Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 20 Jun 1918, p. 8

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.-7J-- _=}--Upholstcring done by experi- "'\ onced men. W. A. Lowe 6: Son. LOST--Betwon Mulcaster St. and Allandale Rd., large navy blue lleather purse. Finder return to V Advance off-ice. 2547.51) I , _ _ .__ . __ if you want to save money on your shoes. u-__..__.__ ._._ ~ LEMERHE;m;Bi!I11ends a11d`E<.)-"3.-6; Statements printed at The Advance W311 g b1IiceV.\witlx neatnoss ,,nud despntch. made. We here quote two of our specials. Ladies Boots---In black kid, lace style, with extra high grey cloth tops, made on the new- est lasts, With plain Vamps and low heels, all` sizes and widths. Value $6.50. _ -n__:_- mn nu: ing m advt Men s Bootgs---In black calf and mahogany, English style, light Goodyear Welted soles. A smart young man s boot, in all sizes. Value $7.00. Fire Sale Price---$4.85 We have also a large quantity of Women s and growing Girls Boots, in sizes 2 1-2, 3 and 31-2, in Patent, Kid, Gun Metal and Tan Calf, button and lace styles. Ladies Wearing these small sizes should take advantage of this great saving. Values up to $5.00. Also on display will be found many extra- ordinary values in Men s, Boys , Wome s and Children s Footwear. Again We urg you to come early and save disappointment. ` | Small A&vts. No Phone Orders. nor can uuvc suxuu u_y uplu_y- ' at thxs office and paying for .L MOORES GREAT FIRE SALE nz".z:v-1n: Tim ivsix IN BARRIE A Beiated Limerick m____ .__..._.:1.._;:-.... 11 Delaneu Lauuurusn Two r-mitributicms to our Limerick competition, which closed on June 10, were received on Monday from F01`en1o:~:t, Alberta. St. George's Church rm. .\..\.\:+ lam `D12. ueurge 5 unuxuu. The new pulpit, leetern and mural tablet will be (le(lic:1te(l on Sumlay evening by the Bishop of the Diocese, I who will also hold a confirmation. I Salvation Army Lawn Social, Wedtiesday, June 26th from 4 p.m. to 10.30 p.m., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Etherington, 40 Hilary St. (near Vairs greenhouse) -in aid of overseas work. Programme rendered. Refreshments served. Admission 10c Children half price. All boys in khaki and returned soldiers free. " m1_- .-....... 1.-..:m.,`l{. mu} mmfnmnva KIHIKI uuu 1'\.'Lu1'uI:u auxuuua rum. The many friends and customers of T. N. Hobley will be glad to learn- thut he has gone back into the Tea zuyl Coffee trade in which he made so enviable a record in the past. Royal Air Force 'I`l..-. I.-um] nnvnhv noyau. tux: 4: uruc The local committee of the Royal Air Force has received instructions that, for the present, no more re- cruits will bc accepted of the present military age. Applications from boys of 16, 17 or 18 will be received and, if accepted, the names will be put on the Reserve list and a card given to be carried in the pocket, which give protection until the call is Innn .. . `Sale Price-A--$3.95 '*'1'15efa,1e Price---$2.35 No Money Rgfgggfg `Killed By a Car Miss B1'idE(`t Lynett, :1 l1ig11ly re- spocted lady of Richmond Hill, was StI`l1("1\' by :1 southbound .\Ioh'opo1i- tan car at 3.30 on Monday :11't:m`- .... .. ..../1 ..I......,A. :._..L-..L'I.. 1.:1L,1 t-In Isa: uu -:..m uu .vLuuuu_\ iuur1`- noon, and almost ins`r:1ntly killed. She attempted to cross the street between cr0ssing's at the north end of the \'i1la:c, and no doubt, owing to 1101 being deaf, she did not hear the car con1in_n'. She was 73 years of :13}.-'0. Hlc-r1s.ist%1', M1133. Geo. I{1`1{211es, `o1'mur_v 1ve( at arrie, on "'OI`S- loy St., and went to reside with l)Iiss Lynett, who was known here. {comer St. mm cImb.| HOUSE FOR SALE--8 rooms on Wellington St. \Vest, all conven- iences. For further 1)m'tic11la.rs apply to Mrs. McAdam, 95 Toron- to St. 2'2-tf Sunday, June 23rd Pastor, Rev. R- J. Fallls The pastor will preach morning and evening. A 1`: - -q . -u u, Good Music. Sunday, June 23rd __ 41:11 Sunday after Trinity 8.30-Holy Communion. 10.00-S. S. and Bible Olusses 11,00 - `Confirmatfiion service Preacher Rt. Rev. J. F. Sweeney D.D., Bishop of Toronto. '7.00-Evening prayer and Sermon. Everybody welcome. Rev. H. D. Raymond, _Yics.r. No extra. charge for ax1svvc'rs ad- dressed to office, if called for. Trinity Church Eevrybody welcome -service. Sweeney, The Prices Offered at Barrie s Cash Dry Goods o and Clothing Store Should appeal to you during these times of high prices. com`e in and see how much lower our prices are than most. To look or to buy. we will be ...'I..n..AJ -I-A 1FIf\'lV'l'\ vrrnu 0+ I\`l1'V' mi-nrn FQUND, on Szmturduy, on the high- way near Minesing, two pedals and sprocket, from motor-cycle. Owner can have same by apply- __... AL LL2.` n$`+'nn nu nnvGnn- fnr 1l.UW .l.l..l.Ll\IJ.L LUVVUL uux. 1Jl.J.vvu uuv pleased to have you at our store. For summer wear. Made of ne, Silky, Mercerized Lisle. in Canary Yellow, Uld Rose, Purple, Coralette Pink and Black, all with large collar and cuffs, of white knitted Silk. Only a few on sale at the special price of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.98 NEWS mom soum WARD We are showing a varied assortment ofhouse Dresses in the well-known Martha Washington" and Canadian Lady" lines. They are made of Print Percale. Gingham and Chambray, in plain Black, Grey. Pink, Blue, etc., as well as checks and stripes, at the followingrange of prices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.25 to $3.00 Miss Sylvia McMorrcn is visiting friends in Toronto. Mrs. Geo. Gates spent the week- end in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. VV. D. Little flave returned from Toronto. -.- 11'? u.,, 1.r____1.-n ......_ nn11m'| 1`(5Llll'Dl.`.0. .LL'Uu1 Luxuuuu. Mr. VVa1ter Marshall was called to Chicago last week, owing .to the illness of his motlxer. -- 117 A 1,, A.-- 2.. l`1....!.~nn1n 11111653 UL um LAAUuu\;Lo Mr. Wm. Gates was in Craigvale this week in connection with a. sale of live stock. --- 1v- 1 . `YT'II _____ ,._ 1)-.-J-nnm U1. LLV U nuuvn. Miss Violet Hill was in Penetang visiting friends over Sunday. M,.u..= Wignm. Catlin. Garside vxsmng II'10l1(lS over Dunuuy. Messrs Wisdom, Catlin, and Brunton motored to Alliston on Friday evening to attend the open- ing of the new Masonic Temple there. mu.` ....:+m1 Tl.-n4-hm-1mnr'|a nH.m1d- there. The united Brotherhoods attend- ed div.ine service at Burton Ave. Methodist church on Sunday morn- ing last. nL.. `I -.. mununvi :5` hnrno -Frnm The many hundreds` of people that have already taken advantage of this wonderful sale -is proof that we are offering real shoe values. Be sure and come mg last. . Pte. Jos. Fraser ls home from` Oshawa on leave. ml... l'1'l"'D nnvHn1vu hm-1 R (`.1111 Oshawa leave. The G.T.R. auxiliary had a call to Vine on Saturdziy to replace two cars and were called again on Sun- day to -a rather more serious spill at; Burks Falls. n.. Y I` Dnwlr-mu 'LI'n:1 Qnnf. n`F Burks Hans. Dr. W. C. Barber, Med. Supt. of Simcoe Hall, is home again, much improved in health after his vacu- tiou. , WATER GLASS For preserving eggs for winte Keeps them just like new laid. tin......_ . . . . . . . . . . .. tin TOILET PAPER Large rolls of best quality Toilet Pap- I er. Special price . . . . . .10c, 3 for 25 A 5c Coupon redeemable at our Premium Counter, is given with every dollar purchase. Ladies ew Art Silk Sweater Coats WANTED-:Xssista11t Cook. Apply to Miss O'Connor, Simcoe Hall, Allandale. 23- Ladies House Dresses Pte. S. Pye was home on leave last week from Toronto, where he is still under treatment. Misses Ina, Clara nod Edith Cur- rn, 1,_____1___ 11I1(1L'1` u'\:uuuL:nn.. and tis were i11 Toronto on \Vednesda_\'. Mrs. Kirk, mother of Mrs. Thos. Blair, returned to her home in Beeton last week. Although over 90 years of age she is superintending: the planting of her garden there. rm. nvn Club met for seWdn_r_r Made of'L v.1 .colored Paramatta cloth, good to wear and will keep out the rain, sizes 36 and 38 only. At the low_ price of . . . . . . ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5.00 the plantmg or ucr gumcu I:ucJ.\;. The D.Y.B. Club met sewdng at the home of Mrs. Wm. Rusk on Thursday evening last. The fishing` party, consisting of Messrs. Appleton, Spearin and Mc- Kinnon, which has been operating in the vicinity of South brought back something more than a. fish yarn, as several good photos at Patterson s` will testify. Their catch numbered 112 splendid brook trout, some of them over two pounds in weight. ' Greatly to the regret of not only the members and adherents of Bur- tos Ave. Methodist church, but also of the community in general, it has been decided by the stationing com- mittee of the Toronto Conference that Rev. J. Burwell Lamb -be plac- -: :.. ,.1.......... ac Hm Mission church River; ` I \ J. burwcu munu ms plau- ed in charge of the Mission at Queen St., Toronto. Mr. Lamb has been 'here but one year and in that time has been largely instru- mental in hui, ding up every de- ]);njtn1ent of ' the work of this c11urqh`and_ W11} be greatly missed, Shirts add Drawers, in sizes 34 0 44, at $1.00 garment MEN S ZIMMERKNIT MERINO UNDERWEAR `Men s Raincoats Lug. J. nun... ._,....._,..D,,,. - sizes, from 34 to 50. 34 to 44' Shirts and Dfawers, " . . . . . . 75c garment at.;................ . . . . .. FOR SALE--Beautiful ton-roomad; home, corner site, facing west, in- cluding Stuble, Garage and Chick- en house. Also good building lot on Eccles Street. Apply to Mrs. D. Brown, Small street or Donald Ross, Barrister, Barrie 23-28 46 to 50 Shirts and Drawers, at. . . .$l.00 garment `Mn s Summer Underwear An Extra Special in SPECXAL CLEANSER D1 .Ia\rll1LA \IIJLlA'll `VI-I-` For cleaning pots, pans, sinks, baths, windows, etc. Large shaker tins . . . . . 10c, 3 for..5;: uosluauuolhllti LAUNDRY SOAP Lar\UlV1J1\ I uvru Sutcliffe's Special, a large bar of best quality soap. You will not buy much more at this price . . . . . .7c, 4 bars 25 Thursday, June 20th,\1918' not only for his brilliant forceful speaking`, but also for his genial person-.1lit_\'. His succesor will be Rev. A. E. Owen, B.A., now at V\"i1l0wda1c,-'a very promising young graduate of 1908. Mr nnrl Mrs. J. Boone and little ._:1'z1duat.e of .LUUt5. Mr. and daughter `Frances are visiting with the for1ner s parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Boone, Bradford St. Several members of the G.I.A. - -u 1 rI'1.........l-A v;aH-tar` fhn VYllAAu lawn Jones, lns. ecy., arm we Luuuw-lug members: Mrs. -McHardy, Mrs. Davidson and Mrs. McQuade. Mr. C. A. Bean, of the Y.M.C.A. is taking charge at `Sarnia and his lsuccessor will be 'Mr. E. McMillan. CR.EW--At Barrie, on Tuesday, June 18th, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. I Thompson Crew, a daughter. In: A vruc Allan.-u-u-pz CHAPPEL--At Lot 7, Coh. 10.; v .... .... M. 1...... 19+!` 191R.1i`.f.he1 Cl 1A1J1 lJ)lJ--.`XE 1.4013 1, uuu. .1.v., Vesprn, on June 18th, 1918, Ethel Chappel dg1u_.{rhter of Mr. and Mrs. Chappel, aged 24 years. V BROWN--At ~C1m1deboye, Candles, ` on June 18th, 1918, Robert Brown. _. ._-,1 an ...\.....~ UI1 u uuc .n.uuu, _ aged 69 years. 4... 1. x . .A\Ju, D13:S.Ti1": BIRTHS % BOY W'ANTED-To cut grass, etc., two days a week. Apply Mrs. Chas. Phillips, Nelson Square 3 25-25 I

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