The .-\d\'m1ce is on sale at the bookstores of \\':11to1' Scott. J. G. Keenan and Roy Stone, price three `cents :1 copy. Also at the ofiicc of publication. $1.25 :1. _\'cm~ in town or mailod to any address in Camuda or Great Britain. To 1'. S. suhsc1'i'bc-2'5 $1.75, strictly in mi- -..` .. nn qui'1t's, flnnnol : 2| }1a11rlI<.m`c11ic31's, l(}1)I`>`.>',)r`.k>'. Sh:mt,v 13:13 ---lR pyjanms, :3 2 : l1a11lko1'<"l1ir>fs, 2 p1'.~_'. (want: .. ~ _,._.:__._A., n 1\lil(-,l'wll Sx [!1nI`n--7 pyjulnils, 3. _\\.'lL.` 1\lllllIll llll,' lll\l.`.l. .?'.HI\-` during` .I:u1uaxg\`. I:`c-hm1m`y, and :\I:u`(-h, guns lo M1-:<. Gagnvn, St. Wary`s _`\uxilin1`y, who knit IH pairs, and Miss Sharpe, 'l`h_0rn_ Ion, Iissa and Ir1nisl`il SeWin:._: Circle, who knit 24 : pairs. St. .\nl1`ow`s ChL11`("h had clmrge of the shop S.-1L., April 20. Net, receipts, $2-22.78. Of this amount $40.00 guns to the Pris- oners of \Var Ir`und. f'..lI:,... rvt ~nr-:1.-I.'.L rn.,.._.._ lJ1ll,`l.` U]. \Vi.|l' JTUULI. Collier St. Methntlist Church will l1a\'a cllargc of the slmp rm S:1l.., April 27, and the following Sz1turda_vwll1o Cmlgregalional and Rnfnrn) fjlnurr,-.l1ns. (N/\-`\ f1.._-..`...`AL, Alf, _,1_,1r-, 11' III: III I,.||\uI.v|IL'-D. Shop this week: Mrs. B. Kinrr. Airs. L\IcMartin. Next, week: Mrs. Barb(.-I`, Mrs. Jackson. l3o0k_knepcr': Mrs. F. R. Porritt. M . 1'\nno~.Hnn_-. I).-...n.n 'n...~.....I. l --Upholstoring and furniture re- pni1'in_; done by experienced work- men at Dougxfll Bros. 1 Sl1'n111-l', `. lfta;-pi:1-~-I 1 : 4:2 prs. -"JL l\-70 Om . r>,\`ju1nas, 2 q11i]t.~'. l)a1. . 12 prs. .$u(3k.~'. Tlm J.if<- ;\I0m1\c1`.~'1xip.= . l\\`:.1I`(lf.'d I to 2'1; Tho wornun owl` 75 '_\'f`'II`S, -.,. I 1.x` PIVL. _,, ,,,|,_. ~-- LI! and l IJLJ\In-l\I.l7|JI;l . 17113. 1'. ll. 1fUllll/L. DOIHIUOIIS to Barrie Branch week of April 20: Imnosing Am- iliary, $25.00; Utcpia, $3.25, 3 dozen eggs. VVANTEI), A H01) I-uvnn A nnl v \v\.K\.V, > .'1\\`:.1I`rlr.-rl (; * Tho \\'0m:`m untlm` 7: ) knilting.r the most. sotrks ;' I, S ....,.I \1:,,,. rvL.-....- v1u_-__._ ..... :0 p1'.<. I nul`.<- nu 1`_\f,imx1a.<, S flzmn-`Ii What we have Hone for many others we can also do for you. READY-T0-WEAR Men s Heavy Blucher Cut \Vorl Boots. Special Boys Heavy Crome Kip Blucher Cut Boots, sizes 1 to 5. Special $4.00 Boys Fine Boots, Gun Metal, Blueb- er Cut Boots, sizes 1 to 5%. Special ............................................. .. $4.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 FOR S.-\LI*]-- One \Vl1ito I~}11:1m(`I Bedroom Suite. A1>p1_\' P. 0. Box 85-! 01' this ofTic(`. 1:")-17 p_vjz1nm.~`. save you money on THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1918. I Announcements under this head- ]in_: are inserted free, when only the bare particulars are given. For any :1d(litiona1 wo`1'ds such as Dearly loved, Deeply regTette(, a. lc.l1ar}__re of 25 cents is made. Tn Nfnmnriavxa ~...-.L:,.,... ..-.- -..--..LAfI L`-nu1;.j,l5 UL .16) CUIIES IS made. In Memonam notices are A - v `at 0 cents a 11119. HACKER-lnT .'1u1 Mrs. Fred. I Y --Ona package Chiclets,_ Black Jack, Spearmint, /Pepsin, California Fruit, Tutti Frutti, regular price 30c., Saturdays only at. 200., 2 for 350. at Robertsorfs Drug Stofe. ]BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS I I I?0rn---Ap1-il 14th, to Mr. ami Mrs. R. I Lngute, Crcemore, a son. (Georgn-.) _.__--....u-.-u .;.n.a. (LISI(--LEITCH-At the Manse, Tot.ten- ham, y Rev. 11. D. McCuuig, on April 10th, Llum May, daughter of A. D. Lcitch, to Ernest Edwin Lisk, of Tecum- scth. VVA'.\"l`I<}D THIS .\10.\"I`H - Cook- f!..........I ...1.,....., ....... :. I.-m.+ \ n ,WATSON--At flu: i\lilitar_v Hospital, Hobo- ken, New .lcrsrry, on April 20th, William. Ogilvio \\'atson,"0nly son ofthe late John and Mrs. \\'ntson, lormerly of Barrio. DEATHS FERRIER---At1ot.S, Con.9, {F105, April 13, Mrs. Thos. Farrier, aged 77 _vea.1's. LATI MER-At his residence: Lot 18, Con. 10, Innisi, on Sunday, April 21st, William James Latimur, aged 64 years. ORCiIARD-At Minesing Station, Monday, April 22nd, Cecil Gladstone Jones Orch~ ard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. M. Orchard, aged 20 years. neens, oasxelz .. Beans, lb . . . . . . . Beans, Butter lb. Beans, White Fi Butter, lb. . . . .. Carrots, basket . Chickens, lb. . . . Eggs . . . . . . . . .. Onions, basket. . Pnreninsz UIIIOIIS, DI Parsnips. 1 nnuu Lnnu.lxl:4|. (Corrected by Jos. Marrin, market 3 Beef Hides, green . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..i Tallow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sheep Skins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.50 Calf Skins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .` Horse Hides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Horse Hair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 W001, Washed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Wool unwashed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Cnsu ......u -. Lana: ! IIUDSON-In Midland, on April 17, to Capt- I Harold and Mrs. Hmfsnn, :1 son. I uxzxu Apples, basket. Beets, basket . . nnnnn lk , 10 . . . . . .. , lb . . . . . . . . , Field, 11).. r.1h_..A,,,,, SATURDAY MARKET L..-l...A. MARRIAGES. FOR SAL1".-'_ 0() :'\c~1'os nonr \Vood- .sf0ck. no b11i1 $2,801), M1". C0:1(l_\', 109!) St Juan ;\\'0.. Detroit` Mich: I .1 "}'u'15'E' n'4L{im;'r" :- 1MiC11am], on April 17, to Mr. .. Hacker, :1 son. BIRTHS. sE'i.E FOR LESS . . . . . 10 V'$1I50 to $3.50` 901- Us inserted t square ) . .11 to 120 Iln . . . . . .'UC ..85 to8 ..25 to 27 .80 to 82 .60to 62 ` . . . . .48 to 660 . . . . ..25c . . . . ..30c `.32 to 38;: 30 to 50 OK.` '.1`I9]A.\[ 1`- ..... FOR SALF.--)IcC-askey Bookkeep- ing Register. nearly now. Apply to VV. H. Kennedy, \Ve11ingt011, Hotel. 9-tf { -$1400 H()l'.\'I'l FOR SALE - V01-_v e:1. 1('l'll1>`. -9:5`? (-:1.~"n. $12 1nm11h- l_\'. (ion .\I<*.\'vil, `.339 H-.1x'\'(-_\' -siwot, ()1'illi:1. VVA.\'TI-',D~- 'I l"l"l'I-}H.\I;\I{!CI?. (`up- ablo 01` tz1kin'_" o11:u(\_"(`. -\pply,i st-.1tin_: :\_-4'0. (-xpv1'im-v and .<:11:n`_\'i oxpcctml. C'01l.~'priu -('1'o:nm-1'_\',` IIz11ihm'ton. tf Visit-Eng` and Busim-.5 C:u'Is pnintcd at'I`he ;\ 0lTi-u.\'.'hm'o orders for all kinds of *_ro:1L-ml print- ing will be p1'omptl_v executed. FOR. .9.-\I4l".+- '1`110mug`h1)1'ml Hhodo Island Rod ({\'.(7.) and White Log- horn c_:-:5 $1.00 pm h:1t(-hi11<.'; 13 eggs. Also th01'ou_\_"11b1'o B:n'1'.P Rock 1'nustc1-, (`uuolph .~:t1':1in, $.')`.0l). Apply Box I34. Lcf1'0_v. I Small Advts. C1l11I`(`h Notices and Ci1'(`11ln1's pri}1te1 at The .~\d\'m1cc- 0lTic(- with neutness and despatch. Is the fact that one never tires of them as with most candies. They are flavored just so as to satisfy, but never to cloy the taste. Try some and _von Il nd the last one in the box just" as delicious as the first one you picked out. No other Candy is so -pernninently sa1tisf`_viiig.>;. BI) bnmop St. The Advance at The Bookstores. The Beauty of Our Chocolates _9m1Pi_A CANDY \_voR1 E001) FULLEU ANuub15u1.1.ru1c mum. --Eleven months old. Also some Rhode Island Red eggs, setting of thirteen; 75 cents per setting.-- George Henley, Uraighurst, Ont. 16-18p OR SALE~Bub_v Carriage, wicker 1 reversible gear; in good condition. ply at 78 Mulcaster Street. 1' 4'11.` J. EA] brood. Bzm-iv. l\-lllI;,'(:, I11 jguuu 90 B. M:1r_\' St. I Small prepaid advts., of the Wan For Sale, To Let class are 'inse1`tc(l at the following cheap rates: Twelve words and unde1'...1`2 cents One cent. for each additional word. Three` insertions for the price of two, if prepzml. Mn nvh-n nll-`urrrn f'nr :1n ml- Ull1Ull\.'l|. Box 39!) 4 `V A \'g` I LVAI} Goxlenxl ` Chi1l]l'Oll. 1).... `)l\l\ .LA[L.`Vl. .1 \III farln tom: Old . 1`; \\'aslm;_:'o. \Va1tch Our Window Display. "1LU---Uener:1l bervum, goou wages, washing. Mrs. Bay, 21 Charlotte 16-18 F(A)l\' S;\LF.--.\ ;:;>m1_\' hL*:1\" (`cam for .~::1lo S and 9 }'(`51I`S Apply Nobel`! .\I:n'.~:hull,` lunnrn | 111,10 .\1LI-\ 111 -' \_JUUl\ whore mum is kvpt. No` 1. N0 .~'p1'i1):: (`ICll1111_;`.` I or 30 'l`1nex'0.~:u .\'t., B21!'l`i(`. ` I I\'l ,;\ppl \ for : -17 \Vo1`sle_\' Phne 305 EWO, XL prcpulu. .No extra C]l:11`f. ,`() for m1swcrs ad- dressed to 0lTicc, ii callcrl for. ` body, `1n.17 \ .n.., ' 15:1`. Ap- ' 16-17 any 9+ Hum, 115 `iai7v'.ax'ia""Bmm I! N ' . Water Main Bursts A hydrant four-inch main on Dunlop St. burst on Saturday evening onposite the Post Office. Men were at work on Sun- day and Monday repairing the damage. uu Monday a burst occurred in the pipe which serves the Barrie Hotel, the service to which has been cut off all the winter. These fractures have been caused by the frost, and were dealt with promptly by the Waterworks Dept. ......,.. .......... Beginning April `.28, the former train ser- vice on the Hamilton-Meaforcl line will be restored to`an(l from Hamilton, via Cook- town, and to and from Collingwootl, Meaford and Penetang. ~ Cobalt trains will also resume the old service, No. 46 going,soutl1 every morning, except i\Ion(luy, and No. -17 north, except Suiitluy morning. Change in Train Service Dan: '..,. A.`..II 0`) LL.` T0 RENT-Apartments and rooms furnish- ed. Flats to let unfurnished. Apply No. 1 Maple Avenue. 16-18p'l Cadets Inspection The annual inspection of the High School Cadets was held in the ufternoon of St. George's Day, in Queen's Park. There were 82 Cuclcts on parade, who were putl through their (lrill by Mr. H. J. Heath, the in;-tructor. The inspecting officer was Lieut.-Col. McCriinnion, who expressed himself as very pleased with the drilling of the boys, remarking that he had only examined one better corps. nppvi-nun-nu. I The appointment of Major Alex. Macliay, M. D., of Toronto to the position of Inspec- tor of Prisons and Asylums and Inspector of Institutions, receiving uitl under the Hos- pital and (,`h:n'itul)le Institutions Act, has, been announced by the Acting Prime Min-I l.sIl`l` for Ontario, Hon. G. I-Iowartl Ferguson. l\I-ujor M-.\cI{:i_v \\`-as formerly in charge. of the iiiedicul inspection of the Public schools in 'l'o'ronto. He is son of Mr. J. l\IucK-dy, (fl-ei-l< of the County Court, Barrie. Appointment "FL- ...........L An 0fficer s Will Ilvvl Leighton Goldie McCarthy, K. C., son of the late Dr. J. L. G. McCarthy, Barrie, is the sole beneficiary under the will of his brother, Capt. William Offley McCarthy, 2ml Rliodesiu Regiment, who (lied of woumls sustained in action at Turizuii, German East .-\l1'icu. IllCl1l(lE(l in the os- ltate of $25,620 :1 fumi in Southern Rhu- (lcsiu \':1lu.>rl at $8.708, a farm in Arnistroug 'l'u\\'nsliip, Timiskzmiing. S600; ins1u';mc<-, $3,116; l1or:~e.~' uml cattle, $4.2-17, aml pm. {lll`.L`L`, >' I Amending the O. T. I.ic-n.-'e In.~pe-ctor I7isl|r1` has been visitixtgi Barrie grocers this wqek, drawing their` attention to the Act which amen(l:~' the] Um:xri:> Telnpmmlce Act. Under this Act no rs.~'c11c0. tincture, compound or prepar- ntiun cnnmmnly known or dosc1'il1o(l as u a\`o1'ing (~.\'xruct or essence containing :'3(':`hr)l shall not be sol.1,, except in bottles containing not more than two and one-hall ounce.-'. zuul :1 record of the sale of $811143! luuvu . u .- ......... KIA -..~...\. \.u..uu...ub `:'R'."~hr)l not two same I I I ~1miI Fm kept by the mrmufacturer, mer- i('h'.1!1f. (1r\2ggi.~'t or other person who sells the sutne in :1 book provitletl for that pur- post`, which . show the name and atl- (h'es.< of such. person to whom any such article is sold, the date of sale, and the o_uuntity st-`lnl. No pedlur or transient trader in Ontario shall sell or dispose of any tincture, I.\~'0I1C` or extract mentioned! I -3|.lI\`o Our country is not ripe for one. Think of all the hard experiences which you French went tlimugli before the rnpuhlic was really at home in France. and yet your pople are high- ly (levelopod, while ours _are not. And so on. Tlmse same men have now come round. little by little, to the re- puhllcnn idea. One reason is that any other form of government would present many_,dl`icu1ties, if, indeed, it In nnf Irnnnkcihln `Tho Dnmnnn Aw- ` WHY RUSSIA WANTS REPUBLICV GOOD POLLED ANGUS BULL FOR SALE , [Mm-on mnnchu nlrl Alan nnmp Rhnde ' X in Sc-rihncr`s. A last point to which I wish to call attention is that from the i-st hour of the rovolutio1l~ the republican idea nmtln c.\'trao1-dinnry progress: in the minds of all` classes, writes Captain I live among Bus- 3 slans and could therefore watch its growth day by day. Men of letters and men of business, merchants, nan- ciers, lawyers, professors-I saw them, one after another, come to the same way of thinking. For the first weeks it .~:cemor.l Impossible to many of :1 conservative turn of mind that there should be :1 Russian republic. They said: xu\__.. ,_,,, ., - - - - pxcacun AuLu1_y,uIuIL'luL1I:B, IL, IHUUCLI, H. is not impossible. The Romnnoff dy- nasty is discredited. to say the least; it Is not conceivable that it should be ! reinstated, and there are no other] available aspirants to the throne, even | supposing that the nation wished to return to a monarchy. Anvnnn vrhnO Fnnla innliruul I-A vs-us, . i Lcxuxu LU ll. A.uuuuu.'u_y. Anyone Who feels inclined to pro- nounce judgment up_on the Russian revolution should bear this in mind; the old regime was so detestable that any new one, even if far from perfect, cannot be worse. From the military point of view. which is of course what is most interesting to Russia's allies, the former system. or want of it, had so disorganized the whole country that it was becoming more and more dim- cult to carry on the war. It is hard to see how now either the Russians or we of the allies can suffer by the change. because what has been thrown away was absolutely worthless. That` should always be in our minds when we are inclined to criticize Russia, in order that we may keep our proper mental perspective and see things as they really are. Any Other Form of Government Would Present Many Difficulties, If Not Impossible. Ian mam ma GARDEN ow to "Plan Your Work and Work to a Plan. EVERYBODY GROW EATABLES The Essentials In Planning Ga1'den- Best Varieties to Plant. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) T NO TIME in many years has the necessity and importance -, of the home vegetable garden been so clearly shown as for this coming summer. France, our wonderful ally, has since the French Revolution been a nation of small farmers, her people of small means cultivating some available land to I produce a portion of their own,house- hold foodstuffs and to increase the wealth of the nation. Great Britain, threatened with a shortage of food- !stul`fs, determined to cultivate all available land possible to offset this shortage and we, in Canada, bending every energy toward facilitating these great nations should do all in our individualpower to do something in the hope of helping ourselves and assisting the commercial vegetable growers who are seriously handicap- ped by the shortage ot labor in the production of vegetable foodstuffs. Every city, town and village dweller has an opoprtunity to help in this ,great work, in that there are hun- 'dreds of available plots now practi- cally unproductive, .vhich could be ` made grow vegetables and thus add to the wealth of the country. Vegetables should form an import- ant portion of the daily food of the `average human being, for they pos- sess qualities which we are told are essential in the proper digestion of the heavy foods, such as meats. I :11 .._-._,._,,,-.,, , - . WANTED--General Servant, good wages, nn u-ucna Mru HHV Charlotte, uuvu can Auvuhun - All backyards cannot be prepared in one year to grow vegetables of an 3 excellent quality. Some portion of the yard, however, may be devoted to this purpose, or, if it is convenient, there are usually many vacant lots which are not too far from one s place of abode which possibly could be de- *voted to the growing of vegetables. Some Essentials. First of all it is essential that the` Ivegetable garden, no matter how small, be planted according to some plan or rule. No one attempts to build _a house or to set out a peren- - nial ower border without using some drawing or chart to go by. Why should the vegetable garden be treatf led differently? Haphazard planting will prove a failure, and in order to overcome this it should be remember- ed in laying out the garden that- (1\ Tall nlanfq will ho nnncf nPFnA\_ a.uul.ue1'. 1 1 (3) The fences may be decorated with vine crops which may be support- ` ed on the fences by means of strings ; I or lattice work. I IA\ All ....:,.1.1.. .M...-......-..... ..-._- I U1 1 |.Ll/lL'U \\'UL'!S. (4) All quickly maturing vege- tables should be planted in a portion 1 of the garden by themselves so that ' they may be harvested and the ground used for other crops later on. ALll.t:lLL.|lLl51Cl.l. wuu Lut:Lu. i (2) A11 plants closely allied should be grown together, not in the same row, but in rows adjoining one ` another. 1 f 2\ l`hn fnnnnn `Mun LA .1nnA....L...I Secure Seed Now-But Plant Only \Vhcn Soil Is Ready. The backyard gardener should de- cide -very early which crops are to be grown and should purchase his seed as soon as possible. It must be re- membered, however, that much of this seed may be wasted if it is plant- ed too early in the season. The soil must be warm to receive the seeds, and amateur gardeners must have patience until it is certain that good growing weather has come. It is pos- sible in ordinary seasons to plant `some vegetables in April, and yet many backyard vegetable enthusiasts will be well advised to wait until the middle of May before doing very much in the garden. Suitable Varieties. A list of varieties suitable for gar- dens made by city, town and village dwellers follows: Agnnrn rrnc_..DnlrnnHn nnnxrnniu UL! LLI. Layxug UU.L LL18 garuen [Dali (1) Tall plants will be most eec- tive if placed behind low ones, not` intermingled with them. ; i !:hnn1r1 ho ovrnnrn fncrnfhnr nnl- Sn hn UWULIUID LULLQWSZ Asparagus--Pa1metto, Con,over s 1 Colossal. Dnnhn `h-nun! 11711:`. 117... r<..1,-1..- VVCLU, l\.CLLl5U. Beets--C1'osby s Egyptian, Detroit Dark Red. Brussels sprouts-Da.lkeith. Ca:-rots--Chantenay. Cauliower--Erfurt, Snowball. Ca.bbage-Copenhagen Market, `Danish Ball Head. I Ce1ery--Pa.rls Golden, Winter I Queen. I (.nrn_{".n1r1nn Rania:-n Qhumalllu ` UUIUDSHL. I Beans-Davis White Wax, Golden Wad, Refugee. I `Ran -f:.__f.1-n:hv = T7`.avnHan Thahnnllh Corn-Golden Bantam, Stoweli-'3' ' Evergreen. I Pllnlvlnhnrgfhifn Gnu :-an (`I-nnan FOR SALE - Chickering` I Antoharp, Pic-t1u'c-S. Books. Coll-ior St, 'l'olop1mn0 T-L'l. I`JVtl'5l'BUll. Cucumber-White Spine, Chicago Pickling. Citron-Colorado Preserving. Lettuce--Grand Rapids, Nonpareil. Melon, Musk-PauI Rose. Melon, Water-Cole s Early. Onions---Southport Yellow Globe. Pa.rsnip-Hol1ow Crown. Pa.ra&ey-Champion Moss Curled. Peas--Gradus, Little Marvel. Cobbler, Green Mountain. Dvuvnnlrin nlunbnu `Din uuvuuualu. Pumpkin--Quaker Pie. ' Rad1sh---Sc2.r1et White Tip Turnip, Ne Plus Ultra, (winter) China Rose. Spinach--Victoria, Virotlay. ` Sa.1sify-Sandwlch Island. Marrow. Tom,atoes--- Chalks Jewel. TurnIp-Earl Six Weeks. Rbuba.rb--Victoria., \ Linnea.ns.--- S. C. Johnston, Ontario Vegetablo, Specialist. Torontn. Vegetables an Important Food. `BEE NORTHERN ADVA1;T GE `rm 1'`-3:111:11` nmn(hl_\' DZ1{'kinf'-_`.`i, \\'n.< . .v\1n`il I8 and \\`a.< as i`uIlu\\'s: 32; 1)y,jzuna.<. I36 flunn--1 .-hiri.<. 5'; .<-1`\'ir.-n- : 9 lm.s'-' ipitnl . H : >'lI'I-1(`ll('I` ::\p.~'. %(l1-v:~'.-in{_v' gn\\'n.<. 3&8 1 )1`upt`,l`(_`,'! hm... r. ....;n.. v. .-1..\,,4_. r. ..-n..1.l I I`xI'l, lllllll I` l.lllll`.'1 \\|'U.L. AVLXJ.` Bm\t1|'.\' (1la.<.~': 1'.) p1'.~:. S(IL'k.<. $1. .-\I1(l1'\\'; .~t--l(.IS 1).\'jz11na.'~', 12 l'l:mn='-1 . I3 IN.-s.~:i11:: ;fm\'n.<, 77 prs. . \\'nnmn .-: 17.11101`- gzc-nvy fiat`;-.<: 20': '.\l'.\'m1g'hL hnml 1nm:t1u:_1<'.~=. I213 l1nmII(PrL`hIr-'fs, 232 m-n[m1'I.' In 20 pncunmnia jm-kr`l.<. 13:; : `ups. 8 .'<('l'.Hi.'l1L~' I):un1u:.-`c:.<, 1 . hm! pad. 'I`n:nHx- 1-) n.-iurnna K flnnnnl 'l`I`inily~-1; py_i;1n1n;<. :3 flannel . (`:7 ht'i'\(l l>:'1mlag0s_. G \\':1.~:h m-I<>l11.~'. ;3.p1'.~'. luml sm -1<.<, 3| p1'.<. Smfk. 'l`1'iuily (iI`l.<' Class: 7 scI.1ltol1xs 1na11d;1gcs. 79 1121mlkm'- chinfs, 80 p1-c,-pm-ty bags. 52 lwml lm1'u1u;:0.~', I5 pr.~:. .~`.uck.`~:. h(\I\|:`v. lm`.-..|: en rn-inunnc Int; 1vu\.|\n|g-. . (_`.u|.lim- RI. M:~l1m Uln11'(:11-- 56 py_j:unn.<. I2 pI'IJ1)I`1`l)' lvags, 2': ql1iH.<, I llI'l`>'Si1If.;.' _`m\'n. 13". head h.'11'1lr1,:n.<. GI) p1'.<. . '1 <*_\'-`} lmml:15.:v.<. MI'.~:. B11lnl1r-1', who is 86 .\-*n:11'.< U14]. u:u11t.x'i1u1lM1 Um fI.>I_; lmvingrz H .~::"-41) lmnk.<, G1m1n'1r*1.<.! 1 wt, t-hi!:l`:'< L1ml31'\\'r~zu'. ;\Ii;~::< \ 41 - /11, 1a\ __,. ..1 |l(lllU(|.Hl7.`, IL! [ll .1, .1I_r\,n.?. Baptist Clnm-11--~10 py_ia1na:~', :36 1101141 l1r1mla;:*v.s. 28 ms. socks. .-\llz1nd:1l<:---7: : [)_\ j11IX1E\S, 7 flan- nvl shirls, 1 quills. 85 prs. stnrks. St. I\I'.u`y`s--76 pyjamas, `J6 head l):\11-'lagn.<, 33 ms. socks. Miss S-c, ott--~82 prs. socks from follows: 'S:1l\'atinn Army 7 prs., Mrs. 0I`Sl`I` '1 pt-.<., Congregational -Clmn-11 36 pr's.. 4 quilts, other kniUm'.< 35 prs. Soldiers` .-\ir!--7 prs. socks. '1'1m1`nlm1 Branch--l0O prs. socks. B.C.[.-1: . pairs socks. Rural Auxiliarieszz ("iuth1'io--12 pyjnn1as, 3 pairs socks. 1.... 0"! v\uv:nrr\r\n (I Nnnnnl Sl,)L71\.\'. Ivy--27 p_\'jmnas. 11 flannel shirts, 13 ms. socks. Mir]]nn'.`~;t--1 qmlt, 16 pyjamas, 3 pairs socks. I\`[inesingr--11 hn: suits, 3 p_vjz1nms, 17 property bags, 1'3 pairs socks. FOR 1 1-nvn 3" Headlight Overalls Men's Blue and \/Vhite Stripe Overllls, with bib and smocks to match. Special price ................ ..$1.75 each Black Overalls; with bib, blue and white stripe, plain blue and smocks to match. Special ..... ..$2.5O each s'.'ET.L FOR CASH Men s Black Headlight Pant Overalls, Special ................................. .. $2.25 Now and Save Money as they are going up all the: time RED. CROSS NOTES With every Dollar purchase we give :1 5c. couppn redeemable at the premium counter. A splendid selectign of useful premiums. % Knor*k~-`I`)nn:1!or]:21 pyjanm;<. 2 -lf1L1iH.~'; I`I,`l1l1`n('l 27 prs. .<>rr1<.<. ; Iissa and Innisfil T'\\'nlinr>-. I)n11ah'-I: L3 p_\'_ju1n:1.~:. 2 :1uill.<. 12? pxwpr-1`ty ])ug'.<: 1-nhlrmui L : [1l`.~`. 'sr_w1 Urn Rm! C1'n_<. <: C1`:1i.:1'l1u1':~'t--1' p_v,jax}m.<. O f]:m..' 11.-l slnirls, 23 Drs. E~`n(`1{S, J Ea12a1'-3 1)yjmu1:1:~t, 480 1121114]. 1u:rcl1iuf.<, 21 131$, soc-1;.=. Crown Hill--6 p_\rj:1ma:~:. (iutlu'i< ~-9 py,i;u11a.~'. `l quill, 3 paws :<:.w1<:<, ~...-. . .. .. .. . ,. .\' 3 S0(_'1i.'~f. [ (.'irm1fvl ]\'l1z1ki ('.i1'r'1<'----2 1))` ijmn:1:<. 20 .-m-I;.:;. ./'41 v. n E lfta;-1')i:1---ll p_\:j:1m.:1s. 1 {.-'rr.`_\' ('f.10\\'(-:<---12 [')}',i1II]:1.<, 1H 1n'.<. LINOTYPE O1 1CRA'l'OR. male or fl-ln:1lv,| wanted inunetlizttoly, in one of the ple:1:-:mt- I est situated printing nllicl-54 in C:mmla.--A:l- dress Northern Advance, Ihm-in. N