4____: llllillII!IINNll||Hllllll1II!llIIlilli1!IIillililllillE!llIHHIlllllllllllIllllllllllIIIHIII52!illlllillllIlllHlllllll[EHlllllllllllIlllllIIIlllllllIlllllHllllillllllilllilillliiEI!l!lllll!IH --3.5U p.m. B:u'1'ic- Pi1S$(`llf.!L`1'.\` (-hun_-_-;e at Allan I [ dale. ll .-lo (nan at P.0. [ l\'01'th bay anu lIlLL'1'|Hcun:u.c , ` points....l0.40 am. and 8.30 pm. Hamilton to Meaford, north . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10.30 a.m.! Hamilton and Menford, soutli 1 . . . . . . . . . .. 7.15 a.m.| For Midland . . . . . . . . .. 7.30 p.m. 0 Allandale, closed bng.... 10.30 am. `lldlandale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.30 p.m. Allandale and Penetang...7.00 p.m. ,, Rural Mails. Midhurst and Grenfel routes leave Barrie P.O. as soon as the Toronto ` morning mail is sorted. 1::n.a..I.. mum leaves at 12.001 llillilliIlllllliiiillliillllllMlilllllil r------- Allandnle, clos Allandale .. 'D.I I I morning man 15 sortea. I ITlsdale route leaves 12.00 ` noon. ' iiplivfxw} "Tiiv.{% "T'ALi:' ' Telepharze Economy! a L`. _ Mails Close at Barrie P.0. Direcmry First ! Thursdayulluly 18th, 1918 E `O guess at telephone numbers, to rely on your memory, or to consult old lists of telephone users means Wrong r;.1mbers, cielays and general annoyance. CI Sometimes it takee a little longer to make sure of the number; more often it is clear gain, even as regards time. \ The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada (1 Why not adopt the motto Directory first in telephoning? GOING SCSUTI-I `GOING. NO/RTH - {{.1}i'. Thursday and 1 l and Pen(et:1n'_-' mu. to Penotunjr and .\[id- line)--1`_ .1:') }.m. n .\Ti (.~'.11m't 1in0)--l to B:11'1`ie Saturday) to Bzxrrie CHAPTER XIX to :\1l:m- to A11nn- Pe11(*ta11;_r from i1.Lu.- Sma1l---Ross EccIes-Park Fr:1ncis--Eli7.zxbeth Br0ck--B1'adfo1'd B:L|dwin-to\vu line Essa 1'oad-\[a.in Wil1in.n1--B1xrt0u Ave Cumberland Reid B1':1df'ord-\'icto1'ia Toronto-Elizz1bctl1 Pa1'k-Hig11 Bayeld-\\'c11ing'ton O\vcn-Gro\'c \VeL1ington-Pee1 Mulca.st01'-Penct-ang [ eneta11}:--D\1ckwort11 ;\ eLson-B1nke Bl:1ke-Rodne_v Blake-Duckworth Blake-Berczy Co1lier-Mu1caster {ADVANCE With the times. That is, or should; be. the motto of every Business i Man: To do this hemust Adv.W=, Avcivertisewadvertise ` Advertising is to bu.sine5s what Electricity is to Machinery--the great propelling power. Midi Age Experts say that a man to be successful in Business should spend at least as much in Advertising as he pays in rent. No form of Advertising pays better than a Regular Advt in a Local Newspaper It is no use for b a Merchant to hide his light beneath a bushel. He should let the public know he is Alive. Every successful Merchant knows that the first requirement is to be supplied witii good and genuine articles, that av}: worth buying. The second requirement is to LET THE PUBLIC KNOW that he has the goods. The best mode of doing this is to Advertise in the Local Press. The V 1ADVANCE circulating over a wide Agricultural Area, is a good medium in which to place an Advt. People in the_\;_il- 'lages will ihen know just what te- purchase when they come to Town I -i"|)llI\_'lIlIl`l 1 (]C5lf_,"I1S in ` D0ugz1l1 Bros. I E LETTERHEADS, Billheads and Statements printed at The Advanv-e offic-n with neatnoss and despal-an. `FRED BROOKS--Practical Piano Tuner and Repairer. New pianos K always on hand for sale. `70 Maple Avenue, Barrie. 30-yr. J95 nun`-tn-Q -oar`;-vu-.4`... Freemont, 0.-I was passing thx'oug`.x the critical period of life, being forty-six years of age and had all the symptoms incident to that change - heat. ushes, nervousness, and was in a general run down condition, { so it was hard for me to du my work. Lydia. E. I i:.'.:- ` ham s Vegetable Compound was recomme:u`~.=:0. to me as the best remedy for my troub1cs,wh'xch iteurcly proved to be. I feel better and stronger in every way since takin it, and the annoying symptoms have (Timp- non:-A _--Mrs. M. Gonmcx. 925 Nanoleon St.. Fremont. Piano Tuning .-Sp1e11rf1,i:1V `n.-;n-nu ;n Street Letter Collections assortment and new Carpet Squares at Do you practice It 7 am. pm. pm. 7.00 1.30 6.00 7.05 1.35 (3.05 7.10 1.40 6.10 7.20 1.50 6.20 7.40 2.00 6.40 7.45 2.05 6.45 7.50 2.10 6.50 2.15 6.55 8.10 2.30 7.10 1') II `THE ` 8.25 2.45 ' 8.30 2.50" 8.410 3.00 ` BSA 01!`! ~ 3.15 u.u\J I .111 3.10 3.50 8.55 9.05 9.10 0.15 9.20 9.25 9.30 9.30 3.25 3.30 3.35 3.40 3.45 4.00 4.00 lites the E @C9;`i5_33*; 157% aa ggeatest good {$8328 Ohio. Are Here Told the Best Remedy for Their Troub?.es. North Haven. Conn.-L_vdia. E. Pinkham s Vegeta- ble Compound restored my health after cvcrytlzing else had failed when passing through change cf life. There in nnthimr like it to overcome the trvinsr svr::ptoms." had failed when passing through cnange c1 uze. lnere is nothing like it trying symptoms." -M.r5. FLORENCE I5IiLLA,B0x 197, North Haven. Conn. Lmm ?a;.. PENKE-IAM s"`% mmou ND A Mi Smith lmmlcd Lady Alice the glasses which Eastoii hzul lelft in thee _ 'cm'. From one 01, the 5l1L`(lS :1 n1ouo-l , "plane had `been wlicclc-ml out somel 9 twenty minutes ago, and for :1 longl Look, look, lu,-`s going up. I time a furious roan` like the explosion V of couple of ;\Iaxin1 5.511115 haul been shaking and \ il)1`ating' the air. it, and the annoymg symptoms nave (.1`.`:tp- --Mrs. M. GODDEX, Napoleon St., Fremont, By ARTHUR APPLIN , Ullkl `C',i.l\U LIICHI IJilCl\ LU -V U131: l`4\Uu I I I-ii_{'l\er and hi_-`her the 1'1'a'g'i1e. 'thin`_-' >.10i11'0ll, cli1ubiu_:' in spimls. !Now and z1_f:1in the rays of the sink- lin;-; sun L'i1ll__"1lt it Jt .~:l10no with fire. It; looked like a d1'ag__'jo11-f'l_\". And the mu.~ical pur1'i1)g_;' in 1101` (`.:l1`S'\\`i1s ac- cmnpzlniod by the boz1ti11j,-' of her own -heart. . , ' I and rave them back to Nurse Eve. ' .I_._ . I 1,. ,_.. .1 L It was the first time Lady .-`xliicei haul .s_'(:`('X1 :1 i'l_\`in_-' machine. All 1'czLr_| went. She was o\'ei'con1e with th 1 ;\VOl'l(iCl' 01' it. Still it climbed as iii] iits coursrr was set to the stars. ' ' 1 ncv...._.I.. 1... .._.. .,... ..,. 1.` The machine was :11mo.~:t in\'i. now, the ]m1'1'ing' of the engine as ` faint as the hung of the bee on 3 smun1er s day. .A\T,,, ,,.,,`I,, `L L- ,_l`.._I`l 77 \T__..-.. You net-dn't be afrzlid, Nurse live said quietly. I believe the` I1ij_{'I1o1' tht-_\' __-'0 the s:1I`e1'. I -- ..- , Am I :11'1'z1it.1? She did not know that her fur-e was as white as he suede .~`h0:S that c vaed `her. feet. The man W110" had entered herg `life so .' was, she felt, lozn -` in`-_-' it. . . . Flying} :.\\'::y into space. Yes. hm hm! gone. She j.; :`.7.C'.l into the vast blue dome above her head. ;\'ol'11i1:-1 was visible . the fleece ,, ' I_,,.`l ,.- t. u I I I l i i l I I Hm I`.m`1`/,fm_, (`:11 NH` apm \\HL`lL' l:I:i>t0n hzul :li.<:ippC:\1`e She Saw` I! RULKUD him at ln lit-mrv :1n_\' one else. l i`0l):1l)l_\` . min-1' sense 1'11-an ~' ht tulxl hot` that tho tiny black .'<])e(-l( mi the .~.l xvas lrlaston re- 1m'nin-: in his. imu-liine. The blur-k 5,u`("l{ :1'o\\` in size. with .~"_t:1l'1lin'_-' I`::]i-_liI_\'. As it circled ul)0\'(r the :i"i:1tiQ__;1 _r1'ounl :1 l`ll(.`U" awnsv. It l)(`_'_"illl to xlcsuu.-rial in 11:n'z`ow rim-lc.<. thvn with ;1'_-'1':1<-c1 ul .<\\'()op (`H1110 ri'_"ht LlO\\'11. Lauly .\1im- saw the Wl1(}('l>3 touch the f_"I.'f)l1lltl; the en`-_y'ine no 101121-1' 1'o:m\l, tl10l1`_"l1 the LTC-at l'an-lil;- p1'opellL-rs still ruccnl. For some (listaun.-c the m:1<:liiin- vou- tinut-zl its flight :llml'_ the Hound- ! s\\'a_\'i1ig, bumping . But g1':uli1:1ll_y it. ` |.s`l:1<:lu-11:.-l S1)L'C(l,- run more smoollily over the turf. She saw men rush out. ` B in pursuit. __ _.._.__._______ _ Ill.-F L'Ul|l.\l,' \\'ilD DUB Ll` Lllr Dlutll-3. . A Surely he run go 110 l1i:l1e1'.: She spoke 1101' t-1:011`-.:'11ts aloud 1111-] ! con.~:(-i0us1_\'. I :ifT`e Woman Who Was Not] A\\IlHll 01' a. white cloud. was \|nLI1L\.' .`u\C TT(-'s gone, slle crivd. iwdisappc-z1re( . I I-`.119 n\'nI| -1; :'nn qunlrn I. LKII-`Hl1l)L'il' UK]- But: oven as she spoke a n1i`nc1e . to happen, for the d1':1g`0n- (fly 4-mnc s\\:mpin:` (lown in :1 u`1'cut. mllylunc. Slulxlt-n-l_v _thv de. was l<-I1u('kel. . Lnd_\* .\1i:'e`stil"Ied :1 <-13v ]tho nmnn]I;me for 21 mmumlt summed. `to h0\'(-1- likr-_ :1 bi1'<!--theu shoot For- `\\':ml . . . it` li\`(-:1---!':1lli11*_". l'nHiug'. E.\'m\` it was 11psi down. I Slw vl;x. 1101' Imnds; 1101' st`I':1iu- e_\'os x'emuinol l'i.\'oJ. I':1s-in:1te on the fnllill-.:` r>hj(|(-t. ;\n1 215 who watch- ml it" h)<<-1'ihol :1 ;~',<-n1i-(-i1'vh-, took an lxpwzml ou1".'o. 1'i-_':h1cl itst-1!`. QI... Lvn-xfhtul nu--n Pm? nnrm mnre lll[)\\ilHl \'u1'.('. ll`_'_HL\_'(1 AL.'>\'n. She b1'c-zxtlnml :1~_-`min. But once more! Ezlstnn l00])(' the 100]; and yet a thin! limo. Thvll suddc-n1_\* 110 raped .l.., 1...... l'\` H. .l:_~_: llllltl lll1IL'. IHULI .\,uuu\:u1_\ UK` -"x]Vk,\A n\\`n_\ t'mv:u'-.l.< Ilw lm /.0 or` tlw tlis-` `tum hm'i7.0n. I Lmly .-Xlive sat rlmvn: she was , tr:-ml)lin_:. .\'u1'.~`e l~".\'u tool: 1101' hand. 3: ".\ly tlem'." slm .<:1i:l. _\'0I1 ill`?- lguite cold." l L;ul_\' .\li(:v u`z1`.'o at little luuglx. ".-\m l." Slw put he-1* llzlllll :11) to her nmullx us if to s11)>1>1' 21 ya\\`11.l "I \\`m1 it" it will be long` l)o1"orel he (`Oll1L`.~; lmx.-;. `.\'lay, it \\'2\a `glitt- zm i111<-1' -still`,-' oxl1ilJiti0n. w:1.~"n`t it`? :'ir Jnlm on;-`ht tn |1:1\'c (:0n1v witvll us. I'm sure it \\'oull lmvn 1111111506` 1 i I Ha. 1 him.` |\\nH\' |u\'\ nu .-\_1ir`o . 1110111, 1101' (`_\'< `I 1110 11n1`izr111_, 01 1'I11.~1`011 11 1 1I:._. .A. I..L L " Nt11'so Eve said. n1'o1mplzm0.< went up cuiu-:1, and H10lI';'11 Lady 1 in fil1{(` am imorcst in ~_\'n-s 1'(`Il1:li!lL'l1 I'i.\'o:1 (m._ on the spat \\`he1'c Jaunesi .12.-unnnqawml Qhn an: L`, =.~.-~.~:,a z.p:wxmu`~1 nu.-ucm: co. LYNIIJIASS. l Ho 11:15 3 It stopped and came to rest not a hundred yards away, almost in a line with the motor-car. A privileged crowd of onlookers and officials X swurnied across the ground. She saw {Huston just for 21 moment as he rose 1'1`0m the cockpit of the nlac-hine. . - .:.. ...-. 1.1. u~..H.-n.1 nnrn=: H10. ` They had been tuning up the new engine. Lady Alice, waiting, listen- .ing, but afraid to look, haul been the` prey of m::.:_v emotions; she had ex-I periencei nearly every emotion but. "a}rcite1.m..c. At first :1 deadly de-l pres.~`..e.:, 1'oll0\ved by l"ez11-, an :Il).5l11'd` `fear; sl1e told herselI'-lest an ac- cident happened. -One moinentz she wished she had never come up to| l I see Easton fly, and out of this wish was born regret that she hzul ever met him. . . . . . u ziuain as he walked across the ground towards the enclosure. She knew that the engine had done all: that was expected of it. Lieutenant, Easton had made good . She felt :1 thrill olf pride and grati- tude .Then he leaned hack in her seat and :1 little sigh escaped her lips. Jaunes Huston was n0t'hivf_j' to her; indeed, she had not the right `to call him her t.'ri(~nd . . :1 casual u(=qu:1int:1n<,-(-, that was all. 1 xmmn 1m 1-nininnn unmn ho looked. ilrom U10 COCKIJIL UL Luc u1uL"Iuu-.:. i u('q11:11111:111<,-0, I11zlL was an. \\"hen he 1'ejoi110u 1110111 he looked l `as 1111conco1'11ed as it,` he had taken _}110 lllO1`(`. than :1 :sh'0l1 rouml the I ,..-..._1 ..,. 1. 1....l :...~+ 1-nu(\;\'n11 H10 _.110 Hum 21 Sl1'U11 IULUIII nut- ]u1'0L111 _\'(-t he haul just 1'ucci\'c1 tlip c011__r1`atulutioi1s of ,a very Great I I (-1-.~:ox1a.;'c. I I m af1'ain1 I ve kept you xvuitiug I :1 \'or_\' long time; I (-xpc-ct you mtist Jbe d_Vin:_-' for a cup of tea. I T_T.. (.5.-...tn.1 hn nnrnn urn` fnnk [De (l_\'1l1f_" 101 :1 (cup U1 tun. l He started the engine and took liis scat beside Lady Alice. I'm :1fr:1id 11 can t g'Q,t you one here; but if it s luot too late wc l1 run down to ' 'Ru111pelrne_\'e1"s . ` 'I`1.m- l`I`h\`n nwnv, Hm n\'nnsnI'(`- of I 1 I h'11111pe1Ir1eye1' S '. They drove z1wz1y. the c_\'11os111'e of all eyes. Lmly Alice re:11i'/.c- that this. _\'o1111g- man who held his own life so cl10z1.~pl_\f was 1111110115, and she felt as if she \\'(-1'0 g_: otli11u :1 little or his 1'ol lectod },-`l01'_y to \\`hi(~l1 she llilil no 1'i*_"l1t. m1.._.....1. hm... .1." the lnfn, um: : `mad 1'1-_*`11c. Tl10n;_"h tho hour was late, the f':11nous 10:1-shop in St. J:1111es' St. was still half full. The hum 01,` con- \'o1'.~':1lio11 rosro and fell as they on- torml. and o\'er_\' lwml was Iurnetl in l?I:1ston's (liver-tion. Nt-m'l_\' all tho men p1'ose11t \\`ex'o in uni1'01'm; the n1:xj01'it_\' of them seen1o to know l-laston. 1r: . u...:H. . l41\:\ nnnmul nut (09). 1u:1s1'011. .\li.~'s 81111111. :13 she 1101111-:1 0111 tea. was \\'011:11-1`i11`_r \\'hy Lauly .~\li1-e had 1101` 1 -011:.-'1':1111l;11'o11 111111; it semmd so c111:1'lis]1. S110 tried to 111111111111` .~'o111e-! 111111-_-' o011\'(\111i011:1l 111111 polite, but I-12151011 .~`1'0ppol 1101' h_\' 1111111112` 1110 (-m1\'o1-.<:11in11. But it 1 l:1'_"_-"011, 1110115111 Miss S111i1I 1 111:1 -b1'z1\'c 1-1`1 01'1s L:1d_v A111-0 \\':1s S110 felt as 11' she ]1:1:l pz1.~':se 1111'011-_:|1 :1 1-1'i<.i.< in her life that :11'tv1'n0011, now she was .s'11`1'l'e1'i11-_r' 110111 1111* 1'(-111-1in11. lC:1.~'10n 110110011 11` :11 last. 1 1; Y '... . ..1 u-nvn 1'-IHHW` hf)?- 1':\II 110[l(`0(l 11`_ :11 last. I I'm :1l'l':1i you were 1':1t11vr ho1'-' ml this :il'tm'noon. F1_\'inl_-' is not hulk so oxr-itinu to watch as :i:.1'e;':i1:i;i or :1 horse mice. Lzuiy Alice lczmod across the table and smiled zit Enstoii. .\li.~;s Sinithl pir'1 up an U\`0l]iIl`L1' iii,-\\'sp:1pe1' and _hiil l1e1`s(.-ll" behind it. 1 "\\'on't you . H i-i'_*:i1'eLtc?" `Lzuly ;`.1ic(- asked. i l E ! i on : `'Th:mk.<, I will. But \\ h_\' .\`h<-. shook her head. "I .1ox1 t know. You look as i\' you xnmted somcthin-.-' more 1'ostl'u1 than the stupid c-on\'c-1's:1tion of :1 silly 1.:i1'l. He struck :1 nuitch. .-\.1'e you the -n '1nIv ELUNHI |_'Ul|\\_`AJ(l silly gm-1'2 Q1. .. ~n.1.1r..1 Sll1_\' gnu She nmluk-d. This z1l'tm-noon you _shm\'o me the m0.~:t xvondorful thing: iin 1110 world, and I h:1\'en't thanked you or (-0n_--1':1t11l-.1tL- ym1--T Im\'en t. yet 1'e;1li.~:o all it 11u-ant, -111_\'.x'(-11". ` I don't know what it n1o:n1:s; I lonly know it's :1 u~1'o:1t ::nme-- jlhmuh as I .sui<[. dull to the on- I I ,1. ,.. 77 ....,., , _ Ot' cour_se it had only been the mcrest chance-their original meet- ing-and if she had been more care- ful of the conventions it xnight; never have haq)pe11ed. And anyway, his acquaintance--she had almost said_ friendship--would have meant noth- ing to her if she had not been so st1'ang_;e1y placed. Knowix1g so`*,1'ew people, it was ine\'it:1ble that e\'(.-Iy one she met played `.111 important. part in her life. \n.l u'H\ Hun 1-\'d\1IHn1`l (H. Nl1l'S- l)z1nn! > A shudoxv m`0.~'s0<] `l.:1. .\f211'1'i:1'."o \\'m1H '_"i\'(-. you an and 2`I`(`:\h}I` ost:1t(~ of _\`mu' 0' - He blew :1 cloud 01' snmkc bet his lips. , V l||lHl'._`H LL: 3 looker. ( h| 1._n. V lUlII\L'l . "\\'h-n we h'o\'e Hn'011`_-`h the Pzxrk an hour or two :1-:0 you were .~10\'L`l'(` on the on1oo1 Yet I'm -(-nmh-11111c:l I0 ho an mllunker for the rent of my life. I 1'(-t'11sc to zmm-pt. Hm \'ex'li<-1;, he 1z1u<:'1xc \\'11_\',. thv1'e's your ('.~1t:lI(` you told me about. ..n- r H will In my hus- .n .. |-`VI - 1)z1n:I s ' l1Q'Hl`(l. Huge uuu_ .w .I\V\.A|/- ' I 1n:n'1'y it will he my hus- '9 Hn'011`,-'11 A4... ...... '1'-B3. NORTHERN ADVANCE u u u- h(-t\\`o0n 5 l(ll;U' anutlu.-r . ` 9 part 111 ncr uLu. [ And with tho L`X\<(`]_)tiO11 01.` .\'1u'.se, Eve they had all been men; her I agent in l)e\'011shi1'(-, old Mr. Baxru-I um and his 1321111101,` the doctor at. Moorlzlnd \ilIu,-_.-`(3 and the specialist. in London; her cousin and Lieuten-l I ant Huston. T. ,.-_ .1:(-(5....-...+ ` :\-1`` nt Love might, not marriage, she whispered. I \Vnll ml-1n umnl nmrru \u?H1nnt`. ~ \V'IllSkJQ.'1Ull- i \Vell, who would marry wlthouti love? I - v 1- . ... o... . u l'\ u,.v. Lady Alice did not reply. Out of the silence :1 strmlge intimacy had been born between them. She was thinking" now 01' what he .s':1i(l just. ibefore he flew that a1','te1'1100n. Love. Ihzul inmle him risk his life. . . She idid not quite \1nder.st:md. I ..'1v... ...1i-2.1. tn L,. .......+:...... .1...w l m vo1'y selfish to be w:1stin;; your time like this. she sui-1 sud- denly, l00killj._;` 1'1':1nk1y into his face. " I1, ,L_,I, 1' L__1 AAT`. . . . _ _..ab. IU.L'L'. He shook his head. I have noth- ing,-' to (lo. 1 ratl1c1' used to like being: alone, but I funk it now. Love com- pletely clm11:__~`os 0ne's outlook on life. n-|'l`L..L` ..1...L T ....\..... 77 ,.l... '~-\:.l I l I llJJ,'- "That's hat I 11101111," she said umler her brcatll, for you l1a\'e11't 5.-'i\'u11 up hope of L'indi11-_-; Miss Sin- Inluh-7 1 _-nnnncn \`nn hnvn nnlv (Int 7 i I :_'l\ U11 lllJ IlU`ll: (IL clnir? I .~:u1)1)0se you have only got :1 l (_-\\' leave, null you might be 1m1'suin_-' your in\'e.'ti;_'rutio11s. I am, he replied. But for the moment I 1.1;-l as if I were up ziguiiist {L h1'i(.-k wall. I \'e just got to wait. i She rose. ` "How long will 3011 I I L|uuIu`_', -u.13a a nu wait, 1 wondc1'? Why, just as long as 1 live, he 1'0plie<.l. Lady Alice tried to insist on call- ing: :1 taxi to take them back to the flat, but I-la ~:ton would not hear of it. He them to l`I:1ns Sqimre in his car. In dismountinq; Lady Alive <:-:1u_-ht hm` foot on the running: hozml. ~'A .~;<-row that had worked loose tore :1 big hole in one of her \\'l1i`i'o $110110 slices. 11' liastoii had not CZl\1_`_.'.'llt her she would have falhu. She 1:1) in his i\1'lll~} 1501' less than 3 se(= Ion}: 011011211 for him to fool tho \va1`mlh and 1`1'a1;`1'a11(=o or` her |)0(l_\'. Ion: vnou:_vh for him to see r'on_iu1'e(l up 21 Vision 01.` thv pic- ture f_"illl01`_\' in l`l(".;'C`l1t Stu-(~t, the h1uL`hi11'_j' u_\'mph poised in her (lkl11(:Pl tho 1nu. 01' the \\':1te1's oi" the lfonntniliz the \\`0nrn11 ho lovml l_\'in;Ii i1_'.'.':llllSi his hrczxst. rm... ..,...~ .....,I `In ;-nu,` Hun lmlll ` a1_ ms I)-L':l$I. The next S(!(`Ol1(1 11e`sz1w (110 112111 pm'tc1' 1ml1iu-_-' open the dam` and Lmly .-\1i(-v _ him 1n-1' 11nm1`z1nd- .~;1i1 good-1)_\`0. 1 "1 hope we $111111 1llL`('1 :1-_v':1in be- fore 1 l<-;x\'<- toxvn." Huston said. . \\'e shall he \'(.`1`_\' ]>1(':1sz'.1 if you (:a1'(_- In (,-2111 one ui'tc1'xm011,:_' she re- .1;1im1 cn111_\`-:nu1 \':mis1w1. (To be cmmmlml) ooooo 090000 000000 0 0 0 0 0 9 a o o 0 0 A to 00 w u 00 co oo.oo. ...u..oo..._...oo.oo`\oo.u`o-,0 Germans Had Made Plans a E 1`.:lSL0ll. . mxston was diffc1'e11t`. to all oil them. Lzuly Alice hurl the f,-`il t of ob- se1'\`:1ti0n uml was quick to I`eu.Lll cl1a1'11('t('1'_. the l'e1ninine instinct was abnornnnlly (lC\'(`l()1lL`(l and 01` all the men she haul ruhbenl .~:.l1ou1deL's with in `the whirlpool o[ London th(-re was not one who haul the sauna l).1i|`_"l)L`tls1ll, the same \`i1'ilit_\' or thcl same interest as Enston. She \\'on what her I`eelings would have been had Sir John Stan'- I inuer been :_"0i11,-' up in ilzut l'1':\.'_-"ale. `>:4h'1:lV4> .. u-l...lu u-:1.` 1In'.\I' HE departure of Count Karl Von Luxburg, the deposed mini.=;te1' of the Gernian em~ ` pire, eight months after the Argentine Government ordered him out of Argentina, recalls the failure of Germany's fondest dream in A1`- gentina - the establishment of :1 V wireless station powerful enough to maintain direct communication with i the big German station at Nauen. mu. .1," -4-.-_. 1 __..1........ nu... n-:v7r\\1 oo0OObOooo9oo w M 00 to 90 o0.0v.oQ`b.oo`__oo.`4.0o'oo.ca`_ v ~ o oov"o O O O O I . mu. -4.; ux...uu.u.. .........-`... .... -...e.- his passports, this station was dis- mantled by the Argentine Govern- ment Which withdrew the tempo1`a.i'y concession under which it was oper- ating. Great secrecy surrounded this , station. 17`nr1u In.-4 un-n- (ho A)-vnnfinn \ The day after Luxburg was given I I I . ncxivn SLELLIUKI. Early last year, the Argentine Government issued a temporary con- cession to enable a. German syndicate to conduct experiments with a wire- less station, un the promise that the station would merely attempt to re- the xlnnnn rlnznnflln and l SUILIUII \VOlll(l IIlL ,l'(-Hy LLLLUUILJL LU lu- ceive Mae Nauen dospatches and would not be used for the t1`a.nsmis- sion 01' messages. It later became known that the station was sending as well as receiving. Finn: n I i yn n hnfrn-9 fhn lanrhnrxz its wen RS I'e(.'O1\ l1l), . Some time before the Luxburg scandal, the Argentine Government had put a representative at the sta- tion to keep it sealed. When it was learned that the station was operat- ing despite the presence of the Gov- ernment agent, the Presi sent a naval ofiicer to dis1nantle`the station and to remain there to see that it was not reconstructed. mhn r1,....u.-.7. :0-xfinn me cifnnfn was not I`e('OI1SU'llCLe(J. The German station was situated on the estate of it very`wea.1thy and well-known Argentine about 45 miles from Buenos Ayres near Plomer. It was six miles from the rai1road'sta- tion but its posts could be seen from the railroad on a. clear day. Qrnnn mm. at` nm aim: nf Ihn rndin Lue 1-auroau on a ciear uuy. Some idea of the size of the radio station can be gleaned from the fact that the antennae were stretched `along sixteen posts. set at equal dis- tances apart and covering two miles. These posts were 70 feet high. 'I`}m n1rn(.\rinH3nfPI`S had :1 200d deal These posts `(u Ieet Iugu. The experimenters had a. good of trouble with atmospheric condi- tions. The opera.to1', Richard l\Ietz- ler, stated that he had been able to talk without diiculty with Spain, which was relaying the Nauen mes- sages, und that it would not be long before he would be able to talk di- rect with Nauen. His station was dismantled a. week after he made that statement. and largely because of his statement. 1 . Than nnan.-nu-Eco urn: nnn nl the 01 ms statement. I This enterprise was one of the -1 most important. in the minds of local German officials, as this station was to have served for the receipt of thel German propaganda messages. Luz-` burg is understood to have been per- sonally responsible tor the enterprise and the station was located on the .-moqon no .. rnnn L-nnwn in he his 5'blIllL' JJILUIUDL Ll.) L4unL.uu. ingcl` bi1' x11:w11i1u~ which \\';1.s now 1':1ci11;_-' before her u_`.'c.' nl(m_-.: the grouml 1)`-.u-ring uml 1'0;1rm'_*' like some |)ez1.~L r.~h:\inm1 too long` to czlrtll and y(-;11'nin-_-' to escape. She tried to control H10.-`,t' 111m1}_';hts and ideas, but for omw . had no, control pvcr her 1niul~u1'_. 1'01 the` matter 01' that`, on-1' her 110-.11't. it l)ez1ti11g rupiclly. She could 110111.` --- tllrobhiug us di:-;1i1n-tl_\' as she heaml the tlxruh oi bhu uxoxmplum-. uuu L116 Slut.` estate of a. close friend. Kfnnr OI-u n close friend. Now the station is dismantled. Luxburg has gone and the local Ger- mans nd their propaganda tusk n. dlicult one. though they are still doing the best they can with it. I l In a fire at Ayllnor. the well-` known Zemar, a t'i\'e-your-oltl stal- lion, son of Zomhro, with :1 nmrk of 2.11, was burned to ncath. To Have Wireless Station Operated in Argentina LIOII was Locuteu UH uu: man known to be his I Chan of'1im0. 0l`t`e<*ti\'e }Ju1y -211.1. 10.13. Su'ndz1_\'-.`)":3 :1.m.. 8.5:") p.111. .\Ion 7.45 :1.m., 12.18 12.4!) p.1:1., 2.331) ]).m., 4.5. ) 1>.m. 'l`11osd:I_\'-:').`.!:') :l.111.. 7.45 12.18 p.m., 2.30 ]'.m., p.m., nrn | 11.111. \\'eI11cs 12.18 p.n1., `_ D p.n1., p.111. 'l`ln11's<]21_\'--5.2.') z1.m.. 7_.-L ) 2` 19.18 p.1n._, _ ..)H p.m., 4.57) 1n.m., p.m. 1v..;.1.n~_r. -75 :1 1n _ 745 -') :1.n1., 7.45 2` p.Lu. 13-i -:') |l2.1S p.m., S:'1h11'd-.1_\'-:').25 :1.1n., 7.45 n.m., 7.45 30 ]).m.. 4.5.3 p.111. 12.18 11.111, 12.40 1>.m., 4.55 p.111. _. ._--..~ uvtxv-\rrI'?`l' l'1j_j`1l1Ca : I ' A mompxlt lam-r shv lleaml hc1'scL\.` H1 _0ndm, . luuarll. Cousin John 111 u nlouoplunel. TWO more n COll>.ii11 J011 1 l.\'">" lt?l` Pd tOh5s`\\`l1i1(- Hl(`\' \\'zli witvh ]1l'c and lame. Lousm J0 DI.-\.Hr'.'* i - - . . . '. - - --1 dm;5_;- -.u1_vtl11x1;: 1um.1ul1L 01 \\011`t!cxL.;t]l(,!x1' hm. 0. . . .' , ' . .A.. 4-~ ' 't _ . ` tul 01' 1@1'11b1`- lmt `1`m=C In the l'.ur1:/.rm_ym1 in her 1'uther s braun could have nu-:',- 1.3mm ,1; uosteal to him the ulc-.1 that hv woul.d 1)` make a suitable husband 191' `lug p.m1mb]. Smm 1auv.;htcr! Perlnzlps she had been her {i mother's ch1ld. ,a, VI`-L.` ...,.....l..un 11-nu l`t- L. .\[ond:1_\'~-T0 N()1'1l1 Bay, 1.25 21.1 and 11.15 :1.111.; to (}m\'enln11'. 'l'nr-m1n\'-'F41 NIH`? `I P::l\'. p.111. Tut-sd:1y--'[`o Nortln Bay. 1.25 ,a.m.:mu1 ]1.1:').; to (`n`;1\'c1111\1I'st.' 3.50 pm. and S p.m.; .\':1ti011-4}, 11.05 13.111. \\'o:1v\nQn1:1\'--Tn YI`T]l I352] \'. p.111. \\'ed11o.s X01111 Bay, 1.25 11.111. and 11.15 :1.111.; to G1':1\'(-11l1111'st 8 11.111. 'l`h1u'. North 13:13`, 1.25 11.111. and 11.15 :1.111.; to G1`u\'v11l1111'st 3.50 11.111. and S 1>.1n.; .\':1tim1:1l, 11.05 'I'\ rn |p.m. F1'i1z1_\'--'.[`o North Buy, 1.25 and 11.15 -.1.n1..; to G1'a\'011hu1'st, S p.m. C`..L..u-.1n1.-4'T`n Ynrl R:}\'_ 1.1.1- ) u.n1..; 10 l_u`H\t-llnunm, -2 `mu. Saturda_V--Tn North Bay, 1.25 21.111. and ]].1:') 21,111.; to 1Tnnts\'i11e. 3.;')() p.m.: to Grn\'enln11'.~'t, S p.m.; National, 11.05 11.111. 7 HAMILTON-COLLINGrWOOD, MEAFORD (Daily except Sunday) To H-a111i1f011-7.-1: ) :1.m., 4.55 p.111. From`1~Ian1ilt0u--l().45 mm. and 8' p.m. Barrie to .\[ez1fo1'11 and --]0.50 21,111., 7.30 11.111. \r....r,\...1 ...u1 Thnmmmr --lU.UU1l.lll., I.-IV [nun Montbrd and P(`I10t1\X1f_ --8.00 a..m. .\I(-ul'o1'd and Po11etm1_r dale-5.05 p.111. Allamlale : land (short line)--1`_'.1:') 1 Barrio tn (slur 7.30 p.m. .\[id1a.ud and Penetanq dale--2.25 pm. (Tuesday, I '\fl."|1nuf| -Ann` pnh(-f:]1]u- I . 'T`ronto and intermediate points... 1 .4.30 p.m., 8.30 p.m., 7.15 am.` [North Bay and intermediate ....:..+. man am. and pm. [ \ .l. ut:au.a.y 1 I\'[id1:md --3.50 12.: v-n pn n10the1"s chuu. The 1u(m0phu1e was slow1_v litt- il1._1',- the \\'heel.~s no longer tout-hed the e-.u'th. It he},-'u1\ to 50:11`. The roar 01 the (.`l\_'_"il10 g'1'e\v l.':\i11te1`. lu- stezul 01 1'e.~:emh1in_g` the rattle M a maxim gsnn it 1)L11`I't`t.1 nlnmst musir':11- ly .Higl1e1` and hij_:'l1ex' it 1'0.~'e. `_"1':ul- nnaking-' -.1 L-'u`e'1e. Lzuly Alice hehl her breath. Miss Smith luuuh-l her the e'1:1ss- 12.-\s.`Sl1(: lu-hl them to her eyes, but only for :1 se<~ou just l0115_;` enough for her to see Eustm1 1'01` :1 m01neut.. or 1':1th(~r the top 01." l`I;1sLox1 s head hid in cup and j_:'0:_._"1es. Then she lowered the ;__"1:"1"s:s'.-s from her eyes