Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 28 Feb 1918, p. 8

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CANDY? i .:.__:.._..._.j_. iBIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS. l ' .\Ir.~:. Ste\\'m't :_:'rntel`ull_\' :u-l El(`(l}_:'(?S tho l'ollm\'in}_:` ;1'il`t.s: 6 pairs lot socks from the Ivy W. 1.: .12 ;]):ll]'S oi. socks from Belle l`l\'v'i1l't pm- .\Irs. Lzuonby; 9 pairs of sot-ks `~ from Mrs. llonry Dunsmorc. Crown , I-Iill: $45.04) from the Tlmruton W. J., part procootls 01' the St. Valen- tin0 s crniuort; $5.00 from the Edunr !'\V. 1.; -$`_ .00 l'1'um Hrs. \\'m. O'Brion;l $41.00 from the L:1li(-.<' lloi-l Club. the proceeds of H10 slim-r*;~:.~;l'ixl carnival l1C`lIl unrlor tlwir :u1:~:pi<-cs on the '30tl1. 1010 pairs oi socks v.'m'o shipped this month, 756 pairs in the l)0.\I(`S and the 1'en1aindor by post in ro- .~:ponso to several appeals from the ` front. All the distributors in town i and c01mt1'__v sent in m1usuall_\' lm`-:50 .'b1in(llos this month. In Allzrnd-.1l(*, Barrio, Crown Hill, Crai9,'li11r.st. Dal- iston, E(l(!I1\'.lC, E(lg'a1', (u'ilforl_. I l(`lutln'i(- `V. 1., Gutlirio Girls Scwiiiy: l('irr-Iln l-lnllv l'.n+`.-m,- 1.... AM UL- ...--... .. ...uu.. .;.u-u kJL.A\.\J.V'.,1. Afte1' The Advance had gone to press last wrel: the news \m.~: re- celived in the to\'.'11 that the woun(.ls `sustiuined by Lient. Tom Arni.strong.:` had proved fatal. Muelt s_\'111pzLtl:_v is felt `in the town for the bereaved ,l.'zunily. who had been led at first to l,s11ppose that the \ \'01ll)(l3 were not l.-e1'io11s. The deceased enlisted three years ago and went o\'e1'sea.-a with -the 16t`h Buttery in llny. 1915. After l)ein5_v; laid low shy pneumonia he 1>luekiI_V 1'etu1'ned to Framee. lle secured his commission last fall. land returning` to the firing` line met [his death. 1un m--un run. :'_{n:_i, to Mr. and! M13. C. J. B. Lewis, 'I31':1ccb1'i(l_;e, Uusknkn, Out._. fl _son (Cnllis John I}m\'(-1'. Jack.") \ V 1: t icoumv cAsuAIi3'sT Died of Wounds. Lieut. Tom Armstrong, Barrie. G. Buflt-1', Croexnom. LIEUT. TOM .-'\.RMSTHO.\'G. ADA, ' Wounded. ('. Andmson, I"o1'0stx'_v Corp.-4, .\I(".\"'ic0ll. FIELD COMFORTS. MARRIAG-ES. DEATHS. '- A-f Collingwoorl. on Feb. 18th, a son to Mr. . \Vill Gro__:-013'. Fob. 23'_ .n:_l, I) .. .._5 k " BIRTHS. rosialoxwe, Bow-her Feb. 17th. .~\mos in his 69th your. 1*. . -r At the ()1'iHi:i. } ,..,._ M1-s. Skinn(-1".s'. 'It\1\In L`.-J. 1n;L \I|`HHii. Jannos '1'-HE NORTHERN ADVANCE _BANDS.\[lN \\'A.\"I`J`}D FUR nwn-T13un/I:-...A.. ...L.. to Mr. and` 1).... ,...1...: A _ A LT, \.UH' Qnantz, (`xo1'ru1'd Fob. 18. R11tho1'- Bzn`1'i(`. 1'll` bo- Solioito1':,fo1' E: Barrie, O1 `Dated, 6th of Echmatry, 1,918 I ,,_._.__._-.-,....,-. \,\_III NOTICE is:-._ l1(')`(`l)_V' pm`- .~`.u;n1l to the 'I :;`11st`(- Act l'll.'ll ull ]I()-L'.s`0l1.~3 lm\'i11'_-'~.\(*l:1in1;s' a;:uin. thel Estate 01 Izlliza I\[iscnn1pl)(-ll. latel 'ol.' the Town 51' l3nr1'ie, -in the: County of." Si111e1?. willow, (l(`('(`ll:'(`,(l,l who died on 01';-al)011L the 2nd day of Feb1'm1ry, 19b8, are reqnestell to send p:n'tieI1la1'.";'.-oi` their (-lnims to the Inltlcrsigrnerl `$11 or hel 01'(~ the 2nd (lay of Murcl1~`- ]91S, after '.'.'hich I date the exeeutoggl will distribute` the assets of the e$tate uulong those - entitled thereto, haviu}: regard only to the claims of` "hit-l1 tlIe_\' shall I then l1t1\'0 notice ngtl that they will ll not he rospcmsible tp any person for the assets of said; estate whose elaims shall not f'nen have in-m1 receivezl. -,_, '9 {In the Surrogate Court of the County E of Simcoe__._ in the Estte of Eliza Misqampbell, Deceased. up \V'cI:| us llu(lC1'Z-- Ba1'1'io-.\Io0rc. goal; Sut`l1e1'lum1, rig.-`l1t; Wllitc, loft (lofoxmr; .\I(-.(-king .-s' centre; I)_\'n1cnt, right wxnv" Bo~_-;n1'- ldis. ION \\'inn`t :nhchi+n+n f'ln..1. T-s\'.A\.\"rm) T0 mm-1 BY T1112)` |.....,l. , A vmn1-_m:nm-inn um. I a'.. cu um puu11u1 51101100. both sldes were f'1'oquo11t for 1'ou_;_:`11 play. At time 1 la_\'c1's on] ly sent off[ play \vn.s! fai1'ly oven, Barrie havi11_ :1 sligl u.<'1vzu1tag_ro, but in the tl Barrie put on three _<._,>'ou.l s11ccossi()1x, xvhich stirrml xird pv1'io(l s in 1'upi(l, thu .~p(:(`t:1- tors to wild ontlu1.~'i:1sn1. '1`h<.- li1w- 11p was as under:--~ I2-rn-I-:n__.\ Tnnul. .1./...1. u,,1.1 1 1 BARRIE JUNIORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 1-&'LEX;XNDP1Ix1.: c0wA.\*. Continued from Isl pagt-. L. . .. _ Girls Very Fine "001 Sweater Girls Sweater Coats Boys Sweaters B0ys' Navy Blue Pull-ov-er Coats, colors old rose, grey, white. Copen, red. with belt and white pearl buttons, CS 22 0 30. Prices were I si t $3.00, $2.75, $2.50, 'I"nis `9L.\I)II`]S \\'.\.\"l`I*II)--FULLY \- ......n.I 1.. I. 1...... ...i..... -,, 32- Sp:-tcial \/V001 Sweaters, sizes 22 to `BEAT KITCHENER ....... I ' I'}.\'ecx1to1's, ' Ontario. 1n AA 'l)l'illll'/ll. ,l Order ea.rly-In event of the requi1'e1;ients 301' the Province umlerestiinntctl, there may not be enough seed to go around. advisable in order to insure ll11Vll1}.Z` their orders filled that pure should plnee orders as soon as possible. All orders are -subj eonlirmation and will be lled in the order received. As seed llivered in '2-bushel bugs, order should be for even numb: lhushels, and no order for less than 2 bushels ctu1 be accepted. Names of Distributors at local points will be ,,announced lute: trihuting points at present decided are: Cliatlmni,-London, W'ooc': Hamilton, Brampton, St. Marys, Osluuvu, Toronto, Port Hope, Perry, Peterboro, Lindsay, Barrie, ()1-illia, Newmurket, Listowe zlnrzevilln. Alliefnn Tiny-Mum Q:m..,.,. n7,.n.....1 n u. -r- Ev uuuuuu. .I.|u lb purchasers -subject to (!0llilI'llll1i .l()l1 will filled is de- nu1nbe_r of than later. Dis- VV/oodstock, Port Listowel, Or- ungeville, Alliston, Durham, Simeoe, Welland, Pnl'grave, Keinptville, Brantford, Stouifville. uu;,;cv1u0, Aulston, uu: I\ nu ll('L'll.. -. Distributi0n-S(-ed is sold only in gglnisliel bags. Curlowds will be }'luL'0.l at certain points in the Province here less than carload orders mm be filled. the pnrclurser ]>{I_Vl1l}.1' l0C2l ._freigl1t from such (list1'ibuting_:` point to his own station. \\ l1ere Fa1-n1('s Clubs or other organiza- tions brim}.-,' in cm'loa(l lots, the price at t1i'i1- local stations will be the .smm- as at `distributing points. ` Where to Buy-Purclmses nmy be mac, the ilistril)11ting' points, or ortlers may be? lrirl Repi-esentat.i\'e of.` the Provincial De; tliey m:1_\' be sent direct by mail to the Mar ;\_,v'1'io'.1lt11i'o, Parliament I311il(1i11g, Toronto. '- Payment in Cash-P1-ice is $2.74 per bushe at the DistributingPoints. [In all cases, without exception, cash must acco` Vpany order. Send remit- l:lu( -e by marked clieck, postal note, post offieeg or express money order {made puynlilo to Ontario Department ol";; Agriculture, Markets ll 1-:umli. ' I n....I.... --..--- r either in the warehouse at laced with the nearest Dis- rtment of Agriculture, or ts Branch, Department of .00 Cil. : The world clenmnd l`O1`\VllC{lvt in 1918 justifies the greatest possible vllfort towards ine1'cz1se(l p1'o`du<*ti0n. The small. acreages of Full Wlleat put. in last fall will mean ln(`.1`(`SC(l acreage in Ontario available for S1H`lIl;;' Wlient. The (,)nt.'u'i0 G0\'o1'mnent is co-operating with the 1.'ax'm- 01:: in nnlor to p1'nvi(le S('(`(l. It has purcliased 50,000 bushels of No. 1. Mai'qui.~; Spx'ing\\'l1e:1t Send fll1'011(_j:ll tlie'};_ Seed Branch of the Federal l)op1n-l.nmnt of Af_v'rioultu1'(`. More will`_`_bc purcllased if Il(.`(`es`SnI'_V to lill not-(l.s. " 1\.'..4....`1_..L: -.. rt ~ 'WA.\'TI-ZD --POS[T[().\' OX rum ...-.nHn......\ . ..._:.l,..,,_ 1 Yes. sah: dat`s ` ~thinks, Mistah Brown. \_'-;wino 101' :1.\' yo if yo` ill) some _-.;`1'ocm'io:~'." \ lhut. _________;..__ So _vou \'e given up dz'ix1king', have you, I{:Lwt.us"." said the f.-`rocc-r. Yes, S1111. said the old follow, I nint toohocladrap in F0 weeks." "Well, _\'mi (]('>`('r\`(` credit for Hunt." _________.__ Slu---I must. say that I am disap- pointed iu you. J.`ho1'c `as :1 time when I thouf.-`ht you were :1 man of boundless c-0111-zigo. ]I(\-']`hnf wan u-lmn I vu- vu Lllltlluhb L` U 1Io-- 1`hat 4:. n. vv1.uu.u.VD, ()211Mio Dept. of Agricul/c111'e, OOLLINGWOOD, Ont. SPRING WHEAT SEED FOR 0NTAT6 r. A. WIGGINS, mn nnnf n? Ann-in Buy Men s Ladies; and Children s Sweater Coats Now and Save Money as ;Prices Will Be Much High- er Next Year. M .n's Heavy Grey Cotton Sweater Coats with C01- ; Iars, Theseare big value, prices. .$`I.9o, $1.50 BRANT AND O.\'F()IH) C()[".\"[`Y 4`......... all ..:..,.. ....I . ..:,..,~ r Ladies 1% F I 9 Ldies io sadies' enman's Black CasI1ere Hose, plain sizes to 10. Spec- ial v;11t{es. 60. 75. 90. `R! run .4 .21 "5 Black I-1 Rib- b '1 VVorsted I-lose , 5_ grey heels and ' "`_ sizes 8% to If). Tht _t: are good value Pri . . . . . . . . . .5oc .. .. I was when I. proposed I .-om-so. . (lat '5 jos `R1-rnvn I E).NTARIO DEPARTMENT OI` AGRICULTURE, Markets Brunch Parliament Buildings, Toront 0 GGINS. -3 r-ml tr11.'s' me "3 `.1 I was Jus what I fSkate Ground ,1\TTl3I.\'l)AI\"l`S --lull... n..... I `Cari:y }BoAT us] Children s Hose,--black .t-zfn, white, cardina|_, sky, blue cashn1ere hose, sizes 41,- to 8. Prices TIIURSDAY. FI*IBRUARY 29, 1918 ` Q,-busllel 3 -`.' 321 -m"s tslgir being 0 E0 m'mmd Tf 3:` uux ug` It is L ......._.. MQ[7Ll')l3II2S AND .\1.\CIl1;\'[STS m|L..o,.I.- r)I.,...., rm. l....L_L T\'A;\"I`I".D -F0[7.\"l'.\I.\' .\l.\X -- Gnnal \\':u:'r-S. Hisl0p'.~'. Hzlnxilron. T RESSM;\N'- \\'AI\7'l.`I'II) I"OR COUN- '1`!-?V' .. ..,...... .\n':.. ...:n. 1.. .. Our zissortnloxxl 0'1 t-az:.1_\' is L....c0mplcto despite the bi: Christ trade. From the cheapest candy -the (`xquisitv box of bon-bons, 3 .m'cry taste can be satised. L nu 1: ya ulrulu. _v 0 (-.\'1m chnr_-_rc For 2n1s\\-'u01's ad- ./].-.'css(-d to n['l i(-o, il. culled 1'01`. I Small Advts. Small propuhl advts... ol the Wanted." For Sale, To Let" class are ll)SL`l't(`(l M the following cheap rates: Twelve words and umle1'...l2 cents Ono c(~ntl'o1-om-l1 additional W01`(.l. Tll1`00 in.s'c1-lions for the price 01' {W0 ll" prepaid. Y n r-\-1 1-In nlun I'lr1| nu nu. ~II'IxIuP1 .. .1 FOR S.\LIu`~--Brick residence on Sophia St, seven rooms, bath and kitchen, with every conveniencq and good garden. Apply H. G. ` Bong, I _211'1-ie 3-tf| skating Parties _`-"l .\':\N [`I`Il) ~- I}L"J,'Tl`IH.\I.-\KICI - (`upublo 01' taking 1-In-.zr AppI_y stntin: awe, c.\'pc1'i(*m'o uml s:1l:n'_y (-xp(-('t(,-I. (`ol(l.\'p1`i11g's ('11--.uneI'_\'. Hnliburton. Jixn un.uL'..\ H z\.\ Llull 1` Uli J)l';- p0t'-B:1ndsmm1 wlm are C.\I1X`1'- 'ie11ce:1 only. .~\])pl_\' I3;1mln1:1stL*1'. .1 \\' (`,l|n:I\\':-L- 9,`) r` /\ D ` -- `...-v.uu 1w IJllll_'4 D1. 1111`; _\'(~m' (`2{]l(`l'iCll('(.`ll farm lmmlzr-nt- jn_2`e and _`_{'11I'll(.`1l p1'0\'iulul: state ('.\'pe1'i(-m-e mul \\ &l'_'_('.\ 1'uqL'.i1'(wl. .-'\(hl1'c. Iloluml \\'. (}x'(:'_"nr_\'. St. ('utlm1'inL-s. |v Ax.` gnu --1-u-):.Lu.I.\ u.\ r.\1i.\J.' or,.-c11tlo111:m s 1'r*silen(-0 by ex- ~po1'ic-ncod and reliable nun-1'iotl man; good \\-'w_-jc_.~; o.\'pe(:tcd. Owen. 1369 Oxltzwio .s'll`(.`Ol`, Toronto. -'.L\'\ .lJI, l'1I\L1 IX)` ll .'i'1l|lll('(li`Zlt(`l_\'. P1101 Foumlry & Mac {)\\'cn Sound, Ont. .v.1u14- -u.x1Iu'n1 H .\.\ I 1'41!--1` L [A4 I (-.\:pm~i-m-otl in h0.si(.-1'_\`, u'lo\'0. 001'- sol, umlo1'\\'o:n- (Iop:11'txucnt.~': 501'- \'i('(~.a in In- Mzm-In 11th: state \\':1_"(':~: mu! t-xporioncc. -\. G. & W. 1.` n..II:.....,..- \\';...:..,... n..4 L]. 1.14.` |lLV I stating '.'1f_:`(' I-xpcrimwo, amt, I10. Guelph. n.uuv.uuu;_v- u :1;\' 1.131; run \.:UL'L\`- TRY l1C\\'n']m])('l' 0lTi(-0, with know- ledge 01' ('0111po5i1)_L'; p1'o|'01'1'(,-d.-- Northern A(l\'m1(-0, Bzm-ie. )1lK1`.\L .~1_\u U.\1'\I1\1l LrUL`.\ L"! f1)'llln`-ll.s'i7.(5s :u1lp1'i(.-(.':~`.. L. Brillllltl. F0111 estate, Bmntfortl, Ont. 1TEA156FE6E>_n_ KEDNRfVICTOR A. HART _ vn nun L'.\[I('I'lL`Il(fL'. A. U. 4 Bollin_ \\'ind.~:o1', Ont. n|u`y. ;\p[)1_\ D11 Ch{l(l\\'i('k. 2-'2 C. 4. I}mnH'm' ()nt. lI('K'y ll i`1l`\ 1 |10mc\\'oo SWITCHES. Visit the 0l_\'mpia after the c\'on-| ing ;< mnn.~'onwnf at the rink. Sox'- !'ice of the best. oumrng CANDY sjgoxigs, ..--u` ll is still bit; Ch:-istnms - to : your hn Rncn 1 H ;1.\ 1. lzuigrlxt. , __ I L1\ 1; .\L.\bIlL Phone The ;\I.m!hinc C0.. l\..L \\'.\;\"l.`FII), .~\I PLY. lmiwhl uu.i..~!.+ .. of 1 1.1111, .11 1 L11. t, \\'<-igrlnt. uml Chief .-\ttL-ml- H:u1it':n'iun|, h;nc;303 uuullHlilStL'I'. C.().R., A1`- 4 1 1.u:]\i I 1.... 4, I I.`.\ Li` L I7 Corbet . Ltd.. Dial you rend tho (-mn.vnm1c(rxucr1t of tho new serial stony, Tlxe Wo- nmn \\'lm Was Not," in last week's issue of` The .A\ It is <-o11tin- nod this week and is ~_:m\ving` more` _h1t01`esting`. uL.l nrL'I\, uu ms way to .\ll(lhlll`.\`t. M.=iss B1u'1'iss, tom-1101' of I1'onch at the B.C`.I., has 1`ov(~i\'(-(1 :1 lotto)` from \\'i11 1'itI On-o :1 l`o1'mor pupil, who is now at the front, in which he tlumlc.-; her um] the pupils` for :1 C`ln'i. part-cl. Thv 1'a~_;:'11l:11- n1ont;'n'l_\' mootin}_r of the \V.C.T.U. will be held on Tues- duy uf'toz'n0on next. at 3 o'clock, at the home 01' Mi~:.< Jeuuic lime", Pod, 011`-ice Scmarc. E Hon. Charles Stcxvurt. P1'<.'mio1' oi.` .\lbm'1n, p:1s.~;c-d tl11'o11L:h Barrie last \\'(`L'k, on his way to .\[i(l1ll`.\`t .\H<< Rum-L_- 4nn..lm.. ,:- 1'n....,rv v------C Mr. G. R. l}ro\vninf_~;, who has llflll ma.n_\' years c.\'pe1'i(ence in the (113 goods business in Pcterboro and! utlu.-1' Ontario towns, lms taken 3- -part interest -in the well-known busi~l lnos.~; of J. Sutclill'c & Sons. Bzlrrie. and has comnicncod his duties lwrn Mr. J. E. Sutcliffc will rcnmin with the firm and no clmngo will In: nimlo in the business methods. The motto of the firm will still be Cash and One Price," and 'l'ru. Dry Gootls at Uniformly lliglil Priee.s." Clem-in_.;' out sale ox` Lace: ur- fains. See them at l)oug'nll B1` ` I I Partnership `RL1};s,a1l sizes at \0ug'all `ms. ` -Pic'Lu1-c t'rzunin,; `a speck ' byl Dm1't uxiss Frank OIa&(,-lcl in "Su.~:sc.\; by the Sea." M:1x`iH3 14th [at the (,)po1-a-Ilouse. . . \ E --O1Ic-lot]: Squari-.' and Congoloumg W. A. Lowe Sc Sou. _I , _, ,,._--_ I A man named A1'lh111' Sri-:,'lvy, of : I`).-';.~s:1 Rbml, was seriously in_j1u'cd on 3 Tiiestlnj aI'te1'u00n at Alilamlnlv. Hn was walking by the side of the track and it is s11pposed that ho cit)1o1'~ slipped and fell or was blown on to the line by the wind. He was struck ` by 11 passing" train and was injured about the `hem! and n'llSti1iI1(3[l 11 broken leg. He was b1-oixg-lit at once to I-}u1'1'io station and vrmvcyed to the liospitnl. 2.1 I -'hon you want good dry hard- wood or slabs. cull up 404. -15-tf Severely Iniured wxth |LnuL L-H0 plptls (`Ol1I1C`f?I(.`l,l 'kit('11cn ranrre hm] bovomo f'rozcn in . z, - . the Ixuslxt, and upon l1_u;htx11g' the fire tlmm was an e.\'}>lo:~'i`c)11 which blew the stove tu pier-cs. N0 fu1't`ho1' :lm:1-.1540 was done. the 1 . . 3 --1701` solul comlort sleep on Kupok .\[att1'c-sscs. Dbugnll B1-05.`? _.__ __...-..~.v an any uuunobulc. The .-\dv:1ncc is on sale at the bo0k.'t01'o.s 0]," \\':ll`t0r Snotf. J. G. Keenan and Roy Stone, price three cents :1 copy. .-'\i.~so at the 011100 of publication. $1.25 :1 _\'(-:u' ('.oli\'cx'm1 in town or mailml to any mlmlruss in ` Czmndu or (}rr-at Britain. To U. S. ` s11bsc1'ii)m's $150, .s1'riotl_y in ad- 1 vnnce. I The fire 1n'ij_:'a rer-nived :1 call last week to the home of Hrs. PO{ll'('_V'. Owen 31.. but there was no need 01' their services. It appears thut the pipes eonneeted with the H-{if(`]1m| rnmrp hm! lm..n...,. t'........ Licutn-lumt H:u'\'(-y sh0x'tL\' b1'i11_ out :1` mc1noir.~;, published by (}o0d:.-hild and Stt'wurt. Explosion ____c .... _-.... v . vusl On Feb. 14th the .\x1gus Rm] C`1'oss \\'o1'kcx's sent 37 pyjmna suits and 30 pa'u's of socks to the Toronto Rm] [Cross Ifezxdqtxartc-,r.~;; zrlso 20 pairs. [of socks were sent to the .v\11}_"-.1.-! b0_\'S, who are in Franoo. App1-o.\'i- mule value of goods sent $96.00. 5 I olo:u'in;;' out stock to make room 01" spring" delivt-1'_\'. (Food bmgains 1' --Spoci:1lSalc of` \VaH Pa 011! Dougall Bros. E PERSONAL AND SOCIAL F Ha-:11-P1'i\'uto Lovell in l1i.~.'rz` n ;\'i(-Ms . \1`br.~it" tour of G01 : .\[z11'(-h Ht]: at the Opera Hons; `Angus Red Cross An old man, Inuned David Yvon- muu, who comes i.'1`0m the United States, dropped dead yc.st0r(lu_\` week at the office of Deputy-Ho1'.s- eld, \\ l1m'o ho had gone for relief. Ho \\'z\.s S4 yours old. ! `Is designs in I Dougrall Bros. -SpIcndid ` l llour .\[1'.~;.' \'21n1{o11',';l1ncl n the work of 1'0-con.sf1'11(~tion uncl `tukvn by the .\Iilit:11'_y Hospitals C .~'i()n. 14th at the O_1>r;1'a House. Aged Man's Death Pic-.t{11'cs will be Sl10\\ 11 _\ ' "' "m" I Gradnluto of 'J'1'ini1'y U11ivursil_y and also `.l`l'1l(lll2lt(` of l.*Idix1hL1r'_,rl1 and Glas;`_-`ow. Spot,-iult`_v,stonlm-h Lliscztsos. Office, corner Bayeld and Wor- sley Sts. Entrance o` Worsley. Office onen until R nm ( `on1c-ml)` utln-0, Collie I Thu1'.< \.\JIl|.|lI|Il7 Ill Ill`: "ll 01' the p1'i11 .i11r: new n1a,11a;;`c11wnt, x'u:l1'_\' 20th. M1`. Thompson Crow, who l1:1:~'.hr2ou connected for many years with Tlw Nortllem Advance, as ]7a1'tnr=1' and proprietor, has (lisposod <.-1' the newspaper and p1-intin.-.5 lnusixmss to Mr. J. Baldwin Bryant. .\l.1'. Bryant llaslllaclalong newspapt-r cxpo1'icm-yal, both in Englaxnrl and Czmmla. lln has been on the stz1l'l s of the TD-- ronto Daily 4\'L-ws and Ilumilton l'[01'Rl(l, and tho _u'1'cntm' part 01' 1915 was o of the Bellevill:-. l.ntclli_ 11=cc-1'. He will act as 1xmna;:'- lllf.f,` ed-itor, while Mr. Finlaysoxl willl continue in the uapncity of 111:1f1a:_:'m" nil l'lIn nI-lnHnn- :l.u.n.h.\...`J 7I`l._ -['phoIstorinp: and 1"urnitu1 rc- puh'ing' done by exporit-not-11 \\. lcuwn at I)oug:1Il Bros. u I [ma wax in BARRE | 3: ~-UphoIstc1-ing done by xperi- `enccd_1uen` W. A. Lowe 6 ; n. 1 The Advanz: Changes Hands; .` K7 lru A`L(' L '31). 28th. `W ` Rm". J. B. I.:1)11})'.~f1(-<`- St. Motlxoclist '(:]l':H'(`lI. 1. OOH. :1ss01'hnm1f and ` ('ar1)cr Squares uw,n;_'uw. m11L't:Iu.II_\ ,SEOIn: Bayelc of open until 8 pm. '.l`HlL'Il_) UL Hl:l1li1f_ .'(`1' dcp;u-tmtmt. The . dates from T*`cb- 011:.-;lz1.~' i.-4]` 'olum(-. ofi .\ -Clc1l;mrl'| .,, `In U111! In ( `home 4 b-` Mouldi - tor 0!` 'l"o1-cl, 3 ml gum. in \'C`I1l)Z1. [13 ml! : f\'nnru ,f`I{.\.I)DOCK--.M Orillin, Feb. 15th, I ;\lar_v IIz1yd0n,bclovo`d Wife of Jno. Crnddumk, aged 59 _vc~a1's, 11 I months. I JYOLH\'U -.\t Onillia, Feb. 14th, I ICstho1' `B. Tiffin, rolict of the Into hobert Younfz, in her 66th year. (`H1 lT\T\r\t`IT' A . I\ -n. w- - -- - I{LTPPl .'R-T-In; N0ttv\\':1$:L2'i1, 1 lb`, \Vi1li2un Klipport, a1}:,`m1 \'r:u1'.~:. BA.l\'TI.\7G--.-`U Bx'af1t'o1'd, F T. Jslnn R-:nHn.w ..- ' I). f`. lI)'2L.V 1'1.\Li-.-U l51'a(lt'0rd. FM). 25, Jame Bantin-.1, wife 0|` Charles Banting. DRAPER -- In \\'o.~;t GwiHimh111'_\', Feb. 18`, \\-'iIli:un Draper, in his 70th year. f\'R()().\.I,.\.\'--F(-b. 20. at Ba D:1\'it[ \"1'00n1nn, :1-_;'<~r1 S4 yom QU.\.\hI`Z---1t-I). 24. at Lot 1-}, ( c-assion 1'2, Inni:+l_. M.-u'_\' Q11: zlgod 93 yezzrs. T.\I'1`---.-St his Bow St., '. \1c-n1'o1'd, A [}u1'\v(-ll Tait. you SI.\[().\'.S--In 0won- Sound. 011 day m'L-ni11:, Feb. 23. Annie. I lnvml wife of John Simons. ., . _ , ., Idis, loft wi11v_:'; mxbsbituto, ('lm'k. `hoxlllnlo (o(1)']htll11:.(:-}2:i(1l (- `Pf, I.{it"'hmm'-."w` Bw"!.`5 . 950"]; G` IMo11Idin~' DIV Rev `hf:-` I Ii,1u;< Ira B-ckmnn ~3.l","l3[' A SHh"J' IN} `tor 0! F130 `Chl'is`ti111~ C.`hl1I'("lI"' domnw ':-h' :\(.]m` fontm: - 1'" mm M__ (, I,` i` 1" t`, C'lf11'k. loit .w:n'_"; _L. Imp.-,'m-, 1-1-_-,`ln ` ` 1 ' `om '"' 0 ` t- wmu-; .~'.uhst1'tuto, I\0lt01'bm'n. ' V n ner. to Mr. J. \V. Huh-lI(~r 0! Km L0. Brown, ].m~m.m,_ . \'en1m. ___________ -. ;L:L'1LL1`(.'; uymom, nqnt Bo~_-,'n1'- . . i . The Advance at The Bookstores. r|VL,. \ `!..,,, 1.1~:\\'r.< _"&`:n '\ l'.. . (1 r 4||l'4".l1lEA` -- All M1-s. h'kinno1".s'5 Private N111'si11y; Home. Feb. 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mc.\ulo_v. 01' Lon~_-,'f'or Mills, a son. ' `BRE\\ STI`]I\`--In Owen Sound, Feb. 10th, to Dr. and Mrs. I. A. Brow- ster, :1 son. I lsU1`III~:RI..x.\rI) - M:1.tr1'nit_\' H..mno. I to M1`. nml Mrs. lan(l.. :1 d:1u_:rhrm'. .\h'-.-\l'LEY 1)..` .....A._ \` ;\lI '('i in. \V.\LTF.NBERY -- At tho Queen .\'Im'_V .\[ato1'nit_\' Homo, Orillin, Feb. 14th, to P-rivato an(1:\{1'<. Artllur Walt'o11l)c1')', a son. I-`RAWLI-`.Y - Feb. 13th. at Hm.--' dale, to M1`. and .\I1's. J. M. Frnw-' Icy, :1 son. g \,T.. .... \I.L_,,, ' (Hi I-JUOHY .\JV011d21.)', f and M1'.~:. E Annoum-olnents under this heml- ing_:' are illn`C1'l(`.Il free, when only 1110' llbaro pa1'tic11la1'.~: are _;'i\'(-n. For any luddit-innal wor.'I.~`. such as Dom-l_\' llovcd." I)cepI_v 1'og'1'cttt~d," :2 `(.-lu11j;'o 0|` 25 co11t.< is mmlo. In Mclnoriam notices are in.~m'tod' at 5 cents :1 line. ,\uunLu' H . 1., uuumo km-is Hcwn1y: '('i1'c'Io. I-Ioll_v, Lot'1'o_v, Iv_\'. Oro Sta- ition, Stroud, Thornton and Utopia, `tho knittors are to be co11_Lr1'nt11hntov.l. Tho pupils at ()\`emlon and T1'init_\' .\[otl1o1'.~s ;\I(.-eti11f__-; sent \'01'_\' good ])a1`cvls. Tho 1nnn_v Ic-tt(r1'.=: 1*ccoi\'ed -this wool: show the :.:`ro:'4t '_-`mtitmlo !oI the men at thv front for tho `colnfort dc-1'i\'cr! from tho I`nn-in. parcels. ....-_.,.......... Sa\'(- your rnnxhings um! I1:n'z` :1 z'a'wi`tr-11 mzulo out 01 .\'nm' own hair by .\f1'.<. D. (`. Vlfowzmi. 132 [Junlop `S`t1'o(-1. U-tt'

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