For Sa1e-Two Wardrobes, in good condition. Apply Box K., Advance.l TORFEB MARKETS , uuu, Straw- 11c to . selling Several rinks of the Barrie Bowl- ing Club attended the tournzunent held in Newmarket on Wednesday. Despite the fact that. their competi- tors werevnun1erous the 15zu'rIe men were not behiudn their score and stood"wel] up near the top among ; their many rivals. Scientists say that :1 pair of flies In June will produce rbillions before the summer is -0\'G1'. )IorzLl: Sus- pend the marriage act for ies in June. BARRIE BOWLERS I AT NEWMARKET auna. CU1\I:MING-In the R.V. Hospital, on Saturday, July 1st, 1922, to M1`. and Mrs. Walter Cumming, I Crossland, twin daL1:.;'11te1`s. l`E\IOI<`I<.-\T-On 'I`uesdz1_\', July 4111, 192?.,'to M1`. and Mrs. A. .\Iof1'a.t, L0uis'.1_ St.. a datlgluer. POVCI-IER-In the 'R.v.' Hospital, on Monday, Jul? 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. W. C. l ouche1', .-Ulzmdale. 3. cnn BIRTHS "I am very much interested in: Chautauqua. and regret that on a.c-` count of the House closing I was[ unable to be present. The people` I have met express themselves as deg` lighted. I agree with your views as{ 10 the educational value of Chautau-E qua." Large audiences attended thef Chautauqua at Ottawa last week andl all were delighted. ' An adjourned meeting of me Bar-i Tie P1'es1byLer_v was held Tuesday, morvningz. when a call was sustained} from the Union Church at Brace-l bridge to Rev. A. Beecroft, of Fene- Ion Falls, and also 3. call from, .-\n:.:us. Utopia and Grenfel to Real I A. Rintoul, 01' Ailsa. Craig. Vyindgw Cleaning PREMIER EEDoRsEs I THE CHAUTAUQUA} BARRIE PRESBYTERY a _ ..v-. -..-.-. ._...-.....J _....-....\.q v soauuuwun n\\o\v|u\.| It is :1 1".`-('0I'alL-cl fact that Prof. Duxbury delivers annually a greater number of recitals than any other urtist in the United Kingdom. He will be: greeted with enthu-sia.;:n when he appears here at Chautauqua this summer, ._-.L_ -_.__ _ \V. T. Bunt. Pastor. Sund:1_\', July 0111 Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 10 21.111. WM. SMITH House. Oice or Store \Vin(lows Cleaned. Floors Cleaned and Polished. New 01- Old. Congregzsibnal Church (`nil Inn Cl- For Sa1e--Cement house in the Vil- lage of Thornton, owned by the late Geo. J. Green, large lot. Apply LO Arthur W. Green, ucraigvale. Sunday, July 9th Pastor, Rev. Wm. Hipkin Barrie Chautaugua, July.8 - 14 8-1 )I1u'y St., Ban-ie. Baptist Church `I7 VI` Tlnnr Pncfnr FOR SALE CHURCHES Prof. J ohm 1 WAN-I-E? ,5 .. -_ - __--_ Collier St. w. Duxbux-y-Engle.nd s Greatest Reciter 1`._,..L LL,.L 1')..,_L` Y`\._ .._-_ ,, 9,, For Sale--A four-roomed Summerl Cottage, near Fisherman's Poi11t.| E1 acre of land, good two stall stable! with loft, a. stone shed, garden, fruit trees. hen run. Can be occupied or rented all winter. Apply Box F., Advance Ofce. o .6 LOCAL NEWS `. .'n:.o;a1aa-o:o:o:v3o;o1n:o; 1'0` 7 First class Bricks at 215 Dunlop St., Barrie. Hinnnnn .\ - (`n. for Men's Sennett 5t., uarrle. Simmons` 63: Co. for and l zu1:uua' Boaters. 1-x.......~..... nl pm T-lav Dninr `Pavil- mnl l al1:lllI1\ Jsoaters. Dancing at Big Bay Point Pavil- lion on Monday, Wednesday and iSa.turday nights until further notice. I 1=`.nn~ip: fnr the Horticultural So- lSa.tl11`(1Ly nlgnts untu 1ul`[eI` uuuue. Entries for the Horticultural I: ciety Contest in premises, ower beds and window boxes, received till July 15th by Secretary T. T. Young. United Empire L.O.L. N0. 452 will attend service at Trinity Church on Sunday at 11 21.111. F. G. Light- bourne, B..-\.., of Shanty Bay, will be l the speaker. . Mr flnnrrro Lnnmls. manatzer of i the spealier. I Mr. `George Lounds, manager the local Dominion Store, has taken over the management of the store in .Midla.nd. Mr. Merrick, formerly of `Barrie, has taken his place here. I .1) RI \Tn("nnL'n\' nt Rtrnnri, '$`H.'P. Uarrle, nas [alien 1115 place new. ;R. M. .\IcConkey, of Stroud, gave us a. call to-day and he reports that the crops through Innlsfii and Essa are in splendid condition and pros- pects are bright for a bumper crop. Eighty Scottish farmers have re- cently arrived at Rjgina under the auspices of the Canadian Pacic Railway. All are experienced a.g1'icu1tura1ists and will take up farms. I '[`hn cilnnf nnlir-mmm was con- ' IEl.I`L1l`S. The silent policeman was con- demned by some of the city fathers `became some one ran into it and damaged his car. That should rather be an argument in its favor. Drivers should learn to keep their place on the streets and the silent `policeman will help to regulate the traffic. There should be one at every corner where there is much trafc. rm... TTninn '|'7!r\nL' xrifh linn nfmal lmemory O1: 11:: Ul1.|lJl'.`lb UL Lut: 1)auu\ who gave their lives in the great war, by donating 18 ocres of select lake frontage on Lake Winnipeg for a fresh air camp for children. The ceremon_\' will take place on Tues- day next, when the heads of the` Union Bank and many notables from Winnipeg will visit the property. wnere [mere 15 uxuuu L1'u.1uu.l The Union Bank, with head office in Winnipeg. are pextpetuating the memory of 119 ofcers of the Bank .11,-'hn rrnvn fhnil` HVDQ in fh great .j_::-A \Vanted-P1ain sewing to do at` home. Apply Mrs. Gertrude Hewitt,[ 86 Dunlop St. ` The.W.A. of St. John's Church. Craighurst, are arranging for a. good afternoon and evenings entertz1in- meut on July 19111. Baseball and football tournaments and various eld sports. T-.1:-I: 'PnlfLn'cnn (Hm Cnnnrlinn Sunday, July 30th, the services will be conducted by gome promin- ISQFVICES. i 1-em Anglican minister. E Qnnnv .\n.r1Ir Rth, the MS? onen- ! Come one, come ail, to the Danc- ing Paviilion at Big Bay Point. It you have to come a mile or two come and hear the orchestra. l :n nnn have Fr-v uvarn n1ur-nrl in` you DELVE [0 come a. nun: UL Lvsu icome , 50,000 bass fry were placed in {Little Lake near .\Iidland by the |I`isheries Depa.rL1nent. A petition I is being circulated to have the park} property and premises surrounding* the lake set aside as a game pre] .m..m p nem SDOFKS. Jack Patterson. (the Canadian Harry Lauder), and .\Iiss Bessie Mc- Naughton, character sing-31` and national dancer, will help with the evening concert. A good time as- cu rat? I t:\ 0:-u1u_` sured. The property owners and summer \`is.itors have built a lovely summer church at Wasaga. Beach. The committee of management have ar- ranged to have four opening Sun- days. On Sunday, July 16th, Rev. Lachian McLean, P1'esb_vterian min- ister of Bradford, will open the [church and preach at 11 a.m. and I 6.30 p.m. I On Qnnrlnv .Tn1\' f7..".rd, Rm`. H. B. I uxu p.m. On Sunday, July 23rd, Rev. H. B. ,Coleman, Baptist minister of Col- iiin_;rwood, will have charge of the `services. 1 c..nrl-n- Tn]\- `mm H-no any-vino: fern Augllcalt ll1lIJ1SLt:`l. E Sunday, August 6th, the last open- ting Sunday, will be in charge of Rev. |Ge0. R. Turk, Metllodist minister of i Brampton. 1 cRA1GHiIRs'1= SPORTS TO BE HELD JULY 19l Wanted--E.\'perienc.e-d saleslady for} general store in good coun-tmy vil- lage. A-pply Box 13., Advance Office. COMMUNITY CHURCH i BUILT AT wAsAc+o} Mrs. Taylor, Burton Ave., has left 01121 Visit to Coldwater. `Hr 'T`hnc LT:-urlenn n+`Tin:1u-av uvqc Una. v1b1L LU bU1LlW3.LB1`. Mr. Thos. Hodson, of Lindsay, was in town for a tfew days. .\`I'y- (`luv-nnnn Dntknvnll nl-` '1"nv~nv-non I Au LUWLL 1U1' H. |1B\`V uay:s. . I Mr. Clarence Bothwell, of Toronto,] was in town over Sunday. | Miss Ida. -Scpeens spent the holiday at her home in New Lowell. Miss Etta Fraser, of Toronto, spent the week end at her home here. T\1'i=a T.Tn1..n f1u'1n'|~n~iat nzF "I"rn-nnln nu: \Vt3t'1\ !'.`1lU ill, UB1` HUIUB uere. ` Miss Helen Gilchrist, of Toronto, was a. week end visitor in town. rfin- Ynnnn f`nn1- n 1Trnn+ T`nnv-non \\/d.: U. \\'6!'.'l\ ELIU VISILUII HJ. LUW11. l Miss Irene Cook, of East Toronto,` is visiting friends in thiswvard. -Nfrr and Nfrc T-T Wall 'I`ifP'|n Q? lb \lSlLHJ5 ll'ltfLlU.5 lLl LUIS \\'i1.l'U. Mr. and Mrs. H. Fell, Tifn St., motored to Lindsay on Sunday. Ma's. I. Boone is spending a. few days with Hrs. J. Kerry, .-\urora. y1\.1'r: A `Paid nf Tjnrlunv was fhl3_ uazya \VlLl1 Jllb. J. .l\l'.`ll'_\`, .`\.|.llU1'c|.. I Mrs. A. Reid, of Lindsay, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. =.\Ic.\Ii11in. Kline v\T:1p llr-T`mna1rl nf H19 PO SUBSL UL HEY 51SLBl',f.\ll'5. IL. `.V1U.\J.H1lLl. Miss Mae .\IcDona1d, of the P.O., spent Dominion Day at her home in G1'a`venhu1`st. NT and `fins T1 '1":-v-.11-:11 nF "l`n_ UliL\ClllJulbL. Mr. and -Mrs. D. Tyndall, of To- ronto, spent me holiday with Mrs. T. P. Lougheed. See the new Sport Hats just ar- rived at Miss I. Collins Millinery Shop, Allandale. AI :-2 M'u`h-nv and turn I-hildv-on nf `Wanted-3 young men, married pre- ferred, for sales work, experience not necessary. References mequired. Op- portunity for advancement. Apply to W. I. Ritchie, 58 Owen St., be- ouynnn '7 and Q nvn DHULJ, Jill211.lUH.U:.`. | Mrs. Milroy and two children, of Hopkinton, are visiting with U1`. and Mrs. Stephenson. INN-:= AI Winlnv n? Rnrtnn Avn 9113. occputuauu. Miss M. Finlay, of Burton Ave. school staff, has gone to spend her summer vacation in -Owen Sound. `An. and line I` \fr\eo`1:n,' nF 'Y`n_ 5LllllUU:.'l. \i.LUd.LlULI. lLl llwttu Duuuu. Mr. and Mrs. C. Moseley, of To-l ronto, motored up and spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. M. Brown. Afr: (ion Pnnnhnr lpnvne run Qnt- HUlll.li1) \\'1Ll1vA\ll'. i1.LlU J11 b. JJLUWLI. Mrs. Geo. Poucher leaves on Sat.- urday for Port McNicho1, where she will take the boat `for Western Can- ada. Xh-n `I'.`lnl,vnv- and nhilrlvon nf` lauu. Mrs. Baker and children, of Hamilton, spent the week end with her mother, .\Irs. Mccausland, Bur- ton Ave. \f.- QfnC'Fny-H (\'\Tni1 mm Kfnnfluv L011 A\'E. Mr. Stafford O'Neil left Honday morning to spend a few months wi~'l1 his `parents, Mr. and Mrs. James O'Neil, Chicago, Ill. nmo nnn nnma all tn thn hnnr-_ IU;Veu, ullluugu, 111. - Come one, come all, to the Danc- ing Pavlllion at Big Bay Point. ll you have to come a. mile or two come and hear the o1`c`':L. N1 n-v\r` `Twin L`:-nrl Tiny-anl.-`l -and U18 2!.LL8I'l.lUUIJ.. Rev. J. D. Byrnes occupied the pulpit last Sunday evening. His theme was based on patriotism and was handled with his usual splendid vigor. . Rpv IV .1 Inn r-nnrlnr-ted the bunuay. I The S.S. picnic will be held at Big Bay Point on Friday afternoon. Cars for transp01'tat,ion will leavel `,the ch_u1'ch at 1.30. i mun 1'4\:ln-` \:.l hnid 4. rnvv uurI_| `UUIIIB ELLIU 11521.1 LHU UlU'.l\ 2.?-.;l.. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Horseld and .\I1'. and Mrs. Stanley Horsel_d, of Toronto, spent the holiday with Mr. and .\I1's. C. Hoiseld, William St. fw nn 1| :-c< .\ D r`nr-roll nrull 1.0 W. 1. IXILUIIIU, DO tween 7 and 8 p.m. U.L|U .\Ll'. \J. 11ULbllUlU, \\ lllll1.ll OL. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Currell and son Kenneth, also Miss E. Smith, of Toronto, spent the holiday with her sister, Mrs. J. Armstrong, William Qt BL Evelyn Kightley left on Monday ifor `North Bay, where they will spend 11 ]few days before leaving for Stone- iwall, Manitoba. \lu- Inhn Qhnv-run nf 'T'r\v'r\r1fn win- `Mrs. Jas. Mcmliin, Sr., and Miss, Willi, .H_lLulLUUu.. 311'. John Sharpe, of Toronto, vis- ited his sister, Mrs. E. Boone, over the week end, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Boone, accompanied by Mrs. G. Kashner, motored back to the city to spend a few days with them. - Union Services Union services between Burton} Ave. Methodist Ghurch and the Essa. Road Presbyterian Church com- mence next Sunday. During the month of July the services will be held in the Burton Ave. church in the morning and the Presbyterian church in the evening. I 1'esbyte1-izul Church Commencing with this Sunday the Sunday School will meet in the morning at 10 o'clock during the summer months, instead of three in the afternoon. Dnv 7 Y1 T2:-rnna nnnnnin tho DUI \ IUUD Sunday. 'T`hn F }LIlU UHIUICH. "(LL J..IU. | The Ladies Aid held a very suc- cess1fu1 and enjoyable lawn fe:;!.i\'al at the home of Mrs. Both`.-rell, Brad- F r `ford St., on Tuesday evening. I T`hn T`T. rm? .\Hnnrln1n \\'iH n1- 10111 on, uu. Lucauug un:Luu;.;,. The L.O.L. of Allandale will mnd the eve-n'm;: service in '." I)o\\'ns Trinity 1 I !Px'esb,\'te1`ian Church on Sunday. IIBIIU till: t:\l:Hul;4 bt:L\n.'t: nu LHL` [1 x'esi)yte1'ian I Y." The senior game between the Y." and Trinity on .\Io11tizty even- ing was very latte in stzLrtin_<.:, ow- iing to the Trinity team 1ackin:.; one man. The first inning opened at four minutes to seven. If the rules of the Church League had been car- ried out the T1'init_\' Club would h'a\'e been ned. The "Y'. were handicapped in the first by the ain- sence 01' Plztnt. Gilchrist substituted in the box and only a_1iowed one run. I)urin_'.: the first four innings the Y" were completely shut out, while Trinity hztd piled up three lN'lIl1<.' At Han and n6` ihn i'|f"'n (`.iHT VVHHB lflllll) IHLU plltiu. up I.ui':C runs. At the end of the iifth Ciii't'. Brown `blew up and gave three pass- es. \Vith three men on bases and two out Cooper threw wild to first and allowed the Y to tie the score. The next two men up hit safely and Simmons was put in as a pinch hit- ter and came throu;.:h with a two bagger and won the game for the Y." The final score was -1 to 3.` Ernie Hart and Del. ...Emms gave satisfaction as umpires. I WEST LOOKS FOR A BIG CROP THIS YEAR Western Canatla is promised more than an zwerage crop. the outlook be- ing most enc0uru;;ix1;:. Copious rains have been coming; in nearly nvery district. Naturally there has been some daniage from drought . in- sects and hail, but the total dum- zL,'.;e does not appeal` to be large and optimistic reports are heard from all the Provinces. Wanted---At once, one reliable per-` son of neat appearance, for pleaxsant outdoor work in Barrie, whole or spare time, paying from $15 to $35 per week according to time spent. Leave reply at Advance Ofce. Why not, enjoy an evening at Rig Bay Point Dancing I a.villion? Futur- piqce orchesLru.. The Advance wats correspondents at all points not represented. Write or call at the omce and we will ar- range terms, etc.. to suit you. ALLANDALE l5Ul. Rev. XV. nv-1-Inna on 4 . J. Watt contmcted the Utopia and Angus last THE NOR'1`1-IERN ADVANCE the Dr. H. \Vil.11\V ll1 was ned $3.00 and costs in the Police Court on Wednesday morning. The case was an adjourned one from two weeks ago, when the doctor a.ppezu'e1 lcharged with a violation of the Motor Vehicle Act in allowing his daughter, who is under age. to drive n nnI' a. car. The ne, and costs together amounted to $4.50. During July service will be held in Central Church at 11 o'clock 11.111. every Sunday, and `in Collier St. every Sunday at 7 o'clock `p.111. The choir of -Central Church will have charge of the music in lhoth cl1u1'ches during July. Seats are free and a hearty -welcame awaits those who attend these union -services. P1'ca\cl1e1':; for Sunday, July 9th Rev. C. H. Elliott, of _Hlllsdz1le, n? Burton Avnue Methodist Ulll. Service at 11 11.111. Church and at 7 p.m. Church. 11. E Ont. Union Methodist Services READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS. POLICE COURT in Central in Co'1lier St. Anbnnu VLU-uv I-\.l .,......\..,, Butter, choice crezvmery, dairy 25c. eggs 26c-27c. ` berries are still rplentiful at 1 13c. Blueberries are in and : at $2.50 to $3.00 a. basket. Orillia, is to have a. dog catcher, Alderman Grant having been auth- orized to engage a man for this purpose. All dogs without. tags will be impounded, and if not redeemed by the owners will be destroyed af- ter two days. niarliet. 71-Lem"-y steers urui3._; o.Uu to $8.75. common $6.00 to $7.00. Choice butcher's cattle $8.00 to $8.60, medium $7.00 to $7.50. Good feeders $6.50 to $7.00. Stockers $5.50 to $6.00. Calves, choice, $9.00 to $10.00, medium $7.00 to $8.60. Spring lzmnb $13.00 to $14.50. Sheep $5.00 1o$6.00.I-logs, Lfed and watered, $14.50 to $14.65, light $13.50 to $13.65. n..;._.. ..L...I.... nvIr\uir|\nv`I' '!-'.n The receipts of cattle this week have been rather heavy and prices rem-aivned stationary. There is :1 good demzuid for stocliers and feed- ers nnd prices a. little rmer. Calves are also in better demand. There is very few export cattle 011 the market. `I-I'e-avy steers bring $8.00 on til '75 r-nnimnn $8.00 It ) $7.00. Sunday, July 9th 11 a..m.--Pwb1ic Worship. 3 p.m.-Bib1e School. 7 p.m.-Puwbi:ic Worship. Durimg July Union Services will be held with Essa St. Presbyterians. Morning service in Methodist Church, evening service in Piresby-` terian church. Rev. 311`. Watt in charge of both serivces.