Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 30 Jun 1921, p. 5

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um.'m.\' B.-\.\`l)I'l`.\' g'7|lI 4272 ,5 4273 1 4274 1 4275 ` 4276 1 4277 ' uenznerg ll Iuvcnnuc \ru;u. 4280 l`o the Strains ofllpal Wedxlmg Mnrch Marguerite E. Fnrrcll 4 1 In the Heart of Dear Old Italy E Metropolitan Quartet 4232 Low-`an Old Sweet Song- Suxophoue Chester Gaylord 423 Mantle Harvey Hindermyer 3 and Mixed (Iboruu 1267 i 4268 3 4270 1 4271 I bill as 4278 Golden Sumo! Waltzes National Promenade Band 4279 (Tome and Nestle In Your l)addy`n Arrnn-Fox Trot I;enzberg`s llivenlde Orch. Ab 'I`.. Ohn Ch-gins: nllhnl \l'o-ahhnc 4284 ' 4285 5 Bri ht Eyes 2 George Wilton Ballard Spread Yo Stn--Fox Trot Joseph Samnelr Music Mutcrn 4236 Kim: mid the Rose (Swiss hove Song-Hu1>lithcr) Kitty B1-rzer 4-nos A 11.... .. ll :-gnd Vnn 4287 A J .11. GREENE MUSIC 00; Mary and unnum--su. 'W0men .< Dark Brown Calf and Black Dongola Oxfords, light sewn soles and Cuban Heels. ]S?:l(ge>`11I2-`1;:ic$e;:-)-(IA:f1)~:$3.65. IIIIKI Jlmcpn I nunpn | M-lln(`ello-WaItz Josvph Sumuclw Music Masters: ; ('ounlry Days Al. ll. Weston and Irene Young: u... I`-.. I`..- u--...... 55.- DH: Iul- {Inu Irenc luluuz , My Gee Gee From thc Fiji lule Emerson Wcatervolt l`4|'I|El'IUlI W mutt v(`ll ' Unclv: Josh Take: the Cemum Cal Sh-wart . All Fnr You Fm; '1 ml Hurry Rndc-rm:|n s J. (brrh ' I Luke it--M(`dl(')' ox lml Le.-nzht-r::`.~' l(i\'cr: On-1 Fm: 'l'm| Le.-nzht-r::'.~' Or:-ha 5 Sn-:nuli|m\`m (Sim: Dmzc Fnxnu mu! Mnke Imsv !\hnii-| French Selections I Jimxzn.-Eula-Jinn:-Jing` Hector Pcller ' Hictoirm do Pnupc (Broken Doll) "M-to: Pcllerin Nid d'Ammu-Marie (Lgvc Nest) Hector Pcllerin (.`'est la -Mnruhnnd d`Et.oil-n (The Javanese Sandman) Hector Pelierin nn.._....... at A ......- f\IIl'l'l| nnnuvrg I (I Hi 0-Ml:(Hl'V One Step Max I" nhhin ()n'h. .l...l .ruLu u max rlrlm lufllu nuuum \Ill`ll j l'm1\`lisuin' Mannn_v'H }\'I.~sin' \'(-rnnn I)ulh.'|r` Iuuy n `A Roomallilland You Lcwin .` Finest Sale of Footwear - Jinxu--Bula-Jim:-Jinx Pcllerin L (Broken Bright (`acorn .\l:\l{|Rl.~\(HS DlC.\'l`HS BlI'l'HF- Fern I-`mrlong, . Furlong, of Bay- Lorne A. Cu.mp- You know our Store-You know the high character of the Shoes we -sell-You know how reasonable our prices have always been, particularly during the Spring of 1921. With the July Sale discounts subtracted from the original low prices, the Shoes present absolutely the greatest ,values we have i ever offered. Thrifty people ' H'l`ll.I. .-\ I` l.:\l{(-IE found in their WE HAVE EVER ANNOUNCED JULY 2nd WE LAUNCH THE will be prompt to heed the message of saving this announcement carries. Since the followxng item appear-2 ed in the Globe we learn mat the men arm-sic-d wexe not the Bolton: bandits. so that Lhe item although` occupying the from page, arotlsed interest for a short tune . .... `y I `George Stacey and James White, a9 mulatto. l l Ye-stertlay Chief of Police Murphy: , rec-eivecl word front Barrie-.t.o: be on]: `the lookout for three suspicious; `charn(-tvr.=, thought to be the Bolton' bandits_. Late last night, word came` ;from Hzuvkestone, a village eig-ht tmiles south of here. that the men `had left there about 9.30. Just about 12 o clock to-day the" three men were seen passing along the t-ai1\v:ty track. and Constable? was notied. On thef `track two miles north of here he Ht`I'*F1t*d them. No attempt was} made to resist arrest. ` Word that the Bolton bandits had, been seen walking along the `track: created :1 great deal of excitement` on Satiwday afternoon at Barrie. A `man hunt was organized and an: jarmed posse, `led by Chief Constable `R. King, traversed the country fori 5 50 miles in a. vain attempt to round `tup the alleged bandits. _. . -.. 4; It was W. Blevins, employed by `A. E. Stapleton, who first noticed the trio. He was working near the tracks when the men passed, and one" of them-the mulatto-a.sked him" for a match. When they were ;\Ie.n s Blavk Calf Lace Balnmml ;s"ry1e. round and narrmv foes. S`p'ecia1,[ .. l. `. $ o . x W0me11 s Cllocolate Kid Oxfords, medlum, Cub- ... .~.-.2I T ,-....r. L,\.-1... 1.',..1..J. \,-;.un xux, lJl.\4\lJ\|AAJ, \/|.|l\J an and Louis ]1ee1s,1ight .~'<;-\vn soles. ;;:: ?`32; $4.35 Women s Black . Kid Oxfords, light soles and Cuban llcels. `;`f;: :irice`;.`: $4. 85 \Vu.lclI(-d on 'I`hoil* Journey Orillia. June 2ti.- Three men. 211-3 le.ged to he the Bolton bandits. were arrested here at noon 10-day b_\" Constable Willizmi Newhe-.1'r.\`. One ol the trio is :1 colored man.. The three are said to a.nswer to (tescrip-`, tions sent out from Bolton. l`eel~ (lounty oicinls have been notied or the zu`re.~`t and Sheriff Henderson will arrive here to-morrow to ider tify the prisoners. The three are being held on charges of \'agrzmcy.i The men were walking along the` (trend Trunk Railway tracks bound for North Bay when arrested. They`, stated to Chief of Police T. Murphy: that they had left Toronto on Wed-E nesday. Previous to that time, they` said, they had been living togetheru on Simcoe street. 1 TAYLOR S l Scour-in;.-; the Country lbe. Blevins notied Stapleton. andlgo Stapleton carried the word to {L be fneighbor. D. H. Rees. In Mr. Rees` ,5 ` automobile they rushed to report ,5 9' the oircumstance to Chief Constwble 9 ` King. The chief and three of his 23 Tmen with two volunteers, a.r1ned.m. jumped into Mr. Rees car. T.he_v310 traced the three. men to the second? line ('ro. of the railway tracrk and here it was learned that t.he party had split up. left the track and taken to the roads. For miles; .the_v patrolled the roads, hearing int `several places that a. colored man? ,had been seen, but without getting? fany closer to their quarry. 1} Train (`,1-ew on the Job lvi] I All the surrounding towns were! lb: 6 :1 0 3 1 inotied and railway officials were {asked to notify trainmen to keep a lookout along the track. The crew of a. northbound passenger train re- ported seeing the trio near -Ha.wke- 3 stone at 9.30 Saturday night. *6 $1 out of sight he suddenly remarkedx to himse}f: I bet those are the Bolton bandits." Sign at a furriex-'5- Cloaks, coats, etc.. for ladies out of their ow` skins.--Cruel, we'd RRV _ Mary Janes for grow- ing girls, in 21 depend- able quality of Patent. Low heels, medium ggggial, pr. . . Men s Fine Quality Ma- hogany Lace Boots, sewn soles, leatller heels f ?T*.i`f*? _ `.` ' ' I $4.95 VV0n1en s finest quality Patent 1-Tie Shoes, turned soles and a full Louis Hoe]. fg'1?;c,8'3: $5. 95 THE NORTHERN ADVANCE No rearms were possession. The names the men gave to Chief Murphy were: William Tannah; B0ys and. Y0uths B00t;~: in Bl11(:}1e1' Cut style, stout soles, low heels, all solid leather. Sizos ]]-]3 . . . . $2.65 Sizes 1__-- :3 $3.45 I IVI .`\HCEl; POST R.-\'l`E.\' HIGHER Parcel post rates have recently :been changed. The rate wnhin the `20-m`1']e luimit remains the same as before. viz., 1 1b., 5c; 2 lbs.. 6c; 3 1h.=.. 70; 4 lbs., Sc; 5 lbs., ]0c; 6 1hs.. 12c; 7 lbs., He; 25 lbs., `.60; 1115.. 18c; 10 lbs., 20c; 11 lbs, 4220. Outside 20 miles and wdthin ithe province the rates (we: 1 1wb.. 1:10:-; 2 1135., 15c; 3 lbs., zuc; 4 lbs., '25c; 5 lbs., 30a; 6 1:bs., 35c; 7 lbs..i 400: S 1 450; 9 Ll>s., 50; 101b.<..1 5:30; 11 lbs., 60c. Quebec and .\Ia.nito~b:L~-~-1 1b.. 10(-.;`. 32 ]bs.,17c; 31115., 240; 41bs.. 9.10:! 5 lbs.. 38c; 6 lbs., 45c; 7 lbs... 52c;j 81bs..59c; 9 lbs., 600; 10 lbs., 7.' 11 lbs.. SOC. ` . . . I % Saskatchewan and Vurnnne Pro- lvinc-es--~1 ]`b., 120; 2 lbs., 210; 3 i1bs., 300; 4 lbs.. 390; 5 Lbs., 480; it} lbs., 57c; 7 lbs., 66c; 8 lbs., 75c; I9 lbs., 844:; 10 hbs., 93c; 11 Lbs., $1.02. Alherta--1 1b., 12c; 2 lbs., 24c; 3 1bs., 36c; 4 lbs., 47c; 5 lbs.. 580; 6 lbs., 69c; 7 1:bs., 80c; 8 lbs., 91c; 9 lbs., $1.02; 10 lbs., $1.13; 11 lvbs., $1.24. " 1\li.\`SCs Black C110<:-olate Dongola f01fds_, new shalpe, llcels, Swll so es. Special, pr. . . . VV0me11 s XVh.it (3 Can- vas Boots with buck skin saddle Strap and $2.45 READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS. -bee 1b., ,17<:; 3 11115., . ,59c; :e the , , lbs.. 45c; 101b.<.. `? 95 $1.45 Misses` anti Children s Bfwri and Grey Outing Shoes, with t oneastrap effect, per pair . . . . . Boys and Women's White Canvas Sports Boots, with and with- out heels, sizes 2 to 5, per pair . . . . .... 2. ..13; Jvbs., and Ox- The Ladies` Aid are preparing for a garden party to be held on July; 61]) a1 1119 home of Mrs. G. Wilson. r : ' > A large nllmber of young people`: attended Uhe Chauiauqua last. week} .\I1`s. A. E. Bell visited Mrs. C. Drury in Barrie last week. I I .-\(.`|{I('l'|/l`l,`l{.\L El)U(`..-\'.l`lO.\' AT U.\'l\ EI{Sl'l'lI<}.N`: ,A\2u`ii"i.tl`t1n1'e being the basic indus-; try of the country, every advance ; made tin the -development. of n.;_:ric- .u1t,ural edttcation is of national val- gue. Recent1,\'. several provincial :universities have presented exten- sion courses for the benet of farm- _ers and otthers. To this end the 'educational authoritties have (-0- ioperuted with farmers` 0r;;aniza.t,ions` with hig.-hly en(-oura_:.'in.: results. In? ;the case of .\Ia.nitobzL 21 course of lectures was given on rural econ-, ' I 1 , -.:_u,,._. ._......J,....n..o |V.....,..\..~.. ...\... .V.,,,....,, -,,v....-... . Y 7 The heavy mins have pus.<;e:l t`.Iisj way, and crops are looking wbnnrl-E I ant. . I I Mr. and Mrs. J. VVils0n spent Sun- day in Orillia. l The U.F.O. garden pzu=l_v held at; Mhe home of M1`. Verne!` I-lick1Iin;;' was very much enjoyed by all. D Messrs. Buckle-v and O`Neili have: completed their logging contra-".`. rru.A 1...--." _.:.... L_..A ._r./7. I n - ll"\.7|llll:'h Hun glvcu uu nu... \\i\ll| ` omics and S0(`iOlO,L')', supplemented` -by special lectures on a variety of `subjects zuppealing to other sections: of the community. In Ontario also, `the l,'ni\`ersit_\' of Toronto was in-., duced to give a similzir course. \t note\\`orth_\' feature of the course wast 'the taking" of suttlents to the stock- yurds. the zLbat,toirs. and other places of u practiical illlISl`l`&l.li\ value. It` is felt that the alliance thus estzul)-i lished thetween the H.{l`iCll~ll1ll`al in- dustry and those engaged in educa- tional work will tend to a better un-g derstandim; of economic problems` I 1 count ry alike. . .. .- ...... -. , Miss Mabel Bishop has be;-n en-` jm-yin: a visit with Elnwale friends. A 1-ew gas -'ank is the latest ad-J -1i`im to our village. This s not} the usual red faced \V8,\il)E_E .'-*ind,! :1`-tol-gh it is red faced `I not; -walking. The new tank was in; stalled at Ha.1`0l'_l Hil1` place of] business. ; Electric Signs The electrician had arrived home at 1 a.m.. and was preparing to un-1 dress when his wife Lzlared at I land said :-Watts `Wire you insulate?" was too 2:-em. J dropped dead. him the matter? But the shock The electrician ! 1 1 J L I I I ; The a,t,1emion of Lot. Owners is` 1 drawn to the Annual .~\ss.ess1nems`, `for care of -1015, which are payable; to J. VV. Ne-ss, Secv-Treas.. Bee- ,crol'1`s Bank, Dunlop St, Barrie. - uvnov-u nf Inlu :11-n v-olnino ihnii IR0bert Walter Nicholson, of To- Mrs. Frances Snigley, .~\l1and-M9,]! `announces Ihe engagement of her} daughter, Bertha, Frances, to Mr. 1 ronto, the marriage to take place`, early in July. \ :CI'Ull S Xlktllh, JJlllHUp Dl., DiLll'lt.. ; ; Owners of lots are reminded than Eunpuid assessments from 1913 on-; Qward become a charge against 1119` `lot. and should not be allowed W0 ac-` `cmnulute, as under the Act, THEY? |MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE} |L0'I`S CAN BE USED. 5 n.......:,: om...-nmnu. 4`.-nm 1010. in` Jlll) 15L IIEXL. Assessment rates----$2 per a.nnu'm for one lot and $1 for each addition- al lot owned by the same person; $1 for half lot. T.nf nwnaru are snn rnminded thmf I Rev. D. R. Brown and fami1y~ were in -town Tuesday enroute 103 Port Carling for the holiday sea-I an-. l Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Henry are en? tenaining Mr. and Mrs. J. .\1cLeun and two young sons, of Detroit. atl their summer cottage, Bonnie: Green," at Birch Grove. \\7m11(*11".< P211111 Bum-In .H(mt;<, ruhhm' .s')los, high and medium l1<*<].~'. $1.95 Mr. and Mrs. Lorne A. C-.1mpbel1, who were married at vh pars0na.;:e,` on Monday by the Rev. E. '12? Douglas, are spending their hone-y-`. moon trip in Toronto and Buffaho. They have the best. wishes or a large` circle of friends for a happy lH'e.i Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, of Toronto, were welcome guests here when on 3. visnt to Mr. and Mrs. F. W'a.:`d. I > I > \ I J4U'l'>.' UAJN um pmuu. ; Unpaid assessnlenms from 1913 1.0: 1920 inclusive are overdue and; those for 1921 payable on or Before` July 1st next. Avzununrnnnf rah:-:.__$?. mar anmvm $1 101` a. lI l0I. Lot owners are also reminded that with the new Endowment System now available they may eliminate, it they wish, further a.ssessmen.ts by permanently endowdng the lot to provide for perpetual care. Barrie Union Cemetery Board, A. Brownlee, Pres. I i Mr. H. Thompson, of B-.u'1'ie, spent {then week end with his sister. i.\lrs. Flo Burton, at Birch Grove. IRA l{I{ll?} l'N ION (,'E.\lETE N Y An mm] .-\. s (`lK.~\lGHURS"l` DA I.S'l`ON i J 1 i J McGUIRE--On June 27th, in her 73rd year.. The funeral took place on Tuesday, June 28th, at 2.30 p.m. Interment in Pros- pect Cemetery. V` F`RASER-At his residence in Saustr--+ lito, California, on Friday, June- 24th, William Fraser, beloved `husband of Lucy Spooner, and brot.her-in-larw of Mrs. Alonzo W. Spooner, of Port Hope. at residence of his daughter, Mrs. Sidsworth, 136 Yorkville avenue, John. beloved husband of Sarah McGuire. aged 80 years. F1ll'l6I`kl.] on Wednesday at Barrie. on'a,r- rival of G.T.R. train, leaving To- ronto at 7.45 am. the- ;;;.::`;:2: $3.35 w ? x 1 CAMPBELu~FPRLONG Methodist June n._.. 27, 19' \ ~-AI the Parsonage, Barrie, 1, by the Rev. E. T. O`BRIE.\7~~-1\'IN(`.-- At \\'innipeg', on * I`11esda._V. June 21st, by the Rev. \V. G. Moore, Eva Rose, duu;:hter of John l\'in.'. of C001(Sl0Y\'l1. Ont., : to Arthur Bruce O'Brien, 01' Win- t ` 1 ` CRO;\IBlE-wAL Barrie, on June 26111. 1921`. Mr. Hill, and Mrs. 21 son. the R.V. Hospital, (.0 Cromhie, Crown `;ALLI-NGHAM~--I11 Toronto, on June { 28, 1921, Mrs .Robert Allinghanm, ;* of Thornton, in her 75th year. i year. Interment Thursday at Cookstown. 1 ALEX.-XNDER-V .-\1 124 Langley Ave., Toronto, Saturday, June 25, 1921. Sarah .\lcKi1bbon, beloved wife of the late Walker Alexander, Amberoi Records for July Just Arrivecil ......\. ..., ..,...., u_v 1. Do11v;:la.s. Ruby Fe da111g'hte1' of Mrs. F111 eld street. 101101 bell, also of l3ar1-ie. nipeg. ALL SUMMER FOOTWEAR SPECIALLY REDUCED \.- F.RY one i~ `sure in I '4 like the !~`Fl(`('H()I1\' on the Julv F.di.~:nn Amherol Record -lisl. (`ome in and let us play them for you. Regular 27214 27215 } 27216 : 27217 t IICCTIOI l'CIlEfIll 27218 Mur[nuregd'Amonr (whllnermz) Hector Peerin , 27219 Cu.-ur Brent? (Dear Old Pal of Him) Hector Pellerin Send check or money ocder with numbcn of any record: you want and we Ibnllbc [Md tnoend theuby mail. and zhd .- -.4 ,, n__., lIA___I I! you own an Edison Home. Sund- IN or Triumph Phonon-nph. uh us about equInpln.lt.with I repnduccr. tanks Anhuol llocadu Phonon-u: an to plow 426-I ` 4265 4266 4269 4 VVOn1(~,n s Finest of qtlalify ()xford.s' and Punlps, with low heels and hlrm.-d soles. T3 1 .0: -n A- A:

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