No extra charge for answers ad- dressed to office, if called for. T \}\/Aglgmave the good wearing. stylishly made 1VIa1tese Cross" brand and you cannot buy better at the price. The rubber sole : The ,in all sizes, The Soft Rubber Soled Boot, with 9 ini. top,; comes in VVhite only. for \/Vomen and Girls. ` The High Canvas Boots, with enamel and leather soles and high and med- ium heel, are in white only, in sizes 3 to 6. -v--- A 5c Coupo1_1 redeemable at our Premium Counter, is given with every dollar purchase. There s No Shortage 0! Quality Here I llur Boot and Shoe Department The : 0xfords" are in White, in Women's and Men's sizes only, with solid : and heel. ' Fairy" Sandals in White only, in sizes 5 to 2. TE;"'4'DERAS will he receiver] until June ]5th for interior decoration of the Axljzus Blcthodist Clrurch. Particulars nmy be obtained from `Mrs. Geo. Lzltimcr or Hrs. D. Mc- Mzlckon. 23-`.2-.L Rubber Soled Tennis or Running Shoes some in Tan and White, Come in and let us show you our line of Outing Boots. THE NEW PRESIDENT OF METHODIST CONFERENCE IS A THORNTON BOY Rev. R. J. Simpson, the new presi- dent of Toronto Methodist Co11i'c1'- once, was `born on a. farm at Thorn- ton, near Barrio. He was educated at B1'zult'or(1 Model and High Schools and later attended Victoria College. For some little time he taught school in Simcoe, prior to entering the- Methodist n1inist1'-y. Tn 151052 11:1 nnhznvnrl fhn nrnlafrxr JVlUl:l|Uulbh UlllllBlL`5'- In 1893 he entered the ministry, and was ordain=o1 in 1898. He work- ed as a student , at Manitoulin Is- land, but his First pastorate was at Thessulon. From there he went to Qucensville, Perth ave., Toronto, .\1idln.nd, Newmarket, Carlton street, Toronto and last to his ' present pastorate, at Danforth ave. Metho- dist chureh, Toronto, where he has been for the past two years. Tn 1011 RTE .Q~Iv-nncnn` xh cam-nfnvxr DC(.`.I1 IO1' mu; pasn EWO yegufs. I In 1911 Mr. Simpson was secretary 01.` the Con|'e1'c11e`e', and in 1913 c1Iai1'- J For $3.00 to $6.50 `For $2.25 to $4.00 For Men, Women, Boys and Girls, in Sandal, Pump, Oxford and Boot styles. We have a splendid range of Fine Boots for Men's wear, in Box Calf and Patent Leather. 24-26 We can show you the best values in Canada, in Men's strong working boots, made of solid leather throughout, in black and tan. Come here for Men s Work Boots. ' OUTING SHOES Our values in W2)/m,en's Boots cannot be excelled. We have them in Dongola, Patent and Box Calf, in new lasts and various qualities. Our line of VVomen's Oxford Shoes is; excellent. You get service and cool comfort in these;_`s_}3oes. man of the Bradford district. Sincev`; ]9]6 he has been chairman of To'-*: ronto East District. BARRIE HORTICULTURAL | I have buyers for a. number of good; farms, with or witho1_1t crop, stock: and implonlents. Write or phone W.` C. Thompson & Son, 15 Owen St.,j, Barrie. IUUULIIL l . The secretary begs to say that so far as orders have been received t11e,o- goods have been delivered by Mr. . A. 1-Iarris, e.\'cept; clematis and ferii` option and the begonias. We wer".-5' disappointed in not being: able no 3435' cure these two but are willing to_ sub}, stitute other lines where parties are _, u,<:1-eenble. \Ve are sorry to disppoi11._g~~ an. ,;members and wil-1`-. d.-f.;p.o,ssibl'g ` zfd;]1t to "suit 8. member. M I .LI.iJ.;.... ' ""I`. W`. .VOT1'T\`.'3Lf.'Qan.`..a ' V-7: ' Thursday, June 13th; 1918 FARMS WANTED On Saturday, June 8th. 1918, at one o clock, at the Barrie House in j the town of Barrie. ` TIVL- ,J.__Z._2-L___L,._ AD LL, l>L ` 1l1Ulll Ucfu r. yoUNGg}Sm . - r I "E30121-Y} ....._ L'L..L _- I Ullc LUWLI UL JJK`|1lIU- The admmistrator of the late Robert Bradford, will offer for gun nv DT'I2I.T!" AIT('I`If\?G' n+ nun 1.)). 1 L`L lJJ\J 1LU\JJ.1\.ILI. an. the abonve time and place the fol- lowing property, owned by the de- ceased, \'i7.;--Iots number 14 and 15 on the East side of Florence St., in the Town of Banrie, according to registered plan number 191. nu 141:1: nrnnnv-I-\r nv-A fuwn Juvn`, JI'J5l>3IIU1lJlal lllall IIUKIIJIJUL LUL. On this property are two dwel- hng houses. "1....._. 7-.. _____ -.._,L _L` LL" ,.,,,, LIIIE. JIULIDUB. Terms--Ten per cent of the pur- chase money at the time of sale and the bnlanoe within thirty days there- after. . L,.,,,,, ,,,1 , 1' I ,,'I'. LDUUULVD lJLl|l|l\IlU, \Vlll ULLULV SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION. 41.4. ..L.\...... 41 h . n n .1 I.-.,.,. 44... LUIU Further tornls zmtl p:11'ticul:u's ` be made known at the time of 2 and in the xnv:u1timc m:1_v learned on application to nnxY.n.n nnqq IUIEIIIUKI Ull illlllllllxlllll LU DONALD ROSS, Dated 13:11 May, 1913 1).._...! (office with nea.t11ess and despatah. WI.:iETTEI{HEADS, Billheads and Statements printed at The Advance J ; Is the -fact that one never tires of them as with most candies. They are flavored just so as to satisfy, but never to cloy the taste. Try some and you ll find the last one in the box just as delicious as the first one you picked out. No other Candy is so permanently satisfying. The Beauty of Our Chocolates 30 Huhlop st. 0Lvrv1m GANDY xy0R1g_s_ Small` Advfs: |.l\}\JL)1 1' \JL|A AJD.lJLJj0 IUUHIB UL]- Wellillgton St. VVeSt, all convoca- iences. For fuljther pzwticulars apply to Mrs." MC-Adam, 95 Toron- ; to st, . 2'2-tE1 .1 4 ADMINISTRATORS SALE Watch Our \Vindow Display. TOWN PROPERTY Vlll VI UIIU, 1.i7L DONALD ROSS, ..._A__L-._.. WANTED--Assist/`mt Cookipply to Miss O'Connor, Simcoe Hall, ` Allandale. V 23- day, .1141) L|.\}k1},\Y ; Executors Solicitor 1 Barrio, Ontarij of Barrie, * 0 i h;>ne 308 ` Out. 01 ; will sale nun: be [News FROM soum wmm Sgt. Godden was up from Deser- omso for the week9`end. \r,, T\,__ '\I'-I\A__..-lI 1.. 1.A.un ;HOUSE FOR SALE-8 rooms on `I`l1'_I1!.__L___ CL TI7'-..L ._II __...... UU'|)U LUIV ULIU WUL'l\`l5Hll. M1`. Dan. .\[cDouga1l is home armin much improved in health after :1 c-0111-50 of treatment at the Royal ' Victoria Ho:~:pita1. \f...- Tn: Inhnann n4'f`n1u~nH '51: V lL`LUl'lil J.lU:[1llil1. Mrs. Jasr. Johnson, of Colwell, was in town last week for the first time since her recent illness, which was of nearly four months duration. At. the Burton Ate. .\Ietl1odist J. \ 1 I,,L c-,_,_1,_, .._ Ll... ...L llCiLll`V LUUL |LlUIILll3 `lu+`lLl`J`ll church last Sunda_\', du1'in_g: the ab- scucr: of the p:1sto1', Rev. J. B. Lamb, who is attencling` c0nt'01'cnce in Toronto, the morn-ing service was ~conduct0d by Rev. A. F. .\[, of Toronto and the evening by Rev. J. G. Brown b0t11 of whom spoke up- on the Belgian Relief. \r,, `In... I')_.....L.\.. .... nh-1..-nun-1: [DC I)L`l`._1'lilIl .l\.U1lUL. .\[x-. John Brunton, 51:, although well over 80 years of use, was one of :1 motor party which made the trip to Toronto last \\'0(lnes return- ling Tlnwsday, and thoroug'hl_v enjoy- orl it. Other nlombcrs of the party were .\I1's. M. Hollne:-1. Miss Florence Brnnton, Mr. Allan Brunton and Mr. Goo. Hill. \r.. .3: \r..,. [N-`\`11IIVI\lI nun \f.- IPERSONAL AND SOCIALI K100. Illll. Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell and Mr. "and .\Irs.Ja111e.s Pulling . Toronto, spent the week-eml with Miss Pulling. '\r:..~ r \I :H,... AL` y-Hlin uvnc rzuuug. Miss Gladys Miller of Orillia was` the guest of Miss Mae McDo1mI(1 for a few days this week. Qmvm-nl Allonilnln mnmhnr: nf 8. Iew uz1_\ .~; U11-3 \\lfl`,h. Several Allandalc membc~rs of Kerr and Corinthian Lmlsrc-s motore-1 to Orillia on Sunday morning to at- tend divine service for the A. F. and A..\I. in the Methodist church there. - . H: 1:___ -2 ..L.._.....L 1..- A11n~\(1n.iO A..\1. 111 we .\1L'luUu1sL cuurcu Lucu-. A wedding of interest to Allandafe ])r.'0pl0--~the contracting parties being Margaret Riddell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brunton, and \Ves1ey D. Little both 01' Allam1u1e--\\`a.~; solemnized at the home of the brid("s sister, Mrs. Hector R-osevoar, 83 Sorauren Ave._, Toronto , on Tuesday. Rev. J. Burwell Lamb officizlted. _.\[1's. Horace H. Law.<.0n and dm12'htm'. .-\11 lmvo a1'1'i\'c-(1 from ]{in'_>'.~to11 and are \'isitil12' at Judge \Vi. .\I:1jo1' L:1\v:~:r)11, who is at Petz1\va\\'a 0211111) with the R. .\[. C. c:1dct.<, will join them Tater. \r:..;. \'m... T?nr1rn\1\111I;~f` '0: 1.n;+n=: I NQTICE ` TQ _CREDlTORS l'iUll,'l.`, \\ lll `|U|l1 |.ll|.`Hl lil|.\7l'g Miss Nora Ra`glonl1u1'st was l1o:~:t". at tho L:1(liu.:' Golf Club 10:1 lust S:1t111' Mrs. L. F. Cross will be l10s1(~.~'.s' for this S:1t111`(la_\'. l `TI... `r.`r\ T'\... 'lI 1,.A`4. ,... `rt\I\t1r\"I IlUhll'.`. IIHV [I113 t`i|llll'(l1|_\. .\[iS.w' Mao Dm1;':1ll left on .\[nnda_\' to 1'-sunw hm` (111fiCIs' in H:11'pm' Hos- pitul, I`)ot mit. .\T1-s. Dm1_r:n11 accom- panied 1101' as far as Hamilton. \h- 13':-anal: I-?n:rn1-2 lm: 1'M'1n'nr`-11 IIUHI \ lltl\\(| llll lH\' l||Hll|\'l. Miss ')[a1'_\' Pz1_\'11o, who has been in .\[idlu11d for some time, has 1`0t\11`n0(l to her home here. ` \| ,. ,., 1 \I ,... T\ "V 11.... . \"..... 1Ji.lIlll'll lll'L K13 Lill ilh .l'.lilllHIl\ .\lr.l3'1':1nk -{0t_ro1's 11:15 I from ()tl:1\v:1 Fm` tho summm`. '\l 3,.'., '\r_,___ T1__., A . 1,..- [U l|\'l l|\IlIIl.' IIVLK .\h'. and .\[1's. Orleans, are at Glen Ormond. "'\....._ IN !'\I'..`I1,.. \llL'Il \ILlUUll|Ia Donn 0'_\[:1l1o_\' is in Clliczvzo for a few days. .1. ILLULUJJ W 11;! J..Ll.Ll 1 I lmvo hu_\'(-rs for n munhvr of good i':mn:~'. with or without 1-mp, stock and in1p1om(-nt.~'. \\'1-itv or plume \\'. l7` rl`1H\lI\l\Ql\II A" gnu Y1 ('l'.~.~nn Q! I illlll lIll['ll'lll\'XlK.`. \` I`lll' I ('. 'I'1u)1npsm1 & Son, 1') (.!'`.'(-1I S11, Barrio. Il IHIIHJU V`. Pte. David .T:nnv.s Niohols, kt Do- pot Battalion, `_ n_d C. O. T\'., of Hzunilton who \\':1s tried by district m)11i't1n:n'tinl For disohoyin-_,-' :1 1:1wI'ul r-omnlnnd '_"i\`en by his .x11pri01' of`- fioor. \\'-as (_-o11\`ictod and so11tencc~d to two yo:11`s with hard lohor. Pte. Nivhnls is :\nothe1' conscientious ob- jor-tor who 1'(-lTu_.~:cd to wear the King s uniform. Under the Distinguished Patronage of their Excel- -,lencies,t11e Duke and Duchess of Devonshire. W'A.NTED---Good general for fam-I -ily of two. Apply Capt. Turton, Camp Borden. 2'3-24p A Garden Party TUESDA3Y,A qUNE 13, 1918 Band of the Royal Flying Corps. Flag Drills. Dance of the Fairies. Midway, at which Mad- ame Spalpidino and Signora. Scelerosa have kindly promised to be present. - Afternoon Tea. War Time Supper. Grand Illumination of Grounds. In Aid of Simcoe Prisoners of VVar Fund, will be held on i the grounds of the residence of A. Leslie, on TWO Y_}3_ARS ron OBJECTOR. FARMS WANTED .. l.....,..... I\nn ._ Ul Ill: Iu`L L`. ml D. T. Recs, Now their summer home, Inn`: A SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS RED CROSS SOCIETY From` 4.30 to 11 p.1 T l FOR SALE-Boautil ul ten-`roomcrl home, corner site, lacing west, in- cludin_ Stable, Ga1':19,`e and Cl1iek- en house. Also good building lot f on Eccles Street. Apply to Hrs. D. i Brown, Small street or Donald` ; Ross, Barrister, Barrie. . l ElHHHIlUII. 1'etu1'nod God Save the King Admission 25c | \ ;3oy Housebreaker A LA" 4-1. . A... F\' uu_y .I..|.UunEuL Ea:nG& A boy, the son of respectable par- ents, was Cl1:11'f_tC(l at the Police Court on Tuesday with entering the house of J. Catlin, at Allandale, and steal- ing` $20. He admitted the theft and as `restitution had been made 21 fine of $5 and costs was imposed, the lad being let out on suspended sentence. uvuvuou J.u.I.uc uauucJ..uu_5 | The larglest gat11orinf_r of Scottish` Ritc-rs ever seen id Barrio will be held on June 25, 26 and 27. A 1arr_r 111l111b(`1' of prov.m'ne:1t rcp1'esentatives of the order will be present from Pa1'1'_\' Sound, Orillin. G1'{1\'(31]h111`St, B1':1cob1*id Burks Falls, Alliston, Staylml`, Bet-ton and other points. mar,-.. l'l'I_.,\-.4. Scottish Rite Gathering Tim 1.. ..,m.+ n... -1. .\..:..,.. uJ.u:u.b J.UL DU1u.u:J.i! 2." Some ladies in Barrie collected some money to purchase a Victrola for No. 3 hospital, B01llOf_'.`I](!, France. The money was sent to Miss Plum- mor, head of the Canadian Field Comforts, who purchased :1 Victrola. and sent it to Miss M. I. Mingray, who is a nurse in No. 3 hospital Miss 3\Iin_q9._x' has written to say that the soldiers greatly appreciate the gift, I A Farming Vicar 'l"l.n Dmv `LT h 1').......A..J ....L- ...:11 n J.auu.u..u.5 vxucu. The Rev. H. D. Raymond. who will be the preacher in St. J.=1mes s church next Sunday, has done mvl is doing notable work in Barrie as a practical leader in iuP.*t.-n.~;';u; pro- duction, and is de111011s.1.';`.tim.;' the truth of the px`overb that exmnplc is better than precept. Last year he worked :1 ._*a1'den of three nc-re=. mil this summer is equally hus_v.--Orillia Packet. The Red Cross Gu'1'den Party next _Tuesda_\' is to be held in tho g,v'1-ounds of.;\Ir. Leslie, at the top of Clapper- ton St. The,l1ousc is better known_ as the forxncr residence of She1-iL`.t Har- vey. T.Ti"I"T"|'o`,T?T-T1S`,A'hQ `DHlhnniL- nn AJUJD uU,_V .v.|uun DU KSLUULLI Two boys borrowed a motor truck from Huxtable s ga1-age on `.\[onda_v evening and went for :1 joy ride. All went Well until t111'ninf_-' into Dalton St. they ran into the ditch. P.c. Ray- ner, who lives close by, cl1:L:~'.ed the boys and captured them. On Tuesday morning` they \v<-re ehaljzed with 5t(`:11i11 : the cm: One was disr:l1a1`2'e and the other let out on suspended ennfnnnn Music for Soldiers C`....\_,. l...`l2._ ,_ i Boys Joy Turns to tloom VI` ...,. `\r\v.< L...............,1 - ...- llllll lllll:_3 L|lL'_\ \V VJU On 0 sentence. Methodist Changes 'l`I.n {`.m0- .1`... H- Al JVLVUUULIIDU UJLCILIEC3 The first draft of St:1t'i0ning' Com- mittee of the Toronto Metlnnd-ist Con- fr-1'e11(-(~ nmkos tho f'n1lm\'in-_r 211lr-1':1- ltions in Barrie (1i.s!`1-ict; To roplaoe Nov. F. E. }\f:1lnH', who -_-`nos to T r-tm'- !lm1'mx:'h. Hm`. \Y. B. Smith, of Unk- `villr-. goes to Orillia; Rev. A. A.` l.Iv1m(-1', I m\'nsso11. g-`nos to ]Iu\vk- Istnm; Rev. \\'. S. Irwin. of TTa\\'ko- stone, to D:1I.~:t0n; Rev. J. S. Steven- son 01 D:1l.~:t0n, tn the Co1rlw.'1tov,' vir- cuit`: Rev. IT. \'. |*'.|li.~:on. Svvern Bri1u'0, now Chk111f_,Od to Ardtron cir- cuit: Rev. J. A. Lem-0, Angus, ;'oin_:; to .\Iinosin_:; Rev. F. \V'. Bowes, Owen Sound, to An_ E. 1'}. Mmldle 17110 Park, to \Vurminster. Muskoka. Free Hospital 'i`1.n +..r...g......... nr` +1.,` \1 musnuxa. 1 me nosp1na.1 The t1'r-as111'o1' off the Muskoka Free Hospitzll (`or Cons1unpl`i\`es desires ':rul(-I'u1l_v to acknowledge the follow- ing vmntrihlltinns 1'ee-eived ih B:u'1'ie by the Field Secret:11'y of the Natio- n:1l Snnit:u'iun1 AsSociution:--Co1- lw-otion $1.79 T. Ro_L'e1;s $5 J udg'e G. v _ 7 > ,\I \'!1nnn $14`) A `V Rnniilu S32`) 9. T nrruuu -;H..I.'J, 1.. 1l_Ugl.'l_'. 217:1, uuu).,"u U. M. Vzinco #2,. A. \V. Smith 82, S. .T. Fisher $2, R. J. Sprott $2, Merrill & ll11l)l)01't .342, F. 11. H. $1, H. D, Jmni<~snn $1, Milne & Son $1, Jolm ' .`4:x. $1. lov. G. A. l3r0wn $1, Clms. ` .\lo(lui1'e $1, Bill Jones 250., \V. Graxoey, Allzmtlnlv $1. A. 1leotlm1n'~ All:1ml:1l(> .")()r-., Mrs. F. Tl. Plmnmor 13-1 H 1,` A `I ILAI _ 4|-.\ T._ ,1... 11 A .'l.lIIIl|ll-IIC vlU|`., 4 .13. 1' II. I lllIIllI|l'L' $10, 1-1. A. Litffo $-_>,' J11d2'o A. \\'i.~`n1o1' $2, S. \\'. .\[001'e $2, Alex."- Cm\':m $2. A. F. A. .\l :1lco1n;s'nn $2, IT. A. Smith $1, L. F. Cross $1, \\".- L. Reeves $1, Mc-Beth & Co. $1, A. T--nmjwonwnm Anvmmn` ` FOUND, on Saturday,` on the high- . way near Minosing, two pedals and sprocket, from motor-cycle. Owner can have same by apply- ing at this` office and paying: for advt. Rayner $1, A. Rayner $1, II. J. 1'I(~z1tl1$],.-L \V. Lamb 50c., Ed. Sllenr, Allandule $1, \V. B. \Vobb, Allaudule $1, Total 54.04. .,`I At the Police Court on Monday, James T1':1\`e1's and I.d\vn1'(l Tm\'e1's, Ve.spr:1, were charged under the Ontario Te111per1111ee Act with being` drunk. Evidexwe was ;:ive11 to the elf- fect that at 7 o clock 011 Sunday evening the police received :1 call to Hl(*Cl1LSSich()l(!], A|lu11d:1le, where two 111011 were 111:1ki11}_1: :1 diSfu1'hance. 1'] f` V . T ...._'LI.. ._._ 1 TI.._.._.... ......L -..-_. L\\ U IUUH \\l'l'l' l|lill\|llI`_', Kl lIlBl\llUl'||l\.'L'u P. C.'s Lmnhie and Ru_vne1' went over in an auto, but the men wore 310110. They came back to the Classic and 1-esi-stod nrrc-st, but were taken into c11stod_v. Edwzwd was fined $25 and costs and James $20 and costs. There _ was :1 1 u1'ther charge against Edward of driving: whilo i11fo.\'im1tod, `and he \\'n:~; fined $5 and oasis. Tho Inonoy = was paid. rphn n1;:1u'-nv urn] kn nun nP {Ln \V ilh llllllln The n1idwzL_v will be one of the features of the Red Cross Garden I :11'ty next Tu('.s'd:1_\', but there nfc other attractions. ' I There are still good goods to be had and as long as that is true you will find them here. We buy only reliable goods, at the lowest possible price for the quality and pass them on to you at the. least possible advance on cost. % We Sell for Cash, We `Sell for Less and Save you Money. . Is a proof of the above staternent of the abundance of quality. We can ll your shoe Wants in Men s, Women s . Boys or Girls lines, in fine makes or the stronger wearing -` leathers for work or play. We wish to draw your attention to a few lines in par- ticular to-day. For $5.60 For $31.50 to $5.00.. Notice is l1ercb_\' given pursuant to the..Trustee Act that all persons hav- ing claims against the estate of Robert Linn, late of the Township of Innisfil, in the County of Simcoe, '.Fa1'mer, deceased, who -died on or about the twenty-first day of Way 1918, are requested to send particu- lars of their claims to the under- -signed on or before the 29th day of June, 1918, after which date the .executors will distribute the assets of the estate anion: those entitled thel;e- to, havin;: 1'e;ard only to the claims of which they shall then liave notice, and that thev will not be responsible to any person for the assets of said estate whose claims shall not then `have been received. Dated 16th June, 1918 nn\'.n.n nnqq