Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 14 Mar 1918, p. 5

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"TSmall Advts. I . 11. Lockhzl, Pastor; Sm-. Board of .\Iz1.mLg'- 0. Binnie, Soc. Ladies | HOLLY. . Chns. Campbell call-l 1"s mother, Mrs. Rab- Hill, on Sunday. for insertion last H10 P1'o. 1 \I.. I` I.` Tho sixth linv dnmxlml day to the Red C1'0:~:s ronn five km. and u half of ( \ `cash $1.50. \l'u .....`l \[..;- 11 T `\l'i1` ill] J':lHl\il|L' J`l'L'l.'llLl_\. l A Mr. h`us.~'<:1 .\Ir'.\ln.'s't(-1' and his I sisu-2', \'io1:\, oi" Uzlmilton. amm- Ehomv on S:\tu1`d:1_\', H1ls.'s':*l to .~:pomI H110 \\'(-vk-oml \\'it.11 his p:1L'(-nt.<, .\l1'. gum] Mm. .\I..Z\I`(-.\J.:1.~,tC1', and Viola 4,. mm. ..+ lvtxyun .\i`+m- _..,...,1:..... 41m i 2 \\ l|'I\ \|l\' Bl"! \ ll'|'. S_ .-.\[z1j01' Arnold of tho C:1su:1i- t_\' 0i`l`i(-0. Lomlmi, who has h-5011 ;:s1n1-11 ' :1 few weeks" t'u1'l0u_ `with his Fniiiily i11 V:111(~o11\'o1', spent 1:1 coiiplo of (la)-'3 with his p:11'(*nts 5111-1'1` last \vo(-ik. 3 P10. I-Id. Bu1`iiII_'_1`, \\ho '11-r-mitly 1'0- iturnt-1! from I-11121111111, 11:15 _`_`'()11(` to tho 1i1ilitz1r\` i`i()S]Iii21i in Tm-onto. i Y)l. F` .. Al.` \'..... .. I) f L'Uuuu\`L\'|l Lull\.'1il| :l1`lUlIU5 JH LUXUHLU. ' Mr. Rainford of Barrie, spent :1 few days with f1'i.e11ds in these parts. M1`. Edwin Priest ]oo.\'es 1'01` the iW'cst on \\'ed11esda_\-`. 0..-..." J-t\ -_..-.....L \A.. \f2..l...,.1 1. : `U11 l;l,lU hlL'h IIIJL. | Quite a few of the Farmers sold ` ihorscs to the .\Iontrea-1 horse bu_\'o1-V. EM1: 1\.dan1s, and have to deliver ;th0m this \\`cek. Sm`:-1'1xl people around here are sick with In g;-rippc. "Ca:-3 115';-1&2! THE WEEK IN BARRE C11-3H lT`I..l}U. M1`. and Mrs. D. VT. Miller . .1110 \\'(-ck-011:1 with 1'1'iend.s in 1.1-- `l'1'0_V. I \I.. \..A1,.._. 1"\,I.,_.. _., , `mug. I Mr. .-\1`t]nn'T)obs0n visitwl Friends {in ]~`.1m\'uIc r(`cm1t*l_\'. ` \I.. II... . I 1I..\l._.,L_.. ._,,`| `llll(l Jljh. .|L._< -\ll_'.\l.il-`,lL'l, illlllr \ llllil 10 st:1_\' at homo, z1l'tm- .~pc-xnlixlu` (ho ;\\'intc1' in Hamilton. I V, ,, . , 1, _._ ,1! 5., ,,,,, x' Hlllllll Ill lIilIIllll\}l|. N0 sr(*1'\'i<-0 was hold in any who r-I1n1'(-hos on Sumlay. 0\\'in;; Y I the storm and bad mz1d.'~:.. .. L... .. .. U... AI... 'l|Il' .`tl\llIll illlll Ililll lllilllhn S:u\'iu Imus 2111- the m-don` or 1110 `day. I Miss Hannah Slaven has 1'et.m'ncd after spendin_9,' some time with _t'1'ionds in Toronto. I 11.. Y)....`.....`l A." I)n....:,. :..m..t .. I `V UDL U1] V` L'LlllL'D\.lil_\`. . Sorry to report Mr. Michael Kin}: ;on the sick list. I (Wufn n 4`nu.' n'{" H1n P-nmnnvc cnl Tl1(>1'<~ xvns 110 so1'\'ice here lam iSl1l1(1I_\', o\vin_u' to the 1'0zUl.< h0iw.;| I ! i ';l;loclu-(I from the storm. I The Holly Sc-win_:: Ci:-(-In are 1131:1- iin_-_-' :1 (`om3m't. and pin social on M-:11`. HS in the bnsonutllt of the Mr-thodist oIn.u'(-11. Tho 1n'o('(`o(1:s' are in aid 0|" thv Field Comforts. I \r.._ Vn1.._.,.`..-_. r`<._`..._1,_1I 1 ,. 'llll' .|'lL'|\l \.UIIlIUl|Dc ! .`.[1's. T]m1up. Ca111p1,w1l has ro- iturnod homo from Toronto, after an `,o.\'tondo Visit with h(-1' .~:i~:t01'-in-lznv, `Hrs. Goo. Culnpbcll. 1 ` Miss .\Im'i(-l Ifowmwl, d:m of _M1`. and Mrs. lloxvard oi.` Clover `Hill, who died at l`Il_\'1'in, Ohio. Feb. l2T, xvus b1u'i(_-I at Alliston, on Sun- |Itl:l_\', .\[:u'_-I1 Ziwl. Rev. \\". Cres- I '\vivk c011d11'(`lO(1 tho L'une1'nl sor\'i(-0. L`...A- 11lh:f\I /\ uf\1` nu" 4|... f`n.....`1 DON'T FORGET YOUR WEEK- END GHOGOLATES Pie. C`o0)wr of \'am'0x1\'.m', BIL, twhohns1-r-turn<-I from oxxvrsens. nl;:1\'in;.: been \\'oundo in Irn11<-0, is i'i.~'iti11;_-' his f:1thc1'-in-]a\\', Mr. Joseph Rows here. ? Incunz-irxv \iHnc .1-1:11 lu;_- nf'{':r.;n1 `luv. uI|IllH_\ lIUD|H\(ll HI IUAUHIU. 'U\l-VUIIH. 1l\}3 IlL'lL'- In.~:poct(n' Miles ,,=-.1i1 his o1'1'i.r'inl` visit to tlzb Ili_;'h School hero last. i \\'o(Inesdn\ . rnl. .. I`, I B\.'ilv-3 I. HID \\ L'L'I\. Mrs. .'\\ 01'_\' left on ;\Io11day for , Brigxht to attend the `f un(~1'n'1 of 1101' , I A n1unbe1' from hora attend:- 1110 dance at Thornton last \\'od11(-s(1z\_\'. l`.h(.- Hydro mm are nt Work in town p11ttin_s: up poles. The \\'0mo11 s Auxiliary of St. John s (:`hu1`ch intend lloldinsr a ha. /.aar after Easter. \ |'\l Hl.'h\|il.\ The Com{'01`t Clwl) 01." St. -Toh11 s c'u11'(3h, packed their boxes F01" ovm'- lscns this week. 1 1r... ,\........ 1-4`; .... '?\9J~ 9.... Miss Laura Peterson has return- ed: to her position in the bzulk in Toronto. NIL, T3-_.-.. C`: .1 U YUU lU. I `Pto. Pm'cy Simpson has g-*o11o` \\'c.st to work his 'F:u'm land grant ' |J'1'om the G0ve1'nn1ent. '0 are pleased to report that the use ofi his arm is _rradu.'Llly rt-1t.u1'ni11g. ` MT. and Mrs. White moved into the Adams cott':1_g`o this week. '\\'n l...;'l nI\nO`\r\vI 1'Ix1-I` Iannu-v on.-nu l-IH` .L(llLH1b l'UlliL_L|.' Llllh \\ k'l.'l\. '0 had :).n0t.l1(`r very ho:1\'_\' snow and wind storm on Sut11rd:1_\? night. ` Rev. Mr. Brown, Orillzia, 0C(`11]')iC`(il the pulpit of the Methodist church `in this `burg . I-Io g'ave a vmy satis- J'z1cto1'_v address. During his stay with us, he was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. 1. Downcy. 7\1.. . Y) f`nH in: an `Tn:-i nni +"l'f'!IV1 ;Vll'h'. 1. 1}U\VllU_V. Mrs. R. Collins is suf1'm'ing' from pneumonia and Mrs. J. Russell has a second z1tt.n.ck of plmlrisy, w-H11 other compliczttions. '0 hope soon to learn tlu-_v are out of (latlfger. Mr. J05. Clmppcll has moved to 0.011. 10 S. and Mr. J. D. Roe has gnovod into the prmuzisos vacated by `.\.l- Fhnnnnll 113- Hnn um; 1"nrmr\r'- lK'\llIu .L\I L`. llll\L JILL: U: AJp A.l'\ lgnovod prmn:|.s`c~s vacz `I-\1r. Chappcll. Mr. Roe was Ihv nn l`nr\ 1`) Constable ' s Resignation rn .. .-. . E. J. Peters and son of Mt. Louis have sold out their business to M1`. Hearst. Mr. Peters and l'a.mily will he very much missed in social circles, as well as in busi- ness. He kept an up-to-date stock of groceries mid fresh fruits -in sea- son which was 1!. rarity -in an out- ol'-tlxe-wny country store. ll :-e 'l`l1nL- T4`v-nxvlnu -we in1n1-nvinrvc Ul'LrHU'V\lIy CUUIILIJ DLULLH Mrs. Thos. F`n.wln_v vis in1p1'oving'` and will soon be able to sit up. `In I? 1:`vnvn1nI1 nnnnf n fnur (`urn {mu `V111 S0011 UC ILUIU LU BIL U1). Mr. R. Frawley spent a few days in Toronto, recently. A 4'01-nanv-Q nluh urn: nrrrnnivn In .LOl'OHLU, .l'UC(.'IlLl_Y. A farnmers club was organized here last week. 1.r:,.,. `M ....:._.. 11:11.... -0 H... I) rv Y IICTC HISE WUUK. Miss Marjory Miller of the `B.C.I., paid her parents a ying visit rc- ccntly. 1 "I"hn hr-inlzq f'n1- "H10 Iunw prr\:hv- cunL1_y. , I The bricks for. 'the new Prcsby-a tery have arrived. Mr. John Hunter is visiting friends at \Vyovalc.' \f-. Y)..LL T.'\._,....._ .... J A"......2`.- -0 llI'llU.H ab VV _y l.'V LIIU. ' Mr. Robt. I*`a,r__,'zu1 and family of MOUNT ST. LOUIS. - COOKSTOWN. ..-.....,........ .. -.......,.....--.. Chief lilin`-_~' 1'0L-civod on Tue;s the 1'(`s`i_"l)i1tui0l1 of P. C`. \\'m. Sween0_\', to take c-ffoct from ;\lzu'<=h 31st. Const:1bl<:- Sweeney is f__`,`0'll]f..',' to live at Toronto. SHANTY BAY. UTOPIA. HOLLY. ~MINESIEC? CRAIGVALE. VIGO. 011 5211111`- . , 1) _....f _ `lIL`S(l2l_\'. vork ding: CH Ll'll |J~\ f0rn1oI'- V '\ and I . l The next lecture Ill (`0lll1(`(`llOl\ with the se1'io.s' umler the zuispices of the \V. I. will be `held in the T1'in- l ity Parish Hall. ',l`lu11':s` cve11i11:.:',l` March 21st. By special request ` .Dea.n O'.\`[alle_V l1i1S been asked to giV"Q~. The Mercliant of VeI1.ieq,l xx only beez1u.~:e the public _:'eue1'al- ly will be interested in this play, but because we feel it would be, specially interesting:' and beneoiul for the .pupils in the Collegiate In- stitute who are at present stuzlying it. The other features of the en- 'lertaimnent will be ;:i\`e11 "by some of the Collegiate pupils and the 1'01-` lowing p1`og'1'au1me speaks for it-i l self: Instrumental duet, the Misiscs Mary and Helen Ross; Sliuke.spe:11'- can solo, \Vl10 is S_\'l\'in, .\Iiss Helen Turner; Lecture, ".\I01'cl1ant1' of Venice, Rev. Dean O Malle_v;. 'Rl1\'lnnl.' '2 T?nl'\11l.'n " luv T2111-lxnnl: l Thornton, `have moved to our vil- Iago. 31-. A 131, I, 1 n 'v\ - . ux;.',n:. "Messrs. A. Black and 1`.. 1>ums=-.~ are 1101i-:ht_\'in;.': \\`itl1.\Iidl:1nd friends, Miss MaholJ:1cks is :lttr31x(l-E11; Bawio B11.'5im`. (Tollt-urn \rl .... 'l`L,... \'I...l.4Z ua.1L'1L' uu.3Ilu'.\h \.U.llL'j.__ .('. .\I1's. T~l1o.~'. Nig'lnti11g'ale has _<.:'on<:` to Toronto to attend the fxmtlml of her niece, Miss (_`:n'rio .\lo:ng'mn(-ry_. who had 1110 1nist'n1`t11n(; to ho kvillorf ~b\' :1 train on h`:11u1'd:1\' }:1st. I '\I:.... u \\'1..\.. ..1- i _ For Purchase of Building 'I`EI\'I)IiI\ S will be rocc-ivod by thcr 1111 up till the 15th instant int noon for tho p1u'chaso of the` house on the `l'0rm0r Lee p1-opert;y' on Clappcrtoll strent. Tho baing to be 1'cxno\`0d and :11] debris cloanetl up on or before May 3151. The. ]ni_;_r1w.st ornny tender 11o(`no(=ossm'i1,\_ la10 `:'|`IlJlL'lHl [(1 designs in Don`-.fall Bros. i]()-1fl ~11) il. (nun nu n:tluI'(l11_\' E21517. Miss 112. \\'h;m of I.(-I'm_v spom the wt-ck-(-mi with .\Ii.<~' Hu(\\`(-1'. 11.. w... .u m....... , ,,'A nu` \\l'L'I\-Pllll \\lll| .\1lS~' V1`. \\'n1. Y()m1_-__j' of '1` ml his pm'(-nt.'~', 1`0cenH_\*. .1 I111 L.V|IllI\I'L.\l.\IAlJ nu` IF ('('i\'(`(I ins1x'u(-1i(m.~' to .~'<-ll the l.;1. iml\'L-s oi` Inn xmmhci-.< l\vm1t_\'-livre mud i\'.`(`nt_V-.~'ix. in the sixth (-mu-1-.~.- lsiou of the 'J'own.~l1ip of Om. .~<:\.\': `anal (`X(:(-pl about t\\`0n1_\'-h\'c ,-:1(-112-`, I3'ri(-oz >I~'~'l()()().0(). For t".I1't`n(~1' purii:-ul:n's nlxply in nn\'.\I.n nnuq TRQD Lecture by Dean O MaJ1ey. I 1 UICIJI-Zlx nml ll_\' \`l1'til(` of pu\\':-1 .01` .~.:1l(: (-(minim-zl in :1 (`(`l'l:ll!l mn1'L- _:uu('. \\'l|l('ll will he ]n'nl1u'(.-(l :11 the time of rzaulv. lli('l`(` will he <.vl'i'ci-ml (for sale by public :ll!("ll0ll h_\' _-\l0x:n1 l3:'o\\'nlv<-, l`ll\'fllIll'\", .\nv~ tioiiccr. at the `.'r~llinu'lon Hotel :11. tlw 'l`0\Vn nl` l'nn'i'i(- mi Sulu1' the _]Utli (lay of .\lm'(-Ii. l!)lb', nt tw:v '_0'_-lue,-l< in Ilia :il't<-1'imu:i ilw l'nl- l0\\'in;' ]u'o1vL-)'1_\': l All and ;~'in_v_-'ul:n' that r-(-rlzlin` 11:1:-(-cl or lrm.-t oi lnml nml p1'cmi.~:- cs .~:itu:\t.'- l_yinu':1n(l l)(`ll1`." in tho 'l`m\'nslii1> 01" il'l.~ in the (.`mm1'y oi" Simcoo, and I m\`inr:c 31' Ont.-trio. con1ainin_ h_\' :l(llllL`&1S1ll'('m(`lll" (tl('\'(.`lI V `ac-1'<-5 and i'm'l;v-n1no one llml-.11-mltli.< Vol.` an awe he the s:ui1o nmrc or lvss. `and luring" <-mn]i0.~:(-cl 01' that part of the Foutli >'i(`\'l'Ill`\'-ll\`(.' :u-1'05 of the ;\\'(-st luilif 01' lot nlunlwr {\\'(?l1t}'- `tlll`C(` in the lll/`I'll o.011c.ossin11 01' .~::1iwl `lT0\\'11.~:l'|ip. l_\'i1x(_;' l'):'n.~'t of the 1'i:_:l1i. '01` way 0!.` (`:1nn l"a:-ilir: Rail- l\\'a_V. and wliioli nmy be n1(m- pani- (-ul:1:'l\' us l'0ll0\\'.~': Of Valuable Saw Mill Property in the Township of Essa in the l i County of Simcoe. L)illll|'u Dati- `._ nvI |~'(-ln'11:\1'_\'. 191$. '1`! Ha Ur Hll?U'KH'(] ll) lHl' hlllll lllllllbu On the said lands there is said to "be erected n sawmill outfit, S'l\Vn1llll'O building and other l)uil in con- nection therewith and the property` is sit.unt.c near Utopia station on thc C/nnmlizm Pac.ifi<.-. Railway. The property will be oflorccl for sale subject to roservctl bid. Terms` 10 per cent. at. tlm time of sale mid" tlie balnneo wiihin 30 l.l1c1'e~ `after. For fnrtlier pn1't.im1lm-s apply to fVY)T.`Cll`Y1 lV1. T.` A . `l')'l.`Y `I 1J'u Ir '1918.' -Splcndid irrne 1': Mortgage Sale \)J |rL`lI`l `V .1 uxx I`: r JJJIIAJIJ, Vondm-'5 solic-.it()rs,~ Ilmwio. Ont. UM-(rd the 19111 (lay of February, n1Q- ' Q 112` mm FGR gm UL V UlLll.'L', JIUV. .lJl'iI.|l KI .`\Li.lllU\ | 'Shylock's Rebuke," by Bm-lmcik: Collegriate victrola; P01-tia s ~I\Ie1'c_v Speech, Flora 1\Iz1c;\`[urcl1ie. I 'l`l1rn-n \v`;ll vlln n ullvnr nnllnr-{inn TENDEEE L`xI)1-:n. 1<:n' llXl'l !Mllll|'HHllI\ il||'7'.'\ l)()X.=\l.I) H().\'h'. ESQ" \'..lI,.H.n ' "6zr;.5{v&ikI&~}l:' " 17-..,1_,_1 as. um] Carpet !w`ryI:1x'<-s A. W. SMITIT, (".1 .. . ;..=\.. .\'nli<-H01`. 13211-1-iv. ()n1:n'irr.. .. 1n1u "4L' ` J I\IL'\ l'lo T0:-min \`i.x1f Lll, Cl on-k . n ow at Harry I". Morren, son of Dr. AL` zfrcd .\1o`rrox1, \"0`.0rinnry Surgeon," "-h71`s` left the Notl1\\'0st.\[o11nt.c Police, in which he has been for six _ years, in order to enli.~'.t in the Royal Fl_ving Corps. NO was sr*rg'(-.nn1'. in charge of Moose Jaw when he left the force. 110 is now at Barrio, Waiting to join the next (-1215,: of cadets at Toronto. His `brother Fred, who xvas for olovon months with the motor transport in France, was irwalitlcd homo s11Ffo1'inj.:' from shell shock, buf. has now omnplctoly recovered-. Another brother, (oo1'_;'(2, nary,- 8-11 A Patriotic Family. 11 1` ---Upho1storing done by experi-I enced men. \V. A. Lowe & Son. I Small prepaitl a' of the Want.etl, For Sale, To Let" class are inserterl at the following cheap rates: 1 Twelve words and un cents One cent lfor each {1(l(lltl0lHll word. Th1'ee insertions for the price oi" two, if 1n'ep:1i(l. | WA nvh-u nlunv-n-n fnv nuvaxxrnvu ill]- JCOM1\IODAT]0N for two gentle-i -men boarders in private home.% Apply at this office. 10} The Esweetest Story ?]Jl5L'UH, .1'lUl'iL .\lil(.'L\LlllUIllU. There will he :1 sllver collection. so Dnnlop hi. In Fancy Boxes or by Weight BEYMP15 CANDY \jom_(_s_] DR. VICTOR HART Ever Told SWITCHES. :sh;n.;o;os ' uvu, LL pm-,1Iu1u. No extra. o11ur_9,`c-. for zmswc-rs ml- dressed to __of1'i(-c, it. called fqr. Us 11-11 ' `!who is zi druggist, is a gas sergeant `in the 75th battalion, which was `IfOl'l11(*1`1y under the command of the `ilatc Liout.-Col. Beckett, zvrchitoct `of 'I`o1'onto, a. cousin. Victor Lind- say, who married Miss .\Io1'1`e11, was in France for a year. He was g,-_'nss- ed and is now doing forestzry work iin Scotland. The Morrcn family `have not :1 relative physiczily {it who is not in khaki. -C1earing out sale of Luck Cur- tains. See them at Dougall Bros. I Slippery Sidewalk. Miss I`l1i7.:1 Tnlesoro, an ':u who was .sta_\'iug at the `v\'(`l1iu_:;'fon lmtel, fell on the si(1<~\vzIlk in 'f1':mt' of the hotel 1-.1:_st week and broke :1 `bone in 1101' lcgr. She is ht-in-_.:' cared `for at the l1o.s1it:\l. ` War Veterans ,|moti0n of Miss St1'uu-,-'0. I Tlxmo \vz1r \`L'tc1'_zu1s \\'c1'c1x'L-strut ,ut a xnc-cling of the lpworth Lea- 3_:ue, hold in the (,`onh'ul .\1c-thodist '(-lnm,-h on .\l0ndu_\' (-\'cniu_~_-' and u;:u`(v .th(~ir cx1rorie1u-cs at the fmnt. In- t(-re:ti11`u' ad(l1'(-s.~;c.s were _;i\'cu. by St-rgt. .`F1'a.scr, 4th battalion. u$.`:n1:- pvr L`. H. '1\'(`m|u1l and P10. .\In.\I:'.s- `tor, '_ 8t11 huttalion, who wont u\\'z1_\' ;\\'iHl the IETH1 battalion. A vote 01' thanks was ])1l-S5011 to tlwm. on Hm H('\'. H. Moore, 1.a.st01', 1)1'('Si(l.`d. I ` ('n1n1. (J. C. Colcs, of ('u!lin;_*;- wvoml, has lye:-11 n]npoi11lcx1' on the [e.\'e<-utivo of the ;\'z1v)' Lc:1j_;'uv ul" C'21nu.du. "He will \'isi1.' I. -u1'1'io, '.l\)- Imnto and Ottzlwu this \'.'(-(.-L. ` I n... 1.~..,..1 \\.`:I..,... 'r`,...,\..6.\ 1-ind-, ` .\l1's. Fred Wilsoxl, Toronto, visit- ioxk with Mrs. E. Little, L'h:u'l0ttc 551., last \\`c-ck. 1 \l..,. \x,, .... .. ...:ll 'l'|)lllU uuu \}bLi1\\iI Lula \\'\.n. .. Q1. n ..n.n,.I,- l um-11 lll Lurumu. The brick for St. (M-01".-'D"s~ Mt-zu- Iorial Hall has 1ll`l'i\'ULl`. '|`lny <-0I!(-<-t- 01's for the builtlin: 1'un:l have met with :; 1'o:\t :'\1('('(".~ts. over $`_ ()(N) lm\`-' 'in;:-' been 1,n'ou1i:<.L- _ Flue C\'i1ll}_{`(*1lHl (,i_\-p. .\`nnm\ E'vmith ]u'o:1(-lzotl an Burtnn .\\`v. \lnHnn:Hu0 1-1||II`n]||:| .qllH(l:I\'_ i:l1'2'(`i --\}ll('lUlH Dl.[Llilll.`-a nuu \;un5\nuu Rlugs, all sizes at Dou_',-`all Bros. JUNCTION VVARD. i __.:??____________._ I WANTI`lD-(i-no Ggneral. Apply to Mrs. Pl1m1n1-m , 5-1I ce1St. 11-ll ` Mrs. Alex. Scott is l'1'it-mls in Toronto. I vm.,. 1. 1 an. Qt l1....... ..._ mu. ,,...,.......... ' The Simon` .\1et`ho(list ('1lll1`(tll 1:151 Sumlu_\', 1:11-33-. $CO1l_'_"1'('j._'1l1i0llS being.-` [>11-.~:(-M" at Imth` sex`\ iC05. On _\[omlu_\' evening__-' he |_;'u\'e :! .v\'(-r_\' int(rc..\:1iu-_v' 1(-rxuxk-,` |"Th(- .'\(]\L"lllll)'(.u\` of` u lLollin2'| n. - u i|:1tte11t.1 lllalll. Vl"l.. 1 |\l'l.\ nu "`Th(- Stone." -v-.~........r.-. v.-- ._-.... ._... A (`O1l1lll11l1i(".11 i0l) \*.':1.~'. received public schools, in which it was st.utc-(1 that owing` to the :L})l10 1'lll1l1 couditiolls m'c:\ted by the war th(-_\-' I from the {em-lu-1'3 01, the Barrie` I felt it 11c:cL-5531')` `to ask for an in- '<:1'oase of.` .~m1u1'_y. On the motion of 'I`rusLco Love, .~'-e(-omlod by 'l`rustec Stcplu-1115, `it ' `as 21;,-'uL-etl to give the 'te:1<:11.c-1-s a. bonus of $50 to he 1.vai(l in two} equal ]):1_\`n1e11ts,in June zuul .\'u\`(~m- her. `E1.usnn2o.1 ' .. ......... -. ` Salaries for the B.C.l.. and pub- lic schools amounted to $3,'.ZT3.09 and other expenditures to $1007.10, which \\'m'e passed for payment. It was reported that $1000 had been 1`(_'(.'Cl\'L`Ll on zu,-count of public S('ilf)()li ` levy. Wn111 `Paar-`hare l x l l n vuu... .. V... ..... .. l A letter was 1'C{l(l from .\Iiss l\'. Kcsinn- on i)(.'ll{llf of the Women Tozicliom Association of `Barrio, nsking.: for p(.`l`llllSSl0I1 to hold nicot- ixigs in thnv: Central school bozml room one night 11 month. The question of l`01I1lll1(,`l'i1l.l0'l\ to the cm'ctal(o1' arose, and the nmtter \va.s loft in the hands oi` the inun- ng_;(m1o11l c.-oxmnitteo. Penny Banks. The n\'c..1'z1go atten-dzun.-0 all the public school and the sums 1'cv(-.i\'e(l for the penny bzmks Llnring Fuh- 1'uur_\' was 1'Cp01 tL'(l as under: Ccntml - A\'eruge nttomlum-(3, 3-l9; .pvnn_\' bank, $95.78. South Wnnl, aw;-rage attemlancc, `J08; penny bzi.11k,$4`J.33. \\'cst Wni'(l, m'erz1.gro nttomlnnce, 265; penny bank, $53.64. East Wumll, avm-a;.';o ntten(lance, 27; penny bank, $4.30. Miscellaneous. A comnninication was 1'oceivo(l from the annual convention of l rovinci.'1l Association of School Trustees, asking` the Board to send delegates to Toronto on April 3 and 4, but no action was taken. Tho l l S l i l ( l l l 1 l V l run-un-P nil fhn cnllnnl Inn-en. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL -Oi1cIoth Squares and Cnngolu-um. -.- all g-G-um nf Hn-.1n~nH Rn-n: Scheol Erection Delayed WANTED- A stm1og`1':Lpho1', cap-E abloof ussistixlg in ;.,"oncr:\1 officer work. Apply st.:xtin_t_-' u;_:c and cxpc1'ienco, Box I{., Advance. 11-11 1 llllla The '1, uui, IR KIUDIUII WEB LLll\'&'|l. I The yeport of the school nurse was rucived, giving details of 1955 regular inspections she had niado of the scholars. TF1... [`..lI..... 1_..t:..4.. .....-....4 LIN.` 3K'HUll|I'5- T-he Collegiate Institute report for Febnmvy showed. the uvorngxz ;attcudanc`e to be 208.08. | .` . _ I Lonhnuocl lrmn lat p-.1;,-'9. ` 1d the lc(,-lure at 'l.`1'iuit_\' l ;u'ish| {lp])(`1lIi()ll \vus f_"l'i\11tL`(1. Teachers `Get Bonus. Women Teachers. Financial. \'isiti1|, 'IM'PORTANT T0 SUBSCRIBERSI I 1A1! subscribers to The Advance who M are in arrears with their sub- scriptions are asked to kind- ; 1y pay the same without de- Q lay. This notice does not } apply to those who have omit- ted to pay this year's sub-. scription; but to those whose extend over sax arrears months. Cheques and Money Orders to be made payable to J. B. Bryant. l I FOR SALE-.\[c-Casko_v Bookkeep-1 ing Rc;:ist.01', 11e:1rI_V new. Apply` to \V. H. 1\'en11ody, \Vo1ling't0n,, Hotel. 9-ti" VJULLLIWL I) Avvvua All Mr. and Mrs. Purvis and f-.m1il_v were dleliglited, together with all the 'f'1'ien(ls OE their son, }Ie1'be1't, at uhis home-eomin-*' on Fridav week . {'3 ~ 7 alter an :1l).~:e1we 01 at _\'e:n' :m.l :1 llmlf. He went away with the 157th and was among: the first to he (Imit- ;.e(l to I1'a.uc*('. He \\`n.'~:. in the :.j`lo1'- ions Ii_e;l1t alt Vimy Ridge and \\'nun(lerl, 1'e(111iri11_g* u long; stay in llOSpll 1l, and the amputattion of his foot. Altlioiigfli disabled he is happy in hnvin_u' (lone his purr. A la1'g=o~ numbe1'e(l guthereil at the home on Sn-`t111' evening" from eight to eleven, sl10\\'in_'.: tl1<.-i1`1'e for the 1'etLu'nc(l soldier and his l'umily., An -i11te1'estin{_~' progrninxlic was presented. Rm . M1`. Pm'1'_\` call- (- upon Mr. George .\Ia1'tin 10 read ` the :1(:(~o1111`)z111.\'i11_-4' mldress which was introduct01'_\' to the ]n'esentz1- ol' a. wrist tion by James Leionard watr-h, n si_-__-'net ring` mid $25 in gold. M1`. Clement joined in the vrvlcome and aultlvesses and .~:.0n_g's were giv- t`( i Address to Herbert W. Purvis. lp Dear Herb, -- When the eall is-4 came to our peaceful land in the `It autumn of 191-}. to enter the grim s( st,1'11g;;le to defend our land a.g'ainst {ii `the cruel foe, there were many to :1 `answer the call from among us. ll. i'l`hey went away with banners ut- `t('1'll1f_," to the strains 01? martial xx music. They went with a Brit0n s'Ii determination, hopes and res0l\`e.`~:.'1( l)urin}_-; the long` months since then ~11 lthey have held the line. They have its :repelled the toe; they ha,\'e saved y our homes; they t'ou;'_~'lit 3000 niileslit away that we lniglit not have to "lij_,-'l1t k`ItAl1Ol1lC`. Some ot'_them laid 1 down their lives; others of then1_o were marimed in l)od_\'_. others have . been under the good hand of our :1 ~ henefieent God, protected all the.~e ,1` imonths and still write eheerily tolii ` those who were left behind. All of e them have purchased to themsel\'(-s l the undyin_e; gzratitude of the Can- h I adian people. \Ve will reme1nber~ ' the months after the first year when ,it was necessary to increase the a forces and relieve the lines. Tole remember you were among` those 1 lwho had to be restrained, until n-l ally you returned one nie;lit, khaki- r. elad. ln our county town and na- ' tional traininj.,-' camp you 1`-ert'eeted~ youi-sell` and won for yourself at good reeord until linally, on 0et.| 73th, "1916, the 157th amid misgi--1 l.in3_rs, hopes and tears, rolled -.iwa_\' e over miles of continent and 'oeean.| lt wa.~`. not long until we drew our 1 breath a little quickly because we V heard that you with others well -[known were. ealled upon to enter . Ithe thick 01" the _:l1t. `r `.7 "L~the days and the weeks t 13$ _ (lnrin which we all knew jtox. ' your part and more "luntil word came that you ha. met with one of the niistortunes ot' war `at \'im_v ltide-e, one ot' the places where Canada won immortal fame "\t'or their eountr_v in clot :-ndin_s: the l I ll) old Empire, \vho.'~'e fla_::_,tloats on the [*7 seven seas, and tlutter.-4, unfurled to H ever_\- breeze, as it .`~'_\'ll|l)()ll7.('S tliose ' t'lii11g's which we hold as our most "1 valneal ])0S.s'(`SSl01lS. --'Y` ` IL .... ...-l......... .-.... lnnl: \|l.l|l|'ll `IUD-`I'D-1I\IlI.3. 'I`n-liiuht \\'.:~- welemncl you hm-k H0 _\'mu' home, to the (-mnmuni1_\', to T the mills of peace. which are as in- sistent of those of` war. We may i(`:|\'(' unsnid what we nurnn to .=n_\-' and on;:ht to say. siiic-e in the 5.-`vent issiies we are slow of speech; but .{' he assured we enn never pay our t dues to those nohle men i`rnn1 the 1 Iienizlh and hrendth of our 5:11-at land, from humble. home and the ( home of _q1'enLer privile;_:e_, who 1 m:11~-h away and _a;Ind1_\v' and unre- * S(*l'V(`(ii_\' laid down their lives, 01` I l were willing; to In)` down their liveg, - ithnt, our tlund should he saved, that Hhe fruits of the 21;.-`cs might not be ` overt.1n'mvn by the powers of dark- ness; that God might. be gloried, that our King` and his realm might he (Iet'ended, our hearts kept warm V for ages yet to come. VVe now ask I` you to accept these gifts, not for their intrinsic value but lnerely as a slight token of our appreciation` ;1 nnd -,:*i'nfifude. 1' (Si,e;ne.d) Gcoi~,r_;n Martin 3 .1215. Leonard. d Women's Auxiliary The annuzil ineeting of the "0- e me/n`s Aiixiliary took place on Mon- 5 day week in the ret--t.or_\~', when in- f te1'estin;.: repoiis were received. The see.retn1'_v reported n. member- ~t ship of 54, the meetings held being e 22. After the usual mi.=sionm'_v sew- `in,';' was uomplei:t'd. the work eiignvg-l ROUND A3007 _BAR_;m_s| What Our Correspondents Find Worth Recording Soldier's Return. INNISFIL. THE NORTHERN ADVANCE . `ed in was Red Cross, the meetings! ` being held at the dierent homes? _;,with splendid results. During the _ year many of the members have ibcen engaged in this work. Miss _ `Carr, treasurer and secretary, re- ported that 177 liiissiomiry books were 1-egul. Missionary \Iite1`a.t1u'e were presented at most meetings. In the Diocesan .\Iis-i:'ona1'y Competition` ;St. Paul's won 2nd place with a- percenta_g'e of 95 in contest 2. " In the eompetition No. 3 branch took 75 per cent. In No. 1 branch took (35 per cent. and in No. 4: -'|l)rz1nch took seventh place. This ;yoa1' the branch is entering" tlm-e iompetitions out 0% five. I The t1'easu1'e1', .\I1's. Catlder, re- lpO1`tC(l total cash receipts of about {$125, $25 was paid on missionary wletlges, a .scwin_ machine was pur- ch.'1sc-d togctlier with sevcrzxl nsel:'u1 `articles for the kitchen and base- lment. The balance on hand was 1 {$25, which \\'ns Voted to the ple sm. , 3 4.... In tlm Dorcas work :1 balmwe at; `about $40 was propa1'(=d in a(hi,t'{o11 to S(`\\'i)1u' 01' Various lcinds. Hrs. F. 3 1 , . ~ _ , . | Inobmson 1'epo1'tod 101' Dorcas b1'a11(-11 `.30 n1z~1nbo1's and 1:1'oc(`eds,` ma 0-; l THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1918: .--- ! IJL sun. I $8.87. "l`l... n7o.m. [ T110 0fT'i('01's 1-lectcd were as :l.`o1-1 1o\\'.~::~- Hon. P1'cs., Mrs. 1*`1'a11cis', \\'i(- Pros, Mrs. 1 v1'1'_\'; 1st \"'1uo, Mrs. \\'m. .\'ig`hti11g'z11e; 2nd -,Vic-2,1 Mrs. L-mmox; T1'oas., Mrs. J. A. Cal-` der: H01-01-d'111;__" Sec1'et:\1'y, Miss L.- .Toh11sto11_; Cor. SM-1'etz11`_\v-', Miss Floronu- .\'i}:}1ti11}_"z1lv; D011-11>`. Se(~1'e- ary. .\I.1'.=.. \\'.J.L(`o11:11'd; Li1(~~1`:m11'o_ iSoc1'etu1'_\`. Miss 1`). (,`;11'1'. B-.1h'1v.s'[ ,B1':111<-11, Sec-1'eta1'_\', Mrs. L. Grog. i ' l)elo}_v'.'1t(-s to the 11111111211 111c0ti11g',! iM1'.\:. Po1'1'_\', Miss C:11'1', }\Ii.~`sFc1111('1l:E Isunhstitutos, Mrs. J. Lt.-n11n1'd, Miss lS111it11, .`.J'1ss Flo1'o11ce Nig'hti11g;a1c. .1: , 1 , I-L_ 1-,.. .. I I_IAA|A\llu 4'}:-1-1 A (Above czuno too late `for ion last week.) inser- |.`\'|\Il.'\'E (I-V IIl`\_llIllh7lo lin;_" z1 \\':\s 1'L-ml :Fr:1s1`. the }r1'vs(`11t:1fi( by _\l1's. (R-0. Binnie: . _ I \I... [>`.\;~`r\u\ \\IA|L'.|\`|s_t||1\lA1 (",n..~ton's on !s('I1i('d Mrs. `tilled 1>u1'.s(e i _nv-\~n.n_~ us: 4 |I)_\' .\11`s. (:00. 1>)1|1u1L-: l U031)` Mrs. (,`:1st0n.--1t is indeed with _;'1'(-at }'io:1:-'i1rc and Ha.t.isi':1<--i tion that we z1.=scmhli- :11 this tiazu-` tn .~;i1m\` om` :i1u1:1'm:i:1ti011 of _\'m11'~ 10113 and \`:\1uL-il :~'c.1'\'i(-as as ()1'f_":1i.\- gist. \\'- i|:l\'(` Ion}.-' I'(`(_`0_`_'lli7A"(i tin-.1 iyour position is one 1`(`(|1lii`.`iHf_" :i.hi`.- lit) um! .<:2m'ilii-0 mid that you have Im0~`I >~:Itist m't,:1'i1_\' m(*ns11x'(-I1 up to 'IhL- 1'1-qiiin-izit-iits. The j_>'1`L'nt \`:11I.u~ _()l' yncir \`.`0l'i( is 'lilTi.<'-1111 10 o. :ito. \\'hi1t-V. no doubt, you are zlwnna oi mu` (IL-up :i1>pr<~<~i:iti011 mic! ,l'e(-1 um-r):11'::;;vii;t -lit :H1:l s:1ti~`i'a(-ii0`.1 H11 the sxmlc we felt that 1n(*`.'(- \'m`h:\l 1-x;re\.<. is rot >:uiTi(-iiiit for silch . , . .' .Z4|. A'..1 I i I I K\L' \ (-x;m\.< I/nnr . (`X;H`Q'.~S|U1l I.\ Iiul .`.uunuuL sub Juxn i and I`niIht'ul sc-1'\'iv(es as you 11;-.\'(- n-mlmml and Hx(~r<-f(m- we ~r0q1u~=1 you to zu-c(-pt of this pms`c as :1 .~:li_:;'ht token of our and (-.--'t(-cm. Ila) the lmrd be pleas- licd to hlxess zmcl pro.v,m- you, and mu)` ('i1'e111u.~~,tzu1('-us ]v1'n1-i"( _\'0l1 to 1011;; c-(xntinuo your ust-l'ul woyk in our <:}1u.1'L-h. . .1 L` 11 T n..1,-Ln .-I Ulll UIIUIICLI. l .'s`i_-'n(-d,. R. 1 I). H. .\[int_\'_. S [01-;~:; .\I1-.~'. Geo. `Aid. ; xv,` \n.. 4.... |.`!.l(1. ` _ f\I1's.\Cn.s'to11 fittiugI_\f (-xp1'0ss.cd thanks for the honour bestowed up- Ion 1101', :1f t(~.`.' xvhic-11 slmrt spc-04'.-hes \\'('l'(! x:1udo1)yM(s.<.1's. James C:1.~:t.0n. C`. M. kit-1. G. C. (fuston, Geo. Fms(-1', the chairman, .\[1'. Lm-khzn't_. Mm. Geo. Snider`. Re1'1'<~sluno11ts \V(`d'(` thou S(`l'\`('(I and tho _L"l1(`St>`. par- mittod to .'1)(-1rd the rest of the (`W311- illg." in an ini'01'm:1l manner. ,'Th(- (-11- ` joyablo _2~utheri11;__; was closed by s'.`.(-1'(~d music and 1n'a'(-1' by the pas- l.... Save _\'0m- omnhimrs and hav(- :1` Switch made out of yo111',mnu 11:11)" by Mrs. D. C. Uow:u~l, 1'32 I')unlop'[ Street. U-H. I M1`. called day. `\I, UHV. 111'. Milton l`I111m'_\` has _:_-`one ml 'l'01'm1to, \\'Iu.-1'0 he hats sc-curcrl a.I positim1 w it h the M :L`l~ ,~_V-1'I'i\.I'l'iS rm _ 0. .- (`.'m1_ul. S. `Hill 01` Orilliu, spent 1110 week-(-ml witli his l)1'0tl1o1', M1`. Tlios. Hill. I ..-_..._. l Mrs. R. Reynolds is spending` a ,f'c-\\'da1_\'sin Toronto w1th her daugh- ter, `Mo1'_vl, who is under the doc- tor's cure. \l _. ...`.1 Xfun T I-`I.nn~nn\ rs? 101- :4 I Mr. and Mrs. J. Clmppcl of! Crown Hill called on Mr. A. Dyers 1'eoentl_v. 1r,. _\..1 11 ... run... t`.....1.r.l'l ..n1`l_ l'l.'K'(fll|J_V - Mr. and Mrs. 1 ed on (He '1atte1"_: son, of Crown . (Tan lnhu `f mun, U1 \/.l\JWl (Too late week.) I Innu were: 7 , _ $].00--)1ll`."i:q\lSt(n1, Mfg. Ln /.c_nby, Mrs. Colgznn, Mrs. James, Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Mullen. r:n.._1.f.-c 'la`./lmu ll; G R.(>'ul. \V' nun. JULIM, a`U.n aLl. Contributions received. for Be`.- :_-'in.n Relief Xmas envelopes: I21 `)5 lfwvz .Tnn1nI:' Q1 ()0 Mr: ;:1u.n lU.7lH,'l Aumu Iclnulupus. $1.25, Mrs. James; $1.00 Mrs.` Ilil}; Mrs. Imzenby; 500, Mrs. John- son. W. Thombly; 250 Mrs. J. For- lrier, J. \\'l\~':u-0. Total,` $4.75. Graduate 0!.` 'I.`rinit._v University and: also ,[_,1"l/(`lllilte oi,` I-`.z1i11bur`,-`h um]? Glasgoxv. Specialty,>tonm:-h dison.~'cs. [ Office, corner Bayeld and Wor-I iy Sts. Entrance off Worsley. Ofce open until 8 p.m. 1 Those who contributed Q .1 fund `wore: ,..n I :1 nn If ` Mrs. run, Mr.-5. mum-u. 50e-Mrs. Eden, Mrs`. G. R-old, Mrs. J. Houston, Mrs. Johnson. `)K.L II:-c 1 Irnrr: nr 1/I.Y\Q RA] F- .25c--M1's. J. Farrier, Mms. Ruf- fott, Mm. Davis, W. Trombly, J. \Vhm1. Total, $9.25. (`Andy-Thni Cnnu rnnn; V1111. `Fnr RP]- HITS. eJ. nuustun, Jlllb. uunuauu. j muuba-1' 'x'(_;:xti011 n V D. \\':11l\\'in of Hamilton on Mr. Goo. I'I(-.z1l_\` on Tues- Field Comfort Notes. _C~}RAIGHURST.- EWART HI lL'k'()j_'.l|1lIuI| HA In. ~n1';_-'z111i:s'\. The follow- by Mr. (#00. }>1'(*s(`11t:1fi0n 1):-111.-_-' 1n-.1(lu nn 12nn:n - 1 met at .\.h'. (L C. T\1vsc1:1}` \\`('ok and ]n;(`- . (`zLsto11 with :1 W011- iu 1'(`oo_u'nitiun 01' her I,, '\ I 1,. (\.._ FOR SALE--Brick residence on` Sophia St., seven rooms, bath and` kitchen, wit.l1 every convcniencq . and good garden. Apply H. G. Boag, Barrie 3-ff`

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