PROFESSIONAL CARDS wildly. `To his horror Dorian that it was young Selkirk. nnn f hp 9 nnwnrr1V ho UL u1uut:_y. You will have to go and teli your father," said Dorian. "T eirnnlv Huron ! unit` {ha vnnfh HID LLLLIICI. "My father in, Lewis? he asked the servant who opened the door. VD: air I-IA'e in H1`: Iihr-nrv HL7 Dtllu. there is," replied Dick i1edl_\'. "I've come to tell you! it. I'm a\vi'u!1_\' sorry. and} 1'11 give me ilI1()li]C*i` chance 1: ever _L:z1mbi0 again. \n \'n hour: lr!1IlI`|IiY1tY')" c-will Riv 1: IL; 1.] he said. is,` 11- Ina. z THE NORTHERN ADVANCE U UUUI . library, hard at on... way IL. .% Leave us." said Sir Railton to Dick, scarcely allowing his eyes to ' stray from Dorian's face. Together they sat down-the father and son so long separated-and Dorian told his history. Sir Railton listened in silence while Dorian spoke, and his ~colo1` changed when he heard the boy s wretched story. I'm sure you did not steal easily! he said proudly. You were an honorable little fellow." My memory of my childhood, sir, is of constant blows," said Dorian. |I don't fancy I became a thief Ll easily, but I did become one." 1\Tn AF vnnr nnvn Fv-nn rill! no-HR 1 I ) l you \Vlll l0llU\\' 1118 {um LIUL UlCl\: Will you go and see Lord Sis- |card rst. sir, and then come on to the Brays? said Dorian. I'd like to ask about Miss Bray first. She sustained some inju1'ies-she gotw let` burnt last night in an accident." Oh. Dnilcyxn Innlrnri rm? h1'n\ L'nnn1U Phone 9-H. |1lUUllL A1155 lfil). Yes. I'll do just what. you wish, he said, unable to refuse his newly- found son an_\'thin_<.:. What's the zuldress of Lord Siscard? I"1l go there and after\\'ards join you at the Bmys. Rn Qir Rnihn.-1 wnnf MT to hem` I So Sir Railton went off to hear his son's praises sung by Lady Sis- card and to tell his w0ndm'1 ul news, and Dorian went to the Brnys. sum air zutiuuu, ueepip nun-uu. Then-Dick, sir-r:ive him an- other chance, said Dorian. I-Ie's I only xoung. and I think he's had his I lesson." "Tnw nnnys on1rn 1' nvll1 " uni:-1 Qir 'Fo.r your sake I will, said Sir Railton. But, oh, my boy, I can't say how thankful I am to know that you will follow me and not Dick." "ufill vnu or-n and can T.r\I` Qic- CI` *l)llI`DL IZISI Illf-(Ill. 111 illl &l(.'CI(lUlll. Sir Railton looked at him keenly. This was the first he had heard about .\1iss Bray. \'nn T II rln -inc! rxvhnl vnn Iviah " I EUH. Now for your mother, "`but rst I must see these y.:oo(l friends of ymlrs. I want. to thank [ Mr. Bray, and then I shall carry you I he said; off to your mother. She will he overjoyed. There has been :1 cloud on our lives for 11 long time." "Ya H cnn nnnn 1n n:-I: n (`rat-nr UH Ulll ll\Ub ll)! ll. llHl_`-', llllllf. "Is it. too soon to ask :1 favor, sir?" said Dorian. Hy boy, anything you can name! said Sir Railmn, deeply moved. 'I`han__'hin1.- cir_nrivn him nn- UL Dllggblb, U1 \\ llU|H 1 LUIU )Ull. The man we ve `been looking for, said Mr. Mellor, is called Selkirk- Frank Selkirk. \Ve \'e traced him` to the workhouse, where he is ly- ing very ill. He confesses to steal- ing the six-year-oltl son of Sir Rail- ton Selkirk eighteen _vears ago. He handed him over to the man Sug- gers, itieaning to spite the father by having the boy bmu_:l1t up :1 thief. He did not mean to leave him with Suggers long, but. Stiggers tricked [him and never eomniimicatoti with `him. Mr. Selkirk's confession was lwritten down and Signet] by him. There is no doubt that you are Mr. }Doi`ian Selkirk, he said to the }'0l1I`lZ 1111111. ' .\n:I T n1 hie PnIhnr':T?nilinn Selkirk!" said the 11 had listened with a. ( -'01 my son back nun:-I | Ann 1 H1 H13 3 1 It.` I`. 1;.-;m E years! \\7hnn Th- Has a marvellous effect on rough skin. One or two applications will remove the roughness, and by us occasional 1199 the skin alcquix-es the smoothness and sol`t.ness of 9.'s. Glycedo-nia is not sticky, and gloves may be worn :1 few moments wfter using it. Price 15c and 25c. De- lightful after sliavlng. _\cu':; When M1-. Mellm` had gone Sir Railton looked me(1itaIiv(>l,\' at his Udall), UUL L Ulu UCLZUlllb' ULIC. Not of your own .free will! said Sir Railton ercely. Oh, my boy, my boy! Yes, I'm sure you're my` boy! Listen! Dorian had :1 mark on his arm high up near the should- er " i A queer mark somewhat like :1 star? cried oDria11. "Was it this? He slipped off his coat and show- ed the mark, and Sir Railton nodded, his face agiow, his eyes cziger. \ "T don ? noca nnv nrnni hn unit! 1111: LELCU d,`=',lU\\', I115 U_)v't.`5 Uit,-`-t.`|'. "I don't need any proof, he said, but we ve got to have some. I'll 1go up to town with you, and wc l1 see this magistrate. We've got to know all about it." V'nn " onhl T`\nr-Inn "urn n1Ilr< ` I LCD, azuu JJUlli111, VVU HIUBL know. Sir Railton ordered out his car, and together they went back to town. On the wnv Qir nihnn {liar-nvnr- On the way Sir zLRilton discover- ed that Dorian was just the son he had always desired, strong, honor- able, and intellectual. He heard of his friend Mr. Bray with gratitude and of Doriz1n's excellent college re- cord with delight. lplllu LU5CLllUl Lllb`) WUUL uiL\;r\ U.) luwu.' x . I 'I`hn:n~n did nnf comm mnr-h Ilnuhf ' CUIU VVILU. UCIISHL. There did not seem much doubt about his parentage. he declared, for to look at. him was to pronounce him a Selkirk; but for his mother's sake, and for all their sakes, they must be certain that there was no mistake. 1"knu Av-ruvn in lrhn `knlnl 1-vv`1r\vor\ Gh- BLGLU UL U.\\JlLb`1U.UuL. I've been sending for you all the day, he said, but Lord Siscard said you were away. I am glad to say that we have found our man. He nun " wna Not a. word! interposed Dorian. "At least, say no more just now. Come with me and tell your story to a man who believes me to be his son! Nfn "l\r\vI an-snA.-I On 41-`at rnI..-V DULH Ur. Mellor agreed to that. They went to the hotel and walked into the sitting room where Sir Railton was anxiously waiting in suspense. "Mr. ;\Ie11or-`I won't mention your name," said Dorian to his t'ather-has a story to tell you. I haven t heard it yet. We'd ibetter hear it now. This is Mr. Mellor, the magistrate who took down the story of Suggers. of whom I told you. T`ho vnnn \vn 1'n hnnn InnL'inrr Fnr STEWART & STEWART. BAR- risters,- Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Conveyancers. Money to loan in any sums at 5 per cent. Office. 13 Owen street, Barrie. D. M. Stewart. then turned to look at the young man. His color changed and he staggered back, staring wildly at Dorian. \"(7hn uokn no-n 1-nu? 1-an nalxn Chapter \'II., and Last Dick rose to his feet, but did not speak. He looked on in amazement. Dorian was looking as wildly at Sir Railton as he at the young man. I've been here before--I m sure Y kn:-nl" aniri T\nv-inn olnnv f\h Lllicll. L USCU. LU l."clll _YUL1jl' The name burst quite suddenly from his lips, and Sir .Ra.iIton said expressive1_v-- V'nn rn vnv hnv.__vn\- Inc! hnvl b`.\plBbBl\!:'l_\? You're my bo_v---my lost boy! No one else could look like this. Tell me quickly! You re my son, aren t you? Dick has found you? T rlnn t lrnnur xvhn T nrnl uniri 3,1311 L _\ULl.' IJIUIL 116.5 LUUIJU _YUll1 I don t know who I am! said `Dorian. I've a. strange hjstory. I have been using the name of Hope for years, but I'll tell you all about it " l11l:Lil.l\C. They drove to the hotel where Sir Railton stayed when in town, and Dorian left him and Went to Mr. .\Ie1- lor. He found that gentleman in :1 state of excitement. Pun knnn c-nnrinrr fnr unn n11 Ohn L Vt` UCCH UUIIL` Ut2l.Ult,`--1l.Il. Butt! I have! said Dorian slowly. Oh, what does it mean? I feel certain that"I used to call you-father!" The nnvncx hvn-at nnitn annnlv JJUI'l'd.Ll. Who-who are you? he asked in a. strange tone. 1 es, an lL|_l-I, lllilll. `And I'm .1.l!I .. STRATHY & ESTEN, BARRIS- ters, Solsicltons in High Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Convey- annprq fma 1:f nnr Rfaqnnin iLUULll. IL. said Dorian, "we must his thy` ; t`z1Iher-RaiIInn moved man. who 1. calm face. I've n('tn.- nll Ihnnn U(L|lll l(lL't`. L V1.7 aftm` a.l1tl1eso keep her wamngz" S11` Railton liked her for her quick s_vmpz1thy with the bereztved mother. and he and his son went ruvay wxth the promise that Mr. Bray would ce1`tain1_v bring Mavis to stay at Dunescourt the next week. q:.. Dnilfnn Innl.-ml nr his: son as II1_V HEIIIU 01). IL. Sir Railton had been speaking to Mavis and approving of her. She did not say much about Dorian s heroism of the night before, but her eyes were eloquent, and when Sir Railton saw her look at Dorian he was satised for his son. "And nn-.xr H` vnn (Inn smnrp him. satlsneu I01` ms sun. "And now, if you can spare him, I want his mother to see him," he said. urn. 1-ncl" m-iml \l n\'i: Dnn t. Dune-scourL Lne nexL ween. Sir Railton looked at his son as they drove back together in the car. 1\'0lll(l 1Ei1I`u \\'llU UL` With. They were still t:11kin:.; when the door opened, and Dorian rose, smil- ing. as his father came in with 311'. Bray. who was much moved and spoke shakily. I shall never be Ihnnkfui enough that I gave my consent to your wed- ding before I knew what I know now. What a Pharisee "I've been to you, my poor boy! I hope you won't, hate me for it. I can t for- I give myself! "I"hnrn'e nnthinrr tn fnrgivp!" said SIVO H1) SClIl' There's nothing to forgive!" said Dorian. We're going to be the best of friends, even if in a. few months I rob you of your daughter! \ nn chn mnrrv hi)!` in six DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE, PHYSIC- lans. Surgeons. Office and Resi- dence, 47 Maple Ave. Oice hours: 1 to 3 p.m., 7 to 9 p.'n1., or by appointment. A. T. Little, =M.D., W. C. Little, M.B. Phone 213. 1. F01) )'Ol1 OK YOUI` U'd.l|g(lLl'.`l`: You shall nmrry her in six months!" said Mr. Bray. "There's my hand on it." an Rnillnn hnd hrmn snonkinz "U11. 3'85: cnuu keep her waiting! Qh-'Rni1lnI1HkG(1l) He meant to ask for Mavis and .then to walk about till his father came, but the manservant asked him in at once. My master is expecting you, sir, he said. Will you please come in? (V- 'r\..__: . _ * . ___; ._ ___1 .___._ _1_-.__._ nrouter. Mztvis listened in SllI`1)I`iSt3 and pleasure. She was glad that he he- lollged to an ll0I101'21b10 fumil_\'. She l him to be honorable and .:00 but she was glad that her father would learn who he was. Vvhnr xrnro atill tnll.-inu rhnn thn . . V . w . ... .. ... ,.... ,..,..-A. \l\FlI-AV .... So Dorian went in, and was shown into the drawing-room. He saw at a glance that Mavis was there. She was lying on a. couch, looking pale but very lovely, and a faint color ushed 11p on her face when she saw who it was. `FLT: `D~.-an hurl `r\r\r\v1 :~H.'n.-u Inn kn WHU LL \\Ll5. Mr. Bray had been sitting by her, but he rose and came to Dorian lwith his hands stretched out. \Iu knv " `kn nniri ~\nnFnIIn T WILH HID llilllu Ll't3LUIlt5u UUL. -My boy," he said painfully, I can't thank you for what you did, but--but I ask you to be a. son to me. Mavis loves you, and you love her. Take her with my blessing! I can't stand between you any long- er. Love like yours is too great a gift for me to try to take it from my girl. "|"l-inn he wont nnvzf nnrinn nlnq- pa.,\--Lu1` _\uu: He kissed her, and she put her arms about his neck. L`nfhor Ia: nniha rnnnnnilnil in rnv \VG C1111. Then he told her who his father was and that Dick was his younger brothel`. ' \fnu-:;- Iicfnna in :nrnrcn -and 1113 5111. Then he went past Dorian, clos- ing the door gently after him, and Dorian knelt. down by the girl's side. `:\fv rlnrlinxr nrn vnn hqrllv DR. MORTIMER LYON, 122 BLOOR St. West, Toronto, will be at 91 Owen St., Barrie, every S2Lturd Dlseases-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Oonsuhtzmtion hours, 11 am. to 5 p.m., and by appoint- mpnf lll.U;L Ht`: dhtu a.u.\1uu:1,v. Not at all," she assured him. It was the shock and the fright. Oh, Dorian, are you hurt? Ah, your hands!-as she saw them. llV`l`kn '\n:v| I-nan n11 nnnn" kn an:/I nuuus: jd bllt 'd.W Lllltlll. "The pain has all gone, he said happily. "It only lasted a. few hours. They'll be all right soon. Oh, my sweet! What a small price to pa)'--for you!" no L-iecnrl ham and aha nnf haw` `d.I'IllS E1- UUUL H15 Lll:'Cl\. Father is quite reconciled to my nmrrying the nicest man in the world!" she told him gail-y. "And I am sure that he's full of plans for you. Oh `l n1 any-rv fnr fhnfl T vn ant _\v'UU. Oh, I'm sorry for that! I've got plans of my own, said Dorian. The fact is, darling, I ve found my fa.thor-my real father. He's quite a nice man, and he rather wants me at home. I shall have to go there for a little whil%-only a. little while, you know-because we're going to be married very soon, dear, are we not? Au-n 117:-\9 a-kn coir! rrnilv hut llUL{ Are we? she said gaily, but there were tears in her eyes. She had never seen Dorian looking gay and happy before. He looked young- er, brighter, and happier than she - had imagined he could look. i A mnrnr rlnr atnnno M the dnnr 'd.llu 1JUl1iL11 _|l.lHlp!'.'u U11. It's my `father coming to see yours," he said. Then I'm going to see-my mother!" His voice dwelt on the word soft- ly, and .\Iavis laid her hand on his arm and said ten(lerly- Your mother! Oh, how glad she will be!" Yes, so shall I. VVe (lid not say a word until we were sure. Now uvn nan " 1JUllU.Ll l\LlElL UUWLI U) L116 5111 b mum-:. "My darling, are you badly hur.t? he asked anxlously. 'KTn6 no call " uh. nanny-nrl $1{n-u "YO nan unugxneu H8 CULllLl 1UUl\. i A motor car stopped at the door land Dorian jumped up. Y e vnv fnohor nnlnincr tn app l|lIll%Illl||l~i;.~ .35 i aid. Oh. yes!" cried Mavis. Don non hnv \vnHinr*' DRUGGIST. M1 BANKFT0RONl'0 Winnipeg, Manitoba.--"I can not speak too highly of what Lydia. E. Pinkha.m's Vegetable Compound has done for me. I was a nervous wreck and I just had to force myself to do my work. Life was a. misery and work was a. burden. Even the sound of my own children playing made me feel as if I m-ust scream if they did not get away from me. I could not even speak right to my husband. The doctor said that he could do nothing for me owing to my condi- tion, but told me to expect another miscarriage. My husband's grand- mother advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I started it right away and everyone noticed what a different woman I was in a. short time. I went and engaged my doctor and he did not know me, I was so well. I was able to do my work once more and it was a. pleasure, not a burden. Now I have a `ne bouncing baby to use the doctors own words. I am able to nurse her and enjoy doing my work. I can not help rer'ommen(ling such a medicine. and anyone seeing me before I took it and seeing me `now mm am: what it Ines nr mp, `H18 UEIOTG I IOUK ll. ZLIHI Sllllg H10 now, can see what it does or me. What it has done for me it can do for anyone In the same condition. I am only too pleased for you to use my testhnolliztl."--MI:s. E.\m.\' DAVIS, 721 McGee St., Winnipeg, Manitoba. "It's so strange that you should have been educated and taught and have found a charming girl for a. Winfe," he said, when it might have been so different! It s not Frank Selkirk s fault that you were not ruined for life!" Va: H :n u.n...1....n..nn 'r\_..:__ Consult our nearest Branch Manager about your requirements. Capital - $5,000,000 Reserves - $7,000,000 A farmer's banking needs are regarded by the Bank of Toronto as on precisely the same basis as those -of any other business and receive the same careful considera- tion. L LIAUUH LUl' H181 Yes, it is wonderful! Dorian said. Gin 1Dn!ILp.... .....l.:-.s 71- 1- 1. c 5"!-AU. Sir Railton nodded. He felt that he could not speak, his heart was too full. Tvhnn 41..-..v .....4 :...s... n._ 1...... any LUU 11111. When they got into the house Sir Railton said-~ Vnuuy- n\nf11nv- ...xn 1... :_ 1.-.. ,..._ ALEXANDER COWAN, SUCCES- sor to Lenn-ox, Cowan & Brown. `Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of will, guardianshxip and adnimistration, and General Soli- citor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Money -to loan. Offices: Hinds Block, No. 8 Dunlop street. I\.`cLll|.U1.l SHJUX` I Your mother will be in her own room. I'll go and break the news to her first and then send you in. You can speak to Dick," he added, kindly, tvherey showing that he had not forgotten his promise. Dick was lounging about mondily in the billiard room when Dorian came in and told him in .1 few words what he had to tell nim. Dick was generously glad, and shook his brother's hand happily, and then Dorian told him, in his own hearty, honest. and reassuring way, that the past was to be blotted out and that he was to have a fresh start. T nwn fhnf on vnn " El`II'A n.--1- Au: was LU ua.\'e at Lresll Start. ``I owe that to you, said Dick, with shaking lip, and now I can go back, and Mavis Du `kn .-and 3.... 1... - L..-n_-._u_ .-,_, :`I've loved her since I was a boy," said Dorian, and she's loved me." A right nlri rnnn cniri hinlx nuu IL was 1115 11l'SL 1OVe. Sir Railton came out of his wife's sitting room and looked at Dorian. He was evidently much moved; his face was pale, but his eyes were full of light. V ".Qha:x L'nnu'= " 1-in eni ucxm-.. U1 1151M. "She knows," waiting for you," Hp nnpnnrl the wzuuug LU1` you, He opened the door, and Dorian went into his mother. Sir Railton closed the door to and left them together. Irnl... 17V...:\ azuu uurluu, "anu sne's 1ovea me." All right, old man. said Dick, `'1 sha. n't grumble! You deserve her." .\n,: .-c v..:.. . . . . . . _ . _. ...L ,7 ~ IAUI. And if his eyes were Wet as Dor- ian turned away he was but a. youth, and it was his first love. Qir Pnilfnn nnrnn nu! nc 11:5 ....::...-.. uacn, nuu .uu.\v l5 ' But he read in his brother's face that he was not to have all he want- ad, _LAL\AIL \ltJ\rLG.|.L\Jll -F like any other business, require varying amounts 0 f extra capital at par- ticular times. BOYS & MUROHISON, B.~\RR-IS- ters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, .Converyancers, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Otces 13 Owen street, in the premises fornwrly occupied `by `the Bank of Toronto. Brwnch Oice, Elmvale, -Ontario. W. A. Boys, K.C., M.P., D. C. Murchison. Canadian Woman Recom- mends Lydia E. Pinkha.m s Vegetable Compound Farm ?`;!.`ki`.`3 tr ARM operations, >1ike amamafe" FUNERAL DIRECTOR Specialist in Embalming Owen St. - Barrie, Ont. PHONE 268 {I5;,TJ. BYRNE (T_11e End) he said. "She's u-rrmz Monkman s G%1v..C%d.9I}ia DR. BOS.-XNKO. D.D.S., OFFICE and residence .\'o. 68 Mulcaster St. Pay no attention to rumors that he has retired. You will find him very much alive to the public requirements. Call or phone No. 263 when you need prompt and efficient service. W. A. LEWIS, M.D.. C.1\I. SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY and C. S. DICKSO.\`, B.A., M.B. u__._. (-1 tn r1...1I:.._ BL 75---: }1'\1'1. J I`. I1.lJl41JlJ., LJJJ.-3.. UIDAV` tist. 'Ofce over Cra.ig s Tailor Shop, No. 1 Dunlap St., Banrie, Ont. Phones: Oice, 450; House 436. J11 VlU1'UI1. A. r1:l11.'l', UIEAUUALILI of Trinity University and also graduate of Edinburgh and Glas- gow. Specialty, stomach diseases. Ofce, corner Bayeld and Wor- sley Sts. Entrance off Worsley. Oice open until 8 pm. 'r. G. SMITH & CO. PHONE 82. Established 1869. Funeral Direc- tors. Open day and night. Z\Xor;.:ue and chapel in connection. Barrie, Ontario. )R. H. T. ARNALL, OFFIGE and residence corner of Toronto and Elizwbeth streets. (Opposite Elizabeth St. Methodist Church.) Tnlnnhnnn `IR7 .l`_1llZitUELll DL. J1 Telephone 167. 'k1.'Ul . ment. uuaL.u.'u, nuLa.uus rwuuu, L,uuvuy- ancers. Office. 1st oor Masonic Temple Building, Barrie. Money to loan at lowest current rates. G. H. Esten. D. F. McCU.-\IG. B.A. Successor to Cx-eswicke & Bell Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Money to Loan Ofce, Ross Block, Barrie .\lnkc9 Your Skin Like Velvet ROOFS! ROOFS 2` ROOFS z WM. SMITH 1"l'NER.~\L NEW ONES LAID OLD ONES REl`.\II'{ED GEO. MONKMAN I\lL'SIC.-\ MEDICAL DENTAL Box 810 LEGAL 56 Collier St., Barrie DR. J. F. WARNICA, L.D.S., D.D.S., Graduate and I\Ieu1ber of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, To- ronto. Office over Sterling Bank, Barrie. Entrance on Clapperton Street. Phone 937. DIRECTORS 7.-\ L BARBIE, ONT. I 84 Mary St. neck," he instructed the. I'll tie them to-gether-so. Now don't let go. whatever happens, and don't be afraid. We'll be safe in a mo- ment." .\Iavis looked down at the dizzy depths below and closed her eyes. She did as she was told, but very soon she fainted and hung a dead \'-. 8l_`.{llT. on the young man's back. But there were many hands to relieve him of his burden, and. blackened and choking, he gave her up to them and saw them lay her down on the grass. A doctor assured him that she was not hurt and would be all right, and Dorian slipped away and went back to he cried over by Lady Siscard, who ever after sang his praises rapturously. l `nnv-inn hnrl 51 hath nhnnuorl hie LU HELP. "Clasp your hands round my Hlb [lllllalb l'd.]_JLUlUU3l)'. Dorian had a bath, changed his clothes, and wont to get. a doctor to bind up his hands. That slight :)[)f,`I'1lliOI1 havinL; heen deftly effecI- ed, he went to ask about Mzwis. `Un 11:]! run Iyn {n hn nnlv nclxnr! lrf, Hf.` C111 LU iJ.bI\ ilUUlll .\l(L\l.`J. He did not (4 in--he only asked at the door. He was told that she was much exhausted and that she was also slly.:l1tly burned, but the doctor thou<.;ht she would do well. Dorian Could not think of bed.` His hands hurt him now that the excite- ment was over, and he set off for a walk after calling up the Siscards `and saying that he would not be in until the morning. It : \Tn\'i= T~1rnv cni T.ndv Qia- cu iulu bll`UuB U11 UH it 1011}; Willlf. He had gone some distance and found himself on the river s balm, when coming towards him was a young man whose l`a(:4a in the gray dawn looked strange and wild. He did not see Dorian, and there was no one else about. With a sudden wild laugh the yoting fellow leaped up on the parapet. and Dorian was just in time to rush forward, seize him by the arm. and drag him back before he went over. \\'liat (lid you stop me for ?A It would be the best thing for me and ever_\'body," said the young man Uulll LHC IHULHIH3-5. It s Mavis Bray, card. "Poor boy! hear of it. `_`l\n':l `\r\ n Inn!-n Al!`:d.l UL IL. She'd be a. lucky girl to get him," said Lord Siscard. He's a. gentle- man, and he will go far. What fools people are about marriages! He's wasting his night watching that girl's window. I expect. and she doesn't care a button for him. "l` v\'\r\v-r\:v1rv l\r\v ;.A...:-.... CAPT. J. F. ROLLIT. L.D.S.. DEN- Hat fnn nvnr Praia : 'I`ai1nr He took her in his arms, carried her from the room, and found a window, which he ung open. Flames were licking at the brick- work, and Dorian knew he must ,lose no time. The men below were eagerly putting up ladders, and the remen had now and were ready to help. ("In=n vnnr hunt`: rniln mv Cull: EL UUILUJJ lUL' llllll. Towards morning Dorian. coming round once more on his vigil, saw that the light in .\Iavis' room was put out and the Window was open, and later. passing under her win~ (low. he heard her laugh as she spoke to a nurse. That laugh made him feel ridiculously joyful. and he turn- ed and strode off on a. long walk. P19 had nnnn cnmn rlizonnnn and Dorian, without a Word, took the man by the arm and thrust him away. Before they could stop him he was going up the stairs and was lost to View in the smoke. "Fine fhn inrlrlnv-e rnnrlvl Y6` Mn IUBL LU \H'.'VY ILL LIN`: BHIURC. Get the ladders ready! If he can get to her he can get back easy enough! said the policeman who had been thrust away and who was now eager to help. hnrinn n1nr1r.\ hi: xvnv 1111 than efnir-_ UUW B'd.gdl' LU Htflp. Dorian made his way up the stair- case, choking, almost suffocated, but with one thought in his mind. Uavis! Mavis! To get to her-to die with her if need be---but to try at least to save her dear life! T1.-\ Fnunrl tkn rnrnn nnrl nnf tho ill. IBESL [U Sdlte HUI` uea.1' Hui: He found the room and put the key into the lock. The floor was hot under his feet, and .\Iavis was in a little crumpled heap on the oor. She had cried until she was hoarse. and now she had given up all hope. \I'nvi=V `\T\- rlnrlinul nnrisunl 'd,.Ll|l LlU\\v' Dill`: uuu gncu. up an uuycu Mavis! My darling!" Dorian said, kneeling by her. My boy!" she said. "You've rInn1oV .\Ir. Bray poured the story into his ears as they hurried to the door of the building, which was guarded by police. "She went up for some goods they-ve got stored and some fool of a woman-one of those busy- bodies who are always about--1ock- ed the door on her and tool: the key. Then the re broke out. and this woman never remembered what she'd done till later. Then the others remembered that she was there--n1y girl---in a room without a. window at the top of the building! By now she's dead-dead ! Dorian put him aside and spoke to 3. tall woman he knew. Is this true, Duchess? he ask- na`l Ya \fi~a~ `Dr-dv In rhnf 1-nnn\`). 15 LUIS Ll'll\:`, AJUCHUDDJ HE '(Lbl\` ed. Is Miss Bray in that room?- I'm sorry to say she is, replied the Duchess. Here s the key. I've been waiting for 21 man to come. Qhn ahnt an ansrrv ulzanma :1? H11: |)l'.`b'U. WL|.1LlL|_`5' LU]. LL Hlilll LU UUIHU She shot an angry glance at the policeman, who said quite1_v--- "You can't go in, sir. It's impos- sible to reach the lady now. Very sorry. nn1'inn xvifhnuf n xvnr fnnl: thn I PROP`. D. WEIR, TEACHER OI~`| Piano and Violin. Piano Tuner.. 30 .\In.p1e Ave. Phone 513. -43} Dorian was fond of Lady Siscard. She had been kind and nxothey to hnn, but he could not stay to con fort her when Mavis might be in danger. T-Tn znnlzn a kind wnrrl and dashed danger. He spoke a kind word and dashed out, leaving Lady Siscard to her tears. The bazaar was not far a.Wa.,v, and it would take less time to run than to drive. He set off running as" quickly as he could in the crowded street, and soon he was in sight of the burning building. T`hn rm nm-ann hr: aw, lnnking L118 uurulug uuuuiug. The rst person he saw, looking like a madman, was Mr. Bray. He came to Dorian, and said wi1d1y- "Ch:-\ |: :n H\c.rn,,,,nn- air`! I Qhn"H Cillllt` LU J.JUl'l2l.l1, zluu bdlu `v\uu1_\-- She s in there---my girl! She ll be burnt to death! They won't save her-Lhey won't! Oh, I feel that I could kill that woman!" HVVkn.~. :5 n1an`)" nah] `l"|nv-inn L1ld.L 1 UULUU hill L1l'(lL WUUILLU2 Where is she? said Dorian, turning white as he hurried to the place. \Tr `Rrqv nrun-nd fhn afnv-v infn (Continued from last week) A Wicked Deception Chapter \`.-(Continued) . said Lady Sis-1 They'll never; auuw _vuu LU H::Lul'u LU IJUIIUUII. "I--I brought a friend with me, stammered Dick. He's :1 fine chap, who~--who made me see that I ought to tell you this. I wish you d speak to him and-and listen to what he says. I~-I don t think I deser\':;- what you're going to do. It's a Mr. Hope." he added. and Sir Railton, with :1 shrug, rang the hell and told the servant. to show .\Ir. Hope in. Dnrinn znrnnxr nn nnrl nntnrml thn DONALD ROSS, LL.B., BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, etc. Masonic Tem- ple Building, Barrie. Money to loan. \VUl|l \.'\Cl HLLIIIUIU (lj-',Lllll. You've been gz1n1bIin_u`.' said Sir Railton in horror-stricken tones. He had always known that. Ihisl second son of his was weak, but he had not expected this. Va: T n1 nnvFnH\' l:(\Y`l'I' I nurnl .I should think so. You nlight well be," said S11` Railton. What do you owe?" lnur hnnrlrnrl nnnncl" nrlcvivnw, EU JJlUk\ l1i.`.5[Jt!1'U.LUl_\ . Very good. That money will he paid, and you-you will help me to break the entail. I will not havel an heir like you. I shall choose one of your young brothers." ninl: xvnvn n cnh hut Qlr Dnillnn . . V . . ._ .... ...... ....v....,.. Go to your room. I'll talk with you later," he said. I shall mll something for you to do. I shall not allow you to return to London." Y__.Y ht-rnvht -1 4`m'nn:l uyhh nun .,....,,-. My unhappy son tells me that you Sir Railton began. and \V I lIII_iL ll! Yes, (I wmlcl1edl_\'. about :6` ~vr\I1"` rv: Hill] U.UL t2.\pUL'ltfU llll. I Yes. I'm zuvfully sorry. I owe` money," Dick said. I was zL1`rzLid, to come and H211 _vou--am1 asham-i nrl " uu _yuu unc: I<`oux' hundred pounds!" answev; `ed Dlck desperately. Vnrv rvnnd 'I`hnf mnnnv will hp UL JUUL ,VUl.lLl5 UYULHUYS. | Dick gave a. sob, but Sir Railton looked at him sternly. I un- A_ .__. Ht`. aurvuul. LU SHUW J11`. I`lU[J(:` Ill. Dorian sprang up and entered the library when the man gave him the nmeungn I DR. VICTOR A. HART, GRADUATE nf 'l"rh1|ifv `|'7.nh'nr::ifv and Alan cu VU.5Ub`l) Liullllliil` LU 111111. Lewis looked at him and changed color. Surely this tall young man must be the lost son of the house! He was the very image of his father. and was just about the age the little boy would be now. Lewis had not forgotten the child, and he tremvbled as he looked at the young man. `He: ennnnuarl Mr `Dink hnrl r-nma at. HID \.lUDl\. I It was now eighteen years since the loss of Dorian, and Sir Railton, who had felt that loss keenly, look- ed older than his age, which was fty-foui`. He was very may until looked stern and cold. I .-\t. the sight or his son he rose to his feet. What is it`? There's son1ethin:.; \\'|-nn H9" hn an id JJUIIELLI. I ll stay here. Send for me if you want me, said Dorian, who was looking round the hall, which seem- ed vaguely familiar to him. T.cuxric1nr\1.-nrl af hirn and nhnnrro 21.5 Ht: lUUl\t:U 'd.L Lilla` yuuug 11121.11. He supposed Mr. Dick had come to tell his father this glad news, and that was why he was white and sliaking. Lewis turned away lest he should say something he ought not to say or was, after all, mistaken. nirtl: won! inIn Hun lMn~nr\v and I LU ELL] UL Wilt, U.Ll.U|' 'd.ll, llllbLd.l\t;'Ll. Dick went into the litbrary, and there he found Sir Railton sitting at his desk. It urn: nruu nicvhfnnn vanv-c uinnnl wr()n_`-7" H\'pC ucuaunc Lxasxu. It was a commonplace story enough-the story of a. boy who thought it was manly to do as others did. Dick had come up to London to read for the Bar to please his father. He had a handsome al- lowance, and he had gambled and lost and now he owed a good deal of money. V'nn will hnvn fn srn nnrl raii: u.u51'_y. ! I think you ve got to risk that,"| said Dorian. You ve no one else to go to, have you? Then, as the youth shook his head, he said, Go to your father and own up like a man. You'll have to do so in the end, and the longer you stay ,Vou`li nd that the worse it will be. Oh, I can't, I daren t! said the youth, trembling. I simply daren t, and this ends so much for me. You don't know---I sha n't be allowed to come back to London. I think I'll emigrate. I'll go abroad and neverl come back." Nonsense! You re not the sort for e111ig1`ation," said Dorian. You ve made a mistake. Own up, and then set to and do better. l|-xnv hurl n `r\11r1 fol]: nnrl hinlr I auu LHCLL BEL LU Llllll UU UC'L'LUl. ' They had a long talk, and Dick, little by little, was led to see that the only straight thing to do was to go 10 his father and make 21 full confession. Dub T urnnrinn 65 v-r\1I r` nr\i\\/\ nvikh. `me he said. I'm not a brave UULlLI:'blUu. "But I wonder if you d come with chap like you. Mother always said I was just like her. I m afraid of my father--a1wa,vs have been. You're such a ne fellow. If you'll only be there-if I know you're in the house-I think I shall be brave enough to go through it. Will you come with me? Tin-dun In.-.1-:n.- as ch" "nu /\1Vr\r~| Phone 61.` UUHIU \V1LH [HUI Dorian, looking at the wet eyes and the pale cheeks, knew that the youth was really afraid. and guessed that if he had not some one with him to support him he might not nd the courage to do the right thing after all. so he said he would go. He took Dick to a. place where they} got breakfast and a wash. and then Dorian phoned to Lord Siscard to ask leave of absence. and they went oft` to Dane-scourt. I hlnlv nv-an urn:-u r~1'lnv\Y hut T\nv~nn I U11 LHC KLVCLLUC. I seem to know this said. I've never been yet-yes, I know the hous like that. he added as H n an-nnw nu.-I nnrnn nn n (.116 :51 V'1L1L WHU ULJUIIUU LHB Yes, sir. He's in the replied the man, looking Dorian. TH! 4-bun hnur. Qnn l-`n um; ll. was young oenurxi. Don't be a coward! he sternly. That's never the out! hinlr I-u.n1-n :..,. .-.\kk.-`.- UUL1 Dick broke into sobbing, and Dorian felt sorry for him. "Come on, tell me about it! he said, feeling years older than this laughing youth who had suddenly became tragic. Tf um: 51 nnmrnnnnlann ufnrv JUUI l.a.LllUl, aalu JJULIELU. "1 simply daren t, said the youth wildly. You don't know what he is. He's so-so honorable and-, strict. He's never done such a thing himself, and he'll have no mercy on 1119. He will be awfully :1n.rr1-v" lHt.'['U_\v angry." I m an UM t.U lJd.U.t'DUULl.lL. Dick was very silent, but Dorian frowned thoughtfully as they went up the avenue. T ennvn tn knnur Hc nlnno" ha place," he here, and house was just they turned a corner and came in sight of the building. How strange! a Win]: W9: nnf lirafcaninw Y-Tn urnc Uuuuiug. L1U\V bL1i1.L15E Dick was not listening. He was full of the coming interview with his father. l'.\Yur 5-'.-ufknu In Tnun`p~'1 7 Inn l\l`<`lI\l: BADENHURST A : > HAMMOND, Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Olce, 1st oor Masonic Temple Build- ing. Money to loan at lowest rates.