Auto Licenses Lders -1 ,...: 5 1: ;L;_',\: the Mark x pvt-H ml PA(`:`.-1 ! ALD. PADDISON ABED HIS GOI%1I=. I"3.`TEE; C3AE;L TO 3'.`-:L .EZ: .E'.'- .` um me -. 1011 1111 ~ meg vemndzth all round is fztriing, and. `neglect is ztr~ otherwise. 2 First it was a. loose plank. Then< two. Then at tbroken plank or two and a. few loose ones. That was last winter. It vrzts too cold to Fix it them. Then came summer and ii. was too hot. Now its 8. t11mbler_lo`.vn post that -helped to slipper-t the Iporch. And now it s too cold zxgain to do anything. But it s all right. No bones have been broken so nfztr. It will be plenty of time to `make re- pairs after a damage suit is -led against the Town. Anrl nnvhnur Zn n-unv have :1 i E Information has -been received in Penetang that the boat in which Albert Corbeau, brother of Bert Conbeau, the hockey `player, sailed from Penetang on `F`rid'ay, Oct. 20, has been wrecked. TK7-xlfnvv Duunxrixln n! 'L'l-nhnnnu I1I\ LLUILLIIIS ll1}Llll1lCU 1J.Ud.l' LUU \VillUH es," the local name for the huge rocks off the entrance to the Giunvs Tomb. T\Vn urn.-:1 `1v\rV LA.-`vs \n:\r\ Lvitlll, 1'.nu, 1.: Ln;:.L (Lil. nu s1dern.b`e trie like that can our W011-we:1fhe:'cd Cfmm-Z! And the incident was closed; corner in the m.'LrI-:et" was 0 But 't'z1e`f0undz~.t.ion undo: veramlah fzuling; neglect mi-':J:Lrent 1 Vircf if u.-nu 9 Inner: rnlnnl: i.L5'd.l1l5L U116 LUWLI. I And, anyhow, we may brand new Council next year ' HOG GRADING PLAN STARTS om 3}/.[0'NDAYi Oicial grading of hogs com-l mences next Monday, Oct. 30, it is announced by the Hon. W. R. 'M',._A1`,.....7,.,1y T\_A_vn5V\;r\-1 `\Hvu'r~9nv- n.P 1.64-3?- t\.LU.lUuJJL;CLl _n ,.... u Z\.!c..1-. .79-, Agriculture. "Plan nnixr &15.llUl.l.lLU.l.VU- The new hog grading staff has been undergoing a thorough-course of instruction at the Toronto stock- yards, so that the oicial grading regulations as established will be unifornily applied at all stockyards and abattoirs in Canada. Q9-an-1:1-ur~zl ryv-n,'H~n.. nnn~nv~.\nnl> 'n kn uuu iJ.|JH.LlUll`5 H1 UiJ.1l'd.u'rJ.. Standard grading equipment is be- ing adopted and is already installed at several stockyards where prelim- inary grading tests are being con- ducted and the necessary adjust- ments to expedite the grading and nioveuients of hogs being nmde. Experimental work in ear-tagging for co-opera.tive shipments provid- ing for the identica.ti:on of individ- ual farmer's hogs, is in its nal stage, and the Live Stock Commis- sioner wlll announce an approved iden'ticn.tion mark at the inaugura- tion of grading. BOAT U1-`SIDE, DOWN, A. CORBEAU MISSING] uuu `UUULL 'W1`UUl\UU. Walter Rumble, or Kitchener. re- ports that `while cruising in 3. motor boat azbout `Georgian Bay in the vicinity of Giant's Tomb he found the Corvbeau boat and ours, the boat outing upturned near the "Watch- on" fhn Inna] n-.'mnn {`rn- Hwn hnvrn \4UlIUUd.Ll. On Saturclzly :1 had wind storm swept both Penetamyuishene and the Georgian Bay and it was feared then that his craft would be unzuble to weather the storm. When he (lid not return by S_z}tur(lay a,fte1'noon all hope of his s111'vivin:.; the storm was abandoned. Kllknv-l (`nu-knnu nnI\'\n 6`:-an-n n .n..n\ HULLUUUUUU. ;\1'bort. Corbenu came from a. emu)- ous famil yof athletes. Besides his brother Bert, he also hJ.(1VZLI1OthGI` brother, "Con," who was pi-ominont in athletic circles. He died about :1 year ago. Pelletanxguishene people have organized search parties to try to recover the body. At t.he Oddfellows meeting on Tuesday night the third degree was conferred on a. large class. On the first. Tuesday in Novennber tile in- itiatory degree will be cont`erred on a class. B.'m'ie lodge No. 63 expects a. busy and interesting winter season. The `building on Collier St. recently pnxjchased by the Odd-fellows is being; tted up for {L lodge home and the dedication ceremony will beheld some time in Noventlber. .LUHlU- No word has been received [from Conbeau. (\n Qninvvnvr n hurl uvlnpl nonwun READ THE ;XD\;ITJE-'I:fSE)IENTS. A trial wiii convince that we are the best. Goods called for and dohvcrcd. P1'i(f'CS reasonable. `HL-2. this men n ur- uy LHU L`1ULl. VV. LL. Doznirzicn Ministc-z` of have 21 amE1a As !Dr. `.u1r-egwpe Dalia. C11i:u.*;1. Court [Physician to King of Italy; Clmrlcs `Schwzxb, James J. Corbett, Charlie ;Cha.plin, Z\I:u`y Pickford and Douglas fFui>2h;1n1:s, Billy Sunday, Crown. ; Princ-0 or Spain, etc. Tegeineai an airopractic 1 fear Their Heah Cl`.ll:':U O1 1L'nI.;'-", `.I'd1`.I.).'L5, ithem to normm heal`.11. The Emperor of Japan sent one of his nobles to the United States to learn the science of Chiropractic and Japan is the first nation to officially and nationally recognize `this 111ZtI`7C`110llS science. ` Elizalsetll ;C'.';1*eet. Phone llclw. Jms. gyms &mBURNS Earry Rama: 3 plnrnhind - PL:-2 .LJiU(Rh2l_Y, very bad pa 1 )'UU. I1\.`1`VUUS (`.110 be able to keep i you 60 not feel T.V,`(Hn In `Pi i 1 John D. I7.cck.'eHor and his personal ,,, Y`\,, 71- 1: _ -1, _ 78 Dunlop St. Over Rccre's Jewelry Store. Phone 406 for a4ppoin`tment and avoid long waits in the office. PMS E 6 I 0000000 OOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1 Y " .\e.{`.CVC<'. I am getting good results `through Chiropra,ctic adjust- ments in the largest part of my WOI'1(, which are "ases referred from Inedical men." John A. Fisher, M.D., Philadelphia. Taste the richness of Any doctor who persuades people into taking no drugs will soon make a, reputation of curing chronic diseases. C. S. Carr, M.D., . Columbus Med. Journal. "Many Chiropractors are ad- justing fnom ten to fifty pat- ients a day to the satisfaction of the majority of their patients. Most of these patients are chronics who have made the rounds of the various kinds of treatment, both regular and ir1'e_L;u1ar. 'Dhe re-suilts would astonish any medical man who would make an investigation." Jno. M. S11a.1lei', M.D., Cincinnatti. And these men praise it. "I am quite enthusiastic over` every phase of Chlnopmctic. VV111. Vore, M.D., City Point, Va. ChiroprzLcto1's are obtainiing results that I could not have obtained with medicine or sur- ,_ gex.y`u , TE 1'1" ij..oi.....6,...,:| 1\.r`r\ EFURNACE l)L'l[I'U1U!(1 15 II 111 , is especially adzm n1:p nf 1hm=.n hum` The cause of disease removed Phone 180. Pease Furnaces BRYSON S ICE CREAM Plumbing Heating b Tinsmithing Ceaned and Repaired before the Cold Weather OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO: Have Your G. Rutherford, M.D., Birzninghznm, Ala. E.\'c1usi\'0 Agent CE By Lyciia X _YUUl' ume; U. 1 I and i1'rit.'-xhle. keep up and (`.1' good. `pinkh -n~.'\"\ IHL`LiIL'.ll1G 101` \\'\')Yll(`1'l. :1d:x;2ted 1.2; relivs.-`cc the :rm1h!::s and restore I `hn--.'H-h 1 133 Dunlap St. W. BELL, ISSUER. :`......;-._-n.. l\ `I lv~v\A1A Page Seven Compound for Vegetable '.-xn \'\v.rn'nn1'I Pink'- 7 OWEN STREET Masonic Temple Building vu - ..-....-..-., -.v.v-:-. Successor to J. Arnold Insurance TO-DAY Barrie Veterinary I-Iospitall ` and Kennels | Judgment for her claim of $300 and costs, with interest at six per cent. was a.w:Lrded Mrs. Annie Forbes! or Bzzrrie against Ula. Pearl Hook, formerly of Barrie and now of Moose Jaw, by His Honor Judge` Vance, in County Court, Monday. The $300 claim was the amount of :1 loan made by Mrs. Fonbes to Hrs. Hook on Dec. 1, 1919, and un- derstood by the plaintiff to be used- ed in payment on property. Swbse- quently, the loan was regarded as a. gift by Mrs. Hook, it appears, and the obligation as a. loan repudiated. The case was rst called for trial on June 8 and adjourned till July 10, when judgment was reserved. Afr: `Pmvhnu nnmrmrarl in t".mIrf| U. D. J. Reaburn, president of the club for the year just passed, occu- pied the chair and addressed the gathering. The year closed was re- 1.:z1rded as the most. successful in the history of the club, both from the standpoint of n1en1bershI~p and n- nnnau Secretary V. S. Hambly's report shows the club has a. cash surplus on hand of $253.73 to start this season with. Officers elected were: art. . iL:R;?.1E vv@I~/um GETS I FULL CLAIM AWARD ' LU, \Vll(:`I1 J|,l(l`,;LLlBL1L WELS LUSUIVUU. Mrs. Forbes appeared in Court .`.Ionday when the cancelled cheque for t.he loan was presented and which the plaintiil` swore to having issued. In answer to a question from W. A. Boys, K.C., Mrs. Forbes solicitor. she admitted the loan was made to allow the defendant to make a payment on a property and which it is understood has been dis- posed of while the suit was pending. It is understood the defendant holds an interest, or did hold an interest, in certain property in Barrie. l`hn rlnfnnrlnnf wan nnf nrnannf in All 15171 uuu pl-UyUIL_y Au. uannnc. The defendant was not present in Court, nor was she represented by a solicitor. THISTLE CURLERS I HOLD ANNUAL MEET! Enthusiasm of members character- ized the annual meeting of the Bar- rie Thistle Curling C1u.b, held at the Curling rink Thursday evening, Oct. 1n JIUUI U. Joint C0mmittee~-Dr. J. L. Simp- son. H. M. Lay, R. W. Payne. Club Executive---W. T. Stewart, 0. G. Hart, S. W. Moore. Rnprewntzxtives O.C.A.-~W. T. Stewart. Dr. Simpson. I Ice Commlttee---D. W. Lennox, W. IT. Stewart, D. J. Reburn. Debentures of the Town of 53 Per Cent. Issue Good invnatment. S4 \1t bly. U1) . Aud1tors--I`I. M. Lay and Moore. Ynhnt f`nwnv~nHl-an hr! 1' T ;FM9Iu$Vi**i"% 0 wire without electricity; it ' i lacks the power to function. Sa;mi s_Emu|s,i%un Honorary President---D. .\I. Stew-! I-f ISL. C1mplain--Rev. A. R. Beverley. P1`esident~--R. 1". Garrett. 1st Vice--I resident--D. W. Lennox. Secrot;1ry-Treasurer--V. S. Hum- Jv 2% Ei_.;S3'E'N V 51824111115-; u::.u_-nun.-an-sum... 1.: CAPT. J. DUNN, V.S., PROP. 48-50 Buyflold St., Barrie Phone 811. spu-w------.-v-w__ | enhances the value of the, daily diet, because it adds thepreciousvitamines that help sustain and promote healthful p rogress. Scott : Emulsion build: strength. 9 Scott & Dorwue. `tomato. Out. 22-31 jjjzzjjj I is efciient food. If there is ` lack of normal vitamine content the food is like a I l I I- _l_- LL- _..-.-,... A... ......t3.-... I1A;:u: he outstzmding ' made to mens- ..... ` on-. ?ressi11g nzr4:uanaa FEW HENS EN WW1`! HELP ESQ PREEE U? Barrie Market E5hO\\'S Range of 250 Over Towns E10 :`.[i!-'38 .-\\\'uj.'. \ iLu.\2L ceoded the s fz1.i1'1;v good 51 U16 tog) prim previous wee zw. dozen. T.nw-r.o( in-A 41': :~:x'.uj P `_ E'E (D \LUl4l.'1L. I-nvestigati son why egg rie is that xfew people 1' have :7. L-ouh nV' r.-Iwvunfcx I1 bun \\u_\ 1:} f,b mug. uv iu;.;nL-1 H1 lull" is there are c()i:1p:1:'rLti\'."ly! few people in the County town who .'l1LVO ;`0u1Lx'_V )'2l.1'd. (in 1!. nlinibstr oi r-:l1'cet.~: 111111111`:- :1.`i,~ailt t`=e1`c is not (L lmuso where cliiciccns are kept. On the long st2'ofc`:1 of Bay- iheld street, for ins-`.z11luo, tlmre are only fnur houses where chickens 1:135` he folllld. N:Ltu1`:tl1_\', this means LL bigg01' (lmuml for c=:;.;s than if evc1'_\':b0dy with El. l>:\.cl kept hens, as for instance is the case in many: villages. Chickens: are moultiiig," say the famiuers. That is assigned for their lack of prorluctiveness in some quar- ters. Poultry exports say that per- iod of ennui comes to hens in the cold full beccause they are not provid- ed Willi clezm, sanitary , wa.I`m, well ventilated 1'o`osting quzxrters and a. change from all grain to meat and .chop food made. Chickens left to nd a. roosting place on farm imple- ments in an old shed. or in a. dirty old quarters in town will Bulk and fail to'produce, and the result is higher priced eggs. say the hen ex- perts. The Organ Recital and Choir Con- cert in St. Andrew s church on Tues- day evening drew a full house. The program, under the direction of Mr. Edmund Hardy, organist and choir- master, was of a high order and fully merited the response given. Mr. Hardy in his organ selections, as well as in the accompanists, Ibrought out the tonal effects of the great or- gan. Rev. VV. A. Beecroft, baritone, and Mrs. Beecrott, soprano, assisted in the program and were well re- celved. `[.'Vr\'l1na-"1.-.. 1.. Ll... ................ ..~ ST. ANDRE/`S DIUSIFAL NIGIYI` DELIGHTS I..~\R.(x`E AUDIENCE . - . - . . -`H1 l`4U The Choir 0ffe1'tory" T.n'n llltll In Ba. de1ive1`c( -Pu nu r\~,V1-1 \\J) [L 1)uLuuu._y . . . . . . . Frederic H. Cowen Mrs. W. A. Beecroft` 14. Choral I<`o1k-Song: Dance, from the Bznmriun Highlzmds" . . . . . Sir Edward Elgar 'T`hn f.hnir Informauon against ten motorists for viotation of the speed law on the Barrie-Toronto highway were tiled in Barrie Police Court_1ast 5`-a.tur by I~Iighway Constable Sutton. These will be called to answer the charges on Nov. 4. '1`hree cases before Magistrate Jeffs on Saturday were adjourned to Nov. -1 to permit re- sponse, the persons made defendants -being out~u[-town residents. cncu. Following is the program as ivpn: 13 SPEED C.~\1~ES 1 U'[` OVER `V0 will be 1>lez1se(1 to deliver any order for -4-4_ __--.L l\` READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS. LIJU IDULL AVULU . . . .. Sir Arthur Sullivan The Choir `Solo: (3.) Su,hmzn'ines: (ib) "The Mine Sweepers from The Fringes of the Fleet . . . . . . . . .. Sir Edward Elgar "Rev W A `Rnnm-nff ILCLI. V $1.1. . . . . . . U01 Luau Mr. Hardy Solo : The Penxtent" . . . .. . . . . . Beardsley Van de Water Rev. W. A. Beecroft Motet: Evening and Morning" Cir Tlnnhnrf '\1o1.'. M 1`. nwruy `Solo: The Voice in the Wilderness" . . . . Prindle Scott Mrs. W. A. Beecroft Duet : "How Sweet the,Name of Jesus Sounds . . . . ... Brown Miss `Sadie Bremner and Miss K/[nv-17 \wYnnf`n11n.n Sextette and Chorus : the Soft Note 0: A ~.oI~.` Organ : "Shepherd s Dance from Hen. VIII. .. .. .. German lfn `trn -u/luv Organ : AVALDB wonuxc D1 \`.`Ll|LlUl' ILLIU D1155 Mary Ma.cCa11un1 Organ: Rus-tle of Spring" Qinfl . . D11` L`.4UWd.I'Ll l`4l'gU.l` Rev. W. A. Beecroft S010 : The Great. AWa.kening" . . . . . . . . . . . Vvalter Kramer Miss Florence Arnold Organ: .\Ioonlight" W.thx7n rfl fl W.vrv . . . . . . . . - . . . 1LlU`VVI.LlLl (1 Mr. Hardy Trio: "Ti Prego O Padre" Ni. UULIVUL (.LLl_V uxuum .L\}l. Potatoes to any part of Bz11"x'ie 01' Allandztle. The price is right, namely -75c per bag VVe will leave it to you to be judge of quality. If not satised with our Potatoes immecliately on delivery, notify the driver 01- phone the store and they will be replaced or money 1'0- funded. Order your Winter Apples here. W'e want only satised Customers. ' ... .... .... ......lVllJUliLU Miss Hazel Marshall, Mrs. Edmund Hardy, Mr. S. W. Moore. Solo: (:1) VVa.yI[nI`01"s Night Song . . . . . . Idustlxope Martin (b) ``In Summertime on Bredon" . . . . . .. Gmham Peel (c) A Birthday `WI*n(1nr`|'rI Y-T l"nu,'cn1 .=;ur-ply .1 `i (H3 mm nnr DVUUIUE; i.|.LlU. \lV1U1Ll1Ll5 .. Sir Hevbert 'Oa.ke1ey Tho Choir ` Vesper Bells . .Spinney Mr. Hzvrdy rnnuc I ):-lnflln YQf|I\" uutu Lu1_y . . . . . . .` Lefeburge-We1y -Hardy I The Northern Advance but Edwzu d Evry srrlv I Hear mg, Sinding UU Nicolao My-a Brett's Feed Store ELIZABETIVI ST. PHONE 65W I Nettie was not too proud to do housework at $10 a week and bar board, but she thought it would be nicer to be :na.rried and do it for nnv`nnn- luu:'-' IIILLL 1:, puu nuuvv, u. _v-uuns. willing, Nettie ?" That was the rst time he had trusted himself to take the handle of her name i11 his mouth. It simply thrilled Nettie. '\.Vn kndh ....~.wr\ O`hs-H1n.'l- nnvwr f"\r\1' Lllilll(`U iVl.'lL*lL`. - New both were thrilled; now they could tell: v.'itl1out reserve. And they did. They settled the whole z1fl`zLlr rE::l1t there in the business- like, boiled-down fusliion t1liL['N01~ t,ie s impulsive mind had yezu'ne'd for. The dzi._vs Went by like a summer, dream. Their happiness was all but complete. No long, drmwn-out courting affair with its piffs and pouts so common to the great multi- tude of lovers was destined to mm` .their happy existence. Here was 0. | pair mated by nature. (`.nn (luv I.-hny-.Hv hnfnrn Hun rlnin Wm. Wood, ex-County Warden, of Bradford, Was remembered in -:1 `tangible way by some of his old friends and co-workers on `Friday evening last at his home when he was presented with a cabinet of silverware, valued at $75.00. 1)no1'n f`n`|nvnnn n6 Tnnh-H1 nu.-I av, ULLLUU LIIU \'lblLUl:1 WUIUULUU. -Mr. Wood is one Oi: the real pioneers of this County. He was born in West Gwlllimibury 72 years ago and has lived there ever since. In 1890 he was elected Reeve of his native township and for 20 years continued as the chief township ofllcer. During that rperiod he never missed 21 meeting of the County Council. In 1914 he occupied the Warden s chair -and no Warclen was n1ore popular or attended `better to the affairs of the County. Qinnn rnfiv-inrr Prnrn f"nn1-Mu nnrl LLUVV UlllL'ld.l-`S. At the re-union on Friday night many expressions of good wishes were extended to Mr. and Mrs. Wood and -the hope expressed that they would long live to enjoy the use of the splendid girft. NIP Yvnn nn hnhnhf n? Jxlrnnnh ].)2`.1l' IUELLUU. U) Ll'd.LuI'U. l One day shortly before the date! set for the Wedding, Jake took Net on an excurlsion in a. rented launch on Kempenfeldt Bay | T3 Q_.Nnf lxnnurinsr hnw fn viva an `U11 I\ULL|yULI.LUlul. D31} P.S.-N0t knowing how to give an adequate ending to this pertect love of :1 perfect pair, the author re- spectfully requests that the reader assumes that 2. great storm engulfed the boat, resulting in its disappear- ance with all on board and Jake and Nettie living happily ever after, by ! invn auvcxvvutc, vzuucu u.L -DlU.UU. Reeve Coleman of Innlsl and ex- Warclen Mlclinlght of Tottenhaul were in charge or the little pleas- zmtry. A1b01l`t 35 were present. most of them Coun-cillors or ex~'Councai1- Iors. Mr. and Mrs. Wood were taken} somewhat by surprise. but soon: made the visitors welcome. nun. TIIAA in Ann nl clan wan` LIIU ilililll UL Llll;` `LzUl|11L_V. Since retiring from County and municipal affairs Mr. VVood has never failed to visit the County Council at its sessions. His visit is always looked f0I`W:1I`(l to by the old and new omciais. A6 {Ln born I19\:r\v\ nu TT`..l,`l...v. ~.~\.A Solid __._e::n:hex'_ Ubl`: UL LIIU SVIUIIUIU EVIL. Mr. Wood, on beh:L1t' of `himself and Mrs. Wood, thanked his old co- workers and friends for their gen- erous gift and good wishes. ON TRAIL OI" FOUR-FLIISHER Another free lance constmble has `bobbed up. This time its a. motor- cycle rider who is reported to have been posing as :1 highway speed cop on the Barrie-Toronto sector. His rendezvous in said to be in the vicinity of Finch's corners, coke township. B. E. Sutton, Prov- jncia lhighway constable is on his trail. ~ D110 1:.- jealous " \ vvr EX-WARDEN W`. WOOD GETS G-RANDj TOKENI Canada has many institutions oi which she is justly proud but there is one of which at least 21 million of Canadians are rparticuiarliy fond. It {Q fhn l1`nn1iI'Iv T-TV`.'I1l` nn Tvnnlv biLuu.u1u.u.~; ilfb ipu.1`Lu:u1u.niy '1ULlU. IL is the Family Herald and `Weekly Star of Montreal which has kept Canada to the fore in the newspaper world. That great ifamily and farm paper goes on year after year im- proving in every department until it has reached a point of prociency that places it far in the van. The publishers promise even greater value for 1928. It is already the greatest value on this Continent and no home can Well afford to be with- out it.--.-\dvt. FREE LANCE LORE llllVUlLlJl{, HUI 3;LlAll.'. 117.5.` 911 singer. He sang at the ; cmb luncheon one day and _r;1`es.t impression. 1 mini; L110 lxmfxvare man who paid if he can engage him for hat is. you know, if you're ?.'n46iA 9 CANADA'S PRIDE BY JOVE Headquar- ters for the best