`All sizes and weighfs -cm-ricd by your shoe dealer or repair man. He will attach them in a few minutes. The next 0.1-LA. gsa:_n1e to be play- ed in Barire will `be on the 1311211, when the B1-aadsord jumhprs will meet the 100811 jundors. A numbetr of peerpe living on Owen and Bayld am-eem, sum, in- stead of wanking. 110 work on 'l\hurs`- day morning on account of uhe slip- pery slderwnlks. . . - of business. They are also in the departments of tlhe government, N\ot.a.ble is the department of agri-i culture of .Onft:alrio. its c:1n'1Ipva.ign fori free publicity being wasged through the district olcers of agnl_cul'ture.l Behind all the pulblvleity free or oherwise there is this fact alum abhose who dictate the publicity are paid, the stenogrwphers receive` their salary and it is reasonable to believe that the landlomds receive -their full contnibutxlons. All are x'emunera.ted, butt the pulpit and press. Ixt is 8. lopsided an'mngeunen't vlnast. should -1ead'to `U118 curtailing - at the opemon of the py.vb]=icit._v !begg`ars. Wllw legitimate organ'i4.a.- tions sihould not pay their my is dnitoult to understand. Why there showlld be continuous spongting is not plain. Remarkabl ()nl_\` Hm SHl'l`-(`Il(Hl:i:|E':Ii(`g]iS(Bk(f('])('1` appn.-- 4-iuios such valtues as 111c-s(.~.;i-1:1I-To\\' wlmsv :tpp(sar2u1(rv prm-luims i:ts__}_}|')_i_l_i1_\' to wear zmd \\':1s|1 wi1f|1 Innmnnnmll .s:i..Il.x`(.1i'I}-ss`. `l4`in(- firm \\'(.-21:1:-,5 of ubs< n'l)-.n1' ql,1a_li"f;\f.__ Just the '.[`(m'n1- ling` 1,'og'llla1' l1()ll.\'(`L('(*|J(`l'.S`. \\=a-nt in flusir kitclnun. And when 11-as it ('\'(`l' hm-n anlilablc-, at ])ri(-.(-s .su<-`I1 as tllost: ? .-p.~ c: . C`o r`ron Roller '.l`;>\vV(3}.Ii fT1'4'~,`7" 14. in(:l1es wide, 1`(`}_ ,'llI2H' `._ .'w. for .....- . . . . .. ... H.122`-c yd. Unlinn l`0\\'vIlin:. "Hi i']('Vh(`$ \\'i.d(- 1'0 u1a1'40v, P . . 7 _ 9` v- - _. r- \ L14 Fr)! 1.ilI(`l) '|`m\'vl1in;;', b'()(-, for . . .` . . . . . . . . . Cr[;l.\`.%' _l`m\'o||iug', _e(I*'gg_1'1(1 \Vhit.e and Blue and \\'hi1(\ (`lm-k, 22 _i11('1}C* fide, 10g'ula1' 400, . . . . . . . . I` ...x (gay Plain .Whi1`: Linen tIf'6<" i 2.`) iliclms \\'id(=,-.1'_egula1' $1.00, for % . . . . . . . . . .65c V. n..,.... nu`. .....`. .. .... ]or are visiting: Iho |'orIm~r s 4i:lug:h- ter in Bordeamlx. ' inch Turkish 11'-mg Quality .:oa Sm Towcllillg, s'p(-cial 131-ion . . . . . .400, 50c W- 11it0 Tlll`l\'iSll To\\'('H`irrg', `.21 ilmllos wide, special `value ; . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .500 in Toweling WVl1itc Cotton ".l`a1:l(r --Q1()T-'11, 1'og11la1' $1.00, for . . . . . . . . . . .. VVhi1'0 (."0tt011 "_|`uble Clotll, price f01'j for Values Bar rie Miss Ethel Newman and Mr. Herb- ert` Stephens visited in Ne\vu1:n`l and 'I`.oron'vo over Lhe week end. 27 inch \\'hit0 Fl;111'11(>10t ro, S1)(_`(_"iZ11 36 inc-11 \Vl1i1'(e ]i`lu1'111(*l(:1'1:o, s]>o(-ial . inch I*`aci'ur_\f C`ut`mng`, 1'eg11la1' 250, for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...12cyd. inch I*`au'rt`01'_\' Cu ttu\-1, regular 400, for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......25c im-11 Colored ]1`]a.1Tn1e1e1'Tc-.<, rcgtllar 500, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..35c W-uuuu vs nauv-v-v.-.a.u. gun-uuusvu. 'I\he Drugg~ist---I'm just about -130 u an order for three dollars womth. 4 Stqp amtund have and I'll let-yoI#1 smel-1 fox: two bits and the '-.5 nxezisumng It Out The Suffer-er--I want a. quantet-'_`s worth of mxolomorm mmmenit. 1-.,,.,,__:_.; 11.. 4..-; _|____- A`, lnunu. W. A. Harris, Bruce Wilson ad Esnher Bum gra.d1_mted on the last school day of the old year. ' 4...: mu-..._ 11` A 'I'r..._.... ..._....;L L-AID "\4\I\.\4lA\A .4. A.\IQ\rIllu\lI -Miss C. Gordon was a holiday visitor in.'I`h1ornton this week. I Among the ex-students who v:Lsit- ed ,;a_L.`_t`1ire scliooa during the weebk we're'3".`CoHng Pae of Dundraxs, Fro}! Wezbb'o-1" Toronto, Ivy Cox of Port -McN1'ool, `and Ella. Mwpes of Brad- ford. " V var -, v.,,__, v-run--- ,;',u Miss Myrtle Dunnett. or I`o1'onto.g spent the ho1'ida_\-' with her pm-m1:t:s,[ Mr. and Mrs. James Dunnern. Cum-i box`!-and St. I ,..... . - ...1 nvnsvvx um; v; unu vu-\o Jwsarlu ILVIY. and Mrs. H, A. Henry ape the week .end in"I`onon1to. ' u-- n_.._:-_ _.__ ._ 1.-.`.-.1._._ nccn uuu nun ALIA ..v.u....n.. 'Mis's Helen Ritchie has accepted a position with the Impenial Insur- ,ance _Co. and has ooumnensced her duties in the local 0. .ce. _,-.._ u,, -,, -;.__1_._;_ ___1.`_ -_2..:.; S,ch.oo1 re-opened on Tuesday wnh an unusual large enrolment of new I students. an, u,u-_ ,..._.:___;_.: ;.1_,:.. I nuuucu La. Mr; Adam Slmldon graduated this week and left for Timon.-to. ' -.- or ,, ns._u_s_ 1.-.. ___-_L_.`l B.B.C. NOTES 56' il'l('h(`S wide, ....`..65c yd. (56 im-lws wide,` G51 an \\'id(+, 5 Ll]-Ll L ,l.\l\ , ....25c rogu lat- . . . . ..-10c Trenton ***%*r?*~*& . il=$d On 'I`hu1~sday evening Rev. S. M.` BezLcl1 will speak in St. George's Church in conne ctinn with the union pr."1,ye1' services and Rev. 'I`z1_V1or will Lspeibk in the P1'esb_\'te1'iz1n Clulrczllz on Friday e\'en.in.:. . 25c .380: at A number of su'pp0x`1eI`s or the Y.M.C.1\. hock(>._\' tezuns are conlri-huh ing to the fund fur the purchasing: of L111iX'o1'ms, as 1119 Y. were the? only team in the Church Leu_2;ue` last year without unifomns. ,u_,, _: 1.4 V - ..-..u., ...........__,. t i 3 r $ v ,. n 1.'oal.. xwal. has! [1'ida_v night qu:iIe (L little excitement` was caused in the yzirds when an engine took it notion t.o_ wander off on its own hook andi only stopped when i1 ran inxo uhei pit al the 1-Lirntnble. The table was_ badly damaged, and it. was necessasry to send the engines out Lo the Y.` at Oamp Borden to turn them. ' The services last Sunday in Bur- ton Ave. Churc.h were in lieepringi with the season. Inlhe mzorning L-hei pastor had for his subject The: Importance of C-ho-ice." wnirtli his; ten from Joshua 24-15, Choose? thee tlhis day w.11'om ye will sei`ve." In the evewnin'g the subject ivus` The Call for Rea.pei's." I.il't. up your eyes and look upon I.he lleld They are whxile already to l1z1.1'ves1,"1 John 4-35. Rev. peach in the evenw ing service emphasized the impro1't-! ance oi` beginning the work of the: new your on the rst day vilfld that; all should prepare for iiumedi-ale}, acLion. ' - Kingston. ;V_Ifj. P?hviLip Nemmzln to resusine his sluclties 1r_. "1 1... . `wvp. 2'... ,`... The Burton Avenue League, which has been closed on account of the (3h=1:isLmas h'oI`id.a,vs. will re-0.pen again next Monday night. r,_._______. -urn, .-, \p:_. ...a..... 1 J`urhu.a.12v 1.51:1) is M:i-s-aionzn-_v Sun- day in Burton Ave. Church. The presideml of the Connfemence. Rev. 13.} L. Brown, of O1-illizy. will speak bmihi n1-nrni-n5: and evening. I w f`l\L_ c.._.. ____.__._ 41.... .L, xv 11 n c ) u\....u... I The .\`n. Presb_vter.ia.n and: 1\Iet.hodist Churches are conductningi :1 week or union px'a_\'er services`. On t\Iondu_v evening Rev. W. J.7 `Watt. of the I resbyteri.un C1u'1ro`h.! spoke in Burton Ave.. and d(*3lii\'(l'`,dI a most excellent and benecizvl ad-! dress. [`z1.ki.ng his illustration from; Tennyson's In -`.VIem'o1'ia'.m. R'lm;| out wild bel-ls to the wild sky," he; spoke of how by rimgim; the bells we rang ouxt t.he old and ramg in` the new, but the old temptvzvtions undf the old pitfalls came with the new: year just the same as they were in` the old. The real solution, said Mr.` Watt. is to ring in the Christ that is to be. We find nhe foundation for our life's work not in the moun- min tops of experience, but in the valley of activity. ' `EN 'I`|<}R'l'.-\lNl~}D AT l{I*IU'|`()lKY The A.\'.l'.A. and choir of St. (}orge's Ohurcvh, /Ula,nd,u1_e, were enter'1usim~d to :1 New Yeu.r's party at the Rectory by the Rector um] Miss Taylor. A large number were present and all had an excellent time. 'N1ere were various compou- tlons. the prize winners being : Miss Miller, two mats. and Miss 'l`ho1mp- son one rst. Oomfornmmon pnlzos 1\Inhss Case and Mlss R, Sperin. I`:1m rest of the evening was spent rln gaunes. At the close 'rel resluuen.'1.s were served. A `heanly vote of thanks was given the Rector and Miss Taylor for their kindness. Mrs. C. Wrigzht and .\Ir.<. ' 01` '1`ummn,1 1 l)n)H1vr. \\'ll~; has 1'9! 11 rnod Quovn ' has I110` in the; sememuber the Big Moonlight Ni;:h1.a`l. theli-ink Monday nuigmt, ..uuuuu-J nah Jun. 9th. 18 musoicul numbers. I f'Jver_\'.body come. ... `. .. . . I. u .. n._2;,... 3 LOCAL NEWS ./\' numlber. from Barfie . i'vttenud,_ the fowl supper :1t' Tl1o1'n'tbn Oil Monday night. ' 1-1-... .|.,. 1):... \l.\,....1:..-hl "X:IZ.Yv":$IS."LE"[ 00000000000 The New Year's ball lust` |*`ri-druyl ni::4lrI wars a _:;re:u success and ui 111.115.-,0 nu-mibcr \v(=ro in utlemimwe bnuh l'r0Iu` I}-urrit->, and oul. of town. Barrio 1mc.lm_\' runs` will witness Hm ll-rs! C.}I.|.. :4'u.nms on I-`ridu_\' ni-gin wlurn SI. :\ndrm\"s and I\:u':|i'us meal in both junior and .~`vnim' ,:.u1m-s. .. v ,1 .- ,,._._v ..._ :- u4.......Il `week, but the min last. night spoilnd the slei-g.hin::; again. `in bad shape l.o-du_\' and pedestrians` I .`I'II|\.lI ,u l~`nur rinks of c.1I.r1urs from St-novucl nun. I value to nnrirv on \Ved11es:'i.ay and urn plu_\`in':.`.' l'mn' ltnriru rinks. l.:1.s.l ni.-.:ht lunch was served at. the (:1-lhb moms by the 1 .:'n'in~ clubs. .H`unda_\ and Monday wn-re :|u= coldest. this \\'inle+r so far. The-1 In 10 bel:wi.] during me l11emn0m0le1` dropped (`,m1sidex'able snow roll 'I\l1e st reels :1 z'-- .Il:l\ e to walk c.:n'el'u|1,v. ` . % l*`llll<}.\Il<}-.\' DO (-'u()()D `\\"0R|( " .-\ ~1`e shamed in the old barnl Liack of the Lally house on Collier` St. on Wednesdu_v night. zrbout 10; o'clock. Dhe re made consiclemblei 119-.Ld~w:1.v before it was noticed. andi when the re bri_a_'-ude :n'1'ived H was` :1 mass of ames. The blrilduing h-adl considerable wood and hay stored in| it and this :.z1.\'e the fire :1 guodl . . . F 7,, ,, 1.-....y., 4:..._ .1... 1.... lll{l`} LOSS IN P):\1{r|l`} (`().\l- 1 l'AIvlu'D \\'l'l"H ()'l`Hl _l'0\\"NS I . ,l I For the 11115! eleven n1v0n1>lr.s ot| 1921 the num`bt=r of re calls in ;' Bzu`r1e were 3. The re -loss was l 3:13.518. n..:n:.. I....| `II ....II.. u-.:H1 .. `nan .. .,.,,,.,,. Collingwood had ~18 nulls vr-i.i loss of $6,548. -Midland had 4|) calls wil`n u 1 of $71,374 2 :...n._-`. L....J .-n ....n.. ...:.l. 4 ? g Lindsay had for $15.000. I % i 5 In 1'! . \\'.a*s under s-.1 ved. _.,....-. . In an h`ou1"s time the rei control 4` The snow on the roofs of ..v ...\ .. 5--.. and the house the su1'r`ound'ing buildings saved mo situation. as sparks were ying in v every direction. The remen work-2 ed like greatest of praise. re trogans is unknown. and deserve the The cause 01' the .,..u........ ! Ovillia had :36 calls, with `.1 101' $6,000. n..n.-.........,..1 |....: 1:: ,...n.. .-5:: 1 -. I CA'[4VER'l`---At R. V. Hospital. on I1\'I-.on(1a_\', Jan. 1st, 1922, to Mr. and -.\'I1's.John CI-alvert, Allundultai : 1 .'j4_-r- . ... . Mr. }`lex.Jvi u.int.m`,- speni S{)ncia3' with his ` liuzm I_ 1li:l'L1.l`. 4 V j1>mEs'r-.M R. V. Hospital. 0111 `E Sunday, Dec. 30th. 192]. to '.\1r.l 3 and Mrs. H-oxvard Priest, ;\I=ine-| - .\lAlHll.~\(iES \VI-Il'1`EBR;EAI)---~- Ce 1 . -- .. .. -. I as , (:REEN--KI-DD ~.-\t, Centnal eth- orlist PaI`sonz1ge, on Dec. 30't&h. 1921, by Rev. E. '1`. Douglas. Robert James (`rreen.. 0.1` Angus, to Miss M,\'1't.!e Viola Kidd. of Port: Elgin. ICSTEN~~-VV'IS.\XvI~}R - --AI St. An- drew s Chumh, by Rev. (.1. A. Brown. on VVednesd-ay. Jan. 4th, 1921, Maurice Hxutohison Esten to Miss Jean Wismer, daugvhter of Judge and Mrs. Wismer, Ba1'rie., tery. J\Il`;GILIl"On Monday. Jun. 2nd, 1922, at Toronto, Mrs. Aubert Mepgvill, aged 52 yew-3. 1-`uneral at Toronto on 'l`l1ursdwy, Jun. mun. I-`()S [`vER----On :-`umduy. Jun. 1st, 1922, at the residence .9! her ~dau-ghtor, Mrs. A. L. Anderson, 2755 Dunxdws St. west. I`-ononmo, Emilry Gllmy I-`-ostor. in hot` 86th_ year. Fummu from the `msldenloe at her dawghtenn Mrs. G. O. 1r..4..:|.l..._.._ on r ._.I...__....A .......l N ..u.n-u, noun -4uu........., wp-,.... `J\ ye-am. Funeral will be held z1.t Aurora. on Monday, Jan. 9M1, at 10.30 min. Imnrnxent at Aurora Cemetery. , LOUN I`~--0n Monday, Jmi. 2nd, 1922, at Hmuivlt-on, George W. hount, aged 80 years. l <`unenwY at Bamrle on VVednes(my, Jan. 41:)`. lntemncnt at llurriu Union Ceme- gI}I~JLI. -~ On Der`. 30th, 1921, at Onoi I Station, Mrs. I-2-lnizznbehh Drury 1 Bell, aged 61 years. F.uneI".ul on I `Monday, Jun. 2nd, 1922, at Oxro I Stu,-tion. UNDERJHILL on .I`l1ursd~wy, Dec. 29th, 1921, at. Hollywood, Calli- ' 1'orn1u., I-`red Underhill, `aged 58 u .__nu L, 1. -u_x ,.. ....,.... -....., ..,_. -..... ... -. _.,..1_, as, George Whitebread, of (}I`ave- hurst, to Miss Mice Jennet Gyeen. of Innisl. ` tral Methnod/ist. I -.u'sorra,ge on Dec.` 20111. 1921, by Rev. E. T. Doug- ..n -. J n __,._ nun um-anuvu. , uggon vu I-Iuitdhmso , 21 Lockwood round, Tuesday. at 2.30 pm. Intemxwnt ...b GI fnl.-In lVn.~...LA--- KY.`--nuuu ........_ .`.,..... . J Mrs.` C. Nmholls. or (`nn1h-rlznnd` SL, re1u'r=nod from Hm R.\'. ll-nspilnl; on Su.1urdv:1.\'. ; .. I auwwulug; Ion u.-ou yuan. onus-uvvoou wt St. John -s Cemetery, Nonwmy. Rll{'l`l*l.H l)[<}:\'[`HS 30!`. 54) calls wilh Ono loss loss` uuun, 111 ..u\. A\lvVUlA ..-..u.. . The hall wws bealutffully..decor- Med and a.-bout eighty couples, we1j,e present. Some of the ladies were gowned in the most ch:anm.in~;.-` and m1.tnac't1ive eveni-ng dresses and with their partners. also in evening at- lire, presented ll. plea.sin'g -plct.uve ggal-idling over the floor to .Ll1e strwins E01.` Uhe nmsic. . . ,_..-._ _.._ |... 11., -The Bachelors and Bened-icms of Barire hehd their -annnural New Y_ezix"s ball on. I-`rid-ay e-vein-g,-..De_c. 30th, in the Town Hall. . . Allandztle 1'01` unntlwr _\`our `honor of h~m`in_:: J. l.vi11!u .M'a:m1"s chair. xv..- n 11~_A; AL. ..u \u.., iI'uA -n--~luu,x.:-.u um,`-.....,, ... ...` .' The dance ended abnm 2: TLIYI. {and me people went, away I.`homng'h.- ljv su'hi:sed w'i1=l1 the evening and the `service they received. I -n ;,__,A.___.._ av...` 11 In t\....H-.~ ,m.-...u,- ..,.,.,....... ` "P-at1`onesses-~~-1\`Ims. C. l`.. Devtin , ;MI's. Jus. l\I(n\`lzu"L~i-n. Mrs. G. 0. 'Cum\e1'on. Mrs. S. G. Unde1`hil.l, Mrs. S. W. Moore, Mrs. G. I). Hu.'nbzu'd, Mrs R. J". Spro-H. Mrs. VV. 0. Mc- hinnon. Mrs. A. R. \Vvn1ker. Mrs. VV. LA. Ross. . (tr 1u,,.,, 1v-..._. x. u.uan. , L`.om'mi~1tee - J. W. Ness, Haury (Milne. S. W. Moore, Vvu-ltexj Cooper, '.-tmbrose Hamlin. G. D. Hthbayrd, u..- 4 I lmwrence Reeve. R. H. Un !C. H. Lynch. G. 0. Cameron. nun punuvu. Jan. 9th---Ju-n'ior 0.1-I.z\., Barrie Jan. 10th-In'ter1m_~clin.le 0.H..~\., I-}-arire at Midland. _.. 1 7 I I I at Nemnxarket. 1 ! {Jun. I ' Jan. 13t11~--Jvuni-or 0.H..4\., Brad- ifoxid at Bamrie. . . nu, ru._._.*1_ I -.. ..... 11.... Jam. Gtl1--Cl1umh League. St. An- drew's vs. ior ganies. nu. Y1. Ba1"a.cas, junior and Sen- l'\ 11 A Q:-;vnin I n r1-:I\\u `;1u.ILI\.: ul -un......... 3 Jun. 11th-~Churoh Leag:.t-2. jun-' fior, Y.M.C.A. vs. C1'usa:(1e1's; Seniorf, 1v.;\r.c..-x. vs. Trinity. l - .. 1,, ,- , -n _, I\YI \ n_._,: uuru (I-L Llllu n.. Jam. 18'th~--O11u1'ch League, Ba.r- ? ucas vs. Y.M.C.A., junior and senior games. 1.... 104k fwd... n 11 A u`n....i5 _- 3, `Ian. 19-Lh--In'1er. at Ooldvwater. v an.-v. rn_.._.4 Mr. Hmve. of 'l`ornnm, \\".1s Hm ;<._-cuesl ol`,Mr. and Mrs. .l;unes 1)un- nett over the we.-li end. un. \J\ll\A'lIsA.|.\.n . Jan. 20It;h---C'hurch I I And1'ew s vs. Trinity, : .:\.ndrew s vs. Crusaders, ; an 1 -.-,,,_ nvr A To our co1'responden'bs in va1~i0u'S 'country places. to om` adverbisers, and to all who have in any way con-` .1rLbuLed Lo the ootluwnms of U119 And-' Vance duninxg the yemr just closed,. we lender our hearty and sincere -thank-s. We solicit L-heir cord`lu,l co- openzution in tlhe year Lhuu is start- ing. We shall endeavor. wluh your asxsvlsmnce, no make the Ardmnce a better paper than ever. To one and all we wish u pmspenous your. Work has coununenced. on the tmg prrovement. to the road bewween ` Severn and Gmvemhurst. Severxul cwnupus Jmvo been erected at G4lJbml- tar, mboum 3 mlles nontm of Sevem, \ and between 40 and 50 man are on \ the job. '1\he long felt want is be-;` gtnmng to mutenlahlze. Dunmg tne`z winter is -It pm-posed to do most of the blasting and took cuttdngwso - amt when spring wens out the grading W1 be promptly oocm-_ menced .-Banner. - xxuunuvv .3 In -I.IlA&l\4J, ....--...-, . ~.. junior. Jan. 23rd--J-un. O.`H.'A.. Newma-r- ket vs. Barrie. . A... . f\1"l ':ur:.1' Jun. 25th-- 0.1-I..A\., Mid |l_md an Barrie. nun, ru_..._...\. 1' ........' .'.. ,...:.-... I .x.uu `ll. :11: L A- Jnan. 27t.11--Chumlx Leamie senior, Trin.it_v vs. Bzmacas; junior; C;'u~szi.- Llers vs. Bz11'zLcas. Jun. 0.1-I'.A.". Bair- lie at. Braclrom. Mrs. Goodn. -My lnmabund ul-wn.ys Says 11. smart prayer before czuoh 11104111." unuuu. New Cook --~"SI1lI.1 (9, there"s no mule 01' lnlrm dmng um w1lLlle Ohm here. ()I'm no on-ok1in' Asclwol gr.wd- lullw-.." (`HURUI-[ Ll`}:\(.'l."l-I S(`Hl*}Dl"Lli}V illiilb. `eh. 1- -St. .-\nd`x'e\vs vs. Y.vXI.C.A. Junviior and Senior games. Junior gzlmes, 15 minute periodys. Se'ni~o1games. 20 minute pereiodvs. Three periods each. ..........--,, ...... V - .......... The rst games that the Y.`.\I.C..A.! (lmclcey teams will take part in will} be on Wednesd=ay evening. Jan. 11.1 when the juniors meet the CI'll`SzLdel'S! and nhe seniors Lackle 'I`rinvi1_v. ?\ 7'11 - n H 1: THE NE\V YEAR'S BALI 6-~-St. Andrew's vs. Ba.1'aca`s. Junior and Senior g:aJmes. 11--Junim'~-Y.IM.`C.A. vs. Cru- sa.de1`s.~ Sen`-io-1' --~'I`1~ini=t=y vs. Y. 18- Bumca-s vs. .M.C.A. ~ J-unIi~01' and Senior '%.,*aImes.: 20------~.l-unior---SI. Andrew's vs. `C1'u`sz1de1`s. Senior ----S 1,. ;\ndx'ew's vs. '1`:-i~n:ity. . 2 7~--Junio1'-~--C.1'usade1's vs. HOCKEY l.\' JA:\'l".\|{Y \Vl<`. '1` H.-\ N K YO U Alluyinp; His l`-mas uu - -4. u. SEI1ii.O`l'-~~Tl`uiI1i`l_\' v Bar- THE NORTHERN ADVANCE 0.H.A., Barrie. -1 League, 3:`-t. .r.._._._ :14 .'llA O %OO% I`he netwspa.pe1',und the church - rpulpit are u pswir that is made tJl1e . slpeolal object of the free publicity - Eh-uuter. ` quently Seldom does a day go by that the advertising or edmtorial desks of the newspaper olces are not in receipt of 1L request. some- Uhmes plain and open, but more fre- hiddeu behind a flow of words and phmses. Never does 8. Sundut-y pass uhat t'lm'e of the pul- pit is not given to announczin.-g, van- other word for advertxilsing. eYfl1ltS that are to come in the eonununhty. To produce and present ' elther through a chunch or a. news- plwper '15 ft costly openathon in these days. It means an outlay zum)arent- pwl)lI`wl*t.y ` "ly beyond the ooncepttaiaon of those . - cwlhlo would nzulce advvaxmtage of tlhe weallmess -that lets the free public- - lty C&I1Wl8Sel' get `on this unoount through the pulpit u are quite gevnex-all.` `cert enthusiast ue . bothers who feel they have a special past. Offenders lecturer and massage that the ehumch 3ong1'e-.gva.- tlons especial!-y should hear. Algaxlmst the mawrspwors there are 13. greater -. lslat of bx-ansgressoxs. Their names is legion. They are in every a.ven4ue K There is the con- ` \VHY NOT .[ A\.' THEIR \\'AY'. Leather % ?13"1 1"' Men sLightweight $1.50 _ % Heavyweight $1.85 Lindsay With every $1.00 purchase we give you a 5c coupon. Setrthe nice goods ' - small prices. The ideal `combination far soics and heels--leather next to the foot -- rubber next to the grounld. --Phillips` Mnamy Soles and Heels turn the triL'k---give you an ideal soIc--mnke your shoes last twice as long--give double _ thq -satisfaction. Filiteen"'~Million Set; of Phillips Military Soles and Heels were sold in Great Britain last year. Cah be Attached to Any S`/zboe I Ch-arles Wculross. of. I`o1-.onto, was in town. over Sunday. Mr. Wzm. Dunnelll, of New York. spent Sunday in town. M-1'. Clzlrence Mitcliell, of '1`voron:Io.[ spent. New Year s wi't-h his parents.` `ML. and Mrs. W. Parks and I`-.1.~m- ily we1"e hioleicluy visitors in N0.\\'- 1m1x'l_{e1. `ck nu,-1-,, \v,,,,,, ,, 1,, , _, ..._.._.u