Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 23 Jun 1921, p. 4

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The hand mlended `.1 ga.1'(len party -at Lisle on Wednesday. Last Sunday was observed as. W. A. Sunday in the Anglican` T.\|<-n'.< Hl ()_9,`Il<` and `Hall .`1I1`&l[s .\I21hu_:;m_\' (`ulf ().\"r'm'ds, \V(el`rr>d Salt-.~`. all . ,?:'g'11lz11' up 1'0 $10.()() ]mi1:., I-Iur1burt s Birthday Sale Price . . . . $6.50 are giving me liberal shipments at present, but will give no gua1':mtce that they will continue to do so when 11av1gat1011 opens. I am prepared to accept a limited number of; orders for prompt delivery of these compani.-es coal... THE PHILADELPHIA 85 READING COAL C0. Lehigh Valley Coal Sales Company J. G; SCOTT MI . FREE ! and wwas not sounded because there was. {no imminent danger. The breach fbetween any settlement was broken` i-.1)'_v Dre_\'er's brother, a cIerg_vman, iw-`hem the lawyer charged insulted ~a.n-d abused the defendant when at; Jthe hospital the day after the acci- g dent. Au. 5 u\.uu\.v... Mr. and Mrs. Barrie, Sundayed with Thornton. an ~n .-_. ,,. C. E. Beelby, friends of in 1 The Judge in summing up the case l"1""'ihe jury pointed out how the `law differed in cases of auto acci- idents to any other cases. The onus is on -the defendant, and unless he I~`can_' show that he wasn't to blame `the mus! be held liable. The jury was out for more xthan }\`e~'2'hours when they brought in a. I: i 1 I I x F ...-. no ......u.....-..:..... r)........1.:- 1-,.-. ....... IJ\' .u..\. uwuuo. r `verdict. exonerating Reynolds 1 ;-.a.-H ._bla.me. His Honor assessed 'p.ar}_vwi1h their own costs. 3 `READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS. 1):: ):l_\ .\` $5.95 pair pair $3.75 pair annals-i 65c pair ucu. \J1uL1A, nun... .u.~. Mrs. Spencer, so we hear, is in Lhef hospital at Cookstown suffering from appendicitis. u-,, ,,_5 mu... 4 11* `LV1.\o,.1..-... In` only > from I each 9 .`\I1'. and .\h`.~:. W. J. C. Buuke famxly, of 'I`02:(~..I-vanu, \'iSilII'.1 :former`s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Boake, here rec-e-ntly. .... .n 1 W, ..nAL uuanc, nu. x. A xx\....._- . There will be no 12th of July ce1ebra,Ii0n here this year. Reason` not known denitely. The dele-- gates a.t,tendim_v District meeting an Churchill decidetl to celebrate here._ .. . ~. ,, .'VA____-_.L nu--- Api Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Wilson, of; Toronto, are enjoying the balmy? breezes of this locality for a short! time. They formerly were residents; of this village. I ~.:,, xxv 1'\ n:-v_...~. ...x... 1.... 1...`-.. ;.v... w .u..\.... W... Mr. and Mrs. ily, of Toronto, in Thornton. Mr. A. W. Green, grain 1erchant.,! of C{`ai_r__rva]e. Visited his father, .\I1'.[ Geo. Green, here last Sunday. ` .. ~. _ ,__. L__.. .. .1 A unu wyyx. uu.\.....-. Mr. and Mrs. A. \V. Fletcher, 01`! Barrie. accompanied by Miss .\Ia1'y,` B.A., of Toronto, visited friends here] last Sunday. A few of the followr-r.= of Isaac 'Wa1Ion wended their way to the Little 1.21119 above Barrie last I-`ri-I day and had L'r)(.(1 succes.~:. IV .. - TI.\_.}.--. 1....~r.I..-.!1 r..n,. v\'n~._ Mr. W. R. Melrose, who has been; accountant in the Unioq B[UZ1\ hero; u. nu -.......,.-. I 4'01` some time, has been transzferrem ua; auu uuu -`J\:\| -....-\.\.-..... Czmp 3c~rd`=n 1-useball T.(*1|'i play 'l`7'1orn!<.n here on the 2151. -. . .., `(V w m h...'... .... `Kill LII UH. Mrs. Murphy. of Alliston, is spend- dng a. while with her daugrlmex`, Mrs. Geo. Ca1'1'u1:he1's. V 1 ,1 _- ..,_......A chub \l.~..` 1 90 Dunlop sc., nan_~:e. Isn't that car unless you The 031) Wily to be wbsolutely I-sure. amined now. that the price of :1 pair of glusscas would mxmd an um-ids-nu and perhaps save a life would you let it stand in the way of ;;s>I.Iim.' Glasses '. O. R. RUSK. Phone for appointment. 'ls"H()l{.\"l`0.\' IF YOU KNEW uw-.n V. ........ ...... ... ` 3\IcE1new and fam- are visiting `friends I just A." -Church. REGISTERED 0P'I`OMETRIS.T what you zwe doing: c-very absolutely sure Lhzu your - Rnx I to Guelph. Mr. .\[eI.1'n.~'u mzldtz` things pluzlsnnt for all with \vhmn he czune in contact. 1 | The Rev. Mr. Smnerville and the: :I. e*\`. Mr. Adams attended 11:0 picnic? held recently in Baxter. Bu: isE :noted for its C0lnI'lO11S lre:Ltmen'. 01"` all who zunen-.1 its festive occnsio-.15.} I 1_`.n't. !`o11v;;~'. the strzuv'ber1'y t'=sti-| Va.) in connection with the ']`own-: `line 1"1`esby`m1'im1 church on Jum,-= 2 rd. .\h`. and .\lrs. Brown and .\Jr. zmdi Mrs. S-tewart .\lcQu:1._v molured 10' 3Ne.w Lowell and Stayner, and also visimd friends nea.1' SunI1id`21.1e Corn-1 ers on Mond:1y last. 3 1 sm\' Ilwee of 1119 old time \\'heu.t -elds onmy trip .\lond21_\'. The rs! was near Bethe]. Sunnidule t0\'.'n.~'hip. the 2136 was ne=u1' who old Maxnreu tum near Brentvood, snd the third star 163' in the farm of Mr. Prod Ar1_=e>!!-, $13983 RM: will mid land: 68 hatch to the q s - < t A 1n0n.' I`.I'.O. Dl(`l`l1(` xvas mm; the way :11 \\':1. Beach 'l`uesdu_\'. 1 1119 21st. 1 saw much preparation an my rounds near Sunnidale Corn-- ers. The beach is an idem] spot for: such Ce-lehrauions. and no doubt :1, lame crowd will attend. . byterian Church. _ clerical ` entertainment ~ deep =here on Wednesday The Rev. preached to a last Sztbbath R. D. Somerville. .\l..\., lar,-._:e congregation in the 'l`o\vnli`ne l"res- The sermon was an annex.._to the sermon delivered by him last Sa.bba.th. Being an edu- cated man his language is of the plainest type. His text was taken from Romans, beginning at the 4th .verse, For as we have many mem- bers in one body, and all members have not the same ofce," running to the end of the 7th verse. I com- scientiousl-y say, Mr. Editor, that the sermon we heard last Sabbath was one of a very high order, showing research and those present heard an inspiring intellectual treat. An inovat.ion in the Orange H-all evening was presented in various forms. teacher, Miss Sproule, one of the best in Ontario,.was,the leader in the "movement. .\[r..\Iarri'ottt was sent as a delegate to the Provincial Convention held Trustee Board of S.S. .\'o. 6, as Cherry Hill Public School, no man in this localiuty, or layman, could have im- proved on said report. consisted of piano `solos by Miss Sharpe. orchestra con three pieces. .\Ir. Patton (`0I`Ilel sistinu of violin. Lou Stewart .'\`harp(- piano. .\lr. .\larr-iott asked Our- in Toronto last March by rthej known . and- be he a; The evening. and .\Iiss` Luu uu -`.uuuu_v. The Maple Leafs \von out in the two games of last week, with Bar- rie on \VedI1esda._\' and Alinesing on_ -Sa,turda_v. \`\'e- wish Ihem continued what is education. He says it is :1 drawin;: out and cultivation of the humun facttltie.-:. He spoke oi the .-\dolescent Act. the purpose being `to lengthen the-.' school life and to keep pupils at school rather than '-take them from work. C()l l.Ol`i(l1lI (i schools was one of the chief attr:1:- tions in debate. .\Ianitobzt. lius an `avera;;e- of per cent. in public schools, while the consolidated schools have 2. percentage of 78. Less fuel, less Caretaking, less :school supplies, etc. I must say` jthat. Mr. Marriott deserves the best" I this locality can give him. Mr. Mar-f `riott is, I may say. also a great] I fraiternal man, and has the work at his nger tips. No doubt he will be the man to represent Cherry Hill ; P.S. at the next Provincial Conven- K I is Do have your e_y'm-; 1-\'~ Opt. D. e-very t.lnu-. you c.-ye:xi.;:l1I is Phone 143 (1 rivo u po-1'1"!-on . J M r. H. Revlon. `rspc-nt Mm wc-wk end in .\I0unl Forest wiI.h rvluIi\'g,-s and old :I.(`1|lHhiI1l:ll)C(`S.` .\h'. J. D. R0e,; Miss Rm. .\hiss(=s Jean and Christine. ` I > w 1 1 \ I 3 5' V, . ;tions; . tion. .\Ir. J. .\. Lennox. senior trustee. occupied the cltzttir. .'Ln(I DP!" his duties inztnfiillv um! forwartl. Miss .pru'ilr=l (ll Rural School Condi-- C0-Operation. She .':"di(l` 215 formed straight spoke on .t 2! 1 . . ;t.here are two kinds of strliocphz, ur-; I I [Cotmtrry schools are not as prugres-_ ' lithe reason for the scarcity or coun-t gban and country schools. t _Jit_\'i t . lschools are graded. better eqi'.m1)ed,i `better taken care of, are up-ato-(late. jsive as they should be and this is" ifry iteachers. She asked is there any' iother factor that will affect our life lmore :t.han environment. "Miss Sproule certainly dealt with her sub- !ject only as one who has her work gprepared. She was listened to ithroughout with the closest. atten- .` Lion and all present. must feel thank- ;t'ul for the treat (tint,eL'1ectital) pro-s lvidetl by Miss Sproule. Considering` jthis was the first meetint; of kind, it was a decided isticcess. itst. i i vv an vu sauna Vacuum- Warden McKnight in a. few well chosen remarks explained the ob- ject of the gift. It was in recogni- :EzLm. Simcoe, was honored by the County Counci]'on Friday eveming at the conclusion of the June ses- sion, ,by being presented with a gold watch and case. -. , `.,.y_,-,u,. 2- , p____ ____n Mr. J. B. Johnston. !\I.P.P. for! I UCU. \.a1 I uI.1A\.| a. .VVe are glad to report that. Miss` Enhelwyn .-\rno1d has recovered at`- ter her recent illness. -- u `. `Iv A n'VL...._...\-~ ..-.1 :(`()l'.\"|`\ (`()l .\'I`ll. Im.\`on.~1 17.1-`.0. .\ll.\l|ll~}I{: I-lur|hur't s Birthday Sale THURSDAY, JUNE 25 '\\'mm-n's I 111n]>.~t, Straps and (A)xfm-(ls. Si /.( .< I H`) ." 10 23;. 0rig'i1mI ],H'i('(`.~`. \\'(_`l`(_`, .`g\..).-,)(}, $4.00 up LI-.'. f\l\ \\'u1m-n'.< P11ttm1<)d and Lzu-ed }}m.)`..<, I-Hm-l< :m(l(`ulm'0d L<*;11l1m'.~'. sizt-..< 2 In 33;. (`)rig'i1ml prix-vs $23.50. $4.00. $4.30 up In $6.00 pail`. Hur1burt s Birthday Sale Price . . . . $1.19 \V0mc-11's VVl1ile (Ta11\':1ss ()x`r m'ds, Sport and Cuban Heels, all sizes. Regular $3.50 and $3.75 pair. V , A Hur1burt s Birthday Sale Price . . . . $2.69 VVome11"s Pat 0_xf.'_o1`d.s:, Goodyear \Veltcd Soles, all Sizes; `Cuban Irlecls. \Vm-t11 up to $7.50 pair. M A Hurlburt s Birthday Sale Price . . $3.95 The Hurlburt Shoe Co; Tl*`mn' _\`(`:1l's :l5.:u this \\'m-`k \\'-.|mu;__';l1t this lnlsim-.<.<. ably. 0111' pulit-_\' I1.-1s :.1|\\'e1.\'.< b1-.1-11 um: dullu Lt utl l',`\.\'TllL nun ..w.x. Mr. and Mrs. `\V. A. 'I`h0mp. and. family vis.i1ed with friends in Bee-` ton on :~`.und:1_\`. ' nu, `. _.i_. 1. ~. ....\.. l'\lII an ohn HUNDREDS OF LINES OF SEASONABLE FOOTWEAR, ALL AT BIRTHDAY SALE PRICES. \ Jollnslml. .Vl.I .| .. 'l I1-.~'e|1l1-If With (Sold \Vu`u-.h. Jn <-<-]-ln';1tim1 of mu'.|``nnI'th l'}i|'1}1('I.-1 REMEMBER every article in our store at Birthday Sale prices, in addition to this we secured last- We will give away absolutely free with the rst 200 pair of Men s Boots :sold `a pair of Men s Fine ' Merino or Silk Mercerized Sox. These Sox are worth 500 and. 75c pair. week part of ae bankrupt stock, bought at 340 on the dollar, which we offer at unheard of prices. U) .)Q. 1 Il'J;. ,ll|ill [,ll'll'('>'. \\ |,'I'l,` -`p-).-JUA $5.00. Hur1burt s Birthday Sale Price .\lIN| (-`v , was 'Non'rm: 1m gmvmcm FREE! ,p`Jl|CUCD`. The fth annual co11ference of Lhe \ Vomen's .-\nxi]i21nies for the Dean- -ery of South Simc-oe was held in St. Paul's church. Beeton. last Thus day. with mo1`nin.: and Ln sessions. The special speakers were Rev. R. H. Haslzmn, R. fo1'me1' mis- Isionary in India; Mrs. _-\. H. Cum.]e. Diocesan 1)m'cn.s Sec-T1'ea.s.. and Miss Harris. of E;:,\'pr.. Rep01'I\vv1`9 given from the various brzmches and ihe offering donaled to Lhe Ed1l('.11- ti-onal 1~und. Everyone present voted 1119 conference as one of the best and mom sllccessfxul eve)` lwld in this Dp:-.nc-ry. 32 DUNLOP STREET, BARRIE ; The action brought `by Karl iDreyer against Robt. Reynolds, an` ,In~.nis1 township fzlrlner, before Hisi 31-lonor Judge Vance and a jury fori ugloss` sustained by D1'e_ve1' in a. cer-, ~ftain automobile ucmde.nt, was un- lisucce.ss1'ul for the plu.intil'f in I:he_:` -TCounty (`,uu:~I and Genemnl Sessions; Elusl week. 1 __. n .. r1 ., 1 __ .\;-,u\ u, Ivl\AI(t\.\. u. -...v_~, Jr 'l'lu,= accident in which Dreyer re- coived his ilnjuries is t'zL'u`ly familial` `to the public. l-I, happened in Aug- ust. 1920, on Bradford street. Bar-Ii rie. Dreyer was alighting from a1 wagon when struck by Mr. Reyn-l old s car and as a. result was near death's door for some days at the Royal Victoria Hospital. . nu. .. ..... -z.. ...:A.........-... -rnnA nolhu-In 5 l i nuyun Vlutunluc lavnynuun. I Frye or six witnesses were called on both sides of the-case. Mr. Boys lltl-1| H` l'TCl\- i W. A. Boys, !\'.C., acted on be-f hall` of the pIai,nliff, while Reynolds? lwas defended by Mr. Agnew. 01'} I u 1.-\;:new, \Va11ace & H213 , Toronto. I nu.._ ..,...:.:...... :.. ...I.:nh T\|n\1cuv 1-n- DRE\'l<]l{ I;()!~'l'}.N` D`-\.\I:\(iI`] .\'lTl'I vriun of .\II'. JoImsIon`s so time 10 time whenever an. depn.z11i-)1] from .\`in1coe= went 1') the l zu`lE'.nn(m huildin_g s. Mr. Jonn.sl')n. he said.` -often at gmal p<=.rsm12;1 S;1CI`ili('f-`, u ra,n_;ed':1Il the dei,:-his incid`-`1`i-11 1-) ithe visit, of the Co1mIy s delegales., 1 V? "H 7. 7 . ..___ ..._.I_ 4k>-< L vs ."i'mn The presenIaI.ion was made un be~5 Ehalf of `the Coum-.:l hy Mr. J:Lmes[ '.\1oore, of Allision. 11.. v41.._._;-._ ___._` 4-1... 1. ...... . .uuu;x., u. .;..-nu... M1`. Johnsion was mken by sur-}` lprise, and said it was most difficult} under such V ci1'cums(a.nces to nd]? words to express Ins deep feeling of} appreciation. He 2-vssu1'ed the Coun-i cilmen that he was at their s..=.rvicei at, any time he could be of assist-~' Strong (`use Slade Out for Iiuth l urties. Mr. J. B. Hindle has rexurnedjx from a visit `Ln Toronto. i In-vn mw lmndrt- .-and l'1.\' --n1.< for um-. dnllu fl : 1 .\' AT 9.00 A.M. wv :m- l'ml a Big I`3ir1h'ln_\ S.-nlo fur .\`<:\'m1 pair pair pair . 99c pair I211- -unnm-n-in; ;.v... \~ ........ ...- -....,--.-. I Miss Mable Nixon is recovening; from a severe attack of blfonchitis. 1 -. . -- -. ~.-.. ,,.g .~ 1 FREE ! in \*:1lm- for one |1In1dI-o(l<-mats, but our \'2llll(`S lmw-V .. .. .. `vh .. ,-.,...v. | j Mr. Agnew held that the evidence? !led to only one conclusion, that `|Dreye1' jumped from the wagon; 'right onto the car. By t.he dint in _the car it shows the victim struck ;-. "H16. front portion of the `rear mud` guard and this Mr. ;\:ne.\v held could ' not have been, done if the man was: standing on the road. The 1101-114 Sollght to show negligellce on the] par! 01' Mr. Reynolds, pzu'ticula1'lyi in neglet-tin}: to blow his horn whenf alpproachimz the wagon and I`aihn`ei~ `to use the emergency brake. Thisi was udmilted not to have been done. " ,Had the horn been sounded 1-here 3 would never have been an a,ccidenI,Jg [declared Mr. Boys when addressing? 1 the jury. ; .\l'r. Reynolds. so Mr. Boys under-, stood, wa ,had his the claim \u_, A, ! s not a. rich man, so he` client's authority -to have reduced -to $1 ____ x,_u.a n_,. .u,, ,1,..,.' n V Wilh _\'1)lll` <-u-'up<-m1im wv h:1\'(- ;:m\\`n -nnsidt-1'- ;\l0n's Fine Calf Lzlvvd Boots in Blilvk or Ma- l1<;>g'a111_V, Groodyear \Voltc-d Sales, in B11101]- 01' or Bill styles, all sizes. \V0.1'th up to $9.00 pair. I-Iurlburt s Birthday Sale Price . . . . $5.95 1 Men's Sport Box Kip B00t.~:, Elkolo Soles, soft and easy on the feet, all sizes. \V01'th ` up to $6.00 pair. Hur1burt s Birthday Sale Price . .. . $3.75} mom: `so .\li.<. (`hi|d.\" \\ hi1<,-. (`zm\`;1. ()mr-.\`11'u1. Sli}>}><*1's, .\`iz<*.s` 8 in 2.. Hur1burt s Birthday Sa.1e Price . . . . . . ; uunuuuu. Mrs. Da.r1'ingt.on and daughmer Flo, of Toronto, are renewing acquaint-H ances here. 3 A number from here amended 1he 'W.A. meeting held at BIt.0D on Friday, the 1v:`I.h.__ S. Simcoe Dean-

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