Orillin f'i1'emeu propose holding a carnival in that town in conjunction, with the band on civic holiday. I -~Fo1' solid c0111fm't sleep on our Kayak .\1:1tt1'e.~',. .I>)o11g':1l1 Bros. will pay for an advertisement in The I Advance. """' vs: Many recent iristances could given of Advertisers whose wax have been .readily supplied in th; way. ; i CHEAP gPrepaid Advts Makes {our Skin Like Velvet" Has a marvellous eect on rough skin. One or two applications will . remove the roughness, and by its oecasioxml use the" skin acquires the 3 smoothness and softness of 9. babyfs. Glycedonia is not sticky, and gloves hnny be worn :1 few moments after 3 lnchur H p'l';{| 156 VYIHI1 95!! T)!!- DRUGGIST, Monkman s % . %G1c9d91a |llHl)' UU \\ |Jlll El JU\V .llIUlLlUllhD lusingr it. Price 150 and 25c. lightful after shaving. 4"\l} *.5-\ WED`-P'\`\'?F?T1E I ll ikllul auu.vAu' E23-Iio. ZE:C3.K1/I.A.1SlK'w THE -$TEADY $UB$CR.IBER TIu-1`n- have hut.-n :1 ll1llI1h01' 05:`; stores L-11teI'cl in _\[i1l~;1u:1 the] pzlst voxlplc 0|` \\'L`(.`k$ and slnulll :lIlll)llIll.\' ol` 1n011v_`.' 1'(~1110\`L-(1 there-` from. ! Thurlsday, Ju1y`)1sth, 1918 A RHYME OF THE TIME \V11e11 thinfrs are so dear Folk open their eyes To see something: L-hcap- '1"n0_V re tilled xvith surprise. An ad. for twelve cents Is cheap bo_\'0nd_ doubt; That this is our rate Hus just been found out. You may want :1 maid, A mai-.1 wants a place; But you want :1 way This young girl to trace. You send an advert, The girl 5110 applies! You take The Advance?" Of c0u1*se,"/ she replies. So all is ar1'angod_. You see at :1 g'l:111ec Ti.s v.'isdom to send An ad. to Advzmce. THE BARRIE UNDERTAKING .?ARI93._5A..-.___. uu-u van ............. Nlghot and Day Cans Phone (GI ` W. D. MINNIKIN, P-mcpxiet 7 W.R. N}:.iE.LY, Funeral Director :1-I11," 1}. B. C'ollin.< oi .l%1'mll'm'l rm-entlyl ])l11'(`ll2\S(2ll all the ,l:11n:1*_"el flour mull y_;~mi11 at 1110 1i.~:l10r mill \\'lll('ll WaSl_ (lL'5I1`0_\ Cll by fire in Lunrrie and! s('\'('1`zll L':11'l0:\tls l1:1\'(- hem slnippedl to B1':1 and NL-\\'1m11'kL-t. A 1'e:lu(-liml ml` L"`_ 9,lJ()0 was made. in the Port .\lc-.\'ic0l i1SS(?SSIl1(31lt; butl 0tlmr\\'is(-, tl1(- quulil`i(-ation renminsl the sanuc. lxlc-lunlinu the 1 1'0\'i1-igxll war tax. the count_\' tI`(*21s11I'c1- will: this yezlr collect :\ total of $~l15.36S. It Ann:-av--no A_1l]_au:st designs in Caskets kept in stock, incyludjng Grave Vaults and Oak Shells. fifteen Words Ten Gents for 7BL.U`Cs\lE1{D All \uql\ :, Grav. and Oak Shells. and Embmlmzr. PH ON E 348 BARBIE, ONT. A! u nu-c1in~_v' ol` the C0l1iI1}_f'\\'OO(l I 0ultr_v ,\..~:.-u. .\Ir. J. ll. Stotltenhurg was oh-<~1<-:1 I 1'c. 1'01` the bal- um-v ml` thv _\'<-:11` and .\[r. A. Hutch- il1.<,0n ll'L`:l.~'ll1'L`1' in place of F. A. \\'i*_:u'i11.~', who has cnlislerl. ()win`_-' to [ho l1ig-'11 \\'af..-"es being lmiul by lumhormt-n and other em- plo_\'L-rs ml l:1hm11', the local l islTcr- men lmvo 1'cl'\1. to take out.` li(-oxn,-e.s and l'i.~'l1. The r'o11svq11cno(~ is `-xm rish In -M- haul in IO\\fll.--l)L l1:-D t:m'.'ui._~'l1(-1u- HL'l':ll(l. I The zuulit 0} lllt` town l)n0l by the (`m\'(-mum-m .\ulilm's ail Mid- luml lmvs i`v\ L-nleil :1 ; 01' $5.(ili5.Sb'. \\'lii<-li is witliin l$'_2l) oi the smu louml l)_\ the home :1i1(lit01`5. The uinmint will he nuulu up by the lute t1'c:1~`u1'm', so tlnt llio town will not low u will. FL-\\' 1011'." u1i. c1':1i't have ]:l.~`S(`(l on-1' the Lift Lm*l<, sinec the Trent Cunznl \v:1s offix-iul1_y opened` :1 few lu_\'s :1-_'<>, hut tho 1)1'nspL-ctsl are that this summer will we xmichl tnn1'isI t1':1l't"u: t11rnu the Canal! from the lm\'(-1- \\'u1ur.<. to the upper lukt-s. 'I`l1i.~a \\'t-vk an 1% foot :_';:1s0liue laum-h frmu Urilliu was lift-lot-ked on its \\':1}' to Lilku (mtalriu, [humil- tmn bvin_-* it's (It-stixmtimn."~-1 (~tcr- hnr0u`_-`h l\'o\`icw. An uirmzm from Cainp Hozm-, met with :1 mishap on l"I'ich1_\' mm'uin;; while t1'.\'inI_-; to do some .~:tunt.< at the Collin-_~'\\'oml .\'l1ipbuil(lin:_-' Co. Phmt. I10 flew umlcr the L.-'zu1try ormw the l'i1'st timv siu-<-o. but the second exhibition was not so for- tumrtc and the phuie struck the mast. 0|` in boat annl took :1 nose dive to` the r001. 01 the old Power house. The` machine was coinpletely Hlll:L\`iH(i but the pilot (`>`(':l])L`(1 with :1 few scmtclu-s uml iininvd-iz1t'ol_v loit the She looked I. .. In. Dill` lUUl\\`u l|\lIvAn ... ...- I __ baby, I Ah. 1110." she siulu-d, " H(\>\\' -wxl H has its nmthcr's nose and 1-_\'cs,] And I f`l.....In 5lV1AI$`l' Unt Slw (us .-ehu mltc-rod p:11'l01')--Y0u lmvc not c-ullml on um for so long t_J\uL I \\':L\` lw:"nn1i11g 10 think you \\'oru 'l'(n"-.:vHin-.1" me. .\'uil,m'--rl um 1'01` run 1 h:5\'L- _\'m15 getting` ymL-- . ,. . I John .\[:\lco1m, of V wtorm. Harbor recently czulglxt :1 st11rgeo11 weighing 135 pounds. U (`lmrlio SMART GHAP ...o . A1, nu.-I SOME BOY 1,~..... ..4 H`. DU1.u..n JJVI. (1()\\'I\ ut the (`h:1pIin `\`1I*in8 I I F001 E` scene of his u(l\'untu1'e.-Colling- `i\\'00(1 Entc1'p1'is.e. John Moore, the \(.`E@TI1 A11iston- inn, is preparing to take 11 trip across the i11te1'11z1tio11:1l line to pay :1 visit to 501110 friends. Mr. Hoore `Was last. in United States \\'11 the :Civil \\':u' was r:1gi11g. An aeroplane containing Lieut. \Vilc_v and ;\lec-llauic Powell fell on . John Akitt's 1'esi in Creemore. Lieut. Wiley jumped from the ma.- chinu and escaped with a few bruises but Powell was badly hurt. An um- bulanee conveyorl the injured man to Camp Borden. Akitt's. house was considerably d:u11ag'cd and also had the cl1i111ne_\' knocked off. I It will be (34. years next fall since, the first rnilxvny train ran from T0- ronto to Collingwood. y l The season s work at the Fish Hatchery is now t'inall_v completed and the lust ot' the fr_v deliveretl. The fish spawn were hatched and the fry deposited in the Georgian Bay in this iitiiiietliute neig'h`b0ux- hood and twenty seven million pick- erel were deposited in the Nottu\va- saga River and the waters conti- lguous to Point-nu-Barril. Supt. Turner is now busy cleaning up and p:1intin pl`0[>:1l'1lt01'_\' for next win- ter's hatch." --C0llingwood Enter- prise. . Win. MeDe1'muct, Tecumsetlfs veteran treaisurer, has been present- ed with :1 ll:l11(lSO111(` -illuminated and - l'r:1u1ed address upon resi-__{'x1ii1g' the position. I,"it'tv\'-two years ago. in one of the bitterest cnnipnigns the town- ship ot Teeuntseth has ever known. -'\\'illi:un l\leDertnott_. 11 _\'o11n(_~,' .-nun 3 til" `.5 _\-eurs 01' at-__-"e, defeated the late. Peter Xolnu. From that time until :1 few months :1g'o he was continu- iously un ot't'ieinl of thnt tonwsliip. In 1.576 he \va.~' warden ot` the county und tor the past quarter of a century - he has been treu.'~:t1I`e1' 01. the town- l' ship ot' TL`(`l1lllS(`lll. s. , Se1'gt. Jns. Johnston. ex-ehietf of '(Tollin'_-`wood Police. xvho was report.- L` ed to have heen killed, writes to the Q l'Interpri.<,e :1 letter, \\`l1l('lt heL:in.< as l'ollow.~': To n1_v .;'t'e:1t surpri.~:e und ! l l l I also to my g1'e21t nmuseinent, I readl an net-onnt of my untin1el_v death by u (.ieI`:1n bullet, >'()lllL` time u'_j`o. The Y paper was the l'it`[l'5rp1`ise" which i('\'(`l1 finds its \v:1_v to 1"runee. \\'ell. -1 am pleased to .s'n_v that up to the present` 1 ant \`e1'_\- 1nuel1 alive and also ver_v heulth_\'. Fritz up to dnte.' not L`(`ltllt`_" ni_v number. How such a 1'llltt0l' ever ori-.:'inuted l am unable to {s'.1_\' as I have not even been wounded l I l Ll| l I i i E i .e [L . . .. _ . [It is quite uuht ho\ve\ er 1 um 12) *3 3 T<`I`-Innn -,..- 21 Kurt-`(\:lllf in the Twenti- i] ll (111110 111111 11u\\1-xv.-1 L .1111 u.- iFI':111m- :15 :1 Semezllxt in the Two11t'L-l [0111 B:1tt:1lim1 auul 11:1\ e been In.-re isim-e the end 01? I"ch1'11:11'_\'." l l \\'lmt mi-.5111 \`(`1'_\` ou.5il_\' l1:1\'c pro-l \'(`(l 21 fatal l(`(`l(lL'l1l` ll:1])1)(`l1(`(l :11` the! plant 01' the .\li \\'o0il P1'0lucl'.s on Fri lust, \\'l1(-11 Cieorge Lamb` xvus (':lll`_"llt in the vouplin-." cl.` :1 1'e-i \'nl\'in:' sl1:\l't an \v11irled around about .\ (-\'(`lll_\ times l)el'01'(- the mu.- (-lninery could he stoppwl. From re- A I ports i1 woulnl 21mIL`:\1` tlmt Lmub was :ulj11.~`Iin`_~' :1 lH11l'_"(`l`, wlxun l11S ('l()ll1lIl'.1':1l)Ul1T the chest booame c;1u~_'l1l' in tliv (-uu1uli11'_". In an instalut. lw \vn.< piclu.-rl up and .~`.\\'1lI1u' :11'm1ml with his ll-ct" .~'1 i'ikin'_" llw (-(-iling: with mu-l1 1'o\'olu1i(m. ln this \\':1_\' lie] \\':l.< h:ull_\' :lltl10ll`_:l1 not l';1t:1ll_\' in-j jurml. and he had . ribs l'ruc- Iurml. lln\\' lw (-.~:<':1]ml lwin-.1` i11. l_\ killml is alums! :1 mi1':1(-lo, and it .~`cv11i>' only (luv 10 the fact that I.l.\'. slizxlt (~:111u`l1t him just 21! the 1):n`tic-| ulur point it fllll. tlms his foot in-' stead of his hr-uzl .~:tI'u(-k the t-L-ilin;.v;. llv \\':1.< 1'o1110\'o to the lmspitul. \\'lu-1'0 he is rhvin'." `_'.'l\'(`Il on-x'_\' :11- tention and it is ll10ll`.1'lll' lw will re-= cover. illlll01l'_"ll he will l be laid up for :1 COI'lSl(l(,`1':ll)lL timc.-- .\lillnn(l Ar__:fi1s. I I . . i i V n n t l ls 17 C 1 E l ( 1 1 4 1 1 ;ggi:;mag@ggm@Lsg @':z;%:agvaigwg,vgggvgx;@` `s.;v;,gg,;gvr..2,m`s;@ Tg5z;,;; E@@@@@@@%1@@@@@@@@@@%&@@E% nnnr1.'a 1-"nnd n rr T.inr=.ns:es 11.003 `l.1-'lRR are made from Government Standard Flour and in accordance with the regulations of the Canada Food Board. The McCormick Mfmufacturing Cot, Limited nnuvunnv t\11111r\11 A\1\ !!Af\'1"I'\f\1" Yt\`l\T1\r\1\`I' (`A1\`rAl\A GENERAL OFFICES AND FACTORY, LONDON, CANADA BRANCH WAREHOUSES . Montreal, Ottawa, Hamilton, Kingston, Winnipeg, Calgary, Port Arthur, St. John, N.B. Jersey Cream Sodas %(%@$@>(Wi&>&JtEVQ Ca11ac1a Food. Board Licenses 11-003, 14-166 Pneumonia caused the death of Tlieason McLean, one of Colling- Wood s oldest citizens. Real estate in Collingwood is at present in good demand and quite :1 number of sales have been made witlvin the past couple of weeks. Mccormickk (\'a11coi1\'o1' Sun) Montreal bachelors are to be taxed $10 a year. 011, well, that would not carry them very far throu'f_rl1 a court.- ship, any 'n_\', at the prova-iling prices of chocolates and roses. ANOTHER. LIE NAILED (Hometown, Pu. ,B:1n11or) The report around town that there is :1 chattel mortgage on the Banner oftiice for $600 is 21 vile czmzlrd. It is ou~ l_v for $500, and we are paying` it off as fast as possible. How dare people put such stories :1float! (B11f.'t. a1o Courier) People in this country and in all Alied lands must not put much cou- fidenoo in any news unf':1\'ora.blc to the central empires which _::ets past their censors. There :1 reason. (K:ms:1s City Star) Of.` tremendous si~__rnil ic~m1(-e to the Jews of the world is the :1nno1111ce- ment that Italy has joined with France and England in the endorse- stine. The Ziollist mo\'e1nent has not :1 J_e\\'isl1 national llomelaml in Pale- stine. The nionist Inovement has not the app1'0\'nl 01' all Jews 0l.' Anlerica. 01' of the world. \Ian_\' of them very \'i_ oppose it. Yet the move- ment has _ even in America, suvh :1 stron-_: l'nllo\\'in-_v' :1mon_<.:' the .le\\'.~` u to make it one of.` world-wide interest. With l`I11`_"l:1n(l and France unrl Italy f:i\'i11u` (-onsenT- and en- v0111':1:'e1neul` tn the Innvenlenl , the oi the Jew:~t for their old land, : Imtionnl l(lL'I1lll_\'. :1 nntirmaxl lun- j_'11:1u'e and :1 national lil'e nmy be near to 1'e:1li'/.uti(m. HIGH COST OI` (( )tt':1\\':i Jollrnul) The tomh~m-_\- :iii1(>iiL:' mod- urn peoples is to denounce any sort 01' :i(hni11isti`:iti0n that goes on with- out trnuhlin-_" to imli,-ate or 1'of'l(,-ct what kind or g,-`0\`e1'niur-ht is desir- able. But 1'0nll_\' we think this tou- lom-_\' is \\'0rsu in Cainudn than any- \vheI`(\ else in the \\'o1'] C'0nsi1(~1'in;: I011!` }>x'0.~;)w1'it'_\`_, we il21\'(` probably more '_-`1`0m-h(-rs and i{il`i\'L`1`$ to thn `square mile in this co11ntr_v than any other cm1x"1t1'_\' thc-- \\'01'l(l pns.s'(-sscs. iPo1'1i:1p.~: this is sim1>l_\' hv(-:111s(- oi our prosp01'ity. We h:i\'(~ waxed I`-at ianul we kick. ` TRUST NAVY FOR THAT i (lfaimilton }To1':i1d) ` A `_"l'('ilI pi'uj(~(-1' L-0111-t-i\`w1 lam: at.-`0. \\`ili('il it is 11'0}nos(-I to protect} zwilh ziftvr the wan`. is the tunnel lunrlur Ihv I .n ('il:l1lll( i. The 11:-ed ;n1' il hzis been d(-inonstrutuii during; {the past four y0:i1's. But (mo 01` the `` pro})lon1.< in t-onnc-(`lion with it` is how to ]>1'0t(-r-t the tunnel ('I`o11': minus plzuin- hy . in time nr u'nv- ? . AS SEEN THROUGH GERMAN SPECTAGLES 5 x~r'n__4. 'n_..._1..__.. r4.............-. U .Lu.uJ.u.rLJ.1 5.34. .uu J. r.\uJ.J What Paralyses Germany :\<--nrdinu' th the llannhurgz 4.15.! :1 state 0|" 1::n':1l_\':~1is. not` tlwnugb "`1"1'o11u1(~x1hlutt" (icrmany is now in I ot.` it :- I; I ...A l..... .... ]1l1I'l'_`. L-I`. but men-ly tlu'm1:_-`h t1u- four` ' Action .on requests for special` g1'an?ts to Orillia and .\Iid1an hos-l pitals was left over until the Nove1n- I ber session of the County Council. ` i It is 1101 lIlll|'._"(`l' that (}cm1:my 'nL-t-I ll-:11`, but` the drmul of lnn1-_;`cr. H10 :1x:\u'u`c1'n1m1 and un_ius1iI'iel foul` o tho absolute exhuusiion oi all our `lfood 1`(*.~i0ll1'('('S. FIVLZ A _.. ,A :. 4l..A LIYLJII 1l'.`U|Il| |'Dn 'l`hi.~' 1'c:n' it is that is p:11':nl_\'.sin:: uur . and that robs our braxve om-;~'. out _\'oml(-1' 01 their n1uoh-nocd- 041 1'(-st and of their p()\'Ct*I' 01' cu- THE ZIONIST MOVEMENT Sold by K Leading Merchants Everywhere A NATION OI` KICKERS SUSPICIOUS IE8 NORTHERN ADVANCE -0 OURTING durance. The thousands of letters that are continually being sent to the front. and which are eloquent of nothing`- save the terror at possible starvation should be intercepted by the authori- ties and s\\'i{'t1_\' burnenl, so that thei poison -be not :~:prem`l i\I110I1.',` our rielil-_r1'c-ys. ` Ellen Graham, ag`cd 77,. dropped dead on the street at Petorboro, The coutrat-t for the iumprovcmeut of the harbor in C0urtena_v Bay at St. John, has been assumetl by Midland and other i11t'v1-osts. Robert Fachnic of Collingwoodl left two suit- cases on the station p1att`01'm in `that town while pur- (-h:1:~;in': :1 ticket and on his return Cant. Alan Duncan of Port Credit x:1;_'c(l twenty years.. has been awu1'd- led the military cross. The ladies of. Oshawa by a tngl day raised $5000 for the French Red Cross. Mrs. Georg-`e Robinson, Woodstock was probabl_y fatally injured when she fell down the step:~'._1eading to the cellar in her home. Mrs. F`. H. V\'ood, Toronto ,wife of Lieut. Wood of the 4th C.)vI.R.. who is a prisoner of war in Ge1'm:1ny_. has died from pleurisy. A large sawmill and box factory at Little Current, owned by the Col- lins Inlet Lumber Comp:1u_\`, was de- stroyed by fire. Benjamin St. Pi-;~1'1'c, {lf_."Cd 76 _\'oa1's, dropped dead in the waiting- room of the C.W. & L.E. railway Chatham. An Aust1'ali:u1 mine worker of C0- balt was attacked at 111id11i};l1t on .\[onduy and robbed of $700 by two d211'i11g holdup 111011. ` At Vicrtoriu last week. Duke, the Hawaiian \\'o1'll s ch:1n11)ion swim- mer, C0\'C1'L`(1 85 _\':11'ds in 25 $(`(`0X1L1>` Hut. shatto1'in_{_-' all 1'0cords. At S_\'d11c_\'. N.S.\\'._. :1 Solomon Islumlor 11211114.-(1 A1i(:l< \\'i(-l~:11um. 111:1{1t- n hi*_"h dive 01' 207) feel. he lost- oollsciousm-ss in the Imp and was })mlly torn. out and l)1`lli>'(`(1. , A school of 1'ii`l`\'-1\\'0 bl:1(-k{,'i.~;11,' some of them over twc-11t_\' `feet in I011},-"111, st1':u1(h- 1`(`L`0l)I1_\' at Nan- innl-nf \l-.14.` 1-mxrxnfinn` n H119.- ( .\`l1it`(`ilS(`S tow l\'Il"+ll|, D|.l(|ll\|L l| llk\.Altl`V (IL L111.-kc-t, .\I.11.ss., 1'c1wa1ti11:;` 11 110111011011 6L l'01't_\'-1'0111' _\'oz11's 111111 at exz1c-tly the 5211110 spot. , (iult c-iti'/.L-us will :1tt11011(.-xt` municipal L-lecIion. < (l(-el:11'c them- scl\`(-s for or :1`.-':1'n1.~'t the adoption o1'Guelpl1's new .~'_\`.~'to1n 01? civic: _u_'o\'o1`111uex1t. At S:n'11iu last \\'('(`k- bees (lis(-0\'eI'e:l in :11: n1:1n's helnu-t an ill(`:11 new home, and settled : The minion 01' the law zulx }):1dly stun-.;. Inte_resting Eems (}m'(1'11m' C'u1't(-1', 01' the .\[i(](uL`S(!)' (,`oun1_\' Jail, has just shown by his annual report for that institution that the n1:1intcnunc0 of. prisoners. with `1hl'L'L` .~'11hst:mti:11 mozlls :1 day. 21\`u1'a;.:os _iu. 1-} cents pol` diem, hut.- 1(-1' uml tohzu-(-0 inclutletl. I To (~(-lcblutu his 77th l)irthdu_\' au- 11i\'(-1's211'_\', Dun ()'L0:I1'_\'. 01` Clxiozlgo `-\\'11o :1ssc1'ts no 11-1:1lio11s11ip to the 0\\`nc1' 01' that (,-iI_\"s \\'01'l:l-l':1n10us <~m\'-w:1ll<(.-Ll "101! miles in 26 hours, the ~_r1'(-:1te1' part oi. the dis1:111L-0 be- 111: done ill :1 1`i\'c-n1ilc-:u1-hour. In the n01`t11(-u.s'lc1'n st-ction of BI 0( blau;-l{bi1':l.~' are tl0in;_~' mm-11 luuul-:0 to u':11`h*11s. At \\':xl)usb the potato bugs are oxocp lionnl \`o1'z1(-i1_v and 1110 2-'1'0\v(-1's hail with Ir-liglnt 1110 (li$(`()\'(`1')' of 21 new sp(-4-i(~.< 01' bug that 1IHl1((_`S wan` ou lthu p01z1t0 .< :u1(-ionl (-11-n1_\ . A .Puk<-nhznu mun Inst \\'u(-1; lost :1 \';1lu:1blc horse. The nnimall run z1\\';1y, lozlpwl tho h1'idt__-'0 over the ][zul:1\\':1sl lnmlc-(I on its hand on the stone ubut 111ent'. b1'o:1kin:_-' its Y1(!(`k, and thou value in c-ontzwt with :1 h:u~I)e wire \\'l1i(`]1 cut its tllmut. 'K'l\- an u1.uuu;.. :1 local police- 1 site for :1 ed zlccorxlingly. ' zulnxits ho was OVA`) r"~\ Donald Thomas of Orillia had his nun b1'0kL-11 and was otherwise in- jl1YL`(l as a 1`o.~'ult 01' `b(`iI1!./',` run into by u 1n0tor(-). (:le on the Bu1'1'ic road near Orilliu. LV (.KlJ- phe- ago. Q` If?` .,:. {ll )4 I If!" ,,., .,. ,,.. .,a. {J4 If I Q0; 1341 If! (`II 1"! . .,o3" . Mohammed V. Was the Foe .`."QOOOO0OOOO0 0000900 0 D . .O0.00.00.0o.oo.oo30.;o_o1_oo_0o`oo_oo.a.oo.oo.& 00.0 OI-IAMMED V., Sultan of Turkey, who died on July 4th, was not much loss to the World, and yet because he happened to be a monarch his life and death were not entirely with- out interest. Mohammed V. thirty- fth sovereign of Turkey in direct descent of the House of Osman, founder of the empire, came to the throne by a coup d etat on April 27. 1909, after having been held for thirty-three years a prisoner by his brother, Sultan Abdul II., in the royal palace and gardens In Con- stantinople. The scheming Abdul II. intended that his own son, Prince Burhan Edine, described as the most brilliant and gifted of the princes of the House of Osman, should succeed him. But this plan was thwarted when Parliament deposed Abdul and placed his prisoner brother, Moham- med Reschad Effendi, on the throne as Mohammed V. vmm Ql1nil.r-nl-I:lnm, hand of the Mohammea V. The Sheik-ul-Islam, head of the` Mo_slem Church, drew up the decree n1 dnnnaitinn, which passed Parlia-` Moslem Unurcn, drew up we uuuruu of deposition, which passed Parlia- ment without a. dissenting voice. Five minutes later, Mohammed, who dur- ing his imprisonment had had no experience in the duties of Govern- ment, being purposely denied educa- tion in such matters by his brother, was declared Sultan. The same a.- ternoon he took the oath of delity ` to the Turkish constitution and 101 guns proclaimed the new sovereign. M'nhan1n1pd V was horn in CO1}- guns pI`0(:1iLll.ueu L111: ut:\v auvuicisu. i Mohammed V. was born in Con-- ~ stantinople Nov. 3, 1845. He was of a. studious disposition and read Wide- ly in Turkish literature. His long imprisonment, with lack of exercise, and rich li-ving, undermined his health, and several times he was re- ported dead or seriously ill. His appearance showed the ravages of time and the worries of an unsteady . throne. By his enforced seclusion he was totally unt for public life, and is reported to have said regard- ing it: During my imprisonment of thirty-three years my enemies have slandered me and called me a mad- man bordering on imbecility." He .was characterized as good-natured, weak and ingenuous, with an almost infantile curiosity, and of a religious nature. A! hie nnnncainn ho nennuqarl ihn nature. At his accession he espoused the cause of the Young Turks, the party which was in opposition to the form and ceremony of his brother's reign. Upon the deposition of Abdul, Ho- hammed was Welcomed by them as a champion of freedom. He promised a progressive reign in a speech from tl1e throne read by the Grand Vizier. He was, however, merely a pawn of the Young 1`urk party, although he sent,out to the world the message that he l1ad always been the ardent i supporter of the cause of liberty, en- 1, lightenment, and progress. L His hand in the Government was never strong. Illness, a naturally easy disposition, and weak will- power, kept him continually at the mercy of the Turkish olcers and the Liberal party. He feared deposition! during the Turko-Italian war in| 1911, and spent a night praying in the various shrines of Constanti-i nople. He appealed to the army ml be loyal to him and said that their treasonable demands encouraged the enemy to attack the Dardanelles. He also lost most of his European do- minions in the Balkan wars. The Young Turks invaded the palace in 1913 when Mohammed was reported to have become reconciled with his with his brother. In 1014 9+ Mn: nnfhrpalz nf the I;i(-mo l11s1>cct01' Fisl1e1' paid 3` visit to the noi:-'hh01'h00(1 01' P0110-1 tun-_v' lust M-cl; and as :1 result some: fine.~ \\'(-re impnsml 1'01` in1`1':1r-tion oil ihc TL 111[IL'1'i1llk'` Act. 1 I with ms oromer. In 1914, at the outbreak of the present War, Mohamined issued a. proclamation blaming the Entente with thrusting war on Turkey. He exchanged telegrams of greeting with the German Emperor, from whom he later received the Iron Cross. When Britain and France declared that a state of war existed with Turkey, he arranged to send troops to Germany whenever needed. In return he was appointed Field Marshal by the Ger- man Emperor and received the baton of that oice from Field Marshal von Mackensen. In February, 1917, in a speech in Parliament, the Sultan promised Turkish participation in the war un- til the end and declared that the al- liance forced him to break relations with the United States. l"Isn nnvf Tin?!- In Ihn thy-nnn vIlE_ |\VlLll LIUJ ULIILUU DLELLUB. The next heir to the throne, Yus- lseff Izzetlune, is the soh of the late Sultan Abdul Aziz, and was, there- 1`o1'e,.m'sL cousin of 1\Iohammed V. Mol1a1mne(1's eldest son, Zia Edin, < a man now over thirty, is ninth in the line of succession. Of Modern civilization" So He Jo`ned the Huns I\IOHAM`MED V. \ . Two hundred and forty goats or lthe stocking of British C0111, '9. mountain goat ranches have reached l\":)nr-nn\'nv- uvluov-n flux nw-n...l lI,.L..1 u..nJuAALu|AI SUGL J.t||l\.'llUb uil\U rcuuuuu |V'ancou\'er, where the grand distri- 'bution to inli\'idu:\1 owners is now taking place. I l I \V. A. J-nines, secretary of the Y. .\I.C.A. at St. lgnacs was drowned . recently when :1 motor launch con- - tainin_;' u fzuiiily p:irt_v overturned. James saved his father and mother and one of his children. His life was `lost tl1ro11_e;li his exhaustion by re- :peated attempts to rescue the two. '|other little ones. . Two Smith's Falls lads, Fradkd Jones and Fred Pavtterson, caught a nyoung Indian Ind and tied him to `:1 tree in the park, as zfrealistic vlinmx to pla_\'i113_r Indians. The boy,n'us utterly exhausted when dis- covered by accident and Jones and Paytterson were fund by the leg" n1:1_ ` . \ __ ;.-.1. How dear to my heart i$ the $teady $ub$eriber, VVho pa_v$ in advance at the fir$t of each year; 'Who $end$ in hi$ money, and doe$ it quite gladly, . And ca$t$ round the office a halo of cheer. He never $ay$ $top it, I cannot af- ford it, Nor ``I m getting more pa.per$ now than I read, .. But alway$ $a_v$ $end it, the fam- ily like$ it; In fact we all find it the thing that we nee( . How welcome hi$ letter wl1ene er it come$ to 11$ How it n1ake$ our heart throb, how it make$ our eye$ dance. '0 ontwarllly thank him, we in- \\'flI'(ll_\ l)le$$ him, _ The $te:nl_\' $11l)$criber who in :\d\':1neo. ` I The l'i.~11t:1'i(-5 (Ix-1>;u't1m-11% <-uptur-` Cd :1 Iu1':'o 1111] net up the lakes last \\'('('k unal it \\':1.~: h1'0uu'hL to Mitlluud. The o\'.'uo1'.<. 11o\\'o\'or, have not yet. been :1]:1sroix1-m1ul.-)[idl:111d Arglls. tfomul Ouu had been stolen. g