-.nAm~1 Cl -nix-mi r-nr nf rotten. The U.F.O. loaded a mixed car of stock here on Monday, as also did Sam Bx`o1`1-ey. Our hunt r-lnh \vi1h C, R. ff-Ienrv Sam Jsrou-e_v. Our hunt club, with G. B. Henry as 111anager, is making preparations for the great advent into the north- ern wilds. nurh-1.. on Han uvhnnninrr r-nnsrh it'll wuus. Owing to the whooping cough in our school section the attendance of pupils is less than one-third the regular attendance. At Hmn nl` v.'r'iMI12' IVE have 11101 regular 8.[I8IlU.'1XlL'E. At time of writing we have secured the List of effects shipped from here recently to the fire suffer- ers in New Ontario. The Rev. Mr. Beynon of Bolton visited friends here recenvtly. .\Ir. Beynon is one of the most genial men we meet and we wish him suc- anon cess. M1`. Alton Johnston received a severe wound while cranking a car. Some bones in the back of his hand were broken when the engine back- Gun;-I VVUIU red. \ Iired. A man asked us Why (}1'111nble Hill P. school was \Vlllll011t a Leach- e1' `.7 VVe could not inform him. We think the wbove school [is No. 8 Va:-n ussa. The brethren of L.O.L. N0. 450, Ivy, will worship in the Presbyter- ian church on Sunday, Nov. 5, the preacher being the Rev. R. H. Soxnerville. nr 1 (1 `nnnI.-c. 11`-`Ac ennnrn fwn somervuie. W. J. C. Boake has secured two cars of coal, one nut and the other pea coal. Price $15.75 delivered, which is reasonable when you con- sider outside prices. 'l`hn nnvrlc nl`n rlnwn in IHH3. homes GEO. MONKMAN DRUGGIST. BARBIE, O_N'1`. siuer Oulslue prlueb`. The cards are down in the homes of those children who came in con- tzfct with the mild type of infantile pa1'a.1ysis, and those who really were afflicted are .im`p1`oviing. Qnrno nf` than fnnnprc in this: 1003.]- anilctea amiprovmg. Some of the farmers in this local- irty are sending their wheat to Craig- vale where they are receiving $1.10 for it. `Top price here is $1.05, by the Canada. Grain Company. (rd T A (`nu-Vin and Prmnim` I [I18 uauuuu. Lrl'u.1u uuurpuuy. Col. J. A. Currie and Premier Drury have met before on -the po1i~ tical battleeld and no doubt the Colonel will render :1 live account of his stewardship when they meet again. Mr P1-nri 'I`nm1insnn. a. former again. MI`. Fred Tomlinson, former merchant of Thornton and whose home is in Malton, is spending a few days here, after enjoying `a three months` trip to the Pacic /`nnL` LU\V UK Coast 7.1 v- Coast. - Mr. H. J. Thompson, manager of the Union Bank here, is managing the Union Bank in Barrie for :1 few days, and MI`. W. J. Whelan of Bar- rie is supplying for Mr. Thompson in the bank here. up Tnrno: nrmmmt loft fnr his the bank here. Mr. James VVreggitt left for his annual hunting trip on Tuesday. Mr. Thompson Jennem. who coust.itu~tes one of Dr. Wa11win s clwb, left on .\10nd21y. The above men are class- ed as A-1 in the business, Harry Fisher of Cookstoxvn has entered into :1 convtract with the Copeland Ba.ke1'_V of Penetanguishene whereby said rm agrees to `supply the l`ishe1' stores at Cookstown and 'T`1\nv-nlnri whh hvnn at 160 nor Ule 1<`1sne1' Stores in \.1UUX\.`.sLUWu. u.uu Thornton with bread at 16 per loaf. The Copeland people are not meinbers of the bwkens union of Simcoe Counvty, hence they can sell bread at their own price. mun nn11'nv`I on fhn nm-Ih only-anon oreuu 8.1. Lnelr Uwu pHut:. The culvert to the north entrance 01' Thornton is wide enough for at least four autos abreast, but not- xvithstandting the width, it was not wide enough `for Mr. Joe `Clayton. who took a tumble over the thank on the east side. Result-No dam- age to Joe. but it took the eft`onts of R. D. Henry's strong team to haul the car ubzrck to the road and the car had to go to the garage for repairs. A11 r-'h1n`nh4=r: il`l`PRnf3.f'.IiV(>. of de- repairs. All churches, irrespective of de- nominational leanings, are seeking nancial relief to replace church pro- perty that was destroyed in t.he re- cent holacaust -that swept New On- tario. The following was sent by the Anglican church and was dis- tributed in their different -churches Sunday, Oct. 22: Five churches, one hall and two parsonage houses burnt. Value $25,000, insurance carried $12,800, so the amount re- quired to make up the loss, not in- cluding contests, is $12,000. In 'hn .n ln-inf nhnf ,with Mr`. I-I~*EP_`l';"_;1`il'Z-;__S_5TON (:1u(iIn;.{ CUHLESIS, is .p1.:,uuu. .We had .3. brief chat mvith .\Ir. Harry Coleman, Reeve of Innis- l, on Monday morning. As Counnty Councillor Harry is chairman of Roads and Bridges, one of the most important positions and Harry is the Innn fnv H19 inh We HHISI` SHV he important DOSIUOIIS unu nurry 15 L116 man for the job. We must say he has :1 great grasp of not only mun- icipal zlffztirs. but he has a. broad and keen knowledge of the g0veI`nn1e.nts of the different p1'ovin*ces, and also Federal politics. We will hear of him occup_\'.in;; 'n101'e important posi- tions than what is in the gift of the County. 'T`hn nnnivnruarv nprvinns nf the L;oum_v. The anniversary services of Ivy Presbyterian church were held on Sunday, `Oct. 29, the preacher .tor the occasion being the Rev. J. Rollins of St. :\ndrew s church, Peterboro. We were not present at the morning service `but heard the reverend gentleman deliver one of the most praict-ical and learned, and yet simple discourses we have heard for years. The text was italien from the 103 Psabm and the 7th verse 2 He made his ways known to Moses, his acts unto the children of Israel." l\loses, the man chosen by God to lead the Israelites out of Egyp-tlan `bondage, was compared to a great eagle that educated her young ones to forsake the nest and make use of their wings and opportutmities. The comparison was never lost sigh-t of during the entire sermon. A full choir was present, assisted by Miss Doibson, soloist of Barrie. The church was filled to" capacity. The preacher is no stranger -to Simcoe County, hav- ing preached in Elmvale wbout 25 years ago. Thorn mm: hm-n in the village nt ago. There was born in the village of Ivy 37 years ago, Florence Ethel, youngest daughter of John Bwrton and the late `Mrs. John Burton, and during her girlhood attended Ivy P. school and as an old teacher of hers we can `l.ruJIy say she was 3. model pupil. She was married in Toronto to Reginald Arnold four years ago THORNTON COL. JAMES WARD EX-0.0. 35th REGT., DIES IN VANCOUVER I `Lieu.t.-Col. James \Vzu'(1, .fox'1ner1y Oi-cer Comn1and.1ng the Thimy-`fth Regiment, Simcce -County, and resi- dent of Barrie, died in Vancouver, B.C., on aSaL11rda_v, OCL. 28, in his` `se\`enty-I1inIh year. r..+n11a.mnr-g nf {`.nI \V.rn-:1`; nm.ise| sevemy-nm1n year. Intelligence of Col. VV:u`d s demise reached Bavrie in a private tele- gram to the Nonthern ;\dv'.Lnce on Tues(la_v morning; and was im- mediately c0n\'e_\'ed to {L number of the late `Colonel's friends in town. C01. 'W:u`d left Barrie in 1897 or 1898, following the tliscontinuzmce .1__ : ....-I DA:-t f\lY'unn Yunnan-` L118 HUB 'UUJ.UAlt1L a lnicuua AIL Lun.LA. of the Divisional Post Oice Inspec~ tor's oice am this place in which department he was engaged under the Civil Service. He went from Barrie to Pincher Creek, -\ita., and later in the coast. Ll.-Co1. \Vz1r was born in Leani- ington, \V'a1'~wicks11ire, England. -He had resided 53 years in Canada, zLbouIt 15 or 20 of which were pass- ed in Barrie and environs. It is understood .that he served in the Northiwest Rebellion in 1835 as a junior officer. Hid Fripnd: nf the 35th Regiment Jl1I11OI' omcer. Old friends of the 35th Regiment O.C. recall his personality with ex- pressions of high esteem. He was regarded -as 3. man of high aims, and had mangv personal qualities that t`m'0ught him deep respect. Early in life he had been in the shoe :busi- nnnn .`LTn nnnuoaua xmrcntiin vnncir-:11 Phone 176 : Opp. U.F.O. Store me ne 113.61 neen in L118 suue mum- ness. He possessed versatile musical zubility and was a leader in the pro- motion of many enjoyable social en- tertainments in Lhe County Town. Quirte a nilmber of men of his own age still reside in Barrie, and recall acquaintancesliip with the Colonel under many circumstances of good will, ex-pressing regret to learn of his passing. (`n1 Vvnrrl 1': :1n'vivn=-rl hv Iwn ms passmg. C01. \V2u`d is survived `by two daughters, Mrs. A. L. Sanders and Mrs. J. H. Hardy; and four sons, (Rev. Edward, formerly of Toronto, now in the west; `Charles. David and .Richzu'd, the lahter resident. in Vancouver. VIEWS OF FARMERS ON MOTGRS ARE TOLD Farmers of Ontario, under the U.F.O. banner, headed by W. A. Amos. had a day of "suggestions" before the special cocmittee on the Motor Vehicles Act this week. - - - 7.. ,,_.-4:..- A large deputation, waiting upon the :committee in Toronto, -took the oppmwtllnity of 1'egistering 21 kick against the police and the press. Mr. Amos asked why it was thought necessary to give police cars and newspaper clistnibutlng trucks the 1`ight-ot'w:1y. He considered these trucks were being recklessly driven, forming a menace to the public. He asked that special consider- ation be given the t'z11'n1ers of the Province. The question of `prohibiting trac- tors and th1`esh'ing machines from using hand surfaced roads was con- sidered. .\Ir. Amos thought that legislation of the above nature would work :1 serious hzxrdshtip on fa.1'1neI`s. They reztlize that the cleats on true- tor wheels did cut up hard sur- faced roads, but it would reqwire at least two days work on the part of the tractor owner to remove them each time he came to one of the forbidden sections. 7!-un flnnuonnn n1;-n nnnnan Jhn l0l'Dl(l(lGI1 580110115. The deputation also opposed `the suggestion to license all duivers and the propos-:11 to force all vehicles to carry lights after dusk. These they thought would cause COI1Si(1I'Ub19 trouble to farlners. C`Onnr1nuu`lnnOin~n AF (nu-r\v1n-` and during her Ibrief married life was 3. model wife and took an active interest in not only her duties at home, but also in the church of her choice, the Presbyterian chu-rch. She died in the hospital at Allan- dale on Thursday evening, Oct. 26, at 9 o'clock, and the body was brought to her home soon after. The t`unera.l took place on Sunday and was one of the largest corteges of people ever assembled in Ivy, showing the esteem in which the deceased was held by athe entiire neigli'borliood. The preacher was her late pastor, the Rev. R. H. Somer- ville, assisted by the Rev. Rollins, of Peteuboro, and the Rev. T. J. Dew. Anglican, of Ivy. The `church did not hold more than a Ifraction 01' those who came to pay their last tribute of respect to one we all loved and respected. The text was taken from Romans, the 8th chapter and 31st verse to the end of the chapter. The sermon was a most practical one for the lining and a eulogy of mo- ment for the dead. Deceased s life was vividly portrayed throu_L:hout the enttire sermon and the preacher s advice to all present was to so live that when their time came they might .be ready as was the deceased. A husband, an aed grandfather of Prescot-t,, three brothers, two Illl the West, William and John; and one in Allandale, A. S. Burton; four sis- ters, i ormei'ly constitute the family, viz., Alice (Mrs. Banting) deceased; Sarah Jane, deceased; Annie (Mrs. Rusk) of New Ontanio. and the de- ceased (Florence Ethel). The pall- bearers were all close friends of the deceased : Norman Co.\'womh, Dalton Mcclean, Bert Jennett, Elwood Jen- netvt, R. Keown and F. `O. Banting. Reginald Arnold has lost an estim- a'bIe wife and companion. the bro- thers and sister a fond and cherish- ed sister, the old tgrandl`-atther, Mr. John Burton, :1 grandchild worthy of remembrance, and the church an WC` etive worker, the community a friend whose hand was at all times outstreliched to those who needed help. Our sympathy goes out to all who are called to mourn. [I`O11l)le [0 1a1'mers. St:z1nda1`dizz1ti0n of turning and stopping signals and uni`t'0rm VpzLr1;- ing re:.:u1ations for the province were approved. The deputation also put itself on record as favoring the abolition of the seurclxligln. S) 7 uunce aspec- ., DAUGHTER WAS WEAK AND NERWU3 Mother C.a.;7e Her Lydia E. Pinkha.m s Vegetable Com- pqund with Happy Results Cobourg, Untarxo.--' uyuu; n. runn- ham's Vegetable Compound was rec- ommended to me for my daughter. She had trouble every month which left her -in a. weak and nervous condi- - tion with weak back and pain in her right side. She had these troubles ffor three years and 'frequently was un- able to attend school. She has become regular and feels much better since she began taking the Vegetable Compound and attends school regu- 1a1'ly.~.\I.1cs. Jon): Tons, Ball St., Cobourg, Ontario. mvm-v mnther who has a daughter Cobourg, Untarxo. Every mother who daughter suffering from such symptoms should give Lydia E. Pinkhanfs `Vegetable Compound 9. trial. It is prepared from roots and herbs, and can be taken in safety by young or old. It has been used nearly fty years, and many, many women owe their good health today to the timely use of Lydia. E. P1nkham s Vegetable Com- hound. lSuch Men As John D. Roclrfeller and his personal physician, Dr. H. F. Biggar, also Dr. Guiseppe Dalia. Ichiara, Court Physician to King of Italy; Charles Schwwb, James J. Corbett, Charlie Chaplin, Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks, "Billy" `Sunday, Crown Prince of Spain, etc. pound. I Depend rm Chiropractic for Their Health The Emperor of Japan sent one of his nobles to the United `States to learn the science of wChi1'op1'z1ctic and Japan is the first nation to officially and nationally recognize `this marvellous science. 78 Dunlop St. Over Ree\'e`s Jewelry Store. Phone 406 for aDD01I1`U11EI1t and avoid long waits in the oice. `I want Beef Cattle, Pigs, Calves, Lambs, etc. IDRS. BURNS & BURNS Cobourg, Ontario.--Lydin. E. Pink- lam`: Vozet.'1hl(:- Compound And these men praise it. "I am getting good results 'through Chi1'0pI`acLic adjust- ments in the largest part of my work, which are 121565 referred from medical men. John A. Fisher, U.D., Philadelphia. Any doctor who persuades people into taking no drugs will soon make a. reputation of curing chronic diseases. _, ' C. S. Carr, M.D., rw.-.11. m hut: Mm! _Yn11`rn.:I r I am quite entlulsiastic over every phase of Chi1'op1'a.ctic. Wm. Vore, M.D., City Point, Va. Many Chiropractors are ad- justing fnom ten to fty pat- ients a. day to the satisfaction of the majority of their patients. Most of these patients are chronics who have made the rounds of the various kinds of treatment, both regular and irregular. 'Dhe results would astonish any medical man who would make an investigation. Jno. M. Shaller, M.D., Cinvcinnatti. C-hiropractor.s are obtaining results that I could not have` obunned wiU11nedidne or sur- gery. 17. (1 Ruthpni nrrl_ NIT`), The cause 61' disease removed G. Rutherford, M.D., . B`ir1ningha.m, Ala. IMPERIAL POLARINE OIL (Light Medium Body) is the lubrieant recommended for your Ford. U. D. L/Ln, n;.u., Columbus Med. Journal, Page Seven BUTCHER