Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 19 Dec 1918, p. 1

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/ .,;%miE WIN mama. '4 E%LS ms: s1*r'm\ l Iuuu.uu.u.n . the final reckoning. I The two best essays. from each d~;- , vision of tilt school have been for- warded to Toronto, to be entered 1 for competition for 119 provinniai ' prize. The awards will be made some time early in January, and we feel certain that the excollet "es- lsa ys submitted by the B. C. I. stu- dents will be taken, into accoutt in plate the reading of the last set of examination papers, enter the markr. -in the Record Books, and let thr '_ students have coxnpleietl. reports 0? `the 101-m s work to take home with 5 them when the school loses or HF1'iday night. Prmznts um rc."mes1- %'od to carefully e.\':1mine thew-. 1-0- 1 parts, and tr xvxrito. tho f asking for information and concerning points not mxderstood. Every effbit is being made to corp 1):\I'\n:I\ - _-4'; xv; an ` comm COURT B .C. Y. NOTES 1, U )0_O 'da1nages, for ing her dxvelling, \'e1'di(-t for defen- ilgil LL1'5|. I v n I gvht by Emmal 11? T ` i The suggestion we threw out in 1 October, and again last week, that cm lBarrie s war memorial should take `Ea ;the form of a Y.M.C.A. building, is 11: being favorably received in the b0 ltown. Last Thursday afternoon it `im [Was informally discussed at a meet- 1` iing of ladies of Collier Street ;\Ieth- ff( 5 !0dist Church, when the Sllllflbllity o_E H U ithe disused Episcopal Church in Col- jlier Street was mentioned. There are _ tothers who think that a new build- "ng should be erected for such :1 ;(it I imemorial. Mrs. Blanche Johnston L( Ilhas forwarded the following` letter A _S ion the subject: |f x:% Mrs. Johnston s letter follows: [$1] . Ll Dear Sir--Permit me to expressiu - [the pleasure your editorial in lastltl 5' {week s issue, regarding a soluliei's'i' H2 imemorial, afforded me. *3`: 1 had, just pre\'iousl_\- to 1`emli'.1-__~,"m your article, given e.\'pression 1-.il)~;3 )5. liely to a similar Sll`__j'g'C':'.tlL)Il W though without your earel'u1l_\' e.\-it plained details to inake it ope1':lIi\'e.'\. ` It seems to me that, in planning ua 'l suitable memorial to our soldiers 1 N Vwho fought so nobly for us in they 31" g1'eat war we should consider, wi13% 115 special care, two things. mtf One-I-low most app1`opriatel_\ to`: W1 heroic dead; ac` make such a nieniorial uset'nl in sea"-. l honor the names and mL`lllIZ)1`_\' or Ol-.l' ` T\\'o.--l low he-` to 4 1 J. . . - . ` 31 mg the interests and pron1ot1n_g- we 0`1- `_weli'are of the brave men, from our L111 ` inlidst, who went forth willing` to [a_\ ithc supreme price for our 1>.ation:\1 nld V-righteousness and liberty; but win-;.. by i,l1dppll_Y, will be returning home to EH5 PRQPOSED WAR 1 `E s";`:`E5.{}Eils &L ma BARRIE; The Sugg'es1-i;;1of a Y.M.C.A.' Building is Being Favor- [ eb`y Received ` ` 1 ,,\>'l.`}(` 1111'] Wilts \.\:-.ur---uv-u , - `.\ing,`ccmng, oak ooring, 1nou1d`u:g~ lilnd trim, B. C. shingles, rough 111:n- \ . . . . . `her and Jonatmg on hand. Dres.s1:.g' and all orders receive 1n'o:npf attention. use ; ua. ace` 'A__1 at` | made. '1 factor in 111;} ,in the tr` J, I as the . `stated, t ing, !`mora1e 0 TD` As th the migl land is i Ipoliticalj would b: 0% `yvho gm , auleals 0 ,om- , v.m_ B.-_X `inns queshon keenhnen sp entS,`1s an ex [1 on -_ L1-ay`of gl-lsh ` DOSC lllf were \ Therefo turned mom gr< tellectu would, institut 1 Me- ` and prim 1-Inna lu?` h. . h . . `uni married to Mr. ;\1cUat'l'ery, \\_'h0 sur- __ ' V ` `. ` ' ." ' - I,lEh`Y3\`Elg Emil (Ila: 1 lvives. Two sons and two dz1u_`l'l1ter5; mar. e. e .1 . .1 . w.s -. (y'e;.l . l _ 1 . rm H, or fin lall children of the late Franl~: Hunt- . - V 0- \ I ' ,` I ` . . lf`1t1 1 ma "0 L 1" 0 .ter, survive their mother, Russel ' .- E ' 1 -2.1111 1111 tienehes more com ortab e ( Hunter of London; Pm Truman _ lias military autholiites. Quin Hunter, in France; Mrs. John Han- istated they helped to mbmm ti dy, of Lisle, and Mrs. i\Ie.\[ullen, of lmomle of tjhe army` " ` Orillia. There are also five broth- l the Y.M-'C-C- Smmls W" l' ers and three sisters li\'in_r_:: Robert l11lg`llt|lCSt and best things in life Mopowon` primrose, 0nt,; Alex., , interdenominatiounl and now Amston; John, Rosomont; Samuel` lpolitieal, :1 branch of its service Toronto; E. L Vom.om-or; )[1.5_ be worthy of our splendid men ThoS_ Thompson, Bongo; Mrs. who gave their lives for the liiglxesi Frank Bulmery Cx.eCmm.e. and MrS_ ':ideals of service! Robert Hunter, Toronto. The fun- question, Where can our _\'~31`11'.-T`1`C`tl'- B.--Yo-.1 have wisely asked the eral was held on December 3, at E\'-- \VU|.ll.Ll UU VVULUAAJ V- V..- N` 7. you1x-_;' `men spend their e\'en'ings. Thordf `is e\'e1'-growing' trend in this ne\`.Vj `-_duy"of democracy and unity of pzxr-`V and aim to get togethex. :\Therefore a centre where our xv.-3 "t1u'ned men could meet on one cow- ~_u...1 .....1 nI\':r\\` cnnin` .`11`l`(` in-. turned coum Iuuuu ULI. \Ill\ \\Il-0* ground and enjoy social and in-. tellectual fellowship and co1nit_\', it seems to me; he :1 u.~:-s`i.'u! institution. nu-.u.u.. . . . W . .- ,, I It seems that by. iimt, :1 grant I from our Munlicipal Council, and.,3 secondly, a public subscription, thv necessary money could be raised to ..,._u:~1, .. 43.111`: nnninned nlant. 3 uuulu uu nun. ... establish a fully equipped plant. ` Then a local board of ladies and ' gentlemen in co-operation with the returned men could evolve. :1 scheme - * for its maintelmnce. i' * Of course a memorial tablet bear-i ' ing the record of those who (lied, anal` threw the torch to waiting hands: ' to keep the faith" would be plac- ed -in the building. `-'-~~-_ :_L........+..,1 1n:V1l` and l0viu';!`. ed an we nuumug. | I Many interested minds and loving`!-I hearts would find ways to make, thI=.'i memor'1a1--whateve1' form it may please our patriotic, loyal citiz_ens to- makc it-in every. way worthy 0` those whose noble servicehave left us under nndyinr; ohiiezntiong am whom we seek to commemorate. Brcvo mo. r`o-nr sir. vourq 1'0- 1)'l'h`\ :r~n--`4'H'1f'.' as-. 1 .lJ\A`\A . Dec. 14, 1918. T 'l'.'_ `i3'\\..\`:'I`rT'- T Trm\"~'." 1. -Il\1O I 4:. Well, 0\"1'_\' snldir,-1` has at dc-:u'cst_. m. . 1 2.- ,__.x L witi ugs. .1pp1'op1'iutL-1_\~' hm . ~1{m\' C "` """ ' ' ' years 111 ~u.uu 5'! Toronto. S be the de\'<.1op- 1\[ic1m.e1 _,~ C; depnrtxnent of ago, The n- rising gc-TIMI!` :1 farm on illg` B111`1`i(} 130) ? on 1noving "' '--..-- L,- `D... $1.50 per annum. Single copies 86:` I I\I1's. N. 1:}, Johnston has receiv- 'cd word that 1191' ;1o`_oho\v, Capt. i (Ron) T. A. A1't`hu1'.~'. B~..~S.., died in Havro, France, on F1'id:1_\'_, Dec. 6th. 5 ._-...-v, - . __-, .., -,, from pneumonia. 111'. .-\rt1u`1:'s came from Honan, China. where he was 21 `n1issio11ar_v of the Presbyterian Church. He Wis an o`icL-1' of the Imperial Army with the Chinese La- bor Corps, and anticipated 1'ctv.r::- \ing to China and his field at the close of the w 1'. He 1e:1\'es :1 wife and two little girls. now in Toronto. 1 I11 .lJL|lILl~3, J-\I.\.lJ. ii Deceased was the ).'ouz11__-`est bro- zlthcr of the late Geo. Ardcli and '7 was :1 brother of Mrs. Annie Fergu- {son/. \\"il1i.'un_, II;u'1'_\' and George :A1`de11, of Allanalnlc. John, of Van- 'cou\'e1',J0seph_, of ]".1monlon, and ";M1's. Jzws'R0wc, of Ailsu Craig, E110 loaves five 1)1`0U|01`s and two sis- ters to 1110u1'n his 1us.<, Tlw body `vns brm1g'ht to (_'}o1`1'i0 for burial, -"acco1np:u1ied by \Vil1, George and Ha1`ry. l\ n.m...._.\.1 -.x_- H..-. l The death took place on December _ ;6tl1 at B1'umlle_v Camp, Commack, lbong Islaxxcl, New York, of Frank Arclell, serg'ea11t of the 1st Division of the 277111 A11101'ica11 Aerio Squa- l'(l1'on. He enlisted on Nov. Ttll, 1917, ;in Dallas, 'l`e.\':1s. \'1\n nu-m.-6 In-n- Em ENR}5KL$ ' CAPT. (REV.) T. A. ARTI-IURS `Office Phone 163. 1 The death of Mrs. J. J. .\IeC-uffery occurred at Lisle on Nov. 30, aE cer a brief illness. Mrs. ML-(`:1 I`1`er_\' was born in ;\Iu11ner Towiisliip. Dufferin County, about 62 _\'ears ago, and had lived 1101' whole lifetime in hlulmer and Tossorontio. She was :1 (laugh- ter of the late Robert McDowell. L She was first married to ;\lr. Frank \ Hunter, who died ne:1rl_v 2:3 _v_en1S `ago. A few years later she was ]:married Mr. McCaffery, who lall 'ite1-, survive their 'iHunter, 3 `! 9 111- : 1'.1,__ T)_..,....,.... Qn.n.-Cl -' One of t11e oldest inhabitants of , .B:ii'1-inp:i'~.':m1 .'1`.`.':)_\'-/:1 .`sIonr]:iy in the .`]`.0I'S0110ii.\iI`S. .`4ns;111na11 Mnlloy, `Who died :11: \'esp1':1 .9i'x'L-M; nf the. ripe -`l`_'(.` of 92 _\'e:n'<. She was the } widow of .T:1me:~: ;\[n1lo_v_ who had been dead :1 _r~_'1'e2xt many _vem`s. De- (`(`{1S(`(i was born in Irelnml. but was brought up in S`eot1nn1. She was about 25 _\'(,-:11's of` :15_:'(- xvhon she came to Caniidn in :1 "sailing: \'(-zsvel y and had the thrilling` experimice of being shipwrecked. She spent two '\ years in ~M0ntreal and then mover] to She was nmrried in St. 9- Cathedral about 65 years J9 The married couple settled on 3' :1 4th Line, Innisfil, later 5 to Belle Ewart. They ican1e h) Barrie about 47 years ago. M She was :1 hard-working woman, up- ,d_ right and honottrable, and a regular 1; church attendant. She is snrviv-ed by the following sons and daughters 1-Mrs. Cain, Toronto; Thomas and m] John, Saul't Ste. Marie; James anti Catharine, Barrie. John lenrneci E ;he 0 m gvance office. The funeral took place `this morning to St. Mary s Church mi and Cemetery. his trade as :1 prjnter at the Ad-` SERGT. FRANK ARDELL "Page. '~ 2--Agrieu1ture and Markets. E 3-~VVomau s VVor1d. ` ' Reply to C1u\1'ul1-woumn on Prohibition. 6--County News. Various Views. Inter-csting Items. 7--Snria1 Story, The Kaiser as__ ' I Knew Him for 14: Years'.Wj. Illustrated Article, Stefausson;-7? Hh1s'tmtm1 Article, Huve1`oek- \u!\..... MRS. J. J. Mc(-EAITERY INDEX TO INSIDE PAGES MRS. S. MALLOY :II:aLA lNu\.\\ W ilanu. SE1`. OUR WINDOW DISPLAY (,".,J. V vxlvngggq 1 \|\uL\.;\.. T]!(` il'il'1 Wlldl. \.\:-.134 Let your gifts breathe the personal touch, a. `por- trait of yourse1f,a truly ' economical gift, bearing `the spirit of Christmas `MAKE AN APPOINTMENTS T0-DAY. w t Ry. 1 "Heaps of Candies for Santa Klaus" _;',E'.verything to Make the Ghristmasi Season 9. Delight at Prices the I Lowest for Candy That s Right. w-..- 3ji!"_so Dunlop St. I u ` 1,a"" "` `aa1 5h'.` All through our f 11i'ou,:h chance, She s only Mild: J. Frank Jackson (Christmas Candies "BOXES FOR YOU'R..LADY AND STOCKINGS FOR YOUR BABY. We have pretty Christmas Boxes of Bon Bons, or Stockings full of Candy. Santa Claus is making this his headquarters, why not make it yours? ' ` -1 R 1 17 T, 0 F CA_-N.A DA MAKER OF PORTRAKTS License No. ]]_-78. Res. Phone 3439 i ' on the sly, surly 1)cr\11t_\', her chin to` I skirt as she $8,400,0LD s_13o.oo9.ooa home his uuu LJ\.iuI]JA.Lu Plione 303 Fire Brigade Ci.1:4\`.':llL1' and :1H()\\' nun-1` until tcudc o\'c1- the npplcs ' Gingc _ ' l zu'u and cor D h"<`|---Li1`L"c11ix1gs U1` `l("ll\"1j."_`il1 Hw U. "and `cev ended J ...' his ` I01 UUlLl..v VV ltll o.J.u.1uu no one scclned to know why th-- .'~:tones were needed. The same (301. _ lcction .\\';1s c:u'1`i3_1 on in ,the Ux1it-.;" ~4I States the autumn and ii . now transpires that the stones z\._1_ E (`X(`(`(`(1i11_;`1_\' vzlluablo. hmause `From ( .. them 15 obtanned 21 charcoal whlch 1:_; I `:1 \\*011dvrfu1 :1g:e11t in c01nhat'1ng' th-;-` u_eH'o(-is oi pmson 3.1115. .3 iiAlthough Expenditure Has Bee :1 Ex-.` ` ceptionally Heavy the Year is Closed I Balance ` I Chorus- \Vheu Mmle` '1'.`-akc `u11't, ripe zlpphrs .".4c_. L'l1l)lU\'(_` the cures. fruit ixxtlw bottom of : kettle; sp1'cz\a'1 tl1i<~lJ_\' \'-.1 |cu\`L-1' the bottom 01' the ' - I .ll .... kl`-. nI\-.\ lCl)\'L`1' l!lL` DULLUJH un um l`h\,|-Nl\l '\'.'uu1' t'lu- :1])p1C.>' to tender. Pour the -.uuT serve cold. Ginger Apples cure smuu good :1 ~ ' ., 1):. |.`il `JESS Luau nun. JC'u\l.u z.uu..-..u... ._ `penscs were very high. He mo\`e8 tlthat the clerk be ixxstructed to h:1\':`. `the usual sumnmry of aeeongt-s ' `printed. This was seconded by Ail. z,Ord and carried. Ltlllgel.` :1p)_.uL`.b -~L}1`u`c11ix1_j s Pippizls. Fill 1110 w;a1\"1f.~v_i11 tL`llt1'L' of czlvslx nmnlc an_(l `uey witll :1 balance of `_nc-:u'l_v $1300. \V'h'1le '27 mills wa_r high they had spent less 1n011L _\' -- `their controllable expenses were less than last year. Patriotic ex~ ...,...,. .m.... 11:4:-11 T-Tn vnnrngl l l :1pples~ I . l , auu \.u;..n.\... i The )[a_\`0r-It is :1 \'e1'_\' s:1tisfau- ltory report p1`esen red by the chub.- iman of the finance and 1S.~.`~(3SSl1le!lt ` committee. ` 4- -- 1 -u :1 ,1 :1. ._\_..... I.'uuuun.u.\.. } Ald. Tyne!` remarked that it show- _ed good citizenship on the part of the Parks Commission in hmiding over the money. If other institu- tions would hand over n10rA(:;\' they had in hand the town would be in ia better position finmicially. v\1wI..v71'\nuu I _-_._ Ta.\:es .. Taxes, 1917 ... ... . Taxes, arrears . . . . . . Taxes, poll . . . . . . . '_Taxes`; dogs . .. . . . . Street oiling; . .. . . . 'lbPe1-ceutagc on arrears | Total Fees Rents-Town 1 n 4 ...... --,... ..__. _. L market Public `York;--- \en`.m~'ul of ashes, etc .. . ... `iC0unt_\- of Simeon-Grant " re good roads . . . I Ontario Gr;vt`.- Pu1ilwn_v 1- . 1 .~ ,, 4.... | | w ungnnny ~, , 7* ? ; $1407 .. \\':1tnrworks Dcpt.-- Dc~ \ benhm-s and coupons ,1u1id .. Electric Lifxht: Dept. -~ _Dobonturc-:3 and (50u~ pans paid ... =B:1r1-in Tanning Co.- c- 1 bontures and Coupons I` paid : I `. . i 4 I .o. ;\Vest Riding and Simcoe ' Ay__rricu1t111'a1 J 0 i n t ` ' Stock Co. -- Dividend l on stock {Sale of house at gravel J: -., .'Vo1. LXVIL, No. 51. \........\, _ distribution tax . Loans . . . Caxladzl Producer & Gas I7.nr_7`i11e Co. - Instal- r ,1 __.-..a. ... ... ...-. &.A"\ An 1 |)CUL1\YL`E>` u `avast Riding Agriculttlrz K is llnterest on account |u '.rrr....,1 ....a llnterest road-making ,,,L LL.IIA\.L.\4-Iv vu ., Wood, cut on streets Miscellaneous .. .. . 553? . .'.' . . T7? `Board of Health . .1 .. . ulndigent .. ... .. , Maintenance Fire Hall and Equipment . . . . . . I :I`Is 'r!vu:n-nan ment ...1 .1.- |Juuuuu u.....- draft .. Debentures redeemed Coupons paid . . . Balance 1 m Total ... .... ._.$ Elections . . . . . Interest on ' temporary 1,-,._ Total receipts Bank overdraft Total T.` `V 11TV\Y'I\' Capital` and Reserve APPLE Rifts Coddled A!pp1es .: bu. '-' .:.u.nu $2 00, Interest RECEIP TS . 'I:`:.1 .]7j:\.I1).I;I`flTI'{.I7J'.- %c1-1naking .\; :44` ;. bank ..,.,..., W I s_v1'upj - 1 1 I \. L L|llll.\1~A;T P`r.1ce `Elm; :1 pure:-lain: \'-iltin 5113111`; .- 1-mttlu with FD I\I .u. _ of 1\11if:o1'x11_ 1 7)` clqlon. - .3=. (l1`L`E1II'lS zit ni5:l1t. all l`!l1i'(m_:rh our lay '5 dull , ` .\Iml(-lun, perlmps -- but she's Romance. .$1-2-2,953.36 2,324.17 6,850.74 216.10 344.00 1,480.73 226.16 $135,091.06 ` 2,741.50 .1 36.00 1.wou. .- woui {$02.-1], i time iunez 50.26 chas 128.25 dilfe 6.00 hora ----------- cow .`$180,40'8.R2 . 20,024.35 S . .$`nh,5-23.17 lfict ES. `$10 1'- $10 ..$ 22.42~.1.'-'5 hy 2:"),-'}6'.').2-1 unit 18,054.07 pa; ----"Jthc +L3,519.".1 , 199.00 '. ry Nest 2.168;7.`s kw; nln nn `.- LUXAU IV 2) - miuee, Public Woriis and Sewers _ Itory Bonds, and \Vhy Canadians Spent on public works, $9,746.22.` ,, , . , _ .Should Buy Them, led to a kcene Ot this amount $3,728.33 was spent !compet.1ti0n amongst our students ` on Mcolwt of County grant for the iand careful readinosr was required oii` full amount of $3 728.33. Removal in _ ~` . _ . . . . . 1e part of the teaeheis of English oi ashes and rubbish included in the 4 - . | , . . i(5OII1p0Sli )l0Il before the awards total expenditure the eonnnittee had rmme 1'eeei`.'ed from private sources` ` ' $333.25. The total cost of street oiling and watering is included, lMaster was awarded first prize, and` against which a cli:i1-go of $1208.11 fand Flora l\Iac.VIurchie second `was levied, to be collected from the"L'-~Barrett Partridge proving a close 6,302.41iratepayers hencfitted. \\"nile the`thi1'd. As the publicity committeel iltotal expenditures were &`:i0,746.`.2`_ . the awards only two prizes, MeM:isterl 'a1n:)uiit 1'etL1i'ue on :u:eount 0L llieisazfgfgffore captures the silver medal.` 6,052.20 ';work was $5364.69, leaving the net `and Miss MacMurchie the bronze `:cxpenditul`(-5 for the year as ,medal-Pa:it.ridg'e being` awarded `$4381.53. Their estiiuate'.~; amounted honorable mention by the staff. '_>.\".'Z - . .- .. .1 _ .' H.>l to $5000, so that the year was closed In the Mumle J.Ul.' but uuav um...-_... .._. 108.10 2l..'3T:').G In the Upper School, Dave 2,014.07 School, Tanni.s lquestion, imen their " \V l101'C (`int uul. )7 `\ u uu:_ \. There 5 IS new: par-`V and aim get Therefore , 1' and inn` 1 be And if a suitable up--to-date, huild- 1 ing; with all the facilities for this which a modern Y.M.C.A._ affords were erected, it would be materially worthy of. our dead `as the principles it stands for would he sentimentailly and ethically worthy! Then there might | . . . 9 "-11 th th t :t . . : !`\H. M ll1PireCa(:fdlllP1;1iecSe- ;`Ila.c1Ila1in faptzl-Lztl} the s1lvc1.1n11edal; ment of the junior 1 Total expenditures amounted to Yuma ii on 10 )rm`e "ma am this W01'k; that H10 C`n0"0' . 25.00l$8l37.71, while the estimates were i11')T1l:1nI1{eoIl)t1ir(1)sI.1un ;\r7{ISt}:1e\VIdJI(`)(i.:`:drhq()(:l1:)(:::T{ tionslot `our clliarigiiiig l3ra'i'r1e boys l $8770. The salaries for the month ' . L _ W w"' *0 3 Va age " 36.00 i.would amount to $547.50 whit-1dH ]" G' W lb S```` ` ` bv. first want _ ldal; Ida Cameron the bi-one medal. . .` . Iwould make the total exceed the es- land Percv -Vivian mm h0mm.ahh_ and-. - i302.'l.l,"tlII1ll .0S by about $200. There were `mention ' 3` iunexpccted expenditures in the pur- ' . `chase of additional fire hose and tW difference paid in exchange for it 0 horses, which would more than ac- t _T_1'00t0, e0_t01'_00 _ count for the diferenee. `h, 03` 00mP0l-lt10 1 00 schemc .`$180,408.R'2 water and Light prize. sa '- -`_h0`34-35 Street lighting, $44-14.30; Post Of- .35 00,5'33-17lfice Square, town s share for 1918,! 033- `$100, Government portion, unpaid. _ _ _ $100 for 1913 and m.1.Cm.s 3.-14.!-;_3;;; dents`w1ll tal into in `-$ hydrant rental $3792.90. The coni- lm` r`-`kmg- 9-; F0 - - - . ,- . . -')y1 6')--4 nuttee (llfl not estimate llihlllg to Every effort 13 belng 1nn-I (.1 1-, 1.1.- (.....n.-unnnf e qlunrn Of nlr-ha. e reading hear hear of an: hand: plae interested minds lovin; ts ways th . . . . A u 1!...-.... ma re: ~ ` 1i),~'H)"-).'.H' uuttce (UH 1101; eiullxuu: uuvuna .... pay for the Government s share of "'---"J the Post Office lighting. Education , mi Indigent '.Ihe G`X[\'}ll(ut`_,J7(`S were within `L71 :- '.es't.imnte_s. Totz payments $1091.21" `with nearly all accounts paid, while` 949-3* {Ufa e.'atimnes amounted to $ 1300_ In 1' 12094;`?-1 "L110 Board of Iienltfi the payn.::nts' `were $940.88. There renminccl 1,550-66 '&=126.67 to be paid on account of 1:13?--94_ | (-Continued on page four) ` 1 4 `I~Iydra1.t rental . .. 3,792.9ol] `Police Department 3,0-15.75 Printing and Stationery ` 181.48 Receptions . . . . . . . . . 172.90 Sa`mries-- ! Clerk and Treasurer . 1,541.69- lG1erk s assistants . . , 503.83 I Page .. 11.00 Audit.o1's . . . . . . . . . . . 200.00 ! Collector . . . . . . . . . . 37.50 Assessor . . . . . . . . . . .. 300.00 Total . ....$ 1594,02 .. 356.27 ' Parks . .. . 123.00 Street lighting . . . . . . 790.13 ' 4:.a.:\.c.au;. u - - . . . . Total. Market Special Grants- _ iN:1_ti0n211 Sanatorium Sick Cl1i1rlren s Hospi- tal Salvation Army . .. . . `C:ma \Var Hospital -11 1 .. ..- ---..l_-..., Fund Ro_va1_ Victoria Hospi- ml Agricultural Society . N:1\'y Loagllo, On account R ed Cross Society . . . Total .. . Law costs and da1nag'es. E(lucnti0nal-- Public School . . . . . . Collegiate Institute . R. C. Sop. School Total . .. . . .. C`ollo;ri:xtc Institute`, 1` 11 :\1:__._ .I..L,...4-nuns Total Assets ..LULLlL can cut on. Institute, Building debentures County of Simcbe . .. Dm'1'i0 Tanning C0- Rvfund water :1 1. nun 1Lt'Luuu u um... -.. . 1i;;'ht, 191 . . . '18 Public Library-- Levy, 1918 . . . . . . -. . 1,75 Parks Commission-- Alc (on account of levy 1917) . . . . . .. 5( Sewer Construction Account-- 7 Interest on overdraft. l 0: |Jl;vvxL \-v...-.,_ __-_,, 62.50 31 Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . 268.52 C Public works .. 4,997.99 l~ Drai11age . . . . . . . . . . . 733.-51 } General expenditure 286.39 `Road Improvements and I Counfy Grant . . . . . . . 3,728.33 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . $200,523.17 . The `furious emnlnittees reported` their expenditure for the year as; follows: 5 _ ... -vv, ,1,` _....a Qnwvnv-a and Iaiso unwuu, aw mu, ".5 .... .... -_ _ _ V 25.00 lweek, and Mr. John Maekay and A r. ' `B. \V. b"mith_. the sheriff s ol'l'icei_ `H .1u`e both unable to attend the courts. "aw l The cases which came before the in- 100'0e-CO\11'tS last week and on Monday; .were not of local interest. Those. y 25000 ;that were tried occupied so long; 1 it 5()()_(`.`. that several. of the cases down .l'u:` t `2,~:l00.00 hearing have been adjourned. ""'" In the criniinal cmirt, 'Davil -5:5 364`-ion `Fleming, of Sta}-`net, was charged 530-33 llwith an assault on W . J. VVeath`er- up; but after 21 long` lieai-ing the 302379-00lj111'y 1'etu.1'11e a verdict of not` 8,004.41 lguilty. : L.$ houis Dusonie, Peetang, was tried 1 re " ' Joni. two nharges of theft. He was ae- - 13 000.00 lqmttecl ol? stealing Wood sashes, but ,,9`97,, 90 `was eenv1e.te(1 of the theft of wood. " " Judge Vance reserved sentence uu-` til Friday. -180.37! In the civil court, the jury could lnot agree in an action brought 1 1783.20 lRob c. Cherry, Collingwood, againstf ' Michael Coyle, Stayner, for balancel on account for drilling well on (la.-l} I 500_00 fendant s premises. ul vs` 1 A I T` _,.-... . 3,792.90 3,045.75 350.00 L` 1` 5001; t ,1 I , i A;1_Xlthough Barrie is almost free , Ifrom the influenza, :1 mild epidemic} of colds visited the Court House`: this week and put a stop to the busi` ; mass of the County Court. Judge, Vnnce and Judge \V'1smer both being ; indisposed the courts were adjourn ed sine die. Mr. D. Quinlan wasi [also unwell at the beginning of thug _ l I ~ -- -r 1 ,, \rAA1.._. .u~..1 11'1- _.._.. .:?_ ,1 cmirm casumis \Lx`u1ga x t Irma R( able me ` ?th 1 Harlov Vhlch 9 S' Po mentior ` v1s1on co: `t t 1918, lfcel G` :xp:1id. ` L1.`-;_83; dents. f" g Eve} we ' examix the in T7}:-_ studer .09.L`21 the {c ` while , ; 1.1.`. `J. H. \V. Seageg, Orillia. 1 Lllness of Judges Put Stop to i Business of Court This Week I I E I 1 In the action b1'0u5:11t Bull, Collingwcod, against !Ho1den, for $2009 "damag Hw 11- t`} 1-on`, u 3 en erma 10:` Lithe jury gave a fc ) idant. i 1 The silver and bronze medals of-ll: lferetl by the Ontario Publicity Com- ` mittee, for the best essays on Canadizms` lShould I . . `competition amongst students, l . o iaml remlmg ` ' "` ` <~~`-~~~ rd? Wnmliclx Prisoners Repa.triaLted . R. Shaw, Mid`.:u`.. `V. Lennox, Painswick. Died. V II. Lowric-_, Cookstown. / LI1.lUJ.L|Dj \ '\Vl1cn Mzulelon comes t1'1ppiny_r our table, VVe b0ldl_\' pluck her goes by; And each one wl1isp(-rs low pretty fable, __ Made up to win 1101' sly Our M-a(lelon is nnt :1 berm leml her on, She lau_Ql1.~', that's all. and I she's 1101' lut_\'-- l\I21(lelox1--~.\lml:-l-n1--M:1}l('lnnl So, wlfcn we chuck lfer chi!`

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