Sn*.EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEFnEEF:EF1FisEEEEEEEEEEEEE%u"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEF'nEF% 84 Mary St., Bzwrio Box 810. Phom DUNLOP WOOD YARD COR. DUNLOP & POYNTZ Owen St. - Barrie, PHONE 268 Pdbb UuL xv Iv ----- chandise that will sat- 3 .upl;x-\a.:->1--.1 I ` . "10 `rm was ;-.11Imri:*.\-1 H) pm-- 1Sfy' We want you as ]):H`0 :1 ly-1:1\\' in u<-('u1`d:u1t.~o wixh 3. regular customer SO ;thu pmpmml plan. We try to Serve you ` 'l`1w l"1n:1n('o ()mn111iI.Ir-r- x'nr~nn1- lmondod the puymt-nl of :1.o(-uums liL1)10d. Roads. and I31`i(}5.;es $97.50; For 54110 by ,2:-nz.-1'zL1 expense $227.21. ' . Council adjourned 1.0 meet at the ALF: call 01` the Reeve. skis-- Across our counter we pass out to you mer- ---- 4- ......-no vnn o. R. RUSK: Opt. D. ;'ga;s2'a'g _ Phones 88 and 94. Yard at foot of Mary St. El ' E %%%%%$%%%%$%%%%%%%%%%%$%%%%% ' > `*` we recommend to you ,__ __-.-n:-:45 For All Kinds of Wood -`ll; Office 962--TELEPHONES--Res. 90lr22 LIIII I. Iv Phone 944 R. H. ROBINSON Ont. N ,ustomer Phone 143 -P11w<)FiW. R. GRAHAM SPEAKS ON POULTRYE `-'JOak & Hardwood: lg Floors Laid Pr-)1 . W. R. (`nvzn11a.m, of the! Guelph Agrdculzul`-.1,1 Co~.1e:.:'e, ad- dressed a large number of pou1'u'_v ennhusiusts in `the Li`l)1'-My Hall on` Wednesday eveminggorf last week. In his `opening x'emaa'ks the Pro- fessor dealt wi:t.h the ordinzwy every- day hen on the fztrm. uv.. 1nnn H .....:.-`I dun annnl:oI- thn u1a._y urn uu uu: uu In. ``In 1920," said the speaker, the hen on the t'a'1*.m paid better than anything else to the fvanme1`." n_.M.u.:...- Ac kkn nunmhnr nf oxrxrc. iJ.u)Luu|5 cxac LU mu, .`....... Supeznking of the nunvber of lzuid by record hens, he said recoi1'd4brea.ker was a hen in sLra1ia, which had laid 342 egg 365 diays. um..- nnn _..... L... in zrninu M ODD ul`d._V:5. The 300 egg hen is going to be very rare, likewise the 200 egg hen. Apoparemtly there is a difference in the locaiities. The hens in Oxrford County 121) about 105 eggs 2L _\'e2u'," said M1`. G1'zvha,~m. . . . . ,, ____ ._-.._.1 -1: `xanrw an n F111-511 DR V e I'_V l`U urn . L! I auuuu. You can feed 75 hens on a farm c11ea;pLy. 1-\__ nu V try Ul1E1wyL_v . The P1'ot'esso1' outlined the differ-i ence between the farm men tmd thei specialized pohlttv hen by saying; that the big factor in any business is the iI1dti\'i(1 l12L1 who is running it. The personal touch one puts into the business. A hen than. is 1`d}`liX1..' eggs is the most exacting pz1_v111z1.ste1` that ,~- ever lived. Because 21 hen lays an ,_ ___ `A/\:`PVI\W` _-.1, l-.'\!:'l ll\t,'u. ucuux-av. 1.1 n... ...,_~.. .-.. egg to-`dra_\' is no reason why she should la) an egg to-morrow. A hen must be fed 1`e;;ula1*1_\' on Sun-i day as well as the other six days in: the week. With 11 speci:L1i'/.ed poul-` my man he endeavors to gel a cer- tain numiher 01' eggs every yea'I`.i October is his bad month. \`Vithi A _.,|. ..._ \Y.`.v....~.ihn.- and tutu ulllulucx un c_;._s_.o \..-_._. \`Vith the farmer October. Novetmtber and December are hard montzhs. The` I'E.[\JSOX1 tthe speciztltized hen is better than the fanm hen is because the Eamiiet` has other things to attend to% while the specialized poultry man, gives all his attention to his hens. Froin here the speaker launched off into tthe subject of raising , _V`OllI`lg` chicks. He was firm in the `opinion that a hen could not coni- pete with an incttbator. He was in- clined to believe that the incutbator would come into e\'er_\'(lay use. The State of Ohio is an incnl)ator-l1atcl1- in: State. The majority of hens int Ontario are too lean. rather than too fat. to la_\'. The big prol)len1 is to keep them up to \\' l_L'hI. That is the tirst problem in _L'.'C HlI`._`_', a. 300' e_u'}.: hen. It t'.1kC`S so many ounces of Ivar? .... .. hmn Tim he-.w.t ll lill\!:'.` mu n|unn_- Hen. \,......\ . grain to keep up :1 hen. The best i kind of food to go to the yoke 01` ( is our ordinary` cereal!` 5.51`-ain. G1'a.sshop1)ers, worms and in- 1 sects tnalte the white of an egg-'.,( Lime in some form. either gra\'el,1` oyster shells. a little grain. a little; :_"reen food and a little sheet is the| s,vwste1nati~c \\'a)' of feeding chickens. Keep the hen house clean and don t ill ! 9ff.{S let, any feed lie around. Be sure and feed them well before they go to roost. >`pe:1kinu' of raising ym1n_<.: (.`hi(`]\'S he said the best feed to ::i\'e; them \-was J0h11I1_\` cake. , .-\t the ctmclusion of the lecture number 01` ([tlC`S`Ii0!`|.< were asked I"tot'e.=snr Graham and answered by Here are a few of them: hens from - I it im. Q.-~ What can Slop Q.-~\\'ha1 H0111; layin,=.: :soH-slw14l0d e5.:yu's ? { .-\.~---l<`oed them 03.": shells till hen `gets sick 0!` the sight of them. . Q.--What will stop fezrthev l`u11?i :\.~--Ra.\v blood. Q.--C2\n you 1011 :1 fertile egg andi an infertile with the naked eye? _I\.--No. Not witllout the use of an nxiscriz-:cope. , Q.--~\\'h:1t is me best oor fox` a.` hen house. n~-~..- 1. :g- hnincr nep n\'-i The Value of Eye-Glasses to You ' l'.Lbo1`e1`. And what are you dningz?" he ztsked 1110 second. I'm \\'c11`1(1i11_g' 1'01` $7.50 :1. day," ` he replied. The third 111a11 was :1.Sk(>.d t11e{ SZLIHO question and looking up .w1i1h`, 111121511 01' ear11e;~;I11ess he (1111ieL!,\_'_1'_ a11s\vered : T` H... In Jxnild :1 (-11,1119-`; drzxl." 'N1<> thrc-0 :1n==\\'(>rs ilrlusl-rate ad-v, mimhly Hm three fumlzunenlal attri- l I index at mam (hm take tmvurtl his; I en nouse. A.-~-Ce\men.l. It is being used ex- l in}; time. he lllil}' he seliisiily serw ; in<.." 0nly~himsv1i`, or he I111'Zl_V view`; his luhm` am :1 .=m`\'ice to s0c=ieI_\'. E 17111955 :1 man is cziipznbie of vreuliz-E ing: the '11LI`_LZL`I' signicance of his` work he is .incu.pzrh1e of realizing ifs` Eitier he will` he will larger Iopiportuniiies. \.._.... .-ininn nu- he summed l1lI'gG1"0p`p()l'Iuu|uca. Ltlluuan .... have vision or he will be supplied with. supervision. uswereu : I'm lmlpixxg to `build it cathe- JlC\UUlkuu,: _, -.1`_\'. to` 9111 weiszhl. gening 300' u -...::.. .- nnun-n`| r hm mz\_\ be 21 dr1Idger_\', 11 L Inn-.`1n.< 10 an end, 01' a con- tn the r_~r(.=ul of` 1 l I I I L may fool Ihnl ho is himself. .111-ay - ll` r\r\(|u:(\. I\tl_`-'Il|. Luun WI 11 300'CEI'< u $40 l inci ) `to (195 cereal x by -3, T11 me e_:;..-'.,G0` 1. :.I*a\'el,': 119 1e little: :- Depends upon the professional knowledge of your particular case. the diagnosing, sprescrihing, accurate grinding of the lenses, and uhe perfect fitting of the glasses. Our Method and Our Facilities eniaible us to correctly diagnose your optical defects, qu-ickly, a.ccuratel_v and withvout annoyance, pain or convenience in any way. Each patient receives my personal zttte pnescrirbed only when necessary and after a thorough, e.\a.minati'on. ntiion and glasses are scientic THE NORTHERN ADVANCE ...___ eggs in nu, an u. \..,.. of 1 I n se~1'\'-g =lf'1shL\' serv-: 2 1na_v View 0 Me v1'e-aliz-1: canoe his` it`s iuher will 1 r E 5 In Canada the early months of? the year are characterized by a3 dullness in business, which .nrake-5] them a convenient. time for sessionsi` -ot` the Provincial Legisliature and} for conferences of `business men.` The subjects under discussion this! year have been unusu-ally varied. In Alberta it was proposed to establish :1, Provincial Government bank and to adopt mecaisures which would stay the hands Olf credri-tors. In Saskatchewan a meeting Olf fanmersi deplored the heavy losses, estimated lat approxiimiately $50,000,000, re- sulting from the al-1 in live stock ` prices during the past year, but 3 looked hopefullxy to negotiations : with the United States for recipmcal ` iariffs on farm products. In order to help the Western famners out of _ ..,-:.:..._ x.......+ man. aimnnnioe the _BfJRDEN or TAXATION llu: vv cans: u ;u..-...\.. .. -. ._.. ..._ Lu limp a position beset writh diiculties, the Dominion G~overnimen`t is being ask- led to re-estaiblish the Wheat Board, which gave such good service during the war. Mezanwihile in Ontario, notwithnstwanding the suvpsport offered in Farni Doans Associatiionns Iby the chartered banks, the Provincial Government proposes to institute its ` own system of making loans for o.gricu1t-ura,l punposes. It is too ,_enrl_v to assume that this service 1 can be rendered more etcierrtly and more economically by the Govern- ment. The general public is either not yet aware of the unfortunate ' results of past experience in this re- ;spect, not only in Canada. but else-I where, or does not fully understand its imp-ort. It is evident, however, tlrat the expense of administering existing `puiblic services is becoming! ,a burden which finance ministers are at their wits` ends to nd means to cZ1'I'I'}'. I This may lead people to realize that Canada, in common with many other countries, is _suffering from an over-extension of the functions of government, for punposes, which,~ however desirwble they may be in themselves, cannot be nanced with- out im.po:sin.g a. burden on the tax- payers beyond their abitify to bear.% in fact, a comwniee of Winnipegi. : `I i 1 1 1 I I \ zbnsiness men, after carehli investi- gation, h-as esthnlated the toiz-.1 tax- . es pzvyarhle each year in the Prruvvincxal of Manitoba at $57,190,000. againstf; which they place the value of the} cereals produced in the qymvimce at`, 540500.000. Mezmwhile me Pm.v- incial T1'ea.surer announces a. SF :1'i0llS:` decit, which it is pro-posecl to meet} ` '~4~---- 4.... n\`nv\-.9` -Hun `line-as end`; tdencu, wmuu `H. m pl\rpu.:\.u .... LlD\4V4V` an income tax aiong the lines tvlmt imposed by the Dumin-Song `Government. The z1.ddi't`m'na.7l tre-vxtn-` - v ,.__..,. .. kn .-mmh-mi m-minlv 1 :1.ppe:11's n | Hello, Central !--Phone 88! 1 UV: mucus LL\luu.n - \. . .,._ to be required ma.rinI.y a ERE is just mm -of dozens of dainty hmtfneon 1i.s"n.r:s made more delicxous by the use of EASI- 1r. 0'!` LLKKILK. \4lL.lA\.1.lJ'l.In.J `)3 ._`_._\_ ,v.....y.., V-.11. FIRS' . Buy a carton. of EA:'{FIR.fT`. Guard against using too; much of it-otwelve ouuces go as far as ixtetcza nf butter or 12.rd--zm.d the wiry rzst fizne you try it, yoz1 11lI3;cL The second time you ll like it bait-er. A;7ter that, no- thing wi 11 >4:-'w:r sa.`t}.s:Ey you but EASI- FIRST. its erswmtrmy will appeal to you, and the coolzing resxaits will con- ti11ua1Iycie:Tli;g}a-t 3`-tut-; rmd. the family. ..u-.--vv Your ..5,V:*mc.~r mi-'ic" supbly you. C it 1\ V 1 t1 1' '1 t \ Sold 1 W-r:'te in-day for a $3 " cL'_0_V of (km :15 Primed .5`rr..{oe Booklet ...._. . ?:IW1I'T ED to meet the cost of operating pub- lic services and the interest. charges u-ipon capital expenditures a1-rea'd:\' made. The nanes of the other` pmrvinces. with one or two notable exceptions, are in a similar position. The of obtaining addi- ~ 7. _...1 4!... y-nnlirnntinn 1111:-. uluunuuca v: u.............,, ._.., Liana} revenue and the rea.Iizat.ion of the fact that Ihere are limits to! taxation 'be_\"ond which it is perilous to go, should him? a sa1ut,0r_\' effect in checking xhe t,en(1enc,v of ::o\'ern- menis, from motives of political ex- pedliency, 10 enter the eld proper to private enteivprise. ~ -- A -._._,.m..1 "r\n1III`() . en't,e.rrp*r'ise'. Iul lll\.A\. `UL Lll|:: luv: u .. , l)e_\"0n(l which to I the most hopeful feature of the cltiscussions of this iirmrter in Canada, at present is the frank acknowledgment that expenditures must be l:'e'p"L within ihe bounds set by existing `revenues. Pe.rsis'ience in increasing ia'.\'ai.'1on dis:-onrages sav- ings and accimmlzition; it, restricts ii `h`z\m\.pers developnrenf of business: it and tends to drain a.w2i.y the man reservoir, which I Edwin Smith. dr-.u\'in_i.,- gravel for `bridge 25`i!l1 siderozrd, $45.00; Jos. .\lcMvz1ster. planking Jen-nettis bnidge. $10.00; Bert W'.i.illo11,*.r.l1ib_\', dralwing jqraxel for culvent in Angus. $43.00; Szuiiruel Lat.inme1`. refund dog tax. $2.00; VVi1n. Pearce. on acct. and re- ifwnd, $52.00; Northern Advance. printiivng, $25.00; W. E. Stoddsalrt, printinig by-4liarws of townshiip, $90; l\lttnici~paJl W'orld. dog tags, $17.08; Wes. Dunsgey, work on 15th side- road, $2.20: Alex. Denney, repairs to hill Gsih Con., 1921, $10.00; A. 1\A \IA\I\4x\,\A yum. . '13. Coutts, Vespra Telephone System l9\-'_\', $90.00. A by-lww was passed appointing is `the i"o'nn'rain-liezul oi` eniployiiieiit 3 me following attendance officers for and -which in the long run ferlilizes the township; ],the V/n'u'1c: field of in(lus1r_\'." l 1 l I Joseph Fife. 1. 2 and 11 school em-inns: Wm. .\ 3. 4 and 14; 0P'I`O)IE I`R1ST Graduate Canadian Ophthalmic College, Toronto 99 Dunlop St., Barrie. Plu `Lu _,.u.-...._. -..-V.,,,,,, . L. n..__.- ....:n`:... `E111: hmm: :9! :"T'ne.- `man who once most wisely]; 3 said, 3 "Be `zmre 3'ou're right. then go: 3 ~.a'11ea.-d, i imzgh1, Well nhave added this, to wit--i { Be ~:r11\e :vou re wrong before you` I 's ' :17 (mi . 7W Toronto Establislled 1900 , A SPLENDID CGMPANY . T110 Cm\\'11 Life A-\1111ual Roport for 1921 shows l111(`I\'(`l`11(`d gains in volume of 111s111'a11c0, in Assets, and in P01ic_\'11o1dm's Surplus. Attractive Policies Crown Life Policies are up-to-date, adaptable to every need. and att1'activo in eve1'_v way. Agency Opportunity A C`~1'o\\'n. Life Agent-y affords a 1'01nz11'kab]c 0pp01'fu11it_v to 111911 capable of selling` life in- S111`21`.ll(7(`. VV1'ite 01' tclophollo t0-day. wze .EAlFlRSTu THE CRO`V;1:I IZIFE INSURANCE co. To-dd) of (Janus D..,-:5. Ifnnl-Ir! wisely IS THAT THE SARJEANT CO. SEND ME 2 TON COAL FOR FURNACE AND 2 TON NUT FOR RANGE. SEND THE OLD RELIABLE SCRANTON D. L. VV. YOU KNOVV MY VVIFE IS ALVVAYS IN G-OOD HUMOR VVHEN SHE USES SCRANTON COAL. _, 1., -, 2. .-.5 Barrie, Ontario 11b. round beefsteak 2 cloves ; cup strained tomato 1 cup boiled rice 2 cups boiling water 2 tablespoons EASIFIRST 1 bay leaf % teaspoon pepper Cut steak in one: inch cubes, roll in flour :.. ...\..--1. 1 lnucvxnnn calf ha: he-en added. steak in man cubes, run In nuux in which 1 teaspoon salt has been added. Melt EASIFIRST in frying pan, and -_.L._.. 1..-4 L.-nun: Hun fP.'\L', Melt l1.`\Dll`1l\DJ. Au uyu.5 when hot, brown the steak. I-Iave ready in astewing pzm the water, tomatoes, bay leaf, cloves and pepper. Add the steak and simmer until tender. Tliiclcen with it little flour and some of the stock. Place on platter and garnish with lint, boiled rice. ' in cartons and tins. Here is the Way to Make it anson, 1.). ! On motion of G. L. Davis. second- ed by Ernest Morrison. V\'. A. Boys. K.C.. I.\I.P., was appointed Solicitor for the townhi>p. n ,,,, _.u ..,1 on rnnnf in ` Essa Council held :1 meet'in.g in Thornton on .\I-zurch H.111, with all the members present. nu ,,,.,_ -9 I,...A ...,...a:_.,.. ......... J i .-\ccoun`t`s for semed zund ordered paid : pa,wn1ent were pre- ,1, ___... ._...... The mimites of last meeting were read and con-mued. .. ,,,,,__4 ____..- _..._ All Kinds of Cm`penler \\'01'k| Done in 'I`0\vn or Country H:u'<`.\\'oud Floors Cleaned and Polished by E.\'pex-ioncotl C:u'pc-utor [He I.U\\'u5uLp . 1 gsections; W211). |\/111. Copeland, 5; Stewart Cochmne, H`; and 15; Henry Davis, 7 and 9`. ?\\'m. Pearce. 8 and 1!); W111. M:or- -v lvrison, 1.). 5 A *l3">'< ..:-r~ T ha`-in cnnnnd- ESSA COUNCIL The Sarjeant Co. Ltd.