P;*`?!P?En??.z_19,?? Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Septembe.1f..%k1;8,;1 9, 20 Six times more durable, than leather, smooth tread, good grip, prevent slipping, keep feet dry , in Wet weather, for every walk in life, for golf, country and farm wear. Including 11ails for at- taching Men s Black Grain Blucher Cut Wo1'l:i11g Boots, solid leather, sizes 6 to 10. Special price . . . . . . . . .$4.00 Make this store your hea_dqu1'te1's. Meet your friends here. Leave yo11r_Wraps and parcels here. \Ve will look after them for you. Barrie s Big Fair BARRIE BUY PHILLIPS MILITARY SOLES AND HEELS FOR MEN S BOOTS Stout Man s` ._..- Light Man s Come to 11.111. I 11 a.n1.--Subject, Biblical Re- velations of God`----God as an Eagle. 3.00 p.m.-BLb1e School. 7 p.m.--Su1bject, The man who comes across--given the Morn- ing Star. _ Special music. A message of hopefulness. Welcome. _ ,_.__- -a\/\/.n.nA ` The Women-s Auxiliary of the R.V. I-Iospit.-a1 will have a rummage table in connection with their booth at the Fall Fair. Suita-ble donations ..will.. be gmtefully received and may be left at 62 Ross St. Phone 354w. I o ii. ~~~~ --$1.85 - - - . . . . . .$1.50 FOR numrm FAIR BOOTH nu. _ u-uv oz. skiens, special . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29c 71 f". . . . .6 Bars for 25c '1' 48 TRENTON goods at Collier St. Methodist Churchl Rev. Harold E. \Vellwood, B.A.,B.D,_ Pastor. Sunday, Sept. 17th. _ The Pastor will preach a.m. and ff! T11, Wanted-Girl or woman for general housework. Experience not neces- sary. A-pp1yA Mrs. Real, 50 Oak- mount Rd., Toronto. Burton Avenue; Methodist Wamted-Ford runabout car or truck, `model not earlier than 1917. Brent's Feed Store. Phone 65w. Box 971. Wa.nted-Highest prices paid for Alsivke, Red and Sweet Clover. Send samples to Victor Brett. Farm Wanted--Pa.rty with cash, open to buy real good farm in th.is district. Particulars. Locators, Stajr B1d?g., Toronto. Wa.nted-`Young widow wants few hours wqrk daily. Apply Appa.rt- ment 2, 100 Dunlop St. For Sa.1e-FIrePro6 Safe, 25x28;x 31, .on wheels, `steel, combination lock, good as new, bargain. Geo. Vickets Limited. Wanted-Roon1ers _ wanted. central location. Phone 984w. . . After the above date steps will be! taken to collect any taxes remaining unpaid. on which an additional per- centage will be charged. Barrie Sept. 13th, 1922. A. W, SMITH. 'l`I-nn an worn- Rooms and 139 Collier Baptist Church W. T. Bum. Pastor. Sunday, Sept. 17th. Services at 11 a..m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 3 p.m. Box 65 Allland ale ._ vv__ __. v_.-.- -u--vv-ova Rev. S. M. Beach, Pastor Sunday, Sept. 17th. a.m.--Punb1i`c Worship. p.m.--Bible School. p.m.-Pinb1Jic Wonshi-p. on or before CHURCHES ton SALE - WANTED TO LET board for students at Q!- NOTICE Taxes Town of Barrie; H. J. Bertram, A. \V. Lamb, `Eva:-nf .u11n, Treasurer. Ontario. I ll)` I Executor-s. } A feature of the Grand Concert at the Barrie Exhibition on Tuesday evening will be the presentation of artistic performance by The Scottish Blue Bells, 2:. troupe ofNationa:1 dancers, singers and comedians. \ c_v ca. The dark room, situated about ,the centre of the building, is elec- tricall-,v equipped throughout. This beautiful studio, modern in every way, has been equipped by a. man of long experience in photography. The inviting appearance of the studio and past experience of the iphotographer give promise of much gsuccess to Mr. Binning in his Barrie ! enterprise. auu La.DLULu1l)' uecuratecl 111 mue. A feature of the studio is the electric skylight, which enable the photographer to take a photo in any lkind of weather, day or night. The] skylight is equipped with very high-` powered lights, but so arranged as? not to qause a dazzling effect on the i eves. rvuxn. J The artistic arrangement of the reception room at once impels ad- miration. Through a dressing room,_' curtained from the parlors, one: reaches the posing theatre, perfa:tly| designed for perspective and light, and tastefully decorated in blue. ` A fpntnrn nF fhn anunn in `RA BINYEY'S NEW 'PHOTO STUDIO IS ARTISTIC ART GALLERY Robert Binning, photographer, and successor to J. Frank Jackson, has opened a. new studio at No. 62 Elizabeth street, thoroughly equip- ped for all classes of photographic work. I 71... ....4.:..;:_ .__._.W- I - ~ -' I METC.A..LF-BUNDY-At the Par- ! sonage, Burton Ave., Sept. 5, 1922, Ella. May Bundy of Barrie and j Melville George Metcalf of Orillla. Bank of "I`()1T'($f1t0 uu. ur A Lur not: at uauon wn1te's. Misses Florence Brunton and Nettie Hook have returned from a. visit in Kingston. Belleville and Montreal. M . and NI ... Ali-.. -n_.._;.__ n,_,,, | Luur uu wuuam at. Now is the time to preserve eggs for winter use. Water Glass 15c tin or 2 for 25c at Dalton White's. Nfitzcna Wlnrnnnn 12:-nnnn ant` VVUUUUCIUUJI. Mr. and Mrs. Cullen of Toronto are visiting their son, Wm. Cullen, William St. Something very special in Oil Cloths from 450 yd. up !at W. A. Lowe & Son's. (inn `LYN! Tnn1- 1':u1.. ..-...I 117-1`.-- Luv LLULIL uaual. St. George s choir enjoyed a. corn roast. and picnic at Government dock on Tuesday night. 1`.Ti<.=l Rnanh ni ('1r'9\'rnn`|-nu-cf luau 1-n_. uu xuuauay u|guL. I Miss Roach of Gravenhurst has re- turned home after visiting her bro- ther on William St. I 'N'nu'r 3:: Ohm thun n f\v0r\nr\uvQvA 2.....- JJUVVU G7 DO'So Geo. Hill, Jack Little and Walker Webfb are on a. motor boat trip down the Trent Canal. Q} (lain:-nn a n1-unis An-I.-....\A .. ....-_ ouuua. Miss Gladys Lines has returned home after spending a week in Port Rowan. (`I 11? 1)u...l-us- __.... :_ *n-...!n.._.: C. Poucher was in Bradford attending the lacrosse match on Wednesday. Mr and Tbfru Fuan n.P I'D.-umno.-. ELLILI . Mrs. Hill of Beeton is visiting her! daughter, Mrs. A. Marshall, William street. `M... ....A mr... fir... n ____ .... 1.....- sLn:t:L. V 1 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Greaves have returned from a visit to Turo, Nova Scotia. .1\fao (Vin.-11-n Tin.-nu tun. ...-.5..---4 imted September 7, 1922.- The inside appearance of the Post Oice has been improved by re-decor- ating. Mfr: `FFHI AP T-Xnnfnn in viultincr `hnr ayvuu 25 I.U\V U'd.y5 ILL zuuanuna-1.. Lemuel Little has returned home from Halifax, Where he spent a week. Jlfinn .A-an-:3.` IV-nu-urn `I-xna v-nfnunn `WEEK. Miss Annie Crowe has returned home after spending 3. week in To- ronto. ' "I"!-un I-\n{Rn nnnnnwnunn n5 O1-an `Daub Miss Vera Spearn is holidaying in Toronto. Mrs. R. Mathews spent Sunday in Collingwood. Shredded Wheat 2 for 25 at Dal- ton White's. Old Dutch_Cleanser is only 11c at Dalton White's. Mrs. Lou Vair is in Iroquois Falls, the guest of Mrs. Wenham. Dalton White left Tuesday to spend a few days in Muskoka. `l'.nn1nn1 T.u'Hln ha: rnhn-nod hnmn ALLANDALE ;..n W. Webb B. Shear J. LeGear S. Garside cxoeyt. gum, wmcn 1s Incorrect. Two members of the Board of 9 Directors are offering a, prize in _ Class 35 for the boy or girl who | takes the greatest number of prizes , =ln that class. 1st, $5.00; 2nd, 7333.00. I 7 --- 1 u uu .u.uAJJ.HAVL\A`.\.J.V Angus MoLennan of Allandale, died at the R.V. Hospital this morn- ing, following an illness of an in- ternal nature. He was 61 years of age, born in Scotland, and was un- married. Before going to the hospi- tal for treatment Mr. McLennan re- sided With his mother on Essa street. ` Besides his mother, he is survived by three sister and one brother. Miss McLennan, matron at the hospital, is a. sister. The funeral will take place on Sunday to the Union Cemetery. VVM . H. KE LL Wm. H. Kell of Innisl township. died at his home, Sept. 12. Mr. Kell was 72 years of age. The fun- eral took place to-day from his late residence in the township to the l3arrie Union Cemetery. CORRECTION IN PRIZE LIST OF BARRIE'S BIG `FAIR Class 35 School Fair Section, rule 6, should read articles in this classli will be received up to ten o clock on 1 morning of Sept. 19th, instead of Sept. 20th, which is incorrect. I TWO ninnmhpra nf fhn D......A ..c I The Second Instalment of Taxes is due and payable at the '14: U5 DLUFB. The suit for slander brought by Francis Stott last spring against Jos. J. Kenny, both of Flos Tp., will be tried before -His Lordship, the Honorable Justice Mowatt in Simcoe County Supreme Court next Tuesday, Sept. 19. Boys &: Murchison Will represent the plaintiff, and John T. Mulcahy, Orillia, the defendant. I vv cuuxug. J. G. Kennan has a large stock of choice Pianos in for exhibition visitors to examine. Mr. Keenan will not have an exhibit at the fair, but will be pleased to welcome visitors at his warehouse, opposite the Post Omce. Entrance through Cross1and s Drug Store. Th 3:: an H Fan e-1.-.-.l.... L__..A.LL v B ULIL. F-red Ayerst was ned $5 and costs by Magistrate Jeffs in Police Court Wednesday for allowing a car to be driven on a. dealer's license, contrary to the M.V.A. Mr. Ayerst claimed that the car got out during l his absence on a. rush order for a wedding. J (1 Yunnan luau .. 1..-..- -L-A`I- uluuby, iucluulng 1J.U.U-.I.\1. Fisher, of District 43, Grand Warden An- derson and W. Bryson, paid a fra- ternal visit to Barrie lodge on Tues- day night. Short addresses `were given and a real pleasant evening spent. F`.v~nrl Atvnv-50 ....... A2--.-1 av , H - zxnuau, Wu] pI'0V1(19 [I18 IIJUSIC. I A number of Oddfellows from Lindsay. including D.D.G.1.\I. Fisher, District 43, Grand r.-am. A, 1.0.11 BU3b1UJJ.. A Harvest Home service is to be held at St. Paul s, Innisl Tp., Sun- day, Sept. 17, at 3 p.m. Rev. A. R. Beverley of Trinity church, Barrie, will conduct the service, and Trin- ity choir, under the direction of Dr. Arnall, will provide the music. A 'nun1hnr nf na.-w..11m.... a..,....I ucnc U.\u.L`Ull.$ on we openmg uay. A suit brought by C. Thompson of Alliston against S. J. Gould, Essa Tp., regarding an agreement for the sale of land will be heard by His Lordship Mr. Justice Mowat at the fall session. A Y_T..........L 17.....- --...,-- vvux UK`: Lu!:'1`e, LOU. All new buildings and repairs now going on at the Agricultural grounds will be completed by Monday, and buildings will be in readiness to re- ceive exhibits on the opening day. A brought hv (`. 'I"hnn1.nen'n ` uuauuy. We can accom+moda.te your horss and vehicles while vou visit the Barrie Fair. Barrie Vetrinary Hospital Sta-bles, old Vespra Hotel, Bayeld St. "l"'hn u'nnv-nnghmn wnI....... ..c I...._:____ u. 13 auueu. A grand concert and entertainment will be given in the main building at the Fair grounds on the evening of TuesdaY.. Sept. 19. Jimmie Fax will be there, too. AH nnur hnllzhnn-a nnrl .........:.... ._-__ PEACHES!PEACHESH up m w. A. LOWE 6: SDIYS. I Radio concerts will be given in_ front of the grand stand at the Bar- rie exhibition on Tuesday and Wed- nesday. We nan cItInr\rn`I-nnnn ........ 1.----- uaquuxu at. The increasing volume of business at Fisher's our mill will require that the mill be operated the full 24 hours a day in about two weeks, it is stated. A rn-n-`A n A - A ....J. .._.a -._4,_,;.1_,, luuua UI. L116 1"d.ulD. Specials in .Beds, Mattresses and Springs. Felt Mattresses from $7 up at W. A. Lowe & Son s. Pnriln rlnrvnnrfu 11-rill 1... ...:...... 1.. JJUWU GE D011. For Tire Chains, Blowout Beets, Patching Ma.teria.1, etc., go to Mc- Kee & McDonald. A fnnfnv-n 115- 61. . 11...}. A___.:.-rv Act: A . IVLUUOHEIQ. A feature at the Barrie Agricul- tural exhibition will be demonstra- tions of the radio. Qnnni-31: in DAR.-. mr..a.;......-_- -._J uugxug uunl. an, at W. A. Lowe's. Pay a. visit to Binning s Photo Studio while attending the Barrie Fair. 7" A'II I`=lCl\I< An A..L_ rn.-__-_ 7-` -I - Jlilllo ` All sizes of Auto Tires and Tubes can be purchased from McKee & Mc- Donald. Gnu`.-.H..x..... ...._.. -___:_1 ,-, A-~ AJUILIIIU. Something very special in Oil Clothes from 450 yd. up at W. A. Lowe & Son. Tnvv m:V`P\ !"k-.:-..- `I11 .... ..L -r\,,n, Lue Axxauuale Munnery. Something new in Felt Mattresses ranging from $7, at \V. A. L917;-`s. Pav a visit fn ninnino'a Du.-an For Bicyacle Ti:-es'and Times go` to McKee & McDonald. Qua fhn runny 13-11 tr. .:).._1___ _; Lefryi LU Auunee $5 AVLUUODRIG. See the new Fall Hat display at the Allandale Millinery. Snnlnthilnu new in -`malt .\fon...m.-A- '2 H LOCAL NEWS OBITUARY ANGUS MCLENNAN ._ \r_~r _,, THE NORTHERN ADVANCE A motor car, driven by a. lady, slipped znlong the let side of Dun- lop street on the wet. pavement, headed west, at 1.30 p.An1. to-day. and collided with a. small motor truck standing in front of McCon- key s implement store. One wheel of the truck sustained a. twist rom LINDSAY With every $1.00 p.;'cha,se we give you 3. 5c coupon. Sage the nice small prices. S1itc1iffe s Special Lau11d1'_V Soap Youths Brown Bhicller Cut School Boots, made by the Greb Shoe Compan_v,~ sizes 11 to 13%. Special price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.00 Ladies Box Calf High Cut Lace Boots, sizes 4, 4:}, 5 only, were sold at $7.00. Clearing price . . . . . .$2.99 Ladies` White Canvas High Cut Boots with rubber soles, sizes 3 and 4 only, price was $2.50. Clearing price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.00 Childs Soft Sole Lace and Button Boots, black, sizes 3 and 4 only, regular $1.00. Clearing price . . . . .750 S11tcliffe s Special Sport Wool, large range of colors, 2` value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. For Sale. Finest Quality . and Best Price Friday, 15th., GRAIN All lines in demand A. KIRKPATRICK { Fifteen Million. Sets of; Phillips Military Soles and Heels were sold in Great Britain last year. The ideal combination for sum and heeIs-leather next to the foot - rubber_ next to the ground. --Phillips` Military Soles and Heels turn the trick-give you an ideal so1e-make your shoes last twice as long-give double the satisfaction. Can be Attached to J Any Shoe All sizes and weights -cnrried by your shoe` dealer or repair man. He will attach them. in a few minutes. the impact and the colliding car's axle was slightly bent. No one Was. hurt. The lady was alone in the car and could not account for the loss of its control. READ THE ADVERTISE MENTS. Me11 s Black and . ` Brown Fine Lace Boots, made by the Greb Shoe Co1npan_V, Limited, sizes 6 to 10. _ This boot will give 1's c-c.`1_ass__ Wear and is a nice tting boot. Special value` 7 . . . . . . . . . .$7.50 Boys Brown Blucher High Cut Boots, 9-inch leg, sizes 1 to Special value . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5.50 Boys Nigger Brown Fine Lace Boots, sizes 1 to 5:}. This boot is e.\'t1'a Value $6.00. Special $5.00 Men s Black Mennen- ite G'1'ai11 Boots, made by the Greb Shoe Company, sizes 6 to 11. Regular $6.00. Special price ...$5.00 % Biblical T. 3 T0 \VHO)I IT MAY CONCERN Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all persons having claims against `the estate of the late Lucy Amelia White, late of the Town of Barrie, County of Sim-coe. deceased, who died on or about .\Iarch 16, 1922, are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before October seventh, 1922, after which date the executors will distribute the assets of the estate among those entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that they will not be responsible to any persons for the assets of said estate Whose claims shall not then have been re- celved. 1: `rs : AILULI Ll. Uni. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Brunton have returned to London after spending two weeks with the former s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brunton. Burton Ave. Church News` A quiet wedding took place at the Parsonage on Wednesday", Sept. 6th, when Miss Laura Mae Allen, of Bracebridge, became the bride of Fred W. Foreman, of Port Carling. After a short honeymoon in To- ronto and other points, the happy couple will take up their residence at Havington Farm, Port Carling. Collingwood Wins Currie Cup A rink of trundlers from the ship- building town, Colliugwood, played the local rink holding the Currie Cup on Wednesday afternoongand defeated them, winning the cup. The game was undecided at the end of the usual sixteen ends -and an extra end was played, on which Collingwood counted three. The Allandale bowlers intend challeng- ing the present holders of the cup shortly. The rinks: Collingwood Allandale F. Middleton J. Leeuster C. Currie A. Welsh. . . . .17 .. .13 5, \l'nlm'lln r`.;_-my-m-. M'.u....1e ._c n_nu_