EUNICE FR`A.NCl-IS BROWN -There passed away Tat Rest. amne," Vennyimiaon. River, Northern Omanlo, on Saturday, Dec. 10th. 1921. Emu-ice Frwnvci-s, drau:g1h=ter. or Mr. and Mus. E. D. Brown. 193 -Brlwkvst. 'I1h remains _were brought _io Bernie Sunday evening. in-:.- 11--- ... ......... .. ._.....~.1....... ...c H... 6'_rioE `I go _c1mnrr<'ms" - . . . _ . s xnmfsmaim Imrdbv m1v.el1unu1's11an1 ES & Muxvunn-Vun. Executors`- Solicitors. Barrie. Ontario. - .LU1` uni: LUUUL an. The funeral on M-\1':ond.a.y rom the hro!me -of his dua'ug.h'te1', -Mrs. Adtwms, Blake St., t-o the Union Celneteuy, rwas attended by a large nuxmber. The pa,~11xbeare1-s, an old friends of rthe deceased, were: A. G. A1-daglm, D. M. Stewart, Mr. Leeds. A. P. Wnielrkes of Midland, S. J. Pe1'1'y of 1`m-onto, and O. G. .Han't. ulgu. L-no u. us ....u. 1 He leaves .to -mourn his loss his (wife, who was 'formerly M-amy Amn- strong, of Barnie; one son, Geo:-g, of Baxmie, an-d uhreo brothers George of 'I`oron:t.o, and Peter and Albent zof , Ba1'r:ie, axnd ve sisters, M-rs. T. O. Sch-nimer of Tovontzo, Mrs. H. Brad- ley of Panry Sound, Mrs. J. Mason of Na-gara. Falls, 0m.., and Mrs. Wm. Penny and Mus. Bert Appleton of Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Clark, . of the A1ILand`a.!e, are the parents of . the deceased. nu_- e..._-....I ..a:II `4n`rn` .vu1n-no F1-Ana ll HU uuivanvu. The funeral will`pn1-zwe from his lwte resldence at 2 o clock Fri- da.y a,fte1-noon. VVILLIAM C. BARBER, MD. Dr. W. C. uBa.x1ber died suddenly at Simcoe Hall on Tuesday, Dec. 13nh. He had been rest\ing -on a coudh and wlien Mrs. Barber brought him his dinner about 1 p.:m., she was shocked `to find him dead, with his pet. dog beside mum. Dr. Barber was bom mt Geome- . gqyvn on Oct, 1t.1862. He received ing ` 0 er the spoils whuich death has` vvuu, We would at vthis solemn meet- vvc wuunu aw -uunu uvnutnn-AA ....~.... sin-g Oalmly say, Thy will be done." I\h~om1g1h our hearts _a-re lled with -...uuC,... V... ........ .... __..., .....-.. ..-,,, .n1o,ux'mmg, Mercy `st1il*l is on the rth-rone. With txhy smdles of love retumring We can slug, `IThvy will be done. By my hands the boon was given, `Thou hast taken bun: t:haine'ow11. Lord of earth and God of heaven,, 'Dhy wil-1 -be done. OBITEXRY awn;-:v uuuuw; vvvsauua. Ms Brown was a. gmduate of the -`Hnmdlvton Qttry Hnspital, and d'u-ring ;fhe `course of her tmindng and pri- ' ' A "_._..;_ ...-.__n.._. _-1.- ..L.__.`l ..... ..~..:nv _ ,,, his `early education at Georgetown,` then went to fI`ononho, where `he took -a. cotmse 11 Arts -and than grad- u~aated'in Medicine in 1886. He `then entered the}. Government ser- vice and was for some years resi- -d'en:t doctor at the London A>s'y.1u:m. " ~ He tlhen went mo Mimico, where he tprantdced for 8. number of years. 7 Whtile `here h-e marnied Susie C. Graham. From tMVi=m=co he went mo 1 Kingston, where he was associated with Dr. C. K. -Czlamke. ,,_n _.x__ -.._-._.. ....... L.` manna On `V\"lLll 1.11`. 'U- .x\. '\./uaunc. A:b0urt mine years ago he canne to Simone Han, A?P1a.nd'a,le, where he has (since been. -Besdes Ihis Wiilfe .1;e_. s~sun'v'i'ved -by-one brother, -Henry Banber, of `Toronto. ` n-u._ n..._...4_1 ...:m 1.... Iu.:1A h-nnm f'hn D8.I1|)I:|', UL *1.-Uuuu Lu. The xunera mm be held fr.on1-the residence of Henry Banber, 'I\oro-nrto. Intenmermt in St. James-' Cemetery on ITtmrsday, Dec. 15th. Heavy Ulster, Coaxts, `good value at $30.00, ~thIis .Week `for $22.60. Brown Bros. EDGAR Rev. Mr. Kmi-g1h'bo-n will sumy -in the Barnie Congregati-on-al Church next Sunday. ` V _A __....._1.. .....\-.u 6`n`lI-hmnr Hxnun u.U.`Ll. D uuuay . Just enough snow falling these days to give an agprpearance of win- 1.-.. IE1 1Mn`s. J. A. Gockmurn is spenwdmg a. few days Wdzuh her daughter, 1\'Ir.s. [Chas Robson. H-.. _................ o.:..m.- Han Ull'd):5. nuuauu. Rev. `Mr. Agar, represenning the Social Service, preached in the Meth- odjivst Church on Decennber 11th. c ,,,.__y._ v_...;:.;...a.. uvsrv` at Qkn l ULIJFEL 'uIu uuvu uu AJL-\\.ALuw\/A .......... ' Dhe Wom.en zs Instimurte met at the ihome of Mrs. Jos. C1o*ckrbl1`I'n on. \VednesdaJy, Dec. 7.lh, WLHI a, good attendance. mhe reappearance of the pwesident, -who has been ill for some time, rwaus a 1'.ea.l pleasure Lo` everylone. Mms. Steele, a. nformer mresmdent, had charge of the meet- ing. 'IThe next meetfuig will be held at the home of :Mrs. V. R. Slesser. . n,.___1-,_ n_L -...I.. ..,.... kunu v\v~nn_ any -uuu-lac un. us: unurnuuub wuu 3-_.. `hivate nunslnrg she -stood ever readsy ` to ee1'.ve' wing unselsh zeal, alswaxys considering her patients and their ccvmafort to be _Uh8 rst and most im- portant factor. and it can only be said or met that she gave the best of her lnirfe to ease .t1he suffenin-gs of others. She was a. member of 001- elsier St. Methodli-st C'h'u'mh. .,.; .1.-. 11--- 11%-!` an uuu uuuxc vu. IAVLIHQ vs -... ..,.-____. mhe Sunday Schools are busy prac- tising for rnhetir Xmas en-te1'wbax'm- ment-s. ~- 0` ,, -r\_I.L___ ._._.J .-...... `E`nnn+ |1L!.l.L':'n. , Mrs. Dan Bobton and son, Ernest, oef Bamie, were Sunday visitoars here. `L7 n 7 nvI...._..`....... `tuna -ustnwnnri ueru. Mrs. `A. J. Tmounsan has returned from a visit wibh flrriends in Bamnie. I --. ....._ .___:__.-.. --..-.... ..,,,._ `from v;1s1L wmn 1-menus 1n Da.'1'1ut:. :Mi=ss Ema Jamieson, general sec- retary of the Ooi1grega;1.-iona.1 Wo- m-en s Board of Missions, gave an mteresinlg m.1 on the work on Sunday, Dec. 5.nh. Mllss Jamiesozn is also eddcbozr oat` the "Lea1(le't," a. pwper associated` with mission work. :Rev. G. H. Kn-Lghrton preagchedin Barrie on Dec. 51:11, owing to the illness of Rev.` Hipkin. ` " ` ICEEPIKG THE BOYS Asoordting to a. recent .sunre_v in ` Toronto, niineby-one per cent. of the boys between: ten and eighteen years` :_ n..x.. -:4.n `nun -In 'a`fhnn"ql'l>{`A {LY uuy: um-zurcuu ecu. um. ...a......-.. _. -_,, im. this city` "are in `attendance at Sunday School. Considering the al- 1n-orst u-nivensal belief that boys a-t- ; tended Sunday Schobl only when forced to go, Ithlixs g"-wre is somewwhat sumpmising. It shows that Uhe churches have been attaxinng a good degree of success tin mazkaizng Sunday c-..1:....u .. unnn nf u.11~'|nlD11`f interest ue5~n::-, UL buuvvm: -An u......._...a ......_...,, Scliool a place of suiolent interest to attract bhe -attemfron and mndvs; or gwnorwi-ng boys. V nu. .....\ vunnnnnsln vi]-u rinvnl van nnnn guvunv Mug UV] -7. There necess`a.1'iIy devolves upon the teacshew of these `buys a. tremen- douse res.ponxsi:lyl~1it.y. During` those yeazrs, the characters of the boys are moulded for good or evil, and in Sunday School is often determined the type of rrianhbod -nhwt is to C1ll`l'_\' on the 1\i=1`e of `the Donnirxnion. Hav- iiug succeeded in getting" the boys into the Sunday School, it. is the duty of the tezwher do sirive mo in- cul-came `K1 the 'boy.s' minds a love for justice and Irirghlt, which will stand `them in good stead throusghout their lives. The Sunday School tea.cher s job is a. big one and needs big men and wwomen to achiieve the : best resulvts. BLIND SHALL SEE ' EXPERL\lli1NTS DEVELOP London, Dec. 10.--"'I`he bhind shall see." Theodotr 'Kop`pa~nyei,' 21. student scarcely past 20, is in a. fzvir way of vmmoin-g nhe prophecy come true. This rymuth, whose sm-oouh, a.'lmtos't effemyinate face is given -an ascetic touch by big eyeglasses, has vagazin astonished medical a.u~th`oriLi0s in Vienna. by his new `successes. in transplanting eyes tfnom a.nmn1:a1.s to other creatusres whtldh have -1's1 been nmde blivnd. In an iniewiew Koppanyi declared that gxrewt eye spedialists would at -first not believe their own eyes when they saw what he had a.ocom- plished. TIA.-u-.--..l (In;-J luau-nun I-.1311 I\\IV\(\\Q:_ uucn LJLI .Lu.vI.'uvu'1.:n. xmuurvn. `Services condlucted by Rev. Well- rwoosd were held at `the family resi- fdence on Tuesday at 2.30 pm. In- rterment a~t :Barnie Umion Cemetery. on. .11: _,,-__- v1'.......... `ILADILIJMA Kotppamwl flnszt began hris expeni- ments with vsh, going uzpcwamds in the scale of animals. He then show- ed a. number of ra:tsw1i`Uh tmnsplanub ed eyes. Asked concerning a.pp'L-icn- 01011 of his operabtio to hu-xnrans. lvr-_.._,.___2 ...-.t.: . _ J\\n.ny(tuqA osvnu . It opens wondnfvul the blind. `But as yet L,__ n -uulyc . sayrlng bhat his empennnlents had not yet amended that tam. He,1ad emphasis on the hope, vuvn. vs. and--5 v. -4. Kotpbpanyri sadd : u1'.L ......-..-. vuwnvu _vis.'tu.s for it is only a Mr. ivan McQueen spent Sunday "in Ori-wiia. in 'I\ox`orn'ho this week. > _ -Miss Inma R:o:br'nn'.s4on was ta W061: and vismor in Lermoyi ` Mr. John Coffey was a -'i'_=.i: ur of Mm. J. Dunn, M111 Road, one day last Mm. Lorne Oamupbell w-as visi.fLi:i1 g WUUAI Mrs. Elliot, of Bayreld St., leaves , i_h_Iis \ up her residence at, Ha_mril:ton.. f ,, in. ......a nut... A Nfolmny nf '83.. rl.fu_u1|uL\gu . . Mr. and \I\hs.`V\;. A. 1\Ial(;111nI, of Elmvale, spent Thursdsay with Mrs. M. E. Duabcher. . wvnunwuv l14|4.J.Itl:AA'l\.) um-vu v~.u...,...y._,. ..T-he npafllbearers were Hwrry `Bu-chanan, Abbert Brryson, Geonge Coles, Jr., W. `A. Long, Dr. Raandall Ridhamdson and Fred Ssarjean-t. LALL PERSONALS 01119 8 More Shopping Days Just the thing for the lady_ on your list whom you wish to specially .rem:1nbe1- with solnetlling ulmsaally choice. ` _ SILKEN HOSE Scores of original novelties in delightfully dainty Stockings of every shade and design. Each gift packocl in its own Ch-1'istmas Box. All Sik I-lose, all color.` 011 '7R -an:-`I 5&1 R5 hair Chamoisettc Gloves, ;_1 1l. colors. on. L. 01 an naiv- French Kid % Gloves, Black, Brown 01' Grey. . . . . . . ........$2.75 pair You will make no mistake in selecting your entire assortment from these [special Cliristmas` offerings. They include all `qualities, scores of novelties for men, women and` children." V - Priced from 10c, 3 for 25c,'$1.00 each A11 L._-_....J .2... "I.'...-U... DI\17l\`1 For Particular Women \ . A GIFT . OF GLOVES FOR YOUR xms HANDKERGHIEF J\l\}lLwI|lL`DUl1 auu J"AU\A AJrun_|uu,u. 'The ,~o-ra.l tniibutes were both beaurtxifml and numerous. A. . nonmmnx AnvANcn':` .85c to $1.50 pair L5 11 Vulll LUV, U Ava. sun: `I!!! yaovu All boxggl Fancy Boxes ` Some for service,` some for dressy occaslons, all of menu the best of quality, in the `newest. designed handles. Ladies with the llevest ha`11_d1e s` ` J _____ A--- 1 ` Mr. Ambrose Hamlm has xfetu_rn-` eta:-. ter vi;sicti11g"in OIt:tzaIW`a.. up n.L.-.-I- .. 2 4.1-. .L Mr... '1 ...P.. p 4- bulb lubtil vualuuug Au. \I`uv|uuu- -Mr. W. Sh.'ook, of th Manu~fa.<,t- urer s Li`-.t`e, gpent. `the week. end in Tononto. ' ..g__ \r__.__ 11...... 1u'......`nnnnh1 Q9 1 lJ.HUll'l. I}. Miss Mary ms. Ma:cDoa1aJd St., left this week__ to__.-gpend the winter in I_-_Ixa1wke_stAon. " ' --'. `.'.,....:._-'::'.'........ . -5 (V.-..,.lu.-n-n in cgixazwxespone.` : u1VIt'1f.. 1\'It_)riris '_'M1'n_u'a:$r, of Creeiwlorc, was `the guest of _Mr. anti Mrs. C. W. Fflynn over -the Wrek nd. ' u.-__. v.u._.......... 11.... `Rn-win flan W. mnyuu. uvcn -uu; vvuun unnu- - .M1-.' Iciranaos M:ora.n,'_Ba:m~ie, Geo. : Robinson iatmes *D'a;y1or, bf .C0o1cstuwm,` _wene in Pihelrpstson. on" Sunday. . _ Mr. R. A. Stephens, Mr. Alex. Bnownlee and Miss Viola B-vownlee were in Tomonto on `Wednesday at- iendling the funeral of mhe late Mrs. Bemnon. ` ' `lliillzl-I'Ul-l'\lL Gal-l\4 LLUIJJCAUKHU. She leaves to mour her loss her parents, ve brgthe1's, Dewztrt of Vancouver, B.C.; Edward of Drunn-. ihelle-r, A'1t1a,.; Frank of Big Vmlley, A'1'ta.; Clrifford and Harley zut home, also one sister, Mrs. Bernha Arm- strong, of town. Jesus while our hearts are bleed-.~.: EVERY STYLE or - %- UMBRELLA. "$1.75 `and `$1.85 pair DEVLIN S $1.75 to $6100 each $1.75 $5.60 ea._i:h Not a. day more and not a day less. And to,-_d_ay is one of those days. Do not let it pass by without making some of your Xmas purchases. The holiday season swings around so fast it will be over before you know, so come in now while there is plenty to choose from. ' GIFTS THAT PLEASE WOMAN MOST Remember that it is not what you pay, but the pleasure ` you give that counts most. That is the policy we have followed in selecting our gift things. Here are some for- to-days purchase. T Mr. `B. Hunter, of S_b1~o\id,-- the week end in town. Mr. ,Stan1ey Ozmpenfter; of . Borden. spent utlie weekend \ the pa-renwal roof. 1|-|:_._.._ A....:.. .._A 'Y\I'nwm-on-A UIU [.l'd.'.|'!:uIl:uL uuun. . Mligzses Annie and {1\Ia~ng.-met Sin- spenrt the week end in To- `ronto and Mlimico. ` n n n__... nf Han DAVID J. TUCK David J. Tuick died at the R.V. Hospital on Saturday, Dec. 10th. He had Ibeen ailing i~or some time, but wok W`-onse about a week before he passed aiwtany. Deceased was born in the township of Ono, near Edvga.-r, -54 years ago. He -lnived in Sui1i11isdIa.1e for some years, :but to_ }_3a.m1ie about twenty yeans ago and was Va. resident -of this town mild our. years ago, when the hook up a. ztamm near Caldwell. He was ca bx-rick =1avyer by ctmde. He also work- ed on the miway for some time. V? I... L i. NOV: 9.` _ ____2_._ .3 FUII-LU anu Auuuuuuv. D. 0. Ban`, ex-vvvaardeu of the County of Simlvcoe; and ex-Mayor of I Col-lingwood, now of Parry Sound, ryvaas in town for a short time this week. , Heupagid-.a _v.isist `to the Court "'rI -..___'. 11.. ......~... 1-E*`\...`- -Gnonvunn run- vvqwtlxn gay--gw-u.w .... .... ...- --..- "House," the s_ ofh1`.s -form-er ac- _uiv`ivties and expressed Himself as an-uim tpleausedv with the -imrprorve- ments made to -Uhe exterior of the County huildiing. READ THE ADVERTISE-I\IEN'1`S. .I! U11: :1. .lu..L'.l.I.1 lu \I.l&&IId.l-I-d-vaq.-nlu VVC have made a special `effort to liavb some- thing quitc different, something` most perfectly suited to and something that _`wi11`}_)e_ just what at man most wants. Specially selected to give you the most attractive and most _unusual of Christmas gift. offex-ings. This is the best time of the year` to purchase a11 Over- coat. Something _ built to stand off the \vinte1"\vi11ds. A coat that earlier in the sea- son you mayhave felt that you could not afford, for we have "made the biggest re-` ductions of the year on all our me11 s win- ter weight coats, re- gardless of quality or- value. t Men s a1`1(`1 Young Men s Ties in the newest shapes. 50c to $1.50 each '_ Me1_I s `and Young Men s Overcoats $13.00, $2o.oo,> $22.50, $25.00. $27.50, $30.00. Overcoats W U11 LAIG AI.Il.'l`I'VI-I4} LIII uvnnau 1.-A--V. He -is sumived by his wife (.f0x`merly Mary :L. Goodxy-eaur), four daughters, Ma-.3. R. Adams -of _Ba;r- Tie, Olive, Ethel and Alma at hame; 1xwo sons, Ernest and Rex at home; ve brothers, A. J. and A. H. '1\u-ck of Barrie, Amos and Joseph -of Sun- ni:dIaI1e,`and R. 1E] of Barrie. and twosivsters, Mrs. J . Rhodes, Toronto, amd Mrs. W. F. IR-Lchrnronld, `Salmon Arm, B.C. All of Whom -were here for the funeral. ` nu .-,,._-.,_u -.. \r.._.I..-. r...n.n 41..-\ EXCLUSIVE NECKWEAR FOR A MAN S CHRISTMAS _,_:-1 -..ccA-. 4,. 1.. .00s_InD `under -spen.-t` . NQL`1_(_._)h TU ynmyzuvnwp , - N0.i`w`itlI;*ai'7-sligereiby given pursuant to tJhe Trustee met that all persons having 01-minis against _t.};.e Estate of Aommron ~Buckind'a.1e, `late oalhthez I\ownshIisp`-`-_cf _()i`b,-*in' the County of died oh or~'aJbut the 3nd ~day'of` Augu_t, 1~921,'@re -`requested to send pa,ntit`5u1"u"s -mt` ~'3_t1heLr ulii.-Ins` to the undze1'.sLgn_g_ad,4_o1_1`. or`ibeEo`re "the 8rd day o.f-`".7~a.m1a)ry, 19-2'2`, whch da,-to th`:55Exeoutors "will dr'nstmi'b.11te~ \` S1mvcde, `Keeper, ~ dieceased , who- the a.ssa`ts`3(1gf'-ithe Estate - a.mon.g nho_se -enihit-led tshereto, having I'e- - -gand only mo the of which - they shall .tfhe'n have nohine, and that , they will not`Ibe responsiabfle to any _ person for the assets of said Estate- wh-ose'ic.l:xims shall not then have- ! Mann .1-u1.diIl1n. een -recetiiveu. V Dashed Decesmober 13th, 1921. < `- BOYS & MURCHI-SON. -- - 1'2!`-nnvn-tn:-e Snlicitn 3 S1I:I'-AIRTS FOR__XM_AS' 0 D.I.'.I.'.l.-LU A In) -I-' \l-LU_ asvacanu Yo11A_1m'ow his size. Here ai'".t11e Shirts h wi1_1__ like best; The-~ (ehoice 6f:..patte1'11s, in- c-llldgs eVb1'y__col01' com-- binations, the mate1*i'a1's are of but one sta11d'ard --the highest. Prices $1.49, $1.75", $2, ..=-$2__25 -- ` JOHN THOR-NTON (.`L;\R-K John '1`.ho-mt.~on C"1aml<, age 55, passed away at his home, 191 ,Brad- ford street, aebout '7.30 Wvednesday anornring, wfter a lingering idlness of abowt three years. He has Lived in Barrie for about thirty years and was an engineer on the G.T.-R. He` was a. memlber of the M.~S0l'li'c Lodge: _._.a .m..-. 1') out I II`. I