l.\.lD Lilli Alb U1Jl:Au|.l)I This result has been achieved by Mr. F. G. Creed, of the rm of Creed & C0.. C1'0_vdon_ Englzmd. In tests carried out :1 little while ago messages were received at 21 rate of 100 words a minute from :1 station as far away as Cologne. '\IYIn..0 n. Lt) n ulhl uuncn 0 Why, Hun- W(AR SE SALT L A glut) L T msgzr-: &'u-_-unn- Bulk Carlots 1-anon-ro uu.-r woRKa . J. cums - ronon-rov nun. noun . my little girl? asked her YUIII I-IIUEITYE3 and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. 8. G13 Glover 00., mg 118 est 31st Strut New York. U.B.A. mm I18 West 31st Stun! . . . Ev` g 97 Middleton will ba glad to answer questions on Public Hemtb ms F, um nu-ougn ml: column. Address mm at the Pnrllnmen: ulalss. A 5 Toronto. [~56 l\I(='n`t:1lly defective people In large; School cl1:lm'c-`n with low ]1TlLIl`.(ll.1u(:` . -. . ~- - .`.v.'1 munhws are Tcmmg. at largelalc a great nm.li.mce LO tmse - lure normal Not only do their h:rlliits.V throughout the province, spemllngl and dcticm tend to lower the mm-d15j M50359 and 1`91""dui"-`:5 their own dc` of other chi!-clrevn, but the class \vurlCi {active kind. Abundant proof of tllel is hindm-ed by the co-min_zlin_g' of the seriouisness of this situation has been: two g-fades cf intcl-Ie-ct. There shoulizli obtained in Tormlto and other cities be in every school :1 special by SOCi11 service Workers W110 31'? class for lneniul defectives who could` mlallcing; extellsive investigations along` be dealt; with separately by a letichel" the lines of mental hygiene. |speci:1ll_v tminezl in mentzil h.\';riel`.e.} I:....-mi:+n ....,l.-.nlr.+mJiu nlnvt n his-r rm.,..~.. ,.l.:1,:...,... uvnnlrl inr-lnrln tliosei nae-2-1 Dos Remedies 1306!: on PIIQEIIEQFR 5i?\ss unvu 0.. `l4`-..4l .u_yunu. 1.-4. Luuxuzuu I5 Vt:geLzl.DlC l_JOYTI* ! gound will hez) You, write to Lydxa E. inkham Me e no Go. (condential), Lynn, Mass., for advice. Your letter w11l be opened, re_ad an_d answered by a woman, and held m strict condence. vv uxnau :9 1 ICUIULIS Lilli. The one which she should most zeal- : ously guard is her health, but she often ` neglects to do so in season untll some- ailment peculiar to her sex has fastened: itself upon her. When so affected women may rely upon Lydia E. Plnk-- ham s Vegetable Compound, a remedy that has been wonderfully successful in restoring health to suffermg women. If you have the slightest doubt that ~ restormg nealth to suifering you slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- . i 1 cne (condential). .____-, ,_____.;___~ -_~__;' *Lu.uuu.u cvuyycu aching and I felt 1% hter in s irits. I u am recommending I: eVe eta Ie Com- pound with leasure to a I meet who complain as? did.-MxLD1u:D Bnoc-2;, Meaford, Ont. L... ,J n - nor. DIIVV 3. FIDKUEIITI 3.0- vertisement which induced me to take .. the Vegetable Com- '._~ pound, and my back ' _ " igradually stopped hhter in am rm'nn`nnpnrh'no' 1' (3 vnnnfn In ('.nrn_ Meaford, Pinkhz1m s I'l"l'TT'I'TTTTI'fTI'lTI'l'l'l 34 Now Free From Troubles`: From Which She Had SuEer- 5 ` ed For Three Long Years. Canada has most extensive sihinxg g'rounds-5,000 miles on the Atlantic, ` 7,000 miles on the Pacic, and 220,000 I square miles fresh water. aI`@'E.EE&E&E$E`J'AE33QI` Removed by 155;; E. Pink- ham s Vegetable Compound. Premier Hughes. of Australia placed a wreath on the grave of the unknown lwarrior in \'\'estminste1' Abbey this week which came all the way from !Australia, says a London despatch i dated July 30. The owers were ire.-ah iand blooming, although they had tra- velled 12,000 miles, having come to England packed in ice. Premier Hughes said they carried with them the spirit of the Anzacs to the em- pire s hero as the boys carried that spirit to the battleelds of France. Tkn nu-nnlk Yirnn I .-.l ``\r\ a....__.._. I ..._,v-- -._----. 4 D :1.uAAI. Lu Luc uu\.\.u:ul:Aua UL rxauuts. The wreath was made of the famous Australian wattle, red roses, carna- tions, violets and lilies. Thousands of persons went to the grave of the un- known hero to see the Australian Pre- mier place the wreath there. THE MISEHYHF V __BjQKAHE ,-_._;-.- i Anzacs Hero Wreath Travels 12,000 Miles. `n........:.... Y1....L._.. -1 I. uuusouluus I.U |JLll|Ll nu: U1). ! "I read a. statement from a lady in a Toronto about Tanlac and I wrote to her and she 2Ldvis~ed me to try it by all means. It certainly has been a. godsend to me and I am glad I follow- ed her advice, for I am a well woman to-day. I began to pick up from the ,vex'_v start and my strength gmcltxally `came back. I have 11. fine appetite, sleep soundly all night long and my ` work is a pleasure. I am grateful for ! wgat Tanlac did for me and I believe 5 it will do the same for others." I 'l"nu!nn 6.. ...,.1.J I... 1....1:..... .1_...._.__:_4__ I I . . F ` AL vvxu uu UUU UCLIHU LUl' ULUUYS. Ta.nla.c is sold by leading druggists everywhere. Adv. ,3. LC], 1': wuuuuxutz Dl., uuuuuu, Uu'L. For three years I suffered from 8., general run-down condition, following i 9. severe operation. I was in the hos- J pita] for a month and, after coming: home, it was fully ten weeks before I ! could get around very much and then only with difficulty. T nnnl nn:H~.n.. .-mt ...... -1.-.,\.. ...u-1-. uuA,v nAI.u uuucuuy. I could neither eat nor sleep with any satisfaction and had very little { strength. I was not satised with the way I was mending and decided to get i something to build me up. "I v-and n nrntnmnno Fvunvxu n inn" 4.. lady in Toronto who advised me to take Tanlac, said Mrs. Gertrude Pugs- Iey, 74 Colborne St., London. Out. I iru. +k....,. .......... 1 ,...u'......,1 3...`... .. "I will always feel grateful to the I I v\ nun.-u The making 1 L@1~mN WOMAN IS MEICH GRATIFIEDT EGRATEFUL TO TANLAC: FOR I-IELPENG HER. You Never Tim C Cutlcura 5053133 . Dnnnvunn .-.4? Mn ..1..,.-1..4... w...:4-. Because of its absolute purity and refreshing fragrance, it is ideal for every-day toilet pur- poses. Always include the Cuticura Talcum in your toilet preparations. <-...')K- n:..o......n9:.....I:n- 'r.V_.._-:1-- c..v.a . I" "l""""" I Sup 25. Ointment 25 Ijlt`! 50. Tnlcum 25:. Sold throughouttheDom1mon. CanndianDcpor: I. am. Limited. 344 St. Pnul St.. W.. Monlrul. Cuticura Soap -haven without mug. :clLUL u, UHL. Woman's Precious Gift Fhn nnn urlnln alum. nl-vu~.'l.J brsli` .... ISSUE No. 33---'21. Ont.- I took Lydia E. Vegetable Compound for backache, and I also had :1 female weak- ness. I felt dizzy and nervous, and was without energv. I had to force myslf to do my work, and was nlwnvsz tired, to 00 my worK,_ arm was alwa s t1red. Saw a Pm ham ad- xvnrficnrnnnf \n3~n'/-I-u No hat cooking No trouble to serve 1-Making Wizard. ! ; of rain has long been` BY DR. 3.'T.I;7{4::21)1.;F.'i`o:\.' . . , , u _ _ v -1 u....-.d -6 IJ--.ll|- rs..a_..t.. HEALTH EBUSAWEN ll IJA\I U: u. ..--.........v.- Provlnclal Be.-arr: of Health. Ontario V I ti P]1oi.ngmph.=. are often sent over the; lordinary land telegraph line, and the! itruns1nission of wireless photos pre: ;sents no :~:1:ec-inl difhculties. Quite re-i 5` cently Professor BeIin s 21111m1'-utus for; :sending [.hotog1':1phs by the land line; . `L was adopted by the Surete do Pm'is-g the Scotland Yard of France. The in-5, st1'1x111bx1t will be used for the trans-J mission of nger-prints of suspecteula persons. So if 21 man is arx`este.1 in! Paris it will be possible to send his; linger-print to London and Rome for i(1en.'i1ic:1tion. i I 3 4 I i L ; 11; f l.` n, "d? en .8; e Y I of mental defectives who in many res- .go so far, but public opinion must be. surmounted. < ciai training. 3 For children of school age and; older, there is not at present :1 suf- ficient number or variety of institu-} tions to accommodate the cases vary-i ing from mental defects to inbecility.; For imbeciles and denitely feeble-I minded there is provision m-:1vde--pub-l lie opinion has recognizozl the neces-_ sity for it, but for the higher grade} pects are bright and seemingly in-, tclligent, nothing has been done. And yet this class of people is almost as` denite 21 menace to the community- as is the criminal. The Toronto Psy-i chiatric Clinic, conducted by a group; of physicians, psycholc-gzists, and} others who take a scientic interest; in mental abnorm-alitics, is being con- ` ducted at present in the out-pat'ient sg ` wing of the Toronto General Hospital. - The cases come from the Public Schools, the Juvenile Courts, Indus- trial Homes and various other insti- tutions throughout the city, and pro- vide excellent clinical niateriai. But this only touches the fringe of what is to be done. The problem is province- wicle; indeed, it is a national and internationial problem. Science can- 1 4 awakened to come to the support ofll science before very great advances] can be made. Besides the problem i will have to be approach-ed from the 1 preventive as well -as the curative side, 3 I vunubnnu. \Vhut possibilities lie here! Perhaps newspapers will print their continent-5 al and country editions by wireless in ` the future. ' . .._._ .._. ,. I The exact position of the bound:11`y- iline between South and \\'est Austra- `Iia will be fixed by wire1ess--if it has` i not been done already. 'I`hn nnahinn AP kn ln.....4:L...1- .-_ .1, - nun. II(.'l.'ll uuul: annually. i ' The position of the Iongtitudc is ob- ` tuinod by the use of time-signals sent nut by a high-power st:1tion._ ! .\Iuny of the great 0b.'servz1tox'les :11` T engaged in :1 1'0-deterxnixlzltion of the; I 01 OLIl(:`l' C!ll'l'l1`'H, UUL Lllt: \;1( an Hutu shoulszl special could teacher specially hnriere. These children would include those who are (lull or slow-wittetl, those 'tl*.ievis-lily incl-fined, those always get- ting inito mischief which seems to take them unaawares. The classes of school children might indeed be fur- -. ther graded by scientic methods, and 3:` cial training. ` nu... ,,1.:1A..m-. me cnlqnnl mm aml `progress noted as the result of 5122-; 4 uuunnubn IAIKQ auunu Gnu `liens, who determine the (lirection : from which they are sent by means of _a movable aerial. When the aerial is in) one pcsific-n signals are strong`, ' when in anc-ther they are weak, so in ithe end the aerial can be pointed in gthe direction of the ship. Wireless (:01i(:e1'ls are, every-day uJfz1irs. ; By the aid of the valve-detectors it ,has been possible for wireless engin- ` eers to constnict apparatus capable of "sending and receiving the sound of the lnunan voice, and, in fact, any isound `.Vl121te\'C!`, from the barking or ' 21 dog to the snuallimz of u l)2:l)V in its I.\: pg: |.ur.\:.I L); of course, ` Professor Belin, :1 distinguislled` mrlio scientist, recently t1'ansn1itted,i lb) wireless, pictures of the Olympicj [Games from-Antwerp to Paris. The !z1pp:1r:m1s used was designed by him-: i self. I! 1 In :1 country like Australia or Egypt, liwhere rain is very scarce. this great` ;im'ention should prove a boon of im- f measu1`a1)1e value. LULIACEH uuu uu.1IpuIUaD., Never tell evil of u mun, if ynu do not. know it for a certainty, and if you know it for a certainty, then ask your- self, Why should I tell it?" I-MU AACUA Luull J\IuI uuun LU LIIU WLLH. Next to saying the right thing at the ,r1ght time comes the art of keeping `quiet, when there is nothing to say. A uvnnnlh um: navnr mnyln n olyilfnl ulct, VIAIL`-AI LIIUIU IL) HUI. A smooth sen never 1 mariner, neither do prosperity and success c fulness and happiness. Y\'nnnv- Onll nuril n? n u ucam LU uu\1un._~. Igxiorniice is a substitute for bliss, ' but :1 very cheap one. The most. troublesome load to carry is :1 bundle of luul habits. The host of us 1n:i3.' full in the mu(l,l but no one nned stag them. l It is not the man who knows the mos`. who has the most to say. Those who make the best use of their time have most time to spare. T-Tn u-hn ruin EI1V'1`l\V'1x(-u 1| ynnnannp luucll l.IAu\.: AIKLVC IIIU-SI. IJUIU LU Dllillii. He who can suppress :1 moment's anger may prevent :1 day of sorrow. T} In hnflnw On nu! vnuvu 1-`humid ... 6. n nun ..1 ur:vr:Lupuu:U\. I Instrlunelxts have been designed by; which it is po; to send 1m.-s.=;u_L;es which llavo been puuched" on tapes in the I\Im`se code hy wix:elcss, so that the receiving station automatically Lranscribes the Morse signals and de- livers them printed in Roman charac- ters to the waiting operator. l`hz- unuulv `\ hm ... nnl\nnn.l In- i x . i I 1 u.u5t:| uux; pluvuul. (L uuy ul BUITUW. It is better to put your shoulder to the wheel than your hack to the wall. T\'nvl on c-uvinn flan vo1'n-Int 61.1.... ..A u... bun lE1hn\v greaxso is warrzlnted not to ; soil the hands. Tries Inuko perfection, but perfec- tion is no trie. I T....`l..1,....... I. Wisps of` Wisdom. To forgot :1 wrong is the best re-3 venge. 1`n Lnnnnur. nn n1Lv/nun] rrlnva kn nu v\;ub\.. To become an all-round man, be on! g the square. 1 1711.... n-...-\....,. :.. ..m.....`...+...x VIP\` 4,. I 5,Ah, when will ye understand, I Mox'[:11s-~n deem it odd- I i Who rests on this oid grey wall , Lays a hand on the sl1ou1der-of God? ' -Bliss Cu1'1na11.; 1 uuu In nu Lnxuku Indolence leads to idleness, and idle- ! ness to iniquity. Trvnnunnnn 4:: n nn'I\rO.'6nOn (nu LIX":- ,- \; v LA_y`un_v uJAu1|a. 0! of itg f, has engin-I '- d'se1u`1ing of! `-$ any[ {FOl1T1(l or: (1: dog squalling baby in its ! '- Luth. I n __ .1 .__1.,___ ...,-n .`A. ,1: -..1n YIV , I I Minard's Liniment for sale everywherev 5 I . $Did the hand of the builder guess, ' As he laid me stone by stone, , A heart in the granite lurked, I Patient and fond as his own? ' Children roving the elds, With early owers in spring; P Old men turning to look When they heard a b1u';bird sing. On paper it must look well-nigh in- cre(lible,.but to the wireless expert iti merely convinces that there are przic-_ Lically no limits to the possibilities off wireles-.5 tlevelopnient. I 1ncfrnInnnf.- Iunvn `\r\r\I'\ .1ne~nnnr`l `Inn. nuuucun \VII;\lI|l nun CUH1: I I l Am] I.mve1]ei`s along the road, From rising to setting sun, ` Have seen, yet inizxgine not 1 The kindness they gazed upon. i 1 i Lovers have leaned on me Under the summer moon, ;And mowers lzlughed in my shade I In the harvest heat at noon. I w U.` D1`. ALAILAI W'iIIiams nu. ville, Ont. uu manna u. Medicine Co., UUJL Ll Ulll 1 U6 Brock- Time out of mind I have stood _ Framing the frost and the sun, That the drerml of the world might en- ] (lure I And the goodly will be done. E The Old Grey Wall. `Ibe beyond aid. At the first sign of illness during the 5 hot weather give the little ones Baby's . Own Tablets or in a few hours he may These Tablets will `prevent summer cornplziints if given occasionally to the well child and will promptly relieve these troubles if they come on suddenly. Baby's Own iTablets should always be kept in every home where there are growing children. There is no other medicine as good and the mother has the guar- antee of a government analyst that `they are absolutely safe. The Tab- ilets are sold by medicine dealers or iby mail at 25 cents a box from The 4 hi` I'ilr)111L- \YnrTinv-in (`in `Pl..A..I- jsammERc0MPLA1ms! KILL LET'E`i.E oreas LUAIIAIIUAA \1uuJ\.nJu. I Scientists disagree on this, but the {majority say "No," and give excellent- ? reasrms, the chief one being that wire- jless waves alwaya follow the curva- :ture of the earth's surface, and there- . fore cannot be sent. however powerful `the t1'zmsmitte1', pex'pendicula1'Iy from 1 the world to such at distant planet as I KT :1 we i Mars. nun: vv w longitudinal divisions of the earth's surface by means of time-signals. Guiding Ships Through Fags. Th:-*1~uge sixztian at the Eiffel Tower 1 , an inmortant part. in this .::u;u.n 1.: h:xnd1e-bar. A ._1_ I- How many people realize the \von- derful fact that it is now possible to print by wireless telegraphy? And how many are aware that rain can be made by wireless; that the world can_ be surveyed by wireless; that photo-{ graphs, and human speech. and the} music of 21 full brass band can be senti radiating through space by means of the invention made practical by that modern wiz:;1`(1 .\Ia1'c011i? ' -nun. 2 And where will it all end? \Ve are! 3px'ogressing by leaps and bounds in-` `wireless 1`OS(`(11'C1). '1`he day when. iwireless will be as common as the or- dinary telephone is well within'siglit. Just the removal of one or two more little prolxlems, and the human voice will be sent all over the world. . 1 I ? 7 v unnn : ,....\.. 1 . . . . ..a .. 1u.._..nn 2- _ i Hun uc acul. tux uvcx uu`. wullu. } Will it ever he sent to Mars? is a. common question. ! e,.:m.+:(.o(. .1am......N. I\V\ n...-,. L...a. .1... VVLHI-.. To ships at sea these tixxxc-signals; I 1 J we in`.':1hl:~`.bIO. Fhmnoxn-:Lex's can be ' cizerked to a great degree of accuracy, land 21. captain with a faulty chrono- |\Ir.`r\\I i- I31-n n hirnvr-In uvilhnni 0) Zexnct position by wireless. A series` ,nf direction-nding stations are now u.xuun;-ucu. A ship lost in a fog can find her} ,in use along our coasts, and a ship. by`? ;scnrIz'ng uut aignals, enables cross- .bezxrings to be tulaen by the shore stu- Hnnn nvhn r`n9nvn1inn I}-un {H--nnHr.n \.u1.'|. nn.u u. Luuu._y bulunnu-1 is like a bicycle without ale v.__. uunlnuf-, uu any . r made 2} skilful 9 uninterrupted ; qualify for use-l ALA5. Strop your razor after use, and then let it rust for several days. This is arranged easily in connection with 9. safety-razor, by making (1. small box with prlrtitlons to hold it separate blade for each day of the week. The blades slmve much easier, uml each blade lasts longer. __e,_ UL: Auunu Au uuuuub uu; :-uup l(lLllLZl. For those with tender skins, cold or tepid water is recommended. By all means (111) your mzcr in warm watcr-~but use cold water for lather- ing. Qlvvnn vnnr rnrznr nNnv- nan and O1-unn =~- I M!nard's Llniment Relieves Neurfgla I\`111nex' iuggons l1.'LV(} been de- . . ` . vised wlth :1 View to Iessenmg the agony of shaving. \'n 1r\nv1r\ no` Hunun u-H`! hnln n unnnh LATESE` WGNDERS la?! !si11ie recently : RF . rain to fall when .:.A. idays past. innm -: I For the purpc INCREDIBLE THINGS ARE . ""`*S '9 ` , height of about ` each kite_\\'z1s a I ...x..,.v ...l ..,I ... IIEUHJ UL DIIILVIIIE. Yet none of them will help as much ltowzmls giving an easy slizwe us :1 little ointlnmit or (.'.l`f`(l.ll`l zmplicrl to the I face before lutlierlng. Any cream of the greasy variety will (lo, but very little should be used, or difficulty will be found in making the soap latlier. ! "nu Ihnnn nfk Gnnrlnn c-Irinn nnlpl I The city had been exposeri~-:1 veryi J nu-Venetitm Venice under cloudlesss skies and bright s11i11ight--since the- lirst days of the cou1.strike. The older inhnbitzints gave sighs of relief when! they saw the filllliliiir indistinctness' `settle over the luiidseupe. A gentle: man in Kensiiigton Gardens said yes-' ` lI1i`.S0iiI`_V situated near the Serpentine: : That building has been perfectly `hideous all summer. The architect` i~ `terday, pointing to {L confused pile MI I I who designed it did not take the; miners strike into account." There` is no ionger ground for the complaint of strollers in Hyde Park tlmt they had been sunburned during their stroll. MONEY bRoERs. { Dominion EX})1`L SS Money Orders are on sale in ve thuusuml olces throughout Czuladu. , ,.9._ Sn1okiale.=,s, sootless and robbed of the weird atmospheric effects upon which man'_~' of its lantluiarks dc-21)e11d for their chzirm for three months, Lon- don has begun to regain its traditional aspect with the resumption of coal burning in many of tl1e factories. The Plttslmrgli-like tone is_ rayidly being 1'osto1'ed; buildings which had begun to look white and colorful are once more being coated with soot, while the medley of smoke-stacks, steeples and gables, hard and distinct without their] proper haze, are sinking back into: the blurred outlines in which '\Vhistlex-`E saw them. 3 rrl... ,..':.. L...1 I...-. -....--rI - "Si pulled out a quarter and gave it: to him, and Jim put his hand into his` pocket, took out a. llzmdful of change,[ picked out a nickel and handed it to] S1; and Si went away, carrying the kettle. And, by Jimmy, neither of `em had said a word.` \VeIl, said Mrs. Langley reflective- 1_\'. I guess if the truth was known there's :1 lot of talk goes on that ain't really necessary." nu vv . ! I dropped into the hardware store this afternoon after :1 pound of nails, and while I was there Si came in. He was carrying a tea-kettle that needed soldering. Jim came up to wait on him, and Si just pointed to the spot that needed xing. VX.'iH1nnl- anxv\'r\:v .-. ...n..,1 1:... L....I. LLIBI-L uccucu lI.\lll5- Without saying :1 word, Jim took the kettle and went off into the back room, and Si sat down and began to` road the n-ewspaper. After a. time Jim . came back and handed the kettle to `Si. It had `twenty cents marked 011 ' the side. Two Parsimonious Talkers. '\Vell, said Ovid Langley. maybe there is another town where there are two men as little given to talking as Si I-Ierrick and Jim Baldwin, but I doubt it. II`..- v...___1.,, y.,u ,1 , .- -. Mrs. Langley looked up from her | knitting. What they been doing I | now '2" l ur'I ... .. . _ ucnucuc LU buy DU`. You can get Dr. \Vi11ian1s Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents :1 box or six boxes for ` $2.50 from The Dr. \VilIia1ns Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. On Sea and Land Marvels Are Being Wrought by Marconi 3 and Other Inventors. I \.Au\vv u l.l|C ucuLl.lL;uk:. More disturbances to the health are caused by their blood than most peo- ! pie have any idea of. When your blood ;is impoverished, the nerves suffer from lack of nourishment, and you `may be troubled with insomnia, neuri- 'tis, neuralgia or sciatica. Muscles `subject to strain are under-nourished rand you nmy have muscular rheuma- tism or lunibugo. If your blood is thin and you begin to show symptoms of 1 any of these disorders, try building up the blood with Dr. W'i1lizuns Pink 4Pills, and as the blood is restored to `its normal condition every symptom `of the trouble will disappear. There are more people who owe their pre- sent state of good health to Dr. VVil- liums Pink Pills than to any other medicine, and most of them do not hesitate to say so. Vnn nun was T\.. 1w.'11:.-......1 n.'..1. n:n.. 1 3A Sure Sign That the Blood is I Watery and Impure. X _ People with thin blood are much {more subject to lxeadaclies than full- iblooziezl Iterscns. and the form of anae- lniia that aiicts growing girls is al- gnmst zxlwziys accoiixpanied by head- '21('.hCS, tcgether with disturhzxnce of ithe digestive organs. l \`.`hnnnu.-u- 1vr\II In-nvn nnncfonf nr ra. lulc ui5c:LHc utguua. I `Whenever you have constant or re- ,cm'1'ing headaches and pallor of the iface. they show that the blood is thin xzmd your efforts slic-uld be directed ! tov.'u;`.'l building up your blood. A fair ftreatment with Dr. \\7ii1iams' Pink `Pills will do this effectively, and the I rich. red blood made by these pills will I I remove the headache. Nrnun .1:,.L....|..\........ s- L1... 1.....HL n...-. '0 Smoke Scree.n Reappears Over London. P`REQiZNT IIEADACIIES ._. .___.__. Razor Wrinkles. cylicacldn I I - xm, ` Warning! It's criminal to take :9.` chance on any substitute for genuine` Bayer "l`:1l)lr,-ts of Aspirln," prescribed by physicians for twc-nty-one years` and proved safe by millions. Unless: you see the name "Ba.yer on package or on tablets you are not getting? Aspirin at all. In every Bayer pack-! age are directions for Colds, Head-i ache, Neuralgla, Rheumatism, Ear- g ache, Toothache, Lumbago and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve tab- lets cost few cents. Dmggists also; sell larger packages. Made in Carla-' dn. Asgliritl is the trade mark (regis- tered in Cz1n:uln.), of Bzlyer Mam1fuc-- ture of Monoacetlcncldester of Sull- : VVAALAM5 LU ua nLu.u:a. y I would say that I do not know of; :1 medicine that has stood- the test of] time like MINARD'S LINIMENT. It; has been an unfailing remedy in our` household ever since. I can remen1ber,f and has outlived dozens of would-be; conipetitors and imitators. The publishers of the best Farmers ! paper in the l\Iu1*iLime Provinces in: writing to us states: ` T u-nnlrl cnu fhnf I An uni Iynnuv I\ auu pu_y.sicz1.n_v. | ( One point, however, that should beg: emphasized is that whatever part < heredity plays in the child's mental < condition at birth, its mentality n-)l< less than its physical make-up, canii be improved by sicic-ntic cure and'( feeding` during the early months anrl V years of its life. The human brain ' develops very rapidly in infancy and E chviltlhootl, much more rapidly than the 1 body. and hence the urgent need font sufficient nourishment of the rightx kind, during this critical stage of hu-ft man life. At ve years of age, almut'i the time when a child begins to go to: 1 school, its brain capacity has to a'i certain extent already been deter-g mined. For this one can readily see 5 how important is :1 scheme of child_ 5 welfare that will include the super-:6 vision of infant feeding from the time ' \ the child is born and so counteract 1 in some degree any defects of her-' 2 n.rl'H>\' i c . xunuuncu. I What makes you think that? ask- ed her father. | Well, replied Gwennie, she makes ' me go to bed when I am wide :1wa1(e, and she makes me get up when I ami awfully sleepy." .___j I The amount spent on famine relief in India `last year was $5,700,235. I Well, dad, answered Gwennie,_ IpIease don't tell mother, because` ` she's an awful dear, but I don t think she knows much about bringing up I children." u\xn...L ...-v-_,, __,,, .1 - . .. ..... . Didn't Show Training. Daddy came home from the oice early one evening, and mother had not returned from some friends whom she had been visiting for tea. Tiff?!) Fnnu unnwnlfl (Wu-an-I- cvnvx ...-. AALLLL IJCCII VIBILIHE lUl I-Uda- Little four-year-old Gwennie ran up to hex` fa.ther s` side. MT\..;l.1.. n ..I. _. Daddy, she cried, I've been want- ling to see you for a long time when - 1nother s not near." I Lu ucs Lu'|.llUl a` nnuc. I \vu_y ! father. uv:v,u~ IVLDLIUB. Sandy, habitually a fast speaker, remarked, Sen up sape, Ind; a wee bit sane, quick. { The atteudzmt gazed open-mouthed` I v at the two Scots`. `Taint French, 'mint German, taint Wesh, he thought. '\Vo11de1` wot thew mean? Mon, cried Sandy, intlignantly, can ye no understan plain Scotch? Grasping at the last word like a; drowning man at 21 straw, the Cockney! ifled. Later he returned wit11-a bot- tle of whiskey and two glasses. uunnuunn. On the morning of their arrival they discovered that the washstand was` without soap. After ringing the bell; an attendant appeared and asked their wishes. n.___,v__ 1,,u -. n,, n Au DUI ed'i ty. I. on; All uu. uuuuAu>3. M1`. Se1fsure-Ha! Ha! Ha! cellent! But where do you live, Miss: B1~own? 1 fr... 1-7..:_...... ur_. u... _.4I.....I.- 11,. IJAUlV1ln The Heix-ess--In the suburbs, Mr. I Selfsure. Plain Scotch! Sandy and Mac were on a. visit to` London. ' n uunu In: acuu An LU Luc. Wie--Didn t I tell you at the time! that I couldn t afford to be generous,; you stupid dear?" In the Suburbs. The Heiress--Yes, whenl don t wish to accept certain men's atten-t Lions`, and they ask me where I live, I say in the suburbs." `lhfu Qn1Fenv-o:T_T-2 I II-:1 'Ll'n I Iv, lnherited--A Loose Tongue. I A S('1lU01l112`.StI' wrote this brief` criticism on u boy's report: A good worker, but talks too much. When the report came back signed according; `to rule by the boy's father it bore be-5 sides the signature this feeling re-__E tort: You should hear his mother!" Generous. `I Hushan(1-Re:111y, dear, when I thanked you for your valuable birth-a day gift I had no idea that the bill would be sent in'to me. 111::-.. u1\.'.1..n 1 4-11 ..-.. A; u,, . Buyer is bnly Genuine America : Pmnoer ...u--_ l UH,` H1185 OI mental lly'glE.'llL`. | Heredity undoubtedly plays a big. part in this condition of defective mentality, for although there are ex-:' ceptionis, it is niature s habit to repro- duce in kind. How then can this state of affairs be rcctied? A scheme based on Medical Examination to pre-, vent mentally defective people from` getting: m-arriiezl is being thought out,` but this would only deal in part with: the problem, as the question of illegitimacy has to be considered. Many of the illegitimate cliililren born have mo-`,l*.ers who are distinctly be-V low the par of average mental capa-3 city, as social sei'vice workers Iindj out in dealing` with such cases. This,' no doubt, applies also to many of the fathers. of such children, and a tre-I mendous task thus confronts those, who are endeavoring to improve the condition of humanity both mentally` and physically. i mun nninf lnnnynvau H....+ ck.-mid ha` ..