Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 2 May 1918, p. 8

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A Small Advts. Fine quality black and white thread Gloves, in sizes 6 to 7%. price now ......................... .. 3 DEATHS II- With every Dollar purchase we give a 5c. coupon redeemable at the premium counter. A splendid selection of useful premiums. ne rib, and the , sizes 5 to we}! price double what n o-|1\Ixr Q50 nr UIC \V |lc\I. ..25c pr ;9g%es=@%%@@ 35% %%%%% u-,;.;, 1".'n1';`E.` I 0 Cotton VVorth 25c pr ze Lisle `%. Our 35c pr Immuuun \)I'4I`:lJ\) mmuuu. mu... A, .,,..,.... .__._ ___ , %%%%%a5ae%%5%%'3e .____.____._.___..___ PIANO FOR SALE-Wi11is Upright, prac- tically new. Tcrms arranged for respon- sible party. Apply Box B, Advance Office. 18- This is one of the airleet and hint- icst flower: imnginuble, especially adapted to bordering beds of taller owerszuvl those of a. heavier growth. The seeds germinate quickly and come into bloom in a few weeks from sowing. The orescence is such as to completely obscure the fotinge. making the plant a veritable pyramid of the most delicate and ~ ~ charming bloom. The Buttery Flower malre admirable pot plants for the house in late winter and early spring. For this purpose now in the autumn. send !or Catalogue and learn o! other valuable premiums I9 nommon sums uMm=.I>. t?.:il .`. l`._ "mm... . HuNr':a'E'n co. ummn , - _ - A A A .-...o.. as . Canadian Government and Municipal Bonds Canada Victory Bonds (Free From All C oooooo ent Taxes) Housecleaning Time SEE THESE DAINTY CURTAIN MATERIALS PRINTED SCRIMS, white grounds with handsome colored designs, 36 inches wide. Our price now 15c and 18c YD VVHITE AND ECRU SCRIMS, with lace edging, lace and insertion, insertion only and hemstitching only, 36 and 40 inches wide. Our range of prices ................... ..20c to 50c PER YARD ATAPESTRY COVERING for furniture ......1......L......~ Ii Au.-akin rnafpr-in] rirh MATERIALS FOR OVER-CURTAINS-- \Ve have a large range at reasonable prices, Nluslins, Art Sateens, Cre- tonnes, Chintz, Repps,etc. Our prices range from .......... .. 15c to 1.50 YI) Due 1922, 1927 or 1937 Price 98"/s and Interest } TINSIVIITHS WANTED-- Must be first.` class, ul1Aroun(l men; steady work.-~:\p- ply Adamsun and Dobbin, Peterboro, Out. 18 ,, _ ___ We shall be pleased to furnish official quotations on Bonds in all markets. Is here with its many wants " V\j\7 VE@@V37V-L)7\OJ\ly\LV\Ly~Ly~c.v~sr~.r~ FREE!` 445151 KAJVEKXILVKJ LUI Lu|un.unu and curtams, a durable maternal, rxch in appearance and low in price, 52 inches wlde. Our pr1ce......75c YD 5%% cc 1: puugugu \ ......- . _ _, Butter y Flc>:r THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1918. Address a postcard to us now and receive by return mail a. copy of our ' new illustrated 80-page catalogue of Garden, Flower and Field Seeds. Root Seeds, Grains. Bulbs, Small Fruits, Garden Tools, Etc. , SPECIAL---We wlll also send you free a package: (value I 5c) of our cltoiu I n . . a re: A _4 "14 SELL FOR LESS NAN1`1u'u-'nvo ulns w wum uu mu... days.--- Olympia Candy Works, Dunlop St. 18-tr Vanna , uu Liskeurd. uuu, u\.\, ...u Brantford. , `WANTED, for Barrio, Lady to solicit or- ders for a periodical. Protable way to ll in spare time. A A, Advance Office. 18-tf __:_::. `LINOTYPF. OPERATOR is required in the office of this paper. Good wages; com~ fortable position; pleasantly situated` printing office. .V LOST-A bunch of office keys on a steel`. ;ring, probably at the Post Office or be- ;-tween the P.O. and the office of the undersigned. Party returning same will be liberally rewarde(l.-G. A. Raden- hurst, Owen St.. Barrie. 18-18p .._._. FOR S.\L1".- Tho1'ou<.>;hhrod Rhode Island Red (S.C.) and \\'l1ite Leg- horn eggs $1.00 per hatching 13 eggs. Also th01`0u:'hb1'(=d Bzuwod Rock 1'oostc1', Guelph .~:t1':1in, $25.00. Apply Box 3-L, Le1'1`o_V. `*1-? Small prepaid advts., of the` Wanted, For Sale, To Let class are inserted at the following cheap mtesz" Twelve wor(ls and unde'r...1'2 cents One cent for each additional word. Three insertions for the price of ,4'.wo, if prepaid. N .-u nvh-n r-lH1`|`0`{` l'm' mlSW(`1`S ad- iigey The Beauty of Our Chocolates, `Is the f':;ct'thut one nvvc-1' tires of ' them as with Inost camlies. They are :\\'0b1'<-cl just so as to satisfy, but never to cloy the taste. Try some and _vou ll find the last one in the box _iu.~:t as dclicioxls as the first one you [)i<:k(`(l out. No other Czmdy is so -permanently sutisfyimg. B0 Dulig St. oL_m1>1g\_ CANDY \yg1}g< GENERAL PRINTING .. Of Every Description Executed at the ADVANCE OFFICE with Neatness and Despatch. Watch Our Window Display. High Class ., A\ , Stylish Pony. 114, Oakville. ,4'.wo, 11 prcpaxu. No extra charge for answers dressed to office, if called for. -_` _ 1 Girls to work on Satur- II 1 \I7-__l... hnIu\1A!\ Safe for 18-20 I uuuu, 13tf 7l) h*o ne 30 \| nu: wazm mm Caretaker Appointed n vu-uuuuu ..r,.- . . . . -_ S. H. Reynolds, Stroud, has been ap- pointed caretaker of the Central School., There were 35 applications. Resigned J. A. Trask, formerly of Barrio, but for eight years principal of Alexander Public School, Lindsay, has tendered his resig- nation. Pastor Resigns I Rev. W. H. Wallace, pastor of the Bap List Church, has resigned his pastorate, having accepted a call to the Victoria Ave. Baptist Church. Belleville. He will leave :. .. .......oL'r. .:.,, Ajupuau uuu. in a month's ~`WANTED-Two J -_._ Al ...... u W. C. T. U. May Meeting The May meeting of the W.C.T.U. will be held at the home of the President, Mrs. N. B. Johnston, at three'o clocl( Tuesday afternoon, May 7th. A full at- tendance is requested, as this is the annual meeting. Officers will be elected, reports , of the year s work given, arrangements , made re Queen Mary Shower of socks, and delegates appointed to the County Con- v vention. = I Home Vegetable Gardening The Dominion Department of Agriculture has just issued for tree circulation, which can be had on postage free application to the Publications Branch, Ottawa, a twelve- pnge circular, written by the Dominion llorticulturist, entitled Vegetable Garden- ing at Home and on Vacant Lots," and intended as a guide to cultivators of such lots. It tells how to prepare the soil and how to plan the garden, having regard to ' the location; suggests arrangelnent for a ; small garden, quotes examples of what was ' done with Vacant lots last year; lists and describes the best varieties of vegetables, and pays particular attention to the pro- tection of the growing plants from insect _`pest and disease. _`_ pest dise " G. w. v. A. 0 . 9 Members 4 :f rssociatinn : _ the success E at the Opera le not such a I 7 5 the cause 4 v. . , ,., _ A --C1ea1'ing out sale of Lace Cur- tains. Soc them aw; Uougall Bros. Mr. Otto Gallagher home from Wy- l .4: u-- r~..n.,.... -Oi1c1oth Squares and Conqolexxxn Rugs, all sizes at Dougnll Bros. .\1-aynr Sprott is attending :1 tlental C(11- \.'entir>n at Hznuilton. I ` L-he College. l -Pictu1'e aming :1 specialty by W. A. Lowe & Son. I\Ii.~'< I. A. Smtmh has rcturnetl from 21 vi. to Woodstock. -\`.7hcn you think of hmss beds, think of \V. A. Lowe & Son. Bmnuse Hmv did 11)t1ike s.'\\'inf_; and 1'cfwsed tn h-we the rm `thrust new hours upon thr-In, the employees ol'(`mrn-;,n.- \\'hit,c Son:~z, 1xmn\1l'uct\1I'(-1'5, n['Lmu10n, \vn1ke< . out ---Fm` solid comfort sleep on our Kopok .\!:1t1'(:s%L-s. Dm1g,-`all Bros. Visitim: and Rusi1\o;~'.<`. Czmla` printed at The .=\dvzLncc voi`Ei(~,o,\v~hc1'c 0x'<`.e1':~'. for all kinds of gmwrzxl print- ingr will he p1`0n1p1.1y (:.\'(-c1tt:e1. ---Sp1m~.d'xd assortment and new dcsi_:ns in Carpet Squ:.n`es ut - 1| Dunn ---Sp1(-vdidassortment dcsi__:n:< Doufgall Bros. IJ"T"I'I'}H1U`L\Dfs', Billlmnds and Smtmnoxxts ]n'intcd at The Advance o'i<-e w1H1 neutness and dcspateh. CHEAP PREPAID ADVTS. are` inserted in The Advance at the rate of twelve words for twelve cents. TWELVE CENTS will pay for a small \Vm1tc(l mlvt. in The Ad- vance, not (exeecclixug twelve words. `WANTED-Nice, children.--Box 1 ""4 l~1xpm'inients conducted at the Ontario Agricultural College, tjiuclpli, Ontario, confirm the re- sulls obtained at ()t.t:1\\".1, both I ~.~._......x n.\ n.,_, ;,,,n,,,.g,,,,r.,, f SUNS nmalnuu ilb IJL-LiI.\\u, nun. in rogax-(I tn the in1po1'lancc of obtaining seed 1)()tatm!.~` from the r-oolvr parts 01' (Jnrmrlu, and in 1-ngrurtl to the value of immature .$ m`d. A British leutlier seller sent his bill to ll slioemukei` who owed him somu money. One ilu.y the slmcnmker was pussilig the shop. The ` mun ran out um`. usked him ifhe had the bill. Sllltl the Slll)eIllK\l{(`.l`: `'1 lo all my business in parlizunonmry style When I received your hill I gave it the fix'st]I'emling. In mintliei` fcrt- night I will give it the second reading, and H very probably throw it out altogether" meant BATTLES ms: A||ies Make a Back to the Wall Stand. Villages Change Hands Many Times During the Struggle - Germans \\'ere Unable to Develop Success In the Kemmel Sector, But the Allies Have Evacuated a Portion of the Ypres Salient. LONDON, April 29. - By one of those back to the wall stands for which they have been famous in this " war, F`ranco-Brltish forces have sav- ed the situation ln the Ypres sector from turning into an immediate big success for the Germans after the loss by the allied forces of the dom- inating peak of Kemmel. Had the enemy been able to imme- diately develop his success in the Kemmel sector, as he attempted to ll do, the result probably would have 3, been disastrous to the allied troops in the Ypres salient. ` The British, however, held rm E` against the attacks which lasted all 11 day in the neighborhood of Voo1'mc- ts zeele, two miles south of Ypres, and, t5 the French were equally rm in de--` tending the line in the sector of Locre, west of Kemmel, protected by ` "' the heights of Mont Rouge and` Scherpenberg. 'l`hn Assnninh-`-.d Press correspon-` I; id Scnerpenoerg. The Associated Press correspon- dent with the British army in France wires under Sunday s date: Ila:-A crhfing r-nntinued. about Sunday's uane: Hard ghting continued Locre and Voormezeele. but e1se~ : where thus far to-day has been a day of rest for the infantry as a whole. The battle for Locre and Voormezteele has been most des- perate. Rnth nlaces have changed hands Both places have_chan,ged several times in the past twenty-four hours, and at the latest reports it was an eevn break," for the British were in possession of Voorm-ezeele, while the enemy seems to have succeeded early in the day in getting a foothold in Locre again. An nnraornn1nnf nnrfh Of the --_.____:___..__?____ BAKER WANTED, first class, on Lm:1(l and cakes; machinery.-M2u-k England, New " T` 15; in again. i A11 engagement north ` Ypres-Comines Canal was in progress throughout most of th-e night, with the British holding doggedly and in- icting heavy losses on the attacking troops. The German casualties in this part of the front have been very znvnrp severe. The German artillery was to-day smothering the ruins of Ypres in gas, and there was considerable artillery `ring all along the llne. 1 .n.-ra h changed hands at least ! ring all along the line. Locre has changed at five times since Friday. The Germans forced their way into the village after a sanguinary battle Friday, but were thrust out by a French countexxgzttack that night. Yesterday in the fore- noon the enemy again attacked heav- ily and recovered the village, only to lose it when the French countered in the afternoon. `1`hir: mnrninE s assault was de- afternoon. This morning s livered about 4 o clock, and while the Germans apparently had gained an entrance to the place their tenure of it was being hotly contested by the poilus. A similar ght has been waged A similar ght for Voormezeele. The Germans re- took the hamlet last night but were able to hold it only a. short time, for the British in a. brilliant counter- attack stormed their way through the place and ejected the enemy. An aftemnted enemy attack near, the place and egecteu Lue enemy. An attempted enemy near Villers-Bretonneux yesterday was smashed by artillery fire. The Ger- mans concentrated east of the town during the forenoon, but the British gunners put down, a. heavy barrage among the troops and dispersed them. II.-\n171y nuhtimr has continued at Heavy ghting has continued ' Locre since the French recaptured it Friday, with fluctuating results, ac- 3 cording to the Reuter correspondent at headquarters in France. Last evening the French were reported to be again in possession, but the sit- uation in this sector, the correspon- dent adds, remains obscure and the ghting continues." A further evacuation of portions ot continues." A further evacuation portions the Ypres salient has taken place. It probably occurred some time on Fri- day. The news comes from Berlin in the form of a. statement that the British have left in our hands further \parts of the territory in Flanders. reached a line from the - We have southwest of Langemarck to Ver- lorenhoek, Hooge and Zillebeke. It is stated that many hundreds of British soldiers and some Belgians were captured during the with- drawal. It would appear that the British forces still hold the Pilkern Bridge, northeast of Ypres, but that to the east and to the south of the city the lines have been drawn back to points about two miles from Ypres. This involved the abandon- ment of Hill Sixty, where Homeric struggles took place in 1914-15-16. * \ .l. Ulal U1 uu.. AMSTERDAM, April 29. -- Speak- ing before the Main Committee of the German Reichstztg on Friday, accord- ing to Vorwaerts, Gen. Von Rlsberg stated that on March 31st the num- ber of German missing had reached a total of 664,104. Of this number, he said, 236,676 were prisoners in France, 119,000 in England, 157,000 in Russia and Roumania, and the remainder could be regarded as dead. .--?-.:.__:_._- n I Chasing the Hun. LONDON, April 29. -- Reporting military operations in the East Afri- can bztttle zone, an oicial statement issued yesterday by the W-.u' Olco says the advance of British and Por- tuguese forces that are pursuing the German forces which crossed the Ger- man East African border into Mozam- bique, is proceeding under more favorable weather conditions. _____.-.:_:___._-.. ____._..___?__._ TWO HUNDRED ACRES; up to the min-l ute; see this; farms all sizes.--L. Brnund, vn ,,,.r-_.x 13 '.llll'li LllI\U lxunu xv-uxu... CONSTANTINOPLE, April 29.- The Turkish ofcial coxnmunicaxtion issued yesterday says: "\\In have occunied the fortress of yesterday says: "We have occupied Kara and captured 860 guns. .-____:.?.-:.j_ J 01111 l.iu.Lnu., Sound, is dead. Qnvnnfeen tor Sound, is dead. Seventeen tons of food are destroy. ed at Toronto incinerators. . John Gama, ex-M.P.P. of Parry `nnn in (land. Total of (Acrnmn Dlissaixlg. nn :- __...--...`.so A Turks Take Km-s Fortress. ...-.,......xnn1xvr\rn1 1:! Any-H 91' I . . 1: Women s Lisle Thread Gloves _ bl_z1ck_ whi I BIRTHS, MARi{lAGES, DEATHS L" ------ ________________________ `TO RENT-Apnrtments and rooms furnish- ed. Flats to let unfurnished. Apply No. 1 Maple Avenue. 16-18p The sooner you buy the more you will save Anno1111cen1ents under this -hc:u1- ing are inserted free. when only the bare particulars are given. For any additio1ml wor-(Ls such as Dearly loved, Deeply regretted. :1 charge of 25 cents is made. Tn Mnmm-iam notices are inserted charge 01' 2:) cents 1s nluue. In Memoriam notlces at 5 cents a line. Every day brings further advances in prices of all lines, Our immense stock was bought before the recent advance, and buying here will save you much money. A Savi\ng in Corsets BIRTHS. LO.\'GHURST--In Barrie, Apr. 24, to M r. and Mrs. Frank Longhurst. :1 son. ' I S.\IART.-Apri1 22. at the R.\ . Hos- '_'pital, Burric, to Mr. zmd Mrs. John Smart, ofCoo1 :1 son. Two Syngps ig Children s Stockings EARL-At the Qlmerr Mary lllaternity Home l Orillin, on Snrnlny, April -215:, to 1\lr. and Mrs. Jose-plr Ezul, zuluuglrter. JOHNS'l`O.\'-~z\t the Queen Mary .\In.tr.-rnity Ilnmc-., Orillin, April 13:11, to Mr. nml Mrs. Albert J. .lnlms-ton, of Foxmcznl, 9. tlauglrter. (Jennie Maud.) l Child1'en s Stockings in 1 heavier Rock rib, worth at present we ask. Our price now.. MONAHO; --.-\t the Queen Mary Maternity Homo, Orilliu, on .`.p':il 23111, tn M1-. and Mrs. J. A. ;\luua111un, u r1n11ghtuI.(A1iCv. Catherine.) _` WANTED-Genera1 Servant, good wager-x,l no washing. Mrs. Hay, 21 Charlotte St. 16-18 Women s Cetton. Stockings MARRIAGES. BAKER~I3liI.I.~A}n-il 17111, at \\'estminis- terCh\11'ch,Tulnnto, by J. Mel). Dun- :-un, R. H. Baku-r, l`nmnto, to lluzr-1 R. 13011, uM~.~L r\:u1;_:hIvr of .\'u'. um1.\l1's. u n H 4' |;._, l1Il`OlH.\J, Dy 1'. Auuu. uuu 'l`nmnto, Nu /.r:l zuul .\l tm` Ul1\lI`l:II, H. W. .1. Bell, nf l5r~uton. GO\VAN.`-.\HI1'll\'-Ai.Tinn-1Hc:1d,0nApri1 17, by Rev. H. A. .\luI.-ix", fntllcr ufthc hlidc. Miss Ruth .\lm:k, |'.A., to Rev. (.'l:u'eucc Hr)\\'uI)s, .\l . .-\., B.1)., of .\l(-uni. Dennis. LALILD RAIKES--At llll`. l`ri\'utc l'a\`ilion. Gurrcrul ll0.s'1)itl|l. Toronio, April `2;'llr` l"rnuiy, eldest rlauglrtr-r of the late \\'ult,cr lluikos ol llnrrie, in lrer (36th year. l)l{lENNAN-r\t llillsrlule, April 2-1, Win. Drcuuzm, zrgccl 56 years. QUINL/lN-~ln Ilumilton, April '21, Mrs. Quinlan, ugcrl 2'2. yours. REID--Iu l enctrmr,;. on April `20, .\lrs. llur- riet Reid, aged 57 years. STEWAR.'[`-At Camp Borden, on April'24. Jolm Malcolm Stewart, of Kel`Ii.~1\lul0, 13.0., aged 18 yours. 9 REVEL. At Orillin, April 23rd, George Revel, in his 85th year. MCLEAN-At Orilliu, on Apri12~l.l(uLl1e- linc, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George McLean, aged 7 years. VVIJ SELL . FOR CASH ._____.____ Seventeen tons of food, which had been allowed to rot, was dusnnyud n.t'l`01'onto civic incinumtors. - - 7 I, ..r 1t:u.'..... uvnrn wnll.-inn nlom: one incinumtors. A couple of Kilties were walking along day when 21 man behind llmn l'(3llll1l`k.`(i to his companion: 'l`hL-.u- go two good patriots. They are not only willing tn bear arms for thuir country, but bare legs as well." - `Si -J I-r A new model in a 1:1 Grace Corsets, in sizes 19 to 26. The regular price is $2 pair; our price now .... .. 1.59 pr A ne rib, good black Cotton Stock- ing, in sizes 5 to 81;. The real value to-day is 40c pair, our price now .... .. ,. 20: or A splendid quality Black Stocking, in sizes 8% to 10. more than our price .......... .. FOR. SALE - Cllickoring Piano, Auto11-a1-`p, Piatxlrcs. Books. 115 Collier St, Telephone 742.

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