Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 25 Jul 1918, p. 2

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1' W Li.L"| 1 I DI.LLu.u. ; \).Lv SOLDIER Tw<:nt_y sheep are l`('(111i]'0l1 10 pm- \'id(- sut'L'ioicnt wool to keep one soldior clotlu.-I. ln (Tan1:1:l:1 thc1'L- I1}'(! `loss than .~`l1L-`L-1 pa.-x` s0l:1i(`1'. \\'uo1 is at :1 1'0c01` 1n'i<-0, us. is u!s0 1nut.- *t0n. The (`nu-.1d:1 F0011 Board urges j_:'1`('ZltG1' p1'm1u('tim1 0! slice}! and n1uni(-ipul <-0-o1(-ration in <~m1t1'o1- ling` the Inc-11:1(3e from d0g.~:. UNA1JU RUDD, L111. 1)., L)n.1uw.u-' ter, Solicitor, etc. Masonic Tem- ple Building, Barrie. Money to- loan. _____.___._- ursdya T _'r. ARNALL, OFFICE I\lV(\ mu-nor n? 'T`nrnnt(;. BOYS & MURCHISON, BARRIS ters, Solicitors, Notary Public. Conveyancers, Etc. Money to- loan at lowest rates of interest. Ofces 13 Owen St., in the p1-cm~ ises formerly occupied by the Bank of Toronto. Branch Ofcc, Elm- vale, Ontario. VV. A. Boys, K.C..' MI . D. C. Murchison. A. RAEENHURST, BARRiS-- .. o,.I:..:+,... \I..+...-u Dnklin Km 11)R. MORTIMER LYON, 122. B1001` St. \Vest, Toronto, will be at 91 Owen St., Barrio, every Satur- day. Diseases--Eye, Ear, Nose- and Throat. `Consultation hours,. 11 am. to 5 p.m., and by appoint- nanni- ._____________.___ DR. VICTOR A. HART Graduate of Triuit_v University and 3,130 graduate of ].dinburgh and. Glasgow. Spccialt_v,stonmch diseases. n+r.'..a r-nrnnr Rnvald and. Wor-` diseases. Office, corner Buyeld and. Wor- sley Sts. Entrance oif W-,ors1ey. Ofce open until 8 p.m. PROF. D. E. \\'EII{., Teacher Piano and `Violin, Piano Tune Studio, 6 Owen St., at rear Bank of Toronto buil~d.*ing. -4: ---?- ML. 11. 1. 1Ll\.J.Vn.L4u, \J.L`L'.I.\z.:-4 and residence corner of Toronto- and E1i'/.ul>et11 Streets. (Opposit Eli /.ahc-th St. Methodist C11urcl1.)' m_1___l.....A 1(2'7 , C1` \':11uc pol` 1111111111 1112111 nu-.11 am It co11stiI11tol SH ; 111-1' W111. 111' 1111: r11tio11 :1111l the 111o:1t . 1 '11. per cent. (')1' t:111k:1-.:'L-s` 21 little ('hvz1p01- and L-011t:1i11s 11110111 :1 fifth nmru protein than n1<.~11t sc-121p does. ( )l'te11 tz111k:1'_:'v is 11. in 110-: food- in}.: and the 51111113 fec- can also be` 115011 for po11lt1'_\'. `| 1 11l..11- 1'.....Hn.-.~ tr--l< :11 1111- l`.X~ llnll/.` 11L. zu l.`c1c.-phone 167. GERMAN HALL OI` FAME .ml.`l:..u Hmn nnfnvnr] RAI- THE a.;.:..a.a The E The ' The The The I 1 T110 The The u.~:e1 101- 11011111-_\. ()1.hv1` 1'1-4-(1111-1 H-.~I.~' :11 the |.x~` ]1eI'i111enl. SL:1Li(111 have sl1nwn that :1` Simlnlte 1`z1tim1. like m1'11 111111 1110-at; .~s1-11111, is 111m'(- 111'n1`it:1l)`.o 1111111 :1 mix-` tnrc cont:1i11in-_-' :1 1:11".-`v 1111111111-1' 0|` dil`1'o1'ent 1'cc:1.<. 111 11511111 111211-kct }_w1'ices. As :1 h`l.l[)]l1L'1llOll1 to -0111 1'01-i layi11;r}1c11s ski111 111'1`1k 111115 be 11.~:e11'1 instoml of t:111k21-_-'0 or 111e:1t 51-1'z1p'iL` :1 :. ......:1..1.1.. :.. _-n1`1`i;-innf n1m11l'1- Goitt. }. G. SMITH & CO., PHONEV82. Established 1869. Undm-takers. Open day and night. _Mo1gue'- and chapel in connection. Barrie, Ontario. , ;J,yly 25th;_ __ .. Jzi l:':1`.i11:DI1A.N ntugu U: 'I.J.u.J-I 3 first soldier tha 1 entered Bel- gium. n sailor who tonpedoed Uhe Lusi- tania . e _<,:jun11er who fired the first shot` ., at :1 cathedra`1. . e 1'irs`t nirnizln to drop bombs on" 5 < &..1 ' " L- 5 H131. iu-u hospitzll. 1 11-; an In 11 5 Inc uulu nuu kultur. 3 gcxlius who originated the it? of poisoning wells. " e inventor who pe1'fe('ted 1L fire. , ' . A':_.,L L`......... 4,. a-nln-men n r nre. ~ first trooper to release p` gas. M 1 .rIz~Ic7.;&i. PHYSICIANS UNDERTAKBR tnrc contznxnn-_-' :1 1:1 1 1-0111 1'01-1` 11.<.e11E: 51-r11p'iL`!i it is a.vz1i1uble in s111'l`ir-icnt q11:1nLi-i tics.-~()l1io l".x1wI'i111('x1l Stulixm. ll llllHlUl'l UI V MUSIC who first ex1)ou11d< , L1.'1.u;- ; Public, to loan t \{`.".. _ KIHHJU, I). M. F HULIO 35- TREE GROWTH HELPS E: TO INCREASE FERTILITY , .v\dl1'(-.~six1-_-` the York 1"im1(-era Club :11 'I`m'0u1n. .\l1'. ("I!z1I'lx-< \\'.`, `Nasll. :m l .1'.::Iislw1)1ax1 who realm: to' Czmndzl m:1n_\` _\'c-urs aaro from the_ 21*.-'1'ir-u1t11rz\1 cmmt_\* oi Su.<. gave" his a11divn(-0 the ht-nofit 01 his 0`)- S('1`\'2l`U()Il$ 01" the o(m11':I.~'t' of H-suit. `ohtzxinod in (-m1se1'\':1Linn of l'(-1'tility`l of 1111- s0il__in ('.`::m:ul:1 and (`hm-.211 B1`it- v ..:.. vm... In .....1 .15 hndml r-runs of. Banking lhv $011 _1n L>:m:u1:1 mm \x1'U.:H mu.- ~ aim. The 4|! and 4; ) l)u.~'hol crops H wheat. which \\`o1'o ::ono1':1l thI'ougl1- I out York (`oun\_\' when he l'i1'.~'t knew ` it are now- the (`X('0[lll0X1, he said. -`7` and he quoxml Uo\'crnn1ont stauistics. -" showin{_: that tho a\'c1'u~_"v _\'i(~]l oL' 1` wheat for the county in 1917 was 25 busl1(-ls, :1 l'i5:uro wlxich was hclow the :1\`cr:1-_~'o for the past 16 years. however, by eleven bushels. The m'c1`agc yield for the Province of 1 Ontario was only 28 bushels of wlxc-.x'i. ` and in this and other grrain crops. l York County has for years oxceedcc`. ` the a\'era;'e of_?l1e province. The average yields for the county and province respectively being as fol- lows: Oats, 46--10; Barley 36-33'. Rye, 17-16; Peas, 18-16; Corn, 50-44. As one reason for 'fhe falling off in pro(lucti\'it_v of the soil in York, and in the province in general, Mr. Nash gave the too extwsive removal of the Barrie and Allandale Branches, o,with departments equipped to trans- y description appertaining to banking, branches distributed throughout the 1 list of banking correspondents, is en- Jstomers exceptional facilities for the , _:..i ..1:c..:.~c Paid-up Capital, $5,000,000 Reserved Funds, $6,555,000; Dl`i'r:(.~.s ]n'icc.- Convemence [H m 3 pr :1` 111`; ('01011y OL DEL`: 111 nu-11.... ..- ,, _ I 1)'._]___1'..~'11111111e1- when l1o11e_v is 1101111115,-' i11,lp,-3'. _31)111111 t11e 111'1111ki11g' 1111 01: the en11111y 333%-1115 11o\\'11 the 11111111) _\`ie111; while C _()21,\\'z11c11ing for 211111 11i\`i111_-f s\\'a1'111s JU1 .30 1`t11k11s 11 g1'e-.1t,11e:11 01' 11111 11ee11ee11r.-1"s .Al} ,1*311i1111-, 211111 12110 s\\'111'111 may e. C .411 11111111-11 111111 fly 11\v:1y. .25 The 111111110115 01' 1-1111tro11i11g_-' s\`.'111'1n- A1 1111; that 11:1\`11 been tested :11. the J: _` C111111':11 1-`.x]1111'i111e11'131 F11r111,. ()t1:1\\'z1, ,se klhi 1:111 1111111-1' 1'111'1-e 11ez111s. J3 . . :1 to (1) (.1e11e1'a1 .111e:1s111'es. _ `Partly sci 1,(_u_ sl1z111111_:'111e :1p11_11'_\'; 111'o\'111111g` a J{ S n_ 1:11'}_ge e1111'a1111'e \\'11.11 111111). 5.11111-.2 1)(:- SE 3 m_ tween combs 111111 11001`; g'1\`111g 1111111- ws: 1}` 01' room 111 1111- 1110011 c11z11111)e1: [T1me':11111 supers; 111111 yo1111g queens. fhese 1111-21.51111-5. \\'1111e \'z111111111e ,1111\`e been. . II 1 1:-m(:.l1'o111111 i11su1.'l_"11-ien1 111 t11.e1'11s(-1\'es 1.011] isms 111`e\'e11t 111e.1)ees. 11'0111 1`a1111g 1111110115 C` from 111 111'e.p:11'11111)11 1.111` s\1.'a1'1111n;'. 111 sup (2) 1.\111111p111:111011s t`o ]_)1`e\'e111 .1|1 1.e,,_ more 1111111 111111 sw111'111. lhe queen s 1\\'i11-gs are 151111111111. pre1'e1'a1)1y 11111'i11g, 111_1e1'- . . ~;,_1in f1'111t-*b1110111,111111 \\'11e11 11 111'1111e swarm` ;t:pu_ 1ss11e;~:. 211111 IS still 111 the 1111', the 11111.-e11 is 1111'-l{e11 up i'1'0111 the g1'1111nd1 11 for 1 .. . . T is ` 111111 p111ce11 111 11 cage, 111111 t11e 111\`e 1s . `QM !1'e11111\'e11 to 11 new 51111111. A new have M, 1;-o11tz1i11i11_-3-' the caged q11ee11 is then 111111,-e11 011 the 0111 51111111 to receive` 1'111~ 1'111111'11i11_-_-' s\vz11*111, 1111- 1111ee11 he- IEAT 1111:: li11e1':11e11 1211111". The '1"1e111 bees` _ 1111111 111e sw-.11'111, 11,111\'i11g_/-' the 112111-mt; 11$ 13 hive so 111111-11 we11ke11e11 111111 11 is 1101. i 111033 911111-11' 111 s\\`zu`111 :1'_":1i11. T11 111:1ke cer- 1 with`! 131111111` this, 1111\1:11\1r1:_. the 111111-111 1111' ~* 1 L 1 1 1 1 0 1 1m-mu] 21111111111 111111} CONTROL or SWARMING \. (Experimentaxl 1 Note.) One 0!.` the ;;'1`o:1test- 1n'ob1em:~: in ':])(`(`k(`L`]bi1l`." t0rl:1_\' is the control of is\\'z1r1uin_-_-'. It is n:1tu1'u1 for :1 st1'm1g lwolony 0L boos to s\\'211'111 in ea1'1y_ |..,.......m- whpn honev iu,l_ I 1 I 'l\\1u'u L-IL lI\.\-J ..`.,..,_ _ \\'01'kcr hu'\':u,~, mu! s\\'z11`ms "|)(`1'm'u Iht: mu-ux1-ccll> \\ (`l'(: < l\u\'ur. It has, l1o\\'e\'m', hem possible to prevent s\\':n'n1in;_(' '.::l])i2l1`i(`.s` l'01't_\` miles north 0] W21, h_\' this 1114-2111.4, ultllough `tailed \\'L-L-,k1_v visits l'1'01u the `.01 `\i*a1)`V~11`.11 the luiddlc of . {and much time was spt-nt in ( iin-_r cm-h (:0lm1_\'. I E.\'pe1'iu10nt.~1 in the rum: ' .<\\':1xmi11-.5 :u'(~ hcing` (*m1tim1u llully nlon-_" the l'()ll0\\'i11g._-1' `lines ` sewn the most 1>1'nn1ising`:--- Y 1 T(`Sti1l'.1' s_\'.~'.t(-xus 01' raisin .-3 to the supra`. L\l.:m_\' of these \'_ 1| lu_\' .\`\\':l1'llliX1`_"` under some cm . n 1.`:...l:....~ n|n:H1\' h\,' w} l'iliSill_L,"'i)l'()0(1 will dc- conditions. `E ' `J. Findi11_~,-` 111011115 by which ex-i i)1`nml (`il:l1Xli)l'l' lnuy be easily ex-i `mninoil without lil'Lin_'.: oil" the`. supcrs. A hive in which the hroodl I I S(}L;ll| 1>1`mms1nf_r:-- ` . I (-mnhs :11'(` in 21 1':\(.-k that can he '1r:u\'n out si is being: tried. I -) x:...i.,...~.....-;m-- in 1-)1'uLu1 :1 strain ll) 1':\(.'K luau tun uv ll 5 3 i`:I1li(`:l\`0`.lI`i|1`.." to 1-)1'eLu1 ` that will not s\\':11'n1 ,nt' \\'ili(`il the ]>1'c1i111i11:1ry step is to find out. if the 11on-.~'.\\'zmnin*_" i:h:11':u-1,01` shown by sonic ([11L'(.`1lS\iS iu1ic1'i1`(- A quccni '.~'h0\\`in-_" Uhis ch:n':1<:tc1`. was `Faun i to retain ii. the i'o11o\v1n4: _\'ezn'. \ Butter, per 11).. Pork, 1101' lb... Potatoes. per lb. Roast Beef, per 11).. Bo:1n.<. per 1.1).. .. C0i't7v0, pm` lb. . .. Chncolnte. per ` 1b.. the late Tom L011.`-'.`b0i1t' ].Vi1`-T in the `A terrific bombardment or Bueu: uuu. c1'v\'u-v of :1 rock. a. rain of inacliine-gun bullets was ;l`li_-,rht-Licnt. \\'illi:un 11. =Com- =neMd P0 We rmlng Ger` stocif, Jr.,, the hero of the recent feat mans who lost half their eecuveih . according to a despatch from the reported by c':1.b1(-, when he (3i.llllbC(1\HavaS correspondent on the Marng out on the wing of i1l _ plane and front. tempo1'oril_v ro]u\i1'e ll puncture in`. his gas reservoir caused by enemy fire, proves to he a Brockville boy. 8. son of the pioneer in Brockvi1lc s patent medicine industry. over every part 01 uxu muuuauv, uuuu while doing this you will locate loose bolts and worn or broken parts. Oil- holes and wells should be cleaned out, and new waste, it required, put into the wells. Rell the grease cups; in short, renew and repair any- thing and everything that requires attention. -- `Prof. John Evans, On- tario Agricultural College, Guelph. - A new telephone cable has been laid connecting Windsor and Detroit. It a cost of $5,300. 5: . in . '1 ......;. . mm . .- --J-' :*. ...,;> Ito give me p8l`Ut:uLa5c i ly needs no cor:-`drtion :-1>ror. H. H. Dean, 'tural College, Guelph. _......,_o-._. vs nl~v ._._ _V, Lieut. 'equi]m1ont officer with Dmald Gibson, Toronto the Royall }Air force, is dead in England, fol- Howing; an operation for obstruction. intestinal when reading. Ontario Agricul- ; i i LWCLI: an }\JAA\JIIsq. [Manitoba \lA/heat (in Store nciuding 2.; `- No. 1 northern. $332315. `. No: 2 northern, .5`. J-_n1,g_ No, 3 no;-Lhern. "2,l71,~_:. No. >1 \\'heu.t, $2.101;-, Manitoba Oats iin Store, .\'o, `J C_\\ _. 'J1`,r_.;c. No. 3 C.\\'.. SSc_ Extra .\ o_ 1 feed. `Sale. No. 1 fe_ed, 850, American Corn (Trac No. 3 yellow, l~:iln-drie.l No, 4 yellow, kuH'dI'i(i Ontario Oats (Accorging Sl e _ No. 2 white. S'.'c to 58: No. 3 white. SOC to 87c Ontario Wheat (Basis in No. 2 winter. per cm` 1i i Peas (According to Fri N0. 2, nominal. Barley (According to Fl Mzxltiug. $1,215 to $137, Buckwheat (According 1 side). 9 Nominal. 751.80. Rye (According to Fre No, 2. 31,90. nominal_ 1*] Manitoba Flour ng Var quality. $10.05. Fl Ontario Flour (Prom \'\'zu- quulit.\'_ $10.65. ii he l$1i'i,65, in bags, Toronto ml l\-liilfeed (Car Lots. De .' ` Freights. Bags 19| Bran, per ton. $35. on Shorts, per ton, 3-15, ,` Hay (Track, `I `W No, 1. per ton_ $13 [c u[. Mixed, per ton, $11 to L. l Straw (Track, up` Car lots, per ton, $8 Farmers M Fall wheat--1\Iilling, 1 Goose \vl1c:ut--$2.10 tc ` Barley-Malting, $1. busheL Oats-93c to 94: per _ Buck\vheat--N`ominnl` In P.ye-.~\ccording to s I~iz1_\'-- I`imothY. $20 tc `OE I ed and clover. $18 to . `=i CHICAGO emu; I .'15 J. P. Bickeli & Co. re 111. lprices on the Chicago OX1 ' -3 Open. High. lule co,-n_ 11115 July . . . 151% 152% `F v. Sept. . . . 153 1541,; "` `Aug. 152%, 153%. um 7-11/2 7414 'l`0HU N'I`() M ARK E l`S. TORONTO, July 2`.. ..--The Board ;of Trade quotations for Saturday zwere as follows: Wheat Store, Fort William, ` Including Tax). \'n 1 um-thern. S` "3-`~'_>. C. , , I I ' (Track. Torrmto). l~:iln-drieal. nominal. kiln-dx-i noxrzinal, (According to I-`reights Out- side)_ ` Ssc, nominz1l_ S7c_ nominal. * Store, Montreal) % lot, $222, 1 Freights Outside). I 1 Freights Outsicle).l nominal, 1 to Freighizs Out-l K '1 Frelghts Outside). i 1 1 (Toronto), l (Prompt Shipment). . in bags, .\Iontx'eaQ'; '.l`oronto_ Delivered, Montreali Included). 1 ` ` I Toronto), [0 SH. $12, Toronto). ! to $8.50. Farmers Market. Incluuung 453;; $f5:53`~ _. $2,175. 1 Manitoba Fort \'.-. U 1*` r {g1A,_.(_-_ lash William). to b.uu l | $2,!-1 per ushel, 3 to $112 pe lJusl1el.| $1.40 to $1.45 per` - ' bushel, `I Buck\vhez1t-N`omin:11_ sample, nominal, Hz1_\'-Timoth.V. to $22 per ton; mix- led $19 per ton. G RAIN M ARK ET. I renort the following Board of Trade: 1 l Prev. 7 A - A. _ nu--- U315 ' J my Sept. Aug- Pox-1 Aug H. Po rk._ Jmy H." -Sepk ._. ' Sept, . . . .- Lard- July Sept. Ribs- July Sept. ', Luv Inn: uuu u.....-...-.,. t Liverpool, July 20,-Be-et--Extm India` mess, 370s_ {S Pork--Prime mess. western. 3305. 1C 1 I-Iams--Short cut_ 14 to 16 lbs., 1373. ix I Bacon--Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs.. if 1525; clear be11ies_1~1 to 16 lbs,. 1605', long ! clear middles, 1ight,28 to 3-1 lbs., 1603; ` `long clear middies. heavy, 35 to 40 lbs.. :159s; short clear backs. 16 to 20 lbs., 1 . 157s; shoulders. square. 11 to 13 lbs,_ 1285, 1 | La:-d--Prime western, gin tierccs, 1493.] 1 6d; American,` refined, pails, 1525; Amer- ' ; ican. refined, boxes. 1505. 4 ` '.l`a1low--Austrz11ian, in London, 723. ' '1`urpentine-Spirits, 125$, [ Ros'm--Common, 64s 6d. ' Petro1eum-Refined, ls 6-':4~';d, ` Linseed oil-62s_ I * 5 I 1 I Cottonseed oi1-G8s Gd. VV:1r kerosene-No_ 2, 1s 2-Md, ______:_____ - I 3` UNION STOCK mums. - 1 :1 TORONTO, July 22.-Receipts of; :live stock at the Union Stock Yards gfor to-day's n1a.rket. are 149 cars~- Lcattle, 3034; calves, 895; hogs, 710,` and sheep and lambs, 568. ' CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. `1. Chicago, July 20.---U. S. `Bureau ot_{ '!Ma.rkets).-Hogs. recei-pts 7,000; ma.r- . --iket 15 to 25c higher than yester- . ;, _d:.Ly's-best time; closing slow and` :weak; one load fancy light $18.85; i 1 L k_'practica1 top, $18.75; 1:utcher hogs. A 3 ,$18.30 to $18.75; light, $18.45 to :1` ;$1S-S5; packing $17.40 to $18.20; "lrough, $17.00 to $17230; bulk of sales 3 it `$17.75 to $18.70; pigs, good and -choice $17.00 to $17.50. xi! Fnlfln, receints 3.000, compared ` Su_spicious Ship Held at Havana. 3 HAVANA, July 22. -- The Cuban ?Govern:nent, pending an investiga- }tion, Saturday seized`the schooner `,Georgina Roop at Matanaz, laden ]with 400,000 litres of rum. '| The Gove1'n_n1ent s action followed 'the discovery that the schooner, `-iwhen ready to clear for Uruguay, lhad suddenly changed its name to l the Pinchand, and, owing to reports ,\that large quantities of rum and ` alcohol had been furnished to Ger- 'lman submarines at certain points in the Atlantic, the Gov'ernment deter- llmined to ascertain more facts con- 1 ce;ning the schooner before allowing `it to sail. ___{--._.-._._. `CH cc `fli lk Ecz '_f1 in in 2. is. E : .1; '1 G I i 1 I I 1 ( 1 $2,:-1 Dex.` funnel, `U11 3 bushel. ` dr .*y-.\Ia1ting, per-Hh -93c `lac :\vhez1t--N`omin:11_ ' 119 -.~\ccording pa --TimothY. ,3 1 hr llOr`\G0 GRAIN M:lRKE .l`. gg ht , C1 e. Low. Close. Close. ,_ .. 148% 1-1994 151a,4`h 150% 151% 153 In .152; 149% 150% 1524/. 731,4 73931.74 ` 70151 681,1, 6 / | 711.4 09% 70 70%;` 45.45 45.35 45.40 n45.27' 45.45 45.10 45.45 545.35 . I i I 26.22 26.10 26.12 b26.15 26.25 26.15 26.20 26.22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 24.45 n2-1.2 ....24.77 24.77 2-L65 24.75 b24.7 LIVERPOOL MARKETS. 'ez-pool, India , : I rk-Prime 1 ._... chart nu!` 1.1 tn 1!`: lbs... 1373. 3 Lost Hzux nunecuvua nu .u.....,..... PARIS, July 22.--The smoke `screen with which the Germans at- tempted to conceal their retreat across the Marne, which began on `Friday, did not deceive the French. |A terric bombardment of shells and .. mm nf nmchine-gun Lost Halt Eectives In Retreat. .. H. -:..u.. 99 _...'l`h=. amok 74% 697/3 70% MAY SAVE SEED WHEAT ` Messrs. Quunoe Bros. of." Delhi` wrote the Food Board of Ottawa. to| got :1 ruling upon the yarn in r-i1'cu- lation to the effect that it was Ie:_-'al to s:1\'L-. \vhoat for seed. The s\\'91` they 1'oooi\'e was as follows: z:r1_-.1..t....`. 4.. Iv!\1`I.. `lnHm- nf .Tnnn I i 1529; 1541; . 101%. 153 `.1: THE NORTFERN ADVANCE " 1: rev. ` 0 Freights uu:- Ights Toronto). pt . Montrea !_ a. The Bank of Toronto,with act business of every appert ,and with numerous distributn Dominion, and a full cor abled to offer its customers exceptiona transaction of their nancial affairs. 1.50. 3 \r\r1 m In- mostlv lbs,. C] e_ g n 1493. ils, London, 1 ` 1` I ; D74 69% 70%; l \NEwuAIsHua1Hnns Fall Threshed crop Must be Fe}: Judiciousiy. ` % !changes from old to new gram uic especially dangerous with the horse and particularly with the horse at `heavy work and on a heavy concen- ltrate ration. There is, of course, a difference due to the time of thresh- ing. Grain which remains in stack .or mow for several weeks and thus `becomes dry and cured is not so .dangerous as that threshed directly from the eld or immediately after I harvesting. As a rule heavy feeding of grain t is not practiced with cattle and sheep .on pasture. Where such is the case, `; however, changing from old to new grain should be done with care and Llthe substitution should be, if pos- ;sible, gradual. If the ration must, got necessity, be composed entirely of inewly-threshed grain it should at lrst be comparatively light and in- `. * creased very gradually. Pigs usually handle newly-thresh- e,d grain without much trouble, al- though if on very heavy rations when _ :nishlng for market a little care should be taken that they be not thrown off their teed. Newly-thresh- ed grain is dicult to grind tine and I `is not easily stored and large quan- |tities of the ground grain may not `be stored in bulk as heating and musting will result in lowering the ||'feeding value of the grain by ren- ; dering it unpalatable and less digest- lible. Musty grain/is more dangerous `than clean, new grain.--Prof. W. of;Toole, Ontario Agricultural College, as Guelph. ? W15 Lu Luctuuus \IL for fat. , Order No. 34, section 8, issued by `the Canada Food Board reads: On `and after May 1st, 1918, no person `in Canada shall use in the manufac- `ture of iregcreanihinolre tlfian _10 lper 'centum o a s, w et er 0 annna or of vegetable origin; or more than sixrpoundfsbf cane sugar, to eight ganons 0 icecream As a result of recent investigations lmade in the Dairy Department of the 30. A. College. by Messrs. McMillan, -, Parfitt. and Miss Miller, of the Dairy jstatf. we can recommend the follow- ing formula or recipe, for a batch or `mix which will produce about eight `gallons of plain ice-cream of good [quality and which will come within lthe regulations as laid down by the {Food Board: 144% lbs. (4% gallons) cream test- } ing 13% fat. | 1% lbs. skim milk powder. 6 lbs. cane sugar-117 lbs. sugar I may be replaced with 2 lbs. . corn syrup. 4 ounces vanilla extract. 8 ounces gelatin dissolved in 6 `{ lbs. (`; gallon) skim milk. 1 The cost of the ingredients in this .for:.v.:ula will range from 53 to 67 '.cents buying in small quantities. lf Ibought wholesale, the cost would be less. If whole milk aiidcreain are userl, mixing equal quantities of these will f produce an ice-cream testing not over jten per cent. fat, assuming that the `-milk and cream are of average fat nnrl l'..o Eel? `hot tear it up by the roots the Km ' check the action of the acid nu: my S mum be thoroughly keen otherwlse I bottle is then placed in the centrifuge K | . . . brig !ghgvlgtuc-gge_;vl:&1e1.grgiguffdaggeds land the test completed in the usual I: kept _in good condition. It is a use- ' rxg` The reading is mumplied by gel: i2:23`f1`ffe5d`gtef1he;"f1'dflngg I 3.-Acetic and Sulphuric Acids. ' Weigh 21 9-gramme sample of ice- 3ter' lmuch to the drain` `Meant that has been thoroughly mix-- Do nt depend on 3' Supemcial led. About 9 cubic centimeters of aving examination of the machine to ac-5 _ , . . . it because if you do you will surely! . . - t d d tl dd ' f 11 6 w- M We Wit but ml var` new ti`?-`s lm? cen`t?&.;'im ;1$ h., m ing attention, if not replacing. It .a . . . cld. Centrifuge, and then add water these break during the busy season the same as in other tests. If using 3 at-`they wmlcause greater breakages an 18-gramme bottle multiply the treat (1 1 I n anciziicllllse rgzihine thoroughly with reading by two to obtain the per uoke anch. - cent. {at in` the ice-cream. A s benzine' gasolme or kerosene` 9-gramme bottle which is .ra.duated _ part of the machine and . . was ` give the pe"ma ge of fat dlrect 1 1 corrrtion when hnltn and worn Oil: ! ._`Prnf. H. Ontizrio they 1'eee1\'e was as Iuuuna. - Replyin2' tp your letter of: June 18th, `there is ho res.-'ulati0n either on the part of the Cammln Food Board; or the Boarul :5 Grain Supe1'\'is-:-1'51 to prevent or nu_V0ne frcnn` 1-etninin-,5 neees. zulequnte plies of seed wheat. Special rej:u-l lntions of the B0:11' Grain S111_rer-' \'is01's issued l'1'0m their ot`t iee_. Grain l Exel1nn;'e. \\'i1n1ipe~_", .\l.:1n.. stlpu- lntes that onyone may sell wheat for} :m_\' priee xvhieh the p111`(-lmser ' l, \\`il1i11`_-' to pay for it `for use for : 1nn'p0scs. we -. . -. \,._;}_I_' ` -.._._._. | " an absolute necessity, and it must u: "in good working order. Various cheap machines have been tried and .. `found wanting, but the corn binder ' V": 1 has become a permanent xture on a ff ;large number of farlns in this pro- vince. There are several kinds of corn Zbinders on the market, and while 3, eacll kind may have its special merit 9" j 3 as to the arrangelllent of its essential `S K 1_ parts trouble lllust arise if these g parts are not properly cleaned, oiled ` 1 land kept in alignment. ; The advancing part of the corn binder consists of two diverging jaws )WhiCh may be raised or lowered by 5 v_an arrangement of levers. Attached ` `I - j to each jaw are two or three travel- 1 .: {ling chains, furnished with ngers; ` - : Their function is to convey the stalks ` p 'lto the binding deck in an upright `position as the machine advances. iThe chains should not be too loose T C` ,_ or they will ride the teeth of ihu"` 0 sprocket and slip down the teeth. '9 tel Machines having packers.-to pre- 5; - vent ears being knocked on by jam- 30 `Hung the stalks behind the needle; see to it that the packers yield to '_slightly while the bundle is being 7.tied. Too many bundles crowdingl {Elie carrier will interfere with the ' inding attachment properly free ng 3-itself. The knotter and the needle i cannot do their work eiciently when covered with rust. Polish them with an fine emery cloth. If the knife of thle ;a- ` knotter is dull sharpen it or it wil lerlcause trouble by pulling the twine .en'_from the hook before the knot is lmade. As it requires considerable; red l power to cut the sappy stubble, and : .er, , not it roots, the knife ay, 3 should keen, otherwise 3 ', it will clog with grass and weedsl .rts iThe stubble-cutter should also be 1 ind : rer- ' ful device, and when rightly sharp-` l ened and adjusted does not add `very ter- -- . T\n nnf rlc-.m=.nd supencial; . l I B l 9 \ 2 ( I . I I I ' Get Corn Binder In Shape. To handle the corn crop expedi- tiously, economically, and successful- ; .1y some kind of a corn harvester is`- " necessity, and it must be 1 ha annfl xvnrkinz order. `E Dmulng uLLuu -itself. 1: thei 1 ` ne clo lbnnunr ix: u` lU\V Lu thal ml-nn Emaxms mg mm r Fond C0ntr0}iS03rd Perntslut` 1 1 E i0 Per Cent Fat I IA Recipe That H:lS(Pl`0\'Cl\ Successful ' -Stuke Vines and Trim Leaves | to Groxy High-Colored `l`omat.0es. i (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture. Toronto.) GREAT many inquiries have recently come to the Dairy ` Department of the Ontario AgriculturalCollegeregarding the new regulation from the Canada `Food Board with 1'efe1'ence to the I I ` manufacture of ice-cream, and also. !.as to methods of testing ice-cream Latest Wall Paper Designs Best Skimmer Reading _ UUUSIIL vvu\.u\~....-, -..., _-, ` _ i '3 and cream will . ` `.ten "_c(-ntent-3.5 and 18 to 20% fat _ 1 respectively. 'l`ln`e~c Methods of Testing Ice-Cream tor Fat. ..,...,....n.-v fnr Hm it-.e-cream 3 `a 1; :. 44 ; IDS. (Q guuuua; blvcuuu ....... ` ounces l I ifomxula `cents lace FOOD PRICES IN FRANCE `i Here are some present \\':11' time H )1'i'c(:;s in F1':u1cC. as L`OlI1]')d1'(`(1 wiLl1[~ n'i(',es as tlwy \\'('1'C before the wamrzli 1.018 ]$)'\_l.-.l = nu on 1 ( 7 I0!` ttllli. I It is necessary for the ice-cream | maker to test his ice-oreaui occasion- ally, and the following methods -will give satisfactory results if care- ffully carried out: 1.-'.1`ho Glacial Acetic and Hydro-` chloric Acid `Test. . A representative saiple of the ice- cream is taken and melted and thor- oughtly mixed; a 9-gramme sample is vceighed into an 18-gramme Bab- cock cream test bottle. A mixture L is prepared using equal parts of [glacial acetic acid and concentrated 1` hydrochloric acid. Twenty cubic cen- , timeters of this acid mixture is added , to the 9-gramme sample of ice-cream `in the test bottle, and is then all _ ` well shaken. The ` in a water bath of 120 to 130 deg. F..' E; ` and shaken at intervals until a brown t color appears. It is then placed in ) the Babcock centrifuge and the test '%completed in the same way as for I testing cream and the reading multi- plied by two. 2.-Tho Sulphuric Acid Test. To make the test with sulphuric acid, a 9-gramme sample is jveiglied ('1 into an_l8-gramme tgst bottle. About 'g 9 cubic ccntirpeters of luke-warm Lg`water is then "a.dded to dilute the le "sample, in order to have about 18 lg cubic centimeters of mixture in the le bottle. The sulphuric acid is then m added slowly, a little at a time, at in minute intervals. shaking well after ne each addition until a chocolate brown in color appears in the bottle. No de- ne - nite amount of acid can be stated, as `the quantity will vary with different we `ice-cream`s. As soon.as the chocolate nd `_brown color appears in the ice-cream we 'a little cold water may be added to -lse`check of the acid. The -. I-.nHln in than nlaced in 13 bottle is placed ,1 LIilJl`d.uLuAU u; luv \4l `........, to .- fal- Soott's Bookstore ; .'cqI1ipnm1t Opposite the Post Office` Ali the Daily Papers Novels, Magazines, I11ustrate_d Papers lSL[`I_*J\VART-& S_T-EWAR-T, BAR- -..-.I---- Qn1,.2#n..n KY.-.+-as-Ina D|I|\l:n ALEXANDER COWAN, SUCCES- I ...-.. 11-.--.. L . D...-mm _,._ L- 1 A. ' Thur: TANKAGB CAN REPLACE MEAT SCRAP FOR HENS 1-. CRESWICKE 65 FELL, BAR=l{IS- ters, Solicitors of the Sup-"-me Court of Judicature of 0n:ario,. Proctors, Notaries, Convcyzmcers, etc. Money to loan. Office, Ross- block, Barrie. VV. A. J. Bell K.C. *5, i U113. 1\1un.L.L. 1"-- We S_t., est DISC 1ti- 1.11). ment. "'10 VIC geudt '1 Wm Spec` come En 11*: Office ur Eter own _ fag; E. {em E13119 agdn VLLJ'J\\IL1\4J. LU k7.L1`_l\V.E).LI'.L, risters, So1ic.it01's, Notaries ? and Conveyuncers. Mqncy 1 in any sums at 5 per cent. J3 Owen St., Barrie. Stewart. | __ STRATHY & ESTEN, BARRIS-- TERS, Solicitors in High Court of` Justice, Notaries Public, Convey- 'ancers. Oiee 1st floor Masonic- Temple Building, Barrie. Money to loan at lowest current rates. G. `E! `EMA ... Ll_1L4\1.\lV 111141 MU W ALLV , U u uuuu- 501' to Lennox, Cowan & Brown, Ba1'riste1', Solicitor for obtaining" probate of will, guarclianship and` administration, and General Soli- citor, Notary, Couveyuncer, ctc.. Olces: Hinds Block, No. 8 Dun- lop St. Money to loan. 4.-.. Q..1:..:4-n.- n+n 1\'Ynqnnr-. Tem- DONALD ROSS, LL. B., BARRIS-V 1L1).UJ:1.LV 11 U 11.0 .1. , un.uu.v.u:;- - .ter..Solicitor, Notary Public &c. Office, lst oor Masonic Temple- Building. Money to 10:)" `It loxvesf` rates. l """ `- W. A. LE\\ lS M.D.C.'i\I., Surgery and Diseases of Women especial- ly. Office 58 Collier St., Phone- m LUGH G I DU H. Esten. LDR. \\'. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, etc., L.R.C.S., Ediu., L. C.l{.P., London. Oice and resid-A once, Dunlop St... Ban-rie. Tele- phone 165. .,.,.....- ..,,-. _____1._ \\'11en t:111ka1*."0 01": _`;0O(1 quality 11101'e 1'0:1r1i1_\' z1\`:1i1:11)11- t112111 >:c1'z1p, it 01111 11111-ly -110 11111111111011 corn to z11a1 :1 s11tisl`z1ctm'y 1`:1t1o11|| 1'01` 1:1)'i11u- h(-11s. The two 111:1te1*i111.~`.I \\'(*1'<.- 01' 111';1r~tic:111_\` equal \':11'I1e i11 2. ext. cxt(~1111i111_- 111111` '3 _\'0e11's at the Ex11o1'i111L-111 Sti11im1 w11c11 t11o_\' were 1011 1)1`:111 :11111 M11 111 :1 11111511. $111.1 1 1 1 1 _11-11 (-0111 was 1'w1 t\\'1(*v in 1110 c01'11 to 111-.11~;: 11 .~::1t'1s1':11:1o1'_\' 11111011 11111-1` 10 1-:1<-11 1111 111' 3!! 11e11s. T110 t:111k:1:`0 112111 :1 511-_"11[1_\' 1111511- value 1101' 110111111 1111111 1110311 .<(-mp. H ,..u._-11111111.] `H , 1..-r (-0111. 111' 111111

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