Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 16 Jun 1921, p. 1

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$ealed Tandems will be received! `addressed to the undersigned up to noon ofSaturday, June 1St.h, for proposed altemtions to The Electric Light Oice, Barrie. Plans and specications can be seen mt the Electric Light oice. 'I`.he 1o\ st or any tender not neces- sarily zfccepted. ` Barrie. June Sth. 1921. It I'I.._.....Aa Garden Party ' Picnic HORTIC UI/PURAL SOCIETY OPTIONS Barrie Business College Price $12.00 Per Cord THE OLD RELIABLE STAND AT 109 DUNLOP ST. SOLICITS YOUR WORK. SUITS CLEANED AND PBESSED .. .. $1.75 Remember we have the only dry cleaning plant between Toronto and North Bay. Cleaner, Presser 8: Dyer w. FIRTH 28 Elizabeth Street Phone 130w. Phone 229 _ \i -- _,._..a4 Overland touring car. No. 1 Maple avenue. FOR Principal. `Vex are prepared to lumdle your ice cream orders. whether large or small." for ggai-den parties and hum sociuls. VOL. LXX., No. `Visit Our Spacious Ref:-eslnnent Parlors. Pastor--Rev. A. E. Owen zsunday, June 19th`. Services 11 mm and 7 pm. Sunday School at 3 p.m. 1: .---u wanna. vs; Sunday. June 19111. H` .. -. W. T. Bum. Pastor. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 n D...-..J..._ (\_t.,,I - ...v.v-vs.-u um 1.1. auuh uuu I [J--I Sunday School at 3 o clocl{. Sunday, June 19th. Preachers for the day `. a.m._--Rev. -C. C. Fry. of Toronto. ' p.m.---Dr. W. F. Campbell, of Toronto. Everybody Welcome J. H. Bennett. ! Chairman Light and Water 71.... ...:....z,... l`E.\'l)I~}I:.S \\'A1\"I`EI) i GARAGE ACCOUNTS _I'aske notice that all accoun-ts ow- ing to I-IAu.\:ta:ble s garage must pos- itively be paid at once to the Union Bank, Barrie. or at the Ford Sales roo1i1 opposite my old place of busi- o~..n.-n ! Baptist chur}: q..,,,q_.... 1...... -Inn. FOR SALE WANTED TO LET FOR SALE T. R. Hllxtzbbln. mm lmltmmm mrvmmzv. Manly a_t I That. having considered the ad- visalbility of a_sking the Provincial L8_$, iS1'a,I1lI`9 to -amend Sec. 12 of the Hig.hways Improvemenrt Act pt` 1920 in re-gards to County Engineers, this commit-tee recommend that the War- den and clerk be instructed to sign the petition presented. which recom- mended that Couruv `Council may as formerly. have i'uF.` right of appoint- in-2: an engineer. or some other com- petent, person to not as Coun. . Road Superintendent, under the dirocrion of the Council. The Committee recoiixnientfed that the County Engineer with the repre- sentatives of the County of Not~ta.wa- OI [I19 UOIIDCII. 'sn.:a be :1 ommiitee to investigate aand take such action as they deem advisahie in respect, to the cimim of \\ .D. Smith, of Creemore. for dam- ages to his car on the River Road near Dunedin. The committee also considered the claims of one Smith, of Toronto. and J. B. -Murray for damages to car while on the road in Cookstown. The Engvineer. w.ith other representatives in adjoining! mtinicipanities. were appointed to look after the maztier. Olympia i Slatldy Worksl = by Hydro-Electric The Standing Committee on Legislation brought in a report re- commending some more equi-twble adjustment oi` hydro-electric rates in this province. The report stated in part : That this conporation strong- ly favor an equalization of rate rin the province so that the burden now being borne by the smaller places will bedvistributed over -the larger ones, That this corporation is in favor of a. flat rate throughout the -province,notwithstanding the ob- jections raised against the practic- `aibili-t_v of the flat rate by the Chair- man ef the H.E.P. Commission. That the Government of Ontario make the H.E.P.C. d&:t1y respon- slizble to the people's l`epl`eS9'I1f1J.fiV(>;~` `in the legislature by establishing a Dept. of Power to he presided over a minister 01' the crown. who shall submit to the legislature esti- u u , _ _ _ , , __ u I I ` 8. bill a _ . u . ...b a. 5-way. Treasurer Quinlan asked Cmncii` to decide the question of hoiv -they wanted the money spent on good roads during 1920 -apportioned. The Province `had taken over a. -system of roads from Bradford to the Severn. The cost in the l`Slt .in- stance is paid by the Province. then 20 per cent. is charged back to the County. Since the January meeting was forwarded from The total e.\ 20 per cent. of this, Department. is $26,855.39. tor $5,371.07. ask the County to contribute. total expenditure last year The was the i is the amount they . nbowt $5,000. bwt_now it is grow- ~ ing and Council must decide whether it should be taken out of the appro- ` pniations set aside for each -munici- .` pality or wvhether a special appro- - ;p1'.iation Willi he made. 'Ilhe lat-ter ' course is the likely one to be fo1- j `lowed, as the ztppropria-tion set aside ` -in some instances would not meet the 20 per cent. lei-"y. Roads: and Bridges The Roads and Bridges Commit- tee presented their first report on Tuesday, which was adopted as fol- lows : ` ishall submit. Iegisl {mates of proposed ex 1 made by the Commission.` . _-_.. -1 LI... ..-....1..0.. i }l0use of I{( fll_.'. ,0 { There are at pre-se.nt in the House` Iof Reftlge at Beeton 74 inmates. Since Jaxxuury 1st zlccoums have |been a,ud'Lted and paid amounting to $7.500. while $1,700 has been re- mitted to the County Treasurer. All crops and vegetables are looking (`mo and prospects are for more than an average crop. M-uch credit." s:x,v ;III(LuL: .1, -nu. \vv~..........,..,... A copy of the resolution will be 1l`o1*wa1'ded to Hon. Mr. Dr1n'_\'. I .,.... u.u.u.~- Vvyn LILIIL-I uwuua;A_v. J. P. Wilcox. of` Bond Head, -on behalf of the South West Simcoe Educational Assooi~a.ti~ou, headed :1 d-exputation appearing before the council on 'I`uesda.}* aJftemo`ovn re- questing zu. grant. !'n........._.._.. n. ._n,_._ ,.u,,v r-,- Mr. Jones. a. travelling rep: -.-:-,--ma.- tive of the Navy League, a.ppra.led for a grant, the Coun-ci'1 having left the matter over from J~anua.r_v. 1. V.` .....,.._, ... .. . -.. . 'ForL,v-one Councillors responded to their names when Clerk R. J. Fletcher called the roll for the June- session of Simcoe County Council, which commenced sitting at_ the Court House here on Monday after- noon. County Father's Now in Session comer St. Methodi:.`:_1:11;;1: 1. expenditures . n..........:.~:n.. `' \lI\./ ....u....... .v. .......-_. . . V . . . . ,. There were eleven non-jury casesi on the docket. one of which was set-`g -tied out of court, being the case of Moon vs. Canriage Factories. Limit-; ed. This was an action for $1,000: danmges for breach of contract. MRI; Tudhope speaking for defendant said` :1 settlement had been effected. ; u .7u.u.nvnu\.uu. uyuu nu`... -...\.v;\,... 1 Dates for nine other cases. to be `heard were set as follows: .-. H -.- , r. 1 . n,,__.,__ Auunyxu n-....,. .n.-, nu .u..`....... y Wm. R. Harvie vs. Robt. Burton; to recover possession of a farm west: half lot 19, Con. 5, South Ori1lia..; Adjourned to `May 17. at 10 a.m. n u. Il..A.l-... nr n ':`:r-`muxvu nag` ;\u_yuLuu\.u Lu .uu._v LI` mu. 4`. ....... S. M. McAdam, W. G. Fisher and` Cecil S. Lett, execwtors of will ofi Frederick A. Lett. deceased, vs. The, Barrie Carirage C-0.. an action for; $692.20 due in respect to insurance; renewals issued. Adjourned to July` 8th. v.u. Ka.r1 C. D1'e}_'er vs. Robt. Reyn- olds is the second jury` case. the plain-tiff seeking damages for $5.000 as a result of being struck by a mo- tor car owned by Robt. Reyno.1d.s. The accident happened on Bravdrfordv street in the town of Barrie Iast August. and as a `result plz1inI'iff`w'a.s in the hospital for many weeks. ! n1x.-._.. ...-.A_ ..I......._ ..._... :...... ......,... -guson, Flos; E. Shaw, Calling- wood: J. R. Gibbons, Innisl; Robt. West, Thornton: R. J. King, Mid- land; Morris Shannahan, Om: Will A. McLeod, South Orillia; B. Lawr- ence. Barrie; Robt. Thomrpson. Oro; Juo. E. Mcll-lwain, Adjala; Wm. Mc- Bride. Sunnidale: Isaac Aconley, Oro. The juuyxnen are: E. Fer-I I .-.-n a.. 1` _,..._,. Agnew. Wallace & Hay for plaintiff. C1'es.w.icke & Bell for de- fendant. V - I LJ\.l> uvxvt I.\J nuuunx. uu.L-Lo Two jmxv cases are on the cicmker. sough-t dainages of $10,000 for in-` juries received on Slrnday. ' August 15. in Creemore village while com-; ing -home from church, when an} auto driven by Andrew Robinson: ran -into Mrs. Ferguson. who re-` ceived a broken ";i:p, and as a resuitf was i-n 'Co1vlingwodd hospital for ten, weeks. She alleged negligence on the part of the defendant. As we ` go to press at 4.00 pum. His Honior Judge Vance was addressing the jury. A_.___ v1v,1s,,_, n -v n 1 The June sittings of the Counvtzv Court and General Sessions for the County of Simcoe opened at the Court House, Barrie, on Tuesday be- 1 for-e His Honor Judge Vance. I`he1~e i being no criminal cases to be heaud, 1'-iolvlowing the customary actioir, Sheriff D. H. MacLa.ren .presen-ted - His Honor with a pair of white - gloves. It was a. matter of great credit, he said, for so Iange a county I as Simcoe to be so .free from crime as to have no criminal cases in this 1 court. and it afforded him great ` pleasurie to make. the presentation. I . Phone 303 The';1ist of civil actions was very .heavy, but many of the cases were [set over to future dates. rn__, _-..__A ,,,, .. . .. No'Crimmial Cases For General Sessions ngrrie, Ontario, Thursday, June 16th, 1921i HIS WORSHIP \VARDEN- McKNIGH I` Principal R. Gmiwood ...s3,ooo Miss M. McCal.lum . . . . .. 1,850 Miyss N. G. Dewar .. 1,850 Miss E. Guthrie... 1,350 M&gN. B. Pi1'ie 1,850 Miss E. A. Henry` .. 1,700 Chas. W. H-augliton, B.A.. of To- lronto, has been `appointed to ll the !position of junior mathematic teach- ier at a salaizv of $1,800, and Miss [Florence E. Ma.cDouza.1l, as teacher; iof E'I1",:liSh and Modems at 21 Salary `:04 $1,700. to ll the va.canc_v caused ;b_v .\li.ss J. L. Keagey. I E -;\'Iiss K. liennedy was eng'a:.:e(l oni .tlie. public school staff at $1,100.! l.prorided she can : sz1Lisi`ac1.ory[ 'n1etlica:l cei'tic:Lte. she p1`e\'iousLv3 ;i'e: because of ill health. All; `principals and public school teacli-g iers receiving $1,000 or more werei zgranted no increase in s:u'lar:.'. Alli fteacliers receiv.inL' less than 31.000`; were increased 350 each. excepting] ;Miss V. Wice and E. Channan, `who. shall receive $850 each. Teucliers iwill receive their renew-a.l conti'nct..< _ {mm Secretiary Marr in due course. I ..-_,_., A 4- 111..L...... ....-: ml.-. l I I Lnuun n.u,unx.m.u_v ...u... u. \Ax|\4 ........... I : ;\Ii,sses A. S. Watson and Thom-i ;asen'e Sproule led their resignzuioni `from the teaching staff, which were tregeived wv.it.h regrets. .-,......, .-..v....u..~ u; -nu.-.. Sa,'1:.:'y increases foxj B.C.I. teach- ers for next term were set as fol- lows : | . The Board of Education m-et on Mond`a,v evening. Mr. R. A. Stephens presiding. TL -...... ......-....___1 .1.-. mrlnr u,,1 It was announced that $625 had been expended on levelling the Col- legiate grounds to date. cc...1_..._ .._-_.___-_ Av-.. fur-Iv A--AIr '\r`~tn -...._,u......vu. University Estates vs. J. D. Wis- 'dom. Action for $530.23, being the izbalance due upon agreement for sale 5%-of property in Winnipeg. . . V i WORK ROOM '1`0 RENT Large room suitable for work `shop, to rent, over the Advance sbice. Apply downstairs. _'__:._.,- . .........c`.. ...u_,vu.un.u. ! James Brennan vs. White & Co., ';-Lo recover $1831.62 for potatoes }pu1'c_hased, freight and damage on Join`. Adjourned. `I'Y..E....._..!L.. 1-u.,._.,, , 1- I` ---- BOARD OF IEDUCATIOM I.\'(TRE:\Sl!}S SALARIES \Jl)Uk\.:`lUWll. Elfecvtrn Founderies vs. H. E. I icurdy for $1285.60 for bill of lchange. Adjourned. I ._.-~ .._-__,,, n - "V--. -.u_,u.-nuvu. James E. Smith vs. County Sim- coe.` action for $452.21 for damage to car on county highway near Coolfstown. 4 ....._, ..... McI{eun vs. Town of Coil`-ingrwood, action for balance due 'of $760 and $582.00 for balance due on wood ahd -briaach of contract on sale of wood. Adjourned. r.......... 1'71 m,,, In - ~- I Ju-Iy -tth. ...... ..v...-.,.uu. xI.\A_|\luI1.|Cl.L. John F. Fleming vs. Vera. Cecil and action to recover $443.76` due on promisory mote. Adjourn'ed to an--7-_, _ .-. .. .. .... I-`rank Hayes vs. Hebent J. Law and F. E. S-Inter Co.. action for $1032.00, being rpurchlase price of 480 bags potatoes at $2.15 bag, sold and delivered. Adjourned. Ink. 1: `lHI...._`.._. __ vvym I'- Principal Miss Guthrie... Miss`N. Miss Henry The second draft or `the Stztltioningl Committee of the Toromo Confer- ence for this district a.ppezm's he1ow.: Barrie, Collier street, 'Iarolri E. ;Wel1w.ood. B.A.: Barrie, -Jentrai. ifdxnund '1`. Dou<:Ia:~:; Ba1'2`3e. Burton =a.vonu_e. .\I. Beech; Or-i1- Iia, Joshua. R Patterson: .\Ii.'11a1:d, A. Philip Brace, B.D.; Penetung-I `uishene. Albert J. G. Czu'~`ca'i.'1en; |Elvmva1e, Richard E. Morton; Mine- sing, J. Albert Leece. B.A.,B.D.: An- Igm` Sidney Martin. M.A.: Dalston. |Willi-am s. Irwin; Hilvls-dale. Chas. William H. Elliott; Hzmvkesto-ne. Wm. Mair; |C0ldwva=tex', John S. Sutevenson, B.A., |-ruvx, . _ n,,.,__ .~.__,_,_ I Burton Avemie Methodi B.D..: Victoria Harbor. George R. Kiltching; Warminster,,Wm. Elfordg Ardtreu. Junles Fraser: Port L\ICNiC0`l1. supplied by Pres-byterirzm church; Rama Mission, W. C. Mc- Kenzie. Rev. Mr. F':1Llis of Collier stI"eet goes to Donlzmds, Toronto. and Rev. Mr. Owen to Shelburne. Ho! for Barrie July G.W.V..-\. celebration. ........ .... .....u.u.-uu.u\.\.. As stated in The Advance some weeks ago. .it is proposed by tlhe Ontario Government 10 divide the- County for this purpose owing to its unweildy size. Mr. J~Iu~tc`hinson's headquarters -will be in Barrie as uheretofore. while an additional ,agricu.1ti1ra.1s representative Wi-hh !hea(lquarters DI'0b3Jb1_V at Alliston iwill have charge of half the coumy. Great Junior Chautauqua ticket hunt on Saturdn,\' molrn-in: as _early as you like _I-`our junior tickets in Barrie and lone in Allandale will be hidden` w here you can see them from the: street. Finders keepers. Each ticket gi\'es the nder free admit- tnnce to 21.11 Chautzuxquu perform- .,_.--. n-. `._ -....|.. :\........x.. 4 ... ..__ I i Tickets are hidden as t`ol1mvs:f one about Lho nmrliet building, om,-I ubetween Geo. Livings1one`s shoei Estore and H. G. Robertson's drug` store, one on Dunlap street between Owen and Bay-eld streets, one on Eliz-abet}: between Bayeld and D3- men't s corner, and one -in the busi- ness section at Allandale. A portion -of each ticket may be seen from the street. It will not be necessary to go inside. 1 ERIGV. H. E. \VELI:\VO0D I FOR COLLIEIE h"l`[ .F.I}'I`; ...(.. ticket. .... ....., ....D.u,.u. gs---.a.u.La5,c uuuwnuvu. -Mr. Thos. Beecroft. presid-enwt of _ the hospital board, presided, and made a very appropriate speech. al- so addresses were made by Premier Drury. Warden McKni.g.ht and Mayor ` Little. Mrs. Gal-ley presented :the dirplomas, while Mrs. Carr upresented pins to eadh member of the class. On behalf of the medical stat? Dr. Lewis presented each nurse with a ` mermometer and 'a nhymodermic syringe. Musical selections by Mrs. Laidman, Mrs. Sprott and Mr. Black- more added to the enjoyment of the . evening. The ladies auxiliary pro- vided a 'tempting luncheon. The class was a popular one and were .-profusely showered with roses. the report, "is due the governxor and} matron for the manner in which`; they are clisolizirging their duties."; Mr. H.-M. Lay". of Barrie, and W. A. Boys. M.P.. l1C'.\.(lPd :1 lzuge and` inuential deputation seeking (1. grant on belmilf of` the I\IzL-bionul; Oampaign for Consumqatives. l3oI.h, ``9!lHeill9I1 addressed the council nni \n6.t1'e111en(loLis ravages of -L_he great} white plague, and strongly urged council to give nancial assistance.| His -Worship Warden McKnight as-l sured ~t-he deputation of some fteen gentlemen that `the council would give .the matter their serious con- sideratlol. On Tuesday the County Council gave -the necessary accent for the establishment -of a. second Depart- ment of Agriculture ofce in Simcoe by granting an additional $500 -to- wards -its main-Lenance. .,,,.1. .... . COUNTY IVIAKES Two of the young .ladies were awarded gold medals. Miss McMaah:a.n `and Miss Lee, as they were equal for the -highest percentage obta.-ined. an. my... .n......._..;-.. __._m__, .. / Five nurses graduated. being Misses Eva, M. Homer, Edmonton; Vera M. McMa,han, Waverley; C1m.s- ` tiua. Lee, Bradford; Janet M. Ander- son, Barrie; Mabel Hares, Hunts- ville. On Monday. June 13. the gradua- tion exercises were held at the Royal Victoria Hospital. Seldom has bhere `been such keen interest shown as this year. and as a result the ac- commodation was more uhan taken Graduation Class i at Royal Victoria u. ..... \/IIIQ W rm.-..u.... I .. Get up early Saturday morn-} boys `and girls. and nd ai FR I6 E TIC KET HUNT REQUIRED GRA NT . SPIRELLA COBSETS Miss Wlllerrs, agent or Spirella Corsets for Barrie, east of and in- cluding -both sides of Toronto street. also Ross street, is making her spring calls now. Home Saturdays at 6,Cha1-lotte street. i-Only 100 Cords Silver Birch Heft. Apply N0. 1 Maple 5 Avenue. i The delivery of our options -is\i~n~. , the hands of our popular orist. E. `A. Harris and Powell & Hook, whn ' have promised attention to our mem- `bers orders at the earliest possible. 7 time. I _ \ . . irmawoun ma SALE E Some` members have not yet sent in their cards as requested, and in case they do not attend Lo this soon the society will have -to make 3 choice for them. In case the secre- tary has in error not sent a. card or not placed the order correctly, please notify ear.ly. We are ready to ma.ke amends for errors as we do not, want a. dissatised member. Give what we send you a. fair trial, and work for the good na.me of our moiety. * T. '1`. Young. R. M..Lay. Sh". Jl\...u.g 'l$...-n_'|_..L - When you need fresh fruit for the garden party, phone or call at our store. We.- have every facility to de- liver the nest fruits at lowest prices. Goods Delivered IF. D. CANCILLA ISUMMER SCHOOL Offers the ambitious student an opportunity -to comrpleba a. course H. A. HENRY wit.-hout imbenrwptison Individual instruction in all subject as well as Banking and Filing, Adding Machine, Rotospeed, Dictaphone Enter any day %____________________ Well bred colllie pup wanted. A:p- cply at this oice.

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