I The following is the repnl ol` Orn Red? Cross Society for year ending` ` ov. 15, 1918: Ball; 1st vice-president, E. C. .`I_)rury; 2nd vice-president, J. W. town; secretary, Jolm \Vig_9;ins; 6inmil;tees-execntive, F. H. Ball. . C. Dnlry, J. W . Brown, John .Wiggins, N. Camphc-ll; buying, Mrs. -. obt. Robertson, Mrs. H. G. Martin. Receipts: Annual fees, $60; other ` ;_'9urces, $1916.55; total, $1976.55; -_expen(litures: Sent to head office, `$57.50; prisoners of war, $3250: Iqiplies, $1710.38; (`XDI`L`\'S, $13.07: otal, $1813.45. Balance on hand, 163.10. Value of `inatei-ial on Wnd, about $800. Quantity of sup- `< ies sent to Barrie Red Cross So- ciety: 570 pyjamas, 178 flanrfel skirts, 2207 lianclkerchiefs, 31 pil- . lows, 28 quilts, 12 sheets, 6 towels. 35 property bags, 1576 pairs socks. Total number of articles, 4603. Oicers---Ptes., F. : PRICE. 10 CENTS. igh Class.- A War Poem, by EASONABLE OUVENIR for OLDIERS GEFT BUYING SLPPERS assortment and new Carpet Squares as SHOULD BE YOUR FIRST CONSIDERATION WHEN T XMAS FT FOR EVERYONE! 2 BYEINGA {ANS _cLEAt:zNG1 ' ``1l3l|aUll i\Llll: A large number of people from Minesing,-' Statmn and Mmesing C01`- ners attended the funeral of the late Ethel I\Isgy MacLean, a young girl of barely 14 years of age. whose ' uneral took place on Tuesday, Dec. r- c-`L, 1....1 1.,m.. :11 (`.-m n+ `In-3:1 . @FlSHER FLOUR Milli MX`~. ;"EJ-L =.`.3- `wnoua CORN, | CRACKED com, 1 ` or com: cuor LIA` Bsnvv an-c-1--u `pg. 2 Opposite Barrie Hote Phone 229. `A good supply of Bran `aiidl [Shorts and Chop ofAll Kindql To claim merit is one thing -- To prove it is an entirely different matter. La `J ... _. ... - \Ve have for you full lines of Choice Chocolates, N uts, (with and without the shell) Dainty Biscuits, Small Boxes of Cigars suitable as a present for agentleman friend, and ` many other nice things which we will be pleased to show you. T. N. HOBLEY ,__ .1 11-4-n_- 1UI'-....'l......A. \aIIl l\..| vnus -....-- We can Save You Della `s by Cleaning and Renova- ing your Clothing. We Clean or Dye every kind of clothing for Men. Women and Childremaiso Curtains I\............:,. .P...|- LC AI! $32-2-:-:- Tea and Coffee Merchant 26 ELIZABETH. ST.. BAR] 1IIl(31`1l1 Luukx l)lil.\,`L' uu. .Luuauu_y, .,v.,. 7. _.She 1151. ! been ill for, at least, about two years before her death .001: place. Her b1'iQ'ht, \.\"1ns0mo ersonality had endeared her to her cho01m:1te.~,z, an-I o'r11g~r n(-qn:-.h1- nces. Her immediate 1e1.'1tives will miss her vc-r_\' much and have the sympathy of` the people. Canada Food Board License, No. 8--3270 Retail Gracels anu Kallllulcll,` Draperie, &ct TEAS and COFFEES CHfiSfMAs {B U Y1 JV. G ALF. 13A}gN_E;3, _g3_ G_ROCER FOR YOUR __: ._..-...._.-. p PICKLING SPICES Cor. Elizabeth [and Mary Sts. |f}{12R1E < A`Lln IV a ll. \.'AI\I..v "L A--\;..-..- . *`spent the week end nit]: his h1'o1'11.c`~'. Mr. Robt. Craivr. . `If T` rII,,L`A"!.1,`I -0 '1` .... Amln. ';THE SOLDIERS AID \ COMMISSION :.> `has been ix1corporated by the Prov- ince of Ontario for the purpose of` ficers and men in civil life. assisting to reinstate discharged of-< \Ve co1'diaIl_\' invite the co-ope1'a- tion of the public in the important work of securing employment for soldiers who have been discharged from military service. . ., -...-.v.14..a.- a.Lu:L.I.L1J..LI\J Classes for the vocational 1'e-ed_u- cation of soldiers who have been so disabled as to prevent them from re- suming` their former occilpations are provided free of cost, and in ad- dition, the support of the soldier and his (]0pCI1(i('Ili.'\` provided during I the period of 1'0-tmixiing; and for one month :\i.'tc1'. Further ini'm'n1:1tion as to courses may he Ol1'i2lill(.`(i from W. W. Nichol, Superintendent of Educa- ition, 116 College Street, Toronto. RELIEF FUND |. Donations for the assistnllce of Ilsoldiors 1`:1n1ilic-s in telnporzury dis- " trc-.~;s will be Lh:u1k{:'ully received and 'ao1mowlc-dged, and should he made payable to the order of the Com- 1*nlL'.';n\\ JJUGLL \..ILLMJUl |116 COLLEGE ST., TORONTO Telephone N. 2800 Office Hours: 9 a.m.-10 p.m., Saturday, 5 pm. TIT n 'l\ll'n'DT.T'D`DQI\`AT `EH 'I\"D'D | ALLANDALE - om. BOOKS. STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, T TOYS, ETC. DAILY `AND WEEKLY 1g_A1=ERs J. WARWICK, Secretary ucwul. uay, U pun. W. D. McPHBRSON. K.G.,M.P.P. Chairman Tooke and Co. s Bookstore ygux. .I.L-uuu. Uxanaw ' ` Miss Rose. S11eff'i(-ldv. of Toronto, _is{spendin<: the Cl11'i.=tm:1s 11n1id:iy.: .n.. 1.. 1-..`n-M. '\|'~.- W 11` Qlmr. VOCATJEONAL TRAINING Superior Quality EMPLOYMENT Head Office: 1' `D1111 BIT! PHONE 215 `Bl.lCL|\IL1r_ un. th hm` f:{t}`..n1~_, p; _'I:rni11inr: Re! `_ Hospital. is `-mas ho1id:1_\'. ml. 2.1`... __naS llolly. The fo1I0wing' is work done by he C1'aighm`st Pa_*_1-io'tic__ Len2`ur- iiince last report. Receipts: Bal- \_nce on hand, $55.06: proceeds of garden party, $103.u7; donation. Miss McGinn3v. $7; donation, Mrs. Craig, $`. .. >; donation. 1\`[r<. F~. ` ',asi;on, $1.25; dor_ ion. C. M. Keil_ \_jLf; s1na1Ter sums," thcr sources, " .83; total. $174.71 _ :\ \ n wxfmusaay, DTe-cembe`r 26, 1918; ---:2---:.;-- {.3-Expenditures--P:1id `L. . wool, bui- `hs and thread. $35.84; expenses of `den party, $38.35; Christmas . has an?! postage on same "for boys ' he front, $35.32; paid Om, R. C. Z $64.50; sundries, 70c; total, 74.71. ' ist; There are :1 great many people _8i(k in this vicinity. -Mr. Bruce Cowan spent a few ays in Torontov last week. ickFcz shrdlu shrdlu shrdluuu v~._._ ".Ll`.hI1. , '4'; york done for the Oro Red Cross oqiety since Inst report was as `_ _o11ows: 185 pairs of soks, 82 ffpyjama suits, 24 flannel shirts, 4 "quilts, 19 sheets, 1 pillow case, 4 E igather pillows. Feathers donated y M135. J as, Ellsniere. Work done for Mr. \V. ' ' ' ' ' ' T I `.3 iqund About Barrxe CRAIGHURS-T. MINESING. KNOCK ono. uL l.`|Il1(|J A|\u.\\uI'v .v Mr. `V, H. She!`- of lfontrr-,211, ... u Field Comforts was 70 pairs of socks, material donated by Barrie Field Comforts, 48 pairs of socks sent in Christmas boxes to Craig-- burst boys overseas: 12 pairs of socks given to Craighurst boys go`- .nn.- nnnnn nnna 111;: O\"C1'SCil5. In a letter 1'ecef\'c(i from Corp 1 Fred Tmey last week he wishes to I thank the ladies of the Craighursl Patriotic League for Christmas box sent him. Corp. Tilley is at present con\`aIoscing' from wounds in a hos- pital at Shorncliffe, Eng. The -Sixth Line donated on Sattu-~ | day to the Red Crosa rooms, Bir, cash, $3.25. mL.`. -.__.. _. ........:.. 3... L1... A.....i: l yuan, cyunuuu There was no service in the Angli- czm Church on Suudav as the pastor, Rev. T. Dew, is sick. I I , , I-,,_. 1_-__- _LL.._.J..J L1... \\'UUl\o Mr. John Miller is around renew- ing old acquainmnces. rm.....,. :,. .. ........l..... B` naann A4: in- .l\rt:\. .I.. J.'\`.\V" 1: nuan- A number from here attended the sale _at Camp Borden one day lagt week. 1r -1- 1 1r-n :_ ,.._...,: ......___ Lug uxu uuaxluununuuuuon There is a number of cases of in- influenza around here. 1 i Te, anniversary services and fowl supper i11 connection with St. Judes An_:,1ic{m Church, (Thornton), have been indefinitely postponed on ac- count of influenza. ' ,,,_ , , z `Below is a. list 0. the zmiounts raised t.l11"oug'l1 the el fo1't.s 0]. tho teachers and scholars of the schools of East Simcoe on tl1e tag` day for lhe Belgizul Relief.` Fund on Novem- ber 30th. The Orillia total has been :.:\volled by $47.99 collected amon__>: the pupils of the Orillia Collegiate. _Insl:ii;ute. 36 out of 58 rural schools have repo1'te(l. There mny be some others to be heard from yet. ` *L Orillia . . . . . . . .. . .. . . $1072.63 Midland 344.23 'Wnuh:mshene . . . . . . . . . . 61.25 Victoria Hzlrhour . . . . . . . 60.239: Culdwqter ... . . . .. . _. . . S. S. No. `.2, Orillia. (Forest | .TTo1ne._..... .. .. 35.00 .I\ on. .n An 49.ooj RS. Nu, `LT -. .+\rd.ron -`. 5*.`-. No. 7_ re- Mrs. G1-orge `MC-T.c-an has gone to 1H11g`\V0-)1] Hm \\'(*<`k m\'in_Q' Q, the serious illness of his brother- Nu1'. Gellora` - u. 411:. ll, .v;\/uuuu; . . . SB. No. G. (Medonte ( Lon) . . . . .. F. S. No. 13. Medontn . S. No. 14, Ucclnnfo 9. No. 16. Medonte . . S. No .17, Medonto . . .9. N0. 19, Medonto . . 'I'T"lI 1 1 : 11, ;\u. TTiH:-Jalo J:u.'1':1H= .. Mount Si` run \V mu. 1.. .111`) uuu -u.\:u\r $.81 NI). 9, THY . .. . . . . S. .9`. N0. :16, T:1_v . . . . . . :2. R. ;\'n. 15, ;L`a_x.- . S.S. No. 3, `Pay and Tiny F`(-5901-ton ... ...). . . The \\'on1en's Party, oL' '.l'01'ont0,l is now to be known as The United \Vomen Voters. It has a member- ship of two hundred and eighty-two. At a meeting last night held at 21 )[cGill street, it was decided to adopt a new name, as the word party had been misconstrued to mean a distinct political party. Mrs. i L. A. Hamilton, president of the United Women Voters, read 21 letter from Hon. vA1'tlu1r Mei_ bearing` on ag'rieultura1 facilities to be ex- tended to women coming to Canada from .Ei_1gland, who during the war had been assisting through agricul- tural efforts. Mr. Meighen did not favor granting these women the same privileges as allowed to return- ing soldiers, but had forwarded Mrs. Hamilton's letter on to the Minister of Immigration to be dealt with. -r; _____ __-_.-..L-_1 u__.L 1__n, u.,i stow) m xv H... vv Lav ..u....v It was reported that both thel United Women Voters and the Do- minion W.C.T.U. had written to Sir Robert Borden asking that women be represented at the Pave Con- ference. , ADOPTED NEW NAME FOR WOMEN S PARTY. BELGIAN TAG DAY &I5,")1'ilIin . hall. 5, Orillia ` N0. 8, Orillin 1n 53ii`pl:0`.I .... VJ. '1, Om . . . . . . . . . 70. `.1, Om . . . in 7,011 .. `Tn. 13, Om (I'T:1\\'ke- .\ ` Worth Recording 9 9-0 ` , `u a.q:}...7g..;..g..;..:..;. .:..;..;. .;..;. .;..;..;. .;. 7.; ....... ._. .... Ayhat Our Correspondents Find 5 \ .1I.O1'() .~ .lii,01'n .. .16,0rn .. ..17_.01'0 .. -. .19, Oro . . . . . . .. . L19, Om .. . .'3,'M'odonte .. (Creigh THORNTON : 1:7}.1]1(.)[:f. UTOPIAA: ., u....u. . O1-illia (Cnsrly on) \r\'l-3 . . . . . Pay and Moe1.on.1`e $2,154-.(ST ' 48.0n *.i5:<)() n. on Pte.},a1ph Co1mo.I1 is home.` The 'flu 1139 made its appear- ance in our village. Ptc. John Priest and Mr. and Mrs. "111. Priest, also Lorne, Ney and Nelson Chappell~a1'n 1'epo1'ted as be" , ins: in the fashion. -..- 1 -n ____ 1-gr, 15:35 13.50 .00 10 . 00 -1:1 m: 5.1 ` 4]I) 111;`; 111 mu: LilbU1'Jllu Mr. I. Downcy fol} door in his barn, a`.mu54:"' \ve0 n< ago. Ftunately he was not seriously in- ed, as he is able to be -.\bout. 1\-CVUIU uuu LICVCI IICGLU UL UCLUlC- _ A tear-stained note had come to him in the handwriting of the being he had loved and lost. It bore only ve words: It had to b.-torgive." Revere had kissed Viola as his chosen bride under the mistletoe on just such a snowy moonlit occasion as this Christmas eve, and -in the loneliness of his ...\.._. L.` nu-1 run`- LDEN REVERE lovec` everybody, all `the world over, and all 01 the time. It was natur- al, therefore, that he should expand beyond all limit when Yule- tide came ulmund. There was a hidden sorrow in his life, but he had not allowed it to shadow the sunshine of his nature. He had saved up a tidy sum to marry win- some Viola, Deane. Without warning she and her father had vanished, and 11 week later it was learned by the city papers she had wedded a man Revere had never heard of before. A 1.-.... .-L..l.....l -;.Ln I-....I tlavnnou Ln cv 1:, uuu nu |.l.I\'4' room he now sat. xylstfully, longi*g- ly, one by. ...-.-one looking over the mementoes of his old love experi- ence. Flnally he put them away and went down stairs. ur<..L -..-.u-u uG et y o u r skates, sister," he h a i 1 e d briskly. We mustn't miss a glorious night like this. The ice is smooth and hard as glass. They're go- ing to have the town band and we'll help the crowd keep happy. There go the chimes. Mule up good and warm, for it's snappy outside. Poor soul !" murmured Ruth. "think- ing only of others, when his heart may 1):, breaking. .. :.: nu.-- ....m-n.:..a hnmn hum hnnrs lnter. D3,. nreaxmg. `7- They returned home two hours later, qshed and enthusiastic over the rare sport. _. 4 ` Why, brother!" ' "" At the doorstep Ruth paused, astare. | Her brother's eyes followed her own.l Upon the doorstep lay a basket. Frorh I a swaddling mass of plllow and coun- . terpsme a tiny cry issued. | | "'A1:'|nn H: n hnhv! Oh. the cherub! Alden. it s :1 baby! Oh, the cherub! , I Quick! Get it into the house. You . angel! you treasure! and under the hanging lnmp Ruth went into ecsta- sies while Alden whispered awe- , somely: ' What are we going to do with it.?" : terpane a tiny cry xsaucu. ii 1 1 4 . I I 1 ,1 ` Keep it, cherish it, love it, of} 1 course! cried Ruth. Heaven has sent it _to bless our lonely lives. See, there is :1 scrap of paper, and Ruth snatched it up and read: Because Alden Revere is a man with a heart , of gold, :1 poor mother leaves to him `; the care of her child." 3 I suppose I'd better hustle down! town and get a couple of gallons ofi milk," suggested Alden. urn. nu rnnn I millv cnnldnrl Ruth. milk," suggesteu mueu. Oh, you men! mildly scolded Ruth. There s plenty of milk in the house. Alden!" she abruptly cried. My fur collar! It's gone! I lost it on the river. Your present 'las'tChristmas, too. Oh, I remember now-I loosened it in the old boat house and it must have slipped off. Hurry and see." Alden fairly skimmed the ground. As he entered the shadowy boat house his foot toucheclthe missing collar. u ..u...I.4. u nnhnn/I nuf Wm mrwuvwwvwvwv- v: (Copyright, 1918. Western Newspaper Union.) ms I001: toucneu Ute uuamug ruuun. A slight moan echoed out. He strained his sight to make out rr mm- i I! I n e f 0 r In crouched upon a bench. Who is it, he q 11 e s t i 0 n e d quickly. I-I am just 1`esiIn_:I, pulsatcd a feeble \'oi(:c. Tn 1-1:` (1- O`-e raga lll. _.,: _ . ht.` Mrs. Marshall, V`u z1shn_2'rv, 1s speud- `_,_vhn\.`,,` \ ' this village. _r;_ _. -qr `Ix , _, fIV-.......L.. `hon van. .. mg` a few days with her l"z1t11or, J. -H-`v_:1,,,,_.(. O1'chard,_ S12, and oti1e.1' relatives in phguuw, ;; the 0118 let lulu U!.:1|ulue: And the holy stars of Chrlstmastlde shone softly down upon the humble home. destined to be the abldmg place at ne..r1.e_ct love and. nmc.9:-.-- ~...___ __ \\ H\`-`\ Ulla: II 0 g :1thc:`-rd her up in his strong; arms. .ro:1thl(~ss, reeling, exl1:111stml, he x'e:x(-hed home to stagger `into the room where Ruth was cooing to the little one, entranced with the rare bright- ness and comfort of the place. Poor soul! was all that Ruth said. ' "I-I must go," faltered their latest guest, arousing. but Ruth's arms were around her neck. urnnn ...,. all ilnnu c-kn nnhl +un:`ln1-_ HFUUHU HUI` ucun. Tell me all, dear, she said tender- ly, and amid tears and sobs Viola re- cited the tragic story of her life; forced to Wed :1 man who held a secret over her weak and vac-illating father, a man who squandered her fortune. deserted her and was killed in a drunken brawl. Meantime her father had died. she was left alone in the world, all alone! "Not while two loyal hearts that love you are here! cried Alden Revere, roused out of himself. Oh Viola. it all those weary years the old I love was in your soul as in mlne--go no further. For you and this dear lit- tle one let this be--home!" A-..I Ll... Inn`-v nI>nua Al hrlufrnuafln THE NORTHERN ADVANCE: ther 7` ld." 1 retter mple of 5}; .1den. -g. 1i1dly 3* ` :1-y a nt a er E mmed shadowy 3 1e I: E 1 . 3X:!'z3! :0 I` Loxn- J. inine form 0 ` bench. l\:(`(' it, questioned i } l l...T sun ind` 3: vs? `1 rm `:1 W -in asa.'a Ll JCCIJIU \Ul\.U- 1 In this cold ` (1 am p place? \\'h_'/, you will freeze! `.`.'l;o are you? Cmne with IMO, if you nor`-J. shelter and help. \\'h_v--Viu]:x ! 1'1 Al .. n n..\.....l `E gizsiiiziizi 55$! fistiii ' G. as i~i>'9i9\'?39i)`>'?%i?i`3i`?"5?`??? LETTERHE.'LDS. Billhcads and Stamtemcnts printed at The Advanno offirm with ncatness and despmch. [I113 \.llL(IsUn .-`.I1's.Br11cc, Toronto, has re- turncd to her family. nnm-nu uvhn Mu" -\v,,,_.,. (u...11.. T2 -Oilc1oth Squares and Congoleum Rugs, all sizes at Dougall Bros. Small prepaid ads of the Wa11t- ed, Lost, Fount , For Sale, To Let class are inserted at the very low rate of Ten Cents for Fifteen words; one eent for each -Sp1endid 1 designs in Dougull Bros. I THE ; SOLDIERS 5 DREAM GENEAi PRINTENG Of Every Description Executed at the ADVANCE OFFICE with Neatness and Despatch. l\'1any s the time they ll bring back a pleasant thought of the giver. For a wide selection; come to Moore s-there are slippers for the entire family all of the very best quality to be had to sell at their respective prices. Slippers purchased now will be exchanged after Xmas in case sizes are .~ AL r\f\A1nnf\I\` S v'MielI i ls Slippers in Black and Tan Kid in Everitt and Romeo Models, with turned leather soles and low heels, sizes 6 to ll; at .................. ..$1.75 to $3.00 pr. W'omen s Fancy, Cosy Slipper in all the wanted colors, soft padded soles and heels and fancy trimmings, sizes 3 to 7, at ......................... ..$l.35 to $2.25 pr. Women's Slippers in Juliet Model, fur bound; in Brown. Black and Mauve felt, sewn leather soles and low heels, sizes 3 to 8, at .......................... ..$l.90 pr Women's Boudoir Slippers in most eyery color in Kid and Suede, beauti- fully lined and have soft leather soles with and without heels, at ......... ..$l.75 up Child:-ens Xmas Slippers in cosy warm styles, including an Ankle Strap Model in fancy plaid wifh soft leather soles and heels. Sizes 4 to .10 ...... ..85c. pr. Sizes 11 to 2 ...... .. 95c pr. \ e have an unusually large and attractive assortment for your selection of Spats, Felt Boots, Hockey Boots, Moccasins, Rubbers, etc. ""r'r- not correct. MooPe s Eiouseofood Shoes BALDWIN {BRYANT On 8:110 at Scott's and lit-(.~n:1n's Book St01'c<.. 'Lu1'1u:u LU ucx ;.muu_y. Nurse Stella Livingston, who lm..~_ "been giving prolfessional servxces iu `Minesiny; Village, has been called to "-Anton Mills. IA"... __....`I_.. ..R 1"rnvn r. m