Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 27 Oct 1921, p. 1

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A good Chevrolet Car and a good Horse for sale. aLu.u uuvu uuuu ......... I... . . . _ W . _ ... Mr. Geo. Bull. who has B?en a. member of -the Board since the estaablislrment of the rst hospital. has, on account of axlvancing years, asked to be relieved of active duty in connection with the Board. Rev. Dean O Ma.11e_v, on -account of ill health, also asked to be relieved from the Board. -< 0-4-.._L-_.. ....... :...-.4.u.nco..A On uxuu Luc .uuou u. '1j1e_ Secretary was instructed to write to Rev. Dean 0'Ma1ley con- veying the syurpathy of the me/eting I,_ 1_:.. :n..-.... n-R ox-nrncginn fhn ]Vt,`_)'1u5 uu: a_yI.uvya.\,u; u; uu. n... in his illness, and expressing the hope that he may soon. recover. Mr. Geo. Balul was honored by being elected as honorary vicepresident. .... `I'l___.`l __._._ .. .q...a.,: I-`run on- t'1t5l:L\:u an uuuunsu._v u luv ,...A.....__-. The Board was re-elected for an- other year, with the nznmes of Mr. D. Quinlan and Mr. S. W. Moore. 1r- m m x'n..nn vrn-H `Mr TV IJ. Ioguxunuu u.uu unn. Kl: vu. ...... V. Mr. T. T. Young and Mr. W. King were re-e1ected as auditors. The matter of builidiin-g a nurse's~ home was discussed and it was moved by Dr. Little and Dr. Lewis thpt the Board be authorized to upte- pare plans and get estimatw for such at home, and ask the Council to sub- mit 21 by-law to the people for the purpose of misiug money. A+ .~. nuhcannnnf mapfinz the purpus:-. UL AIu.Amu5 nuuuv,v. At a. subsequent meeting the ofcers of 1920-21 were re-elected. for another year. as follows: Hon. P1'.es.--G. B. S-tnzuthy, Esq. Hon. Vice~Pres.-~Geo. Ball. President-T. Beecroft. Vice-1`-`res.--Donv:uld Ross. Trea/surer-I-I. M. Lay. Secret'ary--H. A. Sims. Trustee Btmrd-Dona.l Ross, A. J. Sarjeamt. H. A. Sims, D. Quin- 'Ian, J. A. Mcnaren, H. M. Lay, Dr. H. 'T. Arnml-1, Dr. A. '1`. Little, T. V Beecl-oft, S. W. Moore. A. W. Fletcher, W. Gallie, His Worship the Mayor of Barrie. His Worship the Warden of Si-mcoe. > Granulated Sugar, 10 lbs. mt 90c, or 100 mb. bag or $8.86. ra.t_ Buchannmns Grocery. TEN PAGES VOL. LXX., No. 37. Collier St. Methodist Church! Rev. Harold E. \`Vellwood. B.A..B.D. Pastor. . I October 30111. ` 10.00 a.n1.-Class Meeting. 11.00 :1. --Public Worship. 3.00 p.m.--B'Lb1e School. 7.00 p.m.-Pub1ic Worship. , -- - --,__~u g -- `n..:..n ...-:11 ..~.-4 ....... _ V, Rev. Major Merritt P-rice preach morning and evening. 'A1-my Tea Kettles, new . . . . .85cl1 Home Made Mitts. pair . . . . . . . .50c `v Perfection Oil Beaters for .. . .$3.50 ' I \ Sunday. Oct. 30th. \ Services 11 am. and 7 pm. Sunday School at 3 pm. urton Avenue Methodist`- SPIRELLA oonswrs [ Miss Willers, Corsetiere, east of and including both sides of Toronto street, also Ross street. Home` Saturdays at 6 Cha,rlotte- street. % `Tuesday, Nov. 1st. tlor the purchase. Tenders will be received up till` I of 9. six roomed house and quarter acre lot in the village of Stroud. For particulars and terms apply to J. w. Black, Stroud. | VVOOD FOR SALE No. one body. maple and birch. mostxly mzvple, cut green Last w.imLer,; delivered straight from the bush to ` you in lozd lots at greatly reduced prices, or will cut it as you desire. No saw logs were taken fvom this bush, it is therefore the best wood that has come no Barrie for marnry years. Phone 88 or 94. Qnudnauxf. r`1|_. Iltil. UNcLA1MED\ Freight Sale ; . ust arrived another shipment I Army Brankets. While may last : $2.50 EACH -s. 200 acres, lot 4, Con. 5, Vespra, 35 or 40 acres splendid mixed hard- wood bush, a. quantity of logs for `lumber, 8 miles from Barrie, on leading road, 2 miles from C.P.R. ` "tracks. For particulars amply 28 "_`*`R0_ss St., Barrie, Ont. Ba,ptistS Church W. '1`. Bunt. Pastor. Sunday, Oct. 30th. Services at 1'1 am. and 7 [mt Sunday School at 3 o'clock. Also a lot of repairs for autos AI.`--s TPOTR sm CHURCHES WANTED Tenders OUI 01 Sarjeant. 00.. Ltd. @3319; imgmgnzgm gztilmmmz. will `* For Sale--Co1al Heater. in good con _dition, sui-table for store or office. Tay]vor's Shoe Store. ORILLIA C.I. GRIDDERS LOSE T0 BARBIE (1.1. The game was played at 2.55 at the Ag1*icua1Lux`a.l Park and was very one-sided all thmugh, being much in B'ar1`ie s favor. The Orillina. i.11e'ga'me is new to them, only hav- ing been in the Oolilegi-ate Lea-gue one year previous to this season. The teams were about equal in weight, but 0ri.l`1-ia. lost out in at- temprting trick plays and fu-imblin-g the ball. Ross pxlvayed a good ge.me. ' Sham-rpe also was on the job, but lost seve'ra.l- points when he failed to kick out rouges. Livingston and Robertson were the Barrie stars and were well surpported by every member of the team. The scoring g-_u___ . -n-1._..4.._..._ I1 i oths though, can be excused. for u.u;.ux.uuA vn. Luv -,vw..... -.... ...........:, was as fold-ow=s: Robertson, 3 touches; Livingston, 2 `touches, and Brock Jwmieson 1. Two kicks over the dead line by M. Living-ston. two converts two rouges. The score by quarters was as 1`o1'1~o=w.s : first, 10-02 second, 24-0; third, 29-0; fourth nnn 0U`Uu Referee. C. H. Browne, Orilli-4;` Judge of play, G. E. Rm.m~u1acge, Bar- rie; tinle-keepens, G. W. Robb, Ori~1- lia, and C. Snrith, Ba,r1'ie._ nu., r\_!1l2.. L _ . . _ _ . . .. L...1n-\v. 0-A Hun Hit, wuu U. Qunuu, uannnu. The Orima. boys were taken to the homes of the qifferent local players for diqner and in tine evening were entertained socia.-My in the a.ssermbl3' hull of the Col-legiate. 01'i1lia.-Qu:11'ter, B-a.ke1`: ying wing, Raine)`: halves. Ross. R_v`a.n, Sharpe; centre, Quinn; insides. Th-o`m-son. Brie-51: out/sides, Culver, |Miller; middle-3, Brorwn. Fowle. _ . r1-__...n\.....-... 41.. i The line-up of the team `as as follows : KVIIIIUX , uuuuxca, L.IA\JIv.u.. ; vu A\./I Barrie-Quarte-1'. Ca.r-1`m,he-rs; y- ing wing, Dougwlasz halves. Living- ston. Robertson. Flaherty: censtre. Weld-on: insides. Partridge. Evansr oLnts'ides. Carson, Allsop; midd`-les. Ja.-miesou. Little. The Collin_;'Wood Collegiate Insti- tute will meetlhe B.C.l. teiw;111 here 011- Thanksglvinzg Day. Nov. 7lh.| This will be the real game of tllei Penetszmg C.I. senior foorhwll taamn` will play Barrie C.I. at the Agric-i ulrtural Park next S-aturda.y after-l on it, situated on Dunlop street. For Sa1e--Bui1ding lot with stable .Also a good show case at a ~ba.rga.in.* Apply C. G. Strange, 39 Toronto St. $r'..u.1. amns WLV FROM 1 omLLm C.I. 21--10 ! The Barrie C.I. girls again dc-I n1onvstrated their prowess by defeat- ing the Orillia C.I. girls in a. splen- did ex11ibi.tim1 game of baskebba-1.1 last Sat~u`rdsay nlornig. The speedy c-. n v A.-_. _-_.._|..;..v.. ....L..l...-n.-HI nus \.`u.LuI\ur.I._v nuu.uu..,.. -..., ..,,.--..,, .B.C.I. temm cumpletely outclassed the Ori-lilia givls all through the game, although they met. with con- siderable opposition. After three. periods of senszrtionail playing the score stood 21 to 10 in favor of the Barie ginls. The line up of the winners was as fobiows: Fotvwurd-s, Kratiialeen Moore. Hair- garet Malcoi-mson. (Eleanor Carr relieved Miss Moore at ha-M time); 3 can-ire, Tessie McLean. Jean Harris-.; defence. Jean Ciowain, Vera Cilifmn; spares, Alito. Padidison. Eleanor V i (1,. ._.. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP | 4 ~ 1 | I . The partnership existing between G. Fred Moodie and Cecil V. Jory under the firm name 01 Moodie and Jory, Electrical Contractors and Electrical Supply Store, 124 Dun- lop Street. Barrie, is being dissolved, by mutual agreement, on the 30th day of October, 1921. All persons or rms having legiti- mate bills or claims against the said partnership shall present same on or before above date and they will he paid. and likewise all persons or firms legitimately owinog the said partnership shall discharge such obligations on or before the date announced for the dissolution. at said place of business. nn.1v hv mnmnl r-nn-cm-it lmtween !Si1l(l Dllllle U1 Uilsunibb. 1 Only by mutual consent between ,the parties concerned can any ex- tension of this limitation be granted for later -payment and such accounts shall be nally settled with Cecil V. Jory at his place of residence.` 48 Toronto St-., Barrie, it being mutual- ly agreed that he is empowered to give a. full and sufclent discharge. hafad no mu-rte. this 26th datv of give run and summent ulscn-urge. Dated at Barrie. this 26m: day October, 1921. (3. Fred. Moodfo. Badly Beaten m1 Satllrduy by an n SPORTS (Poultry Show on % Dec:E'_7, 28, 29 At a. meeting of the Barrie Poul- try Association held in the Agric- ultural Board Room, arrangements were made to hold the Poultry Shorw Lon December 27th, 28th and 29th. Committees were aippointed to 'n1-azke. all necessary arrangements. The Association is desirous of mtuking the show this year the best yet. Now is the time to start preparing the fowl that they may be in the best condition for the show. For Sa1&--A good Chevrolet touring` car in good condition. A1130 one [[3006 horse. Both the above will be sold at a bargain. A. J. Tuck. The openlin-g meeting of St. George's Men's Club was held at St. : (}e~.or.ge's H-a.ll and the following ofcers were elected Past. P1'es.--E. A. Licttle. :H-on. Mem.bens--Rev. E. B. Tao - Lor, M. Eslen. President---S. P. Bean. Vice~Prres.---Mr. Lowe. Sec.-`Treas.-1\Ir. Wilrson. "IL was decided to hold the regu- lar meetings on the second and fourth Friday of each month. FHL _ n 1.- -n A -0 CL (`um-.-~n'~ LULIII-ll a.LA\.Auu.v \4|. \.-w-.,.. ...y .The A.Y.P.A. of St. George's. hunch held their opening social at the home of Mr. and Mus. W. J. Melvson. Tifn St., on Monday, Oct. 24't'h. After the business of the evening a very enjoyable time was spent at games and music. The olcers for the season are : Hon. Pres.--Rev. E. B. Tzwlor. P1'esiden'L--W. J. Melson. Sec1'et-a.r',v--`Mrs. Melson. Treasurer-W. Tooke. ` Enverta-inmen't and Executive Com.- Q. P. Heal. J. Case, J. An- det-son. u... 1- (1-115..- ___.1 ll..... ru uchzuu. I Miss V. Collins and Mrs. E. Thompson were appointed captains and sides were chosen for getting new members and regular :1t.te~.nd- GOOD ~ Nl'}\VS FOR rl-1vI'I'.1 n nu-ur \I\I\IlI u I`! II n 1 \.rAv THEATRE PATRONS It. will be of inlterest to the theatre goers of Barrie to lmo.w that Mr. Powell, mtanager of the Opera House. has secured for this season :1 number of plays ,which include the best productions in farce and musical comedy. which will serve to sutisfjr the vuriolls tastes of all those desiring enterllainmeiit, at the theatre. Among the most popular which are coming to lliis, town in the near future are Brin_:- lung: I"p F`-ull1e1'." Win'nipe5.' Kid- dies," Him. and Jeff" and Just Suppose." A. n.,. ,.:|...... .-.1,....-.4 .-.19.,` .. In-union! l uLvyp\:.u . Oh the silver sheet also :1 variet-y of fine pictures. including Over the Hill," which is now playing in nu .,,_ m_____.;_ ,._,1 Luv u.nu, nu-nu Au uuu y...`...., ... Ethe Allen Theatre, Toronto, and `The Affa.i1'-s of Amatol," featultg Wallace Reid. Wan`dn -Hmwley and lten other well known screen stars. Black Tea at 35c per lb.. or 3 Lbs. for $1.00. at Buchvannarms G'T0C9l`)'.; DOMI`.\ ION ELECTION: N0']`ICrEl Committee rooms have been open- ed by Mr. W`. A. Boys in the Ves- pra Block. Bayfxeld St. Telephone No. 1000. 1 -.r,.___... _.HI 1.. :.. ..n......... A store with dweiling atbove, corner Ma.ple Ave. and Elizabeth St. Apply Box 545, Post Olce, Barrie. 1.\u. xvuv. I Mr. Fred Morren will be in charge. Electors desiring information re--` garding the Voters` List for Beanie or in connection with registration _, I... ....n:._._ .__ ;..1.. ` her 31st until November 5th, in- Ul un \4I.IJllA\a\4\4l\I'LA u.... .-c. . . . . W . . . .- can secure same by cmlling or te1e- ' phon-ing. All electors not on the existing Voters` List. in Barrie only. must register at the Police Court Chamibers before Captain Roilitt, Registrar for W'ards 1, 2 and 3. and before Mr. James Arnold, Regis- trar for Wards 4, 5 and 6. at La.-w- lo.r s shop, Bradford Street. These registration booths will be open from 9 a.uin. till 9 pm. from Octo-1 elusive. Don't loose y01_u- vote by neglecting to register. n.. tn..:.:...- nmnutnnr -in ny-rmnu`m~._ mt-,..-....,,, ... -V,..-.,---. On Friday evening an organiza- tion meeting will be held in the committee rooms at eight. p.v.m. A full attendance from each ward is requested. The work of the calm- paign will start next week. Get busy at the outset. \l_ 11...... .1..." nnauuv-AA Oh.` `l')n.k1n uua: u|. gun: '\I uuuu .,. Mr. Boys -has secured the Public Library Ham for Monday next, when at 8 p.m.. he will address the ladies, outlining the qualification of voters and the requirements of registration, etc. Izadies are cor- dlally invited 'to attend and it is. hoped there will be a. good turn out. S1`. G-F}OI yGE'S CHURCH Barxzie, Ontario, Thursday, October 27th, 1921 PEEVl4.`B-M[N1\'IKIN: A pretty wedding was solemnized ` at 162 Elizabeth St.. on Wednesday, Oct. 19th, when -Gold/ie Louisa`, second daughter of Mrs. end the late Thos. D. Minnikin, became the bride or Wilbert James, eldest son ' of Mrs. S. Peever, ot` North Bay. Rev. Edgar B. Taylor performed the ceremony. The bride, who was given.mwa_v by her brother, entered the =pa.rlor to the strains of Lo.hen- grin s wedding march, played by her sister.` M-rs. Alex. Miller, and look- ed charming in a gown of navy blue taffeta, heavily headed, and wore * -`the groors gift, an amethyst neck- ' lace. She carried Ophelia. roses and carnations. Miss Ida. M'inni1tin,`sis- ter of the bride, acted as brides- maid, and wore} navy blue Can-ton crepe, beaded on white, with hat to match, and carried Ophelia roses. The groom was assisted by Mr. Fred Wageniblass, oi` North Bay. The ' groom's favors were, to the brides- maid and organist. gold bar pins set with pearls, and to the grooms- ` man gold cuff links. An.-- .. .1..:...s.. I......L...... ...........1 din u.u4.u bu... uu--. .......... After a. dainty luncheon served to the guests, the happy couple left on the 5.10 train, mid showers of con- fetti and good wishes. for Toronto, Niagara Falls 'and others points, the bride travelling in :1 navy blue tailored suit. black and gold hat trimmed with autumn leaves, and grey squirrel choker. On their re- turn they will reside in North -Bay. A very successful miscellaneous shower was held at. the bride's home by her friends on Monday night previous to her iliarriasge, when she received -a nu=mrbe1` of very useful and beautiful gifts. testifying to the esteem in which the bride is held._ ' _ '._. f ARKHOUSl<}-FERR-IS A `very pretty wedding was so]- emnrized, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pei-ris, Bonsecour Farm," B:u'1'ie. at two o`clock on T-hursday, Oct. 20th, when their eld- est dmighter. Elsie, was umited in xniarriage to Ezra E. Pzwkhouse, Manual Traiining Instructor. of Kingston. and son of Mrs. 13. P-ark- house, 80 Owen S!., Barrie. Jack K911, of Victoria College. I`o1`onALo. acted as best. man and Freda, isi:s~' ter of the bride, of North Bay N01`-L mal School, acted as buidesmuid.' Rev. Dr. Jnn,1ne;< Long. of Toromo, the bride's uncle. conducted the: cereniony. `assisted by Rev. H. VVe1lvwood. of Colllier St. ;\Ieth0(l`isI, Church. Barrie. Miss Ruby 1 ;n'I{- house played the wedding m:u'.ch. The bride was most hecomiugl_v gownesd in a dress of pusiavmill-ow silk, with silver lace panels, long bridal veil and a charming arm)-' 01' onansze blossoms. Mr. Herbe1'L Dunn. of Toronmo. sang `'0 Perfect Love" during the signing of the register. The groom's gift t.~o the bride was a. handsome pian-0. _-__-... -._... .. ,a..:...o.- Ullulf WG-3 an llblhI\.|au.nAnu .z:u...-4. After the -ce1'emon'y 'a. (laiu'ty luncheon was` served, and the ha.pp_\' couple, amid the best wishes of their many friemds. left on the ve o'clock train for their new home in Kingston. The bride's tra.vell`ing costume was :1 brown veltour coat with fur collar, and hat and veil to match. Ranch for Sa1<+-Ne-ar Orillia. 500 ' aoresfenced. Curry 80 head cattle. $2,500 for quick sale. Tnms if de- sired. Great proposition for four or ve farmers. H. A. Bingha,-m, Drill-ia. A quiet wedding. I took place on Thwrsday Last, Oct. 20th, when Louise, da-ugh~t\er of Mrs. Edward Armstrong. 194 Dunlop St., was united in .mar1'izLge to Mr. Herbert Alexander Main, of Ha.mi1ton. I A .__..._- _-._.,...~ Hlnnc-E nf 'A1exz1nue1' |Vlu.lLl, UL nu.m-uuu. Owing to'tl1e serious illness of the bride's mother the wedding took place earlier than was at first plan- ned, and cnly immediate relatives were present. After the Ceremony Mr and Mrs. Main left on 9. short motor trip. IN IVIEMORIAM MINNIKIN---In loving memory of Thomas Dalston Minnikin. who departed this life Oct. 23rd, 1920. He has gone across the river To the shores of evergreen; How we long to see his dear face. But the river flows between. --Sa.dly missed by wife ` and t:a.m11y. ' 6 Rolls Toilet Paper or 25c at` Buchamnanh Groom-y. WEDDINGS M AIN--ARMS'l`RO'.\'G The `body of an unknown man was found in the woods on the second line o.f Tossorontio. dear Lisle, on lSl1l1d=8.)', by a couple of men who were strolling through the woods. The body was in a. -bad state of de- composition. It is thought he was dead for about a year. The coroner has been notied. Bank robbers will get a hot re.- ceptionvirf they attempt any of the Barrie branches. A system of elec- tric alarnms have b"een installed which will give an a.1amn on `the street near the bank and also sound the general re alamn. A number of the firemen have been `sworn in as special constables to act in case of need. The insbahlinrg of this alarnl syste1n'"fo11owed :1 conference of Mayor Little, Chief King and the bank managers. COL. J. A. CURB-[FPS MEETINGS `To Let--Furnished house. for .win- ter months. Apply Box E. Advance. Col. J. A. Curnie, of North Sim- coe~,_ has arnanged 501' a series. of meetings in the t~ow'nshirp of Oro for next week, as follows . 1\IOD.'d`L'}`, Oct. 31st, at Cnaighurst. Tuesday, Nov. 1st, J'arra.t s. \Vednesday, Now`. 2md, Rugby. Thursday , Nov. 3rd Hawkesnone. I-`ri`da,y, Nov. 4t`h, Oro Station. Sat-tlrday. Nov. 5th, E-dgar. Address will be given by Col. J. A. Currie and othe.t's.. Meetings to start at 7.45 13.111. Ladies cordially invited. 1:60;] Banks Pre- pared f_ Robbers BIRTHS SPEARN--On Wec1n'esc'1va.y, Oct. 26, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. Spearn. 63 Burton Ave., 3. son. Vernon Arnold. CHAPP.EL--0n Fridatvu Oct. 21st, 1921, to M1`. and Hr`-s. 1x*-zmk Chappel, Minesing. -a daughter. A-P.;\ISTRONG--On Oct. 26111, 1921. at t.he R.V. Hospiuxl, to Mr. and Mrs. XV. Armstrong, Churchill, :1. .-.\lAl{Rl;\G ES '[`HORl --HIGvG-S-At Barrie, on 'I`uesc1'a_v, Oct. 25th, 1921, by the Rev. G. A. Brown, Wihl-'nam1 Lysterg Tharp. of Wimnipeg, and son 02' Mr. E. E. 'I`h'onp. Shilvby Pauli, Cheshire, England, to Maude Anne Higgs, daughter of Mrs. S. J. I-Iiggs`.`* of Nassau. Buhmnas. and Barrie. PARKH`0USE--1-`ERRIS---At Bou- seeotir Fzu1'1u." Barrie, on 'I\hurs- day. Oct. 201.11, 1921. by Rev. D. Lon-g, T~0D0'I1t:O. assisted by Rev. H. Well-wood, Ezrzi E. Parkhouzse, :0}: Kingston. `to Elsie Ferris, dz1.ugh`ter of Mr. and L\Ix's. J. W. 1-`erris, Barrie. 0`) Mc;\-R"I`HUR-'On sunday, 0cm. .0, 1921, at. 4 Jane St., Barrie, Hrs. Cora. Fisher McAr-thur, aged 67 A an A........ Tv\lnrn1Qn~f nl UULLL 1: Aauxn 4u.\.a4n ......, ...D-_ . . `years, 12 dzayvs. Inter.men`t at Newmarket on Wednesdzty, Oct. 26th. ` G~RIF`l -`ITH-S--4On Sunday, Oct. 23rd, 1921, :1; 72 Maple Ave., Barrie, Miss Ida Carolin-e G1"xtIi-ths, aged 23 years, 9 m'onthAs. Invterment at Union Cemetery on Oct. 25th. _ . .-. . 1-.n..; -Inn-1 L\vllb:) Lua ucuun .......-V, HART--40n Sunday. Oct. 23nd, 1921, at 19 Worsley SL, Jack Gray, in- fant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. P. Hart. BURNS-At 'I`oron-`to. on Sa`t.ux~d-my. Oct. 22nd, 1921, Elizabeth Hud- son. widow Burns, aged 88 years. at Barrie Union Cemetery Oct. 25th. FISHER-~in Bamrie, xii 235 Dunlop St., `on Monday, Oct. 24th, 1921, Mr. Daniel Fisher, aged 64 years. Funeral on Thursda-3', Oct. 27111, at 1 p.;m. Interment cut I`i1'3m- t-on Union Cemetery. luv u . -5-.. Intenment ;` ARMS'I`RONG--On Wexdne:~adm', Oct. 26th, 1921, at 194 Dunliop S't., Barrie, Katherine Arm-stronxg, aged 72 years. Funera-1 on F`r.i- omh Im.mnrnen`t at .1 __. I\n6 of the late RJO'bel`?L ` on. .. u..\...... ._ Iugeu la _YCa.1n. dsay, Oct. 28th. In.-tenmezrt alt Union Cemetery. ` KN7EE'S`HA-W---On Tuesday, Oct. 25, 1921, in West Gwllltmlbury, Maria Feigehen, widow of the late John Kneeshaw, aged 80 years. Funenal on I-`rldmy, Oct. 28th, at 2 p.m., at Ebenezer. FOUND DEAD I.\' BUSH DEA l`HS To Let-Comfortzrble, commodious house on Blake St.. beautiful local- ity. Apply Box A, Advance. \.Lv.|., .1 uuuuuu ...., ,,..,........._,_.,. The hosxpital hard it very success- ful year, being lled to its capacity throughout the year. The receipts for the year were $2,415.59 higher than for the previous year. A sterilizing plant costin-g $2,926.99, was installed duning the year and is giving most satisfactory results. There was 3. balance on hand at the beginning of the year of $4: 635.89, and the receipts of the year amounted to $32,931.97. The e.\'< pendit-ure for the year was $36.- 234.13, leaving a balance on hand of $1,333.73. n-u__ nv-....__1_ A....:I:...... Lu; Inn- Ul uyL,uuu.Iu. The Woman's Atlxiliary also re- ported a very successful year. There was a balance -on hand at the rst of the year of $319.96. Receipts amounted to $610.92. Expenditures were $360.15, leaving a. balance of $570.73. rru... 1_1'.....w.:+..I (`Huh nlmn chnwncl Hospital Board s Annual Meeting The Board of the Royal Victoria. Hospital presented the twenty fourth annual report at the annual meeting on Tuesday. with '1`. Bee- croft, president, presiding. I nu... L......:-I 1....l .. .... . nII.nnru\n_ Luau. Luby vvcxc uu~a,v uutlub Luv _,u.... The work ocl . the Training School progressed most favonalbly dlurintg the year. Five nurses graduated. all taking first-clla.s`s honors. Miss Vera McMahon and Miss Christina Lee won the gold medals given by the Board. ._,-_ae__u ...._...L ......u. ...-u.-..- an- nnuauuo. The Hospital Club also showed that they were busy during the year. nu__ _..__.l- -4: L1..- r'|'1....:n:n. .Qn`hn'nI The medical report wws very en- couraging. The report sh'o;ws a de- crease of 1144 days of treatment, but 64 more patients treated, as compared with the last report. rru... L.~L..1 ....n.11-.59. AP hncnifnl dove uuuxpuxcu vvuu Luc Anon. xygu.-.. The total number of hospital days was 17406. Number of patients treated 912. Numlber of births 95, and number of deaths 28. ,.,~-___ 1--.. ._.......-...1 ,.. 4.-u-n-:`h~ ituu uuuuurn Ul. '\.|va.Luu nu. `Operations for removal of tonsils and adenoids show an increase of 44, and a1)peu~di.\' operations an in- crease of 13. There were 42 fna.c- ture cases admitted. The number of operations performed was 562. an increase of 77 over last year. This month the first major oper- ation, with local anaesthesia was penfonmed, when a diseased appen- dix was removed. This o -penation was entirely successful. During the past year free medical attention was given to indigent patiems in the hospital. I nu... 1),-.A ~o.n.6n6-`nllv nnlrv-|.nuy'Iau"nvn uuspuau. ! The Board gmtefully acknowledge the assistance given by the W0- men s Auxihiawy and Hospital Saw- ing Club. The valuable services of the superirntendent. nursing shaft and the members of the medical staff have been much appreciated. .. ., hm _.n_~ I...~g.-.1: .. Wanted-'Two furnished robms, Wit-h housekeeping privileges,_ .in quiet family. Vicinity of Queen's Park preferred. Box C, Advance.

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