Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 19 Oct 1922, p. 8

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Wanted-To exchange a new bicycle for a. heavy rifle. Apply Advance Oi-ce. IJLLUIULI. Broken stove parts and household utensils repaired by Oxy-Acetylene process. -A. R. Parsons, Ga.1*vin s Garage. Phone 968. :-ronf Q9113 nf T.z-nriine and {`11H- uu.1'a.'5u. J.'LlUl.lU U00. Great .Sa.1e of Ladies and Chil- dren's Stockings in our -upstairs de- partment. $1.00 Heather Hose nfor 59c. Hunter s Clothing Store. AIR {Inn cf`. (".r\'|nu nffnnnrl Han LIUILI U'.L LLIIJRXCID. For Bicycle Tires and Tubes go to McKee & McDonald, Cla.p pe1'ton street. Tnr`:nn TJ'nn-`Inna Unnn nhnna-\ nf BLIUEL. Ladies Heather Hose, cheap at $1.50. our price 9'8c, in our uvpstairs department. Hunter s, Barrie. A"rm1n\xm1 nf vnnr :n,h-zr-rinf1'nn tn READ THE AJDVERTLSEMENTS. BIRTHS Wool Hose value for upstairs depa.1-tment. nth in cr Qrnrn Tlie Northern Advance Will]. U. J.Ul'UL1lU LUFLU. Mrs. G. D. McLeod of Toronto, who was formerly a. student in Mr. Wnuchope s classes, spent a. few days In town last week with Miss Gordon and renewed acquaintances. 7\'[o:~=r= A 1\Tir-J1 n1cnn nn T71 uUllUl;,U LU U.\l.Uu'll EUUU WISHES. Among the students recently re- glstered at the College are Miss Mzubel Glll of Fenelon Falls, Ont., Miss Bessie Bong of Burwash, Ont., Miss Blanche Owen of `St. Mary's, Out. and Miss Jessie Croucher of Port Carling, Muskoka, as well as several local students. Ila Tlfnnnhnnn -nnnnllu maa .. Wa.nted-Young widow wants few hours work daily. Apply Appa.rt- ment 2. 100 Dunlop St. .3L1\Uiiu 1UUU.l BLUUUHLS. Mr. Wauchope recently made or- rangements with the Educational de- partment of the Office Specialty Co. to have a course of ten lectures on filing put on for his students. These lectures commenced Oct. 15 and will be delivered every two weeks until February, when an ex- amination will be set by the Office Specialty Co. and marked by them. Those successful will the given a diploma showing that they are quali- Miss Mary Noble of Lefroy has ac- cepted a position with Kliin Co. Milk Products of Toronto. llh-an Y.-nan 1)nnOI> vwkn vrvna xvii}: 1'l1`LU|'IlUU LU Dlliillllitib \4Ull!'.`,'U. Miss Erma Robinson of Algonquin Park, a recent graduate of the Busi- ness College, has accepted a. position with a Toronto rm. mi.-g (1 T\ `.'H nY,nnrI nF T`nv-nnfn uuu LUHUVVUU ILUQURLILLLKLIIUUG. Messrs. A. Nicholson and E. Withzun, who were with the Dum- bells Co. at the Grand Opera last Monday night, were dormer students of Mr. Wa.uchope s and called at the college to extend good wishes. Allnnntr H19 ufnnnlu rnnnnv rm lullh 1.'l'UUllUl.:5 UL J.Ul'UU.lU. Miss Irene Pratt, who was with the \Vm. Davies Co. for :1 time, has returned to Business College. `Mia 17!:-nun Dnahlnunn nf Alxrnnrnlin BUSIVESS COLLEGE NE\\"S LINDSAY NEW FA_LL SWEATERS Men s Pullover V-Neck Sweaters, nice rang of colors. Easy priced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $3.75, $4.25, $4.50 Men s Fine All Wool Sweaters, Brown, Grey, Cardinal, Red, Green, Oxford, sizes 36 to 44. Regular $4.50, for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.49 Ladies Sweater Coats, nice range of colors and very ne Wool. Easy priced , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$4.50, $5.00, $6.00, $6.95, $8.00, $7.98, $11.00, $12.00 } With every $100 purchase We give you a 5c coupon. See the nice goods at small prices. ~ Burton Avenue Methodist Rev. S. M. Beach, Pastor Sunday, Oct. 22. 11 a.m.--Pwb1ic Worship. 3 p.m.--Blb1e School. 7 p.m.-Pu=b1:ic Worship. The New Sweaters in cold weather weight have somehow managed to acquire wonder- ful new Autumn charms. The choice is endless and the new prices surprisingly moderate. See our Men s Sweater Coats in plain colors and plaids and two-tone. Easy priced $4.50, $6.95, $7.50, $8.00, $9.00, $10.00 1Jl.I.'lll \IA 11;; --.;.--_.;..--.- Frank Tercigni. the six year old child of Mr. and Mrs. James Ter- cigni. Allnndale, died of di`ph2heria on =TuesdzLy morning. The remains were dnterned at St. Mary's Ceme- tory on Tuesday. Any man is wealthy who has good health, n happy home life, a. Ibusiness or profession in which he is interest- ed and successful, p:Lss1on.for growth and the mmbition to he of service to his fellowman. With these he has all `he needs, llf not all he wants, and he could not get any more out of ltfe if he had 11. hundred million dollars. ed in ling. The Office S-pt-ciz11t_v C0. is the largest InaI1ufz1cl11re1' 04' office appliances and 111C-lorn systelns in Canada. This is just another evi- dence that Barrie Business College is :1 school devoted to progress. SHOW (.`.R.\'I.`lT|JI';}`i FOR AID The address of Miss Leciair, Amenican House, Barrie, attached to a. coat sent with the first shipment for relief to the north country tire sufferers, brought. :1. letter of ap- preciation from the recepiont. A mother of eight children had ,bec~n given the coat by the relief com- mittee. The fzuniiy had lost every- thing Ibut their lives. The .uiot.her s zwknowledgement in the midst of distress appears as an iIl(Ii(:;1.ti0I) of the grntefulness the sufferers feel to those who have given thought to their plight. DIED OF Dl]. HTl-EiItI.~\ BAR RIE Little Boys Tweed Overcoats, lined with Blac-.l~: and VVhite Check, t ages 3, 4, 6. Easy p.ric-ed . . . . . . . . . .$5.00 Boys Heavy Tweed Coats, Brown Cheeks, lined with Black Farm- ei- s Satin, t ages 8. _ Special Value ....$9.00, $10.00, $12.00 Boys Brown Leafher Scull Caps, sizes 6;, 63;. Exh'a Value 500. Clearing price . . . . . . . . . . . ..25c Boys Union and All Wool Toques. Easy priced . . . . . . . . .450 and 750 Men s and Boys Tweed Hats, sizes 6:31; to 71:. Extra value $2.00. Clear- ing price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .500 Men s Union Knitted Vests, sizes 38 and 40. Something that will keep you warm for small price .. . .$1.50 Boys Heavy Grey Cotton Pullover Sweaters, sizes 28. Easy priced 650 Boys Fine All Wool and heavy Pull- over Sweaters, the ve button and should and neck With collar. Easy priced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.50, $2.75 .lUU1' .II.UpUl'L U11 1.AI2LU.' The Pastor will preach a..m. and p.m. Welcou1e! Wire? Qnnnv in nnnnvnhar {VH1 ha BUY YOUR WINTER OVERCOAT NOW AND SAVE MONEY Here is one- Check Tweed Overcoat with belt and Without belt, made by the best iakers. Easy priced at . . . . . . .$25.00 These Coats are good value at $35.00 and $40.00. .~\SSlS'l`lNG AR'l`IS'I`S W. A. BEECROFT, Baritone MRS. BEECROFT, Soprano TUES. %}1A3\/j(_;.1[`()J_$%c1*r. 24 St. Andrew s Pres- byterian Church CHOIR CONCERT at 8.15 o'clock . Admission: Adult-s, 50c_ Children, 25 !0rganecital Tenders will be received until October 30th for the sale of the south shed on the Temperance Hall site in the Vuiltlnge of Stroud. High- est or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Apply to A \v rznmmxr Edmund Hardy, Mus. Bac. AND ers. DAJIVED at Barrie this 9th October, 1922`. Ilnvu X: \fIu-nhi TENDERS \VANTED TRENTON LU A. `V. GRvEE1\'. . Masonic Hall Board, Cmigvale, Ont. /1 For So. lo-Stra:w4berx-y plants, ever- bearing-vardety, at 134 Blake street. to any Olnens. DATED at Bnrrie this 18th day or October. 1922. Rnvn E: `.\r|rnI|i.s:nI|_ The Slmcoe and North York Press Association will meet at Newmzwket on Friday, Oct. 20. Page Eight For Sale--Dodge"Oa.r. 1922 model. good as new, $1150.00.- Apply to Donald Ross, Barrie. For Sale---An extra choice pen of Barred Rock young Cockerels. Ap- ply Fisher's Flour Mills, Barrie. Roomers Wanted-Respectable work- ing men can nd comfortable rooms at 74 Worsloy St., Barrie. l For Sa.1e~Netw seven room brick house, all conveniences, reasonalble terms. Arpply 104 Sophia. street. For Sa.l<.L--"Fire Spa.r~k," high-class ideal family `pony for driving or rid- ing, rrrom I-mported Hackney stock, 12 hands, four years, absolutely sound,'pez1tect model, with trap and harness, reasons for selling. Ad- dress .Box 938, Barrie. For Sale--.So1`1'd mahogany 3-piece living room set, furnished in Ibest of tapestry. Aprp1y'51 William St. Sunday. Oct. 22. Services at 11 am. and 7 Sunday School at 3 11.111. Sunday, Oct. 22. Rev. A. II. Beverley. astor Services at 11 21.111. and 7 pm. Sunday School at 3 13.111. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS. Ucloner. 1 :1 A 1 . Buys & Murchison, Solicjtors for the .\(huinistm.oor. N() I`I(FE TO CR.I<}I)1'l.`ORS I\'0'1`l(Jl<} Ti) C-l{l'}Dl l`0RS Baptist Church \V. T. Bunt. Pastor. nn Wanted-Gir1 for light house Wonk, one who can sleep at home pre- ferred. Apply 18 Mulcaster street. Trinity Church Gun/luv On} 00 ` CHURCHES FOR SALE WANTED ` Boys & Murchison, Solicitors for Execubors. day of \vl5lL|ll35 -|Jl't:LLlI'b`Ll WUYU gLll'.`5L5. Before proceeding to `the Odd- fellows Hall at the close of the banquet, J. W. Mercer, acting as toastmaster, welcomed the visiting Sir Knights from Barrie and else- where in a short speech. which was replied to by the Supreme Deputy Commander for Ontario, Sir Knight I. J. Knight, who recently retired from the police service in India, where he held the position of prin- cipal in the school of instruction. Frank Weaver presided at the piano. Qnvnn new nnnrlirlntnc nrnenntnrl Eldllh \V Uitifl. LJIUDIUUL1 d.L LUV 1lli.lllU. Seven new candidates presented themselves for fellowship and these, together with the -whole brotherhood comprising the Orillia Tent, were in- itiated and received knighthood at the hand of Commander Sir Knight George Burns, D.C., of Barrie. The degree work as exemplified by the Barrie team was interesting and in- structive, and the ritual of a. solemn character. Sir Knight Lorne Enge- land accepted the office of degree captain for the Orillia degree team. BL]. UUL. `Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hodgkins of Midland visited Ed. eMoMi11in this week. Ml -u anal "RI-n `Al T)nA--.-u ..-.3 ll..- 'WUUK. Mr. and Mrs. M. Brown and Mrs. J. Web~b spent the week end in To- ronto. A `wand `Dn'|1 ?\:nv\t\ out n .1-`nu-n-nl-nl Wa.nted-Samp1es of peas, alfalfa, alslke, red and sweet clover, clean- ed or uncleaned seed. Highest prices paid for good quality apples. J. V. Brett, Box 971, Barrie. Phones store and office 65`w, nights and - holidays 651. LIN`: WEEK UJJU. Wll.-Ll JJUIXU Dpdl. Preston Bowen returned home `from the R.V. Hospital on Saturday and is convalescing after a recent attack of tphoid fever. A11 civnc rs!` Anfn T`I'roc and 'T`n'ha:: A degree team of the Barrie Tent, Maocabees, visited Orillia on Oct. 11, and exemplied the work of the Order in connection with the mem- bers of the Orillia MaccaJbee Tent, 275. 'T`kn '|-\u-imam;-. l\ ILA A-on:-`Inn wvvnn Ali). The business of the evening was preceded by a banquet in the Y.M.C..-X. building, at which the Bar- rie Maccabees, together with other visiting brethren were guests. Rpfnrn nrnr-mt-diner tn `H19 Ori- \I -.v . .....-.u.....\., .. nu svlnvv Haileyburyz E1even-~Mrs. H. A. Co-btbold, 45: Mrs. S. A. Boon, 70; Mrs. A. St. George, White River, 70; William Vvigelsworth, 91; Gervais Sutherland. 28; Felix Desjardines, 55; Missgclarlce Dunn; H. H. Eln- hick, 45; Alfred Rocheon. 23; Leon- ard Killoran, 16; Jns. Othens, 70. v-r-__1:_. . n.....;......_ 1'1 In 11--.: LWO cnuuren. Charlton : Six--Annie Watts, Mrs. Thomas O'Hara, Norma.n Clark, Greme Ryan, aged 4; Czup" Nelson, aged 50; Lyman McConnell. New Liskeard (Hilliard district): Elght----Mrs. Deline (died in New Liskeard Hospital from effects of burns). Vvalter Stephen, wife Ruth Stephen, and one child, Wilson Stephen; two French boys. aged 10 and 14, of the name of Favron; vwo un-identied bodies. Kfnvvfh 'vm.~.I.-inn~.\lno- - nnn.__12`.mil`ln yuuzuuatl`. Miss 1. Collins attended the mil- linery openings in Toronto on Mon- day. (WIN Tllifnh l"1cxnn4:cn~ 11:2 13+ T\aH>n~n VV .L|'J.LU :5. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey and Mrs. S. Dewey of Toronto are the guests of T. C. Royce. R-fr and RI ?-c 'N'nr-rnan ll-3!-u'l`1a1'l 1.. u. nuyuu. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Marshall motored to Toronto to spend the week end there. Mr. and Mrs. T. Patterson of To- ronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. Peck. 1 Cl USCUD ULI `V UUUUDUG] . A. Bonter, A. Elliott, A. Conlon, J. Fleetham, A. Osbofne, C. F'arn- eld, E. Ayres, M. Wallier and G. Lawrence leave Friday to attend the Shriners fall re-union at Brock- ville. Wan fiv-n nl-mains: I1-\'|n.v-nnnf knnfru The official list of identied dead, including bodies found in the ruins of Hz1i1eybur_v, and those located in the districts surrounding and north of New Liskeard, is as follows : Collier St. Methodist Church Rev. Hm-old E. \Ve11wood, B.A.,B.D. Pastor. Sunday, Oct. 22. 11.00 a.m.-PL1|b1ic W'0rshi . Sub- ject: Biblical Revel-ations of God; God the Potter." 3.00 p.m.-Biib1e School. 7.00 p.m.--Su~bject: What is Your Report on Life ? I"hn Dncfnr mriii nrnar-h :1 n1 and Heasllipz NineLe.en--R. T. Bond, Mrs. Bond and eight children; Mary Campbell, F. Marshall, Stanley l`leming, Joseph Fleming, Stewart Mitchell, Amos Heaslip, wife and two children. (`hon-Hnn - Qiv Anv-n 7nHc Mru uvo umuenuueu Domes. North Temlskzuning: One--Em`l1e Nadeau, aged 28. ` LL15 UQLLISIILUIV, Dlf. ID. ra.u.1Ler. `Mrs. Whitney and daughter, Mrs. Sims, are visiting in Toronto. 'Mr.t:, T.pn,mrinrr nn 'I`nI-rmfn in v-i=iv+_ 11.15 1161' SIELBJI, LL18 JJIISSBS UELUCHBF. See the best quality rubbers and rubber boots for men and `boys at McKee & McDonald's, Clapperton street. ul/Tu Arum: If-an 1I1...~.I T,'I'p..-I 1--1-r:~\- A0 LLLU. A used Bell piano at 9. -bargain at J. G. Keenan's, on time to suit purchaser. IMiuu T f`.nI`H'nu nH-nnnrl Han 1-nH_ ua._y . Old Dutch Cleanser 11c at Dalton Wh~ite's. Elva and 7Ul'v-as T'\nu-vruv nun ! 7|/V:--u O auu 53113. V7. IUURX. Boys Wool Hose only 50c in our upstairs department. Hunter's Clothing Store. `(Hr and lira P Qt-nn'|nn n-f T`n- \/LULUIUE DLULU. Mr. and Mrs. R. Scanlon of To- ronto returned home after spending the week end with Luke Spearn. Drnefnn Rnrurnn rnfurnpri hnrhn 'd.Ll.H.L7ki UL LpL1Ulu LUVBF. All sizes of Auto Tires and Tubes may be purchased from McKee & McDonald. I"kn To-.zlru~ Air} nl-` O-kn 13v-A441-\1vnv-, -FL;r tire chains, rblo-Wout boots, patching material, etc., go to Me- Kee & McDonald, Clapperton street. p.111. VV!:lUUL11U . First Sunday in December Will be Anniversary Sunday at Collier St. church. Rev. G. R. Turk of Grace Church, iBra.mpton, and a. former pas- tor, will be the speaker. BARRIE MACCABEES UNDER ORILLIA TENT SHO\\'S KXO\\"X DEAD FROM FIRE IN NOI{'I.`HERl\' ONTARIO AV.la.|.ULl\ 'WBl{ ULI. d. UUSILIUSS Lfly. For Bicycle Tires and Tubes go to McKee & M-cDona1d, Clapperton street. 1\/rm: f"Do1r\ TU T TV-2+} In view- Lug 1161' SIHLUL` 111 Dt:LE,l i:LV't:. Mr. and Mrs. E. Kohlmeyer were in Toronto on Wednesday. ,Mr MII11nn nf T`nrnnfn `la viaifinar xu 1Ul.'UL|l.U ULI. VVUUUESUEQ . Mr. Mullen of Toronto is visiting his daughter, Mrs. E. Painter. `TM !-u Vfhifnnv and nnwhfnr `lhfr: 011115, 11.16 VISLLUJ5 111 LUFULLLU. Mrs. Learning of Toronto is visit- Ing her sister, the Misses Catcher. Qnh fhn `hnaf nnn'Hfv 1-nlkhnrn and `.u\J1JU1.1'r11u. The Ladies Aid of the Pres'byter- ian church packed and shipped an- other bale of clothing to the re refugees on Wednesda}'. A Rnnfnr A T<`.1Hnff A (`.nn1n'n es. Mrs. Clemens is visiting relatives In London. S.O.'E. meets Friday night at 8 'p.m. sharp. Mrs. J. O. Bennion was in To- ronto 'this week. flttonunn T.H>-In {e cnFForh1o' Fr-nm an rOl1[O uus Weezi. (Mayor Little is suffering from an attack of pleurisy. Mr and Mr: P 1\TxnRr1dn sment .. v_.-`.-. `V `,--_-_,_-.,--.- Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all persons hav- ing claims against the Estate of Robert MoLa.ren Miller, late at the Township of .\Iedonle, Farnler, (ILL ceased, who died on or about the 17th day of April, 1922, are re- quested to send pzirtlculars of their claims to the umlers'i;;ned on or be- fore the 1st day of November, 1922, after which the Executors W'l]J1 dis- tribute the assets of the Estate, hav- ing regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and will not be responsible to any others. nmrnlrn no nnrriu Huh: on. Jan: nl ZLLLHJCK. DI yleurlsy. Mr. and Mrs. R. McBr1de spent Monday in Toronto. W R Waihh was in 'T`nrnnfn this monuay In 'J.'OI'0I1L0. W. B. Webb was in Toronto this week on a. business trip. Wnr Rir~v,n1n '!`in:: and .'T'nhnn an SLFBBL. Mrs. (;Rev.) W. J. Watt 15 visit- ing her sister in Belgrave. .Mr and Mr: T4`. T(n'h'Irnnvnr unzn-A Matches! 10c box at Dalton {7hI>n n ALLANDALE UI'1lIllLliJ.1 UIl'd,l'-gtib. On the lonesome trail of the Bay- eld street Wharf, Chief King pick- ed up a. leather satchel last Monday morning containing a. bunch of shoe strings of sufficient quantity to lace up all the boots in town. Nothing so far has transpred to indicate the owner abandoned his"`shoe string" business to take the water route to Eden, and no loss has been reported. T`.urn nlnaanc Frnvn H1o.f`.n1'|nrrinOn 1\t!B G! .\1UL)UUd.lLl, L;1'd.ppU1'LU1L ELYUBL. For the three months period end- ing Sept. 30, Police Magistrate Jeffs heard and disposed of in Court :1 total of 117 cases. 79 cases were heard in Barrie and 38 at outside points. Only two of the outside cases were under the-I\`I.V.A., one be- ing at Stayner and one at Bradlford; the other 36 village cases -being on criminal charges. n H1o'ln11n:nrnn hm nf H10 nnv. 1`4Ut:'H, ktllll HU lUL35 llilb UUUU lupurteu. Two classes from the -Collegiate, IA. and ID., chaperoned by .four teachers. held a. weiner roast at the iron bridge on Monday evening. There were more than twenty re- ported in on the weiners. boys and girls. \Veiners, wasuhed down by the wild waves and seasoned with a. few ghost stories, are said to have be- come as popular as corn roasts and taffy pulls were when the iron bridge was only a hole in the ground. The "Big Four Crokinole Clutb journeyed to Minesing on Tuesday evening and enjoyed an evening with the Minesing Clwb at the home of A. Armstrong. The score at the end or the play stood 12 to 8 in favor of the Big Four. The players were: 11--...- A1--. .u;_1-4, ;..u,.,, `p McMA.HON--A-t Orlllia. Soldiers` >Memoria1Hosp1tul, qn Oct. 18. 1922. to Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Mc- Mahon, Hawkestone, a. da.ughter, (Elizwbeth Mary.) McBRIDE--At R. V. Hospital, on Wednesday, Oct. 18, 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McBride, Barrio, a. daughter. INGLES---At R.V. Hospital, Satur- day, Oct. 14, 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Ingles. a. daughter. CLU'I`E-On Friday, Oct. 13, 1922, 1.0 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clute, A1- landale. a son. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all persons having claims against the Estate of Angus McLennan, late of the Town of Barrie. Railway Employee, de- ceased, who died on or about the 14th day of September. 1922. are re- quested to send pariiculars of their claims to the undersigned on or be- tfore the 15th day of November, 1922, after which date the Administrator will distnibute the assets of the Estate. having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and will not be responsible to any others. nA'rW`.T) m nu-rie this 18th dav IJUVVQTS. All sizes of Auto Tires and Tubes may 'be purchased from McKee & McDonald. A six octave piano-cased organ, dike new, on easy payments at J. G. Keenan's. ` I)nu-n ln TKTA.-s1 `l _Tn:-n 1rn`IIn 0;"- BIG FOUR. CROKL-\'OLE CLITB SCORES \VlN OVER DIINESING For Otlcloths and Linoleums see W. A. Lowe's stock. Ann!-has Inn-a-n nacnnlvnnnf nf HA4`: D.U.Ul.el'3 LilULLllLlg' DLUIB. The North and East Simcoe Teachers Convention will be held -in Toronto next Week, Oct. 26 and 27. Qh-nut! `lunfhnrlicf nhurr-In url `hula l1!;'pELl'LL|lULll,. D`UlJ.U:,`1' S, DZlL'l'lt5. A"renewa.1 of your subscription to ` the Advance will be appreciated. Our clmbbing rates with the Faimily Herald or any of the city dailies will save you consideralble. I`ho dnrrron tnznrn nf Rnrrin N|'nr-_ 5i1.VU JUU UUJ.1B1LH`.'l"LUUlt'. The degree team of Barrie Mac- cabee Tent 124 were -in Orillia. on -the evening of Oct. 11 and exempli- ed the Work of the order before :1 large class of candidates. A V T\Tn1n11 4xrhn =nIr1 H19 TT\'- UVEI. Miss Eileen Sullivan of Stayner. has commenced attendance at T0- ronto Unlversity, taking an honor course, and specializing in certain! subjects, with ultimate aim the] B.A. and ~.\I.A. degrees. At u1idsum-' mer Miss SU11iVl.D.`COIl1I)1eted 3. very successful course at Collingwood Collegiate Institute. T7`nv Hrn r-hnine hlnurnnf hnnfc DUIIBEIELLU 1ub'LlLuLt5. For tire chains, blowout boots, patching material, etc., go to Me- Kee & `.\IcDona.1d, Clapperton street. T<"nr fha fhrno n1nnIh=' nninri and- -..... ....c -...4.. ...... y..._,\,.u nun-.1. Barrie-A1ex. nMc1\'ee, Arthur Mc- Kee, Sr., Arthur McKee Jr., J. G. Keenan. .u:..n..a...... 1 r<.......r.....: 1: .n_;,_, 1\EBL1ilL|. Minesing-J. Crawford, E. `Craw- ford, H. Priest, A. Armstrong. For Sale-Part of lot 18, concession 3, Veslpra. containing 9 acres. This lot is well wooded with some valu- able building timber and close to the water at Little Lake. Will give purchaser surveyors plan. AIDDIY to A. W. Beardsley, Box 366, Barrie. V. 21. IAJVVUH Blkllllko Another large a.ssortment of Beds, Mattresses and Springs at W. A. Lowe's. A11 ah-nu nl And-A Tiunn nvurl 7I"|u.nn I .` . Keep Thanksgiving evening, Nov. 6, open for the entertainment to be given in Collier street Methodist church. `I3:-nlynvu ntnvvn o\n-An nn 'lnnun.-.'k.\1A UUU. .l1U.LlLU1' 5 `LJIULHIJJE , ~DlU1'B. Ald. Geo. C. Coles attended the Lindsay ploughing mat-ch last week and while there purchased another registered Holstein cow to add to his herd of milkers. DAR `D:nvn1.,-. 'I`~h-as nn '1"uk.-us crn iarge Class or canuxuates. A. V. Nolan, vho sold the UK- bridge Journal recently, was in town on Szrturday. Mr. Nolan has purchased the Stouffville Tribune and will take possession next week. Qnrnv -Fo'l'l in Rnrrio nf 1 R0 n r-1nr-1: iJ.LlU. W111 LELRXU pUbbUbSLUL1 Ll!:.\L WCUIX. Snorw fell in Barrie at 1.30 o clock on Tuesday. Over a. foot of snow fell the same day north of Cochrane, and there has been snow and lower temperatures in the re-stricken country. I"hn `rn hricrnn 1-1-an rIn'|`Inr'I fn fhn UU|.lLlL1'y. The `fire brigade was called to the old Vespra hotel on Ba.y~e1d at noon on `Wednesday where a chimney -was reported to be ablaze and threaten- ing the buildings. No lllaterial dam- age resulted. 'T`hnrn urn: nnf n ainrrha 021:9 in H-In ZLSU l`!`.'5Ll1LU. There was not a single case in the Barrie Police Court last week. This is the first week the blotter has been entirely clear `for a. solid week since Magistrate Jeff's aippointment last March. The Magistrate had several out-of-town cases last week, how- nvvnvu LOCAL NEWS kl . D.!':\`.'L.ldl.l. 5. Boys 7.5c 50c in our c' Hunter's Clothing Store. The Nnrf_h and `En. 'J.U1'ULlLU LLBXL WUUA, UUL. 40 u.u'u Al. Stroud Methodist church will hold its anniversary services on Sunday, 29th inst. Services at 11 anni. and '71!-\vV\ For Sale---Maxson-Risch Piano in A-1 condition. Will sell for cash or on easy payrments. Phone 531 for par- t-lculars.

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