Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 23 Jun 1921, p. 8

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Collingwood tax rate was reduced: this year by 10 mills, so that it is` 40 mills, the same rate as in Barrie. STEWART & STEWART, BAR- risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Conveyance:-s. Money to loan- in any sums at 5 per cent. Ofce. 18 Owen street, Barrie. D. M. Stewart. BARRIE Tuesday, July 1Z CELEBRATION Baseball Match 2 p.m. P.C..\l. H. h`. Robertson. (Eh.-Limum (`. E. l .'u't.ridg'e. W. Master ]'.(`X.\l. S. N. Hurst. Rec. Secretmzv Grand Parade fromi Market Square at 1 p.m. C Pr-mniuent members of the Ocmxgel Order will he here. Also other public men. Good accoxnlnodzmion THE 'l`()\\"N IS YOURS ! )R. H. T. ARNALL, OFFICE; and residence corner of Toronto? and Elizabeth streets. (`Opposite` Elizabeth St. Methodist church.)! Telephone 167. 111.. VLL;LUI\. l\. A'lllI\L. \Jl\.lJUt1L1LI' of Trinity University and also` graduate or Edinburgh and Glas-| gow. Specialty. stomach diseases Oice. corner Bayeld and Wow` sley Sts. Entrance off Worsey.` Otce open until 8 p.m. 1 I A. RADENHURST, BARRIS-3 ter, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc, Omce, 1st oor Masonic Temple Building. Money to loan at low-E est rates. CAPT. J. DUNN, V.S., PROP. Phone 811 Special attention given to an: animals In. W. Fl. Ul\D, UUELVKLEL \JVVI`4LVi and Collier Sts., Barrie. "Tale- phone 95. Speclal attention given! to diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and` Throat. iuxn 6: iillittblil-`IULV, `21523-, , tars, Solicitors. Notaries Public,f Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan; 1 at lowest rates of lniterest. Omces` 5 13 Owen street, in the `premises! formerly occupied by the Bank of} Toronto. Branch Olce. Eimvale.i Ontario. W. A. Boys, K.C., M.P. D. C. Murchison. i PROFESSIONAL CARDS izntxtnx 05 IDDLDLV, .l5lI'(.l1lD'| ters, Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries Public. Convey- ancers. Office, 1st floor Masonic` Temple Building. Barrie. Money to loan at lowest currezit rates. G, H. Esten. | JLLL. UUIISUILZLLIULI llUll['5, 11 1 to 5 p.m., and by appoint- r, Speakers rnunuiu nu... MUSICAL Some LEGAL small 1 Barrie Veterinary Hospital: and Kennels 48-50 Bnyeld St., Barrie I O E (Formerly Vespra Hotel) G.w.v.A. Field Day The ladies of the G.W.V..~\. Auxiliary are serving refreshments ' on the grounds of the Agricultural fPark on July 1st. Gifts of pies and _}cakes and other donations will he `_most gratefully received. Pies are j':ilways in great demand and it i.~; ` hoped that the women of Bztrrie and ` the sur1'oundi11;z country will Lse to. ilhe occasion as they have always; ;done and send in pies enough for: I('V9I'_V0Il. Donations of money lh1l_\' ;he sent to l\ll":l. D. M. Ste\v.1r.'. orj `Miss Fae. Kindly send pies and cakes to the mzu'q;1ee in the park ml the morning of the 1st. If the wo- men of the town and country work |together as they have done in so `many good works the G.W.V.A.' `eld day will have the success lt a deserves. Boys '0rk lloard The third of :1 series of meetings under the direction of the Barrie Boys` Work Board was 'held on Thursday last in the Presabytenian school room. Dr. Haywood. of To- `ironito, was the speaker and outlined in a very clear manner, how dilfer~- ; ent things act in the mind of 3. -boy. 'and also explained how some diit_Ii- ,culties could be overcome, in tlhe 3 training of teen age boys. These in- structive meetings will be continued by the board until the fall. when the boys` leaders will actively't-ake up {the training of the boys under their care. Mr. D. J. Reburn is chairman of the board and the board is made up of two representatives from each church. l 'Ine Sanger Show advertised for IBa,i'rie on Monday did not draw the llimnense crowds -that 1. circus usual- ly gatliers in. al'thou~gi1 there were quite a number went to the tent in =t.he zxfternoon. The Sanger Show lcould hardly be classed as a. circus Iexceptlnig on `:1 very small scale. !'[`hey did 110?. ca.rr'_v the anima.l.s. ;having only v.1 few dogs, ponies, `sn-akes, etc. The show moved on to ; Huntsville next `morning. Orillia. School Board has taken the stand that this -is no time to in- crease public school teachers saiar- fies, hence no increases were ::ru.nted at the June meeting of the Board. Some School -Boards have been able to out salaries by 15 per cenrt.. ac- cording to the Star. NoLwit.hsmx1d- ling this Barrie Boazrd of Education advanced salaries consideraibiy. ' I Joseph Watson. Henry Low, also young Pifer and a. man named Dur- lham were transferred from the local jail to Burwash on Tuesday to serve {their respective sentences. i Dominion Day 'l'u,~',I The'G.W.V.A. were granted per- nmissvion by the town council Monday evening .to hold :1 tag day on July 1st at the big celebration in Barrie. The Lennox picnic instead of be- ing held at Jackson's Point -this year. will be held at Island Grove on the lake shore uvbout three miles west of Jackson's Point. Island Grove is limmediatelv opposite. Snake Island and more accessizble t.ha'n Jackson's Point for the people of Barrie and this vicinity. I I OOO ;X..O90..XXQ90.90.090%% O 9`. AI Q C OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOO PROF. D. E. WEIR, TEACHER OF Piano and Violin. Piano 'l`uner. Studio, 48 Bayeld St. -43} E LOCAL NEWS {E ALLANDALE. 2 00.60-OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ ' 1<`1'omlu.tesr 1`ep()rts we undo1'-}' !st.und HIE-l`' will be no 12th of July: celebration in 1`hornmn this yezu;.! owing: to one bein: held in Barrie.` I i AnnlZhex` (:url0ud of oil zu`riv(~d on} for ;\londu)` number done. or HIP sl'I'eets ..~'t.r9s-ts. it 1-.- Quite :1 still (,0 be 4` Cecil Preau and Willizun VV a;t.s.on] were sent down to the county jail on T'ue.sda_v `t`rox'n Coll`-iugwood on :1, the-ft charge. They will stand trial on I"ridu.v. I 1 D1`. Oak: '21:: in I-{e:~`p+>lm` lust, V\'(*( ,k! `,attendia1.: the t'uueml of his t':Lt.her.I who passed -.1.\\'n_\' in that town at. u: I I {very old age. R 1 Rev. S_\ d11e,v M:u'l,in. !\[.A., of ! An.gu.<. will preacll in Collier shreetl Methodist church next Sundaly Inorn-I iing: and evenl-ln;.:. i (`zulglxt After Ye:u*'.~s I- reedom Star Boarders Gone A Small Circus ....., ....,.., \a\C nu... .:.u-sun. LAA|ll|uuac ly, but the old folk too were attract- ed just as much by the tricks of the monkey, cats. dogs, oockzmoos, the trick pony and parrots. The attrac- tion was worthy of the large crowd it drew. I Junior Ch'2l.l.ll.ElUl|ll{L every after- 7noon at 4.30. See advertisement [in this lSSll0 for We l)zL-`lance of the jweek. l~`1'itl;1._v night people will have `to be on hzmd early to be assuned 501' it sent for the big play, It Pays to A A The local committee are required to sell wbowt $1800 worth of tickets to clear themselves of the guamutee, and it La practically assured that this-sum has been reached. DR. VICTOR/A. HART. GRADUATE: nf Tninitv I TniunrqHv and nlun Little Alice Shrode again enter- tained in the eveming. also an aniimval play was put on. showing the won- derful slcill of the :birds and dogs. It was an evening for nthe children. who enjoyed `the program immense- I. L": ll... .14 r..II. g-.. ...-.__ _..__._. V. .........v ....uuuw_v union. The crowd held ,up well on Tues- day, despite Lhe dreadful heat of the day. Litt.-le Alice Louise Shrode. the wonder child entertainer, lived up _ to all the big things said about her. Her ability as a whistler is almost inconceivable. and can only be imagined by those who heard her. She is accompanied by her motlier, who acts as a.coo.m\pan.ist. Wm-. H. Stout, who lectured on Seeing Life Whole," is a man of letters and his lecture contained some Va.-lualble pointers. tuna- AI!-_ r~u_____1_ ._,.-,. I--...\....-...., nu. uu uu.u5~/-.4. After a few opening remarks by noon, :1. high-class concert was put on by the Zedeler Symphonic Quin- tebte. For those who enjoy high- Herbert Leon Cope delivered his lecture. Ela.mvi1y Remedies." Cope is a Canadian and his humorous talk would crack the face of an Egyptian mummy. If the best fam- 'handed out a big dose to the people of Barrie Monday night. '1'... ..........z _..v.: .... ___n __. nn..__ the superintendent on Monday a.,fter- _ class music there was :1 real treat _ given. The Quintette also assisted . with the evetrimg program when, ily remedy is a good laugh, Cope. Word has been received that Geo. I ' Mimty, of Asquith. 'Sa.sk.. died a.'1\Iy 10. in his 72nd year. Deceased was the eldest son of the late Robt. M.in- ty, grandfa.-ther of the late D. H. Minty. About 35 years ago he was ' .postma.ster and Storekeeper in uhe , era] merchant. same premises now occupied by our present postmaster. He did an extensive business as gen- He married `Mar- garet Watson, sister of Arch. Wat- son, of Dalston, who survives; also two sons, Gordon at `home and R-obt., who taught school here, of Asquith, and one da.ugh.ter, Mrs. John Mc- Lean, of Edmonton. He and his father before him oiciated as pre- centor" in the Presbyterian church here before the introduction of the organ and choir. The s:~'n1pathr_\' of old friends is extended to the the- reaved family. rw 1.1n._.._,.,, L,,, -_,_.,a R. J. Turner. . On Monday afternoon Barrie Chautauqua opened in Queen s Park with a tremendous crowd in attend- 2 zuxce. .The big tent. has a seaming capacity for 1500 people and -before = the week is out it will be ,.f1l-led_to capacity once. probwbly Friday even- ing, when the big pm) . It Pays to 5 Advertise," will be staged, /mm. .. ca... .....-..:..._ ....__._u__ 1... .v......,.. ....-....._y. G. Ellsmere has opened a grocery in the Caston -block. .-Miss V. A. Hart graduated from the Buffalo General Hospital train- ing school for nurses on June 11. E CHALVI`.-\UQU;\ TENT III\IllYI` A I A - 6 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I Mr. (7, Mur.s'h:Ill. 0!` Ori1liu.. was in tmvn uvrrr SI1mI:r_\. I ` M 1'. ', ronto : J While jumping over a` fence m'ound the school yard one day last week. Master Jack Lowe fell and f broke a smalyl bone in his ankle. DR. MORTIMER LYON. 122 BLOORJ St. West, Toronto, will be at 91 Owen St., Barrie. every Saturday.` Diseases--~Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hours, 11} n In tn 5 n m uni! hu onnrnf- 1 Mr. VV. Binnin `is tI'yiII:.,' the :soldier life wt Niuzruru. this .week. }M1'. 1'. \\'aI`(Lmeu1 is also there and {is rated ms :1 lit,-ul.ununt in the Sim- coe I"0x'<>.stoI`s. Ur. Wilf. Wurdle left on I-`ritia,)" ' Camp Bordon. where he has alien 3. positmon as un-a.chin`ist. The Misst,-s Mildred and Annie Hooper returned on Wednesday `last ifroln Montreal, where they `hzwe been `spending two weeks. I 'l'he lull aiunml V Le-n`no\' Picnic" wiu be held on wed- inesdzw. July 20th, `aflsiand Grove. Lake Simcoe. where the anractions will be greater than even. Every person is going to enjoy a real day's sport. C. Mitchell retmuxed to on Sunday night. Ll.'J.\ NOX [ l(){\'l(3 Cl {A IGH URST POP ULA R RESORT u THE NORTHERN ADVANCE have started a war on HIGH CLOTHING PRICES and are selling better grade Clothing at 1 STRATHY & ESTEN, BARRIS-I hare: n1ir-jfnra in 1-Tirrh l".nnM- nfl BROWN BROS. f1;ls:;$ / This Store will close every Wednesday at 12 o clool< noon during June, July, ' August and September. . With every.do1lar purchase we give you 21 5c coupon. See the,nice goods at small prices. Boys Khaki Play Suits: trimmed with T1u*key Red, fine quality, t ages 3 to 6. Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.5O Blue and White Stripe, also Blue, Pick and Pick Coverall Play Suits, fit ages 3 to 6. Easy.p1'iced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.50 Boys Knee Overalls, Black and VVhit.e Duck, trimmed with Red, t ages 3 to 6. Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ,. . .. ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..60c Boys Khaki Knee Overalls, trimmed with Turlcey `Red, t ages 2 to 6. Easypriced .. .. ..`...,_f . . . . . . . . . . . . ..75c Ladies Print and Chambray Allover Apr0n:<. P1'i(%ed;\ v:1s $2.00. Speclal pmce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.49 alydl .-$4.50 Childs Chambra_v Play Suits with I)1'e. and B_loomers, t ages 4, 6, 8 years, trumned Wlth Gingham. Spec.ial-$2.75 Ladies Black and Colored Sateen U11derski1'ts, 11\\'e`s.t_.st_Vle. Regular` $3.50, . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . ..$2.50 Children s Crepe Rompers, Navy Blue, Light Blue, (!hildren s Rompers, Blue, trimmed with W11ite, Special .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June Sale of Childrenf$%wTub Suits BOYS 3- MURCHISON, -11:53:31 tare .Qrv1inirnrq Nnfnaq WK"! ` Also l4>.\'.\" Suits and (}ir}.~" Tub l (`.\`.\`(`.\' are pr0smm'-(l in 21 Gr-out Jllue Sell- ing`. 'l`hi.~' vw-u1T has hm-n zuutiviyzatt-rl for months past`. I`I\'u1'.\'tl1ix1_l: ha. horn done tn <-nllm::t :1 .\"m<-k n1 _2:2mn<~.nt.< of dun-ul.)ili1_\', qllzlliry, and {grout at- h'z1<-1.i\'m1>s.\*. l`|m 1n'i<-,o.< 2111*. (`xx-optinnul. \":u-utinn 1mo(1.< 1111: g`r(:;1f_ This is .-m (exucllmnt. time fo gvt. the <-hild m1tt i n(1 For the romztindor of the tub " ('l0H1(*,S s(:z1S(;11. , PRICES THAT WILL STARTLE YOU Money Back if You Can Duplicate Our Values BROWN BROS. Our Guarantee is Your Protection 104 Dunlop Street (`ri1*l;<' Gingham ]f)1'esso.s', t ages 8 to 14. Spot-,i;11 .- . . . .$2.75 La(1i(-,.'_~" Print Dresses, ':,<;.3.')0(l (201013. Prices were $3.75. $4.00. Clearing 1 g_i('<,.`__._,..,`$,`Z.95 La_.dics Gingham :111d.C_,l`i/&_11._1;1lg1`.:z`xr Dresses nice stvle.:~.'v :P-rittes av ` were $:>.75, $6.00, for . . $4.99 i0_\`s' \`"z1:s`l1 Sllits, ni'(- . t zxgw 2 to 7. .l`Iz1;x'_v priyctl $1.50 ('riI'lL\`. (`ringlnzlxml [)1-ossos, t ztgw-..< C} to (5, 3 to 8, VVhitLc .[)i({Il(`.. IN.-)u\.' rn>;:.n1] Q0 0` nnrl Q`) nn .E21.s'_V' ALEXANDER COWAN, SUCCES- sor to Lennox. Cowan & Brown. Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining `probate of will, guardianship and! ad-ministramion, and General Soli- citor, Notary, Oonveyancer, etc. Money to loan. Otces: Hinds` `Block, No. 8 Dunlop street. ' Barrie p \ \_r. vv u: I. l\1ll|7. "Q. 1!-i(-o`( i $2.25Hu1d $3.00 e, "Pink. Easy priced. . . . . . . . .$1.50, $1.75, $2.00 ages 2 t0 6 yearc . . . . . . . . . . _ Trenton CRESWICKE 8: BELL. BARRIS-` ters, Solicitors of the Supreme` Court of Judricature of 0ntario.| Proctors. Notaries. Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Otce, Ross Block. Barrie. W. A. J. Bell, K.C.

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