DRUGGIST. Iul Ill. "L0! nzlnm for him." ' father told her A`! hit: nun. Ln unu wuulll ll!` Mr. HI':|,\' (Hui Hlllu :l:m_::h- 1h :1 lm_\` who um-1' um! \v`zux 1|. gzoml (It,-:1! - saul I'M-I` and 1 hurl :40 ;,'ul- ml whnm slw Hlllu .I.....n. all HUI" his ucut, L I. all my life!" Bray looked THE NORTHERN ADVANCE HUI` he 11 the , step ed up |He1` I`r`t\v1n ; his Mr. ____j.{____:___.___ DR. VICTOR A. HART. GRADUATE of Trinity L'niversit_v and also graduzete of Edinburgh and Glas- gow. Specialty, stomach diseases. Office, corner Bayeld and Wor- sley Sts. Entrance off Worsley. Office open until 8 p.m. % "she 1 lad urn, wllh .-4: \\'llHl'l` l mu m_L:nI," Rilltl Mr. l|iIn.~u-Ill` "1 did uuilo I'M. shall go! Un-nu;.:h n gm wm'I<." 111` sulxl DI'(`.`1'(`H_V, was nued pm up In luwn. hv Vull nlmn-, ynu |nm\v." ".\1I:4.~+ ln':1_\' is \\'u-Il'."' ImrI:m_ Ill` 'i||l IIIUHI`, _\" .'\1I:m Imrlzln. In. ....I: . said at! no p can Lilllx UVCI` U1&li.." 'I`i10y went, and Dorian was dis- appoinled. She must be out. then. Perimps she too hzul an impnrtzuit GI1}..11Ll.'0l1lOI1I and did not intend to stand on CC2'(`Jl)0n)` with him. I-Io mid himself not In be :I. tool as the limu;,'-hl iiusileri thmu1.:h his mind. What 1':'ght, haul ho lo expect her to innke :1 ihss of him? Mr. Br'.1,\' cimllml with the ymim: man, and found him all that n. _v0un:.: man should ho. I)m'inn W11.`-i h:1mi.~1mno and inloiii~ _L:vnl.' and Iiwru w:L:x also S()lll(}lililli.' wi.=iIi ui zuimnl him, somu in(leiin21.hie hint HI Sil(lIi(`S.`-i lhul would he ir- r0si.~'In.hio In :1 _x_-'iri. ``i did ivi_L:i|l," szzilil .\ir. DI`:1_\' in lhim.~.u-m` I mm ....:o.\ ..i..... m.. iunot had nuptes lull Z1. HHJO. We'll gu in to I3rz1_\'. looking at I can talk over that 'm.m. ...n... ...... Hlltillll. H) pll1'S1i0. Ah, Hope," he said. going for- W:'LI`(l, so you've ztrrived! S0rr_\' not to have met. you, but. I'd an import- ant (;`I`if., 1g(Z*Ill( I`li, and .11 thought I wouldn't hogin by slnnvtlim: on cere- mony with you. i'm ;.:oii1g to find you lots 01' work. and I hope _vm1're going to he very lisefiil to me." I hope so, sir, said Dorian. Dorian had given :1 quick C.].;0I` look round the Hii)l`2ll`y when he czune in, but Mavis was not there. Per- haps she \':I.S out this evening. Hiis hopes fell :1 little. ~\vn'n .... :.. .I\ ,n....__.. _,.. .- cu um eyes as um _vo1n1_<.: man came in. He had not seen him all these years, and his appearzmce stmtlerl Mr. Brz1,v~stz1rLlod him and confirm- ed him in the course which he` meant. to pursue. Ah. T~Tm-an" hn m.:.1 ,-A:-~ A--~ L G. SUITH & CO. PHONE 82.` Estzvblished 1860. Funeral Direc- tors. Open day and night. ';\Ior.m1o and chapel in connection. Barrie, Ontario. uwuunu; 111 every line and feature. Mr. Bray, waiting the coming of his young guest and secretary, open- ed his eyes as the nni man mm '11` nmm uu:u1uI'_\' OI 21 1 him-a girl's 5 fair hair. He I all these years. and her trust hivn nn In an VI ltlll. "()h, qnllu wvll! Hm\':1 u1n'n:1d HI .-mum Hlmld.-1 L'l\III\ rm- ah.- LLEELLCG Ebb` 0116 OI me falniy. Mr. Bray s not in, sir. He was obliged to go out. said the butler who received Dorian at the gray mansion where six years ago, he had come as a. thief. He said I was to shmv vnn vnnr rnnm air and ...... uuum as a. umer. "me said I show you your room, sir, and say he'd be in for dinner at eight." Dorian went to his rnnm n ma- uau LU unu sometmng to do. Mr. Bray had proposed that the young man should come to him as secretar:.' for a few month, so that he might give him a good reference for the future. Donian arrived one October evening with his luggage, and the servants had no notion of who Mr. Hope was at all except that he came as secretary and would be treated as one of the fatnty. Brav s not in, sir no man hub`: And 11:: did, and went to college, and did e.\'tremely well, taking a. double rst and winning a. fellow- ship. Qiv voznvu 1:-1,1 rv-I\v\ 1. .....1 n...:___ bump. Six years had gon by and Dorian had to nd son1e'thin`g to do. Brav had nrnnncnrl than fhn ouuu:._:-:1 My dear sir," said Mr. Ferns a little impatiently, if you were very small and helpless and there was it man behind you with a stick I fancy you or I would have become a thief as the boy did. "Well," said Mr. Bray, I'm not :1 poor man, and ill` the boy would like to go to college he may-~thz1t is, if he wins a. scholarship. I'll supplement that, for then I shall know he's Worth sending. I quite agree with you, said Mr. Ferns, but he'll win it, you'll ' see!" Ann! `la. .12.`! -...-A ~-~--A l " nub neelnuu LU uower wonuerfuLl,v. And a thief!" mused Mr. Bray. "Strange!" WTV rionr air" 1-nhl 11.. 13-..-.. _ _..________.___j__. DR. MORTIMER LYON, 122 BLOOR St. West, Toronto, will be at 91 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases-Eye, Ear, Nose and 'I`.hroat. Consumation hours, 11 a.m1. to 5 p.u1., and by appoint- ment. ueipulgz" ne szula. . He's a boy who should have a brilliant career," said Mr. Ferns. He will do magnicently, I'm cer- tain. whatever l1e undertakes. His moral character?" hinted Ur. Bray anxiously. All that it should be," replied Mr. Ferns enltlmsiastii-cally, I tell you I've never l1ad a lad in my hands I thought so well of. He had much to learn of course, but he was so anxious to do Well that he picked up amazingly. Since he's been here he's seemed to flower wonde1'f11Lly. In`llSF|.d Mr nmv av -.. --nu A113 vvuln. Mr. Bray was astounded, and went to see Mr. Ferns, the schoolmaster. "You really think the boy is worth helping?" he szuid. I-Tn`: a hn.u nu. ..1.....x.1 1.....- _ l.Llub'1E1.5LlU. He has a wonderful natural abil- ity, he wrote, and a. most able mind. Teaching hlilll is delightful. He will soon need a change. I am sure he could take a schola.rship to the University if you mean him to go on with his work. Ir- 1-1",, himself. so Mavis did not see Dorian again before he wqnt to school. ."l"hn rnnnv-fr: nF him L-........x..,.,: um- _...... ..u..u-u us; nquu. I.U :3l:uUUl. The reports of him sunprlsed Mr. Bray. The schoolmaster was en- thusiastlc. -Ln. 5.... .. ........:-_n._. __ , I|Illll' \\'(`ll! mum In l`}}',_\'|)I," I gnu, Hzlltl Ml`, HI ri_L:lH. lrnnuh :1 ....n.I I 11 I6 dinner," said Mr.` his watch. We tlmt." ho mun! hn nu! H... . unll` r1 lllII'llil(l gnlm I'm` Hu- n-pllml Mr. |_h'n,\' JJIIIIIIII \ViL:5 U15- uust md [id ` mu1.:h 1? _.__.j.___.:.:i__:___. DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE,-PHYSIC- ians, Surgeons. Oice and Rest- dence, 47 Maple Ave. Office hours: 1 tn 2 -nm '7 m n nnrn II_L',Ill. \ Hum! MI Hr Inn:- ulu [HI ()1 , .h-!'nre \\-'0 shall uskonl lllggitgv, | notion `cent My. J Le "' :\UIIll' UIIU l'iLllll` Ill. ()h!" said :1 low, ch:u'min;; voice. Isn't. my 1`:1th0r here?" Dorian sprz1n;.: up, turned on the ll:.-:hI. and stood looking at I\I:u is Braly. t(nnHnnn/`I -nnvl uynnl-\ uu:-l,\'. Dorian was slltlng in the 1ll)1':u'_v one (lay over piles of v and the (lay was (lrzuvlng in :1 thin (ll`l'I.Zl0 and :1 chill wind. was just thlnklng he must llulxl wlwn the door opened smnn mm r-nmn in uunuu s neun was unou \\"nn 1n1.~:ory. They moved to t,ow.n before long and scttlc-(I In the house Mr. I3r:1y had 1z1le 1,\' l`n]\'(`l1 there. Dorian found plenty to do and was :LI\\':1_\'s I busy. T1.-Inn um... .~HA:._.. :.. 41., A...... u:urpunI.i`y. I Mr. Bray found Dorian quick and, clever and of great. use to him over his Work. Mr. Bra) Wz1s.the mem- her for East Lillshire. and had a good den] in hzlnd. Dm'i.nn brought his fro.-sh ymm-g mind to hear on the work and made nmny s\1::}.:'os- lions and was not, afraid of work. Mr. Bray was quite plensml with his protmze as the days won! by, but D0riu.n's heart was ii]-lod \\"ilh misorv. 'I`hn.\' Iunvnll In dnuvu In-.l`.\u.-. I. aL7tLlt'b uuwu to 111zu'rta_L;e." To this Dorian did not reply, but his heart was like lead. I-low t'ool- ish he had been to dream that he could ever meet her as an equal! She would find a lover in a different world to his. He was stained with his past. She would never look at him. He was very pale as he sat there. and Mr. Bray, giving him a quick side glance, congratulated himsell afresh on his diplomacy. He was sorr_v for the lad. and he meant him to get on, but not to marry his da'up:hter. Mavis had a foolish lik- ing for him, and that must be got rid of, but before Mavis came back Dorian would have a. new home. This arrangement was to be only temvporary. .?\1r Tlrnv fnnnyl r\nv'I'-an 11111.11`! Anti cheerfully. The Riviera first, and then Eq,vpt-21 nice tour. I think :1 girl should get a.broz1(l before she settles down to 111arriz1:.;e." TO US nnl`inn (Hr? nni 1-nnlv hni ______:__:_;:.___ BOYS & MURCHISON, BAR'RIS- ters, Solicitors. Notaries Public, Converyancers, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Otces 13 Owen street, in the premises formerly occupied by `the Bank of Toronto. Bramch Office, Elmvale, Onvtario. W. A. Boys, K.C., M.P., D. C. Murchison. LIND n1a.n s luck doesn t really exist in this busy world of ours. A man must be thoroughly awake to his opportunities to succeed. He must enjoy perfect vision. The science of optometry has made it possible to determine the exact condition of affected eyes and to specify just the glasses that will eradicte the trouble. We are competent to serve and ou rcharges are very fair. 0. R. Rusk, 0ph.D. (\p'T`(Tf\/lI4"T`D ICU!` (Continued nex 1. week) Well Boring and Digging, Wire Fencing and Cement Work of all kinds. 99 Dunlop St., Barrie Phone .143 C. W. GENTLEMAN . _ _ _ _ . . . - -, _ r... OPTOMETRIST NOTICE ! Belle Ewart, Ont. Consult our nearest Branch Manager. Capital $5,000,000 Reserve! $7,000,000 1H5! W. A. LE\\'IS, M.D.. C..\I. SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY and C. S. DICKSON. B.A.. 1\I.B. 1'\nnn R1 ::c r~..n:.... cu -n_.__s We invite your condence and assure you of the co-operation which your prob- Iem requires. service to assistance. We have daily experience with many such problems which enables us to be of . 1-n 1-kn man ---1--~ ----`~ ` ..-._-- Jvu Lu. 111.5 yUL1I' Duslness problem to The Bank of Toronto you can be assured of a ready and sympa- thetic understanding. Your Business Problem WHEN you bring your business The Toronto BAN Kwromro BARRIE 3 town work. :1 with (1. Ho t have 1 and ....u uun.u. \.ucu.u.cb L15 (U De Or the man who needs sound .__:_.______j____ ALEXANDER COWAN, SUCCES- sor to Lenn-ox, Cowan & Brown. Barrister. Solicitor for o`bt`:Lining probate of will, _:unrd.iansh`ip and adnninistration, and General Soli- citor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Money vto loan. Omces: Hinds Block, No. 8 Dunlap street. BRANCHES : many other women. _ ' This medicine has been helping sick women nearly fty yenrs--surely 5 long record of service. ousutcllewan. -These letters recommending Lydia. E. Pinkhz1m s Vegetable Compound ought to convince women of the great worth of this medicine in the treatment of tiiments to which they are often sub- ect. Mrs. Thomas writes that she is a different woman now. If you are sut- fering from troubles women often have, or feel all run down, without any ambition or energy for your regular work, take Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. It is a. natural restorative and should help you as it has Mrs. Thomas and many, many other This `n1n(Hr'inn'hna Mann s...1....... .4-.. Melaval, Sa.skatchewan.-"I saw Lydia. E. Pinkhanfs Vegetable Com- .pound advertised for women's trou- bles and when a friend recommended It to me I tried it and it has done me so much good in the two years in which I have been taking it that I nd I am a different woman since then. I recommend your Vegetable Compound as much as I can and you may use my letter as a testimonial." -Mns. WM. J. Tnonms, Melaval, Saskatchewan. - I`hnan lnffnr-c v-nnau-.w.......u.....~r _.u, - [Found Health by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham s Vege- table Compound smrcuewnu wmwm __Iz_IsguvEr:s fBarrie Veterinary Hospital f and Kennels CAPT. J. D[';\'.\', \'.S.. PROP. 48-50 Buyolql SL. B:u-rie Phone 811. Wwn \\'rite or phone for information and free litm-zmture on any disease. STRATHY & ESTEN, B.-\.RRIS- ters, Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers. Ofce, 1st oor Masonic Temple Building, Barrie. Money to loan at lowest current rates. G. H. Esten. Delivered by t;1e cord 4 ft. or cut and split 4.--, to order. Prices on application Terms Strictly Cash WOOD ,, -- Phone 404 Allandale 78 DIINLOP ST. Over Rce\'e's Jeweh'_v Store. P110113 -106. goft COAL ALLANDA LE 1 ALL SIZES All Kinds of ?_ STEWART & S I`LEIWA;RT, BAR- rlsters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Conveyancers. Money to loan in any sums at 5 per cent. Ofce, 13 Owen street, Barrie. D. M. Stewart. 1 1n. n. 1. .4.-m\'.\1JL, OFFICE and residence corner of I`oron'to and EIi7.a.`heI,h streets. (Opposite Elizabeth St. Blethodist Church.) Telephone 167. Wakes Ymlr Skin Like Velvet ' Has a. mm'vv1l0us effect on rough skin. One or two applications will! remove the mughness, and by its` occasional use the skin acquires the! smoothness and sm`t11ess of a. ba.by s.| Glycedonin is not sticky. and gloves' may be worn :1 few moments znfter using: it. Price 15c and 25c. Do- lightful after shaving. " ________&_______ RADENHURST & HA3!) Barristers, Solicitors, etc. 1st oor Masonic Temple ing. Money `to loan at rates. __:__._________:__ DONALD ROSS, LL.B., B.-\RRIS- ter, Solicitor, etc. Masonic Tem- ple Building, Ba.-rrie. Money to loan. PROFESSIONAL CARDS GEO. MONKMAN 'l\ 1 JJ . 213. WM. SMITH 8. hours : nr 1-. D. F. .\lcCUAIG. B.A. Successor to Creswlcke & Bell Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Money to Loan Omce, Ross Block. Barrie .\'li\V ONES L.\lD OLD ONES RI~}l`.\ll{EI) F UN E It .-\ L ROOFS! ROOFS !T ROOFS ! i H. T. .-XRNALL, OFFICE [1 TGSidF!Tl(`.P nnrnnr rs? T`nv-nrrfn 1. LU o p.I11., I I0 :1 p.'m., "appointment. A. T. Little, W. C. Little, 1\I.B. Phone )ll'S[C';\ L . \\'}7IIR, TEACHER OF` Violin. Piano Tuner.` .\\*n Phnnn 0 _,1') I DENTAL DIEDICAL .-..u.. , ;;..n., .u.u. 56 Collier St., Barrie` DIRECTORS 810 LEGAL Phone 944. 111. 1'lil.llU Phone 513.- B.\ BRIE, ONT. 84 Mary 5 HA .\I.\IOND, -uifnv-a cnn f'\(Rnn UHLI lowest `..U KJAV L}, Ofce, Build- '| nu-vng-6 cu-I'I1`1v }l'_!I1l. 1)m'iz1n was discovered at the from door. un1 z1sxenin_L: the bolls. S0 softly had he \vox`I that Mr. Bray] had hvzml nothing. uu uuulu nexp II. He had not been asleep, as it h penod. and he was out. of bed : into :1 dressing gown in a fmv : ands. and suddvnly clicked up elor-n'ir~ lizht. [Inn-inn u... .1: ....... _,y . .. .- nun LUU. buggers would see to that. So in dull misery he crept along l` `and entered the hall of the house; i but here. though he did not know it, he trod on an alarm bell which rung in the room of the master or the house. The place was lonely, and Mr. Bray liked to have little burglar traps which would alarm him if zmyrlng went wrong. He [had some very hezuiliful old silver, ;nnd he did no! intend to lose it it |`l1e could help it. I 1 I10 hill] nni hnnn nclnnn an H 1.-.. I i:',K`.`L iii Dorian was used to threats. but jhe was also used to Mr. Suggers in-opin:.: them, so he did as he was told in his usual dispirited fashion. I`hr:_v travelled down to the country. and when nf`-.:hI fell they made their way to 21 mansion standing in its own grounds. You ll get in at that there little winder," said S1i;:g(=rs, pointing it out, and then you'll open the door for me, and, mind now, no non- sense! You've been a hit queer late- ly. sort of rebellious and all that. iI)on t you do it. It Won't pay you. If anything goes wrong to-ni;;h't you'll suffer for it, my lad." It was after uiidnight when Dorian opened the little window and with ilIlZ1ll}' clever manipulations wriggled th1'ou.gh it and stood in the silent dark house. He hated his task in- tensely, but if he were to give the , alarm, if he played the traitor to the } man he believed to be his father, he [felt sure that the police would take him too. Suggers would to that. i dlill llliRPl'V ha r-v-rvrn ulnnrv : PROF. D. WE Piano and Viol 30 ;\Ia.ple Ave. .v.)w, um," salu Suggers impres- sively, you disobey me in one single thing to-day and I'll take the skin off your back! Don't you for- get it!" n,...:.... ...M --D ., .- I I LU uu wmng. At length he slept, and woke to nd the _z;i'ay light of morning com- ing into the dismal room and Mr. Sli;.'L;eI'S already movin5.:. Suaruers bestnu-ml 2 1.-mu AV! um .1u;:`.;r.-rs already moving. Suggers bestowed a kick boy and bade him get up, Dorian did. "\Inu~ 1'):H -I _-:/v r`<~ on w 1: ' VVLLH 1' 1 your Wlts aoout you." Dorian went to the place where he slept, a. mere heap of rags, and lay down. He was hungry and very wretched. He could not forget the girl whose life he had saved. How pretty she was and how fond her father seemed of her! Dorian thought it was hard that one should be so happily placed and that he, who would have chosen to keep straight if possible, should have a. 5 rutlier like Suggers, who forced him to do wrong. A! I-znnvh ha elnno ....,1 .....I._ L. V yr::u;nt:u. Go to your kennel," said Suggers, "and have a sleep. You'll not get. one to-marrow night, and I Want you `with your wits about you. ' went tn Hm nlnna w.,..... L|liLL guuu man's neir. Where you been?" growled Mr. Suggers as Dorian went into the miseralble home which was his. "Got anythling? No, replied Dorian. "Seems to me you're getting lazy, my lad," said Suggers threateningly. You d better not. I shall know how to take it out of you it` you won't work. You're spoiling for a. licking. If you don't do well at the job I've got on for to-morrow night you'll get it, and you won't forget it either." h.-\..:.... 1...... ~- ._.4-v v un:L, (U.-J peached. "fin fn 1 uuu in-mug ms lite and himself. Frank Selkirk had no idea. where he was--had lost sight of him-and Sir Railton had not advertised a re- Ward for his son, though he had spent much money in searching for him. Mr. Suggers found Dorian very useful indeed, and did not mean to let him go if he could help it, though he might have claimed some- thing from Sir Railton had he con- ceived any idea that the boy was that good man's heir. \V'hnv-o vnn kn-.nn`)H ...._.....1-.: ~v, uuL uc-mLa.Le LU Lnreaten [0 give 111111 up to the police if he did not do what he was hidden, and so he had grown up a most unhappy lad, crav- ing always for what he could not get, longing for books and information, and hating his life and himself. Frank Sallrirl: hn nn mm. mu--- 2-Tr. Frank Selkirk had very clever- ly got rid of the boy and baffled his cousin, who was bound to confess that Frank was telling the truth when he said he knew nothing about the lost heir; but Mr. Frank Selkirk had made a big mistake in trusting to the burglar to stand in with him. Mr. Bob Suggers had no desire to stand in with any one. He fought for himself always, and so, having ; got the clue to Dot-ian`s whereabouts, he promptly stole the boy and took him away into the country, where by means of blows he initiated him into the manners of his calling and taught him how to relieve people of their money, handkerchiefs, watch~ es, and other property. Poor little Dorian, who could still remember his home, went through much before he was meek enough to do as he was told, but he had to give in. What was a child to do- a child moreover whose memory of home and mother grew daily weaker and more far away? Then, having got him into his toils, the man did not hesitate to threaten to give him up ntollce if has did run? an Monkman s (Continued from last week) A Wicked Deception llll. Bill,` V.'(\1| Chapter II .- ( Continued) .L'Vo\':':a:1"z:`5l.{ick the which said Suggers disobev nm in nno ,u.nu ; pa: nnn! : hap- I and xr 1-nn_ DUE` 1 he ...-.....-.~... IA?! I11:-111211110 `Hope for the future." 'MZLV[S hud l`hnu;;hI (1 about the buy with tho the ht.-:1IIIH'n] vyns who ; lanlly s:u'(-d hm` Ilfu nml was now ht-Ipinu, hul not inn-ml his zulurml Inn 101` in In rrit-mll_\' with \v hm! mine from rho _1,'uH-1' .11 thief. \ ._..__j.._jTj.. DR. BOSANKO, D.D.S., OF`I-`ICE and residence .\'o. 68 Mulcaster St. Pay no attention to rumors that he has retixred. You will find him very much alive to the` public requirexnents. Call or phone No. 2G3 when you need prompt and efcient service. I I1-|_ [U I. had cunt :1 I --\ .... ' ll IIIIUI. .-\ [):Ill'()ll('.`'.`-I in mm Hxlmz, is quilv :umlhM'." suit] Hm I` nu); u nine. "I shall choose :1 said Mavis when her fulhel HI` lhis l`tInIn-u! In! '~ nun: .VlH.\'lS WIIUII mum-sl. `IInnn' fur H... cm an Inns l`lE(|llI'.` 1 -\1nviu Inn! 4 uunsr name. I don't want my fulhnr to find me zu.;uin," he told Mr. Bray. . \1n._v I Luke :1. fresh nzunc? I'm sure my name isn't. Bill," he added, frown- ing :1 little. "I ulmh ..|...h..- V unuusly. I He could not send the lad to an ordlnar_v school. He was only (ll. to rank with small chlldren. and would he :1 Iish out of water. So he chose a. school which was sma.ll and select and which made a special palm, of (leallng with lmckw.'u~d hoys. Mr. Bray was franllc with the school- n1a.sl,e1', and that ;;entlen1:m promise(l to watch the boy c.-u`crnlly. Dorian wont to school unrlerz1n- other name. I dun -o ...-... , - -- at. Hull 1n surpnse. The boy spoke like {L gentleman." he said uflerwzuwls. I don't under- stdzm how a. burglzxr came to have such a son, but he shall have his chance." \. lli|4] lK:K` 11. Mr. Bray was not the man to do r.hIn1.:s by halves. Havin;.: promised Mavis to gve "Bill S\Im:e1's" his chance, he set about giving it gen- erously. PTA r-nnlrl an; ...--.I At uu_\ .3 HLUB in up mdiantly. To school! Oh, sir!" he said in a hushed voice, his eyes very bright. You are? VVel1, to school you shall go, and you slmll have your chance. Turn over :1 new leaf and show me you can live honestly and. I'll be your friend in payment or what you dlld for my daughter. You won't refuse that payment, eh?" "I shall hler-1: vnu nll luv iwnvvv I CAPT. J. F. ROLLIT, L.D.S., DEN-i tist. Office over Craig's Tailor: Shop, No. 1 Dunlop St., Barrie, Ont. Phones: Ofce, 450; House, 436. f 'nun L ruxuse Lnat paymen I bless you said Dorian, and Mr. Br. at him in surprise. "Thp hnv unnl.-n Hlvn n .... ut: Lut:l'l.'l'IUl ne sa1d-- Very good, my darling. For your sake I'll spare him. Now, boy, it's for my daughter's sake I'm go- ing to give you 21 chance. Are you willing to go to school?" He spoke dousbtfuily, but to his surpnise the boy's face lit radiantly. '\'nII are ? Tvnn .. ..-L_-- A; He UUUIO IlOl'.leS[l_V GO SO. When the house was clear he brought Dorian out and questioned him closely. The result was to make him feel that the boy was worth saving, and when 1\lzLvwis came stealing down and begged him to be merciful he said--- Vnrv rvnnrl mu ,1....1.-..,_ ya. acuuiwy LUCKBQ in. Mr. Bray softly opened his front door and HI`. Bog Suggers came in. Then Mr. Sluggers got the surprise of his life, for a. pair of handcuffs were snapped on his wrists and he was a prisoner. When the police came Suggers was given wp to them, and his remarks about Bill the boy made Mr. Bray all the more determined to give the boy a chance if he could honestly do the hnncn uma nlnnvn 1\4\ WULLH. u. 1 11 give him a. chance. `Mavis Went. to her room, for her -father's tone was nal, and Dorian was lifted easily by Mr. Bray, placed in a strong small room, with only one window high up in the wall, and securely locked in. Mr `Fly-up |:~n4'lu- .... A-I L-'- -*~~ A LUIC. LL5 110 L156." -Mr. Bray looked at him attentive- ly, and then he san'd-- Go up to your room, ;\IZ1.V'iS. I n1 going to lock this boy up till I've dealt with his friends. If he's worth it I'll give him chance. i.`I8.ViS KPH? in how` 7-nnvn 4"". L... cuuuue. Let mm go." It's no use. They'd give me up, Dorian said faintly. I've tried be- fore. It's no use. .\/I- r>...... u-_.,, auypuse uuw No, no, he mustn't! Daddy dear, don't. send him to pnison!" pleaded Mavis. He saved my life. I'm sure he's not a. bad boy. Give him a chance. Let him go. 110 HEP, 'T`hn\." 0-hrn ynn nu " uut. a. LmeL, are _\'0ll'." Dorian hung his head and bit lip. .\Ia.vis began to cry, and Bray spoke curtly-- Ever been in prison? No, sir," whispered the boy. suppose now " 1\Tn nn 1.,` ........._y.. .-.,,.. _yuL~H.e1`uu.)', (1a.(1(1)'!" "Are you sure! said Mr. Bray 1` surprise. Quite!" smid Havis. Oh, you'1 not a thief, are you? Dorian hnnrr hie hon.-I -an.-I kn 1. __:.?.__.____.j__. DR. J. F. VV.-XRNICA, L.D.S., D.D.S., Graduate and Member of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, To- ronto. Ofce over Sterling Bank, Barrie. Flntmnce on Clapperton Street. Phone 937. 2111"d,1u. 111 deal with them. I m going to stop with you, dad! said the girl. "But, oh-sl1e look- ed at Dorian, in whose thin white face a slow color rose-this is the boy who saved my life In the Row yesterday, daddy! "Ana vnn mu-av" a-'4 nr.. 13...... .-.. ua.un:, uu`L sne was a. mule pale. "\Vh'a.t is it, dad? 011! She broke off as she saw the bound in the chair. Doz1 tn1ake a noise, darling. The rest of the gang are outside," said Mr. Bray. "You go back to .bed, lock your door, and don't be afraid. I'll deal with them. ``I m rrnintr tn cenn mu. ..,... ,z..,:.n Lucy were qulCK. He was walking away from telephone when there was a. on the stairs. They both looked to see Mavis coming down. golden hair hung on her shoulders and she had slipped into a pale blue dressing gown. She looked very childish and very sweet as she came, but she was little pale. is it. rind`? nhv" mm l.lld.Ll a.u_ywueI`e else." He laughed, walked over to the telephone, called up the police, and asked them to send some men at once, informing them that provbaibly the burglztrs would be still outside his front door when they arrived if they were quick. Hp wnz Kvinilrinrr -.u-...- =..,..\. (`K9 :>'u.\'eu uls uaugn-ter. Can t you? -Honor among thieves, eh? said Mr. Bray grimly. Then I think I'l.I just call up the police station first before we do any- thing more. I suppose your friends are waiting to be let in at that door? Very clever of them. They re want- ing the dining room and my sznfe, which are both nearer the front door than anywhere else. T-Tn Inna-hail nm.1J-AA rnvvakdn A- ALA uuiw many mere are with you." I can t tell ,vou-anything, sa the boy, his dark eyes troubled he looked at his captor, who did 11 recognize him for the boy Who h: saved his daughter. t vnn? -Unnnr nvwo-- Hands up!" said Mr. Bray quiet- ly. And don't make a. sound! The thing he had always dreaded had` come upon Dorian. He was caught and would be sent to prison. He turned ashy white, but it was useless to rebel, and he put his hands up silently. Mr. Bray tied the boy's slight wrists together and thrust him into a. chair. N'nmr Lvnn-n n..:..4 n 1... .._.2A um} into "Nonw keep quiet," he said as astened him to it, and tell how many there with tell vnn_nnmh.'n.r n E n frlc-ml ' fulht-1' In Phone 61.