,..._ jiurton Ave. League to Send Delegates to Summer School Slides of the Epworth League S.S. held at Elgin -House in Muslioka were shown on Monday evening. It is expected that the Burton Avenue League will send a `strong delegation this year to the Summer School which commences July 3rd and will ]tt,~until July 10th. In the contest for membership the Blues again de- Tented the `Reds with the unlucky rnajority of 23. A picnic to St. Vincent's Park has been planned for May 29th, at 6 pm. All the leaguers are asked to bring baskets. After the lunch games and contests will constitute the evening's programme. fjongi-egattioxml .\Ieetin;_v; of Bur-ton ;\\'enue Church The Burton Avenue `congregation (meeting was held on Thursday, May 11th} A short progr:3. mme was con- ducted under the direction of Mr. `F. Norman, choir leader. This was` } ol1owed by the annual reports [mm the Choir, Quarterly,Board, G. L. Sorners. the President of the Sterling Bank, in presenting the 16th annual report, `intimated that the available assets of the bank were- well nxalntained. The total prots for the year amounted to $260,694, an increase of $5,000 over last year. Two new branches were opened during the year. . Sunday School, Epworth League, Ladies Aid, Mission Band, Women's Missionary Society and Church Membership. All the reports show- Ied substantial increases. T.he fol- llowlng were added to the Quarterly Board as Society Represent.-atives: T. Lougheed, L. Speann. W. Scott, W. Park, C. Tompkins, J. Brethour and T. Fleehham. A number of ushers were appointed, among them being metmrhers of the Tuxis Square of the church. At the close the men of the congregation served a very dainty luncheon, which was greatly appreciated by the ladies, especially when it became known `that. the fathers would wash the Aisha: The annual convention of Essa Township Sunday `School Association will be held in the Nicholson Pres- byterian Church on Wednesday,` May 31st. There will be an after- noon and evening session. and a splendid programme is being ar- ranged. . STERLING BANK I HAS GOOD YEAR M-EREDI'nH-In the RSV. Hospital, on Wednesday, May 17th, 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Meredith, a cnn 'LuL LU ' dishes. ESSA S. S. CONVENTION g'TEETH|NG TIME`; READ THE .-1DVE>RTISE)lIENTS. Roof Damaged by Blame L011 Monday, just at noon hour, a. gpark from the chimney set -re to the roof of George Leslie's house on Sean. St. The blaze burnt a portion ,9! the roof about six feet square and the inside of the house was tgslgghtly damaged by water. Much {Appreciation is felt over the prompt igctlon of the tire vbrigade from Bar- ;-ge, as the house is outside the town Hmlts. .. . n , v, . N . for most children is a I . . I trymg tlme. I I I Scot t s E_"_!'$i." BIRTHS The stage playing is still going on at Genoa and it seems to be a. ques- tion of endurance on the "part of Lloyd George, who alone, seems to be the master of the situation. Rus- sia. still has under arms about a million men. and France has aJbout the same. The Russian situation is the key to the whole, and until something` is done. `there is little hope of restoring Europe's economic chaos. France suspects` Germany and distrusts Russia, and the -task of reconciling all the jarring inter- ests at Genoa devolves upon Lloyd George. He has accomplished mar- vels, but it seems that Genoa is al- most too much for him. It will the impossible to reach an ideal agree- ment, but Lloyd George may -be trusted, perhaps more than any other man, to discern what is pos- sible and what is impossible. De- spite all rumors we are condent that this parley will register at least one step towards a more settled Europe and a more harliioniffs world. _A number of the local dentists are attending the Dental Convention in Toronto this week. 1 ):-nun:-nnna v1Ft\ Mnhun .vu..A.. rsvu Lucy :suru nave Luu pep. The children of the Shelter `were guests at "School Days" at Dream- land last week, through the courtesy of the management. Their kindness was much appreciated. RAVI I Rvrn nu n1'\n:'in fund an! 1Ul'UuLU HHS WEEK. Preparations are \being made on Bea-usoliel Island for `the Tuxis Bo-ys' camp to be .heI-d there in July. Thu 1'-larrln lam!-nnun fnmmu urn .Iu.1y. The Barrie lacrosse ezums are vigorously engaged in pra.ctlce> They may not -have the experience, `but they sure have the pep." The children nf tho Qhnltnr `ru.vD1`I1 lJUy.V`UULlULl H151. Wtilfh. V Word has (been received of the death of Mrs. Patpenden, df Mine- sing in Graven~hurs't this morning. The 'body will be brought to Bar- rie on Friday. She was formerly Fanny Stone, of Barrie. T\nn f fnrrrnf fhn Int-fnrn in fines much appreciated. Rev: J. Byrnes, Superintendent of Home Missions of the I resfbyt-3r- ian Church, was _::."anted the degree of Doctor of Divinity (D.D.) by 'Queen s University at the annual - Convocation last week. ixrn.-A rum 5.... .-.\....:....A ..'a ct... 1'a;nuy DLUHB, UL Dl!.l`l'lE. Don't forget the lecture in the Public Library :1-Iall to-night to `be given by A. H. Ricnasdson on "Reforesting the `Waste Lands -of O'nta;rio. The lecture will be illus- - trnted with 60 lantern sllclesg and will `be both interesting and instruc- tive. ~ Cricket Club Purchases New Outt A, Hook and Fred Wharram were [3 Hamilton on _Saturda.y and ob- znined a. complete cricket set for Dutttlng a team at a cost of $75.00. These will `be used -by the memlbers ml the Y.M.>C.A.. Athletic Associa- Mon. 13...`: I'\.._.........`I I.-. `|')I....... |j [:] THE GENOA PARLEY THE NORTHERN ADVANCE WAALKLNSHAW--In R.V. Hospital, on May 18th, 1922. Eleanor Jane Walkvlnshaaw. aged 61 years. Funeral at Angus on May 20th. 'I`U\RI\'----1n Barrie, on May 11th. .~_. 1922, Mary Jane Turk, aged 67 years. I<`unera.1 on Saturday to Dalston Cemetery. SMITI-I-At Lot 16, Con. 13, Innis- .t'il. on May 18th. 1922. Mary Ann -Smith, aged 66 years. Funeral -May 20th to C1'aw1`~ord s ICe"mtery, ` .0ro Station. WAiL DON--In Barrie, on May 12th, 1922, Edward Waiibon. aged 62 years. Funeral on Sunday after- nobn to -St. Mary's Cemetery. McMAb"1iER-At Lot 28, Con. -6. Essa, on May 14m, 1922. Joseph Alexander :McMa.ster. aged 50 yewrs, 4 months, 20 days. Fun- eral to Angus on Tuesday, May 16th. HORIN-SBY-At Simcoe, Ont., on May 15th, 1922, Julia H. Homsby, aged 89 years. -Funeral to .Ba~ rie Union Cemetery on May 16 . KING--At Barrie. on May 16t-h. 19.22. Clara Annie King, aged 61 years, 7 xnonnhs, 5 days. Fun- er'a.i on May 18th to Union Ceme- tery. 117 A 7 vrmxvn-n A 1-I'D v, - up -- DEATHS Omce and residence No. 68 Mul-. caster St. Pwy no attention to rumors that he` has retired. You will nd him very much aldve to the pub-. Ivic requirements. Call or No. 263 when you need -prompt and eicient service. ph-one - |Ba.rrie Veterinary Hospital and Kennels. R. M. McCONKEY Stroud Issuer of Marriage Licenses` Oice : Standard Bank Building, Stroud. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS. Mr. Grant Heels spent a. few days` 5} his home in Victoria. I-Ianbor. r\l(ua Annln Tl7lI.lrin.u.nn In annninor 4s-so Baineld St.. Barrie CAPT. J. DUNN, v.s., pnop, DR. BOSANKO. D.D.S. Phzie 811 -,7.`-;'i`-'H'9.tlday Specials--Men's_ Straw; ,BO1.ltc1's. all the newest dlxngxgslons. _ -m1d~"`b r!llds. Prices reasonable. See our wlmlows. Simmons & 00., Men's Hatters. '}{~ mu. Idlallbuvsun u\AI.IAIaw vs LAJK _ <=%t~rg`1_`11el-y moderate price. `F. Miss 1. COLLINS V J Delightful % $.#'r?ris?!. _[ I :I~New Summer tHat.s ! Most ',",6t. Lhem just out of the hands 3 `df`tl1cir creators. An-d pretty ? ..!l'\hy" are as attractive as tlowetfs, fruits, embroidery and ' 'ga`~y rloblbon can make them. ,..Sl1a-nes ? .Everyt.hi.ng that's new, both small and large. Colors ? To suit every -taste and every complexion. When yet; see them, you will want bile . especially when you learn H14: nlirrhthlwl !:nI-nricn nf fhn U113. E[H:Ul`d.lly wuen YUU 1`8ELI'I1 the delightful surprise of the tr nel~y Allandule. ;,ua_nu-n . Preparations are being made fo ,l.he annual Essa. S..S. Convention to be `held in the Presbyterian Church on the 31st inst. uni n mn..1n- lI"I>t` Dniv G nu y H... ..v-..... u. .......v.... -...-..v.. Miss Annie Wllkinvson is spending 5 `few days among the Muskoka Lakes. `D1-nnnrnfinna nrn hni-n-or mm-in Fnr un uuw uqwu .... .. W. B. Taylor and Rev. S. IM. oach are delegates to "the Barrie Mgphodist District meeting being told 1n_Coldwa.ter on May 18th and 19th, on Monday evening the "Y" sen- 19:1 on Monday evening Y" for baseball team showed up con- ldemble in their practice and on {ruosday night the juniors showed ' some snappy rball. S.0.E. at P1-esbyterian Chufh The Sons of England Lodge will attond the Sunday morning service In the Essa. St. Presbyterian Church. .-..u..-nu-.- ALLANDALE 'I\AY~0R-In the RV. Hospital, on Wednesday, May 17th, 1922, to .Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Taylor. a daughter. I`H0'MPS*0N-In the R.V. Hospital, on Wednesday, May 17th, 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. R. Thompson, Allandale, a son. ~