J.'`LD1.U.I.\:.LIrJ J.V.I.u.uJ :.ux..u.\ For the first time thi.s season sweet creauu is in good demand and the market readily cleans up all Supplies. In auhliliun to this, where 21 week or to a}_"u there was :1 surplus of milk on hand and <.1a1i1'ies were tu1`nin_<.: buck 1112111) cans every day, the supply to-day is scarcely equal to the llellllllld. ~n..1. 71' u.,..... ,_n...,`l2Hn.-m nun :1 up. 26.70 T326435 21.3%` 24-90 65"". 68% 69% 1551/. 157% 156% 1 G7 67% 44 .95 67% 1:7 With the times. That is. or should be. the motto of evgry Business Man. To do this hemust \ADvANCEf: Advertise Advertise Advertise: __._.._._.V , , ' Advertising is to business what! Electricity is to Macliinery-t'ney great propelling power. 1 1'7 ,,._.,.._ -__. .L-4. - ....-.-. .r\ hp.` 1 ea In ue \'(!1'_\' '|uumL:1u'_'. Lil .\Iosaie (lisea. these. eueiiuiher troubles are transmis- sible from one plant to another thougli they are app:11'entl_\' not due to any fuusrus or bacterial parasite. If the juice of a diseased plant he injected into :1 healthy plant. the disease will be produced, and in the field, transfer of this kind is thought to he brought about by means of sucking insects. It has been found that the enur- mon wild cucumber (1-lelninneystisi also suffers from this trouble and that insects will earry it from these wild plants to the cultivated c-mp in spring. It is not t.houv;ht. ln he carried to any considerable extent 1 1 Stun. 1.uv,.n.u.-.5 run -.. Experts say that a man to be} successful in Business should spend. at least as much in Advertising as he pays in rent. \* r 1 \ L, i No form 0 Advertising pays; gbetter than a Regular Advt in Local Newspaper It is no use` for a Merchant to hide his light beneath a 11:}: He shouid let Ilthe public know he is Alive. . Every successful Merchant knows that the first requirement is to be 5supplied with good and gsnuine articles, that are worth buying 1 . . u The second requlrement :5 to 1' -.--nun rn-r-.-rs -n*r'r1`.'r 1'1`! Tr'M'r\TTT IC acuuuu. LCHHIA 5,51; nu. iir THE PUBLIE Kbvv .~_.-. -.... _ v._.___ .__- , that he has the goods. The best mode of doing this is to Advertise ` in the Local Press. The icirculating over a wide Agriciiitural M `Area, is a good medium in which to `place an 1-idvt. Pcople in the vil- purchase when they CCIT.C' to Town I lages will then know just what ti iADvANcE Latest Wall Papr Designs Best Summer Reading :\i1otliEr" '1'0'().T)'()'0` Mei)? The character and extent of Can-` z1da. s continued participation in the war will be one of the subjects to be - considered by the Government when the Prime Minister and his colleagues come home with first-liantl informin- tion from the Inner Councils as to` the need of the situation. rmm M:i;o...-v Qnv~\'inn .\r\f limit: to the need 01 we suuzuluu. The x\Ii1itur,\' Service Act limits to` one hundred thousand men the num- 1 ber of men whih can be raised from its operation. With upwards seventy thousand already secured it is expected, and also apparcnt, that by fall the full quota will have been obtained. 'I`I\n nnnutinn Huxn \\'iH ofr :\ri. as to. I/[IND LlI3l.'Cl-`I UV III plants to i in the seed. 1'. ........ A6` H omzunou. 1 The question then will arise as to l whctlier the limit is to be raised. If it. is not, the specific liiilimtion 103 one liumlrod thousand will prob-ablyl I be removed. , Tn cnynn nun:-Im-q tho m-nnmtnl has 3 be removed. In some quarters the proposal lias been advanced tl1z1t,nnother hundred thousand should be zuithorized, but the matter has never been otlieinlly considered. In the. nztturul course of events all will depend upon how the military situation develops in the` coming months and the extent to` which relnt'orcen1ents are needed.` The Premier, as a member of thex War Cabinet, will be fully advised as to what. is called for overseas, while the man power essential to do- , tnestic requirements will be :1 bigl considerationiin any further policy- to be determined. Ulllllllllllll uuu lI.|J\.|l\.u|nn ....vn........ Man for man our soldiers have a higher moral standard than the men of any army of any other nation en- gaged in the war; and when in this connection I speak of our soldiers of Canada. as well as the sodiers of the United States. Any man who tells` you the contrary is a liar, and the truth is not in him. This is not an offhand alibi: statistics compelled by our own surgeons form the truth of it; and any man who stands up any- where on our continent and says that the soldiers who have come from our side of the Atlantic to help lick Ger- many are contracting habits of drunkenness or that they are being ruined by the spreading of sexual diseases among them utters a delib- erate and a cruel slander against North American manhood which should entitle him to a suit of tar- iuid-fcather underwear and a tree . ride on a rail out of any connuunity." --I. S. Cobb, in Saturday Evening !)nal L` U lllmm Walker & Sons. of Walker- vlllc, have denitely decided to aban- don business as distillers, converting their plant into chemical works to AVAIJI u 1:; \. . be operated by the $1,000,000 Hiram ` Walker & Sons Cllexnjcal Co. 1 os.t. Ready for Emergency. "An optimist looks on the bright side of things." . "Yes, and if he is a. real optimist he tries to carry a.little mental pol- lsh and shine up the dark side now and then." i Cnm{dim1 and American Soldiers. .1- ._, __.__. ...... ..AIAnn Ianirn n Scott's Bookstore Opposite the Post Office All the Daily Papers PASTURES NEED RAIN I.,. 41... `i_...o. 52... +1.2... ,.nn Novels, Magazines, Illustrated Papers No More Rye. 11.11.... 0 on..- i,ALEXAI\'I)ER COWA.\', 'l'l|lIl'.~4clIL\ , x\lIp_fllnl ; CRESW1CE:.-~ _ L--- C`- 2.3-. STEVV.-`xRT & STEWART, BAR- STR.-LIE ; "u"."f`l C` risters, Solicitors, Xotaries and Convc-yam.-er:~:. Bionr.-g: in any sums at 5 pear cent. 1'3 Owen St, Barrie. Stewart. DON.-\.LD ROSS. LL. B.. B3 ' ter. Solicitor. etc. M.-.3154.-:1 z ple Bui1din;_'. Barrie. Mo 5 loan. in the seed. In view of the trumurniuaihlu nu.- ture of the d4i.~:uus(-,, it is mlviHnhl- to dc-stray M1 :-1-1m] plzuma mu! tn burn up the dead vines in Mu-. full. I "BOYS & .\H'RCHISO.\'. BARRIE- 1 tors. Solicitors. .\'otar_v Public. Con\'e_\'anc-rs. Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Oices 13 Owen St.. in the prem- ises forznerly occupied by the Bank of Toronto. Bmnch Office. Elm- vule. Ontario. W. A. Boys. K.C.. MP. D. C. .\Im'chison. nun LU L4Q:HUU.`, Lu-:.an. ca 5I`I`;W Barrister, Solicitor for nhtaizxix probate of Will, ;;12rr`?.zr.sni1; as administration, and Gr-.ne'.'ai Sn citor, Notary. C0rn7eya:'.r=.az'. A1: Offices: Hindi Blorxk, .\"o. 3 Fm lop St. Money to Er.-an. I. .-1.`. Lu:xu.. tr.-r. Solicitor Ofn:-e. Let Bu.iId9r.g. M1 rates. DR. VICTOR A. HART Graduate of 'l'rinit_v University and .3130 grndllzltc of Edinburgh and lG1asg_-jow. S1>ecia1t_v.stoxnaoh diseases. nmm nnrnnr Raveld and WOT" Ulasg_-'()\\'. b1i(`(`llL}'.St0Hm(`u Lllauucua. Office, corner Bayeld and sley Sts. Entrance o Worsley. Ofce open until 8 pm. I-___.:___.._.___ PROF. D. E. \\'E1R, Teacher of Piano and Violin. Piano Tuner. Studio, 6 Owen St., at rear of , Bank` of Toronto biiiidfingr. -43$ H . Eye . IL IIHIL luv IJI-I-II vwn . `Then you realize the utter weakness `illmt robs ambition. destroys appetite iand makes work :1 burden. nu ..- _._:.. .. H... .`a.......n-Ia and-lnohne land makes \\'0I`K a uumcu. | To regain your strength nothinghas i ever equaled or compared with Scott's 1 ]<`.mu1sim\; its blood-cmiching proper- ? tics give energy to the body while its ilonic value slmrpoiis the appetite in I a natural, pcrniamcm way. `If \-:\n -n-n rnn ri.\\\'n iirmi. l\(`l'\'0\l$. nntunu, ])c1`II1:u\L'n\ \-say. If you are run down, tired, ncr\'ou. `n\rm`\vorkcd or lack strc.n;.:lh, be 511161 `to get S(`<\1t`s iilnulsinm today. ` Scott lluwnc. `l`umn\o. Out. 1'? " CAN AMERICA PRODUCE mm. OWN POTASH? .1` \. :1. 14I`.\\ 1.` .\1.U.\..u... k lll5CL_V and Dlsenses of \\'omen especial- ly. 0tlice_ 55 Collier St., Phone 01 ':5_ HAVE YOU BEEN SIEK? 'r1..m vnn realize the L'Iu'\'. I l|.\lAU phone 165. `It. ll. L. .'xll.\ ;LulJ. \l1'L`1\.)A4 and 1'osid\-In-e corner of Toronto and 1-Ilizalwetlx Streets. (0pposit`e`~-- F.li7.nhctI1 St. ;\1othodist Clmrch.) 'l`o1oph0ne 167. )R. .\l01{'l`1.\1I".l{ LYON, 122 B1001` St. West. Toronto, will be at 91 Owen St., B:u'rie, ovary Satur- day. I)iso:\ses-l;`ye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hours, 11 1.11). to 5 p.m., and by appoint- nu-an} 4.4. u.u ment. L Li. .M11r1 ax bU., 1'I.l.kH.V.|'- on. Established 1869. Undertakers. Open day and night. Morgue and chapel in connection. Barrie, Ontario. ~-- -4 ~-g---`--%-i`..- A. l1lC\\'1S .\1.1).C \I . .. .~` -5` \\ . G. SMITH & CO., PHONE 82. m..;..\.1:..1....I 1 mo `[Tm1m~takers. ...... ..L.. T L` P Q FAQ`. T. W A. ROSS. PIIYSICIAN, tutu. Bulletin .\'n. anallysis M the `ply to he had dustry when n] k-........ 1,` In {la A|\'I 3011. eta. 1 .. Lmnlon. Dunlap E u UNDER-TAKERS :r3`:f&s`1c ifx'*` iLBGAL MUSIC ..{{I\?X1E,"'c31vF1cE .. L` 'l".`..nnl-n O. I ll.l\7l.\,Li\;V {.(`.S.. F.din.. L. Oico and resid- .. Barrie. Tole- 1918 Pj1E).1`ic, _to loan ()fce, f\ If On the h:1~'i~'. n1"*Hn ::'.'r|';:~g:- 5 dnctinn of !)(),()()().U()() burn-ls of ment. the total pntzwln 1~~~npin'_- present, amounts to ulmut `sf S111'ger_v mum.-i nl. l'lI\ l',l `\ stalled. f\., ` Banking Convenience CUCUM}-?:ER M-OEAIC [U ["15 llL'lllilU[l. Both of these conditions are a re- sult of the hot weather. In the first instance, the extreme heat has S])8L`(l(,'(l up the cmisumplion of ice cream, and in the second instance, it has dried up the pastures serious- ly, burning." mzui_v of them brown. It is, of course well known that cows teased and tornienti,-d with flies, un- coml'orlz1l)l_\' hot, and on 215155 that has dried up, will fall OH. rupiclly in their milk 1n-odu<-ti0n-:md so the _.L'I`L`i1l l1(!(*(l of the l1(Il`4l' is :1 good l1un\'y. 1'1-l`i'vsliiI1-." min for Ihv 1110.51; ,. _l' 1\..o... . \\'....1-l.v Qnn Ill` Inn has Barrie and Allandale Branches. u. 57; gin-~* no ynwrunhlu cl |'ruIn Hu- upp:u'ntu.~+ In-1-n univ `lllll llll II N llIli\ 4`l'millL\ Paid-up Capital, Reserved Funds, . z-x" :1 mu`:--| uU` Imlnsh .~mp- ` . nnnu-III Ill- I : .u- u. I'm` ils . II. tons :mm1:1ll_\'. It lms bu-n (lemon- stmtc-d (-om1uo1'ciu1l_\' that cent. of this potasl1 is x'eco\'v1':\blc and e.\'pe1'i1nL-nts .~:l1ow that 95 per cent. of this amount is in :1\'uil:1blu |'o1'm, or nlny 11.-adily be made avail- able. On this basis \vc"\\'ould _h:1ve 21 production oL' zlpproxinxzltcly r.-.-. nnn .~.6' .n-uilnhln nnrnah nan-1| 4A... 00 per V I I year. . . Since only about 50 per cent. of tl1e potash in the raw material is o1'din:11'i`.y volatilized `in the process of makintx cement , as hm1dled at.` present, there is :1 prosrpeet of stilli 1.'u1't11e1' quantities to be made u\':1il- I able t'1'0n1 this source. - e ` I mL, .. ..-. 1.. 1. ....I,.n.- rd` nntngh nun\')'. ]'(`I]'l'/lllll`; 1.l|u nu mu m .};11't of Ont:11'io.-WeL-kly Sun. HULL . \.'l1 [HID IJu~:Aq nu II\J|.IA\.| ...-..-- ` 75,000 tons of :1 'ailub1o potash each ` nnn 1- EIUIL` 11'Ulll lulu DUl|1\\.'. The lvrosc-nt hi-7.-`h p1'ir,-c-:~: oi` potn.~:h ` are en(-o111'a2'in_" installation of col- lecting" :1pp:11'atns and when once in- .~tn1le-1 the (-0.51 on. 1m1u. 2'(-<':o\'(-ry is snlalll. _ r,"` P6iILTRY D_IsI'.Asi:s At In-21st i`it'L_\' per cent. of the- <-l1ic1 `\'oun'_-` ducks and 1u1'ke_Vs, and 1011 per cent. 01' the adult birds, lie 0:1-:-h year from alisczlses, Inuny of which :11'(- p1'e\'cx1tu1)le. This is an annual national loss of probably, xuilliom 01` d011:n'.< than should be u\'ui :1 1:u".'c exu-111. War mxxrlitiom n1:?e `it impera.- 1i\`c that I`z1ruw1'.~, and ]>on111;\'muu -SL1.) ,-I1rnII`I] gin): 1'hi~ nn1l1on:~: ox uouu u\'uid'cxr1u :1 1:11` War llmt I'uru1o1'.~: as {_';n' as p0.-:sibl (.-nurnmtxs 1t-ak. ` - 1 - - -.`I ,1 .. I1\`t,- llllll luruu-r.~ nun ]:um.._.m... :15 1'21!` 1m-sil)lu . this`, Tn lo this I.-very l)1'."e(l(.-r .~:hould pal) :~:1ric-t attention 10 the '__rc-ner-.11 conditions of his l'lor_-Ix`. When nn_\'thin;_r unusual is noteul in 21 fowl. it its mlvisable to [>i7l('|' the ;il'1'et-Ierl intlividuul in .~<-pn1':1u- quarters. 11' within a short. time reeove1'_v does not take place, it is im\\'i.~e to ml;-:~:.t1`0_v the fowl without first ascertaining the cause of the (llSOI'(lL`I`. The prevalence of ` disease is more often the cause og failure than the lack of practical l{no\\'l0rl-_"r- and the extreme impor- tance of kecpim; the quarters clean, ` i.~:ol:1tinn 01.` all ailing fowls and im- mediate action in regard to finding out the cause cannot be too strong- 1}` iinpressed upon the poultryman. \\'1unn n-nnlxln nrsr-urn. 'f"nrw:11'(l to I! B 1}` lmpresseu upon UH. 1)UluLL_\Luuu. ` l When trouble oeeur.'~;, forward to the Bl0lO`.l'l('2ll Lnl)01'ato1`_\', Central l'I.\'periment.'1l Farm, Ottawa, Ont., a. bird. In the inte1'\`z1l disinfect the q11m`te1'.~;.1'L1n:s, (l1'i11kin:_f f_'ount-ains and feed lislies to check the spread `oli :m_v lxifectious disease. l i Disinll-I-t the p011ll1`_\' houses by, s1)1'u_\'inj__r the interior with :1 lime-I`: l,wasl1 solution (50 lbs. stone lime: `.\~]i`]iC`1 in 21 lmx-rel ml" \\':\\(-1' plus_ 0110 -.-nllnn ml" :\ u`nI) emnim-1'<-.iul tlisinfectmit). Fill cracks and crevi- ces to destroy mites, lice, etc. It is smaller amount is 1'equi1'ed it 11121.3-' be p1'epm'e(l by :ullin~_" two and :1 hull pounds of lime in :1 will oil lwater plus halt a teaeuptul of dis-` infectant. ' I Keep :1 crop _'ro\vinr_v' in some part of the yards and alternate 1')011llI'_\ and crops. If the runs are small cover with :1 coatixig olf air- slaeketl lime and dig up. If the runs` are too lame to (li.:', plough and cultivate before sowimz. Rape is 3 __-'oo(l crop for this purpose. Rear all elm-,ks on fresh soil. Aux./...,..1. .1.,....\ ...nnnnHnn< mnv. 1 i I 1 I 1 I l I (fllllfhh Uu ucau sun. 1 .\ltl1ou_rl1 these precautions 111-.1y~ appear 1u1necoss:11'_\' it is the only way of ooxnlmtling many (llS(.'l1SC con ditions nffcctingr poultry, which l left to tlnemsolves will umlm1l)l(: t prove (leciclcclly costly in the long run. . 1 ,3L I Tho Strulfor board of. health will pt-titinn Hus city council in puss :1 by-lzlxv prohibiting (l(5\'('|'y uf. milk uH,v.r H) o':lm:k during the 1nun1`h+ of Jun:-, July, Au;.qu:+l. und: Supt:-nnbur. ` I I. ..i. am - . W... $5,000,000 $6,555,000 u........-......-. -... (E.\"p<,-rixm-mul 1:u'xns Note.) The :1H(~nl'mn oi vm-ulnbcr 2`1'mv- ms is 1i1'o(-teal ton disease that scri0usl_\' :1I'l'cL-ts the _\`i(-Id 01. this plant`, by the ]u1Lh0l0`_*i(:(l1 .~:er\'icc OI tho l)omini<>n l'I.\'p-1'i:ut-nlnl l":u'ms. This s01-vice maintains {Tidal sta- iiuus in . lisn-i<,-1<,. so (.'h as to afl'01'l 1`:1r~il':Iivs for the obser- \'at 01' p.'n'ti<-u1;n- (.`1'n]>.~'. and for exp:-1'i111c1xt:1l work in c0n.1butting their spcvinl d'm-:1:~:c.~:. vmm \I..g..'... tH nr (-I1(-111I1bL`}`$ 1 at spoof still 2 :-e.~: ' .:1tiun Nllml lush 3ASl-IS I{ 1 'l`()l{U.\I l`() M A [UK ls) l`S. , TORONTO. Aug. 5.---The Board or` 1 '1`ra quorutions for Saturday were I as follows: . I rdlrznitnhn wheat (In Store. Fort Wllllam., - '11'aue uuuluuuu I |_ Manitoba Wheat 1 l lncludlr ` No. 1 northern. No. 2 northern. 1\'o_ 3 northern. No, 4 wheat. S2 Manltoba Oats (i No. 2 C.\V.. 9|, No. 3 C,\V., 87!. I-Jxtm N0, 1 fr` No 1 feed. 8-1`/J IOUOWSJ (in William. Including 2|/2:: Tax). No. $2,231/L $:1.20`,. $2_17\,-3. $2.101/,_ (In Store, F0 9i`I1,1c. 87,.,c. 1-Extra feud. 871/.c_ No, S-1`/.0. American Corn (Track, Torrmto). No. 3 yellow, kiln-dried. nominal. No, 4 yellow. kiln-dried. nominal. Ontario Oats (Acco:~dlng to Freights Ou s de)_ No. 2 white, 85:: to Mic. nominal. No, 3 white. Sic to 55, nominal, Ontario Vvheat (Basis in Store. Montroall No_ 2 winter. per car 101. $2.22. Peas (According to Freights Outside), No, 2. nominal. Barley (According to Fr New crop. $120 to $1.22. Buckwheat (Accorcliing to Freights Out- s de). L. \'.-uninvul . l rt William). i eights Outside) E No, 2. nominal, Manltoba Fiour (Toronto), \V:n* quality. $10JJ5. . Ontario Flour (Prompt Shipment). \\"zLr qu'.1Iit_\', $1(I_8:';. in bags. .\1umrezLl; $10.85. in bags, Tort-nto, . Mlllfeed (Car Lots. Delivered, Montreal Frelghts, Bags Included). ` Bran, per ton. $35. Shorts, per (on, $40, Hay (Track. Toronto), No, 1. per ton. $16 to $17. Mixed, per ton. $1-t to $15, Straw (Track, Toronto). ` Car iota, per (on. $8 to $8.50. ` I 9 I Farmers Market. 1 Fall \vheat-Mi]ling, $2_14 per bushel, Goose wheat---$2.10 to $2.12 per bushel. Bm-1ey-l\Iz11ting, $1.40 to $1.45 per. bushel, ; Oats--93c to 94c per bushel, ' % Buckwhe:1t-Nomina.l, Rye--According to sample, nomina1_ I-Iay-TimoU1y. $20 to $22 per ton; mix- ed and clover. $18 to $19 per ton. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. j - n n:..u....n p. (`n wannrt the fallow-` Utllbuu \.xu.n.;u .u;;;.--..... El J. P. Bickell & Co. report the follow- I 1 mg prices on the Chicago Board of J`,-;:x:`1:.: .. n..n t:r:uh Tnw (`.1n:n,(`.1nse. MOI ! Aug. 1 Sept. `Oct. . Oat` Aug. Sept. Oct. Pnr: PO 1 . : Sgpt. L211` aim oFTORQNTO `sgpt Ldrd-- Sepn mbsi sepn Sept N ; Spain ls Silent`. PARIS, Aug. 5.-Consi(lerablc sur- prise is manifested here over the .apparent silence of the Spanish press in the face of the torpedoing of so many Spanish ships in the past m0nt.h. Fast on the heels of the news of the sinking of the lla- Inon Lariniga and Ifoberto, ying the ag of the Spanish Ministry, and conveying the ambassador from Athens, comes the report of the lat- ` est. outrage. The steamer Eguspuza, returning from Alexandria with a cargo of cotton, was torpedoed in the .\Iediterranean. Part of the crew were lost. 3 Apart from a brief announce- `ment in hladrid that the Spanish `press considers the sinking of the ' Ramon Lariniga the gravest inci- dent produced between Spain and Germany since the beginning of the war," nothing further has been said or done. Diplomatic circles ex- ihibit a keen interest in knowing what the Spanish Government will do in view of the circumstances. A pe- rusal of the Spanish papers arriving here indicatestliat the press appears to have been prevented from saying much about the sinking. It seems the Government is trying to use the {new espionage laws to prohibit comment. :__:.:_.?__j_. anus}. Nominal. Rye (According to Freights Outside), to the Evonnn: munuuru. H 3 Major Munnuck was lust seen `ghting over the (iurmun linou July] 1 I20, when his machine was observed ` In fall In llmnurx. E I I Soldiers Raid B. C. Imhor Temple. VA_NCOUVII`{, Aug. 5.---More than .200 ret.ua'ned soldiers, oicers and man, paid an unannounced visit, to the Labor Tt;-mple late Friday after- noon, broke down some inside doors, secured entrance to the offices, and threw books and records into the street. V. R. Midgley, 21 prominent Labor man, was taken into the street and secured his freedom after `-`he had kissed the Union Jack. `nor-alien AH\II`t Cnodwin. Z1(3KOd J `-he kissed the Union JZLCK. i Because Albert Goodwin, alleged draft evader, and once prominent. in Labor union circles, was shot by :1 Dominion policeman, who is now charged with manslaughter, about 4,000 union workers of Vancouver laid down their tools at noon and say they will remain idle 24 hours as a. protest. Ul'llCK l'l_\'L'I' lnrlu.-Iru In u`... `` LONDON. Aug. 5.--N[2lj0l'-E(l\\'.'ll'd t Munnock, one of England's most` successful ying men, who mm 58 German lnuchinen to his credit. up to :1 month xu.'.o, is missing, according the Evonim; Stuntlurd. | M..1...- Nhnnnnt-|( was Nnvul (thief Is Out. C0l I'}NllA(Jl'}N, Aug. f..--Admiral ,vnn Holt /.mu|urf, chlul`. of Um Ger- `mun Admlmlty Stuff, lum been re- Hrml fur mmsums of health, 1u-.c0rd- mg to un unnuunceumnl by Ina semi- ulnciul Wolff lmreuu, of Berlin. Admiral lluinlmrdl Scluaur, t:mumun- dm` M` the lmtllu Iluul, hus lmun de- tilglluluil In succeed Amuirul vun lmllznndurf. I . Buy Dmwncd In HI. Hluir. SAHNIA, Aug. .--Wi|lizuu Mc- Cuuluy, ugud nine, wua awe.-pl aver `um `clnumul Iumls of lhu SI. Cluir rivur ul its munlh um! lruwnml \)e-- lfurt; Ilu: nsyms of his lwn girl com- nuuimmr 'l`|n: Ian! was nnl missed un- til lulu, and tin: nlllul` childrun were Iumaiul to null nnlil unnmsliannud by the o unlit-AI AGRECULTURE .._.._..na-.5... _.. ....._... _.-......-n.u.-..s4nu-:4.-n-ua-u |llll'il.II1 lllmlltrc. ` l.l)Nl)()N, Aug. 5.---|.um:c-Cnl'Dl. Jmauph lmwlim_.", of the (_`.nnmul{4|l| liungcns, who wan-a Inmlual on lhe cums! ul` lruluml [rum u (Im'Inuu Huh- `nmrlnc lure;-c numllus Au,-u, wuu pm- xmunca.-rl guilty and rs:I1I:11::ud In (](`.ilUL The aentence, lmwever, was counnuled to penal Her-vilucle fnr life. , . :?._?____.__ Crack l`ly-r lelie\'od Killed. 7 nunnu A .... r`. ,,,_IUluinu- .Ia`.:Iw 'l`rnHm' In .....\..u Open. . High. r~'nr|'\'u> Life b`cnh.Ime. . 1' I . \ flu.-v THE NORTPERN ADVANCE rrev. . Low. Close. Close. William.` `mu. I H1011` S})(.`("l:ll (1H(`:l>'L`>'. .x. The Musuit: (li. 0!` C1l('11Illi)L`)`$ ti is not \v(-11-lmoxvn in ()nt:u'io '_"'.1l'(i- ens but M` late it 11:15 bx-~_-'1m to :xp- xx inc-:11` nmrv l`1'L-q11('m1_\', :m f_:`l`O\\'(.`1`:'. 0 should he on the 'z1tcli for it. I'iL`- a rent. i1`1\'c-sti indicate '.li:.1`. 1' tlierti are tlirev t`_\'1w.< 01` kinds 0i 1; ;\[osai(-. tn bu met with on l`1l4,".`.llli)-.`1`. 1, of xvhich one is \'r-1'_\' (1:11-ingixig. i: This is the \\'hit(- Pioklo .\1os-110,, 1] W-hivh `_l`(`:!ii}' :1w:n'l's the pl:mt.s and causes the fruit to \_V;-rm. in :. lumpy niisslmpcii cuntlition. The uia, tortion in Ihv fruit is luv L; 11'- regular growth. Certain are-.13 he- come sickly, u.'~:s11n1o a light, ye||o\v or Iiearly white colour. and wow \'m'_\' pu0rl_\'. Tho l'(`lll:lill(1(.`1' of the surface is norniul, retains its . *4 urn <-nlonr i-.`. ~_m\.\*s mm-h is!-i 01', thu.< produr.-in`: dislurtml lo:n'u.< or lumpy ['1-nit. Tn Hm ntlmv Hvn t\'Iw< Hm it-.`.\'(*.: 4 IIIII4 |Il.ll - . ~ l.uI1L'u-Cm'|Il. tjunmuugln lnmlml .. -. I31-I'l|\:llI unlu- K/III\/iI\.llJ \,-...--.- ..-. l} J. 1 ,I}Icl & Co. report I lprices on the Chicago Board K401`! Aug. Sept. Oct. Out: Uct. O-.xts-- Aug. ` Kept Oct... Pm`k- \JI.II\)Il\J\_I :1: v I14 >44 \;\.-u. Chlcnr:n. Au,-_.:. 5.-(l7nitL-(l States Bu- ; r-.-nu of MarkuLs.)-llogs-l:eccipts. 33,000: 1 marl-:01. sU`m1g on best li_z:ht and best .. hutchcrs: otllcrs about we lower than `.\`-.H.\n1'r.l:1;;*. \\'L'l'lI}.'.C`. l`.ut(-hers. $19.10 to ' $19.70: ll_Lfllt. S1!).l:' to $`11).$fI: 11:1ckin;.*. $18 to $13.95: rough. $17 30 to $17.90; hulk of l snli-s. $18.10 to` $1 . Ell).-: pigs. tzood and clmlcr.-. $17.75 to $18.50. (`nltlc---l".o<`c-ipts. 20.000: market. best nntivcs nnrl llr-st lvutclmrs steady: others dull nml mostly 25 10 .300 lower than on _ 'l`hursLlz\y: 18.1 lourls of we-sterns here: ' sales r:1n_::e(l 25.-to 50c lower than last wc-rrk: calves stozuly to 25c lower. Beef ;o:1ttlo. goorl. choice and prime. $17.50 to `$15.75; common and medium. $10.50 to l$17.50. Ilutchr.-1' stock cows and heifers. 157.23 to $14.25. Cnnners and cutters. $6 1 I l . to $7.25. Stockers and for.-dors. good, choice and l`nnc,v. $10 to $13; inferior. vommon and mc-(linm, $7.75 to $710: veal - calves. groncl and choice. $16 to $10.55. Sl1eep--Hecelpts. 17.-'-no; native lambs fn nan higher: no ...,_|.. ......L.-....-la =6 vnh v- % 833" OATTLEJEARKETS ' 'wethers. $19.00. Hogs--Receipts. 3400. Easier: heavy. $20.50 to $20.70: mixed. .\`0r1:ers, light _\'0:'1 and pi;1'S. $20.75 to $20.30; roughs. $17.50 to $18; smcs. $10 to $15. Sheep and 1a1nb.=--Rc-ceipts. SW. Stead) : lamhs. $14 to $18: .\'e:\r1in_2 . SUI to $15: $10.50 to $14: owes. $6 to $13: mixs;-d sheep. $13 to $13.50. I1}:'\5'L' DUI` I:` txuv u: y_ u 7,: `I East Btlffalo. Aug. 5.-Catt1e-P.e- ceipts. 5000. Good. strong`: common. weak: prime steers. $17.25 to $17.50; shimwing steers, $1G.50._to $17: butchers. $12 to $16.50: _\'v::n'1ings. $13 to $16.50: heifers, $10 to $13.60: cows. $6.50 to $11.50: bulls. $7.50 to $11; stockers and feeders. 37,50 to 510.50; fresh cows and springers, $65 on 1.15 The Bank bf Tor0nto,with departments equipped to trans- act business of every description appertaining to banking,` -_.: ...2u. ........~..m.c hr-anrhpll diqtrihntc-id thrOLn_'hL)ut the steers. Mb.:zULu .:u, . . .- .- $6.50 $11; to $115. C`:\I\'c~s-F:eceipts, 1-100. St1`on;:; $7 to R1`) MI. -u.u... .: rvwv--_--_ - cuu:.-mo GRAIN MARKET. n ..._...u p, rv.` ..;mn.o Hm fnllnwi` Spain ls Silent. PARIS, Aug. 5.-~Considerab1e sur- prise is manifested here over the apparent silence of the Spanish press in the face of the torpedoing of so many Spanish ships in the past month. Fast on the heels of the news of the sinking of the Ra- mon Lariniga and Roberto, flying the flag of the Spanish Ministry. and conveying the ambassador from Athens, comes the report of the lat- est outrage. The steamer Eguspuza, returning from Alexandria with a cargo of cotton, was torpedoed in the Mediterranean. Part of the crew were lost. Apart ment from a brief announce- in Madrid that the Spanish press considers the sinking of the` Ramon Lariniga the gravest incl- dent. produced between Spain and Germany since the beginning of the war, nothimz. further has been said or done. Diplomatic. circles ex- hibit a keen interest in knowing what the Spanish Government will do in view of the circumstances. A pe- rusal of the Spanish papers arriving here indicates that the press appears to have been prevented from saying much about the sinking. It. seems the Government is trying to use the new espionage laws to prohibit comment. ___?..__._--_-.___ good, $11 to $13.25; culls. M.uu LU ~:v;I.uu. EAST BUFFALO DIYE STOCT_- .._...-.A Ann :._r _I5.e- Soldiers liuixl I}. C. lmhm- Temple. VANCOUVEIK. Aug. (i.-~Mm-v than 200 1'etu1'ne(l .~:nl(liors, ullicors and men, paid an l1n:um()une(-(I visit to the Labor Temple lute Fl`i(i:l) after- noon, broke down some inside doors. secured enlrzuwe lo the ()iiiov.~'., and tyhrew books and records into the street. V. R. Midgley, a prominent Labor man, 'was taken into the street and secured his freedom after he had kissed the Union Jack. nnnnumn Alhm-I (`.nn(I\vin. nlletzed kissed the Ullloll Jztcu. Because Albert Goodwin, alleged draft C`Vl(l(tl', and once prominent in Labor union circles, was shot by a. Dominion policeman, who is now clmrged with limnslauglitor, about 4,000 union workers of Vancouver `laid down their tools at noon uud ` any they will remuln\idlo 24 hours as I a. protest. (11-uclc Flycr llcllevcd Killed. LONDON, Aug. 6.-Mz1jo1- Edward Munnock,` one 40f England's most successful ying men. who had 58 Germun machines to his credit up to `u month ago, is missing, according to the Evening Stundartl. I Major Mxmnock was last seen ghting over the German lines July 20, when his machine was observed to full in ames. Naval Chief Is Out. COPENHAGEN, Aug. 6,--Admiral von H0ltz0nd0r1', chief of the Ger- man Admiralty Staff, has been re~ tired for reasons of health, accord- lng to an zumouncemunt by the Senn- omclul Wolff Bureau, of Berlin. Admiral l Leh1hardt. Scheer, comman- der ut the battle eet, has been de- signated to succeed Admiral Von l{ollzondm'l'. .____________.__.. Ulemem-cam ls Sustained." I 1\lUh`, Aug. 6.--l're1ulu.r Clemen- cuaufu Uuverulneul. wua glvun :1 vote of uuumlelme In the Clmnlber 01` De- uullua. llm mum. ulumling 3.12. to 16-1. i`lm vow of ctmlltlencu wna nak- ed on the quesliuu ul` rejecting an umululumnl pruvinlillg I'm` Hm culling up ur the 1920 class 01 mcrulla. business or aescripuon 2lppcl`I.'IIInu5 LU u.u......5, and with numerous branches distributed throughout Dominion. and :1 full list of banking correspondents, is en- abled to offer its customers exceptional facilities for the transaction of their nancial :\i r'uirs. 'I'l'l|ll(H' I0 HUl'\`U lulu nruu 1.(L\Il)(iN, Aug. 0. --- Lune:--Curpl. .]usu-1.3`. l)mv|im5, of mu L".unnuu1:.`hL ltungnm, wlm \vun~ lumlutl on the nu,-us! nt` lrcluml frum u Um-nnnn aub- |IHlI`ine Ihruu uumllm ugo, wua Dro- Ilmmuetl guilly uml Hmllullcml to `death. l`lne aemlum-.u, lmwevm-, was cmmnuleel In pvnml am-v1Lu(|o tor lite. 'uI\.\.:- CHICAGO Ll VF.` STOCK. 11' ,1 urv.(\r~ 'l`ruimr In Hcrvu hlfu .`%uIIt.onc(.~. . ,_s....'u A ..._ n I .u.nn_l"rn-I` Open. 159% 163 mi: ` High. IA` AvJxLn.nus-a.-J `eport the following ~ Board of Trade: Prev. Board of '.L`r:1ue: I ` . Low. Glose, Close. 159% 163 163 01' luu1p_\' l1'llll. V In Ihv other two t_\'|ws thn It-.-.m-=f are thu parts most` :1l'1'e(-IL-(1. [11 mm of tl1(-so types thv In-zxvcs arc mo`.- tlod with liuhtm-, _\'<-11mvi.<|1 `_"1'.-in areas and ihc plant is wcakonesl and dwn1'l'od. thus 1'(`(ill('iI)`_1` tho _\'iu' Tho .\iuII](`(i Loni" .\[0s:iic is not so dau1n as the White Pi_~k1(.- ._\-,L-. T The third type is knuwn as lhc Speckled Lt-:|l' M0.~':1iv. and while the 1L`(1\'()n` become spotted with ir-k- 1_\' areas, as the name indicates, this `form of the dig-o.1.;e is not cou:ai(1?:- ed to be \'01'_\' '1:11m1L`ii1`:. I':`I... ...l..... `r.\r4n:n ol:vnn_'1I: fhncn