Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 3 Oct 1918, p. 7

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CHAPTER XXIX ` .1 Nurse Alice had received her or- 1` tiers, and as Easton prophesied. :1 there \\`us nothing for her to do but 013(`.\' them. She was I'elie\'e(l` i from ll('I` duties ll:-.1t,.~'ai1n- ovenin,-_.;~ and told to leave 1'01` Alexeiinlriu ; 1.he1'u1lmving morning. Son1olwcly s Rolls-Royce was put at her disposal -to _take her to the r_ailway station at Cairo. Before leaving hospital she Went to say good-Ibye to her patient. I l"\'n{`-Pf \'t|I1 rill cfill kn harm mm Non-rlmm ADVA.'NO'E> FL` f_:01'nf_" U) ]1`_',m ` Alit,-0 said. .~\mi , * arm. They were. i I n"L Lnnm ;ueamsv1ue. 0 sex: the ; Samuel Gompers, president of the} mm h;,g1.;!Americ:1n Federation of Labor, has! mum but jarrived in Paris. ; , =1 Boston, Mass., schools have beeni _ " ;closed for :1 week because of the epi- - ""`"" 'demic of inuenza. as LTUW1 ' The plan for the oating of the 10 b\\.\' Enext Victory Loan will be similar to . I suppose {that of the last. one. - ,1.,n~.~ T ! Ontario County Council has agreed fully Compiled and Put Into | Handy and Attractive Shape for ' The Busy World's Happenings Care- the Readers of Our Paper- A l Solid H0ur's Enjoyment. NEWS was or weed Important Events Which Have Occurred During the Week. TUESDAY. Ex-Ald. E. W. Barton of Toronto died in his 73rd year. - Qir Yvilfrirl Lnurinr in!-and: viginnx I uleu 111 I115 IOFU year. I Sir Wilfrid Laurier intends Visiting | Toronto next Monday. f`nn-zfnnfinnnln had: nrrnin hnsani DOUIDCQ Dy 3. DTILISII an` IDFCB. Fi-ve deaths from Spanish inuenza have taken place so far in the Polish camp at Niagara. I I A Elli: nv.'M"D'D fnr ftnwa \J.u|.'d.1'1U l\.i1llVVi1y DU2L1'|1. John A. Calder, Liberal nominee! for the North Oxford vacancy in the` Legislature, was elected by acc1a.ma.- tion. . I fl"!-an r`nnoAn `l'a`nnA `Dnou-:1 hon Quinn}- (1ll1l.|,' lU11' U1 1111,`. She broke 111L`1l. 1111- `1c:11'.~: 12111 - 4.101111 1iL`1"(-11(`L-11>`. 1111511111 14111111 uni see `11-3111 for 5111 11111110 110 511111111, but 111- 1-.111"-.1. >111` \\';1.~` v1-_\'i11'__-', C1';'i11_-* si1e11t1_\' with 11431` 111101: to- v.'a1'(1s 111111. 110 1111 his lips until the blood (-(11110. He \'-`:15 11:-11:11.-.~:>'. 111- ~co11111 not do z111_\'t1111'_1`--z1s 11e1p1oss as if he 112111 been c11:1i11e11 to his bed. A1111 110 0011111 not .<:1_\' ;111_\'t11i11\.-`. NOL11 in: that \\`u11l11 11911 or c-n1111'n1`I' 1191', 211111 nr;t11i11'_-` that vcn111:1 1)1'i11j; her .'111_\' nL~a11`0r to 111111. The (11-111-1'1y 1~:11oc1 at 1110 111101`. N111`so 311100. 1111- car's \*.'11`.ti11;` 1'01` "OI raiesune Dy Luu nnusu Lunxa. The Allies under Japanese leader- Germzms out of business in the Omar ;province of Siberia. Two thousand I c , ship have put the Bolsheviki .andi ' Austro-Germans were taken prisoner. I uvv - xv '1 UIVUHLU next. .lVI.l)LlUC(V.]. Constantinople has again been ` bombed by a. British air force. . Finn Ana Hm: fr-nm En;-uni-:'h 1`nnnn7a Citlllp `d.l. J.Vli.I.5d.L'21. I J. A. Ellis, ex-M.P.P. for Ottawa, lis slated for an appointment to the lOntario Railway Board. Jnhn A (`.:a]d=1', Lihprnj nnminee ;'J.'OI`0n'LO. Cadet Sylvester Nightingale of "the ' 'gR.A.F., Toronto, was drowned at I Beamsville. . 1 clnnnnnl ftnrnnnrc nu-r:u1'Fn1-H nf fhch Ll. The Canada Food Board has adopt- ed the allied war lo_at, and requires the use of 20 P91` cent. substitutes with wheat our. ' I "I"hn onnplion lave "I":-nan Ran!-d `WILD WIIBEI H0111`. The Canadian War Trade Board has lifted the embargo on certain, lcommodities, permitting them to be :imported from Britain. Amnrinana in Tnrnnfn fnnlr sfans ' IIDJJUFLBQ ll.'Ul.Ll. nrxtaxu. Americans in Toronto took steps ~ to form an organization to look after their interests in Canada, particular- ly in regard to Washington legisla- tion. A11 cnooha Anglo:-c in {Tannin mvvsur Au gra ha-ve lice Grain Co those fro lhitherto. I VF`-In (In I [llU11'[U. The Government will formally pro- test against and refuse to recognize !the validity of the Long Sault weir decision of the International Water- ways commission. 1 The Vjnniqf (".nn1-mil nf Greater? ]Wa.yS CUIIILLUSSIULI. ' The Zionist Council of Greater New York has announced a demon- stration at Carnegie Hall next Sun- ,day night to celebrate the liberation iot Palestine by the British forces. { rm-m Allinc: nnrlnr .Tannnns:c= lp2,dnr- :i'.hursday, October 3, 1913A secede from me county. I The Food Board says fruit affect- ged by phenol on rubber rings of pre- , ' {serve jars need not be destroyed. 'T`hn hnmininn and the Province of ~cnu.a 5 -..u A Women s Party was organized in Toronto. r`-`Ant Quinn:-n~ T\Tirr1-ufinonhn nF 'f?n.: i_ter of settling solmers on me Iauu. | |' Curtailment of the manufacture of l [bicycles and accessories has been an- |nounced by the U. S. War Industries Board. ' A cnnnuhnf fnknn in High Park.` i TOl`0Dt0. 1 Ministers of the Union Govern- :ment are to devote time to pubiic idiscussion of the Government's| achievements. I (`av-nnian r-aI:nnIfi= since the biz ithat of the last. one. ; County i {to arbitration on Osiiawzvs desire to Esecede from the county. : rm-.1. wnm-I `Rn-:\r usavn fruit affect- Eserve Jars need not De u: sLrUyt:u. The Dominion and the Province `Ontario are to co-operate in the mat- _ter of settling soldiers on the land. r (`nu-tnilmanf nf the manufacture . iexchangeu yesteruny al. v`Iu.:iuu1'5Lu.u. . U. S. Attorney-General Gregory 'has , announced that unnatuz-.x.l`u:ed lGerman women may not enter or live camps or other military instituiions V iin zones within one-half mile about I ` latter October 5. rnrr Il')L`1\ II 11' `Board. A snapshot taken in High Park, i'I`oronto, was recovered from a Ger- man prisoner, and is again in |Toronto. 1 1ur:..:.om-a nf fhn Wninn Govern- achievements. ~ Canadian casualties since the big! goffensi-ve began on the 8th of August I itotal 25,600, which, considering the [extent of the efforts and its results, .are the lightest since April, 1915. ' Ratication of the treaty extend~ sing for a period of ten years the `treaty of arbitration beween the Unit- led States and Great Britain were [exchanged yesterday at Vlashington. n *2 Anm-m>v-Gene1-al GFQSIOTY ibis peace speecn. - ' 5 Giovanni Della Salandra, a Toronto iltalmn, was murdered on his way to " work, jealousy and revenggc being the motives for the crime. .' A n...zm._:n-r*_nnm-n was nussed in 4 3}1CS(: '.:I)LIUu` n ._ ,C01' \\'m':1 thr-'1 long ho1'm`:~ sh M Hw v,\:px'- ftxnat she was 1 - lzintl had vs: ' renn1iu<.". You pom- _\'. Yon am . It s awful _\'n W rx- ...... 1-..,.. uh Ll:1 LIl.'Lu u\;1 i`HURSI)AY. I L1,.-Col. Stephen Faireld, of Co lins Bay, near Kingston, die.-(I yestel ux: nwnrl RR LUIJ. All J nsrn Quentm. _ _ . Aparty of Italxxm 3o11'1'r1_a11'sL:: `now `tt`a.vellin:.r, through the Luna .5 arcs [have been invited to pay :1 -visit. in 3 Canzzrla. I {`,nr-nmnn I"hn11r-nHnr rvnn Herlnar ! Canzma. 9 1 German Chancellor -Von J.-Ierllim: i Iwas hissed in the Re-ichstug on um` lcount of the 'uns:n.isactc;ry nature of {his speech. I nimmnni npna Snlandra. Q I s motives 101' me cnme. An Order-in-Council was passed in Ottawa. providing for the trial and punishment, of any men teaching B0, : , sheviki doctrine in Canada. A um-.-nun mmlnginn ncr:1n`I'+_`{l in IL |SheVlKI rmctrxxxe In \..zLuLLuu. . A Lerribie explosion ocr:1:r1-ml jpowder factory at Plauen, S'.\xon:.', and out of 6,800 women employed there, only 12 escaped without in- `jury. ` Vina nnnwza of Enriland sent a. jury. i King George of England greeting to King Peter of Serbia. congratulating him on the rerem suc- nnqcnu n1 the Serb troops in i\im.ws~ donia. Brazil and Austria. have recalled their Ministers, and these two ecum- tries are now in a state of war, al- x.......n. nn rm-ma] declaration has [ I.!'lt.' ELL : uu though no been made. It \-_y-ac: av c'Ul_\' Ill.'illL`I LU nu L: tl _y011. }c_l(:;st(1) saw t? 1 .~;ui1'-o(mt1'0l. `ff -1>e1'ud. T-Tn I.-nu-1' Hlnf made. It was announced in Ottawa that Mennonites coming to Canada from !the United States must. serve in the zu~1ny. The pact with the Canadian Mennonites does not apply to them. 'L`i\rn .m,...-..- in mo (`.at_h0li(: Reform- Mennonites does not apply u. mum. Five yr.-arts in the Catholic zxtmzv xvas the sentence handed out `in `Montreal by Judge Choquet to the` ow... nr 14 unn1'!~x who was the author "in `Montreal hv Judge Unuquul. LU um boy of 14 years who was '02 a series of costly tires that during the past summer mystified owners and police alike. . 11:31: m.i|f.x-.id .Ga.x-iens`. for some grain dealers in Canada must` licenses from the Board of L Commissioners, and not only rfn from Fort William west, as nd police nuke. Ram. WJ|f.x'.id Gariem`. xuxlating mm on me rt-:\'\:uL ::u\;~ of the Serb troops `e In same 01 war, in- formal declaration r\r`l\ [years Minister of Municipal Affairs] | in Alberta and in the recent changes made Provincial Secrc-1.a1`y. has rc- szigned. He claims his z-ease are those of business. He win Still rs:-tain sent in the Le-gislzature. FRIDAY. The first snow of the season fell in different parts of southern and western Ontario. Du `Linn Cir Dnhnu-1* `Dru-an `D1-imn western unzario. a Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Borden, Prime Minister of Canada, has left Ottawa for another holiday. T37-ir~r-(1Av1 `l7`riaT\.Tr`|(1IIniD` 'M nntr=al. tor anotner nonuay. _ Brig.-Gen. Erie McGuaig, Montreal, 1133 been awarded a bar to his Distin- guished Service Order. Qnrvivnw: nf hrnknn Turkish armv \' U101? hope. _; l`T.u gmsneu D'eI'VlC(3 uruer. Survivors of broken Turkish army were driven into the arms of the Arabs by the victorious British. I non `Rnfha whn 1-nnpntlv has been I Arabs Dy [I18 VlC(.UI`lUu:-5 nuuau. Gen. Botha, who recently has been very ill, has been ordered to take special treatment and a. lengthy holi- day_ . nm-inv tho nast few davs there day. During the past few days have been somewhat serious disturb- ances in Calcutta owing to Moham- medan ill-feeling. rm-.n nnv nl T4`:-nnlrfnrf wan hnmhod meuan I11-Ieellng. The city of Frankfort was bombed by the British airmen, who shot down I ve German machines that were de- fending the city. nr Rt.-an-_ nnnsnltinz surgeon. To- lencnng [I18 CIL) Dr. Starr, consulting surgeon, ronto General Hospital, has been ap- pointed one of the consulting sur- geons to the British force in France. I`hn in non Hnnrv R. Wakeeld. to me urxusn Iorce Au rra.uc-1:. The Rt. Hon. Henry R. Wakeeld, Episcopal Bishop of Birmingham, `Eng., has arrived in New York to I undertake a. speaking tour in Canada. Dnvmn in-inuinn in nnnstantinonle unuertaxe a speaxlng Lour in Laauuun. Public irritation in Constantinople has become great. and rumors are spreading that the Ottoman Govern- ment may be forced to seek a. separ- ate peace. I Field Marshal van Sanders. com- I are peace. Field Marshal Von Sanders, mander of the Turkish forces, who ed from Nazareth shortly before the attacking British troops appeared, has reached Constantinople. rxr xv \1.';Idav- AR vnnrs: nf nzp. nas reacnea Uonstantlnuple. W. VV. Wilder, 45 years of age. manager of Wilders Limited, one of the biggest furniture stores in Mont- real, died on board a. street car on his way home from the oice. The wrpnnh and the American 1 ms nome Iroxu Lue Umuc. The French and the troops started a new offensive in the Champagne. The French advanced four and the Americans eight miles. [Ten thousand prisoners were bagged land over 200 guns. SATURDAY. i Meatless Weeks will continue in Germany through November, Decem- ber and January. Czuiadisms helped to SCO`.`C- anoth-31' bi, -4 victory, when the Hindenburg Hine was broken near Cambrai. E The Chilean Govermaxem lies or- `(lerecl the naval authorities to oc- cupy with armed forces all the in- terned German ships in Chilean hz~.r~ I bars. 1 `.\.r..4 f`_n7\ T\Tnv.vhn1-11 M'inife1' Of n 41:; He 1 final, I vni r-.n ! bors. M:3.j.-Gen. I\Ie'.vbur11, Minister of '1 Militia, accompanied by Col. Osborne, military secretary, has left for the west. He will visit the Western mili- tary districts 01` the iirst time since he became Minister of Militia. A large contingent of Serbian troops is operating with the Allies on the Murman coast in Northern Rus- sia. Detuchments oi Serbians and Jugo-Slovaks are taking part in the ;operations of the Allied armies in Sibsria. XHII1-ialrnnr Q1-s=fan:.=nn_ who recent- Siberia. Vilhjalnmr Stefansson, who ly arrived at Victoria after fl-ve years in the Arctic regions, whither he nvent at the head of the Canadian exploring expedition, is still in poor health. He has gone to Seattle to `consult a physicion. `Do-nvninv Ll-4linr.'r`f nf Bulgaria. has `consult pnysicion. Premier Malinoff of Bulgaria asked the Allies for an armistice to consider terms of peace. Gen. D'Es- perey has refused an armistice, but has offered to receive ofcial dele- gates to consider the terms on which Bulgaria will lay down her arms. `l\/in:-nnis: Kinmochi Saionji, former `Bulgaria will my (iown uer 'd.nua. Marquis Kinmochi Saionji, (Premier and President of the Consti- tutionalist party, has been command- ed. by Emperor Yoshihito to form 3. Japanese Cabinet in succession to 11-at hnmind bv Field Marshal Count Canine; 111 succesmuu tu that headed by Tetauchi, recently resigned. It is probable Count Saionji will organize _ :1 Coalition Ministry. V L`:-nnov-nr William, Duke Abrecht at g -izmaong other utungs, uuu u >,might as well live under P1'u:3si:`.n ,rule as under the present G0\'ex`11mo;-nt ` v in: f`~-urs-win Coalition Muustry. Emperor William. Duke 7 Wurtemberg and Prince Stephen of ; Schaumburg-Lippe, were in Mann~ heim last week when the British. ai1'- I ...-.. -..mm1 than pin` The royal narty ; last week wuen Lue L)l'1LLau men raided the city. The royal party (1.1; - was staying in the royal palace, and 5 the Emperor and his staff promptly ` took refuge in the cellar, remaining ; there twenty minutes. Ah nnnnz has been entered bx` ' .nA\)u;:.;. J. . 1 John C. Swan, formerly :1 Tm-onzo , ,a1c`1erma.n, died at the age of 83 _\`ezn's. , 3 Anti-German and peace clmnor I . .z.3o:;2'. in Soa). have assxxxxmd :,.,.i.uus 3is'-:. .\1a.1'ga1'e\ Pringle, aged 17, of _ ` ('.h:u`21(-uzr. E I . . -. C.`r~-.~r\ was: 1`-med 111 an 2.'.`.t-3- .r\ '1 ML-.1`ga1'e1 .l`ru151u, :.L_~\:u AI, \IA. iihvon Smznxi, was killed in I11()'i}il(`. accident in 1\Iarkd-ale. bx es. new Mm-man Kevs. matron of the ' The American buuleship Minnesota , `struck a. mine off the Delaware 'ealLwast.er. There were no c;Lsual-- 3'01]. 1 \\d.11T _\_'011 to 1u;u'1_\ mt. Still with her back to him she opened the door and slippml out or it, a slim, black fif.j'ur0. .\.m1 as she Went she stret-ched out her hand, it might have meant farewell, it z11i2'11t have L`.t'l`H nu z1mwz1l to him m~\'~r tn .-pmlk tn her: of l:,-\'- ngrain. 'J'hI2n ihv alum` vh-.~'n-I uml .'hn- \\`u.~` minutes. An appeal has by: lGov:don Waldron, of Toronto, acting. it is believed, on behalf of the United Fzarmers, who have taken up the case I of `sedition against J. F. Cro:=.s, :1 Brantford Township f'.11'mer. Cross; was fined $500 and costs by Magis- .....n mvinrrmnn for having: dc-cla.1'e], ' ned and COSLS Dy m-.-,5,m- }Yra.te Livingston for having `among other things, that :1 man imzam 5:: wall live P1'u::1:`.n I Mrs. Norman keys, uxuuuu u; L Sandfmd Fleming Hospital for 1 {L1rm:~(`. Soldiers at Ottawa, died -v.v\tnIr\1r\T'|i'.\ ltuluvu N,-4... pneumonizx. The B11151: UlllUH.lzL. The Bulgarian crisis has m-oducml ` a panic on Berlin Stock Exclmnge.` where several stocks dropped 30 points or more. (`.nm,. B. Robinson, M..C.. a weil-, Capt. well-: known Salvation Army om:-er, who served overseas as a chaplain before ..-:..\.r mm nr=.f'i\'e service, was killed SKJHL5 nu.-.1 in France. A `It hnn uh Although the strikers in the Clyde . shipyzxrds had voted by a small ma-` jority against returning to work.-` weir executives have ordered them to resume operations. Mayor Hawkins of Halifax has wir- ed. a protest. to Ottawa against the. landing of eight man-of-war ai1ors` suering with Spanish inuenza. He. says they should be sent to quaran- tine. His protest was sent to C01.` Montizambe:.t.a.nd Sir Robert Borden. 5 i V .. u ,1 (`nu d chapl-am oewru into active -nnnn incl \'.';-.n:h-rwl or sht- dour.` are ahsolntr-l_\.' \\'m'n s a\vi'u1 your lmvinz` tn :0 ; Do you kno\\', I think 1 sh:\H I3. orders and come with you. ;u:..,. +I.rmm-nml In 21') sh _b;uI1 but Hun .... v s`.'.(3 rzzxial Keys, matron ....l I2`\.-.nnirIn' `nR\')iHl1 E01` ]i'-' `I$i0ND:1Y. '. ` ma]: 1?`.-r-hn'n9` Various Versions 01 How Late Cun- \Vas Killed. All the materials for the myth or legend of Nicholas II. are at hand. When the Czecho-Slovaks captured Yekaterinburg they searched for the ex-Czar s body, but found no traces of it, so one of their oicers reports to Ambassador Francis. The rumor most generally credited at Yekater- inburg was that the body had been taken to the deepest pit in a coal mine and there destroyed. That is enough. Nicholas will take his place with Louis XVIL, Nero, Marslial Ney, and all the other historic char- acters who never died. For the next forty years at least he will be seen one day in Siam, the next in Missis- sippi, a day or two later in South Africa, and for half 21 century or more after that old men will conde on their deathbeds the fact that the schoolmaster or the telegraph oper- ator, the farmhancl, who died in their towns some years before was the ex- Czar. The late Dauphin," as Huc- kleberry Finn s King described him, welcomes Nicholas to a journey as x-....m.. ..= that nf the Wanderinz \Vt!1UULuC L1 lengthy as I ew. l"h ch var: Jew. The version of Nicholas death which the Czecho-Slovaks sent to Ambassador Francis is -very different from the Bolshevist version, which represented him as collapsing in the face of a ring squad. This new . version represents that the Red Guards refused to kil the ex-Czar, that a Lettish ring party was sum- moned and that it in turn refused to re, and that thereupon the Soviet commandant, a sailor, drew his own revolver and shot Nicholas dead. If this is true the Bolshevist account was invented to give some appear- ance of regularity to a plain assassin- ation/. The omcer who made the re- portl to the Ambassador, however. merely gave the new -version as the best account he could get. Evidently Yekaterinburg knows little about it; evidently, too, the actors in the crime will from time to time issue various and conicting memoirs telling irre- concilable stories and the World may never learn how, in truth, the Czar died.-N. Y. Times. _____ THE ROMANOFF MYSTERY. The airplanes which are doing so much to help win the war are of many types. Each variety of avia- Lion exploits at the front requires its own inucliiiie, and as many different tasks are [)C1`fO1`])1d by the Allied aces, the types of plane in use are numerous. u-...,, ;= 9 our-1`i!11inn of the ve Here is a description of the ai`:"pl:1nes most commonly used by the Allied air forces: /1 \ f`r\'n1}\-1| n1:1nhi`nn!`.' Rm."_ll_ fast; nope. , Listen, before you 3.50. I don t care whether you're May Sinclair UV `not. I don't care who you are. I love I want you to n1:u'ry me." 3 mm n'H'|1 hnr hank tn she; the Alneu 2111' 101'cc:s: (1) Combat machines: Smzzll, fast, single-seuLe1' ghters, u:-;e<'. for scout- ing pm`-poses. They usually have a. wing :srn.'c9.d of from 20 to 25 feet), 8. .'-speed of from 125 to 135 miles per hour; c;.1`1'yix1g capacity 450 pounds, 111161 -.1 climbing speec`; of.` 10,000 feet in from S to 12 minutcs. Io\ Dnnnnnnicq-anon nd nhoto- in f:'on1 8 L0 1:. m1nuLc:s. (2) _Reconna.iss-unce and photo- graph: Slower mac-b.iz1es, used for 'a.1'til1e1'y spotting, map Inaking and general reconxxoncringg. Th: wing spread is usually frmn 40 to 60 feet; speed from S0 to 100 miles per hour, c:1x'1`,\'i1:g cap:1ci`.;' from 800 to 900 pounds. They are two or three seat- ers and have a climbing speed of 10,000 feet. in 12 to 25 minutes. /o.\ nnvnhm-s:~ Simihxr to the re- feet in 31) minutes. (4) Battleplanez A two or `three- passenger plane driven by one or two engines and equipped with machine guns and sometimes nnon. It makes from 75 to 85 milesier hour. (5) For naval work, ying boats 'and hydro-airplanes of various sizes ?_are used. On account of the weight ';of their hulls. or pontoons, these .compare favorably with the recon- .naissance machine, travelling 90 to = 100 miles per hour. They are used for coast patrol work and naval ob- -`servation purposes, and can carry ; ; 2,000 pounds. 10,000 met in 12. . to no unuuwa. (3) Bombers: Similar connaissance machine, but larger. They vary from 45 to 90 feet in Wing spread and carry from two to twel-ve persons in addition to their bombs and fuel. Their speed is from 75 to 100 miles per hour; their radius of operations from 500 to 1,000 miles and their climbing speed 7,000 feet in 30 minutes. lA\ De~HInnlnnr=' A two or.three- II gun- `IL It is only within very recent years hat man has begun to draw largely `upon the mineral resources of the I earth. . z.` the 12:1 fteen veams he has em-tn. ; In the last fteen years 1 taken out more iron than in previous history of mankincl. In 1114': last thirteen years p1-enous msLur,x UL u..-...m..\.. In the last years mined more copper than was 1 ed in all previous ages. Tn ehn 121:1 cx1.=\'nn vears in all previous Ages. In the last eleven years he has ` (lrawn more petroleum from the earth's bowels than in all the years since the world began. VVhere other minerals are con- cerned, the record is somewhat simi- lar. But the mist'ortu11e lies in the fact that we are oxliausting these re- sources with such rapidity that a few ce11t1i1`ies from now there may be comparatively little of them left. ` In the last twenty years we have (lug as much coal out oi` our own ter- ritory as all previous history yielded; but every ton taken out diminishes ' the available stock, which can never ` be replaced. :_:___?..._:.__. Rosa Bonhem-'5 P101110. The old home of Rosa Bonheur, French painter, is being used by Aime. Anne Elizabeth Klumpke, to ;whom it was bequeathed, as 21 hos- pital for the xnanual training of dis- abied French soldiers. l.)(:_yuuu A-\.\,v..---...... Restaurant Keepm---I want you to .~ paint 1n e the picture of zrnice slab 'of roast beef. Dnnv A.-1im._Vnn`1l have to turn- `` L`)'.l L-K` AIVDA .v,_vou nef-.1:1'1 }'ritahilii'_x': pr `d0n t cume until _\-nn \'(- `.1 kt-up an 1'_\`' `-; 'lim11." AL \Vl } "Cub LU any gUU(l-`D`VL` I0 1101' ])ZlI.1CI1I.. ` I expect you will still be here when 1 come back I lmpc to find ..Y0l1 Walking about without even the? ' aid of :1 stick, she said brig_:`l1tl}`, in ' her most chee1't ull_\ pro1'essi0uu.l manner. I And Easton replilod somewlmt. ' , Wagucly that he intended waiting un- .t` ' he returned, ad(1in_ that it would _ \_J:1 make any (liffcrence how long - ' she stayed away. .: Slln rrnvn hpr hnnrl Wzmfnn wnnlil of roast Dc-ex. 1 Poor A1`1isL-You 1l have L ish the model. I've forgotten _ roast beef looks like. . ;uu.\., ... ...- -..,.,,_,,A Such a variety of races are repre- ; sented in the Philippine Islands that. k 31 languages are spoken. Airplzmes at the Front. '\\'ez11tl1 01' the l'nde1'world. u, ,,,.-.u.;._ ..-.... unnzxlnf - 1-`..-u.-vs in tho l. l1ilippine3. ,-,, _c _......... ...... ... Nicholas to it J0un.u:_y an that of the Wandering Beyond Recollection. vv v ..__ .. 4. 1 all the he has ; produc- I urn- what IYIAILAI .. _, _ A uh-.'nn H1 imcn-.~n t.-mm` '1 ,Alice s (-_\'(`s and .\hL` :Is1<-:1 I".\'<- I'ti(111.`\1's of hm` 1H1'('Ii1\`_" \\`it'n `Nyn St:1\'in<.z'(-1`. I .\'0 her :1 I .\'1e`sc1'hpti0n` 1'op-mix)`: alum.-.1 `,` `or \Vo1'd tlu-ix` r:rm\'u1"<:1t'mn. ong she had finisln- .~;h- uy mzprc-::. mi` .\}i-n~`.~< ,. Ln I...mm- 1is1v11in*.". \\ `5'UUl,'. Lady live was : s';10L-kctl at her ap-3 pearance when th:-_\' mot at I~uep-: her s zv::1i11. She hezam 'u_\' l:i\'i>;xi11:: ` syxx11)z1tl1}' and pity on lxcr, but .<`n<-_ soon realised that in .\lir*c-'.`~: hi;":1l\-'-_ strung conrlition it \\`:\.< nu: the \\":.~:- est(rl1in'_" to 41). ` Y0u'\'L- lost all pun` '."-_')m1 lun'.-(.5. my leu1'," she Fixl bru.-`r;m-'1_\'. l"Yc)1.1'1=:- !mr1'ib'1_\' thin :I`.n1--11v.-1':-. 1 you :I[m1U'_"in".` fur jmm ix`- ,.tL_L:X: , . r\V\.1 |`nv~ 1-`, ;[}|:')_(. >`;i_1;qI 731. L13 111111. I know that I owe you my 7! `.Il'II|. "`.\11 mv p.-~.1u-ms A1i<:(- 1'01-lit.-tl. Um` mi `` Ufa} nor (.`nI1111$i:l~lI1 in 1 , ..,... ..\,...n 7' ' ` .1111: do IUUHII LANG want him by the W3 Inm'rio 1` IL... .\ . Ul' 1 \r u `; v.'hicl1 xv: orders arm cmnu nun Alice thrmxtcnerl back to Gi'/.011 if she such thing. m sl... l...4 John nun :uum.....u. .. `meetirnrz her there tn see he f any s(-rvim-. Ho hm fu y kind and 1'osr.~1'\*m1 n+ +`m- hm`: sho tuld A [)e1`uu. e km-`.v that she meant that to `ma , but there was su1notl11n in her ~, "an inflection, which g21\'e llim; 3.'U1e Woman Who Was Not By ARTHUR AIPPLIN ` " ' 11 ('1m:1um u. dear." zlhum, mu m..._ ,. tn 1 il 1;11~:c him 0c .\':1_\.'. I'm 1':-:1N_\` (.`1l'.' now. John has at :1(-<-(-1m- him, I :1 :1 :u `-` -un ; h:1tI'1ml. M .... .. 1. p:'.1'i(-nts :\n.- A] Hm- rrr-v 1111 HI; -uux bark fxmu ro:11l\' re:-mv ...n.. g... the L-t'1'n1'i .~hv )1. Good-~b_\'(-,` `FHHI I-- .11- 1'1, , . . ` nu lul\'._'(`I' listcniw.-' . ':~.nz1m'm1 sh vus :3';10L-kctl ap- AL. _...s ..+ '...nn, ll! I-L pr: DI-1C |ril.y CU. KLVVU. c 1 She gave her hand. Easton would have held it, but she drew it away `quickly and hu1"ric-(1 to the door. .nm= mnmpnf, nlnnan, n11r: .." . to `-_-`n :<.tv.`ui:_:1xt.; axtwxnptml :m,\' I he .~;uil gt-nt- I: nut. L` in nlnne. cliwhey 79 IHL` ;'L}'c.\::111(h`i:1 -.1 f`H life Hil sl1u;- Ullltl I'll nu ' , U4-.1` ; H11`. B ut. _.(.nL_ almuun. `I A" ]nne_ 1}? hi} ,(,he_V- ,;m:1 st !I-Ix-o I`! -33;;-1,*., 5113111 :1 :{n,\' 1 SC ;.~:mil<-4`. I mil_ `:2 em} t Sh. LI \'.`n.< m L: ilwmllc`. (`OHM | Sir 1 aw- llizlstcr |pz1rL- `vow.-,`1': ot U` .s:\id. I.1U.1Ul\l`y illl|[ 11111 L lL'll LU lllL' KIUU` - On 0 t, lea 0 nur e, A e m men s , s ' 1 Easton said. Q1... ._L__......-.`l ___..2LZ..,_ l...I.'lI..... Ll... He was waiting outside the station|_ ;he showed more tact than Eve be-g lieveal any man possessed. Th011<.'.'h| Alia-e s nerves were on ed}.-`e and she could have screzlxned aloud at the least tl1ins_v, she was glzul of his services. E\`e1'ybo1_v else fussed, the nutive pm-te1's, the 1'uil\\`a_\' utteu- dzmts, the passengers. He was quiet. calm, brusque. and got things done `-by :1 look or a gesture. ;\'n+ nnril +'nnu~nm-1| had hlnwn his Hy il 1UUl\ U1." '4 ;'.C3l4L|1'l.'. =.\'ot until the gum-cl had blown his fwhistle, however, did S=tzu'inf.:er turn '10 his fiancee and whisper to her that he was going: to Alexaxulria to 500 her t'1'ien(l safely settled in a. |coml'ortu~ble hotel. T...1__ [.`..._ (A cnsvvxv-:ao(] H1-zf C`0lI110I'[i1`Dl(` IIOICI. i Lady Eve was so surprised that she had nothing to say. Hope you don't miml? Sir John asked. I nu ,,,..__ ,1,,,uyy rV,,, A uuu L uuuu: Lun uuuu uunuu. Of course I (lon rt. live stam- lIIlC1`C`(l. I think it's a\VfL1ll_Y thought ml of you. But Alice-you know she's really ill, poor (lo:-ur?" Tl1at s just it, her cousin rc- [)ll9(l. Women (`i1I1"l 3:4) rushing about Eg'ypt by tlieznselves as if it were Engand. rnl. _ L_._ n.___._..._ ...l L- VV ULU 1'JLl`_4'Clll\1o The train coxnulenced to move; he jumped into the commmtment and waved fancwell to his fiancee. Then he turned to Alice. I HY ... --.. .. ....H-. Iirxvi on Al;- Ht: l.ll1lll_'(l LU Illllllio l I -m e0I11in_r with you to Alex- andria. Eve agrees that you ought not to {:0 alone. You noetln t worry about me; you c:1.n look upon me as one of Cook's infernal cou1'iers, if you like. '.I l1m'o s a bundle of illus- trate-xl papers for you to road. 1'11; `Quinn to smoke a ciu`z11'ctle and bury xuy.~:el1` in La Vie I -u1'isie11n<*. 1 hope. .. .. .I,...'. ...:.,.1 ...1-en... m..n.m; `nut 01` II. \'0`1'y \\`L-11. . , He was still 0nj._:a-_-n:-cl to be m-.1r1'ied I To his cousin, a rich woman. Proper- , jly Il12l`.1[1L 8(1 the Curdloy estates would make him :1 ri(."h man. He could settle down c-omt'ort-.rbl_\' to an ` anu:sin;_r x1111Ho and pe-.10:-rul olol l iUv=L`ll In 147.! V H.` 1 iuLaL!:1Luc. L uulvu: you don`: miml my t-.11~:i1r_- matters into my own lumrls like this." ` --.\'m :1 bit," .\.1m- rL-plioal w.:-:1riLv <-losin-.: `ncr uycs. Not if it auxmsos ,.v I \J.L4\.l JLALR .\`\ .`~'1:1\`i1):L-1' hrul I (-11 . l.z1:,l)`E\ L`(I: :1: his it-or quite c-uhnltv. ....-(.1. .. 1`1t~r\ nr fnn win JHHDUULI azuu. She stopped, waiting. holdin handle of the door, her back Wards him. (IT I.__.... Ll...` T ....-.. .-A n`.. 1|; ALIS llkl \1l|Il\. 1m:(-11 :1 1:1:`.n 01' t either excitement ` `.. _.._- , ..../ ...} UL` (lo uuuu.\-.u, 4.x"-L -m..u...,._. .... 11u_\"Cl zrml 1111'.-'1'_\* with both wulneu. than (`"011 L:1 IC\'o i:x1;i'i21o<.1 he vsould be, not only h(,`C:1'\L:L' he `;;u.d been fooled, but bL (`il\`.:iL' 11.` - " com-cit haul been _iustled. A man U.-u<-s I101 [u1".:'et that c:1.~:il_\', and sznlue. men novel` fu1'g'i\'(:-. t~'tn\'in;-:-1', bL'i11f_',' cool and elem.`- he-_1de:1. xn:u`.;- the bust pn.~;sib10 use A-" an ax`-.'.'k\'.'zm1 .~`it11ulim1. It \\':1.~' L1'.1ri11;: . - . ,,, M-- .l')L'H!!i'l H1) Jolul sltxilctl. I" I T 'lill.' _|ULlL` :12:(11`i21, V LDC` end 1 .~0lf at i Ihv \\'h> H110 (`H114 `nut oi` i` YT , _.... Poor man," Alice said languid-I 1- I `l \-..v.< unu--._. U. _ :wnul`.n'1 nmvo." I 4_ _ 811' John <-ox)-rrnt-x1:1t0l 111m, and Ilustuxx 1101!] out his h:ml. You mm -`mu-_vr:1tulnto Sir John, mo, Ilvnl msnid. Then she 1uu'_'h(- I hm; PM-1 {pm-ulml. I mn:m ynu can c'.>1\.'1,1`:U-_ L u1:14rnw,. Stavingez saw a look of `rt-lief on \'k'nA_\ . l IU1';'1\L'. ` I m\":n_'.:-1', b'L`iI1j_L' L-luzzn.`-` led. u: uh .~`it11:nirm. Eh jm11'n0_\' t'1'um (.'uim in .~\.lex-| yizx, w'n11 Nl1l'S{' Alice seated at. or the (-0111p21I*tmc-nt and him i f {he other. that lu- tl1_~ug'lxl.; ` \\'h>i4_- :1ITa1i1' nwx`. u1'1'i\"1n;_" at!- (,'ull(".\l:~`iUI1 that hv lmd (`I-{no 5 it. \ 0`1'_v well. C w L1 ..._ I 5.. `L... nznri-:3!` I 1.L`ll. C`}~I.\I"l`l`I3? `IXX. - `~ ~ I - . -'. not .su1`(~ w11ot11ex' that was :1 [m~'0 or re-.11l_\' r She nmulo :1 little g0.~'.l11I`e of denial. ; E\`er_vbod_v in the hospital knows ` it, he continued. Tell me that I you don .t think I was speal light ly last nig_v'11t when I said your real name was .\Ia_v Sinclair. I honestly believe you are 3121) Sinclair, the woman I love." 1 11 .....:...'1 ...:.I. ..-l...+ .....-nh- l 1:41`. .'\.\.\. lulu-11 `mo bu:uh- ,l_\' Eve ('.u1-110,vhL1r.-t} c-uhn1_\'. He was too I the \9.'or1<`. to show. t 01- 1'oseI1I'1nent. Yet-1 , l.'Xlvi L` .~`.e1`ionsl_\` un- _v wmncu.` V` .1 Ln . . I Nllllulll A ` `1`_l-` lthu` t'n1'm1'_"'Il `.'1`:`1",`_" s 1. . (}i'.'.(-h Yr `.:'1. `-. 11'.` ~, _ my -1- I` `\ : lh'1'm( . . . ` `,..- ,\. .~v;-.."-'- Um M I b1'o:1k.m\'n. IT _] mile ] :~::1ue. ; ' `., '_ I\'(J .l, he co must he n`. 11:1 in H we rev ible 1% e I H 111...: 1 :hnH V.`- Easton s face, and knew that he had been his rival in the past. HQ1- Tnlmn nnnnnnnnfl lc nn(r9(r0_ D8811 uls 1'1vtu. Lu but: pawn. Sir John announced his engage- ment to you when we met in London :1 Ion`: time ago now, Easton re- plied tac-,ti'11l1y. 'l`.nllim.- M: Hnnr-mz ho would all ])11t`(1 tacnuuy. 'l'.e!ling_v his fiancee he would call on her on the morrow to discuss `their ifuture and make arrangements for their return to England, Stavim:- ['91- noddetl to Easton and walked iawny down the sutrcet. Directly he `was out uf sight he called a cab. drove to the Savoy, where he was st21_vin_<.:', packed a suitcase, then took the afternoon train back to Alex- auidria. ` LY. .\._..:.....1 C-llnunn n. Hnnn {'rn- Hun- :u1(l1'1a. He arrived there in time for din- 1101' with just ten minutes to dress at his lmtvl. At a quartnr to night! he pI'e:<(-111011 himself at the Palm-<-. Just. as he was asking fur Nurse Alice he saw her crnssl llhv hull tmvards tho ['(',Stal1I`\5l.I1t,.l ((T ..... ... ..,... 4.. .1:..,. \v:.fl\ mn +n-| Hit` llilll 1n\\zu'u.~ Luv lI7ClrcLu.Lrnuu-- I want you to (line with me to- night. 'l`l1oi'e s an ainusing little 1'estzi.ur:1nt near here, and we can go to :1 theatre afterwards. For moment a. look of fear came into her eyes. I thought you had L-"one back to Cairo? Of. course I went back to Cairo he replied easily. Scarcely four hours ago I was talking to Lady Eve and Eastou. Eve is really very I anxious about you, and as I bad business to do here I thought I I would try and cormbine pleasure- and entertain you. -1 +I.;..L- T urnnlll 1~:ll.l1(-r he alone and entertam you." I think I would rather be she said. n.. u+....:m..... amilml and iludgfed she saw. But Stavinger smiled and insisted upon hm` dnin.',* what he wants.-.r.l. In 1.-nan? hnw tn m-dc-.1` 3. dinner. WUIIIUKI L lU\C. He \'uite'l---\\'it'n what she lit-tlo dreamed. as! .]....'o. Irv-\I\\IV u.1uu} x'I\~1 VV uuu-. . . 'l1pm1 um` uuung wnuu In: He knew how to order a. dinner that would tickle the appetite of the most jaded woman in the world. Tl`lUllf.Ill he might not always be able to make l1i:Insel L' pleasant to a lfustitliotis person, he could always be ienl.o1'tainin_.: and amusing. He use-` '("\'(`1'\' art l1e possessed to emertziin Alive. and naturally he sum-ee A. tllttlo colour slowly mounted her (-l1(r:l<~', to hex` dead eyes life "re- :lll1'Xli`(l. She allowed hersoll` to be .1. Hm..1.-.. w'1tlmr.t n wm'd l. .v. 5.. ' i ' 1 H5` 111110. 1 1'u:1u_\- max," continued, \\'lHl| l`ll LU U|lAa_\ ` ` but I n1c1'(:if'ul. In 21 few days I hope 1~ot.urn to E113,-'1:lnd, and per- . i112l]`is' 1 shall never see you w_"ain. . i T No 1-o11.:'h1y outlined his phms hu-r--inr-1udin_-_- he \\"r~2u'in;` of the 1uni1'nrn1 Eve had suszxrest [LT ...l n :1 vnrl 71%) (nu to ad. -nu` to f'i :u....\... ~- 't:*.l:eu to t!` of 1n'nie~:-L ! \\'hnn HI ()1 \\'hvn lhu [mrfnrnmnr:t- was II\'(`.l` 1n`me~.L. with her to hu`r hotel. I 1-(-ally fuel 11 e1-ent hL-iuL ," .-\ixm- conlessscd :."1'atel`ull_\'. `*\\'h:m ll :1`.I,'ul{`c this mnrnin~_- 1 li wL think l shmzltl liuvo the (-u111':1'_*`.:- In :l;\_\' thrm`-.;'li. I \\`:11'1Tetl to back llru (}i'.'.(-h. You won t unsler<.mn_l. but [I `iv-.2-; l'ri-_-'l1t<-nexl ol` m_\`>:(-ll'. You l1:1\'c just n1is>:(-ul :1 ne1'\'(m:~' ll)1'o:1k Still, 21 miss is "15 mile. I 1'e:1ll_\' \\'mme:l bully . =7, .. ~: 1.,` hm I .~:mmosn l a r.AnHnnnrl .\!::\'in'~.nn' insisteil on \\':1ll{in}_r l>:1<:l: 1mnlnrn1 Lave uuu =u;;~_-m.u.. 1 I am glad ynu re _:oi-n`: ` ]*.'r;' \-mu` 1-m1nt.I'_\'," 5:` 'she let. him take her Th `r-rossi-n;: a road. K . . `.1 . ..I,1 .-nu}mr haw` ;c-1'0ss1-n;: u ruuu. I would rather `1'i~.;`nt'1nf_,r for you, plmd, he could not r nponinu`. Alice did `S110 frowned. HI ,..-nnnf \-nn \'p I `size l'rowne(l. , . I expect you ve got :1 pretty poo` `opinion of me. St:l\'iT1`_'L`1' (:nnt.inn- i .m1,'but He slxru-ggcd his`( I I I shoultlers 1c:u`ing__r the sentence un- gfin`.shed, conveying: that them.-ht he `conhl explain Hy: reason of his maf- `1`i:l\_'e tn Lady Eve -as a man of hon- jnm` ho wmlld not in . (T I hall 5t110u there was a milliomto-onne chance of _\-our xm\rr_\'ing_r me," he :<.ai'l I would haw: gone on wait- 3 vv iint. I `\_'l`11(>rv .`~`. not 21 n1iHi0n-tu-m1e ! .(-.h:moo on my marrying` any one, ' .\li<~.o s:1id, and her \'ui(`(- ~_'rr:v.' sn..'1- I 1('-nly tinml arrain. She was on-1`- I `worked and higlnly st)'11n_-_:`. Sta\'in}.:e': ` il'1](`${* 1,0 forggct this . l (To be continued) 1 '.`.nd. makes WOIK zx Uuxucu. ` To regain your strength noxixxghas ever equaled or compared with Scott s i 1i:nL11sion; its blood-enriching proper i i i ties give energy to the body while its ' ltonic value sharpens the ;\p}'_J<;`Li1: in : ` a n;1tur:1l, permanent way. TF \'nu arr: run r7()1Un, Y:H`(Id. I1ZT\'U'd'S. ' - n , .-' 121, aged :59. he British advanced their lines '5 7 ' 1-` " is -*7 :and took possession of the vilizxge of ' I `-"Lhcn you realize the utter we:>.kne_ss gselency i!nm,3dim1y west of SL ` ;h:1t robs ambition, destroys appetite `Quentin : 5 and makes work a burden. A party jmirnalists now 2 1 m_ _,M;,_ _,,m, ,,,,,_,,,,,g,.,.,nn,,;,W},,,g ;tra.vellin:.' United rf-5i:1u';3 I SUB 11L-ll\.` LU tiuucu. "1 don t know \\'h:1t you v_x1e~.u1"_. .sl1eAsaid_ If you 1'eu11_v love this VV(: jun, .\Iay Simrlalir, 1 '.lu11'1 think it's 1'ig'ht that you should sue me a:_)`ain (_>1' 1 you. \'uu urv only (Lu Cci\`i11g _\`nm'.~'--it` anal it i.~n`t~-- `@323 am mags? I n realize `the \x'e:.>.kness 1; ` xmtural, permamzm v.-.5. . ; If you are run rlmvn, tircd, nczrvmrs, ' OVC1`\\`0-{Ed or ktck :;tren;{th, be :.a.:r:= I ` to get Sco1:t .. Ernulesinn :(.\r.1:1y. cnnn 9, nn:-.mn, 'fL;muto. Ont. will pay for an advertisement in The Advance. ` 4 L-.--u-my... Many recent instances could be given of Advertisers whose wants readily have bcensupplied in thisg way. i . _ ! The C:mmn_;{ Centre 1:; now open.` Send young; ht-,et.s, green and wiuri lbcans and peas. Phone 185, Barrie. i I --Special Sale of Wall Paperst clearing out stock to make room for new goods at Dozxzrall Bros. ma: man. . have gone on | ing Stuv'1n. re- , resist an ohivious , nu`. not untlerstantl: : ' I .1 She allowed nemvn Ll) uu, the theatre withrmt :1 ! . A Ten. Cc->13`_bs for nuunv--a Fifteen Words - ::n:uunn1uw.un \_L`l\llI`{; _\-nu. qtmu l'ui1' In C11... Inn-.|v.. .1.

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