l'5-` Central \Vest \\'-ard \\'c-st \\'m-d4 No. 1, Vospral Central Central No. 1, Vespra Central Central '05: '\\'zu'd St. 3-Iary s `\'n:- 4 \\V n `ml Central Celltral Central West Ward Central St. Mary's Burton Ave. Cenitral. l`<._..4....l \\ l:aL \\ auu Central \\'est \\'a1'd Burton Ave. fV.....+ ....'I Will be kept in stock. The Firm of .Uu :1.\ 1:- Central | EXAMINATION. RESULTS : a full line of $1.25 per annum. Single copies 3c. Vlliam LeCla.re Florence Gray Connie Merry Lucy Swartz Elwyxi Davis Mabel Hill Charles O Connor Mamie .\Ietealf Hazel Craig Harold .\Ia1'sl1all Emmet McVeigh Harold Slmnnon Peter Bak0g_fe01`ge |)Io1'ley Somers Mer\'_\'n Bailey Emma Clouglxley C21therine Poneher Rota 'B1'ennnn Beatrice Thompson Pa.ss- Tessie McLean 1510211101` Young D01'0Il1_v Black Constant-e Fisher Ruth Forbes Fl01'en(-0 Baler Connie Nash ;\lar_\' Curtis _ i Britten Dunsmore Olive }Ia1'ri.s St. Mary's St. Mary s Burton Ave. \\'est \Vard Central \Vest \Vard Central No. 19, Oro Cent-ml Burton Ave. St. Mary s Central Central Central Central No. 13 Vespra Burton Ave. St. -.\Iary s Central No. 19, Oro Burton Ave. No .1, Vespra West \Var No. 1 Yespru Burton Ave. Cent1`a.l Burton Ave. No. 19 ,Oro No. 12, Vespra. Re-1-eml and l{eeo1nmen(led- : I Stella .\lnrpl:_\' St. Mary '3 Preacher at both. services, Rev. `T. J. Dew, Rector of Ivy. First Class Honors- ` No1'xuz1 Chappel No Unnnnfl r-.1< TTnnnr.:- u\o1'xuz1 bllullllul nu. u, .... Second Class Honors- Rmh Grant No .9, Ves Catherine Poarsall No. 6, Ves Ina Elliott No. 15, Ves Luella \\'il:~:0n No. 11, Ves (Continued on page four) * Roll Pass Rec. Fa. Totals Minessng Teacher D R. Campbell Ruth C. Hodgins Ruth C. Hodgins Margzaret M. Miller Rosa Henderson I1 I I an .1 n 4 J. CGUIIKIH E. B. Fry D. A. Norris D. A. Norris l'.I)TN... 1'4. LVl.U1'l'l3UI.I J. Marlin D. A. Norris - 1). L`L_V M. Howard J. Marlin M. Howard J. Marlin E. Morrison 1 ]l'-..I.`_ DI CANADA HOGS BRING BIG PRO/IFITS Mary s 'IY'-..L `K'....J u 1. LVUl.'|l E. B. Fry W. R 1017'! 1'4: I). 1'1 J. Marlin E. B. Fry In 12 um Teacher `D `EV-.- Vespra Vespra Vespra Vespra , Vespra. To. 11.00 z1.m.-In Central )[etl1odist: Trinity Church 7.00 - Evening prayer and Sermon ll.00-.\[0rning P1'a_\`e1' and Ser- Everybody welaomc. Rev. H. D. Raymond, Vicar. YOUR BUILDING NEEDS DO0RS-California sugar pine doors, all the standard sizes. - Ready for immediate delivery. HARDWARE FLO0RlNG--We are agents in this district for the celebrated SEAMAN KENT Flooring. None better made. Booklet supplied giving full instructions on how to lay the ooring and care for it. FlREFLOORlNG-Made from choice British Columbi2 Fir. clear grain stock. Superior to white pine, and cheaper. These are but a few of the many lines we are supplying to people in town and country. Write for prices and other information. Sunda_\', July 2151' -29*. 8th Sunday after Trinity ` 8.30 -- Holy Communion. 10.00-S.S. and Bible Cl:1ss0s We advise early buying to prgtcct yourself against advancing pnces. Rev .R. J. THE BALL PLANING MILL C0., limited fjigeld st. BARRIE, om. Phone 109 l'.\'IO.\; .SER\'ICES Sunday, THOS. ROGERS The` Ball Planin-g_ Mill Co. 5', July 21st _(_Ian_be__b_e_st supplied by Fallis, Pastor The urgent and imperative demand /for hogs has opened up a ready and `profitable market for every farmer who will raise them. Each hog you raise will bring a handsome profit quickly--the more hogs the greater your income. Increase your herd now while prices are high. To do this you may need a loan; if so, consult our local manager, he will help you out. I SOME SPECIALS : SITE BOGIE BURIED I SITUATION CLEAREDj Education Department Gives Written Approval ---Explanation of Play- grounds Error Gifts of Money and Fruit Have Already Been Rec eived from Orillia \.'L'l\Cl1 LLUIIX LIKC 1JU}Ii11llLlCLlLo The insertion in the plan of the statement that fourteen and a half acres had been deeded by the Corpo- ration as -pla_\'g1'ounds appears to have been placed there by the archi- tects under a n1isapprehonsion, with out any authorit_v, and they take full 1'esp0usi~bi|lit_\' for the error. This is 'o_\'.pl:1'u1ed in tho follownb-_v* statement lmndod to The Advance yesterday by Mr. Fred ,\[:11`r. secrt-t:u'_\' to the SIMCOE QQUHIX- DIICIL LLIJIILUVIIL l/U l'IIU EKUU LU` LHC new B. C. I. was purely a formal matter; and last week a telegram was received from the architects saying that the High School Inspec- tor had repoxlted favorably on the school site and that confirmation! would followlin due course. This week the question is finally disposed of by written approval having been re- ceived from the Department. l"|m inanvt-inn in Hun nlun nf` Hun It was sta'ted two weeks ago in The Advance that the question of the Education Depalftnwnt giving their approval to the site for the nu! R F` T van nnr-oh` n Vnrvntxl All kinds of dress`d lumber, floor- ing, ceiling, oak ooring, moulding and trim, B. C. shingles, rough lum- ber and joisting on hand. Dressing and all orders receive prompt attention. `Gice Phone 163. Res. Phone 359 The first u'it't: of fruit to the new Simeoe C0unt_\' Czmnin-_: Centre at. B:u'1'ie was received in Orillia on S21tu1'da_\', when Mr`. ' `Ego of Jar1':1t.t \\'ou1:1n's Institute bro11g_{'ht in a. crate 0|, 3t1'a\\'be1-ries. As the kitchen in Barrie was not yet running the fruit was done up in :1 home-kitchen on Sati11'(1a_\' afteriioon. It will be b1'ou5_-'ht to Barrie later. \A. 4I,,. _.....'l.I_. __.-..4_.. . -{: LL- |ILULl_'||l LU .lJi|LllU 1illL'L'. At the we-ekl_\' meeting of thei 01-illia Council $300 was voted to~,` wards the cost 011 operating the can- ning kitchen rt Barrie foi-_tl1e Conn-t t_\- of Simcoe. 1`l1is vote was made in response to :1 request from Mrs. \\'111.` lI:11'\'o_\' and 311's. \\'n1. Todd, on be- half 01' the \\'on1en's Institutes. Mrs. ]'I:1r\'u_\' (`Z\[)i11i11L`(1 the object of the '(*:u111in\_-' kitchens in some detail. She said that Barrie had voted,$30U 1'01: its slmrc of the cost. and U1-illin \va.s ' :1.~:k(-I for -.1 like nlllount, whicll was pi-0n11mtl_\' voted. I \\'....on.1 rm. n.,....:....- I::n.|.n.. 1...1u 1|1\IlIIl'll_\ \UlL'U- 5 \\':u1ted for Cm1uing Iiitchon, Indy , tn .'l.'<$iSt the G0\`e1`11n10nt demon- ! strntol`. Part time only daily at the l)e:'i1111in_;'. .-\..< this is pux'el_\' pzllri-` otic work only m0dc1':\tc pay can be expected. Soml written alpplicatiou to Miss Elizabotll .\IcC:11'th_\'_. Bay- Yiohl .\'t., up till July '39. , J. FXLIILVL LIJVLL I-I? L &'LJJ$` L 1~I\'er_vonc who is Wi11il1}_'.` to 40 on tho 1'u1'1us for the 11a1`\'ost has been ro-::'iste1'ed. It 1'mnuin.= now to organ- ize the \'oIuutoo1'.<. Those who are not cu11\`asscd by local committees should come forward and 11'(`t in touch with local 01'f:ani7.:1tio11.<. At. points where orgzlnizations are lack- in-.-`. volunteers should start farm employiiieiit on their own initiative so as to b!`iI1}_" 1':11`1u01':; and war- workers to;:'ethor. 5 5 1 1 I'f-RM EM?):ri\EI:I . .2111..- 1,. . 'cKN Ni1ic KITCHEN I MEDICAL ASSOClATi0N] Holds Annual Meeting at Barrie---Officers Electecin Report of Justice Hod- gins Approved BARRIE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 18th 1918. uualll UL uuu1:u.uuu:-- The Secretary s attention was drawn to the effect that a note on the plan of the site of the -B. C. I. sent to the Depart- ment of Education by the Architects Ellis & Ellis stated that 141/; acres had been deeded by the Corporation of the To_wn of Barrie in perpetui-ty to the B. C. I. for play- grounds. The Architects were at once noltified that such was not the case and requested Mr. J. A. Ellis to go at once to the Department and state that such note should not have been on the plan and was placed there by the Architects without any autheri-' t_\'. This was done and the day follow ing the Sect) . received a letter from the Department sta"tin;_r that re- gmrcliny: your school site for the new Collle-_-iate Institulte building: the High School Inspector reports that it is SZ1llSftl_('li01`_\', and therefore, it is a.ppro\ ed. `VOL. LXV'II-No. 98. Q? There was :1 good representation of the p1'0I.'essio11 present at the an-_ nual x11eoting' of the County of Sim- coe lfedical Association, held at the Royal Victoria Hospital on \Vodnes- day in last week. 35 members being: present. Dr. J .D. Cunninsgham, of Alliston, the retirinfz president ,Was in the chair. ; __ zznw 1 I --' nu LIIKT L Hull.- A paper on Tubercular Menin- ;{_-'itis" was read by Dr. J. D. Mc- Phee, of Port McNico1. A surgical paper, of an extremely interesting: nature, `as read by Dr. \V'. A. Lewis !B:u'1'i(-, upon Intesti11a1 Obstruc- tion in its Relation to the General Prat-titionc-1'. Dr. Alan Brown, T0- ronto, ;`:1\'e an excellent ziddrests on t-I..+`....o `I:`,m.1:....J! ....'aL 1.1.-i.v_L-,,_1 Board of Education :- | i(7l"L.. CV..4_..L--_--7- 1 Auulu, _`_'.il\\: illl U.\CL'll.UI1L il(l(lI'( 5S on Infant Feeding with hlmkbozlrd i11u. ,, r\,, \r,r1 n 1. 7111 1 lllll-`ll(lllUlI`. Dr. .\[(:Cz1llum, of.` Tho1`nbur_\', re- presontntivo for the cotlgty in the 0nt:n'io _\Iedio:1l Comm-il, _:a`.'9 9. .~2_\'nopsi.< of the report on venereal diseases by Justice Hodfxins. This was e.\'tensi\'eI_v discl1ss(-d and a 1'0: \\'ns passed memorial?/ling` the Ontario Legislature in 1`o;'ard to tlw mutter. "IN" 11' .3 ' J A n A -n- I D1`. \V:1inw1'i:l1t, of.` Orillia. h1'011 up the subject of State :1ne:li(-inc: and a. motion \\'us passed \aut11o1'i7.in}_r Dr Little, of Barrie, to .Iorn1 :1 committee to look into the jquestion of child welfare for the [c0unt_v. VTVL ,1-i~-_,,,, r-___ .1 '\'\Jll|ll \ a i The officers for the coming; _\ea1' Iwore elected as follows--President. `Dr. T. J. Johnson, Midland; first ',\'i(-e-president, Dr. Campbell, Tourn- ' ham; second, Dr. Johnston, Sta;::1er: third, Dr. Gilchrist, Orillin; secre- t:1r_\'-t1`e:1s11rer ,Dr. H. T. Arimll. ` Barrie. T.,,,_, _,,, ,1-;l , , , , ,,L,,,,,,,nI l7i|.lll\7a ` It was one of the most stlonossful 'moetin_rs held by the County Hedi- `onl A;~:sociation. BARRIE BOY KILLED WHILE PI.0UGl!!NG Was Driving Team of Seven Horses in the West Ian-In Bunch. A. LESLIE, Mmuor Cookatown L. B. AVERY, Manager. Thornton " W. T. HODGSON, Manager .\'omuan Penstone, grandson of .\Irs. Frank Penstone, 114 Sophia St. Barrie, has died through being kick- ed by a horse. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Penstone, he was born in Barrie, but some years ago his par- ents went west. They came back to Barrie, but are now living in Toron- ` to. Norman remained in the west, be- ing elnployed on a farm near Mor- ristown. He was ploughing with seven horses, when he was kicked by one of the animals and only lived long enough to say how the accident happened. The farmer tlicughi 3 great deal of Norman, who was only 19 years of age, and came -with the body to Toronto, where the deceased was `buried last week. Ten Cents for fifteen Words `is The Advance rate for prepaid advts. of the wanted class. It is the cheapest rate of any news- paper in Ontario. l`C|.l LL IIULIIIIJS L'Uu.l\l LIL` Lllllltfo " The Mayor replied that following a conversation he had with the Deputy Fire Marshal they had pro- cured :1 draft of by-law reg:ar(ling such places as were mentioned. The clerk would go over the by-law and compare it with such clauses as they had in their own by-law. They could only deznl with the matter under 9 b_\'-law. Immediate|_v they had that by-laxv they eould take action. They would be h:1\'in_: :1 special meeting of the Council and he hoped that the b_\'-law would be ready to submit [to that meeting`. I11.-.:.. `l'_`l ..`l.`.l..-. LU lllill HlL`CLlll'. Civic Holiday The .\I:i_\'or said it gave him very great pleasure to mime the second Monday in .- \u':11st, the 12th, as 3 Civic holiday. Policeman for Alla-ndale The ineetiu-_-' was a very short one, the only matter which excited any discussion beiny: :1 petition received from Allzmdale askngr for a police- man to be stationed there. Ald. Graeey said it was no use leaving: it to the end of` the season. If i h(`_\' were g'oin1_r to do anything now was the time. Dept. Reeve Soules: said as they had such a small ntttndnnee he did not think they should take up the ques- tion. AL1 r ..,.......I..\,1 APlIfI.' :4" mnm, |BY.LAw TO DEAL 1. wnn FIRE mrs Council Will Take Action on Fire Marshal's Report-- Petition for Allandale Constable At the meeting of the Town Coun- cil on Monday it was stated by May- or Sprott that a by-law was being drawn up to deal with certain places in the town which the Deputy Fire Marshal considered should be -at- tended to with the View of the pre- vention of fires. The matlter was brought up by .41. Adamson. who drew attention to the remarks of the Deputy Fire Marshal in last week s Advance, in which he described the ruins of the Queen's hotel as one of the fire traps he had noticed in the course of his investigation. Hr. Adamson said it was a menace to the town and ask-` `ed if nothing could be done. rm... xraum. mn1;m1 +L...+ -Prillnurincr U11. Aid. Clark r01nz\1'ked `that if mem- bers did not attend it was their fault. He`dre\v attention to a rob- bery which "took place recently, when panes o faglass were taken out of 3] store. Th(-_\` were not prdtocted at-I Allandale at all. 1; ___-~ .1A,:.1,..1 4.,` r.nr\ ` ...+n nnrv\_ I ILIIHIILIHIC ill uu. It was decided to go into com- mittee as :1 whole to discuss the mat.- ter and Ald. Gr-at-e_v was placed in the chair. Ahl. ;\(lal'l1S0l1 ('0Il>'i(l(`!`C(l that Allantlnle 011'.-`ht to have :1 policeman. There had been several robberies there lmc-l_\'. 'l`he_\' haul :lZ<,l{DIl for pro- ter-tion and they should be r.-:i\'en it. Alnl. Brother thoueht that people who asked For prdtection should be ]>1'epare to pay for it. AM. Payne believed that there was :1 lot of laxity on their own part with people who had these robberies. Ia nnvnnn ('nIn{"\` tn mv house I p('()])|(` W110 nan [H850 I'(H)l)L`1'1L'h. If zmynno (-omos to my will kill him," xvns the mild remark of AM. (`1:n'k. You had better open your h-arts and send someone over there. rm , \r._..A.. ....... A6` nnininn Hunt I BARRIE PLANING MILL) This .\I:1_\'0r W{1'~' of opinion that` ratepayers should have the `protect- ion ty asked for. A1`! n-..n.,... .1....nnem'l and Ah]- 1011 th'e_\' asked 10\'. A111. Brother proposed, and Ald. Admnson seconded. that the Police and Fire C o1nm'L'Iteo he in:~ttruoted to appoint :1 polioemzm for Allandale. 5.1.1 T.nnnn\' mm 110 was rather Z\]')])0ln1' DOHPCIIIZIII IU1` .`L1li1uuuu:. Ald. Lonnox said he was in favor of the propo.'~:n1, but pointed out that they had made their rate and this would entail an extra ex- pense of $400 or $511!). If they moved thnlt :1 policeman be appointed to 12 o c1ook he would support it. Am r)......-,... .~n:,`l fhnrn were 3 0'0l0("K ll(` \\'Uu1u auppuu 1... AM. Pearce said there were 3 number of mischievous boys who had givenn lot of trouble. and if there was no one to look after them they would have the run. AM Dnn\'n Qnnlnu l'I1\'Ed as an With UU Uur: Lu nrun nu`. ........ -.,,_ Dept. Reeve Soules moved amendment that the matter be re- ferred back to the committee. which -~ ____....'I lCl'11'U Uil.L'l\ I was carried. 1 mlscauaneuus The works and sewers committee recommended that :1 catch basin be placed at the corner of Collier and Clapporton streets; and the report was adopted. rm... v;n.mnp Fnmmittee recom- (I3 (l|.l\)lr|,\, u. The Finance Committee mended a refund of taxes to the G- W .V.A. for the portion of the year in which the premises of Dr. \\'ells had been used by them: that a deed of transfer of property to the Board of Education for a school site be pre- pared on the site being approved by the Dept. of I-`.d11ea\'ion: and that no aertion he taken in recxm-d to the rest ..----. 5--.. ............ 'Nm.- f'nrH\er re- acrtlon he Union In ]`t"_'au'u l.U .... ...,..- room for women. They further commended that :1 : szrant of $100 he made to the Canadian War hospital fund for $erbians.-1Car- rind. lopteu. 1 _ -...c.....1 A`. hum: in tho G. Coler sn Methodist c1mh.! `U . `Miscellaneous ,1 -._,1 _.....,.. [HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE Jlcsnucuaaa First Class Honors-- Helen Ross I lllurold Smith Arnott \Viee Elsie-.BigeloW Aubrey Urry Kathleen Stone Irene Knapp Fannie Rosenfeld Jean Cowan Central Anna McBride St. .\Iar_\"s Kao \'\'ezi_\'mouth Central Dorothy Scott \\'est \Vard I Kathleen Harvey . . .. Burton Ave. Sarah Kochberg . . . . . .Burton Ave. Mae Reid .Central l-.\Iorle_\r' Livingston \\'est \\':1rd [Dorothy Loth \\'est \\'z11'd Fred Billiiiggszley Central .\l:1r_ .\Ialcomson Central Leslie Wiles \\'est Ward .\Iar<,-`art-t. Myers \\'est \\':1rd Hilda .\IeLeau No. 19, Oro Iszlbellu Hill \\'est Ward Leota B;1u_Lflunz1n Central C',.._..1 {"I....p. TInnpu-:- Rank Rank of Teachers School! 1 E. B. Fry, Vic., Collingwood 2 J. Marlin, Central, Barrie 3 M.HoWard, St. Mary s, C01 wood D. A. Norris, Prot-. -Sep., Penctan. J. E. Morrison, \V'cst, Barrie 6 E .Shear, Burton A\'c., Barrie Rank Name -- I'\ :1 ` JJUULH 1Jilu_`_:.uu1uu. Second Class Honors- Hzxzel Irish Frzlnces: Ballantyue \V llabel Finley \\ I'Iar0ld Shannon Eddie Prince Gladys Graham Laura Forbes Jenn Goorlfellow Velma O:~:t1'ande1' Phyllis Campbell \l Kathleen Murphy 5 Vernon Cameron V Sidney Tooke Theodora Horsfield V Artlxtlr \\'all.~:er B1 Olive Chown Rank Teacher School `I 1 Ruth C. Hodgins, \V_ve\'a1e. '2 D. R. Campbell I-I1n1v-ale 3 Rosa Henderson Mi11esin;: 4 M. M. Miller SS. 19, Oro BARBIE 1 Mary Bauldry `2 Fleda. McLean 3 Vera Clute 4 Hilda McLean ") . Norma Chappel `D,nra'I {`hurch. MIIFFAT & FARR Plumbing and Tihsmithing Has Moved to the Premises` at 1042 Oweh St., next to L Gas Ofce` PLUMBING FIXTURES, HOT AIR ` FURNACES, STOVES - And all kinds of Candidate Sc hool Tea Margaret Murray Victoria Collingwood Billie Robinson Prdt. Sep., Penetanguishene N Lillian Robinson Prot. Sep.. Penetanguishene N Jean Murray Victoria Collingwood Evelyn Holcroft Victoria Collingwood E. B. Helen Ross Central Barrie M: Eileen Leach Victoria, Collingwood Clare Godden Victoria.Collingwood E. B. Haxel Dawe St .Mary`s Collingwood Ho` Harold Smith Central, Barrie M; Nellie Millware St. Mary s Collingwood Hm Arnott Wiee Central. Barrie M Elsie Bigelow VVest Barrie J. Mor Aubrey Urry Central Barrie M Eric Beck Prot. Sep. Penetanguishene N " Urban School Teachers Honor Roll 1st 2nd School. C1 17:, l`1_1IZ_.,._........'l `I ss Class Pass Rec. 4 1'7 '1 I`: AAIl\llA --.\.., .._..-__- V .. School zluldry Illmvale cLc-an \\'_ve\'a1o te \Vyo\'a1e :Lean No. 19, Oro happel .\IinosiI1L Rural School Teach ers Honour I ' ]st 2nd I` `(E11335 `Class : 0') 1 71" 1 E,,__ \l".......-.'|n KJCLLAULGDA D....+n.. Ara Honor Roll of Urban Candidates NORTH SIMC OE INSPECTORATE STOVE REPAIRS Jos. L. Garvin Inspector 7.00 p.m.->~In Collier St. .\Ietl1o- (llt Clulrc-l1. A s01`\'ico of song: will._ -(list Church. Rev. G. R. .l{itcl1'mg-. of Th01'nt0n will preuc-l1 at both scr- \-Inn: