BARRIE UNDERTAKING PARLORS SCOTT S ' iEMULS|0N, why 50 many who are run-down In vitality, find res- toration in of nourishment that [determine growth` l [kg and stre1_1ig_t.h. %pL1FCSl. IUIIII, Clbllsunnsu hlvvuv u _..,,, , Scott 8: Bowne. Toronto. Ont. I I I ALSO MAKERS or I L ` - 1L - (Tablets 09 Granules) ._ :unn`!Ec1'In ALSO MAKER: Ur Hlms 1-1.1-5. Ar I:rnnuln:\ Tablets uranuuu; mmczsnou 20-31l~k For all debzzarea conditions, take Scott : Emulsion. - ., n_. nwled .5-:n:;1zum, uu 1'11 and 1he!J. Lted last 3 Crown was R. Cotter, gm-. P`. w. u._v in the` Tanner, for ,y of last taken out, ~nju1'y re 1 was present the ;\lid- 3 the fzun-ilies in Parry '; brought in t us to bisgier :1. few 'oung fe1-3, We nd uh: sh in tJ1e`de:LLh on F: akate. E1921, at a. `,from shore, 530,1 Wm range lights ' users :1t`- 5 Tn. -7 OW?" 3 ,.g`0,-f lei removed :1. ,ice of snfc. ` pnymenvt. ` me resen--`, f01`m9d `-0 1 1.-he Work executed in best manner, at fnrst class material ASTHMA m~`3~"iAn no smeuinu-~~I_a smvinu-|i- S-I" l...o Itmallmu 2 [tannin I sm.K|I""'H5 I|'I!lll'-III Iluu Just Swillow a Capsule RAZ-MAH Is Guaranteed _..-n..._- .........1 hm-nihhur, star) nnlcug l\rkL-`nuns: no \;u..._...---.. to restore normal breathing. stop gatherings in the bronchial tubes, give long nights of quiet sleep: contains no hnbit-forming drug. $1.00 at your drug- gilt`; Trial frcc at our agencies or write , Tomplctona, 142 King \\ ., 1`uron`.o. ~ Local .-\gents-~Wm. Cross]-.1nd; A1- landule, A. E. Patterson. 1 V I The c0.i'oner's jury 1.0 enquire .in-i In 1.116 circumstances surrom1din';_:% the recent drowning; 0.! two members ` I :0! a sleighing party in Midland h:u'- _= ; box`. was held in the town` hall, Mid-2' gland, on Friday afternoon. Dr. T.` `J. coroner, presided. I`hel_ =C1'own represented by M 1`. J county crown att.ox`ney:; :;\h'. (}1'ant. appeared for D123 `Tanner, whom the ice had beenl `taken and Mr. W . lv`inlayson: `was on behalf of some ofi -ithe interested. 'l`he jury rbrought the i`ollo\ verd-ici, ai`-i ;j1er iiiinutes` (lelil)ei'a.1ion:i - ; find that deceased came 10 tiheiri at death l<`1'iday evening. March 1],` 1i192l, point. se\'ent.y-i"ive yards! d'u'ectly in V from 01 1 lights, Midland Point, by dri-v-i _ i in_:, spot where ice had been `removed mont.h previously, and _,`ice sufficient strength had not. re `-1 bear horse and party of: n`L\ven1y-one. We find death wash .- anci(lenta.l.` I P . i 1 E 2 . i 31011 on Dc. 22nd lust, for neglect- lina to repair a drain and as the re-| >5 7` 1! l`11-e Tmvnsliip of Huron. Bmcei L`.011nt.y, which was niulctted $787` and costs by Judge Klein in Wz1.lke'r- Rllll of which a Huron f:Ll`I]l'l` nzinietli .Wni. Robeiitsoii had his stzuble ood-I `ed and 1!) hogs drowned and :1. lot! '01` gl`:1.ln and feed destroyed. appeal-ll ;whic.l1 01111119 up `SlIll(`(l in Jiidge Klein's decision l)P- ',~ `in;; Sllliltlned and ed ft-0111 the decision, and the case; 11.1 the .~\ Court in Toronto 011 Fridtiy last re-} the appeal dis-; 1l1iSS(`\l with costs :1:_{' the tmvii-i ship. This iiienns that Huron Willi ` he :lSSOE`SSG(l for iipwairds 01` $1300 0.11 ! `t?'X[J.'llSlVt>. court appeals rezixliness with 3 enter inuii :i.n. stick ! this case. The. \\`llvlCll towiisliitn cm:-nails `their (`()-l`l.\`l.lIlllllS for he-zivy bills 01'` :(`()SlS. exeiiiplifms how I)l"0(li_L.:1l main 1 1 c F ` 7 l 1 l \ i 1 m.'1_\` becmiie ot` the public c4i..~`.li. it`: it. were their own Di`-l\':1l.8 purses that i haul to hear the hitrden. it is :1 safe, bet. lliul 1':-wer 2`L]'tDe2l.`lS woiild he enw tei-ed mid less llll;.f:ll0l1 indulged iii. by the 1'9-]ll'E`S`ntali\`*!~`. of the people.i_ Tall: `.Lh0l1l. 1`.l`.O. ecoiioiiiy, b11t`_ tliese 1-ur-.11 statesnieii seeiii to be. llle:l-l t'or the 19:11] Dl`Oll`SFclOI1. and if} the 1':1.r111er`s wit'e-V. who has to weziri limiiespiin when she should be went`-l ing uemiiine for tthe work she t1oes,i ever gets :1. vote contests, we see where some wigs will be. one the giieen along the side- lines. ' 1 THIS WOMAN S Mistativi Ended by Lydia E. Pll'lk]l&l'|'I 3? Vegetable Compound. Re- markable Recovery of Mrs. Church. 1 Smiths I-`ails, Ont.- I suered with falling of my organs, pains around my heart. and in bowels and down my legs, neuralgia in my face and head, and that terrible sinking feeling. I felt that I could not live and would fix my house in order every night. su there would be no trouble if I dropped nil` in the night. My htisband went to thedruggist, to get the best ri-nirdy he had and he av him Lydizi F. Pinkl1:iin s Vegetable om mind. I lmill six bottles and felt a lot etter. I will always recommend the Vegetable Compound, and you can use these Ont. . The 8ll(1L'(_.`SS of Lydia E. Pinkham s- Vegetable Compound, made from roots an herbs, is unparalleled. It muy be used with perfect condence by women who suffer from nervous prostration, . ulcera- . displacements, inainmation. tion. irregularities, periodic pains, back- ache, bearing-down feeling, 'atul_enc, indigestion and dizziness. Lydia tn. 0 Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is 3'0 The lnumclpal standard remedy for female ills. If there are any complicationg aboiit 1 which you need advige write in _c9!I~v. dence to L dis E. Pinkham Mtdlcmt Co., Lynn, ...._ facts as a testinionial.--Mrs. . J. 0. CHURCII. B0): 845, Smiths Falls,l . `Now is the Time to Purchase Your Gas Stove & Water Heater (S.-\S 1-`l_' EL 15 CHE.-\l`ER THAN ANY OTHER, BOTH FOR COOKING AND HE.~\Tl.\'G See Our Stock Veterina.ria.11 and Surgeon . .`}<'r'z;~.... -. .-u 3. I*fmbahn1ng 0 -` V . : Owen m., 13m`1'1e, Ont. 0. O , C }`}2i:1e 268 Q9099. Omce, Hospital and Residence: 48 Bayeld St., Bzu'1-ie. 3 1-`orme1'1y Vespra Hotel.` Phone 81 ll Phone 61. I _ lulu Ht: Lu`, . ....,.. 3. H who euer : in 1` \ irreguiarities` -.2 bearing-dow , iiqdigestion ( 5 P1nkham s Vegeta 91 1 am : 1 ass. J; E. s7 i \V. A. LE\VIS, M.D., C..\l. SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY and The Deaf Hear .-IND HEAD NOISES (IE.-\SFI by using the new renidy call- ed "EUS'I`0L,"` 0119` box of which is su1cient.,r to omn- nletely cure any 0I;'y case.` This wonderful pintment._ 4 . rig nu-nnnu-all l'N\nl fh Vllhlbl idisnlaenients, inammation. ulcers.-A periodic back- r bearing-down feeling, atulenc , 3 dizziness. Lydia . 5 s Compound 18 the I for female about advice in cgn-_ Mcdicmcgg (`n 1 .\mn, ass, .....:. This \\`0n(|0I'Hll pllllllu-I|I._,.r1> prepm-ed from _the vahmblu pmscz-ipt.ion of :;'uote(1 London var speciaI_ist,,a: 1'd has pe1-m:m- emly cured zfumerus severe cases of deafness and head noises where ~` other expensive tre:mm:nts hxyil utterly failed. Ivory su`erQ'1- should ('.erta`p1- 15; try it, for its eiczu-.y is be- yond question. Send for a. box to-day, price $1.00. .-`\d- dress: bUS'l`0lA ($0., The Hung`:nlu\v, '[`yl(-I"s Green, (ind- smne, S1n'rey, l<}nglund. C. S. DICKSON, B.)-L, M.B'.. `v 3 one 56 Collier St., Bal`l'.iO=$" BARRIE MARBLE CAPT. J. DUNN Late R.A.V.C. 811 same Planing Milli -Inns. nocnns . j All kinds of dressed lumber. oor-`, ing, ceiling, oak ooring, moulding} and trim. B.C. shingles, rough iunr` b'i`and joisxing on hand. Dressing and all orders receive prompt atten-` non. V BRANCHES`: BARRIE A LLAN DALE mul- Monxxnnental and Cemetery Work Makes Your 51: Monkman s Glycedoniaw 111 o 1. .I.c&.L;.n..n;;... CIGAR swam: AND V BILLIARD PARLOR #- ( Financial Strength CIGARS. BACCOS ` GEO`. MONKMAN J. MITRPHY. Prop. Senna Savings, household and business accounts invited. \N(;H1.;,-; We will be pleased to have you call at any time you have business to `transact in which we can be of service L.\.\ to you Anmokomo v -_..-_-.-,1 10:: BA R R J F.` Next to the Barrie Inn '37.? B YRNE Undertaker All 1:m>.st designs in Caskets kept in stock. including Gmve Vaults and Oak Shells. -Night and day culls. Phone 431 \V. D. .\HN.\'.IKI.\'. I rop1'ieto1- `W. R. .\`El|.l.Y. Fun. Director and Enxballner. ALF. HAMLIN --s,v- .--. .. -__.. _ have the most complete? ct Smoker`: Sundries inf fresh stock of CIGAR-ETTES. T0-1 ALWAYS ON BAND; ' skin Like Velvet town \HE support of a strong, well estab- lishcd Canadian Bank is a strength nu ~n_._1_ -1: usncu uduauxau 1Juu'- 19 u ..........b.-- to any community. The Bank of Toronto, incorporated in 1855 (twelve years before the Canadian Confedera- tion), offers the people of this Town and District the full service of a care- fully managed institution, with every facility for meeting the banking needs of its customers. in Has a marvellous effect on rough; skin. One `or two applications will! remove the roughness. and by its occasional use the skin acquires thei smoothness and softness of a baby a.!` Glycedonia is not stick_v, and gloves; may be worn a few mg_gnems after; using it. Price 15c and 25c. De-" lightfnl after .sha\'ing. ` ,4______. , B;\Rl`sU:I. ).\"l`. Incorporated 1855 1 ~ _ _sT1:w.\R'1` & STEW.-\R'l`. 13..x1I- `5 } 1'is_iers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, 5 and Con\'ey:mcei-s. Money t.o loan 1 in any sums at 5 per cent. 03108,`; ; 13 Owen street, Barrie. D. Hf 1 Stewart. V J I i A LEZ\'A;\ DER COWAN, SUCCES- sor to Lennox. Cowan & Bro\vn, Barristex-, Solicitor for obtaining_ ill, gnzu'cLianship and` pnobate of xv zulxninistra.-tio11, and General Soli- citox-,Nota1'y, Conveyancer, etc." .\Ioney to loam. Offices: Hinds Block, No. S Dunlop street. '-" i Barrie Veteriary Hospital and Kennels CRES\\'ICKE S; BELL. `B.~\RRIS- Court, of Juduiczlture of Ontario. Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Office. Ross Block. Barrie. W. A. J. Bell, I{.C. I 1 ters. Solicitors of the Supreme i I ISTRATHY & ESTEN, 13.-xnms- I ters, Solicitors in High Court of. ! Justice, Notaries Public, Conve_v-; I ancers. Ofce. 1st oor Masonic] 1 Temple Building. Barrie. Money` ` to loan at lowest current rates. G.` I H. Esten. ' 1 __ BOYS & MURCHISON. HARRIS-1: ters, Solicitors. Notaries I ubY\ c, 5 Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan 1 at lowest rates or interest. Offices. i _ 13 Owen street; in the premises}; ` formerly occupied by the Bank of`; . I Toronto. Branch Oice, Elmvale. 1` " Ontario. W. A. Boys. K.C., .\I.P.':_` ' D. C. Murchison. x DR. W. H. and C011? phone 95 to diseas foox.-xLD ROSS, 3 ter. Solicitor, et L" pie Building, I lnnn, Alf. Hamlin PROFESSIONAL [CARDS DR. MORTIMER LYON. 122 BLOOR; ` St. West, Toronto, will be at 91'; Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday., Ear, Nose and 'l`1n'ont,. Consultation hom-'5, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and by appoint- nunnt ; } 1`ROF. D. 1:. D 1 n:cmn`nml pm: 1.; loan. , Ir. .\. R.-XDE.\'HURST. BARRIS-i ter, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc.; Omce, 1st oor Masonic Templeg ` Building. Money to loan at low-5` est rate . I -----..__._.-__-_.._.__-.E.. R. OAKS, CORNER 0WI~)N_ Collier Sts.. Barrie. Tele-; 95. Special attention given diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and; Throat. > DR. H. T. ARNALL, OFFICE and residence corner of Tomto and Elizabeth streets. (Opposite Elizabeth St. Methodist church.) mnlnnhnnn 1 R7. HZZIDBUI BL. m Telephone 167. I . ' Special attention given to small 3 nnlmals 11.111. ment. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (;' ' _ _ .-..--.... 9 #11. VICTOR A. H.-\R'I`, GRADUATE of Trinity Ijniversity and also gzmdnzxte of Edinburgh and G-ia.s-', gowq Specialty, stomach diseases. Oice. corner Ban-`eld and Wor- sley Sis. Entrance off \\ ox*sley. Ofce open until 8 p.111. L. G. S.\I1TI~I & CO., PHONE 32. lglstablished 1869. Undertakers. `nor. 1;. 1-,. Piano "and Studio. 43 I CAPT. J. DUNN, V.S., PROP. Phone 811 -18-C-0 Bnyeld St.. Barrie (Formerly Vespra. Hotel) 1' .\'DEll'I`.~\ KERS LEGAL MBDICAI; .\ll'SlC;\L GRANITE WORKS . WEIR, TI-IACIIICR OI l\'io1in. Piano Tuner. Bayeld St. -43 S, LL.B.. B.-XRRIS-, etc. Masonic Tem-1 Iiatrrie. Money 9.03 I 161112. Earrit `ikhuaurr -...._.x,.,: 1o.-.1 \ 1 The .\'ox`thr.-rn .t\<|\'zu1ce has. re- cently become incm`p01".1t<=d, but the i11cot'p0ru.tion entails no nt-w 0\\'11e1' `ship wh;tte\*.=r, and the business is` mutation` the szune tmumgement. as be- `'fore the im-orpomtiun. Several or tour (+.\`c.lmt1.::e papers had the facts" 01` the incm`porat,t.inn hzully tlistorled. 4 ::< :}-. ! (Founded 1851) 1 Published every 'I`hu1`day mox'n-; ing by Nolan & Mclienzie, proprie-i 1: tors, at the office, 123 Dunlop street, I *Bax`1'ie, in the County or Simcoe. 1 . . =Bar1'1e, xn 1 S1u1du,\' gull` pIu_vin;:; is be(-.omin;.: an fad in nnany `towns, and is bein}: `played in Bzu'x'ie also on the Lord's vDa.y. The rst. galme of the season `,\va,s pulled off in .\Iid1and u. week tug!) >`und:1,v. Here's an read issue for 'the Lord's Day _-\-lliunce to look 1'n~ to. If golf` ris to become 21 popular! ' : Sunday 1), :.';i\'e Idle small boy: :1. chance with his murhlvs without`. "We didn`t notice m1;v~I.hi11;.g; in Hm 1eSUl11`.H9S this year for the .\Iu._\'or's-1 1 ,~h0no1'm'ium. \\'us the 1na1te1nJ\'e1`-` Inolied by the Council, or has the `practise been disoomimwd 2 ` -4: :< a- THURSDAY, MARCH 31st, TI921 .5-r_m(h=.:nnuIi011 2 DR1'(j( IST. Smne r:itt=p;i,\`c-1'5 of Barrie are *1LS1{lI1f,' why il is the Council pru- vided $2200 in the estimu.-Les for lots purchased at the tax sale last full. The) -.1rgt1e. that as the taxes are` not paid the sale is merely (nine :thr0u;._:l1 with to 2,":-\t the lots proper- ` l,\' in possession of the t0\\'l_l and th:1.t _the money (loos nut &lCl,ll:l1l_\' have to be put, up. \\-'ith this $221)!) ("ut` `oft the eslinrutes the `ate iuigltt `easily have D9911 reduced one mill. Perhaps the chzrirmzm of timmce will throw :1 little light, on the mat- ter for our readers next xvnek. :2 ;;g g ._ in 51111008 Luuwu nun: ,...... $20,000. and yet we Lhose ask-; ing cluirity. Just, the other day we were asked to assist at blind man`; who makes his regular rounds ever_v' ; -few months. \Ve were sorry for l.l1(:i; ;-' unfortunate follow, but he was being ` \ l-;,led about by a big strong healthy; } young mam. amt}. this sort,` [of spoiled it all for the blind fel- ` ilow. When help is so hard `Lo get. c'[a.nd -at high wages only. it gets on ones nerves `to have -big husky chaps V- 5 coming along` seeking" n.lms. ` .I-. .,. :,z 1 i '1 I i \\='i1~h the coming of Wu ther we will probzlhly he I with Hue usual mnnber ` lnaking their rounds and I, . ,,s... nu.,mn mu-g n \\lH1 Hm U\HuIn_ vn .......... ..-_. V (.-onfmnted of xrznups biddin,'.-; for ;c.hariI_\'. Those sort of chi /.ens4 lshould not he encour:1;;ed. We l1a\' 3110 place for them in our citizenship. ,\Ve h:u'e 21. place, however, for; 1; `people unable 10 work and in desl.i-:3 , Lute ci1'cumsI:1.nces, 1na,in-ta.ine(I 211. no ` ( ismall expense. The <=.\'pc-mtlinn-e for nminlenance of the House of Refuge; .in Simcoe (,`ounAl_v lust ,\-`e:u' \vzLs ` --,. ..,.,. ,4 -.-. -..n 1...... ahnun nq1:-- I There is It customary report. sent d 011! e\'er,\' year about the failure ot";_1` `the peach crop. and many ot-her!` 1` 't'uil11res which are reported for the] n 5 purpose of leading the public 1.0` II `_ ima_s_.:ine there will be u. _=.;:re:t.t short-` age, and ctmseqtient high price.s. - " Dealers in fur pelts are trying the szune stunt in order I0 stimulate the . fur trzule. The l`.'uly who purchased :1, $1000 l'ur early last winter lostk] ..near.1`y $100 by not waiting a couple 1 _ or months, when trade became so` sluggisli the Govern-ment cut. off the` _ iluxur_v tax. 'l`:here is 11 strong 119-: 5'. mztntl at present. for light \veigl1t` -(11 `fur:-t, and the Dl'.iC+`S :|'.'(+ said to he s li0`1(lin:.-, up well. `The. C0\'Pl`lllll("nlV might \rell have. kept rm the tax on` this rlztss 0|` fut`. which is worn in the summer se:t.~'0n \\h('ll the ther- nmtmoter is 75 to St! in the slizulv. .s-' The woman who is foolish enou_-.:h - 5- to wear furs in the heat 01' suntmer W would still be `foolish eiiotigli to do so even t.h()ll:_;h slm haul to pay :1 tax, pruvidi-n,:;' she hand the mic-ca. ..: 7 Editorial Notes I ll` of the ai'raLclmba.ckuwa.y, iiluminme .\ tt'u\'i~ll<-t' that, looks 11.5 if he mii.-;ht be tin-, twin i)i'oI,-iim` 01' l ruiu~ ivr l)l`ill`)` and who hits ;:1`e:t.t sport in l)f`lllf4` mistaken for the i'.i-`.(). lmuler wliere\'e1` he goes, dt'<)\'e up` In at. local hotel the other suy..<' the \\'ull Titties. and ;z!tn0.-t' howled ovm' Lite new liln-,;1i.<.li ll0. on the jntl) by turning tthe full light of his countenzince on him and smil- ing like the l<`a1'me1's' (lovi. does at `the Hon. Peter Smith's two millinn dnliatr decit. As the hostler Ul()ll1.','ll'l he had seen that smile i)et`oi`e in the `papers. lie was impressc-d when thv Lilian u.m'eelt=tl as fulluws: `I sat-_\' `thou .\'uuth~t`ul 1n'udi;.:_v of zutcestorinl` E;;c-nei'zii.ions. wilt thou condescend Q10 relieve t.h`i.-1 qua,druped of that `which connes him -Lo this v-ehricle. iP1a.ce him in am inner department his thorax with that liquid which in-. The Northern Advalice ebriateth not. Give unto him a`) sufficient simply of a,liment;u'y food,i and when thou art done, I will re ward vthee accordingliy. Al. this -H193; hosller immediately 1':1.n.iI1to the` `gho-tel and announced the I`remier s= 2ll`l`l\".l1. The boss, on lmstening to` , the scene dispelled the illusion about "the `asked `\V'l1ai's iri :1. showed that. foolish when `lie`." by call- .l in n `o I 1'emie1' and Sliulaespeme was ` ' -_ ,_. ...... oI`..v mnull usmtu wlnu .3 In u. nu... . ..._. H... ing him something, 1.11:1: didn't smell as sweet." 79 Bayfxeld St.--- Opp. Ross St. Rome tttetttbers ut` the latte'-.t1 1)-ut`t,\' in the Ontario L(*_L`is1:11.1tI`e did a ,L:'0ud deal of t'zt\'itt:.,-' tatlk tzmd `perhaps rig.-'htt`ttIL\' so) up and d()\\`I1.- the concession lines, uhmtt the Con- set't'atti\'e pzu't_\' spetttlittg rech1ess1_\' on I'ttrtti.-hi1t:."s t'm- (l0\'`1`l1lnt`nl Hottse. 'l`hr=_v :l[)])P:ll`(1 to the fall !!!- eat` for his Vote to help stop this \\':t.nton extt`:t\'-.t;:;tt1co. Little did `t.he_\` dreattn that S0011 the t':tt'tm,=t' was =tu (-antral the ntiic-0, and in.' ut` (-ttt'tui1in_-,,-' this expmitlitttre. he C \\'ott1(l add -10 it. ']"1m t`.\'DE'l1Se tit (tor- t.-rtttttent Hottso ittt-t'c:t; lust }'t".l`I' 0\'Pi' pm:-cetlittg _\'t`:tI'.\'. but not .~:utis- , tied with this, 1-Iott. .\ll'. Dt`llt`)' and C his lll'iIli$Iel`S h:1.\'e. |)l'()CL`L'(it}d to turn a the I)ill`1i:1lllt?l`lI lntiltlittjzs into a t 10d;.;ing iL[)z1I`1l`nt'nI rut` him. ; H)il]:iSIP.l`S at. the expense ot` the nut.-~ pu.yet';~:. The public. ttccottttts cum- 1 I`,I. ..t I`\n o'.... ch-n - mittee ttndenvotlt (L wee probe lust pu.\ c rut: llllunu. -uxu... :week which 1'9\ eu1cd the Y':l(f1 than N Zministers had been l)u,,:.: 1'u1'nilure :_2LlOl'6, placing it in their free L0dg:;- : in:,-`s. and ch.'u'_L;in:._~: ix up K0 the run -` p:1)'ers of this pmvincv. H()\\".s` l.hiS for ex!.n1.\'ug'.1x1(-:x--1 mu`ho.';:1.n_\` bed and lnmlress $124. 1 n1:Ll1u_;'-.|n_\' Chair 5185, 1 l)l:'.h();,":'lI'|}' l`0(']i(?l' $190, mu.h0:;an_\' $130. slip 'co\'e\-S for dressers $111. .-\rI.ic-les \'er_\' silnil-.11` for the Ininisiers \\'ore u,,u. also ptLr(-h:t~:ed which inc-htde it brass coal scttttle to place in :1 `heat- ed amztrtmeot. II` this isn't \'ic-`tons E `.~:pendin;: we don't. kttow what is, and we \\'t)ttldn't support uny '[`or_\`, (Brit. or '.m_\' other candidate who ul- lows this sort of rztvr-uotts v.\'pom1i- ture to go l1l1('_`h:lHel1`f.."L!(1. Otlicv 1 space at. hi:.,-'h rentals had to 1) se- cured (~)se\\'-1tet'e`in Toron-to for vari- ous ::o\'erntnenL purposes hec.u.use "they are being crowded out of Queen's l urk in order to let `the ministers sleep there at the expense `uof the t'utep2Lyet's. Wh-.11 right has. 5: the cit.i'/Jens of this province to h:1.\": `thrust upon them the expense 01"] `keeping: freg sleeping` qua1'.t.ers fora `,zL1l these ministers who would shun _ E. 3 (-hariiy in any other form 1 ' 4 It. is 1hir1_\'.-ve years since 1.ho2:: 'Salvu,Li0n Anny first bombzlrded sing `land Satan in Midland, the! event waxs ti-ningly celebrated last? ; Sund:1.y. :4 :3 :1: Elmer Byrne passed zuv-.i._v trhei Midland hospital on Monday last: week, as '4 result of an .i~nju1'y .I'e~i ceived while playing with Mid-3 `gland junior hockey 1.ea.m Parry`; gsoun-d seven weeks previous '.de:vth. The unl`orLun.'_n.e young fei-3 ilow received :1. severe gash the {leg from another players skate. .. ..K 1 4 i .\lid1and W:u.e1' Commission will)` ` iIl(`,l'\-(LS9 )8 P1151433 H) \\`&lI l' ill`-1 tel` M215` 1.9.1, but Cllltill-:,`0I'f' thei nsuu] (i`Lscoun*I for prompt. p:1ymen't.; A new intake pipe from \'0ir 10 the pump house is costing :1`: 101 of nioney. and this means is he-L mg adopted 10 meet the Lnci-eased; `expenditure. 10 per cem. wi]-1 be; 3udded to accounts not paid within` 7. _ 11...: ` z ;uu.u\u ... ..-- :1 time Limit. THEREASON_ District News l ` is that it possesses in purest form, elements -E ~~n--violwrnnnf` fkf SEND for ESTIMATES