Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 14 Mar 1918, p. 4

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Eheglmwmgtmnuex | ~-'- WA 7` I H7 7 7 I -`OH 110 P l9eB`5'ers to $56 3631507 ` .-'1-.-R mt :1 oxznnp quite `(}:1th ' and nothin on of `as :1 1 O1`il- '_o\`o1g\' px'oh- `lot \\" n'id;.:0 `hills (1 . 11..`im' Lil `nship `it 5114; 9011 th 11_g_a_r vlliltl until hot" lit xso or lnml n 0 s . `I ~ I (. ( | > I 1 _I v\`;(t:'s \ `. 1 [W0 zu'c`1n10.'1sorl to publish lut- fmm our 1'(=:ul(-rs upon lnutu-1'5 t` public interest. `..(_-t1`(-rs 11111) he i.;;x\(-41 with :1 nmn do plunu-.; but on-1 mum: and :\ .~:h0uI(1 be en- losed as :1 :;'L1ux':1x1t.<>o of ;:'00d faith. 701'1'e.\'pn11lv111s should \\'1'ito on one Me of 1110 paper on1}'.j The Life is in the I3"i";`"o"o"I"'o"o"o"C"c"5"0"r'r o o o o . . . . @urrent @0mmenty c v 9 0 9 9 v I v v 0 9` `.-~-!v~.-2-{-2~i"!!`-!~.~.".~v~.-*.-n.`-{~.~.~.`+~.` 1 1.11:: 4;. u. ... `I l Sir,--l should like to he {\ll0\\'(? lto.~a_\'tl1ut 1 think the 'l,`0\\~`u Count-il 'noo(l have no loan` of S1\l)ll1-llllllfg` :1 lby-1a\\' to the people 11.1.,-`:xi11. Thu 1':1ct. that so ll(.\\ t1'0uh1o to :_-'0 to ;thc]'n01l on the last oc-<-asion I !think may he taken as :1 ;\'l;_"|1 that lltl1('1'(- is not ;1 Sll'0l1_'_" nhjection in -ltho town to Hm school. Now that -tho lil't'i(-nl1_\' of site `has l)('.f'l1 <-lr-:11`-1 iorl :\\\`;1_\', many who \\'(.-re at llrsl op-` most-:1 to the sch(`n1c will now .<,u1- ipm-t it.~Y0u1's 11'ul_\'. ` \ m'pr>nn'I`I-`.1-:. I UL LLLJ-A v.-4-------------_ I ,1 ~ 1)0z11- S11`, - 19355111: 1110 Five-1 1'lI 0i11ts y0st01'11:1_\', 151111` 0111110 1'o1111- _1\\`:1_\' :1 1a1'_;'e 111111 :1ppz11'01111_1' 130011 l_1:1])1111> \\'111011 111111 110011 11111011 11110 1111111 1111-01111 2111'-a_\ . I 11z1\'0 0112111 1110111-.011 1110 5211110 1111111: 111 past (1z1_\'s1 1111111 \\'0111101`0d 0\'011 111011 :11 1110 1:101: '01 1111111 z11111 1'0110111.1-11 1111011 1110 I . 0111101111 011001 1111011 21 0111111 01' 110111215` U. . . " 11111011011 to 1111510 5401111 10011 211111 101 1111101` 1110 .\'11`(`(.`1.\`. \\'11y 1100s11'1 1111-I 1(}o\'01'11111011t 011101` 111511 1111111 110 "` 1.1111311112211011 111 1110 111111110 s011o01s'? .\'1'1`111- 1-.1111111'1-11 511011111 110 10111 111:11_ 1011110 1111411051 111 1110 1.'111r1~-t11c G0\'01'-1 l'- `1101'-(101101':11's 1'a11111_\' 111111 1110 L1011t.-l 0-1(1o\'01'1101-`s 1':111111_\' 1110 50111113.-* 1111, '1 I 1 \\'1 ' 7 011 -rs `i. 1 1:1 :1:0xz1111p1e 01.` 1`111'11't 111111 5011'-110111111. 10 11;11111-1' up 1110 11111211101113 111111 111 1101111115; 110 111.~:1."' 511011111 110 11111 up 01315 1110110 111 0\'c*1`_\' 5011001 111111 111 11- 11111515011. A1111 \1'11c-11 we 1111111< 111-`I01 \\'110 1311111 1.11250 \\'o1'11s, 011 1110 1` 1.11` 1111115 01` 1 :110s1111(' 1011: 11310, 1110 Lord 5 111* -01' l1il`1- \\'110 111111 010111011 1119 111111111. . 1. 1111-111 .s`11011111 110 :1 3011011111 lesson to us. 1 1.1.. 11... ,....I'u1nn.-c n ~51;-tn! ]<\'p_1v\' ` . ,.. pIn'.ili(-1'. Sarsaparilla Compound WAKE UP THE CHILDREN! 4|... Tan is an L'.`\`(`(.'H(`lll hlnml 1'1-nu-l_\`; L-xpt-ls \\'u.~;t- nmtlc-1' I'|' {ho .~_\` anal mu-1':_'_\'. rm... cv1n'n`I .nV`I1R of bad bloo .]JIiu| .1 Llllrnl "I`l1o1'o is ( V;i,hi:~; l111113:;1'y Wit :u'0uml~ :1 s]>:1'1`o 1'1'0m +01` rims, sh: 101152;. Lit" " back full, s: L as :my 01' 1' only g;;iven : .n1is. I---You illlll '|n'1_-_-_. The symptoms of b matism, kidney trouble, `The Barrie Branch Will Make a ` Special Appeal Through the huuvnhnc `.'~<~l2X2-1"!`"!"33133"3 On Sunday. liarcn 241711, Barrie will be called to do its duty (tln'ough the (-,hu`rche. for the Can- lulu Bible Society when Revs. W. E. Hnssux-d, B.A., B.D., Jesse Gibson hm] J. `B. Smith, M.A., will .prcscnt ` the claims and make appeals for . support for such a worthy object. `Bra-nsons why I should support the I .~. . n-_:-... `BIBLE SOCIETY FIELD DAY. `.2---Because I am in duty bou . to `hand this Universal Message -, those who do not possess it. : 3--Becuuse Hm Society sells: 1 "1-iiblo at prices people can afford .- . mun bllppunu Lu. \4\~ why Bible Society : 1~--Becnuse ' Bzxrrie, Marc-11 9. my . 4--Btecau: THE B. G. I. Opposite Post Office, BARRIE ,____..__..:n:n- PRICE 50c AND ONE DOLLAR. ..... -..... ._.. __ n I (In-`I crease production, and \\'(:lll to ll; ;:1l1a11( work on .farms. This _\=eui' the idea Lliese 0 he being` de\`eloped, and it is in1on '`" ll ed to invite not only liigli .5'l",ll()()lrq.l:?::_:`l< %)0_\_'.s', but all ho_\'.~s who nre \\'illi1ig'l|m to work on fanns for two or ll1x`e(2'|1;u1t-.113. months. It is proposed to obtain il lmvo tl possible `-_ :'),000 l)o_\'.<, between the la` ages of fifteen and nineteen; and! 1331" there is to be a special c-mnpaig-n mica week, from March 17 to '24, to make socks. the p1'oj(-rot known. Sl111e1'\=Lso1:s will be appointed for every locality` 50 see that the applicants excl suitable. Mr. S. ll. llonry, p1~in- D"1" oipal of the Collegiate, is the Bnr- Jmutq rie supervisor, from whom forms mzm I __ _g_g-be obtained. The Department his c1 of Eduakgtion is following the saniti I nlan as last year and will grant oertifieates to those who complete ' three months farm employment. Llany of the boys, if they can pass [Adv the Easter tests, will do their bit" on the farms, and it is hoped; that -5 many other lads will take part in 1`"' _ . _ . 3 tin this scheme to mczease production. gong I |.l1_\ , A SL'PP(')1l J`I-I1-I. nygauw- .__-_ Churches. [:1] In '1 `have a Bible. of my bound 21.. : .......-. 0` M :-ssngc to it has helped to send blood are skin aections, rheu- uble, and other serious ailments. l C111) Cillllkf ('('u..~iL1|. good a meal - t they liuil l could not `I l\'OTl CE is hereby giveii pursuant to 11.8.0. 1914, Cliapter 121, and iiiiieiitliiig m-ts. that all .po1'soiis hav- iii-,:` any elniiiis ngziiiist tli-e lete (Tliarles Ciitlibert Qiiaiitz, who (lied ion or abiitlgllig 19th day of (1130:)- , 1-mu-v A. . iire require 0 BI-`D S(`11(l. l)y post. .pi-epiiid or to deliver to the 1iiidei'sig'ned Solicitors herein ill for the Aclniinistmtrix of said es- rough t:ite_oii or hefoi-e_ the 12th day of April, 1918, `their 1l1I1CS> end aid.- (l1'(`SSOS and full pm'tieiilur.~i iii writ- ing of their claims and stetenuents B31'1'l ()fVll1Cll' -aceouiits and the nature of 3 the soeiuity if any held by them. And take notice that after the 1 12m day of April, 1918, the said Adiiiinisti'ati'ix will proceed /to dis- -; "111 tribute the assets of the said de- 17P11l5 01` (`(!2l`.`)(`-(l among the parties entitled 1'l'l`Y b;l`3Ct- tliereto, linving; rqrnrd only t0 1'he ld claims of which she s-lmll then have - had notice, and that she will not be B1510 liable for the said assets or any `part thereof to any person of whose .1 c'lntiiii she shall not t.heii have - had or I10 100. ;`o1ssMi'f_SS Dato.'l=a.tBm'i'ie. Miircli 1`.?.tli, 1918. - urmwAR'I` 8.: STEWART, THRIFT. oss 1:. ct)` the to Maple Syrup trees 11:13 in the past. L been regarded more `I . R an light`. of it plolsumhle occu- only at : Inn ul, `nun he l)0u_;g'l1t right. Seven mom brick hon.<.e. Owen St, all eonvenienees, \\'ith good Sl:lIl)1(`. P]`l(,'0 he Neat six 1'oo111eottz1ge' with elec- `on trie ligln and town xvater, 1:\1'g'e lot `! 1)\~m-3` \\'1th mic-e chicken-house. Price ` he, Vitlne. -"$1l:'30.(l0. ,1e_V (-oum Six room cottage, Dona.ld St., of xvatm-V with nliee ;,>`arden. Price $700.00. nke the Can sell any of the above proper- ile 1m1cl."|ties on easy terms. Id be .311` . _A_1)p]y to here 1.5 21 A W-lW. c. momrsou & SON} >01` 0L an 3., one of Real Estzxte Agents. ? chlmm (lll'i<:e 15 Owen St, Bar1'ie. Phone 288 11' .se,:n1ty had been `""_ "V`.1`1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS :che1 haul, 'enp 1'01` A will send In the Matter of the Estate of YOU Will ( luu'les Cuthbert Quantz, late of one g'1':1iI1 the Township of Innisfll, in the `)0 111iI1f. .'I'_\` County of Simeoe, Farmer, de- came N-u.so(1, iood . . _ _ _ 0.. ` w I\OTlCE 1s hewh} bnen , ` 1914 121 luxne11ding' .persons mnnnw l'm-,1" late -- - n -rL.. ...1... mna :__ .___.._. THURSDAY, MARCH 1-}, 1918. 7:& r; it (`1('ll`n' the ('n1n]1~<\'i0n, .~`_\ .\1<-1n zlml iI1c1`(-,:1s(-;~'. \`itztHt_\' y_u.g_. . ! 5~-Beca11sc its `;int.0 t'011m1'ic.s \\'h( v . ...\ 1 ' Sale I IN BARBIE Syd I~`i\`- rtiom b\111_;'a10\\'. Doiii no o1cc tr1<- 11ght and wa'te1`, _1>nc1 (`S111 (5 room (`otta_ John St. MS `\\'(r]l`_,\\`:\t(`1'. a m:-at 1>rnp(-1't`\'. n;`k -r ,r~`Ts')(H_N). Lu1'_;-0 bozmlin-3 homo, 3k in,__. 'lSt. Price $1250.00. Six romn hnu.~'.0 and lot. C 11. land St.,'t0\\'n \vatA31', elect)` .un.I` I 1'ice $9\I().0(|. ,1; (mod brick house-. and lot. in doc01':1tL- 1"1'm1v1`i(-k 51. \-m._ :7,r`f).')(i.00. .m__I Six room 0011-.1`-V_r'o, brick m,lDun1op St, Bzlrrio. Price 5 1'm1_l 8 room bric-k house with Ll...L a|nt('.~'1` con\`onionco.~:, coal, w( `out the Gospel in 487 di'C1'011t 1zu1~ |....... .. .. lour Forei.-;`u _~\11ss1on.s wwu I)\:I111- :"ltu1'(-s in the lan.5,"11af_-jc.~; whivh they `need and ]n'actit:aIly without (`oat to the missions. .. -v\ , .4. ...-.nn.. -11vn1 cnah T~Beca11.se it never `meat opportunities 01' ions (-1uim.~; upon it, a day. I ._:_?__-_} I I I Wlfiroperties for 4 1 BARBIE ( Boy I_.a.bor Ninety .3'('l)0la]`S f1-oxnm Barrio ('0llog_~;iutc School ' last yc-ar took the cam pa i::;n to 1 .~ _>_1 pa rt , t 4 H1 i --\\ hon you Want good 1 wood 01' slabs, call up 404. --\\'hen you think of brass beds, lthink of W. A. Lowe & Son. ? G--Be<`:ause L` I` room Donald St., clc-(-trir price $900. 1 =otta_<:o, St. owing propt-1't`\'. Price -$T:30.(_>l). \ Mx-Donald `ISL n.,`..;.. and lot. Cumber- up . These and many more can be given `St. Price -`pL.:-')U.Uu. i St., t0\\'n electric light Price 11i('(`:i_Y S1. Price `3?`,+'9. )(i.U(\. Q:\' 1-nnn\ m1 1 21-10. \'(`11(`0l', |lDunlop B211'1'10. 1 1'1c-(- r;~nm.uu. I all the 1l1ll('.~:i` 00:11, wood and lI01(*c-t1'i(: m:u1tcl.s'; l'1ni.'<:l1(-d -in oak, . `can cu.-an 1~nl`\I)1 In-ink |\.uiuu:.u `on a 1'11-:u'_\', A svnd 1 mm on 1 _ 19 of their W seal *1` dz: 0 Admini Pt 101' thereto We no 1 thcrcoi md chin} notice. Datc L Soli `end 11-14 ~ Solieitox-s for - Von dry hard- I,,`L.. ...H 1171 1{L1 45_ff-' | , . ,4, ,,.v`..;..:..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;. ...g. 4.. | I. it pmvides nearly al Vli 10115 with Scrip- - ...1.:..1. Hm`, editions penetrate s \\`ho1'c no 1ni.~:.~:i01xuries st1`cn_;-`th or 11u1cs.<. the Blood g-;on blood never `had such nitics such unper- pon as it has ton d=atBm'1'io. STE\\'AR'I` Sc Tlnn-Qn. 011t&1'iO. {CI 0} 011`; H n.uu., Bu1'ri4e, Ontario, the Adn1inist1'at.rix. n, r. . :~'7nn nn (H '\Hlld1'lO. am, J. Baldwin l"1'imin_g' .\1`m1:1{_'/'(`,x', '3- 4. ...;..;..;..g..;..;..;., . I _____________._ v - n, h 1V` A handsome fur sot belonging to rappm t 0 map 0 Illisa B. Boise}, stolen in the bane- '*-`5 11` "3 pa meat of St. James Lutheran church mT in Elmira, a _vca.r ago, was returned \ " 4|`--A.......\.I.. nnnn- Ilf. W88k. H'd.l U` 45-tf It is pointml - out by The Sap the clmirmun of 1-he 1`.l1tl>l<` Season. Food Bozml that the `L0 lhc` season is due to open the most soutl1erl_\' about Marcli `.20, ing,-' will vroeqm across the M. ]. Essex county, lI'(`S forlpoiut in (.`u1u1 :1 Col- and g_;1'mlu:*.ll_\' the spy -ti hu\'- north and oust, spi'o:uliiig_j' Council older part of Ont-.\1'io into the 1`)-.i:.1 rk were `cm t0\\`nsl1ips of Quc-lu-c. The sup lrunning season will last in il the In-avc-.< h\ul---al)oit The 5,-'1'e21tost S A] lg sull)- C;\.-'i * T0\\'l1`SCCliOll unt- as {lime or tour \\'CL'l{>'. ix fa.1'1uer can lll:ll('(.` 0-1" that sap- : - 1 `I They running` period, it he has a. s11:_j':1r svlm-ti `bush in his 1`:u'm, is to turn in with 1 lmvc 1:111 the help he can CO1l)1l11lI1(l or par- and :1 couvple of l111n(l1'(~rl (loi- \\:o1'th of sug".u'. It will cost and st msult a use iiiportmit "`::11:1(lc _\' -:nn10t\lzu'.~;' (`ll1l011 101`him some 1`n'e\\'n0 it is true, l t`0l1<'t`1`H.in some cowl \\`n:)d is _L`('l- ltiiig \'o1'_\' sczu'ce.. X0`. l1l2l.n_\ .\`0-.|1`.s' soared `to 9. price of ml 'l`m\'u ;.:1_-.20 (`H110 sitgnr mm am] "l .l'tc-on cents a pound, and relic-t` `\\'a:` u I3-`H-1-'15-iOl)lL:lil1('(l by the mmu1I':xctu1'c of an 1i1i:11)l- .~:L1j.j`:n'. X<)\\' that (.':l11l' .\'u;.:`m` :n'c.(- aml is l):ull_\' noe in 1: ,'... ;'i\'-. ml. in ll0l.1-5 -"0 -9 \`.J -.- Publislwd (`\`e1')' 'l'ln11'.sd:\_`,` morn- lng by Jmnes }<`.a!l\\"n1 B.'ya11t, pro- prietor, at the nT`i<-v. 123% Dunlop Street, Barrie, in the C011ut_\f 01' Simcoc, P1-m-in:-o of Ontario. ""'""""- ~- 1-Tclitnr. _ 3111 l '-5" "`?"1 t11a11 01' mum-| B1 711 shm11 ;\\`01`. F:lil- H011 . R be lost 111 `Pk `. `_ Rh: 0` )a1x1.-nos` the 'l'm\'11 this do1:1_\' \(-ha wcml 1(-1c- 29` .1 sent :x.~:k-'1 '1 `(-111 . she H1 21 .~.I1iI.(`-the . ` an-n` 1n-m1\'m1- ;(.m c<~(-ntuntml 1-1,; mmer. 11 [B11 l to l'(.`H(!\`L`lgin pronlpfk no doubt `m; 5.41: pation; but this year it has beomiie G a matter of serious business. $31_1ga1- n_ is a scarce cmnmodity all bver `o- Eu1'<)1m, and the Food Board are 01)_ la_vi11g; _:j1'e:1t o1npl1:1.sl:s upon the oL11CL'0SSlly' of c:\'tra:tin;: all the syrup n\`z1ilul)le this se:1.~`.on from xnuplc: trees. The Rev. 11. 1). Ray- Vicar of 'l`1'init',~` Cluu'<'l1, in- he or, lmoml, tomls to obtain all the .'~:_\`rup 110.-;si`l)l_\' r.-an l'mm his trees, and we ubt his L-.\':1mplo will be 33- have no la in 1'0llo\\5c in the town and mun.-lin-1` distx-iet. 5111`- rs from 1st uoccruum, 1.7.1:. u1csc1m01 \\(,- `arc k(e(zn1_\; 1ntL-rest(3d_1n the ., ., ,sp1oml1d work 01 the Canndum \V:n' pmt l!'l- , . . . t , -(,m1tm_;c-nt :\ssoc1:1.tnon. You may 0 '` vrr.-st assured the rank and file of this hhlttaliolm are advised where all 1' the iu1.r-altlwse oolnforts and _L`O0(1 thingrs ;,m.m1_lcox11e f}~o{n. rand they are not Gov- 1Hli.1ln\' .~.u_,u.. _.., . . 1'15 .~c:11'c.c noe Great Britain, F1':1m:-c and 1t21'1_\`, `the time to use 11mp1e .~:u5.1ja1' for {1i11:1x'_\' dcm\os1ic ]>1u'1\0s('.<. I _._____ The 1'(-3:111:11` 1110111111)` pac-kix1g._: will be 'l`11111'sd:1_\'. ;\1:11'<-11 `llst. All 6011- l1t1'ib11tio11s` to the 1>z1ck'111;_-' 511011111 be $311 the Red ('1'os.< 1001115 not lmer `ilthan \\e(l11L-sd.'1_\', .\1zm:11 20th. '3 131111-10 Bram.-h g1'z1tof111l_\' ack1101\.'- ledges the 1 ollo\\'i11-5 g011o1`o11s (imm- tions to the funds of the Society: [1 `So1diers' Aid $400.00`, Gronfel K11-aki Circle -`$10.00: B:11'1'i0 Busi- ness C011o~__f'e $9.00; .\l'1d'l1111`.~:( $5.60. L`011'u-1' Ext- .\Iotl10dist 1-11111'vh 111141 11-11:11 -zv 01` the shop f\,':1t111'd:1y. .\i:11'0h `SW11. .\'ot 1'(-ca-ipts $175.00. '1- nl I ,_ 11 \. | .... 1 T).'.i"n1..,, ':Hll. .\L'L A\L\1l-5.; ,._....V_ I n ,5 .' l`hr- (.o1121'eg:1t1ox1:I1 and R("l0]`l]1 1 . 1 5110}; $:1tux'tlu_\', .\Im`ch 16th. and the .1'n110\vin_-' Szxtxlrrlay the Baptist -hurch and Salvation .-\1'111_\'. Shop ~Conunitt(-C this week: .\h'.~t. _ `B, 1{iu;_~, phone (5ti _ ; .\I1';~:. McM1n'tin, !p'hono -129. Next week: Mrs. Bar- '1 I I x `r-hum-`hos will haxe cl1:11'_:;o of the I )("1'. .\[1'S. :]21(~kS011. +n uhnn SzLt1m"la\'. I\..... `In-1, .I||.1. --..\.w..... l)011-dtimms to shop ' .\I:u'(`h 9th: 13th ]1mis' -l.\Iidhu1'st, 22 Um I ..... Q1 .',{. "l("_".,".\', -71.-')U. Donation to C\'01 Aid: Mrs. `Cook, Puinswi(.-k, 3 bags pot-atoo.~:. _ Letters of Thanks. The 1'01lm\`in:_-' :ii)1)earr1 in IL Bul- v I . 2 i '1 K !,l(-tin ]'(.`C(.'11t1_\`l`L`(:C`iV('d from the \Va.1' `(`nminu'(-nt A-.~:sociati0n, through I \\`hi(,-11 Sm:-_i(-t_\' the socks from Barrie 1{I31':\11<:l1 are di.'~;tributed to tho mm) Qliin the u`r_-nvhes: \/\.I \v ___\ ..... 1017 NIH] L111? Ln_-.n nu,.:. I } `_ St,h I\'o\'em-hm-, 1917. As ever, the C`nnadizm \V:\r Con- ting(snt Assoc,-izxtion comes in as the `;Fn1r=m1 in Need." The Czmad'1an itroops in Fr:1m`(e would indeed 1050 ,|a frimnl. if. m\'in.-.1` to the lack of ;`.s`\1m)o1`t. the :\s.sociat.ion should fail . ins in 0111' nal hour. (Si1_~'n(C1) A. Lee, ... (`:11nt., ('z1nadi:m Signzxl Troops, (`uxxudiam Cava.l1'y Bri_L::Ld(- 1st December, 1917. ' L-r..1.. :_-L....noJ-n n `H111 ll K Mana.:i11g' 1".ditor, Bryant; (iclxm-211 1"1-ix` 1: T-"i11'|nX75`.n11. \l`m'n1n(.-nt Issue. ~ Plc-use convey to your Committee '|1.l1(s tlmnlis 01' the men of the 16th gliuttulioxx for all the good work they done for us. ._ (Si.-,:11c1l) 1%. Bell Irving, Major 16th Cunadniun Battalion ` H Barrio Branch is now well Sup- I with wool to (listrihutx-. for n . en!-L Q I "1" `'7 `Dent }*'1'i(,-nrl, (`rod grave mo (1 nlossngm. that Jesus would rctum in about nine- teen and" a `mnlf yams to gather up Moe-ted. Y \.-n11 on hp rmdv for his. RED CROSS NOTES. [A.dvc.] ____________ --Speciul Sale of VVnll Paper, clearing out stook to make room for spring delivery. Good. bargains at Dougull Bros. __ UIIJU LL20: warn you \ -lucxhauu. Is SzLt1m1a_\', 1: hmisl, 1, cukv, og__:j_;;.': Utopia. 51-doz. Fl DIVINE James Chapman, Missionary, 17 rue d IIc1iopo1is, Alger, N. Africa. MI-.`.SVSAGI.`.. .D.I.yauu, \ ..,.... H. Pinlazyson. to be ready for his|` JIJI-I.\.lJ..lu April, .1013. \coum cAsuAL'mas\ LAWN BOWLING ASSOCIATION I t ]`1'0l1l The Nm'thm'n ;\ 01' 1` i .\[z11'ch 1'2, 1868. ` Another Railway Project. An cntl1usi.'1stic. met~tin3_~' of the B:u'1-ie Lawn B0\\'1in{:; Cluh \\".1.'s _ held on Tuesday 0\ eni11g, in the _ A ` oft'i<:(-5 0t Mr. \\'. A. Turner (Busi- '3 "d"f"1 1_~"'t _"`k 1" W! (.55 ('(,1](.}_(.)_ A bl.-l:_..M feamm of ]roposul \\'h1'(-,h ls hem;_-` made` 10! the ll1L`Ot.ll\/I4 xvus the re:-udi11' oi.` t110t('mm"'t' C01.1l '00 and .\l(-:1!1m- ` l I 1 I lim1n(:iu1 . hv T1'eas. F1'0d'h-" "``* 0`: The Mill) Rim" "Nd _\1m.`.` -In .h-mh ho Stated all past t\\ .(- now learn that unotlmr s<-lmno d(_bt>. had been paid and the club (15 on t'cot to run :1 similar lino trmu would start the new .<(-uson with :1 *\' ]10\\'(?11 f0 .`\\'(`Hi|1.`:` 01' CHI.`- smull halmleo. The fo110win oftic-'}1"`.~ 11 `-`?`"0(` `W >'0HW -<<`\'(`11 01' c (.5 .0, (.10L,u,d fol. the cmning t(`-15;_'l1t miles. This last is :1 very tim- \.Qm.: patron. M1.` \V_A_ B0\._g` K_C_`!t1'm:t of (',0uI1t'l')' and taps .~.o1nr: of t ;\.[_})._-, mom 17,-`_.S1,1(.m_`.y `_,\_ Hay thy best land in the (-ount_\f. Short and T_ T_ young; \~-we I11."..\.`]m1t !1`tlIt\\'11}.'5 are t'nrth(-rmorc suit! to ho Frmt Uttnu; ."~(*r-1'ot:11'.\'. A. 15. Bri<-k- `M '-""`-`ml ml H-` `"351 1 .\'3.`~" or; T11-;1s111'o1`. Prod .\Iu1'1 ; l`)xoo11-i- tivo Committot-, H. 1 . }Ic.'~:.<. M.` M31319 Railway Betweeil Walker. W. A. Turner. Will King;-. Washago and Gravenhursb T-_T- Y``f-" =`11d.T1'<`*`1 0tt_0 051- We are i11t'01'111(- that :1 1'ui1\\`n_\' oltu-(*r<: .\1(~mb (~omnntte(-, ]I. of this }\-111.1 is now 0(,(.u1,\-'m`._.` Hm 1)- `'-``': ```7- D- Hbh1"1y -`\- M1" zlttontion of sv\'or:1l of the (`uter- V W , ' ..` - I n , I`1f'.t111C11_. 1". Ixemlntl,_Amh1.0h,tprmng httsnmss men 111 the Musko- `" " "" ````'l R 3- 1\01\d'-1- `xku r-ountl-_\'. We are 1153111-ml that 1 Lennon. U. H. l\(El](lI1ll_; win 1:." Kin-_- mnl C. R. Kendall. Mr. M. J. Fl'L\`.`l(`_\', the 1\r.-ti1'i11g' I resi \\':Ls lieurlily tlmnketl 'l'rn' lzis (-llieient se1'\'iees 01.` the ])11`>',lJ yezn-, znnl was :14.-'zxi11 nmnin:1.t-ed hut (leelinerl The club (lC(`l(lC(l to :1`.'.':1l!1 enter the 3\'0i'the1-n l3o\V'li1i.g;Im:1- _-'ue. The Barrie green is, (me of the best in the le:v_~'ue and the mem- her;~: are l0ol{in_ t'o1'\\ a1'(l to an in- ,-1'(-:1se 1n<~1nhe1'.~:l1ip. The n1e,mhcx'- ship committee will be -pleased to hem` ol` any prospects who wish to take. part in the doingss of the club for the eoming season. ______j__:_-_ .-xluluuxn, H m,,,:_. |llI~3Ill\-`-3 Al|\A| nun 1.-~. _,., kn r-0unt1'_\'. maul of this (lese1'ipti0i1 is t`en.~.ihle even tln'ong'h that hilly 1~o('k_\' r-oimt1'_\'. The roulie .`~'1oken .is tl|1'oi1_Lg;l1 :1 portion of` north lliu, e1'ossin_:: the Sew.-1'11 river `ahly :1. mile 01' more below tlmhri(l;.:e at l\l(-Ke11zic's, thence l.h1'0uj_~;l1 11w level tract 01.` land in the township of .V[o1'1'ism1, e1'o:~'.si11g_-_' the K0`:-. sl1e-l)0_Q'-:1-n101.; river at 01' near E\'e1'l)cek s mill, (.-0ntim1in1_," on nT1.til it . Robinson's se,hool'house Cuune.1`s clearance. Thus it would- nvoid all 1110 inountuinous c0untr_\' .:ilon: the m'e.sent location of lhe l 1 Lamas, \ ___,_ , L Announcements under this head- ing.-` are inserted free, when only the bare particulars are given. For any additional wands such as Dearly loved, Deeply regretted, 0. c.l1ar_-_'e of 25 cents is made. ln Menioriznn notices are inserted at 5 cents :1 line. \\"JCSTL.~`\K}. -- In T0c1uns(~th, Fob- runry 28, 1918, 10 M1`. and Mrs. Fred Wostluko, a son (IIcm'_V Barnc-tt). BAK.F.I{.--March 2, at Cookstown, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baker, :1 d:u1.g:htL-1'. -mmnn'rArL`:'.Q u:|u;_'1ut:1. MARRIAGES. I `DUNN-}{ALBERT---~Ma)'ch 6th, at ` I'):u1i'nrth Avenue Methodxist 1-.hur(~.h, Toronto, by Rev. R. J. D. '~ Sirnpson, Florence May, dzLu;:hte1 of Mr. and Mrs. Gcogre Ilulbcrt, EVl)I'(',U., Out., to J. lleubcrt Dunn, Alliston, Ont. l'VAl)1) 1\11kY(.-l4`.V--..T4`(,]')_ 27f,h_ at Alliston, Unt. (`.A1tRr-I)UNGEY--Fob. 27th, Al-liston, Miss Gertrude Dungcy, of Nicolston, to Mr. George Carr, 01' Cookstown, by the Rev. Dr. I 'I1___np.c. Terms c-.f Subscrintion $1.25 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. United States Subscribers, $1.75 Advance. .1:,...oZ..n nurpux . DEATHS. GRAHAM--At. Barrio, March 7111, Mary Grab-sun, relict of the lute Jzum-as (imhum, of Allnndnlo, in" her 73rd year. \ III<)ALEY--At Lot 16, Con. 8, F103, n......1. 1.-+ Alfrnd Ilealcv. aged JJl'.l[14lJl'J.L"'4LIr --s-- .--, , I March Lat, Alfred Henley, 65 years. MUIR;--Mm~ch 11., at Angus, - 1.-.; u..:.- nmn 63 vents. `JONES.--Ma1-ch 7, at_Lot 3, Con. 7, Vvc,-spm, Wm. Jones, aged 78 yrs. | MARRIAGES, DEATHS TEE XORTEIEN ADVANCE rd (--At aged BIRTHS. 10 C1110 "" "' LO` L, OH-lc_ .ll101(`. (.-01ni11gl1`_`1.'-`.'1't 1": S 0 A 1.1'uylt}1(~ .93-1011t l.1':1`|l\\':1_\.".~` . =1 ?- l`)\'om1- i as. M. M 11 W on, a (too, .\l('-`:1t,t(-.11ti0 \uJHn1'<. !1n~i.~im' A 1'o:."1'('ttal)1(` and 1 41-,`.uy has ow-111`1'm1 in amrlicntioll of the Boa iion for the isstxc of $59,239, for Lh(:>('1'c('ti =74- 1..;.o'.o..1.. \[,-_ ~- +M%+%+Mi V _ _ `_ illg` `nst r-ount1'_\' 11111.35 `:1i!1`]iu, 4011- milcc 1\l(-Kenzie our 0: be1'- `sl1e-bog`-:1-n10_v. A- 1` I ,,'L)_. _. Eliznr ` V Tl1(-m~ s an old _-_"1'o_v-11(>:1.dI mnllvvr ` Whose eyes are dim\\'ith1>z1in. She sees her bonnie luddio, Pl:1_\`in.. (-o\\'h0_\' once zlzzuin. But now 110 slc-(~p.~; in n ht-m':: _:r.'1v(-, Lullod 10 cto1'I1:1l rcrst, Along` the path of g'Io1'_\'. He has indeed y__vono \\'ost." --Vi01et M. Ri(']\l'Il$. 19001532 ng .73;1eRward 1;\('\\' lJU\\L'H LU -Lu.....`, .,.. , . .n101'(-I. li.~:t:mco 01"" l('i5_*_'11t is in `.t1'm_-t (country ofh] `the 5 to rule the pu_\`in_;' ` jUllt'> l - -luttontioii the , lp1'isi1iy_' l)11Slll(`SS in 1 1' hill) t his lllI'0l1_L_ .`ll lllliu, rive) - if 1' 1' lot` .-, ,.i... im... .. mn... L m. Ca 1. ,. 1-ivnv 4 I . l I . I 1 1 . l 3 I 4 EVENTS OF FIFTY YEARS AGO. 11111-11.1` o1";11s 5011001 111111 111 W W --:=;'~ _ '0\`01-1' 1111011 11011.50. 111-1111-:01 1511111 0011\'011101100s, :1 1101011 1111115 mg $2200.00. `I01 1101111 10w11 lot 1110 s1111'11l110.~'s of 1111510! Will W10 Pnee 511011111 "110 11111:.-,'111 1.110, 1111.111-01' 111110 1l1i11u's 111111 11011 1l10_\' .D0`}'11 Rol1i11s011 s 111111 111011111. L11tl01lro11s P1100 \1'o11l1l"l1111l0 2`1`11111s 111 $111111 11111110 11113 11'b0" l 1'1701" 0011111131`1111101113 0001111 111111 1110 f01'11le 1111111." 1103 111011;: 111050111 1l10l .v01g\' 111110 1101115 1vo11111 an-1 1 1\Iusk0k11 101111, w11icl1 101-r1111-s so .111.l11-1- -_-0011 1110110. A1111 is 11. many 11111011111111; settlers 1"1'o111l1`1'111:~ .~1101-_\' 10 111113101110 11: s1111'\'-`W. `I51-111111;: 111 111111 10111011. F111111 1110 111;: 0111111` 01111111 111 1110 11001` 01' u u c - ~ . o . :1 , 11151. 11101111011011 11011115 11 11110111 1111- .111-pl1111111_1_~'0 111 11111111, 1`l111'111_ 01 1 . ' ` ' ..' ` ' -. ' 1 . 1 low_ 1110 111020111 101110 01 1110 (010111-111111 1011111110 1111111110.. T110 0l11l111.011 m-W St Bm.1.K._ 1.1111011 1111111 10 (1l'1l\'('lllllll'St, \\'l101'0 11 `1\\'01'0 11151 1,107.-'11111111}_" 1l1011' \\'o11l1l 0011110131 \\'11l1 1110 5101111101` 1110111 lC\'01'y }_"1'1'l111 01' 1-100 111111 W1-11110111111" 011 M1131-:11k11 1111110. 151-1'11,11011 1101.11 1110 1101 111111 011011 0111111 1 county Court and Quarter SeSsi0ns]l`1I111`l 11 1~.1.111111l. T110 101101101` 511111, . W 1 1110111 1:` only 1111 0111111) 01111 1-:11` , Bmo Mm'h 10 18M . 111119. 111111001 111110 1.,-'11'l. 1 nlm ."t' 1"'""` t"h'y . .nl11 111111 11` 011011 of vou (`11111-11-:1 1211111117., N01101: '1`!1-" C'`"." 1'r'"'dm1*"1111111-1-o \'11111- cup just 0110 |- The 10110\\`I11,L'j g`I'=lI111 .Il'." ""' "`'l111' sl10 will 1101' 11111152,'1'_\' F'`1"1' 3' 1 a'`C1d: B 10113;." 1111110 \V11-ll10 s 1-1 -11.5011. -V Wm. ROSS, 1'01'UI11-'m POW!` `-`"01" 11-101' 1'11ll so he 111111 '15 Wood a111011l- - . , . . `A *1 ` 1* , .~,.~'1 '1'-'0 11r11an1; 11120, /11101111111111 (,,11s1l111111111,_ W111. `:15 01 1110 111-51, yet 1m\1?E]gT 111511.-;lc1e()1{\;;,t1L11~n1`.)]l,D 01 C1111111l10ll, W111. 1)r11r_\-', 111111111 1)011-`|(,n|_\- ui\~e,, what they not! -`~- ' * , , . ,. _ , . V - ' - . -13 .10rs011s 0w01', b11111110l 11111ds` 51111.4 L111-110, 1,115,. 1.03 ours tmlv g1"\011m.`5 "`_ 1` . . `1 1 1 t . . - .. . 1 .. 1.~.1.......,1 ! " THRIFT 111;: 111111111. 19. 0 1 - 1 r\..M.knv-4- (\nnnf7.. '? 1111110 Luuxwx S l:1l:uJu1u;L'. Lllll-1 .. .._... .. I. 11 _ road, te1'1'i(-s 50,1 11011111 s(-ttli11;: 3 llust. points it .1 low route of (`o1o11i- '1.uti(m it L 1 I Sessionsi` Bzxrrie, 10, 1868. mL...... ........o.- nun-nlnl n-1I:1\'. His: I 1`(\."1'(.'ttaI)1(` 1111:u,'v0u11tn`.)1<"y )'ou':\1' 1110*` Bozml of I`}d11c.a- zlvhentnros for thc.o1'c<-{ion of Icgiute lnstitutv. Mr. G:11`I`l'H 1 521:: t1n'eatono the 'l`m\`u *1 with an injunction it tho work }n'0(-ceded witll without being stub-x mitted to the electors, the Town (`ni1n<=il. lzlkimz s-.1l`(~t_\' lirst" their 111otto,(lo<-idml to consult. - 4.` 1.......;\.1,,,.`. Thu. 1 1 K -~ . Irv, l5m'1'l0, :\m1'(:n LU, Low). . 'I`}1ose cnlxrtx 0p(-nod t0~t1ny, Honor, J11<'I;.':'c (`ro\\'un, 'pI`Csiv(1'ix1j.;'.1 t oll0\\'i11_~j ju1'_v wox-0 om-1 pannclcd : 1|`... UN... g",...,,,,,n. f){,,1l. };C\.Cl._q 1)11Hl1L`lL'\| . f'o1'L-man; T et,o`1' BO\'0l'- Zacllzwizllx (,`,ust1omxn1, \Vm. Calvin Den-" Hinds, Locke,` r..,1... 1 t\I\lV' Tnhn Lnnnnx. d'`.`(l!, Hinds, Hllns .l1()(`Kt`, 1, John Long, John Lennox, dvvartl! McMulkin, John O'Neill, John War- nicn, Amos Arkscy, Thos. Barry, Bc11ju.1nin Carr, Jno. I u1'kc1-. _____.______.__ GONE ' ` -Picture fraxning W. A. Lowe & Son. -....`...- -.._- I m-ngrnpli 5 of the new order is- sued by the Cmuuln. Food "Board, under which grocers must obtain 11 ` license on May 1, states that the licensee shall place on every letter- ! heed, contmct, order, acceptance of order, invoice, price list and quota- tion issued, the words `U:mn.dxL Food Board License Number, fol- lowed by the number of the license, and ~shnll show the name of the L licensee or licensees under which business -is ctmried on. Letterheads, hillheuds, S l.8iC-.n]0I1`l4%` .....a ..n..... 1.m.;n.w_q fm-ms miutx-.d at .__.__.__. _..__ __> I , --For solid comfort sleep on ear-10n_;'7.` .|Knpok Mattresses. Dougall Bros. l 4- business -13 cmxnea on. s*Latc-.n1eu14s` and other business orms priutx-.d The Advance office, at rensomable ..-.:-An .. ...,, prices. hold at h:1_\', 1'_ on the dm'lin5.:'. lllj._L`j_,"L`(I him `to hm" (`0unml. 1:1K111}.," mu-._\ motto, tloviclml 1 rm 01' 'I'm'nnto barristers. 1 were \111t`or1unntc in their ; for the j.`:`(`1lH:C`l1l(x1 t-onsultml 1; e\'idm1tl_\` su mlwll morn in1p01'tm1t"` 1111si11(-ss on hand that they v:1n110t\ nd time to _~_-ivc their atlomion to` a matter \\'hi<-lx is 01` vital 1'nl1('L`1`H`, to the 1'e.~'il(-x1ts 01` Barrie. " " mu.-..: Important to for his -n\\`1m.\' E : and p1:I_\*, ' I1n'u\\' :1 Apt-H 111$ tiny _ O!O . ' |oi 1\nhin.l - I 9 .\UlH'U'|-W lo. bohmtl; of H10 `I ulrmm. a specialty by n Grocers. IS) 1111: 1;-m1u..... 1.. _,_., A \\'o(~1< :1_'_-'0 1110 .\1:1_\`01' :11111 1:11.! Clerk jm11'11(-`\'m1 tn '1`01`n11to '11:-1 plzu-011 1111- . 11(-1`m'1` 11;11`1"1s-`O1 tor, W110 \\':1.~' 1111111110 '10 111111 0111111011 :11 0111-0, 11111 11ro111'1.~;o:1. 11011:` 60 1110 next No :111s\\`e1' 111111 U b(-(~11 1'01-v1\'0(1 :11 1111': 111110 01' \v1'it-111 i11g_,-' (111111-11:15` \\'(-111111511111`) 111111 1111-U1 o111_\' (-x1-use 1 01'111c-01111111.-' is 111111 H1121 bm`1'ist(11'.< (-011! 11:1\'o 1101-11 1111. V-.'if11 (1111-9110115 41111111111011 in 11101111 by 1110 Lo; . T11e1~(- o111y 0110 (`ou1'sr~ 1'01` the Tm\'11 (`(11111-.-11 11111 take. A 111101; is 1115111! t11:111 1-1101111111,`. for any 1(-5.-":11 111111'111m'_\' to -.:i\'(~ 9.1111] 0111111011 1111011 :1 q11v.~tio11 11111111-1 4:111:11 1:111`; 111111 1110 C011111~'11 5110111111 ask 1'01` -.111 11111110111310 .'111.~;\\'o1`. i11g' in this 110 time 5111111111 111: e011s111ti11_z_: :1110t11o1' 1'11'111 01` 11211115- t(r1'.<.. To 1111) 111v1111)c1's of C01111ci1 and S1-11001 Bom-11 1o1:1y1 5001115 i11ex1>1i-111110. as sc\'c1-:11 11-le-1 -P110110 1111-ss:1,L`(*s 11:1\'o 110011 :1.~:1(- 311},-` for :1 p1-ompt 1'1,-ply. _ten(lm' for tho (,-r(.-r-lion of the l)llll(l-i ` -`I Thr \\'lml<- qn(*.~`110n 1s .~,t:\I0 ll of s11:~'1nomlc-cl animation until 1110 legal roply has lmcn 1'm'-ci\'0(l. ',l`}u- (`l .11 ins,-' has boon 5.:i\'on to :1 4-olnpetmxl -l` placed some 1mm-rial on the silo agreecl upon. 'l`oaclmr;< uncl ;~:(:l1()l:11'.~'.',`( have been lll1(l1ll(`(l lrv_~otla(,~1- all tho`: winter in rooms quite inzulvqu:1tel; for the purpose. zunl the in-m1\'m1-'i icnoe will he 5.-11-ntl.\' ac<~c-nhmtmll l I I B:n'1'io firm. anal as 111-ices stuml at '1] present every (lay is 01' i111po1`la11m\. ) The cont1'avtor.s` ,a1`c nc-:nl_\' to umn-I) nlem-e tho \\`m'l(. and lmvp, ul1'umly`,< v with the alpmoacl 01' .su1nmo1'. is up lo the Town Council 1'(.`ll('\'L`1 the situation l)_\' laking prompl stops;` and this we lnuvo. doubt` they will do. al

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