$300 FOR RELIEF VOTED BY COUNCIL; REEVE IN CHAIR Eight cases of typhoid fever, ten cases of diphtheria and one of scar- let fever, are reported in Barrie. -Most of the typhoid cases are in the hospital. nn1v nun Inca nf fvnhnid had: u. HU51lll.B.l. Only one case of typhoid has de- veloped in the surrounding town- ships up to to-day. Dr. West, M.O.H. for Essa Tp., reports two cases of diphtheria, two cases of scarlet fever and :four of infantile paralysis, all quarantined, in Essa. Dr. V. Hart, M.O.H. for Vespra, reports one case of diphtheria in that township, and Dr. G. B. Jamieson, M.O.`H. for Oro, reports one case of scarlet fever and one of infantile paralysis in his dstrict, but now out of quarantine. Dr. Rogers, M.O.H. for Innisl, re- ports no infectious diseases in his township, excepting two cases of in- . iantile paralysis. n.r fhn fvnhnid mucus: in Rm-ria=>,, pzu'a.1y51:s. Of the ty-phoid cases in Barrie. three are children, two are young women and two men. Dr. E. G. Turmbull, who is attending several cases, attrilbutes the cause to infec- tion from ies, or possibly, bad milk. It has not been denitely traced, as yet, however. T`h' A '|" T,iH1A 'M('\iT-T,, Harrie. LTELCBU, 3.3 yb`L, UUWEVBI`. . Dr. A. T. Little, M.O.~H.. Barrie, says the scarlet fever case is of a mild type. With regard to diph- theria, the M.-0.H. has made per- sonal inspection of more than 100 pupils in schools this week. He thinks -t-he ounbreak will be checked where it is. .T`Hn`hhnv-in of fhlu Hmn fhn WHBYB ll. 15. Diphtheria. at this time, the M.O.H. says, is regarded as of the carrier type. That is, it may have been carried along by children for several months, with no apparent illness to the child, until he began to show marked depression and an irritating discharge which, upon ex- amination, showed the noxious germ. One case, he says, was detected by the school nurse, the infection be- ginning in the child's nose. All cases are quarantined and it is not believed a more serious situation than now existing, will develop. Four of the cases are in one home and three in another. 11.. `r_;n1n nfirilhilfnu Hm qnrlrlpm ana tnree 1n aIi0UieI`. Dr. Little attributes the sudden- iy developed typhoid cases to infec- tion, possibly from stmbies, carried by ies, and, too, from bad milk. Town Water, against which there is no suspicion, was reported used by the persons affected with typhoid in Aliandaie. Doctors. generally, agree that improved sanitary measures might obtain. nr T.iHh=. is eaizer to see estaxb- mugnm comm. Dr. Little is eager lished in Barrie a. garbage collecting system and 9. dened sewerage area, eluvinating certain possible causes of infectious diseases existing at pres- ent. _ Vnknwn `kn-no fhncm -nn -nnur r-naps: nf ent. There have (been no new cases of innfantile paralysis reported in the county. Mr. John Millar, who conducts the exhibit of the Department of Lands and Forests at the Canadian Nation- al Exhibition each year, is the man selected to carry on tne work of the superintendent of Algonquin Park. Mr. Miller was raised in Sim-coe county and joined the Department of Lands and Forests about two years ago. Don't pour wmber on burning wt: use earth, sand, flour, salt, or a metal cover. IL wa ""`I1 ueclueu LU H1iL\L: Lut: `matte; -. the hands of the Board of Vvorks. The College had agreed along with its request to hang the sign in a manner that would pre- clude possible interference or danger. c<:1....L A.` "Yrs:-1I:v~1v In cleaning furniture wth oil or wax, use only small quanltixties at :1 Lime and burn the polishing rags. SIMGOE CO. MAN FOR PARK `READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS. WOULD PUT CLAMP ON THE RECKLESS MOTOR CAR DRIVER This is Chief Suggestion of Barrie Men Before Law Makers. We are here for information and suggestions `from Simcoe County people to help to improve regulations governing the operation of motor cars on the highways," Hon. Geo. S. Henry told a. small audience at the Iilbrary Hall, Tuesday axfternoon. :`Mr -T-Tm-n-v in El mnmhar nvf H19 1JlUl'2l.I'y .1131}, iuesuay J1Ll#1'11UULl. Mr. Henry is a member of the Ontario House from East York. He was Minister of Agriculture under the last Conservative Administration. Together with Jas. B. McLeod, M.L.A., Stormont; J. EB. Johnston, M.L.A., East Simcoe; M. M. Mc- -Bride, M.L.A., Branford; J. P. Bickell, Motor Vehicle Department. and Secretary Wni. Crew, forming a. su`b-committee of a. Legislative com- mittee of ten members gathering suggestions for an improved motor car law, these men are touring the Province. Messrs. Johnston and McBride were absent from the `Bar- rie meeting. T`hn (.nmm1'Hm: rwili mnlrn a rnnnrf IIU IJJUCLILIE. The Committee will make a report in the form of a bill which will be submitted at the next session of the Legislature. In the bill will be in- corporated ideas and suggestions gained, making amendments and ad- diitions to the several Acts govern- ing motor car operations. TT`.nfh11I:inI:'n1 nF fhn amnil mircmrtn lug LUULUI` car Upb'l"d.LlU1.l5. Enthusiasm of the small audience made up to some extent for the alb- sence Oif a greater number of motor- ists expected. Mr. Henry said that Barrie had been recognized as a. centre from which representative views of the rural district as well as the town might be` gained, and he Invited suggestions. He called on Ald. Byrne, as a member of_ the Town Council and a. motorist, for an expression. Al `Rvrnn nni that hi: imnY`!!=.- 8I\'pI'BSS1011. Ald. Byrne said that his impres- sion was that the'M.V.A. is almost as `good as can be expected. He suggested, however, that -more care and judgment might be exercised in enforcing the law. He Ifelt satised that on a good road, and particular- Iv with 5: lnrzrp mu-, it was nuite smfe uuubcn . Silent on "Inquiry" Upon `the question of Inquiry, being put--ominous word in the chamber-the Council was religious- ly silent, in spite of glances toward the center east chair. It was the first time that word had passed un- challenged this year. 'T`hn nhmnnma xvnrc-. : .`.\.l:1\'nI` Little. [DEE 01]. a. gDUl1 ruau, auu p'd.1'u\:Lua.1- ly with a large car, it was quite smfe to drive at the rate of 35 miles an hour. He considered it an injustice to exact a ~n-e from motorists for this rate of speed. He believed, too, that means should obtain by which motorists would be obliged to have their bra.-kes always in con- dition to control their `car. Mr. Hen;-y-Would you suggest a periodic inspection and require a. motorist to have a certicate licens- ing him as a capable driver. Mr. Byrne thought something of that nature appeared to -be necessary. He favored lights for all vehicles at night, and special regulations for reckless drivers. T\v- TV A T.a-twin favnrn 2: Ian? l`9cKleSS urzvers. Dr. W. A. Lewis favored a. law placing the onus on the reckless driver. He referred to the lin'dis- criminate tactics of some drivers who when on a. hill slope crowd the driver trying to {make the grade. The doctor favored lights on bicycles and all vehicles; also he believed there should be an equal responsibility of pedestrian and motor driver. He referred to the Jay walker and his arrogant at- titude regarding the right-of-way. He would not rput the onus for n-__;:______1 .4 ......... L-......\ 56 SPEEDING CASES BEFORE COURT HERE Police Report is Favorable, Though Convictions Total 74. Chief of Police, Rotbt. Kring, re- ports the presentation of 79 cases before His Worship, Compton Jes, Police Magistrate for Barrie, for the quarter ending Sept. 30. f`.nnvirIHnn: nnnmnhprr:-,d '74. 'l`hm~a me quarter Bll`l.ll'LlE, oupm Convictions numnbered ` were two dismissals and withdrawn. 'kYnI-umyill-\eOnn.r'|{v1cr {T-13:: ` W1LIlUI"d1Wl.l. Nothrwithstanvding this large num- ber, Chief King found it signicant to note in his report to the Council that, You will notice the absence of any very serious crime, prosecu- tions under the M.V.A. accounting for two-t-birds of the cases before the Court. rm... Ania` 1n.nn1 um-.aonn.Hnuu nnnr L116 UUUYL. The `total 1o=ca1 prosecutions under the Motor Vehicle Act number 21, and those under Provincial prosecu- tion number 35. The 35 represent the cases reported to the Barrie Court by the Provinvci-a.l Highway Motor-Cycle Consta.-ble operating be- tween Toronto a.i1d Barrie. which ser- vice was sta-rted in July, and on which convict-ions were registered. "l"hmN noun: in tho coma nnr-Ind WHICH COIIVICHOIIS were reglstereu. Theft cases in the same period nunnber ve. There was one case of assault, one indecent assault, one bigamy, one for carrying a revolver. one under the closing `by*1'aJW, one insulting language, one resisting ar- rest, two receiving stolen goods, one for trespass. two riding on walk and one for obstructing sidewalk. IIvuA\4 V. W... ...... -._.... (Continued on page four) challenged [ms year. The a.bsent.ees were : Mayor Little, Aldermen Delvlart, Lower, Marshall and Miller. - I __ ..._..- ....-.-..\ EIGHT PAGES I'L. DU. 74. There three cases DRY TALK AFFORDS 1 FOOD FOR THOUGHT} \V. A. Boys, KC. Gives Tips on Law of Daily Need Before Kiwanis. W. A. Boys, ](.C., 'M.P., talked on Some Principles of Law as Applic- able to Business," before the Kiwanis Clwb at its luncheon on Tuesday. The talk on a dry subject" proved to be interesting and instructive. The speaker's time being limited, he touched only on a. few important points. `Rni`prrinE In Hm statutes of to- points. Referring to the statutes day,'Mr. Boys paid a tribute to the wisdom of our iforefztthers, as a. great many of the statutes of to-day are almost word for word as in the time of Charles `II. and Henry VII. This was particularly so with regard to frauds and limitations as affect- ing transactions in business. rmm gnpnkvr 1lI`I(`(1 that all con- ing transactions in ousmess. I`he speaker urged tracts be in writing and properly i signed. A man may assume a debt which may lbe guaranteed by a sec- ond party. but if there is not an agreement in writing the debt can- not be collected by law. All con- tracts for the purchase of land must be in writing. All contracts which are not to :be completed inside of one year must be in writing. -The limitation of the ordinary debt is six years, but there are various phases that enter into the transac- tion that may help to prolong the time. If the debtor acknowledges .uuu;: . (Continued on page seven) . Sign Question Debated __.,a 1.. ._ -.. ,.-.....1........:..... VOL. Lne regulauuus l:u.ueu un. '*n decided to leave the .1... 1....u1u r\F {ho nmn-A nf SCl'lD8(1 are: T. Aiken, 3100; Sister Majella, $5; Miss Crew, $10; Mrs. A. Brown, $5; Friend, $2; Geo. Johnston, $5; Mrs. J. D. Laid]-a.w,'$5; R. J. Svprot-t, -310; Mr. Turley, $2; H. Cooke, $2; Miss G. A. Ardagh, $10; E. A. Little, $10; Miss E. Currie, $25; Miss S. K. Currie, $2-5. I`hn nnn fnr `nlnfhfinzr rfvlrnifnrn RELIEF FUND GROWS, $216 IS SUBSCRIBED Voluntary cash suabscritptions to -the Temiskaming District, Northern Ontario re sufferers -relief fund, de- posited at the Bank of Nova. Scotia, Barrie, totalled $216 up to this morning. The armm-u nnd A-mnnnh: auth- UU.X'I'iB, $10. The need `for clothling, (furniture, and tools is still -great in the re devastated district in the north. Potatoes or vegealbles are not need- ed norw, as it has been found that In many sections potatoes and vege- tables are plentiful. The ladies are still sending `bales and Iparcels. Any- one Wishing to send articles to friends in the north may send them to the C.N. Express office and par- cels will be forwarded. Address in cadre of A. J. Young, Northern Re- lief. - BAKERS MEET HERE FOR TRADE CONFAB Urmug. The donors and amounts stub- scribed are: IT! AH,-nu e1nn- Qhal-or 'IKno11a QR- U` 1 u liogf. `M net. If articles in parcel are ma.rk~ ed on covering it will not be open- ed till `it reaches its destination. Brevity was the soul of the Solons wit at the Town Council's meeting Monday night. With Mayor Little at home ill, and four Councillors absent, the session saw surcease from its sensations in just 29 minutes by the clock from the time Reeve Fisher, as Mayor pro tem, opened the short circuit pro- gram. The sum of $300 was voted for relief of the re sufferers in the Temiskaming district. Upon re- quest of the Poultry Association, $100 was allotted it; but this was -covered in the estimates._ To Supervise Pole Setting Bnierf debate followed requests from the Bell Telephone Co. and the Barrie Business College. Alrl 12!}!-nn cnuornefnrl fhnxf unxmn me on Weunesuuy. No price changes are in contem- plation for the present, said Alibert Bryson, secretary of the association, nf fhn mm:-incinn nf tho nwptimz. Heavy Overhead Operates Against Still Cheaper Bread, they Say. Future markets, express rates, overhead expense and the outlook in general for the bakery trade, rwere discussed at the third quarterly meeting of the Northern Georgian Association of Bakers, held in Bar- rie on Wednesday. Mn ~nr-inn r-hnnrrnq art: in (\n`ni1.m- bryson, secreLau`y U]. Luv uasuumuuu, at the conclusion of the meeting. Prices of bakery products are equal- ly low and in some respects lower in Barnie than elsewhere in Ontario, the makers of the "staff or life pointed out, all things consider- ed. Price changes Were not dis- cussed. nn..:1,. ohn nwrnrarra nnncnrnnr hang: cusseu. While the average consumer bases his prospects of reduced prices for bread almost entirely on the pre- sumption that our prices govern the situation, the bakers point out that although our is down practical- ly 100 per cent. from the peak war- time prices, yeast, malt extract and fuel are even higher than ever, while labor is down .but little and general overhead expenses are higher. This means that. consistent with good bread and good service, bread prices are regarded as quite reasonable at the present time. mnnr at npnk mmtations was [DE DI`6SeIl'L [Hut-3. Fdour at peak quotaons $14.50 a barreL Bread at that nie sold at 28 cents for a large loa The low price of flour this year was $7.20, and to-day high grade our is quoted at $7.50 to $7.60, nth bread deuvered to the consuumer at 18 cents a large loam. a cut of ten cents. Along with this,~however, the trade points own the overhead ex- pense niust be considered; and itis this, chiey, they maintain, `that oper- ates against still lower prices, regard- less. of the bakers Will. A heavy ex- portdeniand hu'our,too,entersin- to HierniprmeIorthatproduct,nov withstanding `fluctuations of the wheat market. with respect to a bounteous crop. Avnnnu Vhncr. nnnini"! the meet- noumeous crop. Among those attending the meet- ing were: H. Vick, Orillia, presi- dent; B. R. Moore, Meznford, vice- president; H. Brown, Collingwood; Fred Haddell and W. McLean, Allis- ton; E. Troucht. Englewood; W. J. Broley, `Cookstown; Messrs. Jones .-nd Clement, Stayner; E. E. Chap- man. Elmvale; J. E. Atkinson, Mid- land; Messrs, Dunlop, I-Ioldrich, Thompson, Orillia; J. C. I zu'ker, Huntsville: Mr. :Rumbe]1. Hillsdale; Mr. Brown, Gravenhurst; Mr. Carl- ton, Beeton; C. Brown. Barrie, and A. Bryson, secretary, Barrie. rmm vnrvn nnri Hmn M` -the next A. uryson, secretary, uurne. The place and time of `the next` convention was left to the call or! the President. the debt or paysa part of it, the time limit will be extended. n....I nnnfA nr1nnfu' nnmmiculrrnu ume nmlt Will De exteuuuu. Real estate agents commisslons was touched on by the speaker. The lztw has been amended so that it as necessary for the agent to have a separate contract regarding his com- mission from the contract regarding the sale of the land. 1... n'lr\:inrr .Mr Rnvs: tnunhed on Briefest Sesion of Yeaf is Held with Five Absent. the sale or me land. In closing Mr. Boys touched on the otation of companies and the sale of stocks. Too many people are deluded by an attractive certicate and do not `investigate the standing of the promoters or the amount of real money in the pro111otion. 'L'fnrI (1 Q `T-`mnrv. J. B. McLeod. real In me 'prumuLxuu. Hon. G. S. Henry, J. B. McLeod, M.L.A., and J. P. Bickeil, who were in town as a Government committee investigating I-Iig-hrway t.ra.ffic needs, were guests of the club. Hon. Mr. Henry explained the mission to Bar- rie. Simcoe County, he recalled, was the first County in the Province to inke up the question of improved highways. B.C.I. RUGBY SQUAD OFF TO GOOD LEAD Fast Work Beats Orillia s Heavier Line-up By 12 to 6. 0r1l1'la's Co11egia.te rugby team suffered defeat at the hands of vBar~ rie s fast `Collegiate twelve on Sat- urday last in Orillia. 7Rv vh-tun nf Hhn 12:`: win fhn uxuuy 121.51. In uuuuz. By virtue of hhe 12-6 win, the Barrie players gained an en-coura.g- ing lead in the -Inter-Collegiate ser- ies. And they `feel justly elated over the victory, as Orillia is conceded to have 9. `well `balanced and well coached squad of grid-iron artists. AIM-xnmrrh rnnrrnrl hv 9 Ann] nrf YHFUS U11 BLIU l'LlLl5. Orillio. made costly fumbles in the rst quarter which accounted, in part, for - the big margin against them. However, as these two teams will hook up again at the Agricul- tural park on Saturday, an oppor- tunity will be provided for the best tezum to assert its superiority. -It was in the crst quarter that Barrie won the game. The County Town took the kick 0H and Orillia. had the ball for the irst scrimmage about forty-ve yards out. `On the second down they lost the ball on a. fumble and Ba.rrie obtained pos- session. -On the first down IMorley' Livingston, Ba.rrie's centre -halnt, made a nice run of thirty yards, and on the next down, Walker, the left half, carried the ball over for a. touch, ve points. gpivingston fail- ed to convert. `Dnl1nn-inn thin inifi-:1 cnnnnm: fhn UUECLIUU squuu UL gnu-xruu ELILIDLS. Although marred by a deal or! squabbling and heckling, the game produced real good rugfby, even though it was witnessed by only a small, number of spectators. `Tho {\ri'IHn fnnvrn in :1-icrhrflv hnaurlnr 51113.11, HUILUUUF UL S1JBUl.'(l.l.Ul.'S. The Orillia. team is slightly heavier than the -Barrie line-up. Neverthe- less the Barrie players won on their superior line plunging aublllty; though Orillia `frequently galined yards on end runs. uni-i1Hn rnnn nn.-div fnmh1=.s: in the EU [-0 CUIIVE-,`I'l.. Following this initial success, the Barrie boys twice `bucked down to the ten yard line and twice Living- ston froni there booted the ball over the dead line. Score 7-O. The period ended -with Orillia. in posses- sion off the Iba11'a.t the twenty-ve yard line. _ At the end of the nnst half the nnnvln 'n'rnn nnnhrn-1o-orl lin ifnihd L118 l)'d.I'I'lB DUSIUUSS k/Ulldge. Ald. Byrne suggested that some supervision by the Town be made in connection with the installing olf 1e1ephone poles. He said that in some cases it had been pointed out "thzvt the poles were in the Way of sidewalks or proposed walks. Ah] ("nine eai fhnf twn nn1m: had I [DB Wln. In the third period` Orillia came back strong. Dwice rthey pushed their Way up to the Barrie goal only to be beaten back. But on `the third attempt Swa.rt'man, the quarter whack, after a nice run, carried the ball over for O1-il1ia s only touch. Score *7 K VF)-an nnrinrl onnu-`I xxrihhnllf yam nne. score was unchanged, Orillia. `failing to make any points while -they had the wind. Yn Hnn ohh-A nan-ind nu-NH; ramp IU.I'I.llI' scunug. B.C.I. came back with a. vengeance the last quarter and gained ve points when Jim Ross crossed the goal line with the ball for_ xBa.rrie s second touchdown. Score 12-5. With only three minutes to play Orillia. added another point on a long kick which Flaherty kicked {over the dead line to play it safely. I1:-i1Hn n-ma .'hnr-rl in Hm remain- l---D. Lue pm further scoring. 11 F` T nmnu: ha `over U18 ueau llue LU play 1|. a2x.L=1_v. Orillia, tried -hard in the remain- ing tlme but it was of no avail and the 13.0.1. pigskin chasers won 19;: 1z-~n. C. W. Houghton refereed. The teams : Ross . . . . Liv-ingston Vvalker F1a.herty'.` .. Jamieson . Copeland . Marling .. Reid . . . . . Weldon . . . Partridge . Payne . . . . Johnson .. Robinson . PREMIER CITES NEED OF FIRE SWEPT ZONE Premier Drury addressed a. large gathering in the Collier Street -Methodist church on Sunday after- vxnnn noon. The Premier told of conditions -from personal observation in the re-stricken districts of the north. reminding his audience that the need of the sufferers would continue until next year's crop is harvested. The people of Ontario have been very generous in the aid they have given, he said, but as this generosity . cannot be expected to last until next harvest, the Government will be obliged to vmake a. grant to the re- ifugees. Tim 'ln.:sp: run into millions and 'S1Cl3WB.lKS 01' IJFUPUSEU Wlhtf. Aid. Coies said that two poles had been erected in a. ditch near his property and when the company's men were spoken to on the subject their answer was that their instruc- tions were to place them a certain numiber of feet from the line fence in all cases. Fhkn ("`n!~l- H-nan nonri nffanfinn in `Iugees. The losses run into millions and the Premier considered it would take much cash and material to keep them going till next yea.r s returns. A qnln hv Mrs, Lcmnmz. nanom- [Hell] 1-{U111}; U111 LlU.\.L yuuwa AULUILJD. A solo by Mrs. Lennox. accom- panied on the organ by E. B. Hardy, was highly appreciated. A ve octave Estey organ. splen- did tone, one year to pay for it, at J. G. Keenan's. Cracked water-jackets and scored cyclinders repaired by new process, without stripping engine gnd using same pistons. Frames welded and straightened. A. R. Parsons. Gar- vin's Garage. Phone 968. Barrie )I' Urlllla. S U111) LUUCU. 'DUUl\`: The period ended -without - _-nnrinnr Barrie, Ontario: Thursday, October 19th, 1922 . . . bump . inside 'v . inside ` middle v . middle V outside ' outside * nun -n Orillia. THREATENS ACTION FOR FLOOD DAMAGE an cases. The Clerk then called attention to `the fact that the phone company's request asked permission to do its work under the supervision of the 1` s engineer or any other official named for the pimpose. As Chair- man of the Board of Works, Acting Mayor Fisher said he would attend to the matter. Wm. H. Johnston Puts Case of Kidd .s Creek Menace Up to Barrie. Complaint of Wm. H. Johnston relative to the condition or the cul- vert `the Town constructed on Ross street opposite his property, was again Ibefore the ~Counc`11 on Monday night. r "I"!-min -rnnffnr `hna nnmn uhnfnrn fha UL. This matter has come ubetore the Council at intervals for a. long time. Monday nlght s communication was from Mr. Johnston's solicitors, Fin- layson & (Dudley ozf Midland, rwho say they -are instructed to take pro- ceedings to zfonce the `placing or a proper bridge or culvert over the point from which Kidd's Creek has caused damage, and to collect dalm- ages, unless the matter is attended fn nf nnnn LU ELI. UIJUU. Until the year 1915 there was 9. frame bridge at this point and Kidd's Creek orwed under the `bridge with- out any obstruction. In that year the Corporation undertook to re- place `the bridge -with -two small coir- rugated rpiupes, and lled in the lbed at the creek, the comrplaint `alleges. The result, says the complaint in the solicitors communication, "-has -been that every spring since then :Mr. Johnston has been ooded, covering the whole olf his garden with sand, so that `he has -had to abandon gardening; and each year his blacksmith shop, `garage and other premises have been ooded and 9 ,n-rag! Rn-.31 n.f anwaxrn ha: Ihnnn ULUBF DI'b`LLll5BS 'Ll2i.VU UUUU. uuuucu `auu a great deal 01! damage has lbeen caused each year. In addition to the spring freshets, the creek over- ows frequently during the summer and he is continually suffering dam- age from this source. .Mu- Jnhnntnn ha: rannnfndlv 0,2,1]- 3.38 [T0111 [I115 SUUTCBC Mr. Johnston has repeatedly cali- ed `the attention of the Mayor, Chair- man or committee and other mem- bers of the Council to this trouible, and the damage he is suffering, the note states, and they have promised at `different `times to remedy it. The `Solicitors letter adds: Please take notice that ii . this culvert is not repaired at once and .. m.et.tnmn+ n.lIf1of mrnvmmi ,fm- tho culveru. As uUL repa.1I'eu `in uuut: a.uu a. suffvicient outlet rprovlded for the creek we will take proceedings against the Corporation to `compel them to remedy the trouble. W fho wnrlr 1:: nnn immArh'Afn.1v. {H9111 [0 remeuy Llle LYUUUIU. Bf the work is -done immediately, Mr. Johnston rwill .be very reasonable as to the damages he has `already suffered, but if it is not attended to at once, he will take prompt rproceed- ings, [both to nforce the rplacing of a proper fbridge or sufficient culvert, and to collect heavy damages." Dnnwn .`|'<"i1:hn'r: hainmnn nf H11: and to collect _nea,vy `aa.mages." Reeve uFisher, Chairman of the Board of Works, told the Council he would attend to the matter im- mediately. ununuxnn Iv :2;-4;: Aal1;/ L.JA1L.i\nAALAvv.z We -have some very exceptional values for this rweek end selling. Suits. at Wonderful rediuctvions. Men's and Boys Overcoats at about one- third and less than last season's prices. Men s Wool 'Ri|bbed Under- wear at $1.29 per gzwment. uMen's Work and Sunday Shirts at 980. Men's Odd Pants at $1.98 and $2.98. Wonderful bargains! Coat Sweat- ers and Sweaters at trade rwinning prices. Come to this store and save on all Men's and Boys goods. Come to this store and save on Staple Dry Goods and Hosiery. Clothing and Men s Furnishings on rst oor. Staple Dry Goods and Hosiery on second oor. Trade at this store and We absolutely guarantee you Will save. . W. `C. Hunter Clothing Co., `Dar-I-in xubu IquvuuAv.. .,v.......,\. Regarding an overhanging street sign, contemplated by the Barrie Business College, Ald. Coles called attention to t.he regulations, stating that some years ago huge overhang- ing signs were made prohibitive. He pointed out that any permission granted might start questions from other sources. Air! Dam-nn enirl Hm: 1-nrrnlntinnl: A load of fresh clover hay on the market Monday sold .for $12 a. ton. TEACHERS TO WATCH TEACHERS D0 WORK Temchers of East and North Sim- coe will visit Toronto schools on October 26 and 27. The annual convention of the Associations of the two ridings will take this fonm. Arrnnxrnmnnf!-'. have heen made: two rmmgs W111 take U115 10Du.|. Arrangements have been made with Dr. Crowley, Chief Inspector of the Toronto Schools, for the Simcoe teachers to be given the opportunity of watching the Toronto school teachers at work. They will be as- signed to various schools. The nn'|v rm-ma] nessinn of the signea to Various suuuum. The only formal session of `Association will be one of a business character, for receiving reports and election of officers. Efforts are be- ing made `to arrange for special `fares on the mil-way, but teachers will be left to make their own individual accommodation. See the best quality rubbers and rubber -boots for men .and boys at McKee & ~Mc.Donald s, -Clupperton n6-nnO Normandy Council has returned $54 to George M. Leeson, M.P.P. for South Grey, who divided his` $600 legislative bonus among the municipalities in the riding. Other councils have accepted the money, but Normandy council. mccording to the Clerk's minutes, claim this money is not theirs and cannot ac- cept it. .- I\'1 UIXCU street. ILILUI \.vlL Barrie. omer SOUFCBS. Ald. Byrne said the regulations designated -the distance in which signs were permissalble. The Clerk read the ruling rwhich states that signs shall not project over the highway. hm-mtv Path:-rsnn stated that the Only six appeals have been led aga-inst assessments in Barrie this year, the lowest number in any year during the seven years tenure nf nffh-A: nf 'l`nm7n ("Jaw-1: A 7 The Appellants who contend then a.ssess'ments are too high are: Thos. Elliott. Henry St.; Hunter Kennedy, Wellington hotel; Gilbert Webb, American House; W. J. Paddison, Victoria. St.; H. Hotclrkiss, Tiffin St, and Hugh White, Florence St. The members or the Court of Re- vision will be Reeve S. J. Fisher, Deputy-Reerve Wm. Rusk, Deputy O. R 'PnH`t:n-cnn Al {inn f`. nnlnu nn HOLD INFECTIOUS DISEASES IN CHECK ASSESSED T00 HIGH, SAY SIX WHO APPEAL ythbf uunug l.Llb' SBVB11 yUi:i.l`5 Lt.`Ll.Lll`B or office of Town Clerk A. W. Smith. In other years they have numtbered between 30 and 40. "I"!-us (`nu-v-G mi `Dru-rh~nn ~nv1'l `Hanu- LL11: ylptl auu 1.l.li1ahU H:uJULLLlULl'l.B in a few other cases at a. sitting slated for 10 o'clock in the morn- ing at the Council Chamber on Oct. 97 Mr. `H. E. Stoddard, Governor of Simcoe County jail, who returned from a six weeks trip to the Pachc coast last week. met Iormer Barrie people in every `province, most of whom are progressing favoralbly, they Ilmtonmed him. - Medical Men Report Action on Diphtheria and Typhoid Here. 1lLl`LlllUULULl UUUWUULI DU 3-UU `RU. The Court of Revision will hear the appeals and make adjustments in :1 fnw nfhnr (mun: nf =3 niffinn uvpuL_y-neeve wxu. nucsn, uupuI._y u B. Patterson, Ald. Geo. C. Coles and Ald. E. J. -Byrne. mgmvay. Deputy Patterson stated that College sign would hang higher than the limit the regulations called for. `M -rA -an (Int-ipd tn lpn.\'c=. the