gl H mmmmm11m; m u1111 1mfm Be Thrifty---Buy Comfort Soap and Pearl White Comfort Premiums are the highest quality because We have been buying Premiums for 30 years. We spend the bulk of our advertising appropriation each year for Premiums, believ- ing that satisfied customers are THE NORTHERN ADVANCE Bigger Ba:-.:-(be Best Soap-witb Premium: for W:-appera-tLar is Our Offer. Put in a supply of these Soaps now, they improve with age. and get the Double Value for the Wrappers at once. We cordially lnvltc you to call and see our Premlum Store where our Premium: are fully displayed. Send your wr-ppers here. If you cannot come In person we carefully forward any Premium asked for. Remember every wrapper counts as two until June Nth. 1922. This la a very unusual offer. In carefully forward Premium asked for. Remember very Take advantage of It. Stre, 80 King St. West, Toronto This is Our New Comfort Premium Book-- Just Delivered to Your Door. If you did not receive your Premium Book, Write us today and we wlll gladly lend you one promptly. It lllustrntea the hundreds of useful and valuable Premiums we exchange for Comfort and Pearl White Naptha Soap Wrappers. New Premlums lnclude:- Curtalnl and China were Bracelets Drawing sets Draperlea Cllau ware Hair Brushes Leather Bags Tollet article: Spoons Children`: Toys Ten sets Pictures Cutlery Sleigh: Flahlnz Rods Book: Jewelry Wagon: Pocket Knlvel Kltchen ware Rings, Plna Sporting goods Razors Aluminum ware Brooclic; Fountain Pens Brushes. etc. etc. TL--- I. L-_JI . . _ _ .. n__x. 4- 41.- n_. _. ..-.. ___ _... 3-- n~___a-_4 _._.n curtains and China Bucelett Drawing sets There I: hardly any llmlt to the Premium; you can get for Comfort and Pearl Whlto Napthn Soup Wrappers. ods ens can ' rn hare. If vnu cannot coma Wrappers ! WHEN you can get two high- grade, standard Laundry Soaps, and the best Premium goods offered in Canada, all at the regular price you pay for Soap---Why not have both? our best friends. Each wrapper counts as two for Premiums until June 30, 1922---our Spe- cial Spring Offer. All grocers sell Comfort and Pearl White Naptha Soaps. Buy them and save the Wrappers! Naptha Soap andSa\7e the We are not in the "Premium Business," we are Soap manufacturers who use Premiums as the best and most appreciated kind of aclvertising-that is our only interest in Premiums. Comfort Soap is now made in a larger bar. bigger and better value than" ever, but of the same high quality that gave it the largest sale in Canada amongst laundry soaps. Comfort will give you complete satisfaction as an all round household soap. Save the wrappers. WHITE NAPTHA SOAP include; the greatest of all dirt dissolveu, naptha, in proper proportion. and it 18 therefore the best of all cleansers for even the most soiled clothes, without injury to anything. Use Pearl White Naptha Soap in cool or warm water, whichever is most convenient. lt cleans by soaking without rubbing so it is a great time and labor saver in the home. Save the wrappers. Comfort Premiums have always been noted for their high quality. F or nearly thirty years we have been giving them for wrappers from Comfort Soap and our other products, and we know that many thousands of Canadians, men and women, boys girls--for we have premiums for aIl-have been delighted with them and come back year after year for more. Comfort Premiums cost absolutely nothing, so why shouldn't you have-them too? Just to make it more attractive for you to start we announce that:- This means that every wrapper of Comfort Soap or Pearl White Naptha Soap brought or sent to us will count as two for any Premium you want. This offer will be withdrawn on June 30th, 1922, and is made only to interest you in our Soaps, for once you start we know you will remain our customers. Every Wrapper will. have DOUBLE VALUE for Premiums during next few Weeks Comfort` Soap Premium Stare, Pugaley Dingman & Co. Limited - Soap Munufactuxers - T_oro nto if I \ I / , 5:, (H "3 I cocxutmrw .' I . I. / ' ;~ ` I an j !,./ ; I 1 . , I"//7 ` w /_// ` .,r - / 320 '1'. `I: n__ _,$.` I G. ' 3'9," /A 5.32: mun I ul About Comfort Soap and Pearl White Naptha Soap