Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 23 Jun 1921, p. 7

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35.00 969.50 appointed rm I 3.00 ' . (:wi]1imbnr;v_. '1`ecnmser.h and 01-0 for a grant M. assist in repairing O ;I'()l.(}S due to wa:~_h0ut. and recmn-` imended the following grants: West, ;(}wi~1li1nbur,V $10,000; Tecu1n:~:eLhi {$4,000 and Oro township $2,000. `C-"R.-\.'\"I`, l.EI-`KTHED T0 HE)!`-(`..~Xn'l"`I(l-.V.."Mh .4..\'S'('N7l. 'l'EON | . . t Tm: Conmy Council`: 1`ef11s'al to grant :1 small amount to the South Simcoe Edurrzuioxml :\ssm~ia1inn `C-l'icited an inquiry from Reeve Cole- -man, uf ]n.niz~:J], at me Council's meeting on Friday evening. nu__ 11--.- ..A.....-`Tm innuh-.~..l 111111` HlP:!:".HlF. uu 1'A.'ur.._7 <.v-.........,. The Reeve merebry inmlirnd \v`r.-y the grant was refused by the lulu- cational Committee. .. I. ,,,,, 1-x.._.1r....q r'L...:...u.n` \.cu.auu \.\.-.44: nu... . \.\.\. . Reeve Coom:-:, Brmlford, (.'hairn1'.m said he could not see the object of the association, aJt.hou;:h he did not `speak a.ga.inst the grant in c~um:nit- |-tee. .. "1 ,,,_, _-.1. n.\-.-.... ....n.\n.-4 ILCC. Reeve Reynolds, `Beeton, support- ed the request sta,1.in;: 113 money was required for nail mntnls and advertising chiey. ]`.ne~ Wamden `lh0'ugi\.t such meet- ings should be held in -.s<;hnni 1101-565 and eliminate paying; .rent:1i. Thei'e' was not sufcieni, supparz eitlier in comnmiee or in council of the [whole 10 gram any a: . PHONES 88 and 44. The xwlest of Siinmoe Comm,` Coun- 'cil lhuve not `men 1'evi.eed or 1'v-p1`n*- fed since 1907 `when `.V. A. Brnys, M.P., was Wzxrden of this C0u)1_\'. They must have been very elastic to last nthis long to meet present day changes. 3-lowc.-ver, a special com- mittee has been working on a revis- ion of lthe rules, but their changes suggested to council -were only ...s...... ....u.. | "Vv'll't.l':; I5`M.l1.'\"'E` NEXV A LHJIJUI UMUD. By adopting a. .by-law council may change we hour of meeting on the llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllHIIllIll!IlllllllllIllllllHI!llllllllllllllllll||l!||lll|llllllllllIllIll!|||lIllIlllllllllllllllllllllIlllllIllllllIllIIllIIIIllIll!llllIlllllllilllllllllllllll? ..`~..\..\\,\-\.\;_\..\\.:\\\\.- .e.mw--mm\mww//nwwMw" z.;:7; , . `.2 For there is something impressive about a L(.\ng Distance call. The customer faxmrabiy ixzmrt-sstd be-iore he kn0\\'s what the 1m-ss;=.;:t IS -.'.bum_ And Lmlg msumce gj\'1"= you the rig.-'ht of way into every man '5 nfhce. i1'~.(`2.-1.igr.(.~re}'(mr:1(}vL~r "up. v(==c.1' letter. or mm-n jv0ur1ra\` but ignu.re 2; Lmg listzmgs cm. 1;m1inc11\'tl_\` h: nraclws for the U16- })hLr.'; E Keep (iovrn s.e?Eir;g cm:-exase. "1 azrmztd :0 11nd h(:`J\` nm:`;_V Ix }JiswnLt--gu:'v.`kZ;.--ecuncmicm I so 1110 ' `IE to 94-11. You xvi}, he can be sud _\-'(>urp1'0duL`L by 3_m;g If yml "nave S'3\'tra} c::I1..t0 nml-1t, our L(.~c:~.1 I`~J'riwL' r can zurarage to have (.55 fuilou Ike Ercr_\' B: cum. nk (sf mm as the Jvlanzwgu of 7-Chphm your 1 rm s<~r\'1ce. He ("an Slrgprsi 1-9 G Lam \2._v~` 0. mg: ':.12n.ion-to-Stazioxn service ` - in umr !. ovum. Qfsgqnce Right at your elbow is. your Long Distance telephone. With it, you can talk with any of 12,000,000 telephones in Canada and the United States. Clear the Way F Long Distance seems to say - "here's an important message! - -- m Bmader Markets Childrens Savings ' Accounts The Manager of any Bank of Toronto Branch will gladly take the few min- utes necessary for the pleasant duly of , opening Savings Accounts for your children. BAN IGFTORONTO SETH` O 1*` HF E.hI.`~3 Garage Phone 491.! Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent We suggest you start your children on the road to Thrift by opening Savings Accounts for them, and then encouraging them to increase their balances. A small sum will open the account. and by the time a boy or girl is of age there will be a substantial amount for a start in life. Few things give a young man or woman more assurance than the knowledge that there is always a nest egg in the Bank to fall back on. This Way xnouey :~; '.ai4H'I- `!()lr>`6.`f`- Thwre hrf In T ihe ten years Wlm Iema III Q mo` i mp anv mmt {first day from 2 Inn. to 1 _-`mother c.ha.n_:e incrm.=e(1 [he in- id(ex11nit;' from $5 to $7 per (121,\'. !Thi:~:. (-hz1n;:e was not ,'.'r:1n?ed by" icouncil. however, so the r~: Hon remains as before. Reeve Wm. Williams. 01` Colling.-- wood, is chairman of the revising; committee, and it is :1 rzotable fact luhzu he acted in this -cn,pacity H I Says this Woman Until Re- , lieved by Lydia E. Pinkham s ` Vegetable Compound. use wns A Museum HER Owen Sound, 0nt.--1 suffered for ten years with female organic trouble, neuralgia and indi~ gestion, and was weak and had such bad pains I could hardly walk or stand . up at times. When I would sweep I would have to go am! lie down. 1 could not sleep at night, and would wander around the house halfthe time. Itried everything but noth ml. and the last doc- . $4-i,-1:"/L13,-c,;.r,. M 10 5r1E)?' 25:62 everymmg ouL IIULII mg did me any good, and the . tor 1 had told me he never expected me to be on my feet again or able to do a day s work. One ay one of your little books was left at my door and my husband said 1 should try a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Com- pound. Ithank God I did, forit relievnd me, and I am now well and stron . I think there is no remedy like the ego- table Compound for anyone who has my troubles, and have recommended it to my neighbors. You can publish my letter for the benefit of those I can t reach. -Mrs. HENRY A. MITCHELL, 1767 7th Ave., East, Owen Sound, Ont. If you havean symptom about which- V Eon would like to now write to the Lydia Medicine Co., Lynn, Maas., * for helpful advice given free of charge. fr 0. E11 r_\' Bell T(.`I(])hm1e Long ` Distance Station Pea. Coal, $14.00 PHONE YOUR ORDERS TO US $16.00 Ford Dealers $668.00-with starter $755.00 $601.00-with starter $688.00 $560.00--with starter $647.00 $711.00--with starter $801.00 01 AKA nn Salesroom Phone 491W FOOT OF MARY STREET Z5 fBr55)`: i i I ii A uranl. to -1-(miplme Cook's ln`id`:-1 in Tns. and N0tt:i.\\'zs.sa-_ftL was: `laid 0\'m' Lil] N0\'em~`ner. A ,L'l`ilni of $1: _m was made to as- sist in repnirina imvnline `})el,\VE`Il. Siim'm>. and Grey, provided C01ling-' .wood and the towns-hip of Collins lwond inaiie . ;;1'an-ts. I ` .;::nm was :runl9d to assist in re- pairing road mwnline Onillia. and` 1 liedonte. provided Medonte. and} Orillin. xmvnsliips ma.l\`e similar 7 grams. F i I . . Ac einn ma unna nn H152: 1 1 ( cons! ruct ion icil was of H` L`-hx'i(ige should 1 . A. E. TRAVERS-BAILY $01 Dunlup SL. lkuwie. The 1-ecmest of Councillors Lo`.`H`-: `ing and Bell fo" an increase in the {pay 01' Counci!lo_rs from $5 1-; $8: `per (luv was laid (|\'e-.1' I0 I11 ? Nov- } 9.111!)-er SP.~TSi()l1. Iiiernzln z-.1`. J:m1=sm1 that the Couniy pay` the hospiunl expenses of one Gz}1`tnn:le Gallasghel`, of T)ssm`- rmtiu. wa.< 1'e"'.--_-'1 on the `_'l".)1I1'1(l_ 'that `he ~`(...m_v recognized no` liabili'._\'. `.u-...`,u. j A gram of $10 each was made} [to the sc~,\`e1`a1 public Iibrarie. jLl1rou:.>hou1 the county. 1 Special Prices on Nut, ES Egg and Stove Coal Are You Thinking of Buy- ing a Watch ? The 3 oxlnty E yurx:-V. ` 5 A :1'a'I1x of $500 was made to the` ; following hospitals 2 Barrie, .\l-'Ld- Wand. Orillin and PeI1m.nn:.r. 1 4` Small acooums romllinu $1,092 1 were puss:-wi do be paid various: C0nn- ` ; cillors for commission work per-E 1' formed. . , _~ 51.1 _., _., _ ,, ,:.: V 4` second ed 3 Spicher. The coxnjnimee hzu'in;; considered me account of Simcoe s share or` ! money due the .\l01hers` :\ 1l`o;wan('e; Commission, :m1onnt.in:.: I0 $:2i]O.50,% 1'ecommended tshat the same be paid.! , I It was recolmnended that. no grunt be made to the Navy Lea-g"ne-.1 I l The following 2lL'COllI1[.S were re-` lcommended for payment : S1,. .\la1'y`s Ixldtlslriul School, 5.00; .-\]exandra. 1ndusl.1'izL1 School, 3.00; St. John's lndustrizll School. 93.00; Victoria. lndu.<'.tri:1l School. ' sllgges-lion from The neCe.~;.<.m'y $501) will be `pro-! vided for :n1-:u1d.l-tional Dept. of} _\;g'1'ic11l1111-al uice in Simcoe. `but a! Belleville 41111.1 :1: 1a.d_v ztssistaalt be engaged for the; oice work in connecvion with thaf Dept. \vas turned down. ' The Committee re<:.m1nnrendedVrhzu j ihg e,=qmx.1iz-a,ti0n of xhe <-ounly be xed on Ihe ba.~'i.< and L 1l]'PS 0! ; 1920 zlssessxrxr-xlt fnr Coullty pur- giauua. A _;mm of $100 was made on the; request of Councillors Sheehzm amdi l]emin5.: to assist in repairing "Mill7 Hill on the boundary line between`. Simcoe and Dufferin. The gram I0` I \be paid if Dufferin and Adjala and` I ma Ly; ` ciI`s `not, 10 p c1zLinu=d lands ipose dl On), .\I phone . rn_ If so. why not :\ \V.\l.`'l`HA.\| ? The u-ry nrd \Va:lth:un" xmndxx tor ull um! is best in qlmlity. l'('Ii:ll)ilil_V and lwamty. It` you own C-all m. the ammo 2| \\'ull.h:\m you own .1 watclx to be proud of. rior the \Valll:mn -'l(l(]|'(}S. s` and let me explain just Imw much supev - - -- ,,u_- 3 aul(l|'(.`.\'s and \\'alcl| is to 1 Au. xv.-non AND CLOCK REPAIRS xo JOBS KEPT ovnn A WEEK. '1 wmncn AND CLOCK nmnim as The Clerk wz Ix-Warden T1: il's syn1pa-th_\' ess. The resoi (Continued from page one) ne systexn by 1 'I`e]Pph0ne Co. llesolutiun .. ..... ...-.. r..._. of '.mIh01'izin,-: .\ledome and O :9 should be resolution the \\`0men'.~: Institutes - -will receive their vhe (}0\'e1*n)x1e1{1 vhas plan! any trees 01 L1 lands purchased '. Council will not 1 nu;m.- an d Bridges -..,.. -.. athy with him x reszolulion was by Councillors (Latte Prim-ipal Ontario Hnmlogsical School) 551 am ` ;%E5$E$iai$$ 7%EEEFnEE'fu%%%EEEEEEEEEEEE%EH$5E5E5$`E% i the Rcfm-e.stal i< nu EXl'l'3R l` \V:\T("ll .-LVD (`LOCK .\l:\KEI1 any other make. '1` raj 11 \`.1z\/-on by Covunci Ho I-`imuuroa of ` passed Au. _. L instructed NEW mess FORD CARS n,-: the ex 1 Orillia the (30111 express-in}: :1) in h THE NORTHERN ADVANCE (`mnlulence Coulson, n his LS moved : Maiden 1 for -the pur- 3 erection in fence . the re-V (lecidexl A y Touring . . . . . . . . . . Roadster . . . . . . . . . . $688.00 Chassis . . . . . . . . . .. $647.00 Ton Truck . . . . . . . . Coupe, equipped with starter . . . . . . . . . . $1050.00 - Sedan, equipped with starter . . . . . . . . . . $1152.00 \7Vith `xhe above prices _\'011 should nut fm'tl1er delzly })1{i<"iTlg jmiir t1'(lc-1'. '0 (-an make inmiedizlte do- ]i\"o1'y of all models. _~, ;~.=-- 1 the I usu-111 I L ill-1 I and I and me} the! .. ......... ._.. `..\, \......... . I The requesi of C(m'n-ciilors Jami-a-` son and Jardine was cmuplis,-d with ito designate that portion of mad as it coumy higihway hetxveen Dun_e<:in and Grey, known as we rivr,-r mud} on sideline 3 and 4 in me :nwnshiip5 of N0muvasa.ga. The 10`.-.'n.~:i:ip mi` purchase the de\'i:n.i0n p1'op0: .r=d on! the Said road, and mm ihF- 'Dl`PSPni} county road between Dunedin :in La\'ende1' be mken back as :1. .")\l!1i_\`: . I road. - - .. . ! 1\., .. .211... The Com-mitxee -IL 1'espe('I to a claim fr bor for da.mar.:e to ft: renxoving of :;ra\'e1. K (`onmy Property 1 The Cmuxlnimee 1'ec(m1mende(1 L-er-. min chan_:'es in me heating plant at; the (`,om'1, House. and a.nr'hurized the; `sub-coimninee on Coumy Property ?to make such changes as will pro-I 1 duce -better results. Councillors Rusk, Lowe. Jamieson, 1 Bzmntlinrz and Chairman Coleman 4 were uiven auI:ho2*ix_v U; have Conn! `_ House 1'e-shinavlmi :1.fU-.` sec1`::'in;; 1 E 1ende1'.=. I > 1 . V I A ccoums uniform in cc>nne(-Hon with pr-omot ion were paid as fo]1ow:~: : 1-Jxzunining Commiuera Ba.1'1'ie E.\'a1nin+:-1', priming J. B. .\I01'1'is0n,E:x'a,m. Con.-. O7-illia Times, px-imin-,; .. 1 Pub1i`shi.n_:t C0. Ed. Geo. \Vi1 PI. Shear Midland S011 H.S. f. !".LnL the examinations l I | I I | I i um... L`.huirn):1n Colmnaxn. Kiernan, Sheehan, Janniesum, \\`ilh the Engineer, were appointed a com- C<`m1`n:il!()rs.;f nmlee to consider pumha.<:e nf road: : for deviation in Con. 1. lots 1.`: and :14 in township of Tossomnlio con- necting with Ihe Dufferin Roam}. T co. I-`. 1'). Elliom was 1:53 who Board of Bxzuniner;-'. i Councillor Jenney was. given: fzunhority to effect a :~:et`t1c-mem with`; [\Vm. A. Greer, of Orillia t`owns.h'1p,| lre damages to car from defective bridge on Con. 5, North Orldlia. ' .: ` The Committee considered 1he1( irequest of the 1oWnship.=; -of West !, I . Comicillc Other accounts paid were: Isaac Day, Prom. Bx.1m.~;. .1 T..\l(-Naulghton, Pm. E_\'am.u. R. J. Nesbin, Mid]un(`}, '1`. Irvine, Li>`.]e-, Exzuns. . . . . . Miss l\lcKni:hz, Pro. Exams. S FULLY GUARANTEED. THE BEST EQUIPPED ` SHOP IN ONTARIO Opposite the Barrie Mn" wok no action in 1 from ..'\i:`. Charle- > fence by reason of` The Barrie_ IfIot_or Car Co.

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