Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 2 Nov 1922, p. 1

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,'~*-`A.nd the liniment freely applied. _-\ .l'i1I'li. I First there is :1 short signal pr:1c-f rtice, then the seniors and juniors: line up for u tussle. The seniors` try hunt to buck their li_t:hter 0ppun-` ents all over the field, but, even at that, the juniors inztlie it. inighty ll_r; teresting for the heavies"---zu times. 3' __Pra.ctice continues until dark. 'I`,heri.ucoix1es the rush for the seztts in the `dressing room, and first place. in the showers, while the water is still warm. Then the bruises gain- ed in the fray are tenderly nursed Search for lost collar buttons, or such tries, usually starts 21 good- na.t_ured fight; and the jocular re- manks of the dressing room "wits" keep du-ll care away. Finally, wth the last man out, the dressing romn resumes its `peaceful quietude until the next practice, when siinilztr antics disturb its_ tranquility. But it's all in the Llay s sport. YOUTH CELEBRA'.':'.'E NOISY HALLOVVE `EN Hz11]0we en was well hul`.n`.'.'t.-d in Barrie `by the _\'0ung _L{ll;ll`d 01' the Jaco-bins on Tuesday ni_4hl. Qn unnrl ulna Ohn iruh Ilnnn H101 nn .H1CO'l)lUS U11 1'llUS(lil.) Ill.i4Ill So good was the job dune th:~1 on 1\l1-1S.lI1lS m0rn.ing, Nov. ]. there might have been seen at an :_-:1rl_v hour whole slathers of furniture, used and abused, heaped in front ot` some of -the doors where the Boss declined to shell out" on the night before. Horns. false laces, girls in boys attire, gypsy patterned dresses, lots ' of paint on the face, swaggering gait, fai1'y~like gotwns, impish elite of both sexes, and most. of all, noise, and lots 0 ? it, greeted the older gener- ation on the streets in `Barrie Tues- day evening. But, on the whole their harrassments were harmless. A `few gates disappeared and here and there a -few vegetmbles appeared where they certainly had never grown. T\Tnn1nrnn 'r\nn`.inR nnmmied the Numerous p:u\`.ies occupied minds and energies of others, some of whom dove in tubs and other- wise speculaied on love or war in the guy antics traditional with H111- 1own en. \n.l H\nh- nlnu-c xvhn haul dnhnl mwrren. And their elders who had done the same things. or may be some- thing: worse, shook their heads, !`r0wno(1 a little, hid a smile and for- got it. Ofcial action toward the estab- lishment of an adequate garbage disposal system 01` the Town, was taken by the Barrie Board of Health at its regular meeting on Monday night. A._ ..1t:._.-n..... .....1....:...... $\un6 .. `Voters `VH1 Decide on This; Board Condemns `V011, Orders Action. MOVE TO PROVIDE GARBAGE svsnam I IN BARRIE IS MADE uuuuuu; u..... An ultimatum 01*-dering that a. well on the Leece prope1't,v, Maple Ave., containing contaminated rwater, be lled in within :1 week, was made- `vs! . 1 ., .x,- n__:.-.._. 1.. lav u.u,... u. u... Direct orders to the Sanitary In- spector, John Bowman, to follow up notices that may be given upon in- spections with enforcement action, were given. A general discussion of health requirements and measures to meet them, also were engaged in by the Board, with every indication that all matters pertaining to the wel- fare of the community are to be dealt, with et'fect.ively. Orders to the Sanitary Inspector relative to the condition of milk, mill;-`producers equipment, dairies. wells. cess pools and pits were par- ticularl_\' emphasized; and it was stiggested to the inspector that he should have no compunction about run-vvinrr n r-nun in ("nnrf .uVhrn~n thorn 1 u I: want. The assessment against W. .Paddison s property of 51300 was! confirmed. In this case it was con-{ sidered that with a rental return ofi $216 and $56 taxes the EISSGSSIXIQHIL was fair. .... ,,_,,.__L ,2 /31 13A ...-.-.:.-..~A bIllUllll| Il'cl\U HU lJUU11JLl1ll:LlUu wuuut. carrying a case to Court -where there was palpable neglect or indifference. l"its,'he was told, are unla.-\wi`u1. \Vith regard to the contaminated well on .\Iap1e .-\venue, a specimen of the water was o`iciall_v reported. upon from Toronto on June 27 as containing bacteria of intestinal origin, indicating 1i.l,'__ l11)' contaminat- ed water. Nevertlieless, the owner is said to have declared he would ClS)f~`G the house before he would put: in Town water. although there is a. connection within ten feet of his premises. The ienant in the house have been inconvenienced, and they feel that they are inconveniencing their neighbors by having to seek a. water supply from- them; while the neighbors declare the well water highly odorii`erous in a foul sense. The Health Act says a property own- er can be compelled to supply his tenant with wholesome water, the .\l.O.I-I. pointed out. ~ Anoinn nn chic tnnl: ihn Fnrrn nt .\1.U.l'1. }JU1IllEll ULIL. ~' .~\c.tion on this took the form of a motion by .\Ia_\ o1` Little, supported. by Dr. A. T. Little that, Ordered. that the Laboratories of the Prov- incial Board having reported that `the water in the well on the Leece property, on Maple .\\'e., is con- taminated, that the owner be order- ed to have the same lled in within one week" Vlun Awvvvnnvi unnifl nut! in "I"ny-n~nn UHB \'Vt`Bl\ The owner resides He will be notied at T\.- 1:661.` nnirl tkn 1'13 '11! DU |lUl.lllb'U ill UL1LZ\`.'. Dr. Little said the citizens in some sections were up in anns against the neglect to supply a. gamb- age collection system, and he be- lieved it` the citizens wanted it they should have it. He suggested a. by- law should the submitted at the forth- c0min_:, election, and offered a. re- solution that the Board ask the Council to Slbblllil. a by-la.w for ::z1ul)zt}.:e collecting. He said a. com- mittee would wait on the Council re-. garding it. The Health Act Iuakes provision for such 21 ineasure, the .\l.().I-I. explained. l`hn nnnniinn ni` thn r-nei and 9 .\l.l).J`l. e.\p1zuuuu. The question of the cost. and a. denod area to be covered were dis- cussed. People residing in the out- 1n....:_. _.a .... ._,._~ z:._-\ o:o>1o;o1o:oubc Q Announcements i o: The Ladies Aid of St. Andrew's church will hold a. Bazaar on Fri- day. Dec. 1st. Vhn 1 culinz-` \{.~l nl` [nnQu~n'| \fnl>1-u# lli|,V, 1)(. L7. JSK. The Ladies` .-\id of Central Meth- odist C.h11I`(`.h are ho1din_: 21 Christmas Bazaar and Sale 01` Honlelmule Bak- ing on l~`rida_\', Dec. 8, afternoon and nvnn in N t`\l,'lI|ll.'-;- The ladies of Barrie (}0ngrega.tion- ul church will hold an z1.l'ternoon tea. and sale 01' home cooking and candy in the basement of the church on Sat1n`(lu,w', Nov. 18, from 3 to 7 p.111. The Ladies Aid of Collier Street Methodist church are giving their usual Thunks_a:iving supper on 'I`l1an`ks_;ivin;.: evening, 1\T=ove1u'be1' 6. Supper served from 6 to 8 p.m. Mrs. .J\la1uie Blow Rickard, contralto solo- ist of Dunn Ave. Presbyterian church, Toronto, will assist. with the concert, also some local talent. Adults 50c. Children under 14 years, 25c. After 21 cursory examination of the Nottzuvasaga river, G. A. Mccubben, Provincial engineer, and members of the County advisorry committee. met at the Counuty Treasurer's otlice last I`hurs(ln,y evening to discuss require- ments tor the project. With assur- ance that the cost will be divided :uuon_Lr the various municipalities in~toreste(l, the Townships are anxious to see the work expedited. It will be several weeks, hmvevex`, before the engineer can make an estimate. of the cost ot' an attenuate drainage system. Ivuo Achlln l The assessment of $1,150 against- Thos. J. Elliott's p1'ope1't_\' on Henry` street also was confirmed. 1 _. ,,u,s..-_1 4\.-; ~.,.___ DISC USS NO'I"I`z\ \V:\ SAGA ; -vuyu. .\...........h ... .4... (Continued on page ve) EIGHT PAGES in Toronto. nnnru :vLAI:L:L Luau nu...) x.u.u....u.u. 1 The Assessor explained that new houses were positively not assessed fox` more than their actual worth. - -- ,,,.._. _c L.._..\.. A... kn ll` .lUl' iuuuc Luu.u LIICAI. u\.:I.uu.A Ivv Adjustment. of taxes on the old Christ church property which was `vacated several years ago and pur- chased for a temple by the Inde- pendent Order of Oddvfeliows this year, was laid over for legal advice. If the Town Solicitor declares taxes now claimed as arrears cannot be collected the matter will be disposed of. It is assessed for $3,800. .-\r- rears are charged against the pro- perty of $570.27 and this year's taxes amounted to $166.25. Used -for religious purposes it was exempt,` but the Assessor understood it was, not now used for religious purposes and is, therefore, liable. Ald. Coles explained that in taking it over last July the Oddfellows' organization was not aware of back taxes against it. This will be adjusted later. SH0WE:i?:(.3Hl# KEEPING } WELL FIT FOR RUGBY: 1 Rugby is the chief sport of the` day at, -the C011,_r_;iuze the-so Indian sunmier days. I"-I\'exv_v afternoon the two sqtlads, junior and senior, cm'i-y out their practise at the Agi'icu1Lu1'zx1 T)".-I: UUL l.ll Park. JUDG.\lEN'l` . \\\';\Rl)l'}D (3. H()\\'|<} Judgment for the value of a sell of governors for :1 Ihroshin;.: en_L:im\" was mvarded by His Honor Jud;;o G. A. \Vismer, OH. 27. in, fn\'m' Mi f`nn nmm, I~`.`um'nle. zuzainst Jos. 9. Value (H #2. ) In NH Elmvale on Oct. 17. E. \Vismcr, Um. 2;, 1nVIz1\I.u 1.. 190. Howe, E`nm'nle, against Edwards. whom Howe hml sauml for` value of in Division Couvt all 'h`ln1\In1n (H1 ()(]{_ $2300 ARE LOPPED OFF BARRIE TOWN ROLL ASSESSMENT OI :\g~r1c111Lu1'e, U.l.l UUL. . This great esculent farinaceous tuber of the Nightshade fainily, Davies-VVar1'ior ty-pe, puts Sunnidale Corners in the giant `class. The huge spud was ,'.,'rown by Herbert Culham on his farm at Sunnidale -Corners. Its weight, dressed for the pot, was two and three-quamter pounds. \h- T-Tntnh1'nQn`r1 cnva ihn vinnf !KEEP HIGH IDEALS | BEFORE OUR PEOPLE Hon. EC. D.1'u1'_\' at I{iwa11is, Says Great Inux 01: People Coming. Table room at the Kiwzmis lunch- eon on Tuesday was at 2L p1'emium, as the :1-rtendance was the largest since the organizzuion of the club. The members were out in full force and there was zL`1:u`ge numlber of visitors. Five full grown persons with regular Sunday appeLites,- di.ned on one regular, uni,fo1'm'1y developed, full grown Simcoe County potato at the home of Allan Hutchinson, Bar- rie representative of the Department of Ag~ricu1tu1'e, o.n Oct. 29. Thiq tr!-nnf nu-nlpnf farinnnenlls [W0 and u1I`ee-quzvrier puuuua Mr, Hutchinson says the giant spud was grown under ordinary eld conditions, and that it was regularly formed, and acted quite 1`ationa.11y when taken into cziptivity. _-\n,vbod_v who lilies to multiply and divide will nd that twenty-two of this kind of potato would make a. hnnninnr hnehnl I115 l\lLlLl UL LJU ` heaping bushel. u gnu. .4. Premier E. C. Druxy, an honm'zu'_v member of the club, was present .:~.nd was the spen!-:e1' of the day. He was introduced by Kixvaxlian A. W . Smith. .,;uuu u. On rising, the Premier expressed his appreciation of the honor (lane him in making him an honorary member of the Barrie Club. He was glad that a Kiwanis Club had been started in Barrie, and he felt: sure there were a great n1-any thinys the club could do. The Premier told of a visiit he made to Chicago in` company with Cotiiiiiissioner Ross of Toronto last spring to the Kiwanis Convention. The spirit of the great convention was to create a beituter understanding between the two r-nnnhvine The largest -reduction was $1,000. This was in favor of Hunter Ken- nedy, proprietor of the Wellington hotel, and was the reduction asked for. .\Ir. Kennedy explained to the `Court that his assessment had been increased over $4,000 since the in- troduction of the O.T'..\., though the hotel earnings had decreased. In three months his wztter bill a11iq11nt- ed to $39.21, for which the public recei\'ed a. substantial benefit in the wash rooms free. ~. FIVE PERSONS DINE ON` ONE GIANT SPUD \4\J\1lALIl\-IJv I l l One of the objects of Kiwaniansj `is to create a homer 1111de1'stan(ling* |among the iiiembers and this, said `the Premier, should make itself felt, `not only in -community life, but in; four national life. The object of; every -true Canadian should he Ito build up, to create good feeling among all classes. It is an easy matter, said the speaker, to stir up troilhle; but, to build up a greatl counltry we should strive I0 `nd out; kn elm`:-tn-n that nnorl 1-nnunrlvinrr nnrl maLLe1', szuu we apt.-um:1', Au ntu upv great the Lhing,-`s that need remedying and seek to improve them. I nu vi, _, _... _,:.1 n...a. r1.......1.. ..y..... IJ\4\ I.v .u.,..u.\. . The Premier said that Canada. was about to enter on the greatest tide` of in1'1nigra.tion in her history. They will come from the United States, from the Ilritish Isles and trotn Central Europe. Those coming from across the line readily `become Can- tadians, -but one of our problems is to make good Canzulizuis of those who come to us from countries` wliere their mode of living is so different. to ours. He lll`,`. ,'e(l upon" all Kiwunians to set high idezils be- fore those people. 1.. -1 ....,.. 51.,` T)hAr\` nu! ICf\I\`II'l'\I] In Ilvau Luua-4 yvvynwu In closing the Premier referred to! a few things around Barrie that: ,i{iwz1ni21ns niight do. It should he] iheir aim, he `believed, `to make this town a. superior piace to live in. r*nI._ L .-.. \.:.. ...,\,.1- -. .7. TN" `V7 .u.... u. .4..r....u. B The booster this A. Lewis zmd the keeping with his to A. J. \V'z111uce. On 1\rn1i.=:t.ice Day, Nov. 11, replicas of the poppy, under which thousands of Czumtlizms lie sleeping in l-`lzmtlors, will be sold. The proceeds will be used for providing some comforts for the families of those who have not returned. and also for those who have returned mn.imed and unable to carry on. All the proceeds this your will be used locally and the fund will be administered by a. comuiittee of the G.VV.V.A. and the Ladies .~\uxili:1ries. Your small contribution may be the means of brin::.in:.: some comfort and cheer 10 those who have sacriced much and now find the struggle hard. BUY A POPPY -A reduction of $600 was granted on the i\n1eric:1n House assessment. E. G. W ebb, p1'op1'iet01', applied for a reduction on the ground that his property was less valuable since the 0.T..\. came into force; also that no restriction of acconnnodation to the public had been made. 11- rr,;-Lu_.-.._ rn::n_. ..:......L ..... r... We will not. fail the men who bled And mzulo the poppies red, in 1"1unde1':s Field." ,. 1' week was Dr. \V.i prize, :1 knife (in; profession) went.` Inll ` W. .\. Boys, K.C., M.I ., inter-) vie\vrz] by The Nori.he1'n Advzmce up-` on his return 1'mm Ol.Lu.wzL this week, M101` zi brief visit. to the Capitol, `.sni(l than in con`\'ersuvlion with a Cabinet, Minister it was intiillated `that there is strong likelihood that iI u1'1iz1n1ent will reconvene during `the Iirsi ten days of January. , 4,. Al... 1:... L.. ,.I-..x:..._.. HOSPITAL REPORT SHOWS 912 TREATED The Royal Victoria Hospital at` Barrie has been taxed to its utmost capacity throughout the year. Never- theless, the year just closed has been a very successful one for the hos- pital, says the -report of the Board of Trustees, presented at the t\vent_v-t`th annual meeting, held on Tuesday. An nccicfanf clxnnv-intnnnnf nn 21 J.LlU.SU`lL). An assistant superintendent and a night supervisor have been added to the staff since the last annual re- port. Also a home for nurses has been purchased and furnished, and is now occupied, with the result that the rooms former1'_v occupied by them in the hospital are now nvailaible, incre-z1sin:.r the accommodation for iifteen patients. 'Fhn Tenn rrl n-1-n in-fnllv n nL nnwL llLLEIl1)il.LlU1llS. The Board gratefully acknowl- edges the assistance given by the Woman s .-\u.\`i1im'y and Hospital Sewing C1u b. l"ha vnorlir-n1 vrmnrf Fnrfhnhn=nHn1 DL`,\\'lLl; \_;lLl'U. The medical report for the hospital shows that for the year ending Sept. 30, the total number of patients treated was 912. This number is identical with that in the report, for 1921. There were, however, an in- crease of 440 days of treatment, the total being: 17,846. Total births for the year were 106, an increase of eleven; Deaths in the hospital were thirt_\*-one, an increase of three over n ('r\r|1I nu-n T4`1'|`I1,- I`:-nnln I-n f|nCDC L_\`U1lU, uu JllUlb'il.3\7 UL LUll'.'U UVCL :1 year ago. I<`i1'1,v fxacture `cases were zidinitted, X~rayed and treated; [anal there were 518 surgical oper- ations peitfornied. Tonsil and adenoid cases coinprised the greater `number 01' operations, t.ota.11in,; 138; laippendix cases came next. with :1 [IOIIII Of 58. 71`hn.-n ~ run nhnnnvn nndnri in (Jun This is 4.40 Days Inc-reuse ; Year is Successful, O"1c01's Chosen. r....,.... .4... .,..v.. .....\._.. H. I-Iotchkiss. Tifn street, assess- ed for 36 acres on_ the old Wm. Tay- lor place, a. part of which is swamp land, was granted :1 reduction of $500 in assessment. Neither "the town water nor light reacll his place. The Assessor confirmed his report that a part of the property is- SWE1I11D_\'. n-u.- r~r..._1. TYYLHIK .\..,...,...o.v A 1n1..-`J H)l1ll UL no I There is no change noted in the `list of oicers named. They are as ` follows : I A a o ~ w vsn I | 1-Ion. President, G. B. Strath_v;i [President, '1'. Beecroft; Hon. Vice-1 3'I resi(lenL, Geo. Ball; Vice-President, i Donald Ross; T1`e:1su1`e1`, H. )1. Lay; {Sec-1'eIa1'_\', H. A. Sims; Superintend- |em, Miss McLennan; Assist. S11pt., iI.\I.iss Morris; Night Supervisor, Miss` } Hares. l A .~L. .,. A .4.` ...v-.-... Donald Roses, A. J. Sarjeant, 71.` A. Sinls, S. W. .\Ior)re, J. A. Mac- ` Laren, H. M. Lay, H. T. Arnall, ;\I.D.; `A. T. Little. ;\l.D.; T. Beecroft, D. .Quinl:1n, .\. VV. Fletcher, \V. Gallie. `rI~Iis Xvorship the Mayor, Town of ;Barrie; His Worship the VV21x`deni .jC0unz_\* of Simcne. I [ JJI. VV . ;.v\1`nall, D | Lyon. D1 . Oaks, D1 I Ross, Dr Turmbull, fr` 1 Main I lllllhljllll, C. Little. HOUSE T0 CONVENE 1 EARLY IN NEW YEAR! 1 Property Committee---Wm. Gallie, HV. A. Lewis, M.D.; A. J. Sarjeant, `H. A. Sims. l.`lu..v-unn f`1n-unvnlibnn T'\ f\II:v\1nV\ 1'1. .`\. DIHIS. Finance CmnmiLtee-D. Quinlan, `H. M. Lay, S. VV. Moore, D. Ross. 1 House CommiLtee~---H. T. Arnall, E .\I.D.: Wm. Gallie, A. T. Little, M.D.; i.\. W. Fletcher. I-`or Bicycle Tires and Tubes go ito .`.Ic'I(ee & McDonald, Clapperton !cH'DnI J VOL. LXXL, No. 37. 1W. ..\. 13o_{:~., M.P., Brings i :\I(:\\'s of I. oliti(:;.1l '_l.`r(:11d In ()H:1\\':1. -..,.- ...._... V. .............._,. I{eI`erring to the five by-eleci.i0ns ahead, M1`. Boys said he had learn- er] from the Right. Hon. Arthur I .\Iei;.:l1en that. Halifax would be well icnntested. This is the `seat vacated by the death of Dr. Edlw. Black- ld(1CI',Z1Ll`l)Gl`211. Although in a supposed Libera.l si.1`0ngh0l(l, Con- servatives have been urged by a strong representatir that there is a good ghting chance in the riding. -nun. ._..L- _ _ _ _ ,.- A. r........\. _._-.a.. .,.... ..,., ..... ..,, v.........., ... ...\. ....... With reference to Lanark, made vacant by the death of Hon. J. A. Stewart. Minister of Railways and Canals in the Meighen Cabinet. Mr. Boys said that the Leader of the Conset'vati\'e I)iLi'ly and other mem- bers .i`elt condent the seat. would he held. Liherais \vii1 hold a. convention on Nov. 8. however, and give battle for the seat. (`.enm';1ii'/.ing,M1*. Boys said the tmw-\':tiiin_q opinion in Ottawa. is that it is huhiy probwbiy Hon. Mr. Crerzxr wil not continue the iezuiersitip of tho i rmzt'essivest, but will devote him- self ontirr-iy t.o his grain interests I in the west. ..3--.,.V..... .--_.. - W A. Lewis, D1`. Dr. H. 1, Dr. H. Vvallwin, Dr. S. Dr. V. A I-Iart, Dr VV. Dr. F. N. Cane, Dr. 1. Dr. A. T. Little, Dr. E. )u1l, Dr. L. J. Simpson, Dr. 111:: Barrie, Ontario, Thursday, November 2, 1922 TRUSTEE BOA-RD .\;EDICA.L STAFF V :\ Tmtuvia Dr T)! OFFICERS CANADA HOLDS KEY TO UNITY WITH U.S. ing to :1 vista of lasting peace and prosperit_v between these two powers. The Premie1' spoke of the advan- tazze that won/1d accrue to the world through an .-\ng1o-Saxon under- s1a.ndin_:, and tzxcitly declared him- self possessed with full condence in the ability of Canada. to perform 3. service that would make `for a ;lasting unity of ideals and progress `between these great. nations. Ann:-nninlinn nf tho Pu-mnim": r>\'-! 1UUU1' UL Illll`l,llLll llLlUCI'51,2.l.lllll1l.; upuu- Court of Revision C011f`1rn'1s! in Three Appeals and Reduces Four. VUL'!L\`\'El1 LIIESU 516111. uuuuua. Appreciation of the I ren1ie1"s ex- cellent address was entlmsiastically `expressed `by the gathering in un- I zmimous and prolonged applause. TPQV `D 'I TJH1.-nv :1? H19 Pr:-`-..-:hv- i2l1'1lIHOllS ilI1(l pruiongeu 'd,[)`1)1'zLllbE.. Rev. P. T. Pilkey, of the Presby- terian church, Owen Sound, also ad- ` dressed the assembly at the banquet, Monday evening. In eloquent language, Mr. Pilkey expressed his convictions on what it is in the power of .\Ias0nr_v to do toward helping people generally to :1 better understanding of each other and of each other s aims. l Vilh 1~/urn:-:1 tn the nhnv-rah H:pH' teach 0L110I"S anus. Yith 1'gat'(1 to the church itself, the .\Iinister said he knew of no other institution that might exercise :1 better influence for the betterment of reiaionship between individuals in the \va_\;' 0-1' a broadening, elevat- ing sympathy. r I7.`ninvnInnt n.f' H10 rmtm`tn.inmeni lI1_L' S}'Ill])'z1l:il_V. Enjoyment of the entertainment was enhanced -by the presence of t-wo members of the Glenroy troupe, :1 littl boy and little girl, who were playing at t.he Opera House in con- nection wit.h the Boy Scouts enter- tainment. They `put on several num- bers. the little boy singing and the little girl dancing. At a suggestion 1'elative to a col- lection for the Boy Scouts, there came a spontaneous response which, to the pleasant surprise oi` the Scouts. netted them $42.50 from the bz1nqueting Masons. EAWARD T0 ELMVALE , MANBYcg1_1_RT,$10oo; `J1l(]_l'f` \Vis1mw' ][ ;m(1s ]`)o\\'n \ ])(-t-isinn in Suit for I /\H(?l1211'i(')11. I-Iis Honor Judge E. A. Wismer ` dc-=.1i\'ere(l judgment. on Oct. 26 in the .\Ir;Ke.t1zie-4M01`1`att. alienation case,` zLwzn`din,:: the plaintiff, Kenneth Mc- Kenzie. of Elmvule, dan1a;,'es in the sum of $1,000. lrnnnnoh 7\lnh'nnr1in hlnr-1.'uInHh nf 01 2l,UUU. Kenneth l\Icl{en7.ie, blziclismith oi` Elmvale, b1'ou;.:hl, action ugzxinst Wm. Moffutl, former proprietor of a pool room i.n Elmvule, and race horse imm, now of Newinarkel, for the alienation of the affections of the pluinl.i1'l"s wife. The case was lieurd berm-e Judge Wismer on July 7. with Boys & Murchison, solicitors for plaintiff. and the (lefemlnnt, a.-p- pouring in person without. solicitm`. 'l"hp mrirlmwn showed that the D1-.`ill'ln{.I H1 ]')(:`I`S()I'l \VllIlUlll, aunuuux. The evirlence showed plaintiff and his wife, the mother n-f live c.hild1'e.n, had lived happily many years i.n Elmvule Ibefore -the defc-n(1zml s intrusion into the faun- ily circle. T`hn (`.rmv1 `fnnnd Hm! the d(`:f0n(1-I my circle. The Court found that the defend- ant. Moffau, 21. married man, did alienate, as chargml, and jtltlgetl that. under the circlmlstunces, the nluivnliff was entitled to recover dam- ages. ilinzr nrmrinu: Court. cases to in A total reduction of $2,300 in Barrie Town property assessments in four appeaxl cases was made by the Court of Revision in session last Friday. The assessments in three other cases appealed were conrmed, and one case was referred to the Town Solicitor for advice. Citing previous Court, in- dicute rules of lmw zmplicable to :1 case of this klnd, his Honor zuvzu'd- ml $1,000 (1:L111:1,L:os. i All sizes of Auto Tires and Tubes may be D11I'ChLSO(1 from McKee S: .\Ic-Donald. ?1-emier D1111-_v S0 Believes; Predicts Expansion Before Hasons. wam@. The Two '.\Iinutes of Silence will be observed throughout the British Empire on Armistice Day, Nov. 11, .by the express wish of His |Majesty the King. Thu T)rirna Rnicfav AF (`an-H1-,1 hoe 12Jt,'DL_V LHU 1\LLl5. The Prime Minister of Canada has received a. cable to this effect from the Duke of Devonshire, Secretary of State for the Colonies. Tnnidnnfnlhv Mn nnhln in ru-nnHnnI_ U1 DLEULB 1Ul' L116 L./UIUIUBS. Incidentally, the cable is practical- ly the first oicial message sent to Canada. by the fo1'x11e1' Governor- General by virtue of his post in the Bonar Law Cabinet. The Brintish Goverunlent also will hold a special an-rv1'r|n in nnnnnnvnnv-nfinn AF fhn k1UVUl'Ll||lb'HL ZLISU \\ ll1 HUIU H. 51JBUlU.l service in commenloration of the cessation of hostilities, and the pro- cedure will be followed by the Can- adian Government. /\ Rfnvnnu-{n1 Qnvw-inn H11 `kn hnl n9 uuxzux KIUVUIIIIIICIIL A Memorial Service will `be held at Monument Square, Barrie, at 10.45 o'clock on the morning of .-\n11istice Day. At 11 o'clock silence will pre- vail here for two minutes. {MAs0Ns HOLD FALL 9 RE-UNION IN BARRIE .... I The Hugh Vvhite propert_\' on John` street, assessed at $1300, was re-} duced to $1100. The Assessolw agreed $1300 was high after he hudi learned the house had no upstuirsi apzwtments. ` \r.... rn 13 n.w..\.:n ..n....-.-u~nnn,1 SILENCE IN BARBIE ON ARMISTICE DAY Masonic lodges, embracing the Scottish Rite `Order of the Valley of Barrie, had the distinction of con- ferring the Fourteenth and Eighteen- th tlegrees of the Masonic Lodge of I"ert'ection and Lodge Rose Croi.\:, lupon the Hon. E. C. DI`1l1`_V, Prime Minister of Ontario, in Barrie this week. H)- Vhn nnnnninn 1Irnc< 1) \ 13.111 `Dn, \\Ut.`l\. -N The occasion was the Fall Re- union, held on Monday and Tues- day, and the members pa1'ticipz1Ling included 3. class of forty candidates for the Lod.L;e of I"ei'1'eciion and :1 class of thirty for the Rose Croix. FM} sessions were iweil attended. the towns represented including Graven- hurst, Midland, Huntsville. Orillia, Lindsay. Collingwood, Alliston, Owen Sound, Shelbume and Newma.1'ket. 16 :n ~.-.n+ nnnn Hun n \Inannn DUUIIU, `.rHUl|JlH'llb' illlhl 1VtJ\\HliI.l l\|:L. It is not often that a Masonic lodge, or any other organization for that matter, has the privilege of con- ferring degrees upon a Premier. In this respect the ce~1'emony was dis- tinct at the re-union. On the other hand it is within reason to suppose that the Premier of Ontario himself considered it a. mark oi` high distnc- tion and a personal satisfaction to have this high honor bestowed upon h.im by men who for the most part had known him personally through Iifn 1 r0n1i(-1'D1'111~_\' 0110 of Those Upon \Vh0m Degrees ./\.r(>. C01Ife1'1'cd. Hal [11 life. 1111:`. Convferring of degrees, the Scot- tish Rite proggrzun. entertainments. and exchanges of greetings, occupied the membe1's pzwticipating the great- er part of two days. hnrinrr hi: viail tn hi: hnmn fnwn, U1" p2uL UL LWU uiljb. During his visit to his home town, the County seat of Simcoe County, Premier Drury delivered several ad- dresses, expressions of his ideas for the welfare of Canzulu, generally, and on Canada's future, being the keynote to his speeches. Thu hnnnnnt nn Nlnnrlnv nixvhi was KGYHOLB L0 [115 S}_)(;`(JIlUS. The bzmquet. on Monday night was attended by more than 200 mem- hers. DIR. D. (THOWN .~\'l` (`IGNTRAL .\ll~}',l`HODlS J,' CHURCH. NOV. 26 Central Methodist church have succeeded in securing two outstand- ing and `widely known men for the last. Sunday and Monday of this month. On November 26 the Rev. Dr. S. D. Chown, General Superintendent of the Methodist Church in Canada, will Dl`(?2l.Cl1, and on .\l<)mln,v even- ing, Nov. 27, Owen A. Smily, the nnted teacher 01` omtury and e1ocu- tion. will give in his luusterflll man- ner one of his most popular pro- Irl'VII\\d l)_l(l.ll.l1AL-ALL). ` Mrs. T. E. Ritchie representetl, Mrs. H. Gibson, appealing for El. 1'e-] duction of assessment on her '11-! liam street propert_v. The assess-E ment as returned was confirmed .in| this case. l _. , 1'17 1|

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