Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 21 Feb 1918, p. 5

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Continuml fmxn lnlgc ll. tlw l\'01'tl1\\'.0.-at or object to :1 that lar.:e they to the l'a1'm(`1'.~' 01' (`.lSCWllCI'(`. can lm~r(l1_v price being xed l'o1'w]1ont enables them to make such p1'ots-p1'0tits on :1 scale woui take stmony.-; exception ( I < V ( : 1 if made in ordinary D1nI1l1fl1 `.1 It should also l)e lmrne in mlnfl tlmt these high prices 1'01` |':1rn1 p1*o are sure to apply {for some years-- > war 01* no war. The p1'osont pros- '.'~e1`ity 01' many n1:mul'nctu1'crs, ltllough, will lar3_~'el_\' come to an end when the war ceases. Ourbing Manufacturers Prots. Is it not p0ssil)lC, though, tllut um vinlrlinu' to the tn-n\'n1'I1 vnnnf ln ll I\'0TIC-1-I is 1H`l'(.`i)_\' -_:`i\'en pu1 suant to the Trustee Act: that all pe1's hm`in_u' claims :15.-,'ai11st the Estate of 1'}li'/.:1 .\fise,ump|)ell, late` of` the Town otf Bmwie, in the County of Simeoe, widow, deceased, who died on or about the `Jud day of Feh1'n:n'y, 1918, are requested to` send 1)m'tic111urs -fit. their claims to` the undersi-,rned on or before the 2nd day of March, 1918, after which date the executors will distribute the assets of the estate among;-; those entitled thereto, huvin-,1` 1'ega1-d only to the claims of which they shall_ then h:1\'e, notice and that they will not be responsible to uny person for" the assets of said estate whose` e1nim'~'. shall not then have been .1 . Ulllllllh 3] received. A7 `Dated, 6th oi` I-`r:l n-un1'_\:, 101,8 . -Jill \ |.\ (In (-m'tz1inl_\' i NOTICE TO CREDITORS. l'll. .'\I.E.\'AND1-II-I COVVAN, llumhl _\ uux uuuv. No lI(`(`(H( .\ unvu nu, urn.../. .- (`. '1'v1'n1sv:\s_\'. k house and 101. Bay- rullv 10(`:l1('(l, with all r . 1".) IHH in tho q'.u1li- I... .... . .. I. . l]>r1cL=.-. n4n-u....... \_,`...-.._., So1i for Exomltors, B2n'ri, Ontario. -. n r 1n1n 1`. I1 Phone 259. Jl'i|l\'lIg \\ .+:-1,100. I\ ,sa_\'.- the ()\\'(-n SL. ioucl stable 1'i(~(\ 9""U(L '1`n.- Sale IT_._|1\Iu l.. with house. 10\\ n `tx- `111 l]Ull.'K'-`. Taxation. It is a crucial question, thc1'(-1'0r(-. to face as to \\'li:1l should he dom- 011 the one hand to maintain tmtlio fullest L-.\'tont all our 1n'odu<-is_- iu- terests, and on the other hand. es1>ociull_\' iu the times \1'0\1f_"il which we are pussiu-_v', to lmvo tlu-so iutcwosts contribute pi'op(.-1'l_\' tn Hu- enonuous oxpeunliture wliicli the country is called upon to uuzkc. 15' :...I...+.-;..< us` |'211'1uiu5_-`.1 1 L'Hl1\'ll nu -nu-.... (30lll1Il'_\' \|l'\IlI If i11(lu`.~'.t1'i(-s, sucll us` |'211'11li11}__". mu1ml'z1clu1'ing'. mining . <-nlllv rais- ing`, t1'mli11_", limuu,-i:1l instiluli011.'<. ll1SlH`2lI1t`(` (`0lll]H!ll-l(`S, &c., nru \\'m'th m1_\'ll1ing_- to the <-0111111-_\` at all, tlmy should be .5`l1'('11f_"lll(.`ll('(l uml mu.i11tz1incd to the fullest possible extent. The 3.-'0\`e1'nn10ut, l1owe\'e1', should tux exl1'uo1'dinu1'_\' profits, \\'lx(~1'c\`0r 1uzu.lC, in a mzmuer tlmi`, wluilo 1n-ovilin._:' l1(`(`(l(`Il 1'o\'m111(-s for the count1'y, would neitl1c1' (lcstx'0_\' the incmltivo to ofl'01't um" (leprivv the l)u.~'incss of those ;~;ur1:lus 1\l`Olll$ with \\'l1i(:l1 ulono lcg_"itiIn:1t0 and 11(~v(-..~':11'.\' (-xpmnsiun mm he lulu-n care 01'. 0|` (-(m1'::0, an lm_-_-'(- and ox- tr:\n1`lina1'\' t1n'110\'m'. own :11 :1 1'0:\-I .14. ,...:c.. ...-.m...- ...,.,-..i,. 01' H l l I I l l All tliis bo1'rowin_~_r to i-m'1`_\` 'Un(:le Smn s linnnciul l)m'den in the form of Lihex-t_\' Loans is (lll1f.IC1`01lS .unless assets in transportation and lotliefpublic ntilitiegz and all invest- ment fields are c0nse.1've(l and built up. In_ other words. earnings must be cxpaIl(l(`(l and values 1nu'.~rt be built up in this countigv behind Uncle Stun and his Liberty Bonds. If it is decreed lliat. tliis is: inflntion, zmy, .......,\. ... .., i11(l11.~:triz1I.s being." czmitall to meet If." to 1`>1'esL-111 mn- `ttin_'_" \\'o11o:n'1w 4.. JA Ln UKII-V` 1'o<'Iuct'1on _ tho l`l3\`.'0!' must be that contrac- tion -spells (lisaster, and we li:u'c.- conlractexl values in this country, especially in the truiisportution field. by many billion:~:_. and they should be 1n'o1nptl_v restored as the 1'oun(l:it;ion for war loans and the p1'()spc1'ity n(2cos~sa1'_v for a .~".1c(`0s.~:- rul n--,n- You do not win wars with p1'0spc1'ity 101- a .~-.m-ca.- Yul war. You do not wars Sllrllllilillfg` assets, but you do \\'ii\. with (-xpamlingx value -- cxpan(lin:.v; values in all fields wliore live and work tho lieart and hand and lJ1`:\ill of man. Let it not lm t'01'-gotten that the two anal one-li:1l'f billion paid in ta.\(-.~: next _\'o:n' from llllS _\icar'.< prots will be from next _\`oa1"s ea1'11ing`s_. and unless tliore are expanded prots and L-:~:~ pamlod values, our war linauco will he on :1 (lan;:_'C1'ousl_\-' ( 0l1l.1':1L'l lll_L` base. T110 sooner :1 few wholesome truths are 1111(lm`stond_. both locally ....I ....4:m.a~.llv Hm will be the truths u11(1m`; Dun: and nzxtionally the safer will <::iuso 0| lilwi't_\' tli1'ou:_-'hout "(he \\'m'l(l, for tho l'ni1.(~ States znnl her ('1`(`(llt 1'(`.~`0\11'<'cs. us well as her men znnl nnniit.ion.~<, are to-lay tho 1`(`.<(`I'\'O po\\'or for Lil)e1't_V. Econ- o1ni.~'tJ~t li5_"urc that in p1'o1w1'l_\' sus- tnin llm <-mitinunns l)u1' of win` our .~:n\'i1|g_-'.~' lllllst he put up 1'i'mn six six billions pm` zinninn to at least l\\'el\`o hillions pm" unnuni. ll` '0 put .lml-:0 (lai;\".< one lnnulrt- l)il- lion into the \\`:u' we innst ]n'o]>;n`(- to raise the interest to pay thv cost uI' thv \\'m' loan. Cumin-.1n_v is bunk- rupl to- l)(`('IlllSl` slio 1_n'unii<(-il to n1:ik(*l`:1l`is and Lnnilon 11:1)` hc-1' war hills an-l shv is mcotin-." the in- to1'o. on i101` `air 1oz1n.<, not front |\Il`(\|I.\ f l:1X('S or inoomr, hut fl-om new bor- rowings. She is li_ujl1lin;' the whole l i. , . {\\`o1'l<.1 101' a 3'=`-Inhlcu-5 stul on make I x 1. H ......1. prolits ot' 1nanu1aetu1'mg_-' 111 Uuc particular line has been untau and ` , unwise tin Slllgllllg out any imlust:r_\' !""`_``1 for its control? In limiting.-' the pro- {l{' _t fits of an industry to a maximum of l_`*` eleven per cent. the question is, too. ""' it it will not have the opposite et'- all , U` fectto that desired? In the l'n-st "`_"t` place, such limitation is likely to do `Ftolit, away with that initativc and ambi- "l".` lion so ucccssary_ to the al1(,'<'l`n >' ot` ll? all 11i1(le1'takii1g's. In the next pl:1('f`.~ "10 as interest on investnients, in ,u:en- ll F` ; eral, bears from six to seven per 1h '.-cut. it would appear that a com- ll`? ll \ if any having` money in such an un- wltl` de1'tal ; could only rec-.ei\'e at the """`"` maxinnnn four or five per cent. over "" and above what they could make in l`` simply i11\'esti11_:; their incans here ` `,l- and there` within the channels olT l'lll safety. Aside from the special risks ll-` involved i11 1ii:i1111tTaet111'i1i_r, it is well `` ll known to all business men that tour "W" or five per cent. will not enable any 5h`_" rapidly expanding 1nanut'acturing` It L` company to p1'op(`1'l_\_' 1`.\ t(`11(l its ll. operations, provide for additional `"" plant, larger stocks and l1i_v_-,'her *`l "` values of raw and linislled pro- L" t_ ducts, inerea.sed accomns receivable. l,il)l' and more worleine` capital, all of ,l"" which is ('sse11ti:1l. In this 1'-espect ``l it is quite different from a linaneial ` institution that has its rcsoui-ce.s in -}"` `a liquid form and wliose \\'orkin-_,-' l`*("l capital in lar_s;ely supplied by a eon- `fa ` fi(li1i_ public. A n1:nn1l'acturer, _:cn- 11" orally speaking" has very little. it `l any, cash. b11t lias his assets spread ml" over real e: l)llll(llll_`.1'.<,, plant, ml `~"4`V"book debts, materials linished and Wm unfinished. et<-., etc. Further, 1n:mu- ,'l facturers in this eountr_\' have no ll surplus of capital and. tlieretorc, OW depend upon the banks for a line of 3H0 "credit to enable them to conduct mi their business llll`0ll_:'ll the hu.~_\' .~'en- ml` sons. Now, it is quite eoneeivnhle, 119` in fact. alto}._rcther likely. that a min- `Ht pany limited as ll1tll('11t(` might go wt to a bank and ask for a line of M` credit ot'. say a million or several hm million dolla1'.~'. :u'eo1' to the capital, turn0\'er. ete., to be used at a certain .-:ea. or seasons of the year. A banker, nat1u'all_v. would a: whether the com- pany would be able out 0|` its sales and earnin;;s to pay back the nnmey borrowed in addition to providing` for necessary expansion. lt' there was not a fair prospect of doing k; this, owing` to ;:o\`ernment or other 3 _.,,_; limitations, the money would not be tc loaned and the business would thus be crippled or migxht` even be ruin- ed. Taking a hypot.hctiea.l case, it is, therefore, probable that the sixty-nine per cent. spoken ot' recently, which the government think they will get back at the end of the year from a company said to be making eighty per cent. prots, could at best only be lar`;-el_v, it` not , wholly, in assets of one k.ind and another other than cash, and the government would, in consequence have to take stock in the company instead of gzettispg cash out of it, or in the event of the latter would compel the company to liquidate.` If winding up were not ud\'i.-iahlo _, or possible the govermnent might` l I very properly be called upon to as- sume its share of the liabilities` 'which 8. growing: and rapidly de- .velopin;: business forces upon the `enterprise. This is no fancy pic- ture, as any exprrieuced manul'ae- .turcr or banker will declare; in fact, conrmation is contained-in a dispatch from New Yorkie the '1o- H \.u 1-,; 1 v1. `or B1-031:. U1` Ul|'ill\- I` The 1'cl'o1'c1ic(: tu Jiidgc (`-n1`y . one lH1I1(l1`L (l bilLiQ1i.~: is u 1`c111m`l{} >\\'hi(-h the Judge inmlu ul (luv ..Ta1)n11- csc ('m1n1iissi0i101'.s" 1`('('c1sIim1. stut- in_" that 1110 Ullli(` States (.`Ol1l(l put \ one l1111l(l1'(`d billions into the war for lmnmn t'1'oeil01n. ll the above :11'}_-fiixiieiits are sound as :1}l[)l_\_'ll1_'," to the l'nit(-ii St:itvs,t.li(,-_v su1-(~l_\-' '.1p]1l_\' with like I'm-<-0 to (':m:ul:i. It would not he ilil'l'i(-ull in lr_\' 11]) the sour-- es ml` our woultlx. Ul KI] uurl > that mil : 1r_\'. 26.`) lwsses, .\'n10(-ks, shirts nml lll2'lll(ll'(`.".\'(`\` \\ (`l'C .'~'lnip]u:.l in the Sovniirs .\':itimi:1l this \\'('(`l{. S quilts \v01'o sent to tho Sm-0u1'.~' uml 10 quilts were smit to the Belgian Relief. The work was done h_\ the \Voznm1's Institutes in Stroud. l".lon- valn. l'}rl_;n1' mid Crown.lIill; `the (`mtlirio Girls F`oowin_u` Circle, tlw F.lg.`,'n.1' .\li.~:sion Bnnid, w01'k(n`s tin Allanrlnlv 11111101` Mrs. B1'unt0n s rlimctioii; St. Andre\v s Milit1n`_v ll0.<'.pit.'ll (Ilub, Trinity Mothers .\{N=t,i11p;, I atrintir: Cir(-11-, (Tllllldy nvcninf: iiimtiiig), the Girls Hospit- al Club and mmi_\' indiv'iu:IuaLs in Bnrrio. Workers to help this `good reauso will he gladly '(`l(`.0l1K*(l on Tiiosday ove1iing`s at the Pntniotic Circle Rooms in Dr. \Volls l)l0 ,`l> on f\ _. -_. bx l l u1rt' H1 HUI ()\\`(':1 Si. Fair Play. -IV`R}.`.NCH THE NORTHERN ADVANCE - `uu~..,, Ian. (HI OI` `\\'0ul( 1'0my im,-1'0; <:'(\.~; do i\-(.31.; U1("`C[l121d 1 nm- 01 I-3,; S?`1'~-s 1'o.<'.1l` W1." W :u'\'. nu-s. It 101-_\~ \(l(r:1vn1' M to t.r}` -15, (-111 so .1,,_ jjiwiii lnazreiage Mission Giving} WAR TIME Bajsmass Mn mom increased oxpondition on the part. of our church; That instead 01." the \\':11' p1-0\'in__~: as many feared a .1`l'CRt drawback to ...:,\.\.. :H1n hnaf. nnrh- INL A reared _~1'1'eut ux`u\\IJzu::\ LU Christizm missions, the best auth- ority informs us the work of the wo1'}.-d\vid(- Ch1'ist'u111 missions is not only goilm on. but _';oin_r: on with jrrcztt (-ourn;_"(*, and nboundinjx mos}-(-1-ity. .41 ...,...I.! |\\rV\`l\ Hm.-n'nx-n Hmi \x_'(_ l|lUE|l'lLlJ I would move thci'ci'oi'o, that W0. I l'L'])1'(`sL'!Hiil`:j_" the :\`If`ti10(iiSt (`illt1'`i1(`.~'x of Barrie and vicinity. }:ox'oh_\'. ('.\'- 1)1'oss our omn-o\'at of the action oi our General Board of ).lis.<-i.inu.: iu . asking` for the sum 0! $S00,()()t).t)I) being an ill(.'l'(`LlS(` 01' `.25 pm` (-out. over last _\'Ci11` to ounhlo them to lHi\i\'(` :u1\-`mice in the u1issiou:u'_\'- work of our church, amt that \\'u p1ed;_~'L- 0u1'se1\'os in an L'l1([(`:1`.'0l`, to pay our sh:\1`(` 01' this il1('1'(*'.`..~'t`. That we also 1)i.(`ti_L`(` our 1'o11rr\\'ml faith in Jc.s11.~: Ch1'i:st as the nut): hope of a troubled worlit, uml in as Di\'.iue Christian 1ui tho 1| I.,`.... Jllul WU uxnu lax` m \\`orll. Div-i plan in 1`eali'/.:\tion 01' that hope. 'I`lm+ +n Hui: 4-n-J we znm(-ail 1)111`l1 11} ]`C&1|l'I:ilI1UH UL Llliu nulu`. That to this and amwzil to 0111' 1ne01 l(.- by an <-\`<-1'_\' 111v1nhc`.' c-:1nv:\.ss,__1n'c~sonting' at the salno Limo the ('l:1f111s of Ch1'is~ti:m st<-\\':\1'xls`nip, tho .<(`1'ipt111-:11 method of s.ott'1n_;' usid(- .> }'St(`In{ltiCi111_\' and 1)1'opo1'tfLo11- atoly us God has 1n'0spo1'c(1 us. in its n1>])li(".1ti0|1 to missions as well as to 1110 general support, of the its LU 1 c]m1'ch. tiutions. uuunxu. Co-Operation Promised. The ch:1i1'1nm1 then called. 111:-on the 1'ep1'0s011t:1ti\'e.s of the c0unt1'_\' ap'p0i411tn1cnt.~: to speak to the 1-030- -- - - ..1.. '1\l`r1U1?I Rev. Mr. L('(`('(`, Angus, in place of Dr. West, who had been uxllcd `out of the room. 5:111`! that Dr. \\'c.~.l] and himsoll` while d1'i\ni.11f_-' to \;`.\\'n` had (liscussctl the question and (-on- } czlmlvd that the '25 per com. 121- ` crease in missio11a1'_\' ;'i\'i11;: could he :1cc01np1is11od. Sh01'tl_v u'i"l(-r ho was stu.ti011(-d :xt_ .-\.11_::us Hwy 1121:! i11c1'oased their mi`s:~:ion ;:i\'i11g,-5 hy _tm1 pm` cent. and had nlado :1, :')01m' 'L-out. ixlcreaso. He believed that \ within the 'th1'o(-. 3;-ars they could make a. 90 per r.-mt. increase. .. I`! .. 11'-1_1:..... rm. um n..1,l .Iuu\\: CI` UV l.I\.A I_\AA|.1 4---._-.~.\,. Mr. C. M". ]IiC1(1iI!f_". for thv Dul- jston (-in-nit, (lid not think there `would be :m_\' tmuhlc in m:1kin_2 HIT` i11<:1'ou>:0, tlu.-_\' 11-ml nmc i11m'(-:1s0sl:1st :\1.~:0 \'('..~`1n'n Sundzxy schools yllmd done h(-1101'. The main point .~'_\`st-1m1tir- work and to get the - ro.-ult a personal] canvass was neces- The )'()llIlf_" ]w01)l(* must hr in- . ..I 1.. 4|... u-uncn 1 Jl`.\1lIl u ll\'ln\Inun \_\rn.- . .._ :11'_\'. 111-. 11-1'1-511-11 111 1111- 1-1111511. 11-1`. 111-. Bo1'1'_\', 01, 1111- M-111cs111.-` 1-1-1_1-1111, 1-011:1-111-1'1-11 1111- 1111111055 01' i 1111- L`\'(`l11l1`_" 5111111111 111` 111 1.-1'1-:11 111-111 111 1'211.s111-.5 1111- 1111-1-1-1151-11 111111111111`. ()11 111:; 1-11-1:1111 1111-1-0 111111 111-1-11 1111-1'1-:1.s011 -_,>'1'1`111_-_-x< 1111- 111155111115 111 1111- 1111.91 _\`1-111' 211111 111- 111-111-\`1-11 :15 1111- 111-11-{_-`:11-1 es 1-:11'1'11~11 1101110 1111- 111s]111'{111011 g_,-'1\'1-11 1111-111 1111- 1111-1'1 -:1. 1111111111113 11111111111 111- 1'111'1111-0111111_-_-'. 111- 111-111-\`1-11 1 111 :1 111-1'. 1-:111\':1.\s ns \\'1-11 :15 1111- (-x11`:1 1-11111-1-1111113 1111 .\11ss1(111:11`)` n I, .1 1 i 1 LS 113 not ]lU:m1UlL', Luuusn the govt-1'11n1m1t in _vie1ding' popular cry for :1 cu1'b'1ng prots of 1na11ufact111'i11g.-` 11111 -mnuicn n sin.n'linu' out :11l\' ` Suncluy. Il|l' ('()ll1(l In mmnlu-1' from th (-lm1'(~|1 .. her an rather . ... . L` Continued from 1st THE LATE MRS. THOMAS HART ` 1` _... H :\ .~:tz\l\\`m't zuuomr our Czmmliaun \\'m'nvn has just 5_,~'0no to her rest and her 1'e\\`m'd in Mrs. Thomas Hart of Shunt_\~` Bay, who died on \\'(:al1u-.~,d:1_\', i*`obru:u'_\ ]3th, at the lxonw of her son. Dr. .\I:\1(-ohn Tln.rt. in Detroit. ()f north of 11':-luml ~.,~-.,A...... ..I... :nl.m~Hn mu] 110- } our at-hio\`(*rnc nts have sp1'u113.:' in Detroit. Ur norm ()1 11`\'|uuu 1):1.1'o11t-45.11? she `.lll1lr?1"lt(`(] and do- vc-lopcd those virtues and L'})('i1iL\\' that have hc'1pcd so powerfully to build up this Domiuioxx. In the still a.'u~l_\' dngs of this .~.otllom(-nt shv 1nm'ried and .vnto1'od on that life of the farm which has made the Domin'?.on. All our ind`u-stries, all our succ-esses, all unr vroH'm'o, all and am still rest on the basis of an agree- ment between the hopcfulness, the `GUY F\I(`(`CSSC-3, {H1 uus nruun-., .... 4 `ixntolligexmcc, the patient toil and `waiting for 1'c-Wm-d of the resolute `men and women workers and the ... ...\ ;i0n:n-_\' ;`i\'iu:_-' for that alum-111 l`(`.\illlI(`ll |'rmn the n-\'vr_\' nu-m-i v:1n\`:1>;.~:. .~\ \\'(-(`kl_\` (-1>ntribmim1 ! Aer Hum 21 lump sun) on :1nni\`<-12} Sund:l\' ': I .~'lmuM lnnlcc it 4-:1si(-1' -2 no`: THURSDAY, FEB. 21, 1918. ._ ll'| \llII\(I7>`c -.` tlw t1'v:1. 01` ~|1 that the f4'l`(':1` Inn \ II: he l nuirmzm In-lio\'(-:1 tho \\'o1 l( ~hu.-'1 lunv h_\` an v\`(-r_\` <-z111\':\s.<. llv hurl 11-uruocl " S1. .\Iuh'c\'."s An Appreciation. ,H_SnS lo ' '. . . g1'atol'ull_\ M-nxcsmj.-` pamt H l1`Hl('r:l(1(11`(`S: (1)1 in God : )( 0 1(1) not the `(':1s(~(l the 1-01. Incl h'(-on H, m_d:, >115 111 uh. } cm! dcl(-{_":xt- an hone is MM 11-1'o:\. Stmm. nm_-_-'. ])(`ll(`\'|0(` m(,mm..\.` vans tnv . _ .~`.tu\\'ml : s .\l|ss|()11:1)`` (lung.-M01 lstru ;-_v'l(~.~ nvlioxw- \\'url( 011,. (.1 H X =1 without with 1 21' (](.m(.,,_- f4'l`(':l1 .i11c|'(-:\.<<- in hem-1_ L` l'orth:1(c11t11'(-111,,-Cg(.m,( Ill x-\'v1'\' nxu-111-i(-\<(-1-_ `A`- - ' I. ` ..A .4... I ,, ,, D""S`(\ `kind1_\j soil and t'u\'m':1hlo -Iim;1ti(- conditions that Hwy used so faith- fully. u.,,.1_. \....\.....'.,4 ....,`9 lmiy. Years have slowly l)l`0ll_`_"i1i. aml. ot.'lat'o with quickom-(l .ii'l`l(lC:', know- ledge and mt-clizuiical help, l('$S(`llll1f.:' the so\'orit_\' ul` toil and 1'c\\'zmlinu `it more S})(`O(lll_\'. But when we re- joico over 1:1-(-sent (-(mtliiions and "i'(~s1iltslvt us look lo\'in:_~l_\' aml 3-'1'atol'ull_\' hack to tho.~;c ln'a\'o and patient men and women whose faith and unconqucrctl will, won, blo0(l_v fiehl 01' battle, but fertile liolcl 01.` 1n'o(lu<`tio11 for tho ll((`(lS. for the life of nuinkiml. Mrs. Hart was one of those anvl lionorahlo place in our 1'(,-(-(mls by ht-r and her ll11>'.l):1lHl. a|'lcvtinn (-lin_-45.` to their ()1; .\l1`s. llart was he- :1 l:11'_"(* l'amil_\` oi" sails aml (lilllf_"lli(`1'.~',, )`('i auiitlst tho (`:`.l'l_\' lst1'11_ took -in two (ithc-1' ('llll(ll`(` ml" :1 ]'('l:lil\`(` left. a nmtlwr and tlioy .~'.liarml hor own all the care and ten- sliv :;:1\`0 with :15;'v11oi'n11.< Tho l1a1ul.~'.0mc tam-. tho lino pi'c:<<~11ce, the \\'(-1(soinin5_.: smiles that la-\`or _L`l'CC1u\i a visitor to her home. :_h(-1' lmspitality that would take no '1"t(lv.1ii2\l, tho 11(-Vt-1`-l'ailin_:` flow human kimln(~s.< w1'0u;'l1t an almo- :'])ll(`]`(` ul" l)l(`.s'Hillf_" ill`0\lIl(l hm`. Ymir in. _`v(-a1` out she was, ('\`(.`l' the sauw. .ln hm` latter _\`(-ars her :sIi'o11:_:'tli > ,l)l!l('\\'ll:li failml and with they lmsbalnl sho r(-t.i1'0 from the m'(- l'a1`m and dwelt in our \'illa:<- amixl `on her -hil(lrcn aml l'i'ionls. l0\'inf_~` r:_-'-an;l ln-lowtl, often on niuch )4 s l .11 ho h(-. ll- zmr .~'\1l'l'm'i1i}_:' with \\`011ll(-1`t'ul, i1n.<(-lli<':s i(-.~'. pativnc.(- until the .\last(-1' :~ :liIl ti.~1 and l'ailhl`ul sor- otv vant, (`ll1('l' thou into tlw jn_\' ot'tl1_`v 1 j l".imuu'h. unml Ivy l l l l 1 olfl`. Eamid Jarvis 3CWEE`$ new Beaaiiies in His Wm Records wheat - piayeii on . This 5,-'11-at Canuzdian artist, who \\ :1.s' horn in 'J`m'un1o,, 1%1'uu.<\\'i<,-k is the best musical i11.stru1n011t he Imus over In-u Mr. J:I1'\`i.s l1'.Ls 1 mamu't`n::tu1`o1's tlmn `tit-1:! wlnt he says, low, am-d Item` his ha \\`lw1'(-." I10-.u' the B1` {ind out \\'h_\' this `-.'\'nu1-I you take. the j11dg'111(r11t 0|` .\I1'. tics of :1 n1u.~'ir::\I imt1'\1n1Cnt`?.\l1'. J:n'\`i:~: 14`. n B i'1111s'.\'i chzI1)'__fC. SOLE AGENT FOR BARBIE AND DISTRICT P. O. Box 178. P114 `.u0.L'u. ' \\'(* Fm-1 -.1 1('1'1'ib1o loss. and the old 1'cf'1':1in 0011103 to us: \\'u n'(-1' shall look upon her likn , 3 f"..... ; Tlm sc~c0n of tho Sm`i0.~`. of moot- 'in;.:.s 3.-`ivon in the i11torosts of the \\ omcn`s Institute will he hold in T).-...1;.l\ L14. '1\nI'u1`I\', ]`V{`h_ WOMI:`.N S INSTITUTE NOTES. . '1 1 I .`. _`.`.1'; Luuv the Lecture u L (X Solo. \\'lm tlu-1'0 in C:1m141:1 that dm-. In 5010.... . . . . . D113. 14 God Saw the King. Silver r-.ol1ect.inn for cxpen balance for patriotic purpo: --Cl(-m-inf: out sale of Lace Cur- tains. Sou thmn at D0l1f_:,'a Bros. Graduate of Trinity University and also graduate of Edinburgh and G]8.Sf,`\.'#. Specialty, stomach diseases. Office, corner Bayeld and Wor- sley Sts. Entrance o Worsley. E Ofce open until 8 pm. Como! Hour the .\l.L-Hor'm'l ]~`.1-un.'\\`i<'k. I1'.~:e!E'. ;. F. GARRETT m-0.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .Our Oppo1'tuniti(3s for 1918 D1`. Helen McMu1'oh_\'. lfuo T .nr1n1nn DR. VICTOR A. HART L11]- \'(`l` cm oi. ska` N011 "our F111;.-; mall :h(-1` t1`:\n1`diI1_a1' sonublo an prot, wil i;1l1_\' 1:11:14 on llw 0! at show :1 51 is OH the ro.~ul or (1 51-e(-ulaltm the 2': ....._HL.. um, . . . . . . . . . . . . .Miss(-s Donnclly s been asked to sing for nmro dil'f<~n-n1 rm-m-I ]n'obab1y zm_\_' other rrli.-t in .\nrt`n .`.1:u-ri<-;~.. .- then go to your Bru11~s\vick (-:Il('1'. li.~1v.-:l h<-- ho;='t-sc1lix1_; record, Be21util'u1 1510 M` .\`muu- B1'uns\\'ick 1'>l:1_\' this record, and you will then popular tenor has \\`1'it1cn this loin-1'. 1 (`,O.\lPLl'1'1'l-I 1lmnn::1':m'n 1 `;\1l P11o11og'r:\pI1- in ()m-. )1 l)ut1I(', ImL`-----~---~---- , I1`0(1l1<`1i0l1 5'01 ; 7-room brick 11ou.<,0, ()\\'(-1 Of ?with all (-0nv(-niom:e:~:. (`ioocl .~ i1ll*Ha1111(l first-(*1:l.\'s y_":n'd(`11. Privo 9, n 1'<.*-0rtln'\ House and lot, Florence $1.. 'gK)o d grardmn and poultry 1 H1.`- 5 10 Price $EJ:')0, half 01151). M1 M MAI Neat Bung.r:11m\', John S1 ,.1' ..v\...- .....I n ,..-,,m |l I U) n M rs. Laidm :1 n ._ T. cxpoxlscs and purposes. and Boys Hmase;_Property For In Barrie . .ri-k lxuuso with all the 1:11:-..~ 1. (-on\'(-nivm-o.<, linishml in oak, witin 00:1], wood and clot-triv Situatckl on ()\\'(~n SL, Bn1'1-io. 1.......$:l`--` \- A 'l'n\-n1.- ti: l..unn m:1n1(-l.~:.- rontu Globe 01' I\'0\'L-mbor 29111, 1011- in;__-` 01` ]iI`0>`])(`1'()U.5 .s11m'1' 01' \\`()1'1\'1l1;` mirruiit bills, ()Wil1f_" (11i1()l1S, and 01nit1in_'_-' (1iviL1u11 as \\'(`11 as 11'_\'1ll_`_ to viso plans to borrow m0u0_\' to meet L`.\I('(`. \`$ prots t:i.\'0.<. A \'or_\' im- .1:o1-tunt (`OllS1(1('l'd'I1U11 also is that coliditions such 211$ _011t1inc nbovo \\'ou11, in turn, deprive l':11'u1e1`s and other inibi:11,p1'0L1uce1's 01' a 1'a\'o1'- able mzirket, such as the-_\' now lmvo. for their }))'0(1llL'1fs`. 11 is ()1T1(`1:111_\ adiuittmi that 1i1niting pi'o1it.~a, \\'i11, 1 .....1., i:uI.. :1` ...w 1-n1.1unfin|I m. Illllil LUU `b(`11lltiHl1 L` u-rr\ln| D(`llllllHll ll\Hl|l'. ` 6-1'00mhx'i<:k field 81;, 1-(-ulrul icon\'enic11<:(-s. I H(H)ll U-ruuln H1. P1`i('(_\ $1300. 11... In! U \ ('1 lU\. $1500. v 1T,\.. l 1'|(-(3 .`73.lHHU. House and lot, I.)u11l0p S1,, with llozxtilng, 1i:_rl1tiI1}._: and pluml)in;1', 0\'m'1ookinj_-' .l{(-n1pm1t'olit Buy. Price dv1."{l\ $.l.')UU. I House and lot. C`.0lli(-1` SL, \\':1t(e1', 1-It-c-11-iv light and :.:_n.~'. mn::{| \\ illkfly 11011.40 null 101`. .\Iu1'_\`St.m-2n I `Eli /.nh(-111. l 1-ice $1050. a N0\\` hm1so:- and lot Blake S1,, will! :1]! ('O1]\ ('l1il"ll("('>'. Prit-0 $1800. a H011.<(* and lot with ;:()()d stable, ::m1 1 an-I.'o0I'|:1m1. all l~:in(ls 01' `In--.m. I :-ico $1600. 11,... .,. Inc Rurlinhl Ht \\'}1'.. $Vl.'(ll/ JJ\lll:.u|\r1v, [ 1'i(?o $700. Hood (S-1-nmn 1n'i(:l< h0u.~v, A`; n__ .1-1QI \{\ In th:. Surrogate Court of the County of Simcoe in the Estate of Eliza Miscampbell, Deceased. `H.\llHllll'll lll l_1n.'1ko little.

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