3Ul,'l\D- .\[id1xu1'st.- socks. '\f I... BU\.l\Ch Minesin_ .20 ]w_\`jz1n1ns, 7 .<,m-,k.~:, d()I1{llC11 by .\Ull(3$iIl." pillows and cases. Stroud,71y_iun1us. 39 1 1......_ IJHK-3: Clowvs, 24 1_\`jz1111-us, 1-L prs. socks. L't0pin,. 12 yrs. socks. G1'c11t'(>l Khaki Circle, 7 p_\'j:u11us, 9 11's. socks. Hol1_\'. p_\`.'|21I11{1S. Bi`.-' Bay Point. 1 ]u`\'j-.\n1n. +51 11'opc1't_\' }):1j_fs_, ms 1m11d1 -Ll quilts, 9 prs. socks. Om Hod C'1'o.~'s: E(1f_"i11', 3'2 do`/.. 1Iz111dk0I'cl1icl's, 85 p1'.s'. socks. (*1-mm "Hill. 1'. m'_ia111z1s, 1'20 RED Ekoss NOTES p1-s. .~;u-ma. C1'0\\'11 Hill, 11z111dke1'<,-luiofs, lows d011atc UL,...:.. I2.- donatcwl. .\`11:mt_\' Bay, 10 sheets. 24 hund- 1 -1 ms. socks. ()1'0 Station \V. 1., 60 lu111 <'11iel`s, 7 prs. socks. C1'ai3__-'}111rst Patriotic Lea-.-;u0. 1 pyjzuua, 16 ms. socks. Mitchell Square, ]81)yj:111\:1s, 3 1'1anuo1 ;~:hirts, 57 hundkerc-hiefs. Dalston '\\'.I., 1'3. pyjallmxs, 7 prs. socks. - Mrs. R11i110hz11't, 17 prs. socks. lissa and Ilmisfil donated, 5 py- jamas. 1 quilt, 1'eturned `ZS prs. socks. 1. . 1- :1nn :24 n\'i:1n1z1.<, `.2 socks. Knock donated. `.24 pyjm11z1.<, quilts, 1'otu1'ned 22 prs. socks. B.C.I., 31-} prs. socks. .-'\1landz1le Cl111rcl1cs had Chi11'}.;'C the shop S-atu1'da}', June 29, 1 ML ..,..m:.\+e warn :'%1'20.()(). The B: the net. 1'(`C`Cipt5 were $1'20.()(). Bap- tist church and Salvation A1'm_v will have <-,11:11{9;e of the shop on Satur- d:\_\', July 6th "and the following S:1t111'd:1_\', T1'init_\' church. Shop committee this week, Mrs. S1m11:1c_\'. next week Mrs. Payne. Mrs. Garvin, Book-keepe\' Mrs. |-u1:. uu- ...., , _ Lawrc-nee. - Donatlons S:1tuI'd:1_\', Juno. `_ 9L1x. .\Ii $-1.50, 1-lolly `.3 loaves bread Jug.-u<`.\ b--Luv 1` r; 1 A very pretty wedding: was solo- mnized at St. Mary s church, Barrie on June 26th,. the c011t1'actin}_'* par- ties being: Irene, only d:111_-;l1to1- of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Coffey, and Capt. J. A. Kearns, C.A.M.C., _\ onn_s:er son of the late Mr. and .\[1's. -Peter Kearns. D1)r\Y\T VI"!-T{\`\f AK The tax rate of thirty- Thirty-Seven seven mills, passed by Mills the Town Council this week, will be very un- pleasant reading in these days of high cost of living. But it was un- avoidable under the circumstances. It will seem :1 big increase compared with the twenty-eight mills oi` last year; but the full amount required for school purposes was not levied last year owing to an alteration be- inggnailc in the financial your, in order to comply with the mncmled statutes of Ontario. The estimated ' expenditure which comes under the control of the Town Council shows a . decrease of nearly $3000 compared ` 'th last year. The increased ex- penditure for schools accounts for two-and-ta-half mills, and the county rate shows an increase of 41/2 mills --bhe greater part of which is for patriotic purposes. So that large as the tax rate is the Council cannot - ..n .1 1...:.... nnnnthrifta, U W lV-1I1U.\L;rn A pretty wedding was solemnized on Wednesday, June 26th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Red- fern, Holly, Ont., when their only daughter, Annie Louise was married to Charles Frederick Brown, only son of Mr. James and the late Mrs. Brown. The ceremony was perform- ed `beneath an arch of evergreens and roses, in the presence of only the immediate relntaions and inti- mate friends of'the contracting par- ties. The numerous presents re- ceived testify to the popularity of the bride and groom, who after`! dainty luncheon, left for a motor trip to Toronto, Hamilton, Niagara Falls and other eastern points. On -their return Mr. and Mrs. Brown lwill reside at Maple Grove Farm lolly, Ont. JIINE WEDDINGS KE ARN`S--COFFEY __....LL__ ......'l.`|n..- um \Cl11'I.lSo BR OWN-TH0l\[A-S _ -.-...1,1:..... ......~ nn`n' , pyja111us, .4. 1n'.~:. socks, 4 pil- ]y.1z111121s, propc1'1.y I HI 1\7 I H 115.) W.I. ll ` Terms of Subscription 01' ...:n Drs. prs. 1 1 1 ALEXANDER-On June 25, to- Mr. and Mrs. Morris Alexander, Bradford Street a son. BEECH---In Allandale, June 15, to- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Beech, a. son.. LOWE -- In the R. V. hospitul,. Barrie June 23, a. son to Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lowe, Thompson St. LOGAN--In Allandale, June 15,, to Mr. and Mrs. VVm. Logan :1. daughter. MAYS flu the R. V. hospital, Barrie, June 20, a daughter to' Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mays. ; SCANLON--In Barrie, June 20, _ to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Scan1on,. 9. son. Q. WEBB- At Barrie. June 26, tot` Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Webb, a daughter. SMAR'r-WALL.-xcE- At the resid- ence of the bride s mother, Mrs- W. S. \Va11ace, Wellington St. Alliston, by Rev. H. Harper, Ph. 1'.__.- 1n `D2_-_1 G ...........J BELL-In Oro, June, `.21, Verna I.. Bell; daughter of Mr. and Mrs Richard Bell, aged 14 years. MITCHELL - At. Guthrie, June :1 117-1I:,_., \f:L..L,.H .....,.,J QR LVJ.1..L\_JI._.llL14LA nu \.JluuuLu:, uuuv 25, William Hitcllell, aged 86 years, , McARTHUR-- At Guthrie June 2+, Lillis Ann Bell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arch. McArthu1:,. aged 7 months. the tax TIIDU 1! un: \Ivuu u . . . _ _ ._ be accused of being upendthrifts. TURK--Tn Oro, June 23. Franklin Turk, aged 67 years. 'G1LROY-At Lot 1h , Con. 12, In- Dlsfil, on July 1st, Ethel May, wife of Emerson Czilroy, aged " `23 years. HI LL-At Cmiglxurst. July 1st, Thomas Hill, aged 48 yems. i A Monkey l:I11nt; In the Jungles of Burma. Our most exciting sport at the- Narn-ting camp was hunting mon-_;. keys. Every morning we heard querulous notes, sounding much like I the squealing of very young puppies, [Which were followed by long-drawn siren wails. When the shrill notes had reached their highest pitch they would sink into low, full ones exn ceedingly musical. In warp insnectinz a line of traps 13., oII3 uIfe i6,'1'31":.',};cox{i daughter of the late W. S. and Mrs. Wallace to William S. Smart, of Tecumseth. 1'\11 A rn1'l`C`1 ` ceedingly 11111510211. We were inspecting traps placed along a. trail which led up a valley to :1 wide plateau when the querulous squealing abruptly ceased. We moved on, alert and tense. The trees stretched upward a full one hundred and fifty feet, their tops spread out in :1 leafy roof. In the` topmost branches of one we could just discern a. dozen balls of yellow fur from which proceeded discordant wails. `H uvau -.1 Inna 1`!1Y`IEl3. fl` E1 shot-E1111. Thursday, July 4th, 1918` wails. It was a. long range for a shot-gun, but the ries were all in camp. I red a charge of BB's" at the low- est monkey, and as the gun roared out the tree-tops suddenly sprang in- to life. They were lled with run- ning, leaping, hairy forms swinging at incredible speed from branch to branch-.not :1 dozen, but a score 05,, monkeys, yellow, brown, and gray. " rmm nno at whir-.h I had shot seem- monkeys, yellow, Drown, uuu 51.. The one at which I ed unatfected and threw himself full twenty feet to a horizontal limb be- low and to the right. I red again and he stopped, ran a few steps for- ward, and swung to the under side of the branch. At the third charge he hung suspended by one arm and dropped to the ground. We tossed him into the dry creek- bed and dashed up the hill where the branches -were still swaying as the monkeys traveled through the tree-- tops. They had a long start and it was a hopeless chase. In ten minutes they had disappeared and we turned back to nd the dead anima.L It was a. young male, and I knew at once that it was a gibbon (Hylobates), for its long arms, round head, and tailless body were unmistakable; but in every species with which I was familiar the male was black. This nun man vnllnw and we knew it to be a. prize. For the remainder of our stayrat the Nam-ting river camp we devo ed ourselves to hunting rilonkeys. The f gibbons soon became extremely wild. 2_ ' Although the same troop could us- " ually be found in the valley v`vh e we had first discovered them, the chose hillsides on which it was 9.1- A` most impossible to stalk them be- `\ ......m nf the thorny jungle. We impossible to smut mem w- cause of the thorny jungle. went forward only when the calls were echoing through the jungle and .+.m.1 mnfinnlssl as the wailing ceas- IJBBDUB K)\ALII)\1LL\l\a4.u.~ . Payable in Advance. echoing tnrougn we Jungle uuu. stood motionless as ;he wailing ed. But in spite of all our care they wguld see or.hea.r us. Then In sud- den si_lenoe there would be 3 tremor of the branches, spluslyatter splash of leaves,,and the.herd would swing` away through the Qrackless tree-tops. l"'hn nlhbons are well named Hylo- awhy through the Irncluess tree-(ops. The gibbons bgttes, or tree-walkers. for they are entirely abox-_eal and. although awk- ward and almost helpless upon the ground, once their long thin hands touch a._ branch they beoome trans- tormod into veritable `spirits of the treeitope. launch themiiel-Yes into space, catch a. branch. twenty feet away to swing for an lnsta.nt nnd A hurl themselves to another. It possible for them to travel through the trees faster than a man can run on open ground. --- Harperh Maza- ptnat AN EXCITING SPORT. 1ilia1- male DIZXCK. 1111:: 2 was yellow and we be n-i-in MARRIAGE BIRTHS * Robm UNION GOVERNMENT . .35 cents .65 cents . .$1.25 . .$1.75 A statement appeared in last B.0.I. week s Examiner with regard Site to the site of the new B.C.L which is misleading and needs correction. It was stated that--the site does notrcomply with the re- quirements prescribed in! the me- partment for Collegiates. In What way it does not complypwith the re- quirements is not mentioned. W'e are assured by Dr. Wallwin, Chair- man of the Board of Education, that no notification as to the site not meeting with the approval of the Department has been received. \Vhen Inspector Spotton was here in Feb- ruary he was taken over the Agri- cultural Society s grounds and he ] was asked if he would approve of l the site. He said the better plan would be to write to the Department saying that he had looked over the grounds, and the Department would refer the matter to him. The Board asked for a. block plan of the ground and location of the building; but through an oversiglit this plan was not forwarded to the Department. It has been sent since and the De- partn1ent s approval is expected this week. It is purely a formal mat- ter and no trouble of any kind is anticipated. l l Details of the brutal treat- [ German ment of crippled soldiers Brutality in Gerinnny, which ap- pear in our inner pages, would pi-olmbly not be believed by some persons it` it were not that we know now :1 great deal more than we did of the brutality of the Ger- ean character and that these W3.- .tails are taken from Berlin news- `pupers. Returned soldiers were in- -vited to :1 meeting` of the Patriotic p:1rty, but when they attelnpted to speak they were (lenouneed as traitors and (lese1'te1's, w_hile men Yusheul down fronl the plat- helubouretl them with form and `- --v 1-x H I ,,li,...._ ..L ,.-nn- . I |lU`lXl - xvalking sticks. Pzwticulars sho\vin<,z' the tender 1'e;':11'd with which `wounded soldiers are t1'e:1ted in `Go1'111zm_\' will be found under the \hez11ix12' of "\':n-ions V'iews. '2 do not know to what extent the Hun u-.....\,..__ extracts Ifrom Ge1'm:1n l1C\\'Sp11])0l`$ lwhich we :_-'i\'c e\'o1'y week are up- preciated; but, as far as our knowledge <._--oes, The .~\d\'-ance is the only 11e\\'sp;1po1- in Canada which rr-gu1a1'1_\' publishes these extracts. 5h7iv?4W'\ which ; ` new: Continued from 1st pagzo. l Form T[--(To:1cho1's and )l:1t1'icu- lution)-The.~:e promotions will de- pend napon the result of the Lower School Dcpartnlontal exmninations. 1:n..... T +n Fm-m TT ((`.on1mercial) }Scl1oo1 1)cpa1'tn101mu e.\2l11uuuuuu:. v` Form I to Form 11 (Commercial) l---F. Calvert, A. .\IcK:in1e_v, Brad- ifield, K. .\Ic-Conkey, M. Johnston. M. O\`er.'~:, 0. Thomas, M. Lmnpman. Form 1 to Form 1I-(Teac-hers and .\Iat1'icu1ati0n)-G. O. Neill. (honours). P. Vivian (honours), G. .\[01'1oy, W . Young`. G. I-Iu1'1bu1't, L. Ambler, J. Ross, F. Cheesman, G. Lemlox, E. Carson, S. Gowan. I. Hoblc-_\'. G. Armson and \V. Hines .,,._1 u Tnx'(n\-K` .\ (`.m-nm1t(-1'. )1. Hoblc-_\', G. A1'msm1 mm w. Lune: equal, \\'. L:\\ cr_\', A... C:11'p(*nt(-1', !\[-I7.a(:h01'n, A. MacL211`cn, Q, Swartz, V. Spears. M. L(si5.,-'11, S. Smith, Cva\vfo1'd, P. Partridge. A. \Vest, L. Lyall. Rc-stilts tions in tl1 (`If lic-sults .101; rmnxmum J..\.....,.....- the Public Schools i11 June: CENTRAL SCHOOL J1`. IV to Sr. IV~(.\Iiss T1'i`pp) Hon. 1: Class--J:1ck Robinson. .\Iz11'5_":n'et Burdette, Agrncs. Fowler, Rou'inuld F111'lon_v', Richard C2111i_ Tr. 0....) Fla.-a_(!nrf|nn (Than- SCHOOL PROMO'i`IONS K(`t_"lI1:1l(l 1* 111'lox13_v', 111('.u1u'u mum.-,....-.. I-Ion. `_ nd Class-Gordon Chan- non, Jenn Tholnpson, Rowena Cook. .Tet't'1-oy B01-tmm, Willie Mays and a 0.. ..1.1 '.\V -11.11] (I-rn1nlYn. `-(`,lm`r1es .Tet'|'1'oy Hort mm, w mm .`uu_ n uuu .-\1'nol d "\\':1l.-I11 (equal )1, `-Clm\r1es ]Iunt.or, .\Im'y Sllrubsole, Phyllis 1).. ..4 ..1.1.~.-.~. J luuuu , .v Pzn't1'id_-'0. T`L\ >~< Published every Thursday morn- ing;'by `James Baldwin Bryant, pro- prietor, at the oice, 123 Dunlop Street, Barrie, in the County of Simcoe, Province of Ontario. 1 a1't1'i(l_-'0. Puss -- Edith Luck, Clarence .-Xmliler, l.lsiel'lo1'ton, Alvin Luck, f .\I0r_u'nn Finlay, Eddie Smith, Alfre- eda West, Edxvard Huxtable, Esther .\I:n'tin, Allan Manuel. Rec0n1.--Lyall .\Iaxwell, Gordon Tribblo. Sr. Ill to J1`. IV~(Miss Booth) Hon 1st Class--Sz1ral'1 \V:1llwin, Marion Parh-idgge, D0l1f_',`l{lS Hart. John Dobson, \Vilma Kennedy, Hel- en, Smith, Belinda McKinley, Jean Muleomson, Jim Hurt, Jenn Max.- woll, Kenneth \Valls, Geo. Powell. Bessie Bong mid Fulton McMorran (equal), Jean Metcnlfe, Irene W11- son, Reta Jacobs. 11. r)..,1 l1nae__Rnc: Cowan. SOY], l\L'L2l uucuua. Hon 2nd Class--R0ss Cowan. Toddie Scott, Helen Hobson and Edvmrd Jannioson (equal), Eveline um.-. 13,1..- u7,m+ and Nm-msm Kel- E1w:1rd.lmn1oson (equal), .DvUuuu U1'1'_v, Edna VVost and Norman cey (equal), Alfred Caston, Masie Cubit-Nlichols, Clifford Guest, Ruth Surjcnnt, Joshua Summers, Dorothy McEnx2hcm, Mabel Keenan, Bertha Levit, Leah Thompson, Stanley Cor- bett, Ailsn Grey, Hunter Huxtable, Stanley Caston. Pass---A11an Keys, Irene Howard. Jr. III to Sr. 1II-(Miss McCall) Hon. 1st C1ass--Mol1y Powell; Margaret Wallace, Marie Grafton. Hon 2nd Cass--Howe]-1 Partnidge, eta Jacobs. S(=ott.,_ 1 1r-~.....~..... I.mnn1\ Fvnline P1'omntion E.\`ax{13n:1- - n..1.1:,. Qnlmnk in June; Garnet McMorran, Gertrude Rosen- feld, Jack Payne, Doris Tuck, Annie Urry, Jean Wilson and Roger Wil- son (equal), Russell Duff, `I-Talter Lambie. ...... n ...u.v. Pass - Marion Gobiell, Cecil Boden, Robert Gossling, Sydney Bishop, James Robertson and Flor- nrnnn A1vnn1J /nnnnn. Reggie Cooke. Robertson and Mor- ence Arnold (equal), Reggie Alvin Fevers, Edith \Vo1fenden and Julian Hammer (equal), Bessie Hux- table. Recon1.-Howard Ross. Jr. 11 to Sr. II-(Miss Living- nm. 1=+ (`.1ae=_Glm1vs .To`nnston. stone). Hon. 1st Class-Gla(l_vs Johnston. Mnrg'nret .\[urcliison, Harvey Mer- rick, Marion Ross, Robbie Sander- son Marjory 'West, Annie \Vallwin. Hon. 2nd C1ass-Vorn Charles. Florida Mullholliand, Mary Robinson Stewart Fowler, Allan Prait, Lem Kim, James Brown, Christina Jones. Mabel Simon,, Jack Meliinnon, Rosamond Noss, Dulton `.V:1llace. Donald Gobiell, Louise Hurlbnrt. `|")n~~ T`\.-...nHu.- l"nnl.-n A1-H111v Three Months.. .. . Six Months . . Twelve Months .. .. .. . United States Subscribers. n-_-_1_v._ :... A Aunnn. 1JOHil1(l U0l)lt:l1, uuuiau L1u.uuu1u. Pass - Dorothy Cooke, A1't.lnu' McLean. John Caston, Stella. Sum- mers, Gordon Vianetter, Stanley Pa1't1'i(lg e. Recom. -`Bz1rbnra Ca`.:le1`wnodF 3 `Willie Thompson, Geo. Thompson. Sr. I to Jr. II-(Miss Clutton) Hon. lst Class-HoWard Guest. Bertha Horton, Florence Gobiell. Ha1'1'_v Brother, Willie Garner, Idella Turton, Jennie Gold, Jack Graingrer. Ra_\'mon(l Bishop, Jenn Ballmityilev and Lucy Gosslin`-2' (equal), Doris Stexvmt, Artliur Hi_1`_1js, Muriel Bas- sett, Lewis Merrick and Gordon Sarjeant (equal), Artlmr Living- stone, Mary Tribble, Geo. Guest, Stanley Exell. 1Tnn Om`! ("ln::__.nm-nfhv Cnsfnn. Etauley 1u'x Hon .`_ nfl Cl2`lSSf-~D01`Oll1_V Castou. and A1-tlm1' \Volfen(len (equal), Bil- ly \\'l1ittake1', Dorothy Brooks, John )IcQua1'r_\', Thelma \Vice, `Walter \Vilson and Ronald I\Ia_\'s (equal). Dick Powell. ' P:1ss-Joss.ie Vm-`, John Hewitt, Willie Blayne Jitlxel Howes. Sr. I to Jr. II--(.\Iiss G:~.u1ey) P:1ss--Dulcio Simmons. P1-imary to S1`. I-(.\Iiss Me Robie) - T-Tnu 1 at F] -1 :::'\fxn}\n1 grn'n`H' nuulc) I-"Ion. 1st Cla. Sprott. .\Ia1'_;'a1-et How, Helen Luck and Donald Billix1;_:. (equal), Dorothy Gold, )[u1'iel Nash, Helen D_\'mont and Lewis Corbett (equal), )[n1'y Huxtublc and Kenneth Lambie (equal). Olive O'Connor and Doro- thy Bu1'1'0\\`s (equal), Hm`1`_V B111`- lottc-. Geo.'..T:1mies0n, Fred Couron. Ina R0l)01't.s011, Edith Exnll, \\'inni- fred I\'mith and He1'be1't .\[:11'kle (equal), I-lcsbu S111itl), Harry \Vais- l)e1'}_r, Geo. .\[:1_\'11e. 1T,,,, :\,,1 r`I.._. T'\-...'. C'..`..t .\..,`l KIUIZSL} KICU. .\Lil_\lllf. Hon. '2n Cln. Slnart and Smxdy Wilson (equal), Clarke Bell . \\'a11wi11 Fisher, Rachel Sn1ithe1'- man, Cora Brown. Jessie Lewis and Hz11'1'_\' Horton (equal), Glzldys Cor- bett. T`b_,A., 1`..,1. 1)......_...11 D1.`-11:- UCIL. Puss Jack B1'umn1eH, Pl1_\'l1is .\IcLean nnd Harold TordiHT (equal) Athens Bakor.:'o01<:o, John Bong`. T. ...1....n...~.-n Duinxnmr fn T)vvhnn1-v. ;1.LlH'llS .DiU\Uj_;l'U1;.'&', uuuu .L;uu_:;. I K1nde1(2'u1`to11 Primary to Prilnaryl ~-(.\[iSS \Viddifie1d). {Inn (`n 1-]1n' \Trnvra ('n1n11nH, l "`\.\l.lSS \\ l(lll|l.lUl(l[. ' Goo. Carle_v, .\Io1'ris Campbell, Jus. Exell, Emerson Gralmm, `Gor- don P:1rtri D011.."l{lS Piguott. Bobbie Powell, Fred` Skinner, Curl \Vaisbc1'5_~', Emerson Ballnntyne, I Herbert Gibson, 3\Iildre(l Chown. Muriel Cooke, Helen Garrett, Daisy Gosslinq, ' lluriel Smith Verona Simmons, Alma. Tyrer, _\Iil(lred Walls. Sr. II to Jr. IT_I-(.\Iiss Lou_:mm1) Hon. 1st Class-A1'no1l Brooks, Harold Sprott. `Hm. 0.111 ("I-.1cc._.\ilnnn R1'i(=L r=1*_ I13ll'OlU |`[)l'ULLv- Hon. 21141 C1ass--.~\.i1ee11 Brickcr. Ethel \\'ico, Josephine B1'11111111e11; A'lbe1't Tuck, Kathleen Irish, Helen I3l`aeksto<=k, Vern Glennie, Hilda. Morby, Arthur Cooke, Gladys Kis- sock. n_._.. A :`r\r\I\ r<..n:...1.,m xrnrzal SOCK. Pass--Aileen Calligzhen, .\Iurie1 Nicholson, Mary Rosenfeld. Isobel Duff, Mary Levitt, Mariam .\IcNa'bb- Brnadic Smith. I).\,.,..~. T7nnHnn Tnhn: Sir Robert Borden and his co- adjutors now in England are evident- ly intent on serious business. No one who counts for anything ever thought they had gone on 3. holi- day. The pressing necessities of the ' situation at home would never have allowed of their absenting them- seles from the Dominion were it not that matters of urgent moment cal- led them overseas. People speak glibly of -.1 Federation of the Em- pire, or of a closer connection be- tween the Blotherland and her Do- minons. It must be patent to the weakest intellect that the presence in the Capital of the Empire of dis-i tinguished 1'ep1'esentatives "from the Domimions is one of the surest ways of 'fo1`;_j'i11_<.;` the link \vhi(-h shall hind . , ,_n _.`+.- n? `this '01-1d- uroamc bnnun. Recom.-Eve1inc Jones, Willie Tribble. Jr. III to S1`. 1II-(Miss Dougrall) 112.. n...1 t`..,..~ -`rnvvru~r\1In`*-T;.':I\._ BUH Pa.ss-G1'ace L:1n_:. Reco111.--K:1th1o(m Kennedy. Sr. II to Jr. III-(Miss Do11ga11) Hon. 1st CInss--Verm1 Pratt. Hon. 2nd Class---Vc1'a Luck, Ira Roburn. Pa`ss--Gco. McQuarr_v1, A1b'ert Bn1lm1t_vno, Kenneth G:11la_;'hcr. ` Dm...-.m__1'`tm-f lfm-v: T nn'r-.v TTnr-l l5f1llm1L_Vn(`., I\cuneLn uu.uu_-.-,uux. -` Rec0m.-~Bert Mays, I en'cy Hor- ton. Edna Baxter, Gladys Mc- F.:1qhe1-n. Pri1mn'_v to Sr. I-(Miss Jenkins), Hon. 1st Cl:1ss--Margaret Black- stock, Patricia Cooks. `L`l'.v.-a On (`.lncu._.{1nn, Rrnwn. Ste- SE00 K, nurxcm LUUKS. Hon. 2nd Cluss-~Geo. Brown, Ste- wart Brown. Rec0n1.-Go1'd0n Tomlinson. 1.1 A um 1\T Ann QlLT{\T. l`u\DL \\'1\IlrIl L)\J.ll\I\IA4 Sr. III to Jr. IV- 2nd Class Hon.-Edna Graham. Pass--Ruby Donaldson, Mildred Coles. ' Jr. Ill to Sr. III- lst Class I'lon.-R;alpl1 Connor. 2nd Class I-Ion.--Lau1'a Teasdale, Gladys Caldwell. Pass-Alma Tuck. , Sr. II to Jr. III--- 18!: Class Hon.-0ttie Robinson 2nd Class Hon.-Elsie Robinson, George Caldwell. Jr. II to Sr. II- ._1st Class I-Ion.-Jlmmie Mizen, Howard Corbett. 2nd Class Hon.-Dalton Caldwell, Pass-Roger Caldwell. Rec-,om.--Floren'ce Smith. Sr. P .to Jr. I- 1st Class Hon.-Reggie Gray. HT. .111 LU D1`. 1LJ_*\Au.|nn AIuu5.;u.u; Hon. 2nd Clz1ss-1Iarg'a1'et \Vilkin- ECOTII.--\,lUl'(lUll 1 uluu nauu. EAST \VARD SCHOOL . TTT L.-. `I .. T\T BURTON AVE. SEHOOL sr.`1>rimary Hon.-D. Riddell, G. VVa1'dle, A. \Visdom, O. Kashner, A. Garsid'e', E. Ambrose, E. Kightley, P. Koc l1berg_. D. Jay, A. Thompson. 1)..-.-.-.,`l ,,1f `Dqffm-znn G-_ Wnn(I_ l$.0C'l1D61`[_"', 1). J21) , 41. Luuxupauu. Passed-M. Patterson, G. Wood, H. Crawford, J. Henson, D. Blogg, W. Hedger. C` .. T T.`r.m 1?`. Dnr1o~hmn_ KL ]n(.`IlL> LU1 tux. u..l,.__,, (`~.randT1'u11l-I and Grand Trunk Pacific Railways. This is a very la1`g'e proposition for any Govern- ment to undertztko, and it is doubt- ful if such a scheme could be carried out un(le' :1 purely party Govern- ment. There is no doubt tliat veryl great 1'o1'o1'1ns are ahead of us in Canada. Wliatever me:1s\u'es 111:1)` bel l0011iin_:_: in the distance We may be sure that they emanate from pure- ` - ... ..a.:.-/us -Sr. I-Hon.-E. Padgham, M. _\IcQuade, M. -Stunden, R. Tomp- kins, C. Melson, J. Looker. 13ncant1:-\/V Gnflllild. F. B0\Veug mm, L`. nelson, u. uuum.-:1-. Passed-V. Goodchild, E. Ambrose, D. Riddcll, J. Pratt, O. Spri11g'ha1n, M. Trask. Reco1n.-E. Millar, A. Moss. I Jr. II--Hon.-L. Park, R._Mc- Quade. "Due-car-l---H`.. I. `I IC(].9.'-81" -AI. Quade. _ `Pas-sed--H.. Hill , Hedger} Scott, H. Spearn, E. Traviss, J. Bradford, H. Lamb, E. Hook, M. Patterson, E. Kochberg, B. Baer, C. 4- ._ .1 .... I. il.L|.l:1:ruu Stunden. '|"l-....-.. Stunuen. Recom.-F. Spearn, M. Millar, Moncrieff, A. Ardell, C. Knigjht, Greenside. 0.. TT um. T. Qsundnu-9.. b`r1'eensme. Sr. II-Hon.-L. Sanders, Wardle. 11--.. 1.` T.:+Hn `H Qngnn. Warcue. Pass-E. Little, M. Stimson, T. Carson, V. Bowen, S. Godden, I.| Pouclxef, R. Spearn, M. McNeil, A. \Vatt, J. Campbell, B. Tokk, G. Mc- Millin, G. \Vebb. Recom.--E. Trask, G. Fergxuson. J1`. I1I--Hon.-9. Taylor, D. J armain. n--... T A..,1..n TI Rnrnotf. I. 2nd Class Hon.-Doug1as Smith. J armain. Pass-J. Ardell, H. Barnett, I.` Drake, C. Dunnett, E. Garsidc, L.` Hed9:e1', M. Hook, A. Hooper, L.5 Kearns, D. Knight, A. Little, L. Looker. . Rec0n1.-M. Baer, G. Tompkins. Sr. III-Hou.-K. Cu11'os's,' R. Goddon, J. Edwards, D. Hedg;e1'. ` Pnss-A. Kinsc-11.1, E. Fraser, A. Gray, G. Swan, I\I .Trevelyan. W . 'T'7V__,...,.._ Bulk: nu... ....V`. ly patriot-ie motives. . Under the party s_\'.~:tc1n Acts are often passed which, a1t11ou_~_-fh they may be for the good of the country, are initiated mainly with the idea] of adding to the p01m1z11'it}' of the` party in power. But when -.1 Govern-l ment is composed 01.` men 01' both parties there can be no rezlson tori the enfzorcelnent of any Act but that of the ;'ene1'a1 we1I`ar(: of the] country. I11` men would but 1'e-alvize` this fact there would be less eriti-I (-ism of the Union Ciovernnient. They inay pass measures with which` b`rase1'. Rec0m.-J. Kearns, B. Speam, J. Gibson. x \ 1?`. Q1: nn 1- T 1~i1min:11 Jr. IV to Sr. IV- 1st Class Ho11.-J. Campbell, D. Tu1'11e1', ( Harris, I. Broxvn. -)..,1 r*I..... Wm. T I.lZl1`1'1b, 1. 1JJ.U\\u. End Class Ho11.--J. Bel R. Hzunilton, A. Garvin, 5011. \V. }I0d;_-`es. Carr, . 13 J2 xvnna R ' bull. H . J1UL|;.'L'.m 14. p Pass-R. Wiles, Scott, J. Young, M. dison, H. \\7z11'(hna11, : Clifton. n..-,,... \' \':.-an L,u1Lon. Rec0111.-V.Nix0n, I. Hook, V. Snead. Sr. 111 to Jr. 1\'-- `2nd Class Hon.-G. Finley, G. Seymour, G. Bo-attie, G. Mcuule, Lines, A. Cooper, 0. L-ally. , 1).. \I _\]nv-\nA1n1' T. 'I`nmHn- 1411105, .1. \,UU1)L'L', U. .uuu3. P:1ss--.\I. Ale.\:z1nd01',. L. Tomlin- son, \\'. Moore, M. Thompson,. R. Devine, G. Gowzul, `W. Riddcll, E. Cameron, R. B0\\'111an, \\'. Miles, B. r . hi1\'Cl')'. ; ' Hecon1.--A. Paddison, R. Lou-,'15. ]~Jt11e1'in3_-`ton, W. Kilgour. J1`. 111 to Sr. III- 2nd Class I1on.-.\L Scannnell, N. ]Pig_\_-`ott, 19. Lewis, 1-1. T01n1in>:0u, P. lLambi0, V. .\[cB1'id0, G. S\\'a1't7., F. Cruulb, G. Goring , H. IIo})le'. Pz1ss-E. Crumb, )1. Pzuldison, A. P:11't1'id-Ere-, R. Adznns, `L. Coulson, G. Gordon, A. Bogaulis, B. C;11'1'uthe1's. III. Tomlin, C. liiclnzwdson, 1-]. John- 'son. 1{cc0m.-C. Hunt, I-I. Hill, Theukston. 0,. 11 A. T.. 11"! .1.IlUUI\BLU1l- Sr. 11 to Jr. 111- 2nd Class Hon.-A1be1't Aitchison. Eileen A1'111st1'ong_;', Madeline Coulson Pass--Mz11'g'a1'et Met-king`, Ken- neth Meliexizie, Stewart Bryson, Jean \Vi1son, Ruth Fisher, (.`11e. Carson. Nona Smith, I-Iarold Crumb, Buster Clark, Betty Robinson, Allan Scott, Lillian Hines, Do1'oth_v Bur- ton, L_\'1n:1 Burtch, Bernice \\'i.~;e- man, Earl Smith. DnnA`\\ Xfn.-nunvnf N'i\'nv1 i.|]I\:`L Inll Lari Dlllll/ll. Reco111.--Mz11'ga1'et Nixon, Edna Piggott, Willie Ballanty11e, Ruby Johnstono, Helen Clieesmzm. Jr. II to Sr. II-- 1st Class }Ion.-~E. Hill, A. Clit- ton, M. Houxisome. `)n.'l (`lute lvlnn ---PT}! l.Dl -P:]fl`l(l`_"(3p which Con.~:e1'\':1ti\'es do not :1-_v`1'ee; but it` 1nu.~:t he renienibered that the Go\'(.-rinnent is 1'01`n1e1 of men who 'be1onr_;'ed to what was the Opposit- ion, as well as those who were mem- bers of the Con.se1'vati\'e Govern- ment; and at times Conser\'ati\'es must accede to some extent to the convictions 01' Liberals, or there would soon be an end to Union Governxnent. Confidence in the un- ` ~ H. ...-.:..,.;. M Hm loaders ton, 1V1. I10llI15Uu.lU. 2nd Class Hon.--Hu'/.01 Patridge I. Allxvard. 1`I...`.` 1 T\ (L\InnJ D Q;nn1-1:1`, I 1. Auxvaru. Pass--J. D. Cleland, P. Sinclair. N. Mason, D. \Vhite, L. Asnph, A. Luvery, I. Gowan. 1?n(Ir\l11-_-F` /.nlw A{].']II]S. J.` 14;1\'e1'y, 1. uuwnu. . Rocom.--F. Zeihr, R. Adams, J.` Armstrong, R. Cooper. Sr. I to J1`. II- ` 1st Class I-Ion.--M. Dreyer, I. Rid- dell, A. Ayers, M. Swartz, C. Pub` ford, E. Ballantyno, A. Riddoll, \V. `Thompson, E. Hines, B. Reid, E. Smith, S. Gibbs, M. Dale, A. Meekums. _ n...1 run... 11.... D T?m"|.1iH P. Meekums. 2nd Class Hon.--B. Redditt, P. ' Burtoh, M. Bnrtdh, E. Grccnsides. C. Falconer, E. Asaph. Pz1ss-T. Bog.:a1'dis.` Rec-,on'1.-R. Gofton P1-i1na1'y to Sr. I- 1st Class I-Ion.-I-Iurold Curtis, C. Thompson, R. Robinson, T. Reid, D. Jmnioson, R. \Viles. ' 2nd Class Hon.-A. Penny, J. 1-Iudden, \V. Theakston, A. Houn- onvnn - .1. nan--u . 1 Iuuu, 1. Cole, M. Twiss. 1)...-u... If If L U010, M. '1'\v1ss. Recom.-M. M. Martin, Arthur McKenzie. Don ouuuxug He (relating experience in billet) -So I went to sleep that night with a stone jar for a pillow. She--Wasn t that awful hard. H-Ol1 no; you see I bad stuff- ed it with hay. --Upho1s`tering and furfiture re-I pairing done by experienced work-! I men at Dongall Bros. >11. E. Shear, Principal WE ST WARD SCHOOL ome: Pz1ss--J. Dodd, Adam McKenzie, t`<..1.\ `MT 7l"uv:ne IIICIIE; HUG: ul. Luuun -\,v...,.........-, iimpeachable motives of the leaders should be the motto of the milk and file of the Unionist party. Soft Stuffing ..L1..... .....\...-. nvunn J. Bell, G. Day, trvin, W. Robin- A. Landon. R. Twiss, G. . I\'ci11_\', N. Pud- , H. C oulson, V. ` Campbell, F. G. Beattic, J. J. The Red Cross Shop is now licens- ed to do business under regulavions of the Canada Food Board, and as a. partner -in its program of conser- vation and production of food in Canada the Red Cross will not ac- cept iced cakes, also for afternoon tea served "between the hours of 2 p.m. and 6 pm. the regulations state that only 1 ounce of wheat flour bread may be served to each person and cakes made of wheat flour substitutes. The regular meeting of Barrie .B1'ancl1 C.R.C.S. will be held Mou- fday, July 8111 at 4 p.111. The monthly shipment on June 27tl1 was as 1'01- lo\vs-558 pyjanias, T50 prs. socks. 30 flannel shirts, 1-1 pillows, 30 pneumonia jackets, 42 seultetus bau- (lages, 18 chin l)amlag'es, 84: Mc- Naught head bandages, 276 proper- ty bags, 42 stretcher cups, 6 sheets, 12. . pillow slips, 12 prs. bed socks, 3 prs. knitted bed socks, 288 'han(lker- chiefs, 1; . face cloths, 6 shaped slings, 18 bed -pads. I Anvilinvv onntrihntions to ackimr. Slings, its Deu -puus. I Auxiliary contributions acking, Collier St. Clll11'Cl): 54 pyjaxnas, 4 annel shirts, 35 prs. socks, (5 news from home. l Miss Bootl1 s class, 13 prs. socks, '1 pr. bed socks. St. Andrew s Cl1\11'Cl1, 107 pyjam- as, 12 flannel shirts, 61 prs. socks. 1.1__..-.,.....~.,.~ I`.-nu: TR kn/I uncle. RU flannel smrts, U1 SOCKS. Emergency Corps, 78 bed pads, 30 pneumonia jackets, 96 property `bags, -12 stretc'her caps, 84 head 1)an(la:_v'es, 96 11z1ndkerehiet`s, 18 scultetus bandages, 18 knit chin H: ...~1 ..nm_- 51 n1-nnm'1'.vi prs. socks. C0n;'1'egz1t10n'.1l, 2:) prs. socks, .\Ii.'~:s Scott, ]>1'S.- socks. I I"..41..-in 1`) 1n~-1:11:14 R Hnih (10- 1 Scott, .50 ]>1's.- scum. Gut111'ie, 12 1)yja1m1.<, 3 quilts do- nated. Ivy, 2-} pyjaluas, 7 `1'l:u1x1c1 shirts. 6 pillow cuse,s (donatvd), 11 prs. socks. -\v:11...... 1Q hr:-11n~1 -1`) HYS. j Thursday, July 4th, 1918