Special Accommodation for Picnics, Corn and VVeine1' Roasts ' Boat Service from Thomas and Allandale every Wednesday and Saturday (weather permitting) ' at 2 p.m. Headquar- ters for the best Dance! At Minet s Point 61!- W. BELL, ISSUER 7 OWEN STREET Masonic Temple Building CAPT. J. DUNN `V... .._v..l...~. . . . . . u . -vu.u~.. 48 Baylleld St.. Barrie. Successor to J. Arnold Insurance G. PAYNE, Cashier. Auto License] Barrie .V . . . . Collingwood Orillia. . . . Midland . Elamvale . . . Alliston Beeton Cookstown . Oro Attehuaeoods noo.I ____'--v- V- vuww-. ww--ww- Business prosperity is coming back again. Wise men and wise women will be found preparing for the good times which are in sight. Business Education, of course, is good for all times, but secure the best available, You will get it at the Barrie Business College FALL FAIR DATES Sept. . Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. -acyL. a u-A I .. Oct. 5-6 Oct. 10-11 !'\n6 0 A LIUL 0'5 sepi. 15 `UL. 1.U"1.J. Oct. 3-4 Qn-nf 1 K .l.L"LO 28-30 `):_')'1 When a. woman thinks she can't be attered, tell her -it's trus--that utters her. Wni. Moffatt of Elmvale, {while driving his race horse home zufter the races at ncommunity Park, Sept. 4. was in collision on Wasaga. :Beach with 9. motor car, resulting in in- juries to Mr. Moffatt requiring medi- cal attention. Don Westcott, driver of the car, immediately secured as- sistan-ce `for `the injured man. The horse was captured a. few miles along the road. X3 W`lG11J[)b'U up -ILL UHIKUICLJ, ELLIU }UU' comes ours -as we care for and train them for useful 1C11r1stia.n citizen- ship. The possilbilitlles rwrapped u.p in the children under our care are just as -precious as 'in any others and must be possessed Iby -us or lost. putts. These gits are a. -great help `to our `work, and thoroughly enjoyed by the children. We appreciate very much the Iinterest shown. We are always glad to -answer inquiries of those considering the adoption of a child, and are rwilliing to place our children in good homes on :trial. Our most precious wealth as a. nahion `is wrapped `up .in children, and she- POHIDQ nnr: 'l:Q wn l"2\1`t'-l fnr nnrl frnin 3.-.- . Mr. Morris (Thornton), bag alp- ' ples; A Fniend, gi.rl s middy suit, 4 yds. print, 1 collar, 2 ties, thread, hat; Mrs. J. P. Carr, bask. apples, cucumlber; Mrs. Strange, -`basket bask. aipples, -cucumlbers; Mrs. Hayes, bask. aprples, corn, marrorws, cukes; Mr. Muir, 2 -bask. apples; Mrs. Har- ris, bask. apples; Mrs. Gray, bask. , apples; Mniss Currie, 6 jars fruit; Miss Manson, lettuce, rhubarb, beans, Mrs. Desourdrie, bush. potatoes; Mr. Hulbbard, tbask. apples; Collier St. Meth. Church, sandwiches; Mir. Claxron, 2 bask. apples; Mr. Jas. Maizie, $1; Mdss K. Hanilin, $1; Mrs. Caldenwood, vegetable mar- rows, jar fruit; Mr. McNab`b (Ono * Station), bag apples; Mr. Plumtree, bask. azpples, marrow, squash, cukes; Collier Sit. Meth. Church, `bask. . bread, cake, pie, biscwlts; Mr. A. Ardagh, box apples; Miss Hardy, bask. apples; Mr". G. Shannon, bag potatoes; Mr. Ealga, corn, potatoes, tomatoes, cablbage, carrots, celery, ` beets, parsnips, marrow. Mr. John Willing, corn, appl-es; Miss Curnie, `bask. apples; A Friend, 4 bask. wpples; Mrs. Caldenwood, apples, vegetable marrows; Miss Brock, rup- ples, beans; Mrs. Capt. Bind, c1-ot.h- ing; Mr. W. Horwe, bask. apples; Mr. Fletcher, bask. apples; Mr. Bu.-t~ I ler, box cake; A Friend, carrots, corn, culkes, cablbage; Mrs, D. Maill- -er, meat pie, biscuits; Mrs. Robert- . son, 2 framed pictures; Mrs. T. Awconley, palil honey, apples; Mr. Wiseman, bask. apples; Mrs. Card, apples; Mrs. Cody, apples; Bishop Bros., 2 shanks, 1 pigs head; A. Friend, plums, jelly, apples, toma- toes; Colller St. Meth. Church, `bask. sandnwlches; Mr. Elliott, bask. ap- ples. T`hnt:n a-iiu turn 2: no-roof `holn .n The Executive Com'mit:Lee wish to gratefully acknowledge the following gixfts : 1. .. . ..... . . . DONATIONS TO CHILDREN'S SHEIJTER DURING AUGUST Latve I-2..A.V.C. Veterinarian and Surgeon lnn Ilncnitnl nut` Dnn31`nnnno EL.\lV.-HIE MAN HURT THE NO~R. 1THE`R'N ADVANCE Llll:'i1.uS UL LIN`: U}_JB.l'.LU1'. Cream is not pure fat, but rather that :part of milk which contains the `most .fat. It contains `also some Water and a. small amount of the, From a commercial point of view, the most important constituent of milk is the fat. In many cases, milk is bought and sold according .to the amount of fat which it contains, milk rich in Ifat bringing a hgher price than milk which is poorer in this constituent. The fat is also the most variable in amount, the per- centage varying greatly under differ- ent conditions. In fresh ml1.k, the fat is so nely emulsied and so evenly `distributed throughout the milk that it is not noticeable. but when milk stands undistunbed -for some time, most of the fat Irises to the top and forms what is called cream. This method of obtaining the fat from milk is, however. not nearly so eflcient as removing it by means of the separator. (`.rnnn1 it: nnf rnn-1:: fat hut v-nfhnr Ulltdlll. The Barrie Medical Health Oicer regards .pure milk as the first es- sential, and greater efforts to guard against uncleanliness in -handling milk are to be put into effect, es- pecially in connection with milking, it is understood. When ever the price of milk is advanced, as it was last week in Barrie, the complaint arises from different quarters where objection is made to the advance, that dearer Illfilk is not more pure, novr richer in l".l`5IYT`I PURE MILK DIOST ESSENTLAL, CLEANLINESS TO BE FORCED A Grwdg for Y 01/R Car IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED Manufacturers and Marketers of Imperial Polarlne Motor Oils and Marketer: in Canada of Gargoyle Mobiloil. Debentures of the Town of 53 Per Cent. Issue Good investment. S: One of the v-e grades of Imperial Polarine Motor Oils is exactly suited to your car. Use this grade regularly and get trouble-free service from your car at the lowest possible cost for lubrication. Consult the Chart to determine the grade you should be using. other constituents of the milk. such as protein and m'inera.l matter. In commerce, cream is usually sold ac- cording to the percentage of fat con~ tained in it. The three grades com- monly on the market 5' 7: coffee cream, tmble cream and whipping cream. A minimum standard of ufat for all cream is set by the `Dominion `Government at 18 per cent. Wdld FL. St. Mary's-`Saso Irf, L. Flaherty ss, A. Clark c, R. Flaherty 1), (Moore of, J. Hayes 3tb, `W. Hayes hf, Coady 1~'b, Cuff 24b. _._, -..__ Umpires--Kearn.s at the plzute, M`oMiI1Iin on the (bases. I `St. Mary s ... - . . . . . St. Andrew's The teams : St. Andrew's--`M-cKenzie If, mwiss lb, C1`a1-k p, `Co:w`a.n 21b, IMcKndght c, rMcDou.ga1 3b, Rainey ss, Hill cf, Wallns rf. GI Minn-v'n .-0 `I `lT`In1..n_.-. \/U\V "(L11 fanned. ~drew s. Qnnnv `UICW 5- Sna.pp_v defensive rwork by each team `and great twirling `by the op- poslng rpitchers kept the score un- changed till the seventh inning. With one -out, McKenzie of :St. An- dre.w s, walked and stole second and third. Tlwiss was safe on the third basema.n s error. Clark fanned and Coowan was safe when the catcher, `who had dropped :the third strike, threw wild to first, allowing both run- ners Ito reach home. McKnight fan- ned, enidning the inning. with one down`, St. Mary s scored a. run when Dick Flaherty singled, stole second, was sa-criifrced to third by Moore and came in when 'Twiss fumbled Hayes grounder. Hayes -was caught steal- ing, `thus ending the inning and the game. Summary: `D `LT 17' 5'Au5 `LL1i1.L Ina. Auurtsw s Won. The pitchers, `Clark for St. An- dre-w's, and Dick I<`la.`herty for St. Mary s, -were in excellent form. Clark received the better `support and therein lies the ztale of St. Mary's zdefeat. C1-ark fanned tnvo and (walked -one. Flaherty struck out seven, [but walked fo.ur and hit two batters rwith qpixtched Iball-s. Tho u-far: -NF Han mha.nnv\inna1-n .Di1ILlL ULlU- T.he4 McLe11an :Cup was `donated last year lby -Mr. .A. G. IMcLe1lan, manager of the Barrie branch of the Bank of Nova. Scoia, for Icompetition in the Sunday School Jbaseball leaague. 'T`hn h.r-and nf :'h`u1`l nlonvn n .H1n Auwsuc. The brand of Iball played lin rthe nals on vFridiay -sunpassed -that pm- duced in many of the senior tilts. The teams -were evenly Imatched, and it was Iby St. Mary s costly er- rors rather than by their own slug- ging `that `St. Andrew's won. "|"hn niwfr-hora Flank Fnr er An- -------------- --v--vv. Otce, Hospital and Residence: A0 I)....n..I.'I Q4 `l')..._I,. l.Ui1LIJ. U.5'21.ll.1 'l.aLl|.L5 GEELSULI. By defeating St. `Mary's in the Sunday School -League -nals -last Fvrviday, the St. Andrew's team is vict-onious in the junior set `tor the season -and attains tne 'MoLel1.an trophy [for the second time in the two years ldfe of the coveted mug. Tho nal rranna was: rlnr-{rind n The A. G. lM~cLeLI`an Cup ges xto the St. Andrew's Junior `baseball team again 't.hsis season. RV afnnfincr Q1 l`.\fn-ru a Gn 4!-an LWU _Y`ll`5 11116 Uv`L Lilly` UUVULBU mug. The nal game was decided in seven innings, the champion Sain-ts scoring three runs against their rval Isaints one. VF!-.4 `AJAY H11...` .n.... ....... .:.......a...1 Junio1?St.;mdrew s Win McLellanCup| Attain Champinship Title. In Final -Against St. Mary s. -Capt. J. '1`. Reid of Colllngwood, has -purchased an interest in .the steamer India, which is now at Port Dalhousie being ovenhauled. The India is of canal size and will oper- ate from Montreal to lake ports. SCHOOL FALL FAIRS TO -BE HELD IN NORTH SDICOE The School Fall Fairs -for Nonth Simcoe will be held this year as follows : Elmvale... ...Sept.]L New Lowell . . . . . . . . . . Sept. {.1 Oro . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Sept. 25 Ardtrea..............Sept.28 Moonstone . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 29 Sold by Wm. Crossland. In Allan- dale by A. E. Patterson. j RELIEF IS IMMEDIATE. It restore: normal breathing.- stops mucus atherings in nasnl and bronchi -passages, assures. long nights of quiet sleep. _ 81.00 at {our druggist s, or write for free tria to Templetons. Toronto. ASTHMA, SUMMER COLDS. You don't need a month : trcatr ment to prove the worth ol Barrie Beach Amusen_1nt Co., Ltd. Ha.__y _-_v.__I"*`ever R61-AMH! \Vrlte or phone for infornmtion and free literature WOMEN'S Ai\'D CHILDREN'S CHRONIC and NERVOUS DISEASES Geo. R. Burns D.c., Sp. 0. CHIROPRACTOR .....u... ..,,........... ..,._,......., _...._..._, Shop, Elizabeth St. PHONE STORE AND OFFICE J. VICTOR BRETT Baled Hay and Stn-aw Bought and Sold We deliver orders to any part of Barrie or Allandale. Store opposite Bryson s Candy nu.-- 1-nv:__\_-;\. GL Over Reeve s Jewelry Store. Phone 406. -S3]-id Leather Shoes for Men \Vest End Headquarters for Brett's Feed Store 'V|_Tl-\M.|N_E.5`a W` '- :.s1.;.3.3._.,.' '..?..a,.;'e;. meats are essential factors of growth to every child. 56"t? ivWii?5on ! {Q in; };o&.e;{a as 7 value to children. It is rich in vitamines- I builds health and pro- motes growth! Scott & Eowue. Toronto. Out. 22-! I Pronounced Kiro-Pmk-Tor Flour, Grain, Mill Feeds and Poultry Supplies 78 DUNLOP ST. Sept 1 Sept n! Ac wo oIn;:'15:;11e Iil~1i?lj?eth Good Music-Sil1s Orchestra , BOAT AND JITNEY SERVICE MONDAY - WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY