Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 20 Jun 1918, p. 4

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To (lec01`:1tinr_1s which carry no titles thv ol)_je(-tion is not nearly so strong, says the journalistic oracle, and to us it is aniother siy.rn of the slinllo\\'11(-ss and 111'tlfl(`lll_t}' of this (-riticism. The Globe sinilos with })]')I'()\':ll upon :1 mun who ap- pears in public with 1110(l11lS or rib- bons upon his breast, but frowns and jeers at :u1otl1o1- man who has 21 prefix to his name. Oh, colisistenr-_\', where is thy blush? It would please the Czinmlizui II,` -1-.1, , A 1 you public if the practise were uholislr ed, adds The Globe. To be eonsist~ cut this journal must also u1*_-_re the abolition of the legal title of K.C. and of the preliix Hon. applied to mexnl)e1's of the (}o\'(-1'u- ment. The fact is,ag.-jreat deal of bun- kuui is l)ein_: uttered just now on the question of titles. It is aj_-ainst the feelings of a deniocratic eouut1'y it is said. Then \\`l1_\` is it that offic- ers in some societies are known l)_v' their titles of Sir and Sir Kui_:l1t'I" -ur, - L. ..._.....,.._..\..L ...:n. J`|/Kc/\ ..;u-_ . \Ve are in agreement with those who urge that wise discrimixmtion should be shown in the bestowal of these titles. If they have been a.wur(led ln `Cnmulu lately with :1. somewhat; lavlish hum] it is because the King and ..Eritish Government wish to show their gratitude to the` Dominion for the splendid support Terms of Subscntion .35 cents .65 cents . .$1.`25 . .$1.75 it has rendered to the Allied cause. It is intended as a compliment to the whole Dominion. That is a point which has been entirely lost sight of in this discussion. \Ve believe it to be the reason for the numerous dis- tinctions conferred upon public men in Canada and other parts of the Empire; and all this adverse criti- cism appears to us to come with ill grace from a country which it is sought to honour. ___ REGISTRATION NEXT SATURDAY National DulyTlmposed Up- on All Mgles a111{l_ Females Next Saturday is Registration Day. It is important that everyone, r.esi(lent either in town or country, should I`eII1(`ll1l')CI' this, for it is com- pulsory for every male 01: female of sixteen yc-m's and over to register. Persons over (30 years of age are under the impression that they need not 1'o.;iste1' but it is ohlifzatory on them to register in order that their actual age may be known. The order-in-council p1'0vi for this reg'istratio11 confers consi(le1'able power on deputy registrars. They have absolute control of the booths under their care and may even make arrests it their regulations are not respected 1+ :2 nnf. nooessarv that a person respecteu It is not necessary person should re_"iste1' in his or her own particular (li\`isio11 He can Reg`iste1' where it is most convenient. The essential thing is to get a reg.-'istratio11 eard properly filled out. Every person 1'egisterix1g' will be giv- en a card and this card will be a veritable passport and baclge of lib- erty in the country. No railway :1;-'e11t can sell a ticket unless the card is produced. Even the food mer- chant will be liable to heavy pen- alties for selling__-' food to anyone without this card. All these 1`e_:11lat- ions apply to the country districts as well as the urban centres through- out the long.-'th and breadth of Cana- /1.. Mzemrracmugzlvztntr ` (la. The deputies will be assisted by the lady teachers and by other vol- iultary \\'o1'ke1'.s silpplietl by the Red Cross and Field Comforts Societies, there being" at least ten tables in each 1'e.g,-'istratioi1 place, with the ex- ception of the l`Ia. \\'a1'il School .\lost 01.` the clerical work will be done h_\' l:1 who will p1'obz1bl_\' work in sliifts of three 01' `['0u:' liours All the \`0l11I1tC`01` \'.'o1'kers lzuvc at.-`reed to }_"i\'e their da_v s paj: to some form 01." patriotic ct't53'.*. rm. 1-\l.\r.():' nu u-nu-iuh-ntinn rill hr. 101111 01. p:1u'xuL1c um :. The places 01, 1'o wi1`a br; 0])(`,1l 1'1'om 7 51.111. to 1|) pin. mi the 22nd. .~\1'1'a115_-'en1c-nts are made in; the J:1('k.~`0xl .-:tm'(-, Dunlop St, Bdr- rie, to be kept open for 1'6-f.-'isf.'.".f.'-.u.'1 frmn T to Hi ]>.m. o\'e1'y week 11igl\t hc~_-'i11nin~: _\Im11a_\`. -Tune 17. - .\Ir. \'\':11Ic1- Scott, B:11'1'ie {he 1'0.-'i.` for the Filer.-tr>1`:11 D'z.<.t1-ut 01' South Simr-00. and the fo1}o\vm__.: are 17* nnn1e:< 01' the deputy reg`i.st- vars and the plat.-es of 1'e<,-'ist1':I.t'o'.1 in the district:- Baht \\':m1 .\`(-hool. J. (':u'son; Town Hall, 11 . J. rnsott; Central School. J. lfxlrlin; Juc-k.~:on's Store. Mr. Hcatl1; \\'e.~;t \\'a1'd School; J. 1%. )Io1'1'is0n; South \V'21rd School, E. Shear. 'n'n1r Holly Public School. C. Srigley. Thornton Or:1nu'e Hall. J. A. Corbett. Cookstown Public School, T. McKnight. Newton Robinson Public School, If. Clnantler. Rnnrl Tfnnrl L UUIILZ A)l71IUUl JL. \,ua.llut:.l'. Bond Head. Public School, M. Hipwell. Bradford Town Hall, Wightman. Steele's Public School, \V. J.St0(-Ie. Lefroy \Vo1'kman's Hull, G. C. .~`8.llan. Baxter Baxter School, ll. Adams. Churchill Orange I-lull, \\'. B. Sloan. Leonard's Public School, Jns. Black. 12th Line D..`l.l:,. Q,.1.....I xv n_,,,, Public Public ; Public SW11` Church, J. arr. A-:. Airlie Public School, T. Irwin. Lisle Public School, G. W'iIson. Silver Brook Public School. R. 13. Black. Everett Orange Hall, A. R. Kidd. Elmgrove Public School, .\[1'. Arnold. Alliston Town Hall, H. Davidson. Loretto Council Hull, L. Small. Gonno `[)..L1!- T,T..11 `\.I'__ `I __ \`:a Published every Thursday morn- ing by James Baldwin Bryant, pro- prietor, at the office, 123 Dunlop Street, Barrie, in the County of \JU1.|1lUli Public Hall, Mr. Lee. Tottenham Town Hall, R. A. Semple. Penville L 40011 I-I-ILIU School, \V. Cownn. Knock School, J. Cmvaln. Angus . Sc-11001, J. S. Pring Glencairn l'\.._. T Barrie L uxua Iv Ma `.1 Publaic School, The public should note that Jack-_ son s store i5_o11 the south side 0 Dunlop St., the premises formerly used during the Victory Bond Cam- paign. g Public Schol, H.` sawdoh. Tvv The Fields Comforts headquarters at the residence of Mrs. M. Stewart, were next visited, the Vice Regal party being` received by .\I1's. Stewart, after which an inspection was made of the free library, where the visitors were received by M1". Marr, Mr. Hay, a11d Mr. Cross, of the Library Board. T- mac Info in the nffm-nnnn when .l U.UllC DGHUUI, 11.. Dnwuvu. Ivy ' Orange Hall, Fred Arnold. `Hebert Public GOVERNOT-GENERAL S vxsn BLUVU, 1)u1An., u. ...- - Simcoe, Province of Ontario. Public ` Public ` me 1.:1Dl`ary Duuru. It was late in the afternoon when the Governor General arrived at the garden party, where they were re- ceived by Mrs. Calderwood and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie. Without any for- mality they were invited to after- noon tea. `Before leaving` the Duke of Devonshire briefly addressed the ladies of the Red Cross, thanking them for the splendid Work `they were doing. -n,r..:,._. Q,.,.H- t` nf` Hun Pnvs Public 1 aomg. Major Scott, O.C. of the Royal Air Force at Camp Hoare, te!ephon- ed asking for five planes to leave promptly. The squadron arrived after tea, the machines being" deco- rated with flags, and over the town they performed some wonderful stunts, which excited the admiration of hundreds of people, both inside and outside the grounds. They looped the loop and performed other fan- tastic tricks, just before the Vice- Re_;`a1 party took their departure. rm... {'1-nin loft nt (i_R(). the Bovi l`[C_`_l1 ]1ElI`1`_V IOOK Luuu` uclmiuuc. The train left at 6.30, the Boy Scouts joining hands 011 the plat- form, and the visitors \\'a1ki11f_" he- tweeu the ranks. The Duke shook hands with the .\I:1_Vor and niemhers of the recept-ion committee and stood on the platform at the 1';a1- of the train as it steamed out of the station being_; 3__r1'(-cted with a fzumvell cheer. `I ... u... ....,..mm-4m. Hm Fin-:f. om`-i D(31l1f_ ,' {_"1'L`ULLl LL11 at 1u.u:\u;u L/LIL;\4A.- - In the prooessioli the first car- riage was occupied by the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire, the Mayor and Mayoross and A-ide, Second (*a1'1`iz1g_*c, Lady Blanche Cavendisll, Col. Henderson, Mrs. Cnlderwood, president Red Cross, and Ald. Bro- ther, Chairinan Reception Con11nit- tee. Third (3il1`1'ii1`_'.'G, L:_1d_\-' Dorothy and L21(I_\- Raclmc-1, and Lord Clmfles Cav011d&sI1, Mr. T. Beecroft, and A-ide. -.|.-nun. The Garden Party l The gnrtlc-11 party in aid of the Prisoners 01, \\':11' Fund, hold i11 the ;;'1'0un(ls 01: M1`. and .\Irs. A. Leslie and or; the lawns of a(1j0i11ing' houses, was :1 ;_:1'oz1t success. As far as is known at present the proceeds W-ill amount to over $1000. \Ve ap-- peml the nzunes of the ladies respon- sible for the various stalls. W um-~--~-~ ---mm \r... T....1.m.. 51018 101` UN.` \'H1'lUua btilllb. Th-e eonvenors were Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. D. H. 'M:1cL:1ren and Mrs. \V. A. Ross. Camly table, Mrs. Byron King.-; and Mrs. R. \V. Payne. Ice cream, Miss Lawrence, Mrs. Cowzm. Afternoon tea, .\[r;~`. Turubull and Mrs. \Vilkinson. Tree of Fortune, Mrs. \Valker. Hon1e~n1a dainties, Mrs. Sl1anae_\', .\h's. Bezxttjv, Mrs. \V. R. King` and Miss Catcher. Overseas Boxes, Miss Alberta Booth. Baskets, Mrs. Currie and Mrs. V'm1(-e. The Red Cross Work Booth and tea for the band were in cl1ar}_v'e of the St. Andrew s Emerareney Corps. Mr. and Mrs. Huhbzlrd, with the help of some of the young` people of the town, furnished all the :.u;1usements on the mi(l\vz1_v, especially helped by the Rube band. _. `I'3.._..1 _.1..-.-.1 ...- ....,...n,...4. LIIC LDUUU uuuu. The Ivy Band pla_\'ed an excellent selection of music (luring the after- noon nnd evening. The Committ-ee particularly wish to thank Mr. Car- son, Miss Burriss and I\1is< Cl:1.\'ton, ....1 4.1. ..l.3l.1`..... -n...` +.\n'-r m-inn} Zr Three\Months. . . . .. .. . .3: Six Months .. .. .. T'we1veMonths .. .. .. .. United States Subscribers.. Payable in Advance. _....---.` .-.1-` A 17 ` 11r~\v`1-_w an llZ'llLllI|llil.J.l_Y IBM DU |1Udlll\ J11. \Jul.' and the children wzio {on}: part ll": the drill; Mde. Spalp:uino, for h(r splendid fo1'eensts; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie, fo1`lei1(li1ig their groun(ls; Mr. T. Roj_:'e1's, for lumber and labor; Mr. J. M0ntng:ue Leeds, .l`(n: his help, and Miss Burriss, for the gift of a Red Cross flagz; and the R0_':ll Arr Force Band, for their splenditl per- l'01'1m1nces tliiriiiy; the (lay. The Governor General expressed his great appreciation of the efforts made on behalf of so desirable zm oh'ect. JA lief nl-' Hun tlnnnfinna \\'.lll lur- UIIJULZII. A list of the (1011 published next week. An n\7nnf"n] nun] 1 llllUlIbllL'll lIU.\lJ \`V'l'l?l\g An eventful and Inomorable day was b1'0n;:ht to a close by a d.mv.=.c in the Town Hall, on behalf of the Soldiers Aid, whiclx ms 21 g7_".'-::1t nrunntxnu Nfup '[`nw-nknll Inn `:11 IVUIKIIUIH A'\.`l\l, \\ |II|.'Il \\'AIB sllccqss. Mrs. Turnbull charge of the arrnngen1ents. Miss Henderson, with friends from Duntroon, motored to Toronto for the week-end. Roads were good and trip most enjoyable. Qna-n-Anni-_7Un1'nr 'I`v-nnv T201-y-in illl(l I/LXI! IUUDIJ UIIJL Se1'gezmt-Mujor called on Miss S.` day. fl... ......L1.....n.`l uioy. The continued dry weather is having a pronounced effect on the vegetation in this vicinity. Continued from 1st page. a Arnold. Egbert V School, J. T .Dut.ton. Nicolston -, Cchool, VV. H. Morrisoxl. Stroud 3 School, R. lVIoConkey. Beeton ` 3 School, `V. H. Morrison. Painswick r<,1,__'I donations will be I ._A. __... -1. ' for the most part, emanates from TITLES A great deal is l)C`lllf_*,` said and written just now a_:ainst titles, most of which appears to us to be super- ficial und artificial. The criticism, men who have not -.1 title and are not likely to receive one. The agritatioii is likely to continue when an in- fluential ne\vspape1' like The Globe lends it its support. In an article in Saturday s issue, which was not characterised by good taste, derision was sought to be cast upon the be- stownl of titles, the excuse being pleaded that in the British House of Commons ironic-al laug,-`liter j_:reeted the statement that the number of appointments in the Order of the British Empire had reached 5,950. The Globe does not stop to consider from what part of the House this ` ` `I I --_..- 1\..-.2...\. Hm. MINESING Anvmoa: ]U`yilUIUa '_[`x'acy, Barrio, Tracy on Sun-I FIRE \ ' ' , We are offering our $20,000 Stock of Cloth- ing and Furnishings at a big reduction, dam- gains, as the goods We are oering were bought before the present high prices, and have had them marked in a great many cases at less than present Wholesale prices. Every- thing must be sold in order to prepare for rebuilding and decorating our present store. Don t Forget the Date of Sale. Commencing 25 doz. Men s Work 25 doz. Men s 10 doz. Mens Regatta Shirts. nd l\I\ Au vvuuu luuu \.IA. ...- -_v..~~ iron;ical la11j_-liter eanie. Du1'inO_' the Boer war an announcement of :1 de- feat of the British soldiers was re- ceived with C`ll0.(`1`S by the Irish Natioiialists. It was 1n'ohnhl_v l`1'oin these and the e.*:ti'en1e Radical benches that the jeers came. The Order of the British Einpire is :1 modern distinction, intended as a mark of recognition of services rendered the Empire. \\'ill The Globe contend that throurhout the British Empire, with its 421 millions of inhabitants, tliere are not six thousand pe1's0ns-outside of mili- tary men-who are deserving of reeognit-"ion for the strenuous and self-denying services they have un- grudgingly 1'onde1'ed d1u`in__r the war? \V'e ratlier incline to the opin- ion that the number who have been awarded the Order of the British Empire is only :1 tithe. of tho.'~:e who deserve the distinction. 30_ doz. Boys Cotton Jerseys, long or short sleeves, Regular 50c, at 29 each. 25 doz. Carhartt s Overalls and Smocks, Regular $2.50, at $2.25 each. 100 doz. Men's "Woollen Sox to clear. FRIDAY, JUNE Zlst (Established 184u) BAi3RIE WE QUOTE A FEW PRICES jnrieig Clutlix A.D&c Yemember B ` WATER I.\.\v5Ul I-I-K5 hanann su- Regular $1.00 and $1.25, at 29 each. Vork Shirts, double frorris and backs. Regular $1.25, at 98 each. Pant Shape Overalls, Regular $2.50, at $1.98 pair. It--v vv~-~- . A.n&c AT 9.30 A.M. I\?.\ the Date of Sale OVERCOATS A suns Thursday, June 20t1;,:] 3 1918 rayuuu: Lu xxuvuuuw. THURSDAY,'JUI\'E '20, 1918 Recipients of honors who have done the State some :~:e1'\'iee and been (lesc1'\`ing of their 1'e\\'a1'd must feel `keenly that the value of those (lis- tinctions is being l)C1'(Il l)_\' :1 5111'- plus on the inarket," . The Globe. It is . like these which point to the :u'tit'i(-i:ilit_\' oi` the criticisni :14;-`ainst titles. Iivm The Globe mlmits that men who l!:1\`(` done the State some .-`(-1'\'i(~e are le- serving of their 1'e\\'ni'(l. So that all the criticism amounts to is this: that certain men have receive.-l li. tions without lm\`inr_v` 1'c-mlereal aile- quzite service to the State. Upon this point we'\\'oulxl s112"r:e.~:t that the Pr emier and His .\Iuje.~t_v are bet- ter _i11(l_s:es of the worth of .` . rentlererl to the State hy public of- ficials than is the Editor of The Globe. '~`

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