`TC:-v 1:-vvw-v v-7 ._ -7- _ __ ., , ` uvounde 1351) Published every 'I`hu1`sday morn-` ing by Nolan & McKenzie, proprie-1 tors, at the omce, 123 Dunlop streetf? Barrie, in`the County pt Simcoe. The lists used in the pt-ovincizzl elections and referendum vote of Oct. 20th, 1913, will be the basis: for the vote on April 18th on the importation of intoxicating liquo-rs. into this province. In cities. towns` nnd villages there will he revisions` of the lists of which due public 110-- tice will be given when names of` those who it-.u`e tnoved into the muni(~,ipaiit_\' in the last 18 months, or have become 21 years of age in` tihe meantime ntay he `added. Names of those who ll`.1\'P tnoved -from the ntttnioipulity or been re- '.moved h_\' death inay be struck ot't'., tthe nocesszuw notice, of course. be- ing given. In country places where ihera are is-\\'m' changes than in ur- ban. the pwrson who is it British 1|1l)j('I'.'l and 0\'r:r `ll _wuu's of age. and whose nutnce rim.-.<. not. app:-ur on the list. may vote upon taking tho- 'requirml math and having; 2:, m:i;.;hlmr 1-awlaur as, to his or ht-r t"tL;ht to vow. The necessary lr;,'is.l:it.ion Itnsf. been .1 _ 1.. .,.... .. [c,_.`,_ has pm t.hmux.:h by thr- lJo|:ninir)r{ Gm`- ermnem. which will appoint the Rr:~ rturning olcers and v-nuxnm';mn's and pay the 4-.\p-nsv nf lu.kin1,' the-, `V0.19. V0-I9. Under :1 new at ! of me Ontario Governnuwnt it is now nl:(:(:S!~'.1n',\' 10 .h:u'e a licensv to sell li;:,hInim.', rods, ciwd as "tho Lightning Rm! Am." After givin-L:-:L s4II,isf:|0m1'_\' bond to d.h9 ()ntu-riu l-'iro- .\I:n'sh:nl that Llw I ..,....x ..n.l Y|t.|'i|]ll ;. (pg. Editorial Notes . mne l)nIu-nu l'I|v- .u...n..... `material is ;.:uud .:und p:L,\'in',; u fle of $517. p:n_\'ublv In l.h(- 'l`r of Onmrio, and a tax of 9i;,:l11y at-nls on (.`\'C'l'} hundred dollars`. 1`P(`.ui'\'r-(1 Irom lho sale of lightning rods and eqnimxmm in rospe`-r-1 ml l)I1.~',iI1v>`.*~' -trunmcled in Ontario dnrinzz Hu- 3)r9(*(-nling _\`e~:1r as shown by u .~:wm'n vstuu-Invlll nmdv h_\' such pa-rsun or tforporutiun. lhr- l"ix'v- .\lursh::l may - .. n,...nL~.; In Hm nnnlit-uni. In continue in !'m'('v until lh(- |hil'I_\'- rs! day 01' l)-m-Inlwr, m-\'\ :1l't-x- lin- d:u( of issuing 01' sunno. .\f.'I-Ills of the company must also (-.urr,\' :1 li- cc -nse. -I'p0n \\'r'mon nmicv frmn the licensee 1Inde.1' this Act, or Hu- appoimmonl of :1` suitable `px-I`.s`0n to act. as `his u;:enl- in this p1~m'incc-, - and upon the pre.=:enIution of u (wr- ticate or his ;.~;ood repuurlinn and -ch1u'acte~r signed by lhe ;\Iu,_vm' or` Reeve of the municipality of which - -. .. ......:.:.....o hp 1`in=. .-Marshall Reeve or the 1utunuum..., .. the is :1. resident, the Fire .\I:u'shui may. if he is satised that. the ap- pohgtee is (1 suitable person. issue! rto him -a license as such agent, upon` tlhe receipt. of a. fee of three dol'ia.t`s,|} I 1`o.-.pe -M ul' luring shown i-ssllo .'1.,li(-ens In Hm :l|)pli(':lnl. lh(- Ihix-I_\'~_ dam) (hum iS. ~'lliIl1; "" . ! 131112 Earrtt Ahuanwl payable to the 'l`r-;i.st1rt-1' 01` Ontario. No li(-vnse issm-l under the :10! is trunsfm'wble, and mu-st he vxhibilod at an) time when .tlem`andetl by :1 public. officer. As the l'mvin-r is pructiculily the only one usimr.` lightning rods he will now huxe to` ipay more than heretofore. This is. `pretty much a direct `tax on the ' l`u.rn1er. . ` \ Plain Talk about Phonographs The J. M. Greene Music Co. So you turn to the phonograph. You want a. phonograph that can bring you all the living `artist can bring,-excepting, of course, his physical presence. David Duggan, the great Scotch American tenor, sang in` `direct comparison with the RE-CREATION of his voice by the New Edison. No one in the audience could tell one voice from the other. There is such a phonograph. All Barrie knows it.. It was proved at the great concert We extend congrzutu-lwtions "to the Mea.-ford Mirror. which entered upon`; its fortieth year of publication lam; `week. The Mirror is a bright. week- 3 ly which deserves to prosper. W`he'n: the Mirror was born-1.he Northern` `A-d'va.nce was quite grown up, heingl v1.hir.l.y-two years ot age -.11. 1ha.t -time. 4! it :3 in the Town Hall. If you could have this marvelous instrument in your home, you would take it on the spot. We have an exact duplicate of the Ofcial Laboratory Model used at Barrie Town Hall. David Duggan himself has inspected it. He has personally signed a" Certicate of Authenticity for it. This Certicate guarantees that this instrument is capable of sustaining the same astonish- ing test as the one made at the Town Hall. You can get one exactly like it. This certied Official Laboratory Model is the phonograph that has the realism that will make music live in your home. No other phonograph or talking machine has made, or can sustain, the test of comparison. Come in and let us play it for you. Let IS show the handsomely eng:raved Certicate of Authenticity which is given with it. Corner Mary and Elizabth Streets, Barrie '1 /71` Homr of Good A/'1'//51'1" Cwn'.Ldu's estimated expenditure` for 'the fiscal year ending March, 31st, 1922, amou-nr.s1o $-582.062.G98 -.... -........ urnnnurl and` ~ OU want to hear_ the great musicians in your home. But you can t. I A \\'0n :~:l1m\'im.-; of oil (`ll.llll` I to tho surI'u(:e at tlw l i(.-.lmrln;-; oil 5 we-ll at .\`i1el'l)`prn9 lzmt \Vt`Pl{. It is :` est.iniutml that about a barrel 0! ); liquid oil came to the top and t.hisL s,w:us followed by xi. great. deal of 9 muer. It is `thought that this shown I ling is the result of the drill strik-! (HI. I'(l('IiI'I'I' .\'I` b'Il|*ll.I$l'II.\'l*3 %%s%` 'i*hc Northern Advance in;-, on :1 pm-lav! M` nil and w:m-2'. '|`ln~ drill:-r.~'. V\'I'l`I` not pn~p:urml and l.In-rvfurc~ (-an-.-hl only part M the oil. Jun H1059 `.u:1mp]e.-. are or am ox- vu-llenl quality. 'l`ho_\' are c-xuminr-dx -wil.h ;.:'I't>;I.l inlewee-`.1 by the residents`, of the (list I'l('.l. The }"i(-.k;=.ring well is being" drill- `ed by 1|. fa.1~mer mum-.d Pickering on` {his own farm. The well is less than| 100 ,\':n`(ls wvsl of the -C.l`.R. H`:l(`li.. u.bout two miles nm'I.-hwesl of She]- hurno. 'I`hn derrick can be planinly seen l'r0m the lru.ins. The drill xvas jubou! 400 feet down xwn it struck lhe oil pocket. Zilst, Jnzz, ztmuu-nu-.. H: -u-uoa.uu......- or $72 for every man, woman and` child in me Dominion. Despite the` Government's efforts 10 )are down the various expenditures, the euti-` male is only $31,000,000 loss than]; than for the current fiscal year. The ._ ..h.....-.-o4- -HI-I I-nil- Mrs. Chas. Ba.rbe.r. one out` Mea- ' ford`s oldest citizens, died on March |3rd in .1191` 82nd year. Double Drowning in Midland Harbor .2 Milllztml. Murals . .-~rA double drowning nmitlcrnt, utacurrexl here l'Tri(lu.y night. when a. couple of ymtnt: rm-n lmot Llwir llve. A party at i,wa-niy4i.w0 young people last! Mirl.-lu.nd nrmut nine o'clock 10 driw-. anrmw. the tmrtinr, 3. dlsta.n/te or two miln.v., in the smtmrmr home mt ozx~itm.yor J. Mcntrwell. Some 10! the boys vie-cldc.-d to skate a:nd the party was only a. hundred yards It-um shore and four hundred ::a.t'dx from the cotta,;.:e, to which Mr. and Mrs. .\lt:l)owt:ll ha.d mot.ot'ed ea.rlim- in the day with other guests 'to tmtkc: prt-pa,ra.t.ion.~. and axvait. the arrival or their evening guests, when they drove _into an opening mude by tzttttint: ice. Twenty or the party succeeded in climbing: out 0'l' were rrgsttced by their cotnt-ades but two of the young men. Fred Mc- i`(2aw and Sidney Rezty disa.ppea.re-cl. `The horse owned and driven by Roy (Zottt-tney, was also lost, For `1~Ie\'8l'1I.l hours the members of the party endeaivoted to l0(!`.t,l,P 1.j1e bodies, but without. success. The police were notied or the accident about four o'clock this morning: and they succeeded in re(:o\'et`in;-, both bodies in thir1._\'-six feel of waiter. l-`Ted .\lc(I:tw was the son of a. widowed mother, and Sidney Rem` was t.he son of -Mr. Jos. Rea) . 0l`L il.l'l~ ist. of the Methodist churn-h. l`ht= 'l:ttter was a ret,tu'ned soldier. An inqttt-:~:t will be held. I i I i i 3 I I 1 ;\Iur,-h or the trouble in wea.ni.ag ithe ba.b_x"' is developed by the um ~' lot a cheap and unsanil-.n'_v nipple-. i l`he NOBlLl"I`Y nipple is SI(`l`l1l'/.0 land is s.a.ni:ta.r_\'. ll'anspar(~ni and ilnon-collapsible. l1 is pul up in at lseparate box with u rwl `izmrl an geach nipple. You will lime: with |1he doctor's approval if bub)` use.-= u. i.\*0I311.1'r\' nipple. Richmond Hill, ;\-larch 10. -\Vh"ll. has come to be somewhm of an in- stitution in Richmond Hill is the celebration of the birI.hda_\' of Mrs. Sa.ra.h ;\lax\vell. its aged colored citizen. Born on ;\la.x-ch 10x.h, 180:7, ;in Lzmcamster County, 1 enn's_vl\'a.nia. ishe celebrates her 116m birt.h(lu_\' El,o-day. She is Canada's oldest in- [.ha.bita.n1 and though l`rn.il is slill !z1.ble -to move about. Her life luis i been one of hard work. as she was left an orphan all. an ea.1'l_\` age and a. widow some yezn's after imr1`1'i-.i.;-.9 {with ve sma.ll children to look i after. I aner. 1 One by one they passed :LwzL_\' and ; only :1 ye-.n' a_L;`o. the last. Miss Tiilira ]4\1znm'eIl. died an the age of 7:1. i;\h's. Maxwell is :1 P1'c=sb_vteri:Ln and Euntil a. few _\'ea1`s ago attended Ichurch 1'e:.tulau`iy. She is `highly re.- spected by the residents of Rich- ,, __A 11:1! `HIUHU run. DecezLsed s daughter. Tillie. at hm- dea.1.h. left suicient means to sup- port her mother co1nI'orta,bL\' for 1.119 ha.la.n('e of her life. so that she is not in :I.n_\'\vu:y dependent upon out- 1 I I \ i I {side -.1.id or assistance. a}.I\.\.-.\ \- E mond Hill. .. ,. 1 One of the l`en.tu1'es of this \veek .~: {show al L0ew's Theatre. Toronto. `is a. moving: picture showing me oil 'd1-min-g opeuuions ul Flesherwn. 3v'1den(,1,v the movie czmm=ra. man visited Flesherton and he S( (`1H'Pd some very good piclures of the drilling operations. eve:-_v month hivh left her in a weak and ner- vous cnndiliun with wt-uk bark and pain in her right sizlv. She haul tlu-.~:c tmulrlcs for three yt-zxrs .'1n(ll'r(`qu(`nlly ' ` ' was nnulslc 10 nt- tend school. She has l.H'(`()lHC r(`;;ul;xr and ix-cls muvh lJ('lI('I` sinrc she bvgsun taking the \`<-g(-Iulrlc Cmnpuun(l and anti-mls :~vlmil r<-gul.n'l_\'. She is gaining 5l(`;|(lil_\' and I lmvc up licsilunry in :`(-<`mnnu*I1xling l.ydin E. l'inkhan)'s \'<~g<-1;1ll<- Cmnpmuid and Lvdiu F_. l`inkhmn'.~:_\Hluml .\lc(li-inc."~--Mrs. junx 'l'oMs~`, Bull 51., Cuhourg, Ont. Slauuling all (lay, or sitting in cramped pusiliuns, young girls contract glcranged comliliuns, and develop hcarl:u`hcs, l)Hl'l{H(.`l1, irregularities, nervoumess and bearing-down pains, all of which are symptoms of woman`: ills. Every moth:-r who has a (laughter suffering from such symptoms should ive Lydia. E. Pinl.zham'a Vegetable ompcund a fair triaL that I01` me (.'lll'I`Clll uauu ;w.... ....,l -big outlay is in connection with ra.iI-` way expenditures. These increaseul; by $92.000.000, or from $75,929.- OOO lo $168,009,000. These ad- zmces are mostly caused by loans: lo the Grand Trunlk Railway. Our; Royal Can-.ulia.n Naugv is calling lforf 2,500,000. or half a. million more -than la-sut year's e.~;timat.e. Better` go slow, is the voice of the people. trom rural Ontario. :9. :9: :k T00 Ill T0 ` 60 T0 SCHUOL Mother Tells how Daugter was Made Well by Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound (`uhonr;_:, ()m.-"]',ydia E. Pink. ham s \'(-grlulc ('ompound was re- P``'` - ' ~ Cmmm-ndt-dtome for my daughter. She had trouble every month `rh In-fr hnr ;n .\l(Yl`H |'}HS--IH-I (`.' 116 Y EA RS OLI) '.\ Hlil-'l`|. THURSDAY, MARCH 17121:, 1921 a T119 Orilliu. Packet hands (ml tho: Iollmving colnplinmnt to the ladies of Barrie: The Acton ]vec Press, nwlmse editor is zu good-nalured. all- embracing sort of chap, 331:5 there` are no ugly women. Perhaps, hm occasion-a.1l_\' a-1. Barrie or .\Iid1-.:nd.l you meet one who does n-at know how 10 make hm~:-:elf look px'et,ty."` As the ed'u.or of The Paclcet was - I.. _. n.. .:.. u-D cnnnn.-n he i.'~`. AS 111-: t-uu.u| U1 .- H1 `A`.`lI\ll .._._ :re<:ent,l_\' in B-.u'rie, we suppose he is -in :1 position to judge. although we- ihouglmt. he was in Barrie mkin-,-, notes on other matters. J: :k 2'. The Hon. .\la.nning Doherty is in` England. but not in an ofcial capa- -city. he says. "Well. one would think. mis place would be am home when vthe Government is in session." Surely priv-.119 business must, be` mighty tlrgenl when the Minister of: 'A;:ricult1n'e has to -be `absent the only two months in the year which" his (`.ovm'nmen! is in session. 4' ti XI