Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 14 Mar 1918, p. 6

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John E. Addis has been appointed clerk of the cig_t}1th divisiml court ot the county of Simeon at .>\lli-ston in succession to I). A. Lee. ]`(`siL,11CL1. Now, Mr. Merchant, if you would have the readers of this paper as customers, you must not only let them know you are in business, but keep persistently the merits of your store and goods before them, letting them know of the ar rival of every novelty, as well as the more staple lines, be sides keeping them posted as to prices. Perszs tense .5 c_'.... :0 of} .91.-\'(~1`21.1 (1 mid still ('1lll1`. .' H\'ill'_"`(':|t.~`, while ._r.-lin-_-,'inu to (`:H`ll otl1c1".< arms were ','lw; out alive, while at mirl(l21_\' zm 3:-l mun \\'1l.\' hrougrlxt out 5:111`- ;:1'n-rin-_-' o11l_\' l'1'mn 'ln'11is(-.~:. llo li-ml .`l:(>(>n `l)1l1'l()(l with his Wife and llnu;:lil(-1-. who 0m`l_\' liml l)('(`11 extri- ,4-zlletl uml who lnul lll0l1'_"l1l. liimtlmul, "As ho was ])l:l(`0(l in an zniilmlmwe _ tllw 0lll()()l((`l'.~`- (*l10o1'(*-l. 0|` the ]`(`..x(`\1(`ll pl -1'. ('lllllL" to l'1`iujlit'o1io(l logs and ('m'1'iml :1 ca 11 a. r_\'. in a 1': l I . I r-:it.<, one woman 'c:1;`c- in wliicli was a live In Tlm \\`0nm11 lli1(l l)('(`-H cz1113__:`l1't Dealer, BARRIE THURSDAY/I, MARCH 14, 1918. `bas(-11101111 wh(-11 the 11111111 floors of glu,-1' 11011.50 c1`:1.s'l10d down . A 11ca.v_\ 11011111 protected 1101` 111111 1101` pet. The hero 01. 0110. neig11borhood is la youth who I101'1'owc-d '11 steel hel- .111(1t to p1'ot(:ct, him from ;~;l11'ap11cI iillld 1-0.31.-11(1(l his. two :1_-gfeul sisters and ltheir 11111111 111'to1' twelve }1oua's 11m'u.l i \\'01'k. { ;\=I1':~'. Frum-is Kent, (51 wick f0\':`:s}|i1). is dead she 1'ecei\'c(l when her ing: czulglnt re from :1 (59, of VVar- (1 from burns- rr night cloth- candle. Pt(.-. .l(:1'1'y ()r\':1l Smith. son oi. M1`. Frank Sn1itl1.,sr.. John .~'t.1-<-ct, Orilliu. is reported wo11m`.e(l on Fob1'11m'_\-' `.25. Ptre. Smith wont o\'<-1`st~ns in the snnnnc-1' of 1916 with :1 P001 (:0unt._\' batta- lion. He was a muchini.~;t, lmving learned 11ist1'ndo at L0w_';'s fmlmlry. A bmm,-h 01' the (h`(-at War \'(-I- erans' .\. h:1.~: been r>1{u'a11i7.- ed at ()1'illiu with the i'ollo\vin<,r oi - cc-rs: P11.-.si(lL-Ilt. H. \\'uol; 151 V'ice-I :-L-.sil-1:1. J. Stmbl0_\'; 21111 Ktlaua .n.<.un.....;.u. wit Vice-P1'e.~:idont, (` 1Zll'_\'-T1'C:l$lll`(`1'. ` tive Committee. I burn, H. Litster. The h0(l_\' 01' ll>'$(' (}illo.s'pi(=, n2.o \\*:1s lost `by his cnnnwlt,-s \\'hilc-. t1-_vin_~' to walk on tlw iu-u on (ivor- giun Buy. 1`1'om Beck\\'m'th I`slzu11 tn \[iHm1ul. lu1'inI_-' thv h-1'1`ihh- g'll11 .Du_\', L'1'UlIl uucnxxuun mum-u to Blidlznnl, thll'il1`_" blizzurtl in .l:uu1:n'_v, \\'s1.~'. fouml. 11`0\l}_','h cl'l'01'ts 01' Smmu-1 (}i1l(}.s'[)i(`,' of Toronto, uncle of tho _\`uun man.` .*\i'tm` :1 follr s(-um-h tho Monkman s Glycedonia Has 21 m:u'\'(`llm1.~` (-{Tm-L on 1`u'.1_'_:h skin. (mo or twn nppl'u-atinns will remove the 1'o1xulnx:e:+<. and by its occnsiolml use the skin :u-quires the slnoothlmss and .~2of'tnoss 01' :1 h:11)_v's. Gl_\'<,-edonia is not .sti_-ky, and gluves may be worn 21 few nmnu-nts uftvr 11six1,5; it. PI'i('(.` '1:')<- mu! _ .3:-. De- li.-.,'htI"ul after shu\'ing.,*`. 4--nan -nu-t'\`\'fI',1l'A'\1' H_`_', llI.llll uIu:1 huus Ill c+:o. Mo".::MAN DRUG-GIST, BARRIB, ONT. Makes Your Skin Like Velvet THE ` BARRIE UNDERTAKING . % Rev. J. T. '1`110m]x.s'on. l'o1'1n01'ly 01' Colling\\'oniI, \vns ]n'vsvntml with u hundsomo vulctilue on Iu|)1'u:n'_\' H. in the shztlw 0! :1 haunt-in-_-" hnh_\' girl. I lllluvluw All latest designs in Caskets kept in stock, including Grave Vaults ` K mu! Oak hells. * A H muaL uumgua nu u............. .-.,,,- includln and Oak \NlhI and Dan calls Phone 431 MINNIKIN. Proprietor -R-NI1ILLY,Punera.1 Director }. and Bmbalmer. ` PHONE 340 ul -.\lr.<. Tlma. .\ll-n :nr- 110 (`Hf_":l_;`('1l1(`lll nl' tln-"n" '/.vlt{1 1).. to .\lr. (`wm'g_-0 ls. both of Cnllin~."\\ (ml. u` to lulu` ]nl:u-0 in .\I:1rvh. appointed` .Ll. Jiul.-inn r-nun-f nf \\'. 1 `in-lu1v.<.~' 0|` Xlu` 1 :11 .\His1nn H` rrnp NIIIIIM ` of that thiu-k- i\lIlII3\}lI q I .`\'L;l I. ["u.ilcs: Itlxc-ml- ` ()(l`..f.`(`.x', (2. Tho)`- ll. \\ \Illl| . Allinson: `r~ '1,.. .\ Hm-n nl ` \\'. Ptc. (it-0. -Cook `who uliml of wounds lust work, \\'us :1 nu~m|u-r of All Saint's Suml:\_\* .~t'huul and church, (`n11i1v_"\\'uml. In-l'm~u (\nli.~'t ing. Scum- 1v,,, ,_ Wllen tlm _ianit(n' of the L`ollixx;;- wood municipal lmil(li11_-_-_'.~'. \\'u.s' lowl- ing.-' the cap:1m7)11s s(-,uttlr- witll whirl: tlw fuel is tx'unspm`lml lo the num- urmls .\:t0\'1-s tln'm1_';l1nut tlw build- ing lw 1ll.\`('(l\'(`l'(`(l :\ lll(`l\'(`l <-_\`li1nl(-1' tlml haul all tllv a1>1w:11':\z1vv 01 :1 lmml). l".x:1mi1mlim1 1n'u\'(-l that it \\':1s :m nltl .~'])l1`ll |'uso that had pml)uhl_\' at sunw timv ln-on u.~'.o4l in Hm II|;lH`\', ' lug . lhv J. \\'uml\\':ml. who \\'m'l l'ur llw rorl-omtinll ul P1-lmtalllguislu-M`, liml nn .\l:u*(-h |.~l l'rnm anthrax 1mi.~nnin_-_-*. llv \\':l.~`. l'olln\\'ol to tho :'r:1\`v h_\' thv P(`Il(`f:'1|l'_:` loxlgo 01' Umnuvlnvn, but ()\vi11>-.1" to the (l(`:\l1- l_\' n:11m'<- of thv :li.~'v:1s(~ tho bmly \\':|< nut rmnn\'0 frmn Hm` lwu1'.<<- after la-:n'in-.3 Hm hn. until it I .:...l in'il:.. |I" !`\'(I .|;lIIu-s .\u'I`:u'1nm-. al u-n1u\..`. rosimlt.-nl of (`()1li11j.,v'\\'(md for hull" :1 vcnl1u'_\'. xliml :11 the lmnw of his 30!]. Mr, .1. .\lvT*`:\1'1:1x1(~. I".1'io 511-001. on 'l`l1(*s(lay \\'L`(`k. in his -`>'L _\":n'. '!`I I.. .l ...n.- .. r.-nix-n nt' Hun?- uitmo vurlor BRITISH AIRMBN -I-\:\Ir'l'\ A British Prisoners in Internment` Camp Loudly Cheer I11vacle1's. aim` IIOUDJL-:1 U111 mm nu: Uprn H11. "111 u I`0\\' minul(-.5 u l:l|`_'_"(` eet of uc1'0]>lu11us. ying" low, ]):1.s .~'L'Il '0\'u1' the (rump. 'l,`h(,~ dia`1in:,'- 11ishin_,-' 111:u'l-is \\'cn- 11uin`._\' (li.~'<-(m1- ibln. All our lmys vlworotl as the B1'iti..~:h airman hm\'(w] tho })111'sti11}_r; s111'up11ol and let 1()().s(` u s])1(.`l1((l `st1'ui't,' whit.-11 sot 11>: all lanlghixlg with tlvliqlnt. nu , A v__,,, . .- 17.. -... Junu-s .\lv"':u'l:m(-. '1 . A ,.A` l`..Hnn-u-n Four (`vet is 1111- tllin-luu-.<.< ice on H10 mill 1mm! .\ this wiutvr nu-I the in` be l1:\1'\'ostml till sunw ness is liq1lil:\tml. M1`. mul .\ll nonueo thv dmlghtcr, L. Lounlls. CnHin~;'\\'o ma1'1'i:1_-_,-`c .\I ".-\ tcr1'il`u- hmnlnn-nlm<'nl prm-oml- I ed. and hoxnhs \\ (`l'(` (lmppml nom- tho rump but not an-t11u1l_\' on it. as ( thv airmen semnml to know of our 11'L-solwc-. The cnmp is :1.1'tL'ull_\` I . man` :1 lm-.-`v munitinn 1 \'\ ()I'k$. the hlou hr~in to protect ( th(-111 from lmstilv utnwl<. but on 1 this (M-<-axsion, at any rule. the U01`- mun 1n-<~r--.n1tiun.< \\'vr(- m no avail. We were not hit. but thv (i-m'm:m works \\1-1'0 :'1l('l'(~s. :1Mm-kml. . "'l`h(-, Hernmn.~' split-l ull_\' on- _'_:iu(~(-H-ul 3.,-`z\1xI_;'s 0|" l"1'(-m-h p1'i.~'0n(-rs _ .us fur as p0s.~`il)l(- into the ruin! an-:1, _.:m (mo pom" i'vlh\\' \\'ns hit on tha- . >'lmuhlm' b_\' :1 pit-<-v of hmnh. "About thh't_\' _\':n':l.< frmn him :1 lam.-"o hum!) I1.-ll. anal the v.\'})lnsi()11 ,. .A....._...l ol...,.,. u.un.....-_- 5'11 (:0. .`lHFl|lll|'l l}.\ tl lll\'I I |ll uutunr. v.\'p1usi ()\'(`l'tll1`llHl tlmw trzunczws full munition \\'()1`km's who \\'(:1'(~. l(.-:1\'i the 1'z1(:t()1`y for tlinnor. Coxlsiu] able (lmuu_-'v vns dour to propo nmuml. Ho. was quit.-k1_\` rmnm from the s('o11t"h) tho (}(:rm:m -_:'u: h(-l'0n- lw haul time to cstinmtv J.('tll:Ll (lun1z_~_~'(~. but ho was uhlv scv that 1mmy people hm] Men I; , ml and injllrml. ()th(-1' pri.sunm-.- . 1-!zu'(`al that in the . zuul ( _ Iyin-_-' ` us \\ (-,1) `(}('!`IlIilll 1` ; [:10 \\'m'u It-1'rihl_\' st-m`v l)_\' Un- ' lurk. uh I tr H`:l\'1n-_: Inr Inn.` ll(`]h().\`iI('ll in'1lu- "A few morv r:Ii like fhuf .\I:umlw'nn anul other Hcnmm (-1 .~huu1 put :1 .~.p(~(:<|_\' curl to Mt. on I`{:1.1:\.~"::`-.110. .\lur:'uto and I tlon." Q .\t the amuunl xnm-Iful-_,-` 01' (i(-m.').;;izI11 Bu)` G011` ('1u|), In-lcl \\'(-(-k. the l'()llo\\'inu` o1Ti:ox'.~'. (-lm-t.L`d : Ir-.. n..,.. \ H l.'..Z..`l.o . ('ll`l'l-L'U. Hon. Pro.s'.-;\. I). l\'ni_:ht'. \'i<-0-Pm-5.. F. '1`. Hod-_-`son; P1 cut. J. S. l.-in-h; 1:1 \'i<'(:-I ro I". 7.ixnru01'm:1n: `_ ml \'i(-0-l 1'v.~ 1., .\l:u.-(,}:n~l1m); Czuptztin. 1'1. 1.. null) ; (Err-(-us. (`.0n1mittvv, the 1-rs olm-tt-I: l~Ixvm1ti\'(| Cunnn W. '1`. Allan zuul tho O1'1.'i(-rs. (H0111) ("ununitt(\v, .\{(,`.s'.\'l'h'. V0 .-Xllzm, \\'(-.~h.-uh, Swun and . 1 `V o 1 q nlll it-up ("nu '1 I .\'(`('l`('t!ll`}'. GEORGIAN BAY GOLF Ri1lll>`"11'1(`. H113.-'l:11ul, Fol). The Airmen Knew. Mr. R. J. (`xrm-n. nl` l mh<-;1_\';:vnn. has `won :11>p0int(- L`.I .l{. Stulimn Agent :11 ()1`illiu. su(-um-dim." the late (3. H. .\'ic})(-1. Mr. (Hm-11 has been agent at l:oh<-u_\`ut-nu for Iho past thirtt-(~11 }'(*:11'>'. :'.|.J.J.va.u..La:.1 BOMB GERMAN CITY \t., l.\...l 1'(`sp(`('t ml nu In-:H' :1 I In |`o \ UIl' L`, ~`nffic- (`m111nitte(\, ' `IuI\ \', .I\.'II\l|I.L Con. ]n'01w1'1_\' r(-nm\'ml um ;:'ua.1'l nmtv the II 4. ..... 111 cities attacks I Lon- CLUB |llII|IIl.lCl', `1:.~'. llam- Vmmon, . .1 ll... .l(S. r l).... Hon. P1'(*si `Mr. Tholnals I.vhl:m:- i< 1'unn3.u-." regular trips bot\\'c-vn ! <.-not.-nu`.-11i.~`1-.~ hello and BL'(`k\\ iHl _nn:1 (`h1`i.~ti:1n Islands. It is s])1('l1H(l *_"0in'_" on the ice now. and .\Ir. L(~hl:\m' xu:\l sevoml t1'ip.~a n <.1:I_\'. 7ll' [U n kill- -rs do- out- n poo- . ..L Tho Hollpt `I (fnmtlon En.~`.t . z\ssig111:1c11t. . 1 ilSSlguu1uuL. Fire at the Salvation .-\1'1n~\' bar- 1'uck.s', Am'o1'u, Sund:1_v n101*niu.:, did $1,()()() (1mna_1;o. (H-n1'g_v'p .\. `B_1'\w(~. n:__-`ml 1ift_\'-0110, one nf \\':\to1'l(xo'.s' l'uromn.~'t (-iii /.m1.~'.. lied after 1111 oxtmult- illm-.:~:.~'. The death oc-cur1'e(1 :11. his homo n(`.:1.1` 1)c1t:1 01' Jilll](,S B:n`1o\\', a pioneer t':u'mm' and 0hv(_-so m~:\nuI':1v- tu1~m'. 0|` Immls (-0unl_\`. . .\ .v ,,..,1 .m,.....l1w \v-Hun` T.1l1'(`l'. Ul nl7\'\In \\luu\.u. In ()\\'(\n Sound 1'0cont1_\'. .\1'thm` l110_\'(l \\'a.\' (`mod $200 and 90315 for .~'c1lin::' lemon oxtr-a('t (-0ntrm'..\' to 1110 ()nt:n'in Lice11:~`o Act. \\'i1li:1m .\lc(`x1'n\\'. :1'~,"0d 7); ), \\'u>' l`:)uml 11nr'n11.~'(-E0115 in his mum at ' \\"(-st Qtu-on .~'t1'(:(*t, 'l'm'011i-'-. . :..x...I`.....- n.-unnhli-` illnnx'n1:1%in*" (L11) \\'l'hl \iu\7\.u .~..\.. l'1'om il|h:lHl1_L` on-(':\])i11u` `_'iI.\. Capt. \\'os1oy .I{(-rbc-:1`t Sm-ord, sun 01? the late Dr. Lovi Soconl and Mr... Sm-01-d, 0| Br'.u1tt'o1'd, has burn t10(`01`:m*<'l \\'ith the 1ni1itu1'_\' m'0:'a.~;. Tho h1'iakl:1_vm's of. (iuolph hau- notiliod the on1p]0ym's that :1l't<-r May 1 the)` n111.~;t lxuvo 6`_ 1_f_y oonts un hour for their labor. Irving` R. Todd, 01' Sh-pllmls. N.I-3., :1 .p1`0111h1e11t l11_1n'ho1'n1:m nnal l1nor(.-hunt, has been atmmiutml to `rho sonnlc, in succession to the late S(=nuto1~ Gillmor. l- n'unH,'o)'d _-_,"i1'1s are :111'(-m1`\ h(~_"iII- nin;-' to 1'ow.:'istor at the Y.\\'.L'..\. in 01'(l(-1' to take part in the }_"l'(.':\1(`.l' lwmlut-tinn lnovonxont !u1'i1:u' Hm (-mninj,-' . " ` 7 , I i,..l.I.. .... ~:.,v~u.9 -An the last VKIIIIIIIIQ -`l|l|IIII\n. Rt-n. \\'l1(=o1c1', :\ ll-l`.."`ll.\'-1'('.~'[)\"`(`[- ml i'a1'n10r of Cn1'e._\' townshilv. \\'u.< t':\1:11l_\' injured by hoin`: struvk by :1 limb of :1 l':1l1'1ng_` n'(-(- \`.`hi1<- h(,' was (-uttin_-4 wood. _.. .. .1 1r 1 _,.. \`..n\~I.n|A \\ [I3 I l|lI.lI|. vv `; ~.- The Il11utl(-_\' .\I:u-hin(-1'_\' .\l:muI`:w- turiu-;' <,-()n1p:1n_\"s main plant at J`il1s<)11l)\11`}` \\'::.< ta'1t:1H_\` rl`.s't1'n_\'m`. by (irt-I. T110 ln.<.< is c-. :11 $T;')_(H), ;\ Canudiml I :1ci[i- I'(`1'1`i:1'(-1':11m' r-nr, \'u.lI1('d at $30,000, was tnt.:x1l_\' `destroys,-cl h_\' I'D in tho 1.`lvn1m'un _\'u1-(ls of the 1)(::`(` .\1urquvtl(-. io- `g'ot11(-1' with 1.50 calrs 01' upplt:-s. -H Fred \\'. I)011(-1'. .~,n11 111` A.` DD1l(*1', .9`-tz1_\'11(~1'. and :1 1'o1'1m~1' 0111- ploycc in thv Bank 111 'l'm'm1t0, -.11 C1'ec111o1'c, has :1c(-optml the posit-1011 of teller at tho Y011__,1'0 .~:t1'(-of 1111111011 of the 1'11io11 I3:111k 01' ('z111:11l:1. 'l`o~ 1'o11tu. lulu, the It in In-li(~\`u| that no stvps will lw t:Il In 1m1im1:1li'/.0 1114- (1. '1'. ix`. until PM-nlic-1' I}(mln has am nm>01'- tuni1_\' to (-,0n.~'nlt rlw :<\=n<,-kh0l in l".n'__'luml next _\'(-:\1`. ._ . u . A ,..` HI IuI`_'1uuu n-,.\. '.\.... T110 11111111110114 11121111 :11 1{i11:11v1111'. 1111111112` (1111 5110113 1'01" 1111- 1111]1o1'i:11 11111111110113 1111:1111, 11:15 b1.-011 -10.4011 (1m\'11. 211111 110111 \\ 11:1t run 111- 1011111- 011 it is 1101. 111{(`1_\' to 110 1'0-011011011. .~\111o119: 1110. 111011111013 01 p:11.i21111m11 11101111011011 1'm' 1n'(`1'o1'111u11t \\`11('11 111(- timv 1'o1' (-111111101 1'r-o1'I_":111i'/.:1t'1011 :11"- 1'i\'c.~ is .1<)11n A. .\1. .'\1'1l1\'11'011`_". 1'\r .1 \' 1, INTEMSTIIETEMS ' \L'.\ In -Minn A`. .u. .........-..._. -'01'HI \'_m'k. \Vn1te1 C. F`uwin}.1's, :1;'(-J `. .~L, of ` tho .I"m' .\lutm' x-01-.1p:m_\' .~'lul1' 211. S1. Julm, .V.B.. w.nn1nilt<- .~'1X'lL`.l(]u~ in tho Wm-ks by shootin-.5 hi1n.~a<~H' tl1ro11};'l1 `rho f(+1npl(- with :1 1'1-\'n1\'m'. 110 was in iinzmcinl t1'ouh1-. I ot(-r I{011<'n1, an nt_:`m1 Port llm-um 1`(-. \\':1.s' :h'n\\'11r'J in Pulm-k riv- or. I1o:1rlh-]1:\n1 01' th(- Pm`! H11-mn T"iln'v o .\'nrniu. whilr on his \\':1_\' to work at 1111- plum. As he \\'il\' 21lt0n11xt.i11'_:` in (-(`)1l]I1l` two (-0211 k'iH'.\` M` the north \\'m'k< ul' 1110 (iuhlio & .\IL-("ullm-11 1-mn]::m_\'. , Cult, .l'uIn(-.4 (iihh. :1:`ml 5]. nun`-N x rietl. \\'u.< nlnmsl in. kilh-cl. that l.nI:P1`.~m1 I":n'1'.>\\' Filulilm ' I 1.`...... ..o` I I ( nlm { l".nI:P1'.~m1 illul his \\'il'(~, In`-utn I:n'm\\'. n!` \\'iml.\o1-, \\`(-rv injllrt-I by :11: :mln- mohilv mu-1-It-s.~a|_\` xlrivvn h_\' .\'-ll)(-.\' S1-\\'0ll. \\'inlsu1', :1 ju1'_\' at .\':m \\'i<'h m' .\'(-wt-H tn `my $.`HN)l) '....,.. nu-nu-` .., .\l'ontr-:nl's s1Ih.s:~riptEnn.~' fur Hw ret-1' 0| Ilw .~'|IlT(|HI'.~' frmn lhv Hali- l':1x li.~`;n. of I)m-vnlln-r (S :mmn:1t- ml to $55,555.72. Thv .\'ll`)>(`l'i]iliI)H\ A` Al I` I)`. l. ..ilu-.n- 1-u ll! -F`:-r.'_1-I-1.1-. .... ......n.. 01' tlw (':m:n1i2m I :u-iliv H: zunmlntvd to \\-`(-I! own` $.'nH,|N|0 (":1.l<.v`u1;\".~; (`:llIl]l:li`_"Il I'm $1 for Rt-I (71'o. \\'0rk h:\< |)(`('ll subsn-ribml by $1H,U()0, :mu1 .1. Jill . in 2u.|i .3|lUhl'll|Jl1|l Ir_\ '."L",`l\'|', 1'(-p:>1'1s still 1-umln: ll 1111- Hunt Lhv hunl will of $l5UJHHL Mr. Sunn Gr0'/.ollr-. :1 ro_~'ilunt of 'Ponetz1115_-'11isl1e1m for 1n:m_\' y(-:11's. and who in the 1):\.~`.t two yozlrs has been in failin-1 health, p:\ss(u1 to his rest on Sun .\Izn'(-h Ihwl. at the (_~':em-val Hospital. and was buriml in the C`ut1mli<- 4-mm-tn-x'_\'. Mr. St. Louis, :1 Frmu-lx L':1u:ul- -7, ...l.,. 2,. vn-unntrnl` nf -I hn:`H'(Hnu` an ~,v.-.., . ... .\. W. Hmhlt-.<. |m_\'.-' work ,~'m-1`o- 1:11'_\' ml" the Y.4\L(_'..-\. :It I}r:n1tl`u1'd. has 1'(-1-(:i\'(=d h-:I\'L- of :x.h.~'c1u*v to :Lir1 in sup:-r\'isi11g.:' the pl:~.<-in_-_-' of \'oh1n- tm-1' hny \\'m'ko1's upon |'nrn1.~' 'th1'0uu'hnut Brant ('I0l11H_\' and Hm . li.~`.t.ri('t. .-\s the result of an a1r1'unj_-`mn--ul 1'(-:1('h(.*:1 between the l'('4lC-ml f_"()\'l'l'H- mont zunl tho 2'n'.`o1'1nnent of ;\'<>\v Bruus\\'i(-k, 1510 miles of mils :1.1'(- tn ho tnlu-u frmn the St. John \"ul1o_V ':1i1wa_\' to rophu-0 worn `ails of tho Intm'colm1iz1l. . ;uu A-_uuuuu.. The st-hoonor Iskum, tho halibut bout upm':1t.ml by the Clztyoquot Sound (`mmin:_-' Cmnpzmy, of which the Into Hon. II. C. Bro\vstor was n1zn1uuvr. run ashore in :1 l)1imlin_<:: sm)\v. on Dis("0\'m`_\' Islaml. about Yum` milos from \'i(-to1'i:1. ... . 1 n ltlnuun, nun. nun- ..\,... ...... Lo.~.t in :1 hli'///.m'4l and fm'/.(-n 50 death within 150 _\'u.1' of hm` homv was the futv 01' Mariam Pry Vanda, S:L~sk., 57 _\'m11`s of age. She` had been n.ttoudin_u' :1 \vcddin:, j.:13t .so}m1'n:tml from her llllsbztual on the roxul home and became exhausted. Pil|)('1' Mills, Lil11'ltvE'd. ` h:l\ (`. maulu :1 5."ouo1'z11 THE NORTHERN ADVANCE '\, IUIu|Iw-- illuminnfinj 'Il||l|'I IV |I|lIVVll.|I `luv .~`ll`).~(,`l`i]Ili1Hl H:Iil\\'n_\' u'('l` $-HLUUO, ...,... ..n.. (-1'_\' .\l :1 nu I'M- in 1_\` :`,~'.`(H)l) .~' u` n lh.~(`l'i]>liIH1 $1-'_ H,Imu iau. who is 111z111z1_;-,1-1` 01' :1 ho-a1'11i11g_r 1101150 011 Si111<-op .~'t1'ovt, ()1'i'lli:1. 111111 the 111isl'o1't1111(- 1111 S1111dz\_\' lust In mxlputate two 01.` his li11_-1-1'5. He was cuti11}_,r up :1 qu111`t(-1* 01' heel` M1011 the :1ccidm1t 11111111011111}. nu.` |I\l`|` \\`i1'|I ll l|lll| lnhll HUNS` RAID ON LONDON l WOMEN DUG OUT ALIVE: Aged Pemales Found Clinging to :1` Each Other Uninjurecl-Women -`ll Clasping Cats and Other H` Pets. 3 R .- Lonclon, .\1:n'<-h g;'z1;:'(-(I (0-l:1_\' in houses (lest:-o_\'u4l last night pnllmi pv1-.sons. Tn nun 1.-C vini (`1'.s'(n1s. Tn (mo distrit-t two :1-gt.-:1 \\'0II1L'll T. R. HUXTABLE, M1 H.~--0S(`ll(5l`.x` cm n the \\'1'cx~lu12'o of MI in the uh` u! out mnn_\' li\'inL" HERE are two reasons for the necessity of persistence in advertising.~One of them is the ease with which the human mind forgets, and the other is the necessity of teaching the good points of your products a little at a time. It is a general experience, not only in advertising, but in all the different phases of business, that the concern which does not constantly remind its customers of its existence soon has no existence of which to remind them. The town af_j;s 01' C`o1linu\\`o0d were lmH:'-n1:1stL-(1 on M-:ml:1_\` on the occasion of the fuum-al 01' Ho. .~\l- bert 1-`.. Brock, who \\':1.< an--01-dud m'L1it211'_\' houox-5. The I'un(-r211 took place to Itlw I 1'os1)yto1'ia11 m-xncter_\' and was nttomletl by (hp vctorzxns in a hmly.

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