HON`. ARTHUR MLEIGHEN SPEAKS AT ORILLIA 104 DUNLOP ST. tries Act. It would, said the Prime Mimister. be blazing madness for Canada. to adopt free tmde at the present time. .11.. XA'n{rMn1-I 7-nnlnrl Fnrnih]v' to present uuxc. ~ Mr. Meighen replied forcibly` to Mr. Creral-`s insinua;t'ion that the Government was suubservie-nt to big business. A11 answer to such a suggestion he found in the heavy taxation imposed upon the incomes of the wealithy and u-pon the prots of large corpomon~s. He also warned the P9011318 that if one or other of the opposition trade policies were adopted and the present sources of revenue frorm direct `taxzwion Wire dried up, the hammers would have Lo contribute more largely than at present towards the cost. of govern ment. The interest on our deibt, the pensions of our solrdiens, the cost of -;naix1'Laini'Hg_ our hospitals, and the ralil-way deicilts, which are our legacy from the folly of 1903- 1904, have all to be paid. If you adopt Mr. Crena.r'.s policy` you will have to supply the money pvocbaiblry by a. land tax. 1112.1.-....;.:...-.. anxtxrunhtxu urnvn rnno hv D} it Jcuuu van. Effective speeches were made by Hon. Hugh Guthnie. Cod. J. 'A. Cur- rie, Richard Raikes, Neil D. McKin- nvorn and J. B. Tudhlope. who was formerly one of the most -prominent Lberals In East Simone. ____;:...._ `L. n..:.....\ `.\Hn__ LAIJUUPGIE ll-I Jhoob uxnuuvus After the meeting the Prime Min- ister left. for S'a.ul1 Ste. Marie. BURTON AVE. CHURCH NE\VSg The first minister was greeted by a Large and emthusiasnic audience at Orilala on Tuesday night. On the plait-orm with the Prime -Mi_nist.er were: W. A. Boy-s, of'South Sim- coe; _Co'l. J. A. Currie, North Sim- coe; Dr. R. Raikes, Ea-st Ssismgoe; Semaator W. H, Bennett and Hon. Hiugh Guthrie, also Neil D. McKin- Imn. candidate in North Onitia.-nio. mg. n.:...... V\I'3v|=ufn!I vlvfl y-nnnivntrl _ '% \ Rev. Capt. Lawrence, of ` New- market. will, be the speaker at the Anmtvensary Services at Burton Ave. Methodist Church on Sunday morn- ing and evening. 1`\... nA.....,l..." ruvxaurllilrv that-n uni hn: lug; wuu rvtuuug. I On Monday evening them will be- a Pumpkin Pie Halloween Social under the auspices of Burton Ave. Epworth League. Refreshments ca-ftenia plan. n.....:.... \Y.\.. 1001. kn T`l:'n- U'd.'AULClllu. yuan. ` Sunday,- Nov. 13th, will be Wo- ma,-nfs Sunday at Burton Avenue Methodist. Church. Mrs. E. Gray, president of Tor-onto West District lLadies A-id. will speak at 7 p.m. u.-_;-... -..-_:.... `M5... 149}. n uatutxa xuu. vvul cg-.u-u u. . ,...... On Monday evening, Nov. 14th, al xneat supper will be served. follow-! ed by a good progrmmne. g New York, Oct. 21.-Annnunce- ment that the origin of the cancer germ has been discovered by :1. German scientist was made here to- day when experimentg were began with a. View to putting the discovery to use as a preventative. . ..____ ........:....| 1... nun-lax LU um: ab :1. [llK`VI:|AI.q.wLAv\.. I An earth larva carried by angle worms is said to be the origin of the disease, and the larva can find its way into the human stomach. hhrough the medaium of vege.tables. rnL__ .1: .... U..." Iuvnn rnnda Thu 1`? v -..D.....-.-..\ ... l|lIl'UU5Il l.`l|U lIlCuVluu.A u: The discovery was made iby Dr. Franz Kopsoh, of Berlin, who hadl `undertaken experimentation with; frogs. Dr. H. A. Haubold, of- Ne.w' York, said Lo-day: .......`..:.~. An o :.-\n- nu; Ha Frnnc uv-371.21- xuns, aauu LU'LlsL,y While experimenting with frogs in Berlin Dr. Kopsch ordered about fifty of them to be fed with house ies, angle worms and lettuce lice. Several of the frogs died and to his astonishment Dr. Kopseh found that the bodies of the frogs revealed un- mlstakeable symptoms of tumor. In- vest lgating these symptoms he - found that death had resulted from cancer. He then discovered that the larva in the angle worms was the cause." FINE REDUCED $200 Michael Dolcart, of Orima, con,- victed by Maugistnate Clark upon the evidence of two foreigners employed as spotters by the License Detpa.r1~ ment, of seming 9. bottle of whisky, appealed the ne of $500. He is $200 better off as the result. Judge Vance in :1. judgment handed out re- duced the fine to $300. No order was made as to costs. I i CANCER GER}! DISCOVERED wu.u, uuuuiuaw Lu um... v............,. The Pnime Minister was received ( with an enthusiasm which is a happy omen of success. He spoke at some length to the farmers, of which there were a great number present, and showed that the policy for agriculiture in this country is the policy that brings the markets nearer to his door. At Bracebridge and Orillia the Premier dwelt on , the meaning of the Wood-Crera.*r . tariff policy. The men wt the head of the western grain tnade had be- i come ambitious for political power, - they had appreciated the strength of the movement behind them, and hand since been carrying on the most extravagant political propaganda. the country had ever known. By means of the prots from the grain trade the Agvranian parvy in Western Can- ada had been openwbing a paper in Winnipeg which lrad thousands of readers. Mr. Crerstr had frankly admitted that he was headed to- ward free trade, although he spoke! vaguely in Ontamio of easy stages." The Prime Minister poimted out that the Eordney Tariff Act was passed in the United States because of the demand of the fairmens in that coun- try for protection a.ga:i.n-st the com- petition of Canadian agricultural products. Had Canrade. accepted the reciprocity agreement or 1911 that legislation would have been en- acted several years before it was. Reciprocity would have lasted only as lsonig as it paid the United States to have it. up-u-u,,__ A ,-, ;u.:.__ an-.. r1...._.... THE NORTHERN ADVANCE -_ ________________ 5EEEE%`EE%EE?nEE%E;%EEEEEEE%%EJFaEEFuBEEEEEEEEEEEEE5EEEEEEEE%E%%E%9iE`EF19fnE$EEEE%EEF'uEE%E?E$531%EFuE%EFnEEE%EE``% IL ? A. R. Girdxwood, B.A., Prmeipal Collegiate Institute, Barrie, Ont. `Dear Mr. Gifdwood : _ _-___:4 ..... on nffnu ucau nu. I.XLIu.vvuuu . ` fill you permit me to offer my very hearty congratuluaations to you, your school and your track team on` the splenrdzid showing muade by them at the athletic meet in this town on Samurdiay. Your boys exhibited a most sporbsmanlike spirit and tho:'-] oughi-:.' deserved to carry off the! -beautiful cu-p. which is now in youri %posse5sion. I think nothing buti `good can come of such intercol- legiate gatherings so lon g as the Spiliit of Saturdxay is iuanimsted. : Yours truly, E '1`. A. Kirkconnell.: , Dear Mr. G.'md.rw0od 2 I .... .. -__ .-,_.n-- .. {Linux .u.. ................. wan you kindly accept my con- gratulati-on`s and convey to your boys my heavriest comgratumtions on {their splendid perfomnance on Sm-z uirdvay. The Orilliu boys grave the? winners :1 hard run, `but Barnie clearly deserves the honors. You =111*.1.:v' well be proud of your boys,'{ `who proved t.he.ms-elves real, clezml sportsmen. Kindly convey my re- lgards to Mr. Rmmage and the boys. I S in=cer-ely younrs. I'\ A 11v4A_..... . DR. SLVIPSON LIBERAL CHOICE FOR SOUTH SDICOE At. the Liberal Convention at Cookstown last T-hursdlay Dr. L. J. Simpson was tendered the no\n1ina.- tion for South Simone. The attend- .ance at the conven-tion was not so large as might be expected. Several other names were put fonward, J. H. Mitchell. Mayor of Alliston: Dr. V. A. Hart and Donald Ross, -of Barrie, and Henry Couse, of Cooks- town. These all withdrew. We understand that Dr. Simpson has not denitely accepted as yet. The parsonage of Central Meth- odist Church was opened by Rev. E. T. and Mrs. Douglas to the young people of the clmrch on .\1ond:L_v night. Over si.\*t.y were present and la splendid program given, after iwhich refreshments were served. BOUQUETS TD 13.0.1. BOYS LJAAJ\4l4l u.._- _. v....., 1 G. A. Watson. I S-ec _v Boys Work Div.! I.\l uauvo LL. There is one thing. Mr. Crenar should not attempt, said Mr. Meighen, and that is pnophecy. ` Only 2. session ago he predicted that ' the United States would never again put 9. high tariff into effect. Such a tariff was in force almost before he got home from Ottawa. He al- so predicted. that Great Bnltain would never desert free trade but she `has adaorpted ms effective :3. system of protection as has been -devised by en- acting the safeguzmling of Indus- Orillia, October 18111.` L4indsa.y. Ont., Octolber 18t.h, 1921 $9.75 to $35.00 $16.25 to $34.75 Under instructions from the assig- nee of John A. Walt the undersigned will offer for sale by Pulhlic Auction on the East Half of Lot Twenty- three, `Concession eight. Vespr:1,_ on I`uesday', the First day of November, 1921. at one o'clock. the following goods and chattels: One horse, six years old. One horse, three years old. One, cow, seven years old. one cow, eight years old. One heifer calf. Fourteen `hens. One brood sow. One binder (Frost & Wood). One cutter. ' One Peter Hamilton seed drill. One spring tooth cultivntot-. One set harness. One walking plougzh. Ono double bu_:g_v. One scuffler. One set sleighs. =One cream sepa.rz1tot' (Renfrew). Two tons hay, potatoes. etc. Also a. quantity of shovels, forks, hoes and tools of various kinds. 'l`erms--Sums of $10 and under. , 4.. -..-.. .1... ......-\....o o:\- rnnn1h' ILUCB uuu Luulu u. cash; over that amount six months credit on furnishing approved joint notes. Dated October 1921. W. A. ;\lc-,(`.()NKlv1Y. Auctioneer. 0`) I TAKE NOTICE that the -Court. of[ Revision for the hearing and deter- i mining of appeals against the assess- lment roll of 1921 will h-old its rst 'sitting in the -Council Chamber. Barrie, on Friday, the 28th day of October, 1921, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. , V` . __, ._-_.:_._ a.....u..,.,... 1\P\I\I'I\ lhnl '1Ul ULIUULI. Parties having business before thel Court will govern themselves ac- cordingly. A. W? Smith, l Town Clerk. Anniversary Services wm-e held at Holly Methodist Church last Sun- day. In the afternoon the chunch was packed and many were turned wway, unzuble to get, in. r\_ n..:_:.... -mrm. 1141. f`11:x nhhlnl ww-uy, Llu-wutr LU 5C1. xu. On Friday, Nov. 11111, the Bixhlei Class of Holly Methodist Church] will serve a fowl supper, followed by a good programme, when the` play, The Young Village Doctor, will he presented. Keep this dau- open--Anmistice Day. 1 4 Th_:1t. Tecu-m-Seth Council believes! in permanent roads is evidenced mg MEEEEEEEEEEEE5%E94%%%EEEEEEEEFE585E%%FuEEEEE%%%EE%EE%EEEEEE%E%EE%EEEEESEE`HEE> EEEEEE`EE Of Fm`-In Stock and Implements C`0UR'l` OF RF.`\ ISIO`.\'. F01`. I`O\\'N' OF` BARRIF. AUCTION. SALE HOLI DLLY BARRIE, - ONT. AVE! the fact that. nine concrete bridges on the t0wnship`s l1igl1wa1_\'s have `been completed since lhe snow dis- !a:pp(=a1`erl. -M1". ll. Dorsey was lhe Contmctm`. He has also completed 1111120 |H`i(l`_{(`S in \\ osl. }willim'bur_v. }'.1nd. it the \\'onllw1' continues favor- iznhle, will ronnploloe in Atljalu lawn- ,shi1J his Ilmwrwnlh ln'i(lge this _\'P:ll`. ` --BeeInn \Vm~l(l. afEE%3EEE1'EBEE% %%%$%!%5!FiEi5iEEEEE%EEEEEEEEEEEE%EgEEE5%EE%%`%1EE595EEEEEEE5'45EEEEL4E%EEE5EE%EEE$E%E%`3EEEE%EEEEE%E%%$Ei%E (READY-MADE AND MADE-`TO-MEASURE) Overcoats, during Sale - - 1 Suits, during Sale - - - A 1 S AV__