Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 20 Jun 1918, p. 5

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` :ia`s11Nc men J % ' FOR LWEARY woman LUIS Vlllil:__ ,U. Seven auto loads of people from here held :1 picnic at Big Bay Point last Saturday. 11. ,.,z._ *m_.-,1 T1-.__...,..\ L....n..\.. AI? HISL DuLu1'uuy. Private Fred Pearson, brother of Ur. \Vm. Pearson returned from ovc-1'se:1s~-last week. P1'i\':1t0 Pearson has been i11\'alided home havi11_e: been so1'iousI_v wounded in the rig'ht legs. which is shorter now and also he sut"fe1'ed a wound mldc.-1' the chin. He is on crutches. \.1n.n,. n~n:` hrunn IS 011 L'l'llL(.'llt.'S. P1'ivat(-- I-1m'1'_\' Admns was home from Toronto over S1u1d:1_y zmd looks well. mL- 1,.L-..; t- ...`..,,!...~,. n M... in A111- \\'l.`l!. The latest to pn1'(=hz1sc 11 car in our \'illa.-_-`e is .\[1`. \\'i1lie Haw. M1`. David Adalns was in Toronto last week. , Wfv T-Tnr1u-:nn mmmvvnr (If H19 ms: WEBK. Mr. Hod:_-'.=on, 1nmm_:cr of the Union Bank here, has 1'et111'nm1 `from :1 Visit to B:11tin1o1'e. CROWN HILL "r6RN'roN DALSTON are looking fine in this and Harold 05- last week on last Black Underskirts Made from 21 good quality Satceu-All sizes. Smoke sale IVICII Ullllu IJI A vv\l.\~\a Mmlo l').'om a med'ium wei_:;'l1t twed in plain dark brown or small n`c~-at cllock, same style as above, sizes 36 to -14. Smoke sale price ..$11.90 Men's Fine Worsted Navy III C A1191: 0 hlllluo vn - -v say`. In dark brown with neat stripe, an oxc-ollent suit for summer w0a1', made in the 3 button sack style, sizes 34 to 44. Smoke sale price . .. . .. $8.95 Men's Suits of Twe .. 1 _ __,__, . :._._- .....:...1.+ +.....m1 IIIUIC IJKIII-3 Same-st_\'Io as above, sxzcs 36 to 42. Smoke sale price . . . . . . . . .$16.50 I1 90 `n, uu-u A x . J . uu lu.\.., .. Boys `Suits ,, In all tro: new jaunt_V styles, perfect fitting, made by the best makers of boys clothing. Suits that any boy will be proud to WP511`. Sizc `.25 to 35. Smoke sale prices $4.35, 6.48 and 7.65 Raincoats -n 1 1 _,,,1 __-._ ..11 ..L..1..~ :11 I\QIII\a\lILI-9 For ladies and men, all styles in tweed `pattern or paramlattas. If in need of It raincoat now is the time. Rnincouts will never be priced as low ng.a.~n1. Boys Coats. Smoke sale price $2.98 Ladies Coz1ts,S1noke sale price $4.85 $5.45, $7.65, and $8.95. ,. 1\Ion s Coats, Smoke sale price $6.85, $8.35 and $13.45. eu-.-xu SIZES. Dluuxxc bun: ll1lI_'U . . . . Men s Suits of Tweed ..,...L ..#..2.-..\ nr\ `Mr. and Mrs. Herb Nixon and child and Miss May of Cookstown- visited Mrs. S. R. Brown last Thurs- day. _ _ `IE1..- T:1__ r*<-..,1___s__ ___1 , 1 __ I_.___ url._V. Miss Lily Goodwin, who has been visiting friends in Detroit, has re- 1:111-110:1 Vlblblllg tu1'11cd. l SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 26th July, 1918, for the conveyance of His Mnjest_V s Mails, on a proposed Contract, for four years, six times per Wee}; on the route llidliurst R. R. 1, from the Postmaster Geuei-al s pleasure. `P1-infnrl nnfinna nnnfnhsinn -F'.n(>1u.-1 x uaum1aLL'1: 'JUllL'1'iU s pieusure. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of pro- posed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be ob- tained at the Post Office of Mid- hurst, and at the office of the Post Office Inspector, Toronto. A mvrnm2r.Amn Mail Contract 4'1. kJL'1.1LJ_'AJ.\1'JtLiV 1}, Post Office Inspector Post Office Inspector s Office , Toronto, Juno 8, 1918 25-27 In the matter of the Estate of Elizabeth Jane Nixon, late of the Township of Essa, in the County of Simcoe, widow, deceased. `Nnnn {oz hnvnkw n':\'nn nun-annnt 4:. IJJIIIDUC, \\'lllU\\( (lUUUil5l".ln Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act, R.S.O. 1914, chap-_ ter 121, and amending Acts that all persons l1z1vin}_-' any claims or de- mands against the late Elizabeth, Jane Nixon, who died on or about the eleventh day of April, 1918, at the Town of Barrie, in the County of Simcoc, are required on or before the tenth day of July, 1918, to send by post prepai(l or to deliver to the ecutors of the Estate of the said Elizabeth Jane Nixon, their names and addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims and state- .ments of their accounts, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. ' An 4-nlro nnfinn Hunt at-`far +l1ti U) IJILULLI: And take notice that after the" tenth (lay 0|.` July, 1918, the said Exeentors will proceed to (listribnte._ the assets of the said deceased, axnong; the persons entitled thereto, liaving' 1'e_2`2n'd only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice, and that the said Exeeutors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then have received notice. v `I"\..L..J .-.J D,.....:,. n.:. 4i`:+`+nnnH{ 1'eUel\VC(l UULJUL`. Dated at Barrio, this fifteenth day of June, 1918. ROVQ Xv. `M'TTT?(`.T-TTSON'- Ladies Black Casymere Hosiery I_`l ..1a'-..ul.;n ;-nnlx uu' nnnnunxnnnnnnf JIC V V IJI 055 Blue Suits NOTICE TO GREDITORS us, 4:140. BOYS 8; MURCHISON, T7`-nnnl-nus: 7 .Qn"n;f'rn-a UL` LU1, ; ULUH l/U. A. SUTHERLAND, pnaf (]r1';nn TV11\nn J 1 I) {X} A\L\JJ.\\.IJ..LJ.\J\J.LV , Exccutors Solicitors, Barrie, Ontario black price Q1 10 IJGI-IICO lJlV\\-Ix vuannuvnu nnvunvn Halt` price, such an; announcement should utt1':u-t instamtoattention, when off01'ed at half price .Be advised and buy next season s supply. Si /.05 81/2 to 10. Smoke Sale price, per pair. .75c Ladies and Children's Black Cotton Stockings ---__,_ Fine quality plain cotton, closely woven and seamless, in :1 good wei_ with spli(-e(l heel and too. Sizes 6 to 8. Smoke sale price . . . 15c Sizes81A;to10....... ...19c Silk Gloves White oiri lack _\Iag'ra. Maid Brand in ii close and even Weave. Have two dome l"ast(--n- ers and double tipped `fingxers and neat silk cord on back. Medium \\'ei;:'l1t Sl110l(( (l sale price 650 "M---v R90. Only 3 Days reduced to ta. . .4VLU\lllllll Heavy an Uuuu A good St)!O1l_!: thread, 200 yards to a spool. Smoked sale price, each 5c I I A 1uI\lrI:'I:)l`l..lII`l.' I']l'\1V|Jl\Ian\\u anus u Men s white lawn hzmdkerchicfs, good s`i'/go, and mt-11's red 11m1dk(-r- chiefs,tho kind that don t fade,a1s0 Ladks honwthchod handkordonw, ordin:u'_\' 5i /.0. Smoxod sale price, each ...5c 3 - I` A- Sweater Coats For Lmlios`. All these coats came in to stock du1'ing.: tro last month und Extra Special apuux. I7|u\u\cu nun, Inn`. HANDKERCHIEI -'VSM ___\.:L 1......` `\l\r\r11.'nV!n]`| 'siddLs ' DEVLIN 8 L0 .l'Eg'lUil.|.U LHU l:1'i.l.LLlU. ,,On the motion of Ald. A:1.'.1m-n n. it \v'is carried that the Five and Police : Connnittee be instructed to co.;si:1er the advisability of placing` a police- man at Five Points on Saturday 2 nights. ' T119. `B. C. I. an-Av _v...- ..-.._-- .. .___g_._..c,. I Ald. Lqnnox read the report of the :__. -.l`own Clrk as to his visit to Algon- dn Draw]? Pnw fa nun-nncn n? 1n-nnnv- I./Ht Luuuc_y :.us I/nu u.n.u.u.u.u.-J. This was not thought to be suf-` icient to cover the machinery which had been taken away on previous occasions; and a, motion,proposed by Ald. Adamson, was passed, giving the Mayor power to take necessary steps in regard to the removal of machinery-from the foundry. The Town Clerk's Pilgrimage n L1 , Ine Mayor sauu. um `u.|avucL uuu. caused rprevious Councils some worry and he thought they should deal with it in some permanent Way. `'1 7 ----~- -M-~~1 nun um *.\.r...,_ llh In auluc lJ\.LLA.ll.AlA\4A4v nu. _,. I Ald. Lennox moved that the May- or take the necessary steps to collect the money for the machinery. mL:.. .....,. ....L n........1.4- 1-,. Inn an{-'_' WIIB it SUUU ILIVUDULJICIIU .L\:7L Ul'.IU uuvvnnu Mayor Sprott was quite ;_nVsyn_1- pathy with the proposal. JAS. the Government had seen fit to take away the licenses of hotels, lxeisaii'(l, `the hotels had taken away the ac- commodation for the publie'."7 They . had to provide the accommodation C which had been forfeited, and it , 'would be a backward movement to i , -`deny the request that had been made. The application had come a little late for the estimates, but he would rather have a deficit of $275 and a rest` room than a balance to their credit and the accommodation not be provided. He hoped the committee would favorably consider the matter. l The Foundry Machinery l` l Some discussion took place upon the question of machinery ha\`in.: been taken from the premises of the Canada Producing` and Gas Eiigdne Co. The town has :1 l1lOl'tj_:`:1f.L' onfthe I property and Mr. Dyment ent!_f' into an a)_,-'1'eement with the Council that in the event of his di.s1)osing of obsolete n1ach;ine1-y he would replace: it, or recoup the town to the \'alue| of the machinery so renioved. % .11 11- ll 11 `1 u.:. _..-.. `l\l'\ '__- :.lUWl1 U181`; 11': LU 111:: vmxu nu nn5uu- 'quin Park, for te purpose of procur- ing 21 contractor to cut Wood for the `town. He said 80 per cent of the wood was maple and 20 per cent birch. C. M. McConkey, of Kearney, L...1 .....l..._o..1..... +.. ....+ onnn ..m.,1_- n` lug il CUlll:1'il.Ul4U1' LU Cub WUUU .LU1 l4lI'C town. maple had undertaken to cut 2000 cords of 4 ft. wood, and the committee re- comnlcndod that a contract be enter- ed into with Mr. McCo11key. rs AI1 T ,__.,,_. .. AVLH`) U1` unu UIULA LU 31511 a I;Uu'I.'Lu.uu. | Reeve MacLean expressed appreoi- ation of the thoroughness of the Town Clerk s report. Racing Automobiles Ald. Payne asked it` something could not be done to stop the speed- ing of autos in the front street. Rnm.~n'*lInnT.nnn qni ho fhnncrhf. v\| ..../u ....... _V..-. -.__.-..___, On the motion of Ald.~Lennox 21 by-1aw was passed, authorizing the .\Iayor and Clerk to sign :1 convtract. `Rnmm `.\fnnT.nnn ax-urn-czar? nnnrnn.i- lug UJ. LIULUS 111 L1!!! 1.L'UHla DLLCUI/. Reevc`MacLean said he thought the offenders did not reside _in the town. A1,`! A J........,..4 _-:,1 1... ,.......:.:,......1 `I0\VI]. .A1d. Adamson said he c0nsi(ic1'(='l la policeman should be stationed m; the Five points on Saturday uifghts to regulate the traffic. nu flan 1nnHnn n? Al!` A 1.'1Hl-n). I .l.LlU U. U. .2. ,A1d. Horsfield stated that e\cr_\- Ithing was satisfactory with 1'25.-'z11'<`. to the site and it was 1)rnpoeC(l to go on with the work in the 111or11i~*1o'. The Mayor remarked that they `had assured the Board of Education that they would make the convoy- anco. 1\I|'u enn'I'In~nnn-11:! dHL'L`a Miscellaneous The Council accepted an invitation [to attend the _2'1'a(111z1ti11}_-' c-xo1'ci.sos |i1t the Royal Victoria Hospital on i June 20th. T` 1f `|'I`l~..-.1-..1 nt-nn11nI1 (cnhnni ' Jun-0 ZUIII. E. M. Elgood, Ovendon (school wrote asking that the road leading `i'r0n1 Dunlop St. to the` school grounds be 1'epai1'ed. It was in :1 very dangt-1'o11s condition. Alav f`Inhnu1 xvhn ha: HM` 00!1t1`( b ' (lil11gL`1'Uub' L'Uuun,1uu. I Alex. Cloland, who has the contract lfor blacksmitl1 s work, \v1'ot"c~ com- !1)laiuiu__.r that since he was given the {contract he had not shod one horse. ..-....... _...- ......-~..- ..- ..,...`, ----\- ~... Mr. Otton spoke of the great ser- vice the room had been to women rc- . siding in the country, and said that last Saturday 159 women registered. _But women from different parts of '..,`-(the town also used the room, who did not register. The Board of Trade had been paying $20 a month for the rent of the room, but they could not ' continue to do so. If the Council felt disposed to take over the responsi- -ibi1ity he thought they should reim- burse the `Board or the money they had expended. `ML. 1' A 1r-.T -____ ___,`l `Ill . 0 T -Then: Mayol; said the utter had` ........,1 mmuinnu munnilg sxnme worrv nth ' hogauy, Greens, Peach, Maize, ureys - Dluuiu: bun: luluu, In-. 3...`. ...Y.... t__...__~___ ., lore---Thursday, Friday and Saturday will conclude but great sale. Many linss have been further the places of those sold out and New Goods passed into stock this week will also be put on sale. *----- -- :1.-mca Lita`? ', UUD .89c The B. C. I. __ L-: -1 .1 ,.A...A..-..1 are the newest Brushed Wool Coats, Emerald, Rose and Saxe. Some have (lifforent trimmed collar and cuffs. Smoked sale price . . . . . . . . . . .$4.45 A finer coat in same colors and corn slmde, all trin'1med with coxxtrasting colors, all sizes. Smoked sale price $6.85 colors, nu S1 /:05. DlI1Ul\t:(l nun: pun: Remember Everything in This Store Will be Sold at a Reduced Price Flannelette 1000 yards of striped flannelctte. Its 21 nice soft finish, evenly nnpped and excellent. for \von1en s and child- rc-n s wear. Smoke sale price, per yd. . . . . .,,- . . . . . . . . . . .131/2c F.xt,1'z1 heavy weight and a nice soft finish ...161/gc Sheeting White cotton sheeting, 2 yards wide and a nice quality. Smoke sale price, per yard . .. . . . . . . . . . . .430 n.uu um II mus rupnua In lavender, maize, Alice, reseda, lig.,-`ht mt-en, light grey, taupe, browns and 11av_\'s, mnethyst and black, yard wide. Smoke sale price,-per yd. $1.39 Duchess Silk Yard wide, regular $2.50 quality, ixy N.V'_\'S, Browns, Rose, Lavender, Snxe, Copenhagen, Pink, Sky, Ma- hogany, Greens, Peach, Maize, Greys UL un; AA1ll\,|IIA|\.A.`v uv -~...-.~\.. Aid. Horsficld said this was the` third time that 111arhi11v.`-'r_\- had been I ren1ovod and Ur. Dymont had not! 1 Lived up to the agree111(2nt. } 'WhitefFlannelette `Silk Poplins ` He_ rfused ft; do anf "f-urther Wrkl` under the contract. J " __ _.- IN .1. ..~.. 14.; uuuu; uuu uvna u. Inyvn `Mrs. .M. A. Collins, Allandalv wrote protesting against the con} viction of her son for removing the shrub of a wild apple tree, which was a. disgrace to the locahity and 9. hindrance to pedestrains. " "II , _,_ _LL-___ ___,___,, _,_L`,\___,,,1 `A I \.1uu.|u..uuuuu. W. J. Lennox, Peel St., wrote a-sk- ing` pemmission to cut down two out, of four maple trees in front of his house. 1 , ,_,,,,,A. IIIAALAA. uuuu nu 1:v\.u.uu.. ......... T-hesc matters were referred to Committee. .. - -n u n. . ,1, uuuav. Permission was given, and consent was also given to the removal of 8. dangerous tree opposite the house of Peter Robinson, 79 Owen St. Continued from 1st page. window of Barrie Business _Co1leg:o, which -is over Mr. Sutcliffe vs store. The residence of Ald. Adamson (the old Lount property) is (lirectly op- posite the mill; and the crowd stand- -in__;- there were forced by the heat. to retreat up the street. -,, ,,, , A The whole roof was now in a blaze and the flames shot upward-s 100 feet above the tall chimney. At this period the whole aspect looked very l serious. Fire was notice(l in the roof of a. house in Elizabeth St. a.11d also in the root of the ice house in St.l Mary ~s St. Immense piles of wood lay quite close to the burning build- -in_;', while Hr. Lewis s coal office, only a few feet north of the mill, seemed of a certainty to be caught in the cotiflzigratioli. That it (lid not must be placed to the credit of the Fire Brigade. The fire visible on several buil(l.ing,'s was extinguislied by private individuals, who used the _u'ar(len hose with 5.;'oo(l effect. To the north of Mr. Lewis office is the_rcsidencc of Mrs. \\'ilkinson, the owner of the mill. Mr. Salter, oi the Barrie Tanning: Co., pluck-ily mount- ed the roof of the house and with a 5.-'ar(len hose a fire Cdu>`.ed by a spark. I I , I At a quarter past eleven the dc- vouring_vj flames had done their fell work and only a burning: skeleton of the huil(lin_;: was left. One l)_V one the black embers fell down with a (-rash. l'or1nin;: a heap of el1a1'1'c and bi11'11in2` ru-ins, while the flaincs shot up to the vs=ky. Sad and serious as it was, it was ne\`e1`theless :1 urand spectacular sight. *1" L ,..... ....,.,. .. n-ll nnnefi-nnfntl '.:1'zu1u 5[lL'uLuuuuu .3 U u. \Vl1at was once :1 \\'(-ll-e011st1'uete(l mill was now nothing` but a heap of burning' ankl smokmg-' (lelmls, and` there was less ('lan<.rer of the fire sp1'e:\(lix1j: to the surr0un(li11_<.:' build- i11_ But in tl1e meantime tl ice house in St. .\Ia1'_\"s St.--wl1icn was nothing` more than a sl1e(l--l1:1 been 1: F. W} Otton, president of the ,Board of Trade, headed a. deputation 'which= appeared before the Town Council on Monday night and asked -.that body to take over the control and responsibility of the Resting, Room for Women in Bayfield St. 1r__ r\LL-,, ,0 LL, _._,_A. --._ BIG BLAZE AT BARRIE and Ivory. In fact :111nost any shade you may Inontion. Smok-0' sale price, perynrd ..$1.68 up any--vvu ..--__ Yard wide, an extra heavy `fabric with a bem1ti1"u1 finish, in Browns, N avys, Amethyst, Reseda, Purple, Taupe, Lavender and Pezmut. Smoke sale price per yard . . . . . . . . `$2.49 Raw Silk 33 inches wide, extra nice qilality, two different weaves and weights. Smoke sale price . .590 and 836 - i --- . - 1` ` LOT i. \ i;;1"b;gg Goods Suitable for chi1dron s wear in small chec '5 and stripes, Browns, Fmvns, and Greys. Excellent value at $1.00 :1 yard. Smoke sale price, 49c Finer xvesaves in Browns, Fnwns, Light and Dark Blues. Smoke sale price, per yard .. . . . . . . . . . . .69c Bomltiful fine wca\'es, some are plain and some liave neat stripes in Greys, Browns, Light and Dark Blues Smoke sale price, per yard . . . . .980 Silk Crepe de Chine Made in France and which is a very sr-.i11'ce line at present, in Rose, Maize, Pink and two shades of Blue. Smoke sale price, per yard . . .$1.39 ` -V xontrnn-H-nvmoi Duchess Silk LOT 2 ..... v..1....,..uu Mr. J. A. MueLarcn and Mr. S. J. Fisher also supported the applicat- ion, the former pointing out that he .had heard of lzuhies who would not come into the town if there was no Where they could go to for a rest. It was a good investment for the town. \A'_.,.,, (`<,____LA. _....._ -._.:t.- .... ...~..... LOT 3 enbivrAe'ly consumed by the flames. AL -11 an n... ..1..-4...:- I:...Lo- +~.m.~ uuuA4un._7 vvnuu-Ava 5-` At 11.30 the -electric light trans- former close to the burning build- ing burst into flames, but the wires had been discolulected and the flames spent themselves without doing any harm. .._. ._ H. . . ,.,,.,, The Fire Brigade, under Chief Shrubsole, worked hard and they must be congratulated upon prevent- ing the fire spread-ing. At one time the residence of Ald. Adamson was in great danger` and willing volun- `teersassisted -in removing part of the furniture. The heat broke set eral of the windows, part-of the fence nd a. portion of the veranda caught fire, but was soon extinguished. F-ire was also noticed in the roof, but this was put out by Mr. Adamson and helpers by the hid olfjgardenl hose. The furniture was also re- V moved from tl1e residence of Mrs. . Wilkinson.` Fire was seen on the , roofs of several houses-one in ' Maple Ave., 500 yards away--but it was extingudslied by the occupiers. The Damage The mill was built 46 years ago by Mr. Allan Gunn. Upon Mr.` Fisher taking it over he remodelled it, and it was a first-class mill, with I electric fitting's and everything posi sible to prevent fire. Mr. Fisher roughly estimates the } to building` and stock at $75,000, and he is only insured for half that sum. About 20,000 bushels of grain were consumed and two car loads of flour, one of which was for troops in England and the other for T3.-n-..nn l`lm vnlnn nl` fllis flour. [troops 111 Lllgluntl zulu MIL` ULUCL .LU1 France. The value of this flour Iwould be between $8000 and $9000. Mr. Lewis coal sheds, south of the mill, were also burnt down, and the loss is estimated at $3000, and Mr. Lewis is only insured for $1000 Mr. Fisher is quite unable to account for the origin of the fire. Chief Shrubsole s face was b;1c'.'.y blistered by the intense heat and several Firemen were bliste1'e(l about the shoulders and zmns. I v-v- _-_ Our pic social and concert which was held 011 Friday the 1-lth, in aid of the Red Cross, was a decided success. \Vc are thankful to every- body who helped in any way to make it :1 success. If there are any who did not know about it 01' any who were unable to b3 there and would like to help the I i11ancial part, they M... `nn\'I\ u :lnnnHnn \\"ll'll (\lfl1('1` the lllu` I0 1101]) [I10 Illlzlllcliu lmru, mu-_v can leave :1 donation with either the p1`(`Sl(l(`lll2 or sec1*0la1'y this week. `The procectl will be handed over to the Red Cross rooms, Bzu'1'ie and we will report the amount next week. \l'.- .m.1 KT-a Flnlniok snent the W111 1`Cp01'E me zuuuuuu uL'.\u nu-n. Mr. and Mrs. Elphick spent .week-end in Midland. "' " T T_._-- f\r.1..`."n nun |' Ul.'l \Cl.l\l -A u -u..u..... Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Oshawa, are UTOPIA own Couneil Asked to take! :. Responsibility "Incurred by Board of Trade In natural shade, ankle length or knee length, and with short or log sleeves, and an extra good qua1it_\', sizes 34 to Smoke sale price, per gzmnent ...68c Wash Goods That we bought early. Printed Voil-es, in different C010l`i11f_1'S, Pink, and Blue MC-1`eeri7.ed Batiste, import- ed White Cotton Voiles, Palm Beach Cloth and many other lines too numerous to mention. All Reduced in price. Crepe-(le-Cliine and fine white Voile Blouses in -1 new styles. Tre white Voiles are made from a beauti- ful fine voile and trimmed with the finest of lnee and insertion. The silk C1'epe-deChine blouses are in two different styles and are to he had in l\Iaizre-, Pink, Flesh and VVl1ite, sizes 34 to -12. Smoke sale price $3.59 /',Embroidered Silk Crepe cle Chine Blouses in Maize, White and Flesh, sizes 34 to 40. Smoke sale price $4.50 White Voile Blouses Men's Balbriggan Underwear Very neat styl-es, sizes 36 to 40 only, an odd lot, 5 or 6 different styles. Blouses that sold for $2.00 to $2.75 each. Smoke sale price. . .$1.39 Ladies Blouses visiting the l;tter s.sister, Mrs. H. McCann. 112,... T .... 7TV,.......L.. ..!,.IL.\_`l `K..- A UUILIL` hlllllllrll LIIU lilllla Mrs. .\Ic.\Iast:er and her son W-illie of Cooksfwn called on .\I1-s. R. Bell one evening last Week. . Kn)-1-v fn- vnnrnvf Nuc \T-,n.- "Pin- lY.|.l7\JKlLll1- Miss Lee, Toronto, visited Mrs. A. T. Arnold last week. "1LA_... -.._- __f,_ 3., LL, 1.. ILLLIULKI IKIDIJ \VCCl\n There was no service in the Anglican church on Sunday evening owing to the great rain storm, but the Rev. T. J. Dew did not fail to come through the rain. \r_... 1r_\'r..-L-.. -.n.1 L-.. ___. nr:n:_ . Thgxsday June 20th, 1913 LJCII Ull U\Ullllls LKIBII V'VUUlXu J Sorry to report Miss May E11)- hick broke her arm on Sunckny. I The crops .~ section. `nu. 1' on DlI\Il4IULIn `Rev. J. S. Stevenson goes to Cold- water and Rev. Irwin of Hawkestone [takes charge of this circuit for the `next three or four years. 7-}... Fl` , _ , . ._ .._J ._.,'E_ _..____L 0.... uay an H .I.\l?1JL'3. John Lavender ; home were home leave. TTA. ... `I`l7.'lI!......H Ilil\U 1lU1`UllilL'([ L.|l3\V J.'U1L| Uilliu I Wesley Brown and wife and ]David Peacock and wife motored to |Redwing on Sunday. llC.\l/ LILLUU UL LUU1 `VCGJD. I John Tracy and wlfc spent Sun- 'day at \Vaver1ey. ,Tf\11`1 T.Q\7DI1l1Q" D111] nr!`Y1I1 QC- VU- . Henry \ViIlian1s `and John Spence have purchased new Ford cars. `\7aclnv Tlvnurn nnrl` rH7n nn(1 On Tuesday afternoon, June 25th the Crown Hill mlxiliary of the Oro Red Cross Society will hold its scu1i-n1outhly sewing` meeting at the home of .\Irs. J11o. Chappell, begin- n.in_ at 1.30 o c-lock. Mr. Walter 1\Iill~i;;an, wife and child, motored up from Toronto to visit .\f1's. Milliga11 s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Crossley. 1\r.._. 1r....1 12m~,1 Ac QncL'n+nnn wlm illlil AVLIVB. UUHII \.1'UDDll.`_)'u Mrs. Earl Boyd of Saskatoon who has been visiting` friends here and also in \Vc.-lland has returned home after :1 three months trip. Mrs.B0yd was formerly Miss Laura Sproule of this village. 0-..... ...._L.. 'l...`.`I. ,.` ,..\..1,. -(`...-un `I Gil. Q-an-no-5 `.7 -: wwy --- - - V We are in a position to give the Pulilic tremend Bargains. _All goods will be sqld for le than to-day s whole- sale prices. No lines were smo enough to interfere with wearing qualities. ALE ENDS SATURDAY NIGHT, JUNE 22

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